> Somethin' Ain't Right > by hcnation123 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Morning Of > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- She had woken up maybe five minutes ago, mainly out of routine and the suns first rays hitting her eyes. She had been there, looking at him, he slept peacefully not knowing the lie of what she was, what she wanted to say since the first time they kissed a year and a half ago, and it hurt. She was so close to snapping and just telling everyone what she was, but she couldn't she built a life in Ponyville, but on a lie. She felt a mumbling from him as he opened his green eyes to meet hers and he smilesd. "How long have you been up?" he said with a sharp toothed grin. "Just about 5 or 6 minutes now, have a good sleep?" she asked in her southern drawl giving him a small peck on the lips. "Yea had something to do with an orange mare and a barn with.." his sentence was interrupted by a knock at the door. In a bit of a high pitched voice the person behind the door said, "Big sis, you in there!? Big Mac said its time to get to work!" "Be out in a lil' bit Applebloom!" she shouted. "I'll let you finish that thought later, I got to get to work." "Alright, I'll tell Twilight you said hi." he said as he stood and stretches and his tail reached over and poked her side. "Ahh, Spike stop." she said through a light giggle and got up. "Why don't you make me cowgirl." he said as his tail kept tickling her side. "Oh yea dragon boy?" she said as she pulled his tail and he fell back first on the bed. "How's that for tickling?" "Good cause I ended up with a great view." he was looking up to her as she looked down at him with a smile on her face and kissed hos snout. "Oh hush, now go, Twilight must be worried sick, you didn't tell her you were staying over anyway." "Alright alright." he said then stood and collected his clothes and put them on. "I'll see you tonight, okay?" "Alright." she said putting her cowboy boots on then felt him hug her from behind. "Hey, what ya doin' now sugar? "Nothing, just came to say I love you." he said as he kissed her. She happily returned the kiss, "I love you too." as she felt him move away and go and open the door. "Tell granny i said hi." he said as he left. "I will." And with that he left and she looked through the window and saw him leaving and she thought to herself 'Am I really the Element of Honesty?I'm not exactly being honest with this. I should just tell him, I love him with all my heart I do, next time you see him you just gotta tell him.' then with that she headed downstairs ate breakfast and went to work. As Spike opened the library door he got a familiar feeling in his gut and a scroll came out of a green flame as he burped 'Wonder what this is about.' he was about to open it but a purple hand took it from his grasp and he looked to see Twilight Sparkle with her pajamas on and a drink in her lavender aura. "So, mild telling me why you're just now getting here at 7 a.m.?" "Well, i was out with Applejack and well , one thing led to another and things happened and, I stayed the night." he said with an uncomfortable look on his face as he slid pass her and ran up the stairs. "Don't you run away from me!" she shouted. Spike quickly grabbed a towel and underwear then ran to the upstairs bathroom. 'Close one.' he thought as he started the shower and disrobed. 'I'll let Twilight cool down, I need a shower.' he thought as he stepped in and let the water run on his scales. 'Oh, dear Celesta it is too early in the morning.' he grabbed his body wash and spread it over himself. 'I wonder what Applejack is doing right now. Probably working.' a smile appeared on his face, 'Still can't believe I'm actually with her, and we got together on a dare by Rainbow Dash, gotta thank her later. I love her, i really do, but I cant shake this feeling, I think there's something she isn't telling me, I don't know if its mt fear or my dragon instinct but the's something she's hiding. Ehh, if it was important she would tell me, right?'. Spike didn't even notice his body was on autopilot and he had gotten out the shower and had a towel around his waist. 'Wait, when did...screw it.' he exited the bathroom and went to his room and got dresses in a casual t-shirt and jeans when he heard a scream from Twilight downstairs. He rushed out his room and downstairs and saw the cup she had broken and its contents on the floor with a wide eyed yet angry and confused Twilight holding the scroll from earlier. "Twilight, what's wrong!?"aid in a panickedtone. "Shining Armor is getting married!!" All worry left Spikes face and he looked at her with a blank face,'"No, really, what's the real problem." "Spike, this is a real problem. He didn't tell me till the last minute!" "So what, a lot of people forget to do thinks. I'm sure it was just a mistake." She looked at him with panic in her eyes, "Spike, something has to be going on,he would never ever ever forget me!" 'I know I can't win this battle so I'm not going to argue.' he thought then said, "Round up the girls Spike?" "Read my mind, I'll get Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy. You get Pinkie, and Rainbow. "Fine." he said as he opened the door, I still think you are blowing this way out of proportion." and with that he left and the adventure began. > The Dome > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A week had passed since Twilight and Spike rounded up the girls, most were very disappointed with the circumstances, currently they were on a train going to Canterlot. The girls and Spike, just happy to be out of work for a while, were trying to relax a bit on the train ride, but were interrupted by a ranting Twilight and they had been listening to it since they got on the train 2 and a half hours. "I mean, come on, who would forget their little sister!? I was his best friend when we were young and he