> Three Runes > by Dartack > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Straight out of Ponyville > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In a small private compartment of the Friendship Express three pony's sat in a calm silence. The door was locked and all the curtains drawn as if to block out the world around them. Half the compartment was taken up by a white unicorn her long blond mane pulled back into a tight bun with a paint brush stuck through to keep it in place. Her dark blue eyes darted to the papers scattered around her and back to a book as a pen floated in to make quick notes. Across on the other bench sat a dark gray unicorn, chin against his chest in sleep. The stump of a broken horn peeking out of his long unkempt white mane. Beside him sat a small changeling its nose buried deep in a book. A crackling sound came from overhead as speakers came to life. " Good afternoon, we'll be pulling in to the Crystal Empire station in twenty minutes. Anypony who is disembarking should start getting ready." "And done, perfect timing" said the white unicorn as the book snapped shut. The book and pen floated down to the seat as the papers began to rise and as she began to sort them. "Moe I think it's time to wake sleeping beauty." The little changeling lowered the book just enough for it's large blue eye's to peek over the top. It stared at the white pony for a moment then turned it's head to the left to stair at the sleeper. After a few seconds it cocked it's head to the side, after a few more seconds its left ear started to twitch. "Alright I heard you the first time, I'm up" grunted the gray pony just before a yawn slipped out. "So we're almost there I take it?" eyes still shut he said while rolling his shoulders trying to loosen some stiff joints. "Hey Dawn, were you able to finish everything?" "Morning Dusk, and yes about twenty minutes, maybe fifteen now. And I was able to finish our books and Sugarcube Corner's." Said Dawn as she used her magic to place the last of the papers into a brown saddlebag by her hooves. The book still set beside her while the pen flew up and went through her bun crossing the paint brush so that they formed a X shape. The crossed pen and paintbrush in her hair was almost an exact match for the cutie mark on her flank. "The rest can wait until I get back to my office. Sugarcube's always a mess, they make bits hoof over shoe but I think Pinkie eats almost as much as they sell." Dusk gave a soft snort " Yeah, I remember once I swear she dislocated her jaw and swallowed a cake twice as big as she was whole. It was both horrifying and amazing." Finally opening bright green eyes he turned to look at the changeling beside him " I think it's about time you got your game face on. So who's it gonna be today?" The changeling, who had gone back to its book after Dusk began to stir, looked up as if in thought then closed his book. After a second there was a green flash and the changeling was gone in its place sat a male earth pony with a dark brown coat with short black mane and blue eyes an exact copy of Dawn's. The only thing that stood out and placed this pony as not quite right was a blank flank. Dawn and Dusk did not know much about changeling's as a race but they knew something was not quite right with their adopted sibling. In his changeling form his wings were far too small to allow him flight as well as the lack of fangs and whenever he transformed he could not copy a cutie mark. Moe stood and retrieved his saddle bag from under the bench. After sorting through a stack of papers he pulled two out then slapped one on each side of his flank then pulled them away. Now a plain white mask was adorning his sides. "I told you to be more careful with them" said Dawn in a calm voice but eyes narrowing. "That treated papers not cheap and they will last longer if you are gentler with them. And take more care when you place them, your marks are off center of each other." "Come on it's magic it can handle a little rough handling" Moe said "and you're about the only pony who would notice if things are even" "Paper is paper magic or no..." Dusk had a quiet laugh to himself as his sibling continued their old argument, well maybe more banter then argument. Dusk gave himself another stretch and pulled a dark brown stetson out from beside him and the wall of the train car. After taking a minute to straighten the hat and his hair he put the hat on positioning it so that the large brim and his hair hid the broken stump of his horn. Dusk noticed the talking stopped and looked over to see Dawn and Moe looking at him, the former with annoyed look the latter with a grin. "And