> Fluttershy x Big Mac: Subtle Changes > by Shinako-tan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Subtle Changes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **WARNING: MILD SEXUAL REFERENCES ARE IN THIS STORY** "You sure this is gonna work lil' sis?" Applejack asked unsure of the odds against her. "I'm super duper positive," Applebloom spoke with the cutest serious face you ever did see. "Alright...here we go!" Applejack belted a slender barrel and turned to see the elaborate rouse play out. Applebloom's "homemade dominoes" began to fall down one by one until the very last one fell down. "Yeeeehaw! I told you it would work!" She danced around Applejack in light of her newest achievement. Applejack was however distracted by something in the distance... "So how ya doin'?" Big Mac asked heartily. Fluttershy blushed but responded cheerfully, "Oh...well..those birds finally solved there problem with the kids...oh! And the bears are having another cub." She hesitated for a minute before speaking, "C-can i borrow some hay...? Angel wanted me to make a new bed for him..." She cringed knowing it was hard for him to sneak out supplies and such since they were...well, ya know. Dating in secret. Big Mac smiled and moved her hair from her face. She blushed and looked up at him. His eyes gleamed and she knew what that meant. He chuckled a bit and kissed her forehead. Of course, Fluttershy ran off embarrassed but in her heart she was delighted. She always did when she saw him. She just hoped Applejack didn't know... Big Mac strolled to the barn thinking of how cute her "plot" is. "Wut were you an' Fluttershy talkin' about?" Big Mac jumped in fright, "N-Nothin...." AJ raised a brow suspiciously, "Mhmmm...right..." She stared at him for a good 15 seconds before she walked off slowly, keeping an eye on him. He sighed in relief and continued on his way. He quickly gathered some hay in a satchel and took off towards Fluttershy's. However Applejack was right on his tail. But not literally of course. When he got there Fluttershy had a kettle of tea on the stove, plain. Not too bitter but just a hint of sweetness. Just the way he likes it. "It taste good...?" He gulped down his cup full, "Eyup!" Flutters smiled sweetly and they sat there enjoying the calm silence coupled with the sound if the birds socializing outside. Applejack was watching from outside...eagerly waiting for something to happen. Big Mac looked up in realization, "Oh! Here's your hay, Fluttershy." Fluttershy looked away blushing, in a different way though...Big Mac tilted his head curiously. "What's wrong?" "Well...i actually....didn't....need the hay...i...just said that so you could come over...." "Huh?" She left her seat and shyly moved to where Big Mac was and sat on the plush, comfy couch. "I wanted to....do...something....with you....." He blushed a bit, "Like...what...?" She leaned over and softly whispered in his ear. He slightly jumped back at this sudden request. "...Are....you sure...?" She hesitated, "...Yes." Applejack watched as Fluttershy and Big Mac walked upstairs to Fluttershy's room. She was astounded! Appalled! Shocked! She stood there for a minute soaking it all in. Big Mac and Fluttershy? TOGETHER? DATING!?!? She just couldn't believe her big brother was with one of her best friends! How could he!? She stormed off. Angry and confused. The next morning, Big Mac woke up to the smell of waffles. He opened his eyes and looked around this unfamiliar environment. The room was mostly neat except for the bed to which the sheets were strewn every which way. He blinked and rubbed his eyes. Then as he walked down the familiar steps of the cottage did he see her. Her hair was messy but still glossy and silky. Her yellow fur reflected the light coming from the window near the kitchen. She was like an angel... "Oh...good morning..." She sounded so embarrassed and cute. Her legs were still a bit wobbly and weak. Big Mac walked behind her and gently nibbed her ear. "Morning~" His smooth voice made her spine shiver with delight as she remembered exactly what happened between them that night. Literally. "I...made some waffles..." "Yumm!" She served him a plate on her small rickety table. He plopped himself in the small chair and took a bite from the golden and toasty waffle. "Mmmm....this is good." He smiled widely at her. She giggled a bit and sat down with her plate. Her waffle was noticeably smaller than his. "I'm happy you like them....Mac..." He looked up at her with a shine in his eyes. A mischievous one. She looked curiously whilst nomming on her tiny waffle. "...what...?" "I think...we should tell Applejack. About us." He smirked, "I mean...since we've gone this far. It's been 2 months already." He finished the last of his waffle while Fluttershy looked nervous. "Well...i don't know Mac...i just hope she won't be....angry with me..." On the Apple farm, Applejack was sulking. How could Fluttershy do this!? I mean...that's her brother! Soon after Applebloom walked in her room. "Fluttershy's here sis! Big Mac too...they say they need to talk to you." She trotted out and Applejack slumped out of bed and stuffed her hat on. "Just my luck..." Flutters and Big Macintosh were sitting by the kitchen table. Fluttershy looked nervous as AJ walked in unamused. Applejack sighed, "How long?" Mac tilted his head, "What?" "I know about you two...so im askin' how long has this been goin' on?" "...2 months..." Fluttershy replied softly. "Please...don't be mad Applejack...we...just..." "Really like each other..." Big Mac finished. Applejack heard the sincereness in his voice and her heart froze... "A-Are you going away...?" Her voice cracked. "Oh...he's not going anywhere...AJ...we're taking it steady for now...." She smiled at him. He retorted her last comment when he gave her a steady-until-last-night look which made her blush softly. "Well, good," Applejack spoke confidently again which made Fluttershy smile. "Oh...I'm so glad you understand. I was so worried you would hate me and we'd never be friends again." "Huh? Not over somethin' like this, Flutters. No, we'll always be friends...even if your datin' my brother...." She looked at Mac with one eyebrow raised. He chuckled and shrugged, "She's got a nice flank." "Ugh. I don't wanna hear it...its just...gonna take me a while to get used to..." Fluttershy hugged Applejack, "And maybe one day we can be sister-in-laws..." "Hold on now. You're just going steady right?" Big Mac laughed, "Eyup." Applebloom jumped in, "Oh! You finally told her! Yay! Yay!" Applejack turned, "How did you know?" "It was so obvious! You're always so busy with work that you didn't know all this time!" AJ chuckled, "Better late than never..." ~Fin