> Fluttershy's Punishment > by DragonflyDreams > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Locked in the Changing Room. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy’s heart was pounding as she sat upon the damp wooden bench, in the changing rooms of the school gym. She was completely alone, having given her friends a good excuse to leave school without her - or rather, a downright lie. Fluttershy had told the others that she had arranged to meet with another friend in the changing rooms for a very private yoga session. She explained that her friend was incredibly self-conscious, and wouldn’t feel comfortable practicing in front of anybody but her. Four of Fluttershy's pals seemed to buy it, and wished her luck before waving goodbye and heading home. However, Fluttershy wasn’t so sure that Rainbow Dash had believed her story; the blue-skinned girl simply raised an eyebrow and replied, “Private yoga class? Ooookay, if you say so.” Then gave a skeptical glance back at Fluttershy, before rushing off to join the others. The sweet young girl gulped and shuffled her feet. It was now 4pm and each of the other students would surely have left the school. The gym was usually locked around 6pm every night. At that very moment, it was this fact alone which gave Fluttershy's mind a tiny sense of relief – whatever they were going to do to her, it had to be over before the changing rooms were visited by the janitor for lock up. Still, the anticipation was driving Fluttershy wild. She remembered Adagio’s words, when the frizzy haired girl passed her by in the hallway after class. “Wait for us in the changing rooms after school, alone. Or else.” Fluttershy’s breathing became rapid when she recalled the stern, threatening expression upon Adagio’s face, and the way Sonata and Aria had grinned menacingly behind her. The trio were pretty well known for getting back at students who angered them, but Fluttershy had done nothing intentionally. ~*~ During a writing class, their teacher Mr Doodle had called on Adagio to answer a question concerning a major plot point of the book they were currently studying. As usual, Adagio hadn’t been paying attention to the lesson and had no idea what to say. The entire class turned to face her, including Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, who were sat directly in front of her and Sonata and now had their backs to Mr Doodle. In a desperate attempt to avoid embarrassment, Adagio first turned to Rainbow Dash hoping that she might mouth the answer, but she immediately realised that this was pointless; Rainbow hadn't been paying much attention either, she had spent the past hour scribbling plans for the next football game. Then, Adagio turned to Fluttershy. Adagio was certain that Fluttershy would know the answer; she loved reading and always listened closely. She glared at the shy girl, who clearly understood what she was expected to do - but Fluttershy said nothing. The truth was, Fluttershy was afraid. She hated to draw attention to herself in any way, shape, or form during class sessions. Also, the Siren's scared Fluttershy to the point where she could barely speak whenever they so much as came near her. Even looking into Adagio’s eyes made her feel nervous. The orange haired girl and and her two companions – Sonata and Aria - were rather intimidating. There had been rumors of them being involved with certain events and unfortunate incidents involving the other students, although nothing had ever been proven, and the victims themselves had kept quiet about their situations and made up all kinds of nonsense to avoid further trouble. Fluttershy hesitated. She noticed the other students behind Adagio were staring at her, and became more fearful. What if one of them saw her mouth the answer and said something to Mr Doodle? What if she got into trouble in the middle of class? Then Adagio might get in trouble too, and then Adagio would be angry with her… right? A few seconds passed and Adagio’s face turned into a scowl when Fluttershy still had not given her the answer. Then, a very unimpressed Mr Doodle scolded Adagio for not paying attention, and gave her extra homework. This caused a chuckle from the class, which was quickly silenced when the Siren's frowned at each and every student, but Adagio's flushed cheeks were evidence that she felt pretty embarrassed, and very, very angry. For the rest of the lesson, Fluttershy felt Adagio’s furious eyes burning a hole in the back of her head, so to speak. And afterwards, in the corridor, Adagio had purposely walked between Fluttershy and her friends, to give her the instruction, and the threat. Of course there was no way out - Fluttershy knew that. If she disobeyed Adagio, the three of them would come after her, and probably do whatever they could to make her life a