> Aria goes on a Date > by MLPFan234 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Someone I can relate to > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adagio,  Sonata,  and  Aria  were  sitting  at  a  lunch  table  in  the  cafeteria,  they  were  usually  in  the corner  and  alone,  so  no  one  can  bug  them.  Sonata  sighed  as  she  poked  her  salad  with  her  fork.  "Aren't  you  going  to  eat?"  Asked  Adagio,  raising  her  eyebrow  at  the  girl.  "Probably  not,"  Aria  groaned.  "She  only  cares  about  her  tacos..."  "That's not true!" Sonata shouted, crossing her arms.  "Yeah  it  is."  Aria  said.  "No  it  isn't!"  "Yes  it  is!"  Aria  shouted  back  at  Sonata.  "NO  IT  ISN'T!"  Sonata  stood  up  while  shouting. Sonata's  shouting  caused  everyone  staring  at  them,  Sonata  blushed  and  sat  down.  "Idiot."  Aria  muttered.  "Hey!"  "Sonata!"  Adagio  hissed.  "Will  you  be  quiet?  Everyone  is  staring  at  us!"  "Sorry,  dagi."  Said  Sonata,  causing  her  to  blush  even  more.  "Do  you  think  she'll  say  yes?"  Asked  Jake. He  was  a teen  in  Canterlot  High,  usually  hanging  out  with  his  buddy  Joe.  They  were  best  friends for  a  long  time,  Jake  was  a  tall  guy  with  blonde  hair,  with  blue  eyes.  He  usually  whored  a  grey jacket  and  jeans.  His  friend  Joe  was  a  sweet,  shy  guy.  He  wore  striped  tshirts  with  shorts.  He had  brown  hair,  and  green  eyes.  "I  don't  know."  Answered  Joe,  munching  his  sandwich.  "She's  pretty  hot!"  Jake  laughed.  "Yeah,  she  looks  nice."  Joe  grinned.  "Okay,  I'm  going  to  ask  her  out!"  Jake  proudly  said,  standing  up  from  his  seat.  "Alright  then,"  Joe  Said.  "Good  luck."  "Thanks!"  Jake  said,  as  he  walked  to  Aria.  Aria  slowly  munched  on  her  salad,  hating  every  moment  of  it.  Salad  wasn't  her  favorite  food,  but that  was  all  she  can  afford  at  the  moment.  She  had  to  eat  something.  "Uh  hey,"  Said  Jake,  standing  next  to  Aria.  Aria's  eyes  widen  as  she  heard  him  next  to  her,  She  gulped  her  food  and  turned  around  to  see him. "Uh,  Hey,"  She  replied.  "Um,  Who  are  you?"  "I'm  Jake."  He  answered.  "And  I'm  here  to-to-"  "To  what?!"  Aria  shouted.  "To  ask  you  out!"  Aria's  eyes  widen,  As  she  looked  back  at  Sonata,  She  had  her  hand  over  her  mouth,  quietly chuckling  at  Aria.  Then  Aria  turned  her  head  to  Adagio,  who  has  a  very  evilish  smirk  on  her face,  raising  an  eyebrow  at  Aria.  Aria  was  quiet  for  a  minute,  there  was  a  sudden  silence between  all  three  of  them.  Jake  awkwardly  stood  there,  waiting  for  a  reply.  Adagio  still  had  that smirk  on  her  face,  and  Sonata  was  still  chuckling.  Until  suddenly,  Aria  finally  spoke  up. "Yeah,  sure."  Aria  said,  rolling  her  eyes,  and  crossed  her  arms.  "Wow,  really?"  Said  Jake.  "That's  awesome!"  "Yeah,  yeah,  whatever,"  Aria  groaned.  "Just  leave  before  I  change  my  mind!"  "So,  today  at  eight  o'clock?  At  the  restaurant  near  the  school?  It's  called  "Flange"."  Jake explained.  "Yeah,  okay."  Said  Aria.  "Okay,  uh  bye!" With  that,  Jake  was  gone.  Aria  still  had  her  arms  crossed,  she  sat  there  in  her  seat  while  Adagio and  Sonata  were  staring  at  her. "What?!  What  is  it?!"  "Aria  has  a  date!  Aria  has  a  date!"  Sonata  teased.  "Look  who's  being  romantic,  and  all."  Said  Adagio,  with  a  seductive  tone.  "It's  just  a  date,  nothing  special!"  Said  Aria.  "A  date  is  super  special!  I  bet  you  two  will  become  a  couple  by  the  end  of  it."  Sonata  Giggled.  "No,  we  won't!"  Aria  shouted.  "You  know  Aria,"  Said  Adagio.  "I  never  expected  you  to  be  the  first  one  of  us  to  go  on  a  date."  "And  who  were  you  expecting?"  Aria  asked,  raising  a  brow  at  Adagio.  "I  was  expecting  me,  of  course."  Adagio  chuckled.  "What  about  me?"  Asked  Sonata.  "Maybe  second,"  Adagio  answered.  "I  would  imagine  guys  to  find  you  cute,  and  ask  you  out."  "So,  I'm  last?"  Asked  Aria.  "Well,  yeah,"  said  Adagio.  "I  tough  you  didn't  care  about  dating."  Adagio  was  sitting  on  the  couch,  switching  between  the  channels  on  TV,  searching  for something  interest  to  watch.  Meanwhile,  Sonata  was  sitting  next  to  hear  reading  a  new magazine,  and  Aria  was  looking  into  the  mirror,  wondering  how  the  date  will  turn  out.  She  has  to remember  that  it's  just  a  small  date,  nothing  special,  nothing  romantic,  just  a  way  to  hang  out. She  took  out  the  stars  from  her  hair,  and  her  hair  went  straight.  Aria  didn't  care  dressing  up fancy  for  it,  She  looked  at  the  clock  and  noticed  it  was  about  to  be  eight  o'clock  in  twenty minutes,  so  she  decided  to  leave  the  apartment  and  head  to  the  restaurant.  "Well,  bye  then."  Said  Aria,  about  to  exit  the  apartment.  "Bye  Aria!"  Sonata  shouted,  waving  her  arm  at  Aria.  "Good  luck  on  your,  date."  Adagio  chuckled.  Aria  rolled  her  eyes,  and  exited  the  apartment.  She  locked  the  door  behind  her  and  placed  the keys  in  her  pocket. Aria  walked  through  the  street,  searching  for  the  "Flange"  restaurant.  She  eventually  found  it nearby  the  school,  just  where  Jake  said  it  would  be.  Aria  walked  up  to  the  place,  standing outside  it  and  waiting  for  Jake. About  five  minutes  later,  Aria  saw  Jake  running  to  her,  waving  and  grinning.  "Hey,  you're  here  early."  Jake  chuckled.  "Uhhuh."  Aria  said,  crossing  her  arms. "Should  we  go,  inside?"  "Yeah,  let's  go." Aria  and  Jake  walked  inside,  One  of  the  workers  offered  them  a  sit  by  the  window.  Today,  the restaurant  was  quite  busy,  it  was  a  Friday,  so  a  lot  of  people  had  time  to  be  there  at  such  time.  "How  long  does  it  take  to  bring  us  menus?"  Aria  groaned.  "You're  really  Impatient,  aren't  you?"  Aria  had  a  small  smirk  on  her  face,  but  it  disappear  as  someone  walked  up  to  them  and  handed them  two  menus.  "Finally."  Aria  muttered.  "So,  what  would  you  like?"  Asked  Jake.  "Uh  Pasta."  "Sounds  nice,  I  think  I'll  choose  pasta  too."  Jake  smirked.  "It is quite delicious."  "You  really  think  so?"  Asked  Aria.  "My  friends  don't  really  like  it."  "Oh,  sorry  about  that."  Jake  chuckled  nervously .  "I  guess  they  don't  have  good  taste."  Aria  quietly  chuckled  to  herself.  "Yeah."  "So,  is  there  any  person  who  you  Hate?"  Asked  Jake.  "Well,  that's  a  odd  question."  "Yeah,  It  is-"  "Personally,  everyone."  Aria  groaned.  "Everyone  I  know  is  a  idiot."  "I  can  say  the  same,  but  not  my  best  friend  Joe."  Jake  grinned.  "He's  a  cool  guy."  "Oh,  at  least  you  have  a  good  friend,"  "Don't  you  have  those  two  friends?  The  orange  haired  one,  and  blue  haired  one?"  "I  suppose  you  can  call  them  my  friends,"  Said  Aria.  "but  they  can  be  annoying  and  idiots,  and we  argue  a  lot."  "Oh."  "Yeah."  "Nice  to  know  someone  else  who  doesn't  like  a  lot  of  people. I've never liked my family much. My brother and sister are jerks to me, and my Step dad is the worst."  "Wait, step dad?" "Yeah. My mom passed away, a long time ago, and my I never really knew my dad." Jake sighed. "I really wished I would have met him." "Sorry, Jake." "What about your family? Mom? ... Dad?" "Oh, uh." Aria gulped. "It's complicated!" "Then... Who do you even live with?" "Sonata, and Adagio. The clumsy dork, and bad leader. We're sisters." "I suppose we both have to deal with annoying siblings." Jake chuckled. Aria  actually  grinned,  someone  finally  understood  her.  And  was  nice  to  her,  instead  of  arguing or  shouting.  Aria  actually  felt  nice  around  someone.  She  stared  at  Jake  for  a  long  time,  her  eyes lingering on his features.  "So,  Did  you  pick  what  you  want?"  Asked  a  lady.  "Yes,  we  will  both  have  some  water  and  pasta."  Said  Jake.  "Alright."  Replied  the  lady,  taking  their  menu's.  Finishing  their  food,  Aria  wiped  her  mouth  and  sighed  in  relief. "Finally  I  finished  this."  Aria  smirked.  "I'm  full,  what  about  you?"  "Yeah,  me  too."  Jake  chuckled.  "I  guess  that's  the  end  of  our,  uh-"  "Date?"  "Sure,  If  you  want  to  call  it  that."  Aria  muttered,  she  crossed  her  arms  and  looked  away.  "Have  you  ever  been  on  a  date  before?"  Asked  Jake.  "It's  alright  If  you  don't  want  to  answer  or talk  about  it,  or-"  "No."  Aria  groaned.  "Like  I  said,  I  hate  everyone."  "So,  that  means  me  too,  right?"  Jake  smirked  and  raised  his  bow  at  her.  "Well,  uh  no?" They  both  got  quiet,  but  then  laughed.  Aria  hadn't  felt  positive  in  a  long  time.  Aria  and  Jake stood  up  from  their  table.  Jake  placed  the  money  and  left  off  with  Aria. "Well,  that  was  nice."  Grinned  Jake.  "Yeah,  It  It  actually  was."  Aria  said,  grinning  back.  "Should  we  hang  out  sometime  again?"  Aria  didn't  reply,  She  leaned  closer  to  Jake  and  gave  a  small  kiss  on  his  cheek. "Oh,  you  bet  we  should."  Aria  winked. They  both  waved  goodbye  and  walked  they're  direction.  Aria  walked  in  her  apartment,  where Sonata  and  Adagio  were  still  watching  TV.  "Aria!"  Sonata  shouted,  hugging  the  purple  siren.  "Hey,  Sonata."  Aria  groaned,  pushing  the  girl  away  from  her.  "Sooo,  how  was  the  date?"  Sonata  winked  and  giggled.  "It  was,  actually  pretty  good."  Said  Aria.  "Oh  my  gosh!  Oh  my  gosh!  Oh  my  gos-"  "Yeah,  yeah,  I  get  it."  Aria  rolled  her  eyes.  "I  had  fun,  big  deal!"  "That  actually  is  a  big  deal,  Aria."  Said  Adagio.  "And  it's  good  to  see  you  happy."  "Yeah, yeah. Whatever!" Aria sat down on the couch and sighed. "You really are the worst." > Don't tell anyone! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aria Blaze woke up with a big groan and a sigh. Light from the outside, woke up the purple siren from her sleep. "Is it morning already? It felt like, I just went to bed." Aria muttered. She stepped out of her bed with her pink shirt and dark blue pants, and headed for the bathroom. Aria splashed water on her face, until a knock from the door. "Uh, Aria? Can I come in?!" Someone shouted, none other then Sonata Dusk. She was usually the one who slept the longest. "I really need to talk to you!" "Go away, Sonata!" Aria barked. "I need to use the shower!" "For a minute? Please!" Sonata begged. "It's really important!" Aria groaned. "Fine! Come in." Sonata clapped her hands in cheer, and barched into the room. "Alright, listen up!" She said, slamming the door behind her. "I know something! Something you're hiding!" "And that is...?" Sonata's small grin turned into an evil smirk. She grabbed something from her back pocket. A picture. Not just a regular picture, but a picture of Aria Blaze. Having her lips onto Jake's cheek. "So? What happened last night?" She winked and playfully punched Aria by her shoulder. "H-How did you get that?!" Aria shouted, grabbing the picture from Sonata's hands. "Who made this? Who saw me last night?" "Sweet Celestia! Calm down, Aria!" Sonata chuckled. "What's so bad about this? You literally went on a date with hi-" "Just answer my goddamn question, Sonata!" Aria demanded, taping her feet onto the ground. "Well..?" "I took it." Sonata confessed. "I followed you to the date, I wanted to know if It turned out okay! You never tell me what happens anyway, so I have to find it out myself!" "Then how were you even home, when I came back? How did I not noticed you at the restaurant?!" "I was hiding in a bush, nearby it. While you were inside, I either looked through the window a little bit, or played games on my phone." Sonata grinned. "And once you started to walk home, I ran as fast as I could from another side and came in the right time! Your a slow walker, by the way." "Besides," Sonata took the photo back