> The Last of Us: Rotting Apples > by Zenfire > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prologue: The Apple Family My family is a Big One, to say the least. More than 20 aunts and uncles from both sides of the family together, so just imagine how many cousins. My dad’s name was Washington Apple. He was an Apple farmer, and was one of the strongest men you’d ever seen. He married my Mom who was the daughter of another local Apple Farmer. Her name was Sweet Apple, and she often oversaw event planning around the town. Mom and Dad met at the Winter Wrap Up, and started seeing each other after that. Daddy loved her so much that he even renamed the Orchard after her, Sweet Apple Acres, as a means to propose to her. Now ain’t that sweet. My daddy musta been such a romantic. Not long after that my Mom was expecting, but at the same time she was campaigning to be the Mayor of Ponyville, the town we lived in. When she was finally elected and just about to give her Election Speech, her water broke. Great timin’, big bro. I swear, Granny told me he wasn’t due to another month. So my big brother was born prematurely, and he was really tiny, even for a Baby born prematurely. So, they named him Lil Macintosh. The farm became pretty busy after that; Mom runnin’ the town and Dad working the Job of 10 ponies, pickin’ and buckin’ apples like there was no tomorrow, and Granny doing all the cookin’ an’ cleanin’ and sold some of her goods at the market, as well as all the Apple’s they picked. And they all had to take care of Lil Mac, either taking care’a him durin’ their free time or bringin’ him with ’em. Granny sometimes worked in the fields with Daddy to help him out. She may have been old, but she’s what you call a cougar; she had the curves and looks of a young Woman ready to work, and strength that rivaled even Daddy’s. A few years had gone by and it was revealed that Lil Mac was gettin’ a Lil sister. By the time she was born Mac had just finished up Kindergarten. It took sometime before they could name her, but they finally gave her a name after they caught her accidently drinkin’ some Applejack Cider. The Cider was very strong, but she had no Liver, Brain, or any other type of Bodily Damage. She had the gut of our Granddaddy, Greenway Apple, so they named her Applejack, after her first Drink and Granddaddy’s Favorite. Lil Mac continued homeschool until he was old enough to go to real school, but by then he could do long Division. A few years later by Mom and Dad told everyone that they were havin’ another kid. This time it’s me. Mom says Granny Smith named me; Applebloom. I like my name, it’s cute. Mac and Applejack both would help on the farm when they could, and after Mom’s second term as Mayor ended, she left the office to take care of us at home. Later that year, we had our Annual Apple Family Reunion at Daddy’s Brother Crispy Caramel’s Farm. They realized that the quickest way to his Farm was through the Everfree forest. Albeit dangerous, we Apples had gone through the Forest many times, as well as it being relatively peaceful at the time, so Mom and Dad felt that it was alright. Granny stayed at home to watch the House to make sure no Apple Thieves would show up. Daddy drove the truck with Big Brother beside him, me and Applejack with mom in the back. We went through the Forest without any trouble, and the Party was said to be great, but I wasn’t old enough to remember. After the Party, Daddy got us ready to go home. Crispy Caramel offered to have us stay for the night, but Daddy refused because he had to get up early to work the next day. That’s where it all went to Hell. On our way back, we were attacked by a pack of Timberwolves that took out one of the tires. Daddy had a rifle and a few other guns with us in case of this situation, but there were simply too many. Lil Mac moved to the back to be with me and Applejack while Dad went to take care of the Timberwolves and defend from the outside. One managed to get into the car and tried to attack us, but Mom moved in to protect us with her body before shootin’ it dead. Dad told us to get out and make a run for it while he stayed back to distract them and fend them off. Mom was still hurt, but she managed to get us some ways there there. Mama told Lil Mac to bring me and Applejack back to the farm, and told him not to look back. Then she gave him a spare revolver before tellin’ him to run. When we got back to the Farm, we ran inside and Lil Mac told Granny Smith what had happened. When she ran into the forest with a Shotgun to see what had happened, all that was left were the two bodies. They belonged to Ma and Pa. The next day, Granny Smith, along with a small party of people, went to collect the bodies of our parents and buried them in the Orchard under our largest Apple tree. We were left to Granny Smith, Lil Macintosh and Applejack were placed in a Public School. Lil Macintosh became very introverted, only speaking when he needed to, and even then never said much. But after a few days, he got his Cutie Mark; a cut open Apple with a Thick Peeling. We asked what it meant, and he told us that whenever he looked at us and Granny, he could only think of Protectin’ us, so his Cutie Mark represented his protectiveness of Family. Applejack briefly moved to Manehattan to live with our Aunt and Uncle Orange so that she may feel some sort of Parentin’ again, but returned the next day because of how they were constantly trying to change her. This was how she got her Cutie, three bright red apples, representing her Love of Family and her wish to continue her Parents legacy with her two siblings. This was also how she met her friend Rainbow Dash after she crashed into Applejack. I honestly never remembered much about our Parents other than how Mother gave me the Red Ribbon she wears, and I almost never take it off. I still don’t got a Cutie Mark, but its fine. We worked non-stop that year on the Farm to fulfil our parents’ legacy as Apple Farmers, despite our young age. We felt alive again. Until That Day... > Alright, time to talk... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alright, audience, it's time to be straight with you. "Since when were you 'Straight With You'? Zenfire's a fine Username." Goddammit Audience... Okay, so bad jokes aside, if you're seeing this, then you also probably saw that this story has been labeled with the dreaded "Hiatus". Now I don't want you guys to get mad, just yet at least. Please let me explain. This story was my debut story on Fimfiction, and it does hold some memories; I remember binging the chapters out back on a couple summers ago, and admittedly it was awesome. But now that I've improved my writing skills (and got my head out of my ass), I realize that I was essentially rewriting a lot of the actual action within The Last of Us and recycling content from other places. 'Cause I'm creative that way. So I decided to just star from scratch also take a bit of a break. But that break has become longer than expected. Too long. Now, I definitely plan on coming back to this story one day, but not today. Hopefully when I get a spark of inspiration for this story or learn how to write proper horror (the way I wrote it honestly didn't seem very scary), then I'll come back. But until then, I will be posting other things soon. I mean it . PS: Does any body know how to hide the thumbs up and thumbs down rating thingy? If so, please leave a link in the comments. Thank you!