living hell. She couldn’t tell the Principle or her friends either; bad things happened to students who tried to grass up the Sirens. Such as Octavia being involved in a terrible hockey accident, Bonbon being tied to the school flag and left dangling at the top, and even Berry Punch had a week off school when she told on Aria for cheating on a test. Not one of them had accused the Siren's of committing those crimes against them, but it was pretty suspicious that those unfortunate incidents happened after the victim's had crossed the trio of bullies. After thinking of nothing else for the rest of the day, Fluttershy concluded that perhaps her offence was relatively minor and she would simply get a stern scolding. Or perhaps she would be made to do Adagio's extra homework. Maybe that was all that would come of this entire ordeal. She tried to calm down, but she just couldn't help herself. Her limbs were shaking, and she felt extremely sick. Then, the door opened. Fluttershy stared wide eyed, as the three Sirens silently entered the changing rooms. They were carrying their backpacks, which looked as though they were crammed full. The terrified girl sat and watched helplessly as Adagio approached her with a wicked grin upon her face. Then, she noticed something much worse – Aria was locking the changing room door from the inside, using the key meant only for a staff member, or more specifically, the janitor. Aria must have noticed Fluttershy’s state of panic, when the poor girl noticed the door being locked with her inside. So, she gave a quick explanation. “We asked the janitor if we could lock up tonight,” she said, “we had to bribe him a little, but he agreed to give us the key so we can use the changing rooms for as long as we like.” Fluttershy gulped heavily at this news – how could they possibly have bribed the janitor? Aria then shoved the key into a zipped pocket in her backpack, and joined Adagio in approaching Fluttershy, with Sonata not far behind. “Well well well…” Adagio looked down at the young girl, “we have been thinking all day how to punish you for embarrassing me in class, and now, we have you.” “I….I’m sor….” Fluttershy whimpered, but as usual, she was too scared to speak, “Usually we beat up anyone who makes us angry.” Aria continued, “but we’ve come up with a better idea for such a shy, timid, and anxious girl like yourself.” “Yeah!” Sonata giggled, “do you want to know what it is?” Fluttershy froze – of course she didn’t want to know. “Stand up.” Ordered Adagio. Unsure and nervous, Fluttershy glanced at each of her captors, and then towards the locked door. “Stand up.” Adagio repeated herself. She then grabbed Fluttershy’s arm and yanked her to her feet. “Don’t you dare disobey me while we are in here, if you do, we will keep this going all night.” “S…so…sor...” she still couldn’t speak. “Here is what’s going to happen.” Adagio continued, “you humiliated me today, and now I am going to humiliate you… to your absolute breaking point.” Fluttershy gasped, “Wha…what... do you…” “Whilst we are in this room, you are going to do everything we tell you to do, without question. And you are going to let us do whatever we want to do, to you. If you disobey, you will be punished, if you try and fight back, you will be punished, if you try to escape, you will be punished. Do you understand?” Still unable to speak, Fluttershy gave a small nod, trying not to think about all the terrible things the Sirens would be doing to her pretty soon, or getting her to do for them. “Good.” Adagio said bluntly, before following it with a terrible instruction. “The first thing you are going to do …is strip.” > Stripped > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “W…what?” Fluttershy couldn’t believe what she had just heard. “You… want me to… take off m…my…”She stuttered in panic. The Siren’s sniggered at her surprise. “Like I said.” Adagio explained impatiently, “you humiliated me, so now I’m going to humiliate you. You are going to take all of your clothes off right now, in front of us. If you don’t, we will strip you naked ourselves, tie you to the flagpole outside, and leave you there until morning. It’s your choice.” Fluttershy gasped again, “N….no not…. You wouldn’t…” “Yes, we would.” Adagio assured her, “and it would give me great pleasure.” Sonata and Aria nodded and readied themselves to pounce upon Fluttershy. “Now, I’m going to ask you one more time. Strip, or be stripped.” Fluttershy’s face turned a bright shade of pink. Her eyes were filled with fear when she realised that Adagio was serious. There was no way out; she had to do what they said, if she wanted this whole ordeal to be kept between the four of them. She tried not to cry as she lowered her head and looked at her body. “Start with your boots.” Aria commanded. Fluttershy took a breath