and placed it back in her pocket. "We knew you liked him, anyway." "Just, don't tell anyone!" Aria demanded. "I don't want people to suddenly act all cutesy-wutsey around me!" "Uh, fine," Sonata sighed. "Soooo, It's only between me and you?" "Yeah, yeah, something like that." Aria blushed. "Please go. I need to use the shower now." "Oh, right!" Sonata blushed and chuckled. "Sorry! You go ahead!" "Screw you, Mackenzie! I will not give you that dress!" "Will you please be quiet, Adagio?" Aria sighed. "I'm trying to do work here!" "Work? I will call you back, Kenzie. Don't you even dare to not pick up!" Adagio hang over the call and walked up to Aria. "What is this, work, you speak of?" "Homework, Adagio." Aria rolled her eyes. "It's something that teacher's give to students, It's ridiculous, but apparently you must do it." "We have that..?" "Yes! Like! Long time ago! This time it's history, It's boring, complicated, and overall awful!" Aria shouted. "Why don't you just... not do "homework"?" Sonata asked. "If you don't like it." "From what I understand, you can't just "not do it". It's important, I guess." Aria shrugged. "I honestly want good grades." "Yeah, apparently the teacher yells at me for not doing it. I didn't even know what it is!" Said Sonata. "Come on, girls! School starts in a hour, we must start going." Said Adagio, picking up her backpack. "Alright, alright." Sighed Sonata, picking up her backpack. All three girls went to the school, as they walked through the school, many students and children were giving them nasty looks. It looked they were about to even throw something. Sonata blushed and tried to hide her face, under her hands. Adagio looked down and tried to ignore everyone around her. So did Aria. They finally got to class, where Aria took a seat. Adagio was sitting next to Sonata. Aria's eyes widen as someone sat next to her. "What the... Jake?!" She shouted. "What are you... doing...?" "Sitting next to you, duh!" He laughed. "Yeah, I know that!" Aria shouted. "But, why are you sitting next to ME?! From all the people in our classroom!" "Aren't we a couple now-" "A couple?!" Aria shouted, as her voice scattered around the room. "Couple...?" Sonata asked. "I- uh, I- It's nothing! Nevermind what I said!" Said Aria. "Please! It was nothing!" "Whoah! Whoah! What's up with you today?" Jake raised his brow at Aria. "Are you alright?" "I'm fine!" Aria hissed. "I'm just tired, that's all. I don't think we're a couple, just saying." "But, the kiss on the cheek and date, and-" "I know! I know! I have no idea what was up with me that night! Remember, I hate everyone." "And here I though that You liked me." Jake sighed. "Why... why did you ask me out?" "Huh-" "Don't act like a fool! Why did you ask me out?!" "I though you were hot, and I-" "Hot?! You though, I was hot?! Are you freaking kidding me?! I feel flattered, but that's ridiculous!" Before Jake answered, Aria grabbed her backpack and school stuff, and headed for a different table. The bell rang and all the students went quiet. Aria sat in her seat and tried to hold in her tears. Something that she never does. Suddenly, Aria gets a text message on her phone. It was from Jake, and as she read it, she shouted. "Another date?!" > Another date?! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the bell rang, Aria stood up from her table with rage and walked up to Jake, who was packing up his stuff. "Oh, hey Aria-" "Another... Date?! Are you serious? What is this? A joke?" Aria shouted. "What is this nonsense?" "I was just wondering if we can go to another date. That's all." Jake grinned. "Last one was pretty great! Maybe this will be just as good." Aria sighed. "I... I have to think about this." "No problem! Take your time." Jake winked and walked out the classroom. "Aria Blaze," Said The teacher. "Don't you have to go anywhere? The next class will be coming here soon." Aria groaned and shoved all of her books and pencil case in her bag and left. As Aria was walking to her next period, she saw Sonata and Adagio standing by the next periods door. "Hey, Aria!" Sonata