just forgot about me I me..."She was silenced with a hand to her mouth. "Twi, don't get me wrong I get your distress, I get why your mad but please for the love of all thing holy in Equestria, shut up you've been ranting for hours." Blushing she pushed his hand away, "Sorry guys, just very ticked." "Yea, I'm pretty sure we got the picture Twilight, we got it 2 hours ago." Rainbow said shifting in her seat. There was a small silence until Applejack said, "Well, I don't know 'bout y'all but I'm gonna get me some fresh air. Comin' Spike? "Yea, sure." he said walking over to her as she left the room and he followed her out. Then a sophisticated voice said in a happy tone, "Well now that that is over, Pinkie if you will meet me in the next room we must get that brush out of your hair, it has been bothering me since we left Ponyville." as she pulled the pink mare with her to another car. "Hey!" Pinkie said in her usual exciting voice as she grabbed Rainbow dragging her with, "Weee!! Now we're a train in a train, that's just silly. "Ugh, why me?" Rainbow asked an unseen force as she was dragged to another train car. Meanwhile, with Rarity, Pinkie, and Rainbow, Rarity was trying to fish a comb from Pinkie Pies hair. "my goodness darling, you must take forever to wash your hair." she said as she found and grabbed the handle, "Aha." she was wearing a beautiful yet a bit revealing purple blouse with her cutie mark on the left breast with a black skirt. Pinkie, dressed in a blue short sleeved blouse and yellow skirt, answered "Well, it does sometimes but,.." she was interrupted by Rarity pulling roughly "Oww!! It usually just puffs back out like poof!!" Rarity pulled again and Pinkie let out a small pained yelp, it happened over and over till she had finally pulled it out. "Yes, conquest!" Rainbow was sitting in a seat looking out the window, wearing a blue tank top wit cargo pants, gave a bored sigh, "How much longer do we have on this train? "About another 25 Minutes darling." Rarity said as she pulled a collection of rubber balls out of Pinkies hair. "UGGGGGHH!" she said in boredom, "I could have flown faster than this! Matter of fact." she opened the window. "I'll meet you guys there." she said as she took off. "Oh, I wish she wouldn't just fly off the handle like that!" Rarity said as she looked out the window to see Rainbow flying ahead. Pinkie started laughing, "Fly off the handle!" 'Well I did kind of walk right into that.' she thought as she went back to pulling things out of Pinkies wild hair. With Fluttershy and Twilight, Twilight was still pacing the train car, wearing a sleeveless white blouse shirt and modest light purple skirt as she voiced her concerns. "But I'm still his baby sister did that mean nothing, does he not love me anymore?" "Twilight, don't you think you're taking it a bit too far of course he still loves you, maybe he was so busy setting it up with Cadance he didn't have time to send the invitations." Fluttershy said as she sat and held the bottom of her yellow sundress. Twilight sighed, "Maybe you're right, could just all be a mix up, but I have a feeling something is going to happen." "Well, is it a good feeling?" she said nervously. "I'm sorry to say it doesn't feel like a good one." With Spike and Applejack, they were breathing the air as the sun was at its peak in the sky, Spike holding Applejack from behind. "Spike, I got somethin' I wanna ask ya." "What?" "Why did ya' want to come? Don't get me wrong I love that yer here it's just that I thought ya didn't like weddings." "Well, Shining is basically my big brother and I can't just leave him hanging. That, and I want to ask Celestia something." he said looking down at her. "What would that be?" "I wanna know where my egg came from. Cause I see four options of how she got it, either my parents were dying and she was helping them, my egg was abandoned, she stole my egg, or I was part of some sort of treaty agreement for the dragons." "Wow, that was deep." Applejack said as she turned to look at him. "I don't think so, either I'm a charity case, a stolen life or a bargaining chip. Either way it goes I'm gonna fee worthless." he was met with a kiss to the lips. "Ya ain't worthless, you got us, your friends, and you got me." she said with a smile. "Well don't I feel loved." "You should, I love you." "I love you too, Five foot seven." "Shut up, six foot two." she said with a small giggle then the giggles stopped. "Spike, I got somethin' ta' tell ya'. She said with a bit pf fear in her voice. "What?" "Just promise me ya' wont get mad when I say this." Spike started to worry, "A.J. are you pregnant?" "What!? no I'm not pregnant." Spike breathed a sigh of relief, "Oh thank Celestia, I almost had a heart atack." "Yer silly, but Spike, seriously, I'm half changeling." His eyes widened and he started,"Wha.." He was interrupted by the girls opening the door hurriedly and Twilight saying, "You guys look!!" Spike and Applejack turned to see a dome over Canterlot as the drew near it, then a thud hit and Spike turned to see Applejack on the other side struggling to get in and his world seemed to shatter. > In or Out > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Over the last hour she sat there banging at the dome, screaming for someone, anyone to let her in. The sun was beating down on her and sweat was beginning to go down her face, she took off her hat and wiped it away as she moved off of the train tracks. 'I hope someone can help me get in there, what is this dome anyway? Whats it got against half changeling ponies?' she thought as she sat on a rock. 'Somethin ain't right, why only me? I mean Spikes a whole 100 percent dragon. What is going on in there, something seems mighty suspicious.' "Applejack, stay where you are." she heard someone say, she looked around till she saw a small opening in the dome and 5 royal guards waiting. 