and bent down to remove her boots, she could do that much fairly easily. She just had to not think about the situation, to concentrate on other things and forget that she was moments away from being stark naked and at the mercy of the three bullies. She pulled one boot off, and tried to place it near her, but Aria snatched it out of her hands. “Now the other one.” Sonata joined in. Fluttershy removed her other boot, which was also taken by Aria. She then gazed upwards as though she wasn’t sure what to do next. Adagio rolled her eyes, “Socks.” She folded her arms in an authoritive manner. Fluttershy slowly pulled her socks off, one by one, and this time handed them to Aria, in hopes that the Siren’s would go a little easier on her if she cooperated. When she stood back up, she wasn’t overly surprised when Adagio didn’t give her the next step. The mean girl simply glared at her top, then into her eyes, and Fluttershy knew what she had to do. She still hesitated however; the thought of having her bra on display was overwhelmingly embarrassing. Fluttershy was extremely self-conscious of showing off her body; she never even wore bikinis during summer. “P…please.” She said timidly, “please don’t make me….” Adagio only needed to frown to get the message across, and Fluttershy reluctantly lifted her white vest top higher and higher. She took another deep breathe before the fabric reached her breasts, then pulled it over her head in one swift movement. She instantly heard giggling coming from the three sirens, and the shy girl clasped her arms to cover her chest while her cheeks turned far more vivid pink. Her top was snatched this time by Sonata. “You’re almost done.” Adagio said tauntingly, If anything those words made Fluttershy feel much worse, ‘almost done’ meant ‘almost completely naked in front of three evil girls who want to do unspeakable things to you’. Tears appeared in Fluttershy’s eyes and she bowed her head, “Please… if you let me go…. I won’t tell… I’ll do anythi….” “Skirt.” Aria ordered coldly, and held out her hand. Fluttershy sighed, feeling defeated and miserable. She reached for the hem of her skirt, and after pausing for a few seconds to try and relax her mind, she pulled it from her body, handed it to Sonata, then clenched her legs together and covered herself as best she could. ~*~ Sonata burst out laughing, closely followed by Aria and Adagio. Fluttershy whimpered and tried to hold back her tears as she stood there in her white underwear, being mocked and humiliated. Then…. Flash. Fluttershy gave a horrified squeak as she looked up and saw Sonata taking pictures of her on her phone. “N…no… please!” She panicked and waved her arms around. Adagio grabbed her. “Don’t worry.” She said mockingly, “these pictures are for our personal use only. We won’t send them out to any other students…. so long as you keep your word and do whatever we say... slave.” She let go of the whimpering girl, whilst Sonata took a few more photos. Fluttershy had never felt so ashamed. She crouched and hid her face in her hair, trying to forget where she was and what was happening to her. It almost worked, for a second, but things were about to get much, much worse when Adagio gave the dreaded order. “Remove your bra.” Those words sent Fluttershy into a state of panic. “P…please no… please! I… I’ll do anythi… please… don’t make me…” She cried, Adagio was having none of it. “Remove. Your. Bra.” She ordered. “or we will take it from you and post those pictures all over the school website. Sonata can log into our fake account and put them up for every student in the school to see. It would only take a few clicks.” “Would you rather keep this between us, or would you rather we broadcast it?” Threatened Aria, as she held her hand out for Fluttershy’s bra. Now sobbing, Fluttershy slowly reached behind her back to undo the fastening. Then she grasped her left strap, and lowered it whilst still looking at the floor. Fluttershy was sure Sonata was still holding the phone, and knew she had to cover her chest the second her breasts were revealed to prevent them from being caught on camera. One strap down, the shy girl reached for the other. She slowly tugged it, and lifted her arm out, but still held the bra firmly to her chest. “Pass it here.” Aria was starting to giggle again, which really wasn’t helping Fluttershy’s nerves. She clenched her eyes shut and quickly placed the bra in Aria’s hands, then covered her chest with her arms. Sure enough, there was another photo, and more laughter. “Your down to your last piece of clothing.” Adagio stated as though Fluttershy needed reminding. She gazed at Fluttershy’s underpants. “Remove them.” Fluttershy knew she had to do it, but the fear was far too great. She didn’t want to move her arms from her chest and reveal her breasts, and