you" Dawn focused on him "you cannot tell me you really plan on wearing that?" "I do, I'd of worn my duster to if it didn't vanish right before we were about to leave." Dusk said eying his sister. "At least my saddle bag didn't go missing on me. And I will find my duster when we get home" Good luck Dawn thought but said "That outfit makes you look like a foal playing at being a cowpony." "I like the duster." Moe adding. "Me to" said Dusk "and besides you know how I feel about my cutie mark." even though Moe and Dawn had seen it many times before their eyes were still drawn to it at that comment. It looked like a simple white shield with a blue trim going around it, except the upper right tip of the shield was broken off and three cracks running to the middle of the shield. Dawn sighed "Look, I get that you do not like others seeing it, but your the only one who knows what it means. You will not even tell Moe or myself, and besides it is better than your original one." Before Dusk could respond he snapped his eyes shut with a low grunt. "You OK?" said Moe putting a hoof on Dusk's shoulder. "Yes, we just got close enough the empire for me to see it's background magic" Dusk said "I'll be fine in a sec, just takes a moment to get used to." A few seconds later Dusk opened his eyes though they were always bright now they had a slight glow to them. "I do not think I will ever get used to that sight." said Dawn suppressing a shiver. "A bit creepy with green, but hey could be worse." Moe added with a grin still plastered on his face. "Just think if you had red eyes." "Gee thanks, I feel loads better" said Dusk in a deadpan voice. "I just wish I could turn this spell off. Getting to sleep tonight's going to be hard." At that both the changeling and the white unicorn had to laugh. "When have you ever had trouble finding sleep?" Before Dusk could say anything in his defense the train began to slow and the overhead speakers came on. "We're now pulling in to the Crystal Empire station. Anypony departing please make sure you take all your belongings and be sure to have a great day." The three ponies stood outside the train station each with saddlebag strapped over them. Dusk was taller than his siblings and had a wider frame then most unicorns. With his hat hiding what was left of his horn he looked like the average earth pony. His large saddlebags hiding his cutie mark. Next to him was Moe his bag positioned farther up his back so that it did no rub against his painted marks. Last in the row was Dawn shortest of the group she wore an average set of saddle bags over her flank and a smaller set farther up her back. The sound of glass jars clinking came from the smaller bags as she shifted in place. "OK, before anything else we need to check in with one of the clerks at the palace." said Dawn as she started walking in the direction of the palace. "And I know how you two get so please be on your best behavior and please, please let me do the talking. I don't think I brought enough bits for palace level bail." Moe looked over and laughed "A contraction, you must be worried. It was only that one time and it was only Diamond Tiara. The case got thrown out." "She is only a filly, your supposed to be the grownup" She shout Moe an annoyed look but stop as she got a look at Dusks face. He was smiling with along with Moe at the memory but the glow in his eyes had brightened. "Um Dusk your eyes there getting brighter..." "Yeah, I know. " he sighed then shut his eyes. "At least with all the magic in this place I can still see even with my eyes shut." They continued to walking in silence. Dusk and Dawn kept moving forward with heads straight while Moe's head darted around trying to take everything in. One of the nice thing about the snowflake like layout of the city all main roads lead to the palace. Makes get lost hard but poor for defense Moe thought. "Hmm everypony looks nervous" said Moe. Moe knew a fake smile he often had to wear one when he went undercover. Looking around there were few smiles and the ones there were forced. But the eyes all had the same look of impending doom. "I imagine so. the princesses just broke the news the crystal hearts been stolen and the elements of harmony have not been able to find any trace of it. they probably think Sombra's back or something." said Dusk "Why do you think we're here?" "The reward and to keep you two out of trouble" answered Dawn. "To help you on you whole defy destiny kick" Added Moe. "And the mares, if this works out we'll be heroes and heroes always get the mares." Dawn and Dusk Both turned their heads to look at Moe. "I do not know which one of you is the worse