'We are gonna need for you to come with us." She got up and went to then, "About time somebody showed up, I got all worried for.." she didn't get to finish that statement as handcuffs were put on her and she was dragged inside the dome. "What's all this for, I ain't did nothin wrong." "Simply security reasons Miss, Princess Celestia would like a word." they took her by her arms and flew away to the castle. An hour earlier Twilight and the rest of her friends were sitting at the end of the train watching Applejack get farther and farther away. The group was silent, no one spoke a word til Rarity broke the silence. "Umm, can someone please tell me what just happened?" she asked in a bit of a puzzled look, while the rest of the group look nonplussed. Twilight opened her mouth to answer but quickly shut it as she stared to think of whatever reason that Applejack would be cast out by the dome like that, she came up with no such conclusion. The rest of the group sat there looking and thinking the same thoughts til Pinkie said, "Well, that's a party pooper, whats this dome have to do with singling out Applejack like that?" then she gasped loudly, "It is segregating against cow ponies!!" Everyone looked at her with and,'Are you serious', look till she said, "What no one else has got something to try to explain this." Hearing Pinkie say that made Spikes eyes widen as he replayed the same moment over and over in his head. "Guys, I think I know." Fluttershy looked up at him, "Would you like to share that thought?" "Well, before she kinda smacked into the dome, she did say that she was half changeling." Twilights ears popped up as he said that, "What did you just say?" "Applejack, said she's half changeling, why do you know something?" with that the train stopped and the doors opened. "I'll explain on the way, Celestia will have a carriage waiting for us, the Princesses must know something." she said as she went to her seat and grabbed the luggage from the overhead. Everyone grabbed their own luggage, with the exception of Spike who grabbed his and Applejacks, and went to the carriage. On the ride there it was mostly silent due to Twilight explaining what a changeling is. "A changeling is an insectoid like creature, jet black with green eyes, they usually have holes in their arms and legs. They can change their appearance to match anyone depending on who they choose and how well they feed. By what I've read they travel in packs. " Rainbow intrigued by this asked, "So they are insect like and they travel in packs?" Pinkie butted in, "So where there's one of them, there's a thousand behind that!" Fluttershy shuddered and asked, "B...but, what would they be doing at a wedding?" Twilight looked at Spike with a worried expression and choked out the words, "By what many discoverers say they feed on certain emotions, hate, and love." There was a pang of hurt in Spikes heart as his head went down, 'It cant be A.J., she wouldn't do it,I..I..won't believe it!' he stammered in his thought, but he held his love in his heart and would stand by it, 'I know she wouldn't.' After a short ride, the carriage stopped in front of the castle and they exited and went inside. Waiting for them was Shining Armor in the main hall. "Twily!! he said loudly as Twilight ran to him and gave him a hug. "I missed you little sis!" "I missed youto Shiny, but I have a teensy weensy little question." she said ulling from the hug. "What would that be?" "Why didn't you send me an invite till last week!!!" she yelled. "Well what had happened was... No one saw Spike completely surpass Twilight and Shinings conversation and walked straight to the throne room. Getting pass the guards was an easy task as he opened the doors to see Celestia, who was wearing a beautiful white gown that seemed to move with the wind even thought the windows were closed that showed off her royal figure and a plunging neckline that showed off her ample bosom. Luna wearing a dark blue form fitting dress that had a slit up the right leg to show her long beautiful crossed legs. The word beautiful brought no justice. Though, at the moment Spike saw them sitting there on their thrones discussing something. "I have this one, you have Matilda and Crankys wedding." Luna said. "Don't worry I wont forget, it cant be that hard to pick a present right?" "You said that about Bluebloods birthday last year and just opted out and go him a card and free spa trip." "Dont worry, I got this ad he enjoyed the spa trip." she said with a bit of a smug tone. "You said that last time too and ended up eating half the cake." Luna said in a matter of fact tone. "Oh hush it doesn't.." she finally noticed Spikes presence and said, "Oh umm Spike, its nice to see you again." she said trying to wave off the awkwardness. "Yes Spike it has been a wile, how have you been?" "What's with the dome?" he asked bluntly crossing his arms. Celestia taken aback by Spikes boldness asked, "It is for protection, why must you ask?" "Well, it kinda knocked one of my friends back out when they hit it" "The roya sisiters eyes widened as the heard the news, "Which one?" Luna asked "My girlfriend, Applejack!" he said getting a bit frustrated." "Oh my I didn't expect this out come Tia." "Me either sister," they turned to each other with worried faces as Spikes face seemed to get angrier by the second. "So, gonna let her in or what?" Luna turned to him and said, "Spike it is not that easy, there has been threat of changelings in the are, and during a royal wedding, I am sorry that it has come to this but Apple jack may be.." he was cut of by the angry dragon. "I know what she is she told me herself!!" he yelled making the sisters flinch at the anger in his tone, catching attention of the guards as they came into the room ready to strike but called down by the sisters. "Please, i don't ask for much from you, I just want her here, to at least clear her name or something." a