she didn’t want to take off her pants and reveal her most private area to these the sirens. It was too much, it was too hard. Whilst the three sniggered at her shame, Fluttershy began to sweat and her entire body flushed pink. She looked into the eyes of Adagio, who seemed to be getting impatient once more. Then, whilst maintaining eye contact with Adagio as best she could, Fluttershy dropped to her knees. This came as a surprise to the sirens, they looked down at the trembling girl with a mixture of confusion and irritation. Then, Fluttershy spoke. “Please… I’m sorry for what happened today. Please forgive me. Please don’t make me do this. I…I’ll do your homework… I’ll do your homework for the whole year…. I’ll make it up to you I…. I promise.” There was a minute’s silence, and the three girls glared down at their victim. Then…. laughter. Laughter and flashes. Adagio then turned to Sonata, and whispered something which caused them both to cackle evilly. Sonata held the phone steady and directly at Fluttershy, who knew exactly what she was doing. Adagio turned to the cowering girl, “You want my forgiveness?” she smirked, “Then get down all fours and beg me for mercy.” Fluttershy’s eyes widened as she realised the humiliating situation she had just bought upon herself. The Sirens were going to film her begging them to let her go. She began to hyperventilate as she wondered if this was better or worse than being stripped completely nude. Her captures still showed her no mercy. “I’m waiting.” Adagio tapped her foot. Realising there was no way out, Fluttershy began to imagine what the Sirens would do to her completely naked body. She concluded that she had to do whatever she could to prevent her final piece of clothing from being taken from her. She had to please them. In one quick movement, Fluttershy removed her hands and placed them on the floor so that she was on all fours, but kept her arms close enough to her body to cover as much of her chest as possible. As commanded, she started to beg. “Please.” She cried, “I... I’m begging you. Please have mercy. I won’t tell anybody about this, I won’t ever anger you again, please just let me go and delete those pictures. Please, I beg you, please.” The siren’s continued to laugh, and Fluttershy let a few tears fall to the ground in hopes they would take pity upon her. She pleaded over and over, whilst Adagio and Aria grinned in delight at her shame. After what seemed like an eternity, Adagio spoke. "Okay, okay, that's enough." she turned to Sonata, who tapped her phone to stop the recording. “That was great!” Sonata chuckled, “I’m keeping this video forever!” She then played it for Adagio and Aria, who watched the entire thing in continuous laughter. Fluttershy’s face went beetroot red when she heard her desperate begging being repeated. She didn’t get up. “Now.” Adagio grinned, “you certainly wouldn’t want this video getting out, now would you?” “N…. no…” Fluttershy shook her head rapidly and looked up at Adagio with huge crystal blue eyes filled with tears. To her horror, the leader of the sirens wasn’t at all moved by her state of despair. She crossed her arms, raised an eyebrow and spoke the words Fluttershy was dreading the most; “Then I suggest you stop messing around. Get up and give me your pants, now.” > Shamed > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy froze in fear at the thought of removing her final piece of clothing, and completely exposing her naked body to the Dazzlings. Adagio tapped her foot again; she was getting impatient. Sonata lifted the camera ready to take more photos, and Aria held out her hands for Fluttershy’s pants. “Now.” Adagio ordered, “or else.” Sonata turned the phone around, so that Fluttershy could see it. To the poor girl’s horror, the ponytailed bully began swiping the screen, displaying picture after picture of her stripping, trying to covering herself, and shamefully begging them for mercy. Sonata lifted her thumb; ready to click to share the photos on the school website. Fluttershy whimpered, realising she had no choice. The shy girl then got to her feet, and the Siren’s took a step back to watch her strip in full view. Still covering her breasts with her left arm, Fluttershy used her right hand to reach for the hem of her underwear. She slowly placed her thumb on the inner side, and swallowed hard before pulling them down. To her utter dismay, all three of the Dazzlings were gazing menacingly at her crotch, and Sonata was pointing the phone camera downwards. Fluttershy didn’t know if she was filming or not. As she lowered the one side of her underwear, the timid young girl’s most private area was gradually revealed. She awkwardly used the same hand to tug down the other side, not wanting to remove her left arm from her breasts even for a second. Then she