influence." said Dawn. "It's a coin toss, think today is my turn." said Moe a wide grin across his face. "Oh, looks like we're here." Dawn looked forward indeed they did arrive. The palace was a massive tower of white crystal supported on four legs each with a door leading inside. Each door had two crystal guards one on each side of the door. "Remember I do the talking". Both her brothers gave mock salute and took up positioned behind her. Walking up to the set of crystal earth guards at the nearest door she said "Hello, we are here to help search for the crystal heart. The notice said we need to check in with one of the clerks." The two guards looked at each other for a moment before the one on the left said "Follow me, and keep your hooves to yourselves." The group followed the guard to a small door not far in to the palace. After three loud knocks the guard opened the door. "Got another group for you Inkwell." He ushered them inside "I need to get back to my post" the guard said before leaving the room shutting the door behind him. The room was small, it looked like it might have been a large closet before being converted into an office. A desk that was far to big sat to one end of the room, it went from wall to wall so that anypony hoping to sit behind it would have to climb over the desk first. Behind the desk set a blue crystal unicorn with a mint green main a large pair a glasses sat on top of his head and open scroll and quill was on his crystal flank. "Hmm um yes please come in. Um just need some information first, can't have undocumented strangers running around all over the palace." said Inkwell in a rush, a friendly slightly absent minded smile on his face. "Now where did I put those forms. Ah yes here. OK first names" "Right" said Dawn, "I am Dawn Rune this..." Before she could continue the little clerk began "Dawn Rune, unicorn, mare, white coat, blond main, cutie mark: crossed pen and paintbrush. OK, good next." Dawn just stood there blinking at the clerk. Moe shrugged "I'm Morph Rune, but everypony calls...." Again the clerk cut off the speaker "Morph Rune, earth pony, stallion, brown coat, black main, cutie mark: mask. And lastly" he said looking up. "Sir your going to need to move your bag I can't see your mark" "Dusk Rune" said Dusk "and what's all this information for?" Dawn and Moe eye there brother nervously knowing this was a touchy subject. The clerk gave an annoyed humph "Well sir if your going to be wandering around the palace and city looking for clues the guards need a description for obvious reasons. And nopony gets approval to join in the search without being processed" "Fine" sighed Dusk as he lifted one of his bags "Dusk Rune, earth pony, stallion, gray coat, white main, cutie mark: broken shield. Note:Blind" said Inkwell "Cracked, and I'm not blind" said dusk "What?" said Inkwell still sounding annoyed. "Cracked shield, calling it broken implies it's useless." said Dusk in a low voice face turned to the floor "And I can see, just resting my eye's is all" Maybe it was what he said or how he said it but the annoyed look left the clerks face. "Fine cracked shield. But I'm leaving the note unless you can show me otherwise." Dusk didn't want to scare the clerk. being in the center of the crystal empire his eyes had to be glowing like a lamp. And in the end blind had to be better then whatever note he would make for that. "That's fine are we done." ask Dusk sounding tired. "Almost, just need to go over some of the rules for moving around the palace" Inkwell began. At that Dusk turned and opened the door "Wait! If your going to look around the palace you will need to have a guard follow you." Turning around Dusk said "That won't be needed. We already have a trail to follow and it's leading away from here." "Pardon" said Inkwell with a look of confusion "I can the see flow of magic all around us. Everything leaves hoof prints, a trail that can be followed if you know how to look. Powerful artifacts like the heart leave bigger prints. I had a trail the moment we reached the palace" said Dusk, rather smugly Dawn thought. "Come siblings the game is a hoof." Dusk turned and went to dash out the door when to his sight there was a star of purple light beside a spinning pink galaxy of light. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I can't believe this" said Twilight Sparkle "What will happen if we don't find the crystal heart? The princesses are counting on us and we've come up empty hoofed" Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie were walking down the hall of the palace heading into town to find some food before continuing their search. "Don't worry everything will be OK" said Pinkie Pie bouncing along beside Twilight. "Everything always turns out right in the end doesn't it" Twilight sighed "I wish I had some of your optimism" a smile came across her face "Some of that boundless energy wouldn't hurt either." Just then the two ponies passed an open door. A confident male voice came through the doorway. "I can the see flow of magic all around us. Everything leaves hoof prints, a trail that can be followed if you know how to look. Powerful artifacts like the heart leave bigger prints. I had a trail the moment we reached the palace" At this twilight paused and turned to the door. She saw the back of a large gray pony filling the doorway. the only thing she could make out about him was a set over sized saddlebags, a pure white mane and tail and hat similar to the one her friend AJ always wore. "Twi your going to want to move back." Pinkie said bouncing backward a bit "Wha.." before Twilight could finish the gray pony did a fast turn and started moving toward her. She noticed his eyes were shut as he was turning but before they collided they shot open wide in what had to be shock. Any words Twilight had died in her throat when she saw the two solid orbs of glowing green light. Both ponies where only knocked on their rump with the gray pony recovering first and standing up. "Ow" Said the gray pony "Are you OK Miss Sparkle, very sorry that's what I get for trying to make a flashy exit" Twilight just sat there staring, his eyes were closed again but the sight of those green eyes still froze her tongue in her mouth. It took her a moment to see the two other ponies exiting the room. A somewhat short unicorn with her blond mane pulled in to a tight bun and coat the same pure white as the gray ones mane and a brown earth pony who looked so average she might have trouble picking him out of a crowd. "Hey ya Morphie" To Twilights surprise Pinkie was giving the brown pony a friendly hug. "Thanks Pinkie" replied brown stallion Then the pink pony hopped over to the white unicorn extending a hoof "Dawn, what's new?" "Just more of the same" the unicorn answered putting out a hoof and giving pinkie a shake. The gray stallion stuck out a hoof in Pinkies direction just as she was turning to him. "Dusk" Pinkie yelled "Give me some hoof." As her hoof came up and bumped with the gray stallion's out stretched one. "Hi Pinkie" he said "didn't expect to see you here." He turned toward Twilight "Are you OK?" "Y-yes, I'm fine" Twilight stammered "Once again, very sorry." The gray stallion said. Turning to Pinkie he said "Sorry Pinkie we're in a bit of a hurry. Can we catch up later?" "Okey dokey" said Pinkie waving to the group. After a quick goodbye the three ponies turned and started down the hall to the outside. "Pinkie, you know them?" Twilight asked still sitting on the ground "Of course! I know eveypony in Ponyville! The Rune's have lived there for years. I wouldn't be a super duper party pony if I didn't know somepony who's been there that long would I?" Said pinkie still waving at the retreating group of ponies. "I Know Dawn." said Twilight "She dose the accounting half of Ponyville's stores but this is the first I hear of her having brothers. Two earth ponies at that." "Yes Dusk and Morph, well he likes to be called Moe, Morph that is not Dusk. Oh and Dusk isn't an earth pony and I think Moe was adopted. Those two don't stay in Ponyville much their work takes them all over the place. Oh but they were at your welcome to Ponyville party, guess you missed them you left kind of early." said the pink pony mouth move a mile a minute. "They even brought you a book as a gift, oh then Moe challenged Berry Punch to a game of cider pong and.." "Pinkie! Stop!" The little unicorns head was spinning "To much, to fast." Taking a deep breath Twilight said "OK, they live in Ponyville I get that. But the big thing Dusk, his eyes were glowing green" Pinkie just stared at her friend with her normal grin slapped across her face. "Well he has green eyes" she finally said. "Pinkie! Think, every time we come across somepony with glowing eyes some bad thing happens. When was the last time you seen a pony with glowing eyes that wasn't doing something bad?" "Um about a minute ago" said pinkie Getting to her hooves seemingly not hearing her friend she continued "And glowing green eye is a sign of dark magic if ever there was one. If he really can track down the crystal heart who knows what he could be planning on doing with or to it. You know what we have to do, right?" "Right, find lunch" Pinkie said while snapping a salute. Twilight raised a hoof and started rubbing her forehead "No Pinkie, we follow them."