few tears came from his eyes as he let out, "And if she is working with them then you can get information on thing." Please, just think about this..please." he was freely crying now catching a bit of pity from the royal sister as they held a small delegation to themselves. Luna starting, "Tia , he does have a pount, if she is indeed working for them then she could prove useful to a counter attack if necessary." "Yes, I know, but the risk of having her hear could throw everything even if we could bring her here." "Tia, lookat him, he wouldn't be here begging and crying if it wasn't for anything,We need to take into account the use of having her here." "Very well." Celestia said as she turned to the guards. "Guards, search the outer dome for Miss Applejack, bring her here as soon as you find her, and use caution." she said to them as they saluted and left the room. "Spike, i hope you know what you are talking about." she said to the weeping dragon. "I do Celestia, I do." he said wiping his tears. 'I just at least hope I do." he thought as a bit of worry slowly nipped at him. " > What I Am > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- So here she was, in a chair, in a dirty room, with royal guards surrounding her, and chained to a chair, a very uncomfortable one. 'If Big Mac was here he'd be surprised.' she thought as she waited. As time the guard to her right was looking at her, he seemed a bit nervous, taking slight peeks like he wanted to say something but didn't know how to put it into words. "Stand sharp private, don't be distracted by its looks." the guard to her left said as the huge door in front of her opened. Princess Luna came in with a blank face, Applejack couldn't get a bead on her, "You are relieved Royal guard, I would like to have a word alone with Miss Applejack." The guards bowed, left the room and closed the door. The Princess of the night just looked at her, staring in her eyes, Applejack felt as if she was staring directly into her soul but she couldn't look away either, then a smile broke onto the princesses face, "I'm glad to see you are the real Applejack, if you weren't I would have had to persuade you." she said as her magic took the chains off. "Thank you Princess Luna, I thought I was in one heck of a mess. What made you come down here and and get me?" Applejack asked as she stretched a bit. "Spike has his ways of persuasion, we should go to the main hall, the others are waiting." she said as she turned and left the room as Applejack followed. In another part of the castle there was Spike, sitting at a grand table as his friends were about in their own business. Twilight still berating Shining, Rainbow nodding off in the corner, Rarity hassling Princess Celestia over her dress, Fluttershy was looking outside the window at all the birds flying by, and Pinkie..was pulling donuts out of her hair as her entire body shook 'A doozy?' he thought. He sighed til the door to the hall was opened and Luna came in followed by a nervous looking Applejack, he smiled as he saw her and got up to go to her when Celestia touched his shoulder. As bad as he wanted to go to her he sat down. Celestia took the seat next to him and said, "Now, Applejack, I believe you have some explaining to do." she said with no tone audible in her voice. "Yea well I guess I do don't I?" she said as she took a seat, she hated all of the eyes on her, she could feel their curiosity. "Well, I should start from the beginning, I am an Apple, Big Mac, Applebloom, and me are brother and sister we just got different dads. Well, I do, Mac and Bloom have the same, his name was Stock Bond, he was Manehattan, a rich man who fell for the farmer girl, and they had Big Macintosh and got married. They started having problems in the marriage so they got a divorce. Then one day my mom was making a delivery to another town and got attacked by some wild animals, she was saved by a changeling, he didn't have a name so she named him Charlie. They had built a friendship, he would disguise himself as a stallion and they would go about things and have fun. Well, one day my ma grew feelings for him, they dated for 2 and half years before she got pregnant with me. They panicked, a half changeling pony child wasn't exactly gonna fit in, my dad couldn't take me with him, something about a Queen not liking it so I stayed with my ma. They called it quits when I turned 2 and got back with Stock Bond and out came Applebloom." she looked down and said, "Most of my family hasn't heard that story, only the ones on Sweet Apple Acres know it." she said as she looked up at them, "This ain't even what I really look like." She let them see her, as she was born, her disguise fell as the entirety of her right eye turned fully blue yet reflection-less, the left side of her face turned black as a horn grew on her forehead, her rolled up sleeves showed her black right arm with holes scattered upon it, and her hair, parts of it turned black as well and more holes appeared in it, making it look as if someone cut into it randomly . "The rest of it is covered, and I ain't gonna show it neither." she gave a nervous smile, showing off her fangs. "My Pa actually does come around, every week or so, he taught me how to disguise myself, last time I saw him was about a month ago." The room was silent, even the princesses were quiet, The Elements of Harmony were all perplexed at the change in their 'new friend'. For Spike, Part of it hurt, he wanted to be angry, to be mad at this, at the last year and a half of being with her, Until he looked at her, he saw her as she was naturally, no matter how hard he wanted to be mad he couldn't, this was still Applejack, Element of Honesty, one of his best friends, and the love of his life. He got up and went to her, the others looked on but, he didn't care. "Applejack started, "Spike, I know this is shocking and all but, I know what