shouted, while waving her arm to Aria. Aria rolled her eyes and didn't reply. "What's wrong?" Asked Sonata, as her smile turned into a frown. "What happened?" Aria sighed and took a deep breath. "Jake asked me out again-" "That's amazing!" Said Sonata, squeezing Aria with a big hug. "Why aren't you happy about it? I though you liked him!" "I-I don't!" "Yes you do!" Sonata teased. "You like him very, very much!" "I don't l-like him.. That much!" "So you admit that you like him?" "No! I don't!" Shouted Aria. "Enough!" Barked Adagio. "Aria. We know you like him." "No, I do-" "Stop! Don't try to say that you don't. It's not going to help." Aria sighed. "Maybe, your right. Can't believe I'm saying this." "I knew it!" Sonata grinned. "I knew it! I knew it!" Everyone ran out of school once the bell rang. Everyone loved Friday's! As Aria exited the school with Sonata, Jake ran up to her. "Aria!" He shouted. "So, about that date." "Oh right, sort of forgot about it." Aria said. "I suppose, we can go..." "Yes! That's awesome!" Jake cheered. "So, when do you want to meet?" "I dunno." Aria shrugged. "Maybe tonight? Around, seven?" "Of course, as you wish." He smiled. "By the way, this time it'll be different! Instead of going to some restaurant like last time, we'll go to the park. Nice relaxing park." "A bit strange, but... Okay." Aria raised her brow. "So, Seven o'clock at the park?" "Yup!" "Alright, see you then." "A ponytail? Long green dress? Makeup?!" Sonata gasped. "You really want to look good for him! It's so obvious, that you really want to look good for him. Really sexy." "Sh...Shut up! It's not like that! Girl's like to dress up pretty for events, and stuff." Aria groaned, her face deeply turning red. "It's just another small date. Nothing special. Like last time!" "Last time you kissed him!" "On the goddamn cheek, Sonata!" "Still! And I always though that you were a tomboy, not some "girly-girl". Besides, if this date would be nothing special, you'd never dress up this pretty!" "Okay, I'm not going to respond to you anymore, I have to go." Aria rolled her eyes. "Good luck on your date, then!" Sonata grinned. "Have fun!" Aria started walking through the street. "Why am I doing this?" She whispered to herself. "Why am I continuing to hang out with him? He... he isn't anything special to ne, anyway. He's boring... and relatable to me, and kind to me, and... Uh! I'm doing that thing again! Stop it, Aria! You are NOT falling for him!" Aria arrived at the park, she saw Jake standing by the bench. "Uh, Jake?" Called out Aria. Jake turned around with a big grin on his face. "Hello, my dear Aria." "Don't call me that." Aria groaned. "Heh, alright." He nervously chuckled. "What's up?" "Nothing much. What about you?" "I've been okay," Jake sighed. "My buddy, Joe had to move away for a while. I won't be seeing him for two weeks!" "I'm sorry, Jake," Aria sighed as well. "Me and my friends, Adagio and, Sonata aren't doing so great as well. We still don't get along, and Sonata keeps teasing me for "liking" you or something." "Me too," Jake chuckled. "My friend's think it's weird that You are my girlfriend-" "Girl.. Friend?!" "Well, yeah. Aren't we a couple now?" "Oh, okay. I.. I didn't think it was official. I though we were just close friends or something." "If you don't feel comfortable with this, we can be just friends." "I suppose.. I like you? Uh! I don't even know anymore!" Aria shouted. "Aria! Calm down! Please!" "I'm fine! I.. I'm fine. I'm sorry." Aria sighed. "But.. I'm okay with being together with you." "No really, Aria! If you don't feel comfortab-" Aria pulled Jake by his shirt and kissed him. "I'm okay with this," She winked at him and gave another small kiss on his cheek. "But.. I do feel tired now." "W... Wow!" Jake blushed. "That was.. Really.. Good." "Yeah, yeah, whatever." Aria chuckled. "Yeah, I'm pretty tired too," Jake yawned. "Want to head home?" "Nah, this date seems too small," Aria smirked. "We shouted watch a movie at your house." "Sounds great!" Jake replied. Both held their hands and walked back to Jake's apartment.