I am, and I accept it, I hope you...." she was cut off with a kiss, the best one she ever had, she couldn't deny she felt the love but she didn't care. > Showing Face > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- She cleared her throat, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, called Princess Cadence by most and ruler of The Crystal Empire. She enjoyed their love, she enjoyed watching their kiss, and she defiantly enjoyed feeling it. "I am sorry to break up the love that is going on here but we have a huge matter to attend to." she said with a small smile "I shall leave them to you Auntie, now come on Shiny, I promised you something remember?" Shining shot up and gave an awkward smile as he hurried to his fiance side, "Oh yea, we shall take our leave now. I despise to hear the thought of changeling ruining my wedding, with no offence to you Applejack, they just plain creep me out." "Uhh, none taken partner." she said still blushing from the kiss she received. The Marrying couple left after a quick bow, though no one saw she was taking glances at Spike and icked her lips before she and Shining left the room. "Now sister, inform the Elements of Harmony on what has happened." Luna said crossing her legs. Princess Celestia stood, "The reason the dome is up, is what you all must be thinking, there have been changeling sighting in the surrounding area of Canterlot. The reason they have shown now is not just coincidence, but planned, as they are showing in the midst of a royal wedding. We have tried to persuade Shining Armor and Cadance to postpone the wedding till we at least make some leeway in stopping the opposing threat, but they stand firm to the date they have planned. That is another reason why you are here, besides the wedding we would like your assistance with this threat. It is time to put on the Elements of Harmony again. Meanwhile in another part of the castle 5 minutes later in Princess Cadance room with Shining Armor. His pants were discarded on the floor near the bed, he lay on the bed with his uniform shirt open and quiet groans escaping his mouth "Ahh, so good at th..." a finger met his lips and shushed him. "Just sit back and relax and let me do this for you baby." Cadance said with a smile. She took a hold of his hard member again, Shining Armor was big to say the least, she stroked at his 10 inch member as more moans came from him. She giggled and licked it from its base to the tip and took the tip in her mouth as her tongue danced around it. Shining was smiling at the sensation and a loud moan escaped when Cadance took more of his member in her warm mouth as she also stroked faster. "Oh, more please." he said and Cadance took more of him inside her mouth and bobbed her head up and down on him as she looked up to him and looked him in the eyes. She moved her hand and pushed all of his length in her mouth and moved fast. his breathe quickened as he smiled and rode out the beautiful sensation he was having. She was good, too good, he was close and it had only been a minute or two. "Oh, I'm so close, Cadance wait." he pleaded but she only quickened her pace, so he rode it out as he let out a small gasp and his seed prayed in her mouth. "Oh, you are so good at that." "I know, now repay the favor." she said as she moved her body up an sat on his face. In the corner there stood a smiling being, she had black skin with holes scattered through her arms and legs, green eyes and beautiful curves that were only shown off by the dark green form fitting dress and slightly tattered dress she wore, her long green mane reached the middle of her back, and devious smile showing her fanged smile. She was enjoying his, all the love she was getting from their lewd acts. 'Oh this is just delicious, the love this unicorn has is quite good. This is going to be easier than I thought, these ponies have no idea what they are messing with.' she though as she looked at herself in the mirror. Though, first thing I'm gonna do when I take over this place is take that dragon from the half-breed.' she thought with a smile. Again 5 minutes after leaving the meeting room, in the hallways of the castle Applejack was being carried on Spikes back and semi interrogated by Twilight while being shown to their rooms. At some point she stopped listening to the questions, but Twilight would make sure that she was getting the answeres she needed. Applejack was getting annoyed fast. "Do you know anymore magic than changing your form?" "Yea, I know how to levitate stuff, I do it a lot when harvesting came around." "Anything else?" "I change parts of my body to different people." she turned her arm to Twilight, her changeling side to Rainbow dash and her hair to Pinkies. "Ah, that's just plain weird, but awesome." Spike said. "Anything else?" Twilight said looking at her. "That's bout it, I eat emotion, but I don't need to, I only do it if I need a pick me up, only use it in extreme cases though." Spike asked, "When was the last time you did?" She looked down and sounded a little embarrased, "Well, Spike, last time we kinda, took a roll in the hay." Spike looked at her as her cheeks went deep red. "I couldn't stand after so I kinda, took some from ya so I could at least get up." Spiked stared at her then broke into a smile and laughed, hard, "Oh, thats.... h my side, it... wooo.. That's the best thing ever!" "That ain't funny!" "Oh, yes it is!" he said as he kept laughing. Twilight teleported away after hearing such a thing about her baby brother, leaving a note that Applejack picked up after getting off Spikes back that read. "We WILL be talking about this later. Spike was still laughing as A.J. letf for her room, when she said loudly, "I ain't doin' that thing you like anymore!" as she shut her door and Spike went silent and she thought 'That's what I thought.' as she laid on her bed and slept the days stress away. > Something Ain't Right > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Sparkle, Element of Magic and pupil to Princess Celestia herself was currently searching for her brother, quite unsuccessfully. She teleported an entire floor above Spike and Applejack, shaking off the shock of what she last heard from Applejack, and trying her best to get rid of the mental picture. She had passed a few rooms to see one of the biggest rooms, Princess Cadance room, to see said Princess leaving the room. "Cadance!" Twilight said happily as she went to her with a smile on her face. "Oh hello...you" she said looking confused at the person in front of her. "Its Twilight, don't you remember me?" Faking a smile 'Cadance' said, "Oh yes, it has ben a while since i've seen you hasn't it? You've grown so much in the past years.' "I know, we haven't seen each other in 5 years. Do you remember our handshake?" "Umm.. no, do you mind showing me?" "Oh you remember, Sunshin sunshine, Ladybugs awake, clap your hands, and do a little shake." she said while doing the movements to what she was saying. "Do you remember now?" 'Oh good gods what was she doing!? That was the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen.' the faux Cadance thought as she looked at the girls movements. "Oh I do not remember such a ridiculous thing, I would never do that. Now if you would kindly move out off the way, I need to see about my flower arangements." she said as she left to leave a wide eyed and slack jawed Twilight. "Something isn't right here, she would never, the..uuughghh what is going on!?!?" she said loudly with closed fists. On the floor above her Spike was walking away from his girlfriends room thinking, 'Well today was, something, my girlfriend is half changeling, how am I gonna deal with this?' he stopped in the hallway, 'Gonna eat something!' he smiled as he made his way to the kitchen. As he reached the stairs, he was met by 'Cadance'. "Oh hello Spike." she said with a smile on her face. "Hi Cadance, whats up?" "OH nothing much, just bored, looking for something to do." she said getting close to him, looking up to him. "Well, I'm sure you can..." he was cut off due to a hand on his stomach, he tensed as said hand moved up and down, "Uh, what are you doing?" "My my Spike, you sure have grown." Cadance said as she circled his body, hand still on him, feeling on his body as she looked him up and downand hugged herself to him as she reached the front. Now Cadance was known as a lot of things, fun to be around, a great person, could tell a good joke or two, and stunning. She had caught many eyes in her life, both male and female, for her beautiful pink eyes, her long luscious multi-colored hair, and her beautiful smile, but the one thing everyone could love, was her amazing figure and the sight that Spike was seeing would make an normal man faint. "I wonder, where else you could have grown." she said licking her lips as her hand reached down. Something didn't seem right, as much as Spikes male insticts told him to just go with it, his more dragon side sensed something was off. His instinct told him to run, but he was frozen to the sensation of what he was feeling. Then a voice broke it, it said, "Is there someone there?" then all sensation stopped and 'Cadance' stopped herself and whispered in Spikes ear, "You sure are a big boy, I bet Applejack can't get enough. How about you, share those talents sometime." The footsteps got closer and Spike said, "I gotta go." and with that he left, red faced and blood boiling. That wasn't right, not two days before her wedding. also, why would his dragon side tell him to run, what could have been going on in that whole situation that made him freeze up? There was only one conclusion Spike could reach and he said it out loud 'Something ain't right.' As the foot steps reached 'Cadance' it revealed to be a maid, "Oh Princess it was you, I'm sorry if I'm intruding." she said apologetically. "It is alright, now excuse me." and with that 'Cadance walked away thinking, 'Oh I am gonna have some fun with this.' as she was reahing closer to Applejacks room. > The Eyes With a Voice > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Voices, thats all I heard I slept, all I can heard is voices. I don't know who they belong to, maybe they are just me going crazu but, I ain't got no reason to be crazy but sure felt like it. Not only that, huge eyes, green eyes that weren't mine cause they held so much...hunger. I could feel them on me, maybe it's someone watching me sleep. Though, when they showed up the voices changed, like whispers, that slowly turned to chants by thousands of people that I could feel rock my very soul, "Obey. Obey, Obey, Obey" is all they said. I've been having this dram for years, and I just cant take it anymore. No matter what I tried all I heard were those words over and over till suddenly I woke up. Sitting up to see that I was still in the room in Canterlot Castle felt like a blessing. The way the sun shined through a window into my face felt amazing as I stood. The door opened and in poked the head of a maid who looked at me with a small smile on her face. "Oh, you are already up." she said opening the door, "I thought I heard bit of a struggle in here, I am glad to see that is not the case. Oh and Miss Twilight Sparkle said to wake you, something about not messing up sleep schedules." "Oh, thanks, I'll be right out." I said as I walked to the bathroom to wash my face. After I washed my face I looked in the mirror to see green eyes, my own green eyes. 'These are the only green eyes I wanna look at. Also, a handsome dragons I aint got a problem with.' I smiled at the thought. I left the room and walked down to throne room to see both the princesses looking over a few documents only to see Lunas eye look up and look directly to me. "Tia, do you mind if I take a bit of a break, something just came to mind." "Not at all, but can you bring me some of that strawberry cake from the kitchen on your way back." she said as she licks her lips. "No, because you've had all the cake you need until the wedding tomorrow.' she said as she stood and stretched as she walked to me. "Oh fine, whatever." Luna lead me out into the hall and walked with me till we reached the Royal Gardens. The beauty of these gardens never stop amazing me, just perfect. We sat next to eachother on a bench and a small silence. It felt awkward to ask someone of something, especially when the only true interactions you've had we either; gettin the pants scared off ya or being blasted with a magical wave of friendship. I started to say, "I..." boy this is awkward, "I know we don't..well know eachother like that but...umm." "Applejack, I know how it feels. I know how it feels to have a different side." She raised her hand and a ball of complete darkness appeared in it. "Mysterious power from a half you can't show." It quickly went away as she put her hand down adn looked at me, "As someone who knows how it feels, what do you need to say." "I...i.. had a dream during my little nap earlier and I need a little help trying to get it out. I've been having it for years but, this time seemed so intense." "Tell me of this dream, maybe I can provide some sort of solace for you." "Well, I usually just sart out doing somethingnormal like work around the farm, hangin out with Twi and the others, or with Spike but." she hesitantly continued, "Then, everything turns black...and and, there are these huge green eyes and all I hear is a huge crowd of I don't know who and all I can do is stay there." she hadn't noticed that tears were streaming from her eyes. "And I can't take it no more!" She hadn't known a pair of arms would wrap around her as she let out her tears but she cuddled into them as she cried. Meanwhile, in the temporary room of Rarity, she was being shaken by a hysterical Twilight. Twilight herself was sputtering on as she shook the marshallow colored girl. "She.. didn't remember, she has to remember!" After managing to pull away from the girl she said, "Twilight, darling, I can understand that you are mad about not knowing of the wedding, but, why are you repeating the same question over and over!?" "Because Rarity she didn't remember!" "Yes I've got that, but what are you saying she doesn't remember?" "Our handshake! We've greeted each other like that every. single. time we have seen each other. Something is wrong, I know it!" "Twilight dear, you could be blowing this way out of proportion. Maybe she is till stressed about the wedding, not only that the whole threat of a changeling intruder. It must be weighing hard on her, you must admit this must be a trying ordeal." Twilight staring at her said, "You know what, you might be right Rarity." but she thought, 'But i know something is going on, this is just weird.' "Thank you Twilight, now if you will excuse yourself I just must unpack. I must wear the perfect outfit for thi wedding." she turned to her luggage. "Alright, I guess I'll see you around." she said as she left to 'leave it alone.' In a cave, deep under Canterlot, there were figures 5 moving and muffled screams. The shadows seemed to be hitting each other, well a group seemed to be hitting one figure. There she was Princess Cadence, stripped naked surrounded by changeling men her mouth filled with one of their cocks, as was her pussy and an ass. they were seemingly thrusting in unison through the crying womans screams. "Oh, yes. I love this." a changelig said as he continued to ran himself into her tight hole."It was wonderous of the queen to leave her as a present." Another with him, said, Yes, now hurry up its my turn." He said impatiently as he fidgeted with a smile on his face. The rest of the changeling me waited eagerly as it seemed the one pushing in her mouth had came, filling her throat. As he pulled back she spat out the thick white fluid as she said, "You'll never get away with..." was all she could get out as another pshes his way down her throat. More tears leaked from her eyes as the one pushing himself deep in her pussy had cum filling her, but he was only replaced by another immediately after. 'Please, someone help. I am losing hope.' as the changelings continued to pour their lust in her. > Looking Forward to the Tense Moments > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile, in a room on the other side of the castle, we see every ones favorite bookworm doing what she does best, and probably for every ones well being, over analyzing. She was currently stressing 'I know something is going on, nothing feels right!' Twilight thought pacing. 'Shining is acting weird, Cadence doesn't even know who I am even though she would babysit me on many occasions, the changeling threatening the we...dding.' She had stopped in the middle of the room to just stare at the wall. She came to the realization. "They are already here. The shield isn't so they can't get in, it's so we cant get out. How could I be such a fool!" she yelled as she ran to the library. Just on the floor below her Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were staring in awe at their manic pink friend as she vibrated across the floor. Rainbow would be the first to say something it being,"It has been at least 5 minutes Pinkie are you okay?" Fluttershy went close to Pinkie and put a hand on her in an effort to stop her, only to end up vibrating with her. Fluttershy saying through a stuttering voice asks, "Rainbow, I think we need to tell someone of this happening." To say Applejack was vulnerable, wouldn't be far from the truth, it had been maybe 10 minutes since she talked with Luna but the burden stayed on her heart. She needed to find this voice though, maybe it held answers, or it was another villain maybe? Applejack was too distracted with her own thoughts, and she never saw a man wearing tattered cloak come from the shadows. In a muffled scream she was pulled into a closet, she punched and kicked at her attaker but then she heard a voice she hadn't heard in what felt like forever. "Please, stop baby doll its me." "Daddy, is that you?" She asked in a shaky voice, as she pulled off the cloaks hood to show her father face. "Yea baby, it's.." He couldn't finish after feeling her hug him tightly. He wrapped his arms around her and he smiled for the first time in a while. Then he felt a slap, perhaps hardest he had felt in a while. "Where did you go? Why are you here? Why did you leave me Pa?" she pleaded with him. "I'm sorry baby doll but, I will answer it all when I can but now ain't the time. Everybody is in danger, even more so that dragon you're dating. "What do..." She felt him cover her mouth with his hand. "Not much time, the princess, Cadence, that isn't Cadence. That Queen Chrysalis she took her and hid the real one off somewhere. I don't know where, but I feel like she doesn't like it. Now I ain't got much time cause she doesn't even know I'm in the castle but please tell someone, anyone that would listen." He quickly took the form of a servant and opened the door. "I love you baby doll, make this right." "Wait, pa, I gotta ask. I keep dreaming of these eyes, green eyes. do.." She was stopped by him saying. "Don't look in the eyes baby. you will do something you are gonna regret." he said as he left the closet and continued down the hall. She just looked at him as he continued down the hall. He wants to help, and she needed to tell someone about this, and quick. She headed to the throne room to confront Celestia about this, till he saw her. Celestia was holding a shocked Spike. She could tell this was something that needed to happen but she still had to say something to someone. Tonight, dinner was gonna be something tense. > Dinner Pt 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack was sitting next to Spike when dinner started, and she wasn't surprised at what she saw or heard. There were small conversations of, 'How are you?' 'How is the wedding planning going?' 'What do you think of..'. It reminded her of her small stint in Manehatten what her Uncle would say, "Nothing to be said but everything." She had noticed it through her stay there, it happened a lot within the elite. Words that actually meant something were said in private, unless it actually meant something. Everyone was talking, but the room was silent. It continued that was all through dinner, at least until the dessert course. Cake was brought out from the kitchens, the best in the nation of Equestria. It was a simple chocolate mousse but everything was blended and mixed to perfection, same for the cheesecake and the strawberry rhubarb. It was no secret that Celestia loves cake. It had truly been quiet before a hand hit the table in anger. Everyone was looking around till the hands owner said something, "Now, I can understand that it is not my business, but it is clear there is an elephant in the room. We are all sensible adults, intruder or not at least let this deafening silence end." It was Rarity, the wild card of the group. "Out of everyone here I have been the most out of the loop and I demand an explanation." After a brief moment of quiet before Twilight stood from her seat. "You are absolutely right Rarity, and as your friend I apologize. Let us not lie to ourselves there is something going on." she began pacing as she explained, "The changeling have invaded, they are here in the castle, and one of us in this room is not who they say they are." With a sigh, and her chair moving back as she stood, eyes turned to Celestia as she wiped her face with a napkin. "I was hoping to save this for after dinner, but, it seems we must resolve this issue now." She said with her eyes looking at everyone. "It seems you are right Twilight, we cant avoid this now,so I ask. If anyone has noticed anything, something out of the ordinary, now is the time to speak." Applejack waited, not out of fear of the backlash she may get, but out of fear for her father. He was here but so was his Queen, his life may very well be on the line. 'How should I bring it up? I know there is a lot riding on this, but so is a lot if I do say anything.' she thought. She then felt a hand on hers, she looked up to see Spike holding it. His small smile was what she really needed, that's because to her changeling half and her pony half she could feel the love from it. Her train of thought was stopped when Twilight spoke. "As we all know, thanks to Applejacks insight, changeling feed off of emotion. With such an event as a Royal wedding, and hundreds in attendance maybe even over a thousand, this will the biggest show of raw emotion for a very long time. The real question is who could it be? I went to the library all today to research all known sightings of changelings and their know behaviors. They are known to infest till they have taken over. Its actually pretty fascinating how they do it! They insert themselves.." She had felt a pat on her back and looked to see Princess Luna looking at her. "I don't mean to disrupt your scientific discovery, but I have a moon to raise so can you get to the point?" Princess Luna said that with a straight face. With a blush from Twilight and few giggles from the others she said, "What I'm trying to say is it would have to be someone with pull in the environment around, someone who not a lot of people would know closely, someone who if they were to suddenly change slightly there would be no problem, and most importantly, someone to back them up with the same power." Everyone but Applejack looked confused, questioning the real reason they were her. As Applejack stood eyes shifted to her. "I.. Have something to say." she cleared her throat as she continued. "I know who it is, its Princess Cadence!"