reached behind, and pulled down the back of her pants, displaying the top of her buttocks. Sonata quickly walked behind her, pointing the camera at the newly exposed flesh – now making it clear that she was, in fact, filming. Tears streamed down Fluttershy’s face as she pulled her pants down, first one side was stretched over her hip, then the other, and the top of her mound was presented and immediately recorded on camera. The Dazzling’s staring eyes made her hyperventilate as she came to the very last step. In mere seconds, she would be standing before them, completely nude. Closing her eyes, Fluttershy convinced herself that she just had to get this over with as quickly as possible. And so, with the camera still pointed at her, and the eyes still gazing upon her body, she pulled her underwear completely down, exposing her pussy for mere seconds before tossing the pants to Aria and quickly covering herself with her right hand. The Dazzlings laughed hysterically, and Fluttershy’s entire body turned beetroot red as she crouched and tried to hide herself with her arms, hair, and hands. She was fully aware that her ass was sticking out, but she had nothing left to cover that, so she crouched lower, which angered Adagio. “Stand up straight.” The leader of the bullies ordered. Now knowing there was no point in hesitating, Fluttershy did as she was told. The three girls looked at her body, walking around to get a good view of her ass. Sonata brushed Fluttershy’s long pink hair out of her face, and the timid girl stood there shaking and whimpering whilst they studied her. After a few minutes, Aria positioned herself behind Fluttershy, whilst Adagio and Sonata stood in front of her. Then, Fluttershy suddenly felt a sharp pinch on her right butt cheek. She cried at the shock and pain, but it only lasted a second. “Put your hands by your sides.” Adagio ordered. Sonata’s grin became wider. Fluttershy hesitated and whimpered for a second, and so Aria pinched her ass again. “Eeep!” She cried, “Hands by your sides. Now.” Adagio repeated herself angrily. And so, Fluttershy slowly and reluctantly moved her left arm from her breasts. She tried her best not to think about what she was doing; but with all the chuckling, with the two Dazzlings staring at her chest in anticipation, and Aria behind ready to pinch her ass again if she did not comply, it was very difficult to take her mind off the situation. She moved her arm across, slowly, and began to cry as her right nipple was revealed to the sirens. She continued, and soon her full breast was on display, then her second nipple, and finally Fluttershy stood before the bullies, bare chested and very, very embarrassed. She didn’t dare move her arm back. She stared sadly at the ground, tears falling from her face, as Sonata snapped pictures of her bare breasts. Every flash of the camera was torture, and Fluttershy felt her cheeks burning as it seemed to go on forever. Then…. Pinch. “Owwww!” The poor girl cried and leapt in pain, causing her breasts to bounce, much to Sonata’s delight. “I said BOTH hands.” Adagio reminded her. The siren’s magenta eyes focused on Fluttershy’s crotch, which she was still trying desperately to hide. “Please….” Fluttershy whispered, but this only got her a frown from Adagio, and another pinch on her ass. “Owww!!! Okay… o..okay!” She scrunched her face and cried more, as she began to remove her right hand from her most private area as slowly as she could. Aria had moved around to her side, planning to get a good view of her pussy once it was exposed completely. The other two stood gazing at it, occasionally looking up at their victim’s face to witness her suffering and shame. As her hand was gradually removed, Fluttershy’s slit was revealed, and finally, the rest of her pussy. It was almost completely hairless, aside from a small curly patch of pink fluff resting just above her opening. Fluttershy shakily moved her hand to her side, and whimpered as she realised she was now completely stark naked and on display. For a moment, nothing happened. The Dazzlings just stared at her body with demented, judgmental eyes; but this alone was torture. Fluttershy closed her eyes and tilted her head towards the ground. Her cheeks were on fire, and her eyes were filled with tears. She hated being the centre of attention at the best of times, but now her entire body was on display, and she could almost feel the Siren’s gaze upon every inch of her naked flesh. The bullies began to slowly maneuver around their naked and helpless victim, staring at her from all angles all the while maintaining large, evil grins. “Look at these, they’re so… perky.” Sonata commented on Fluttershy’s breasts. “Her ass is pretty plump.” Adagio added. “And what do we have down here?” Aria bent down to get a good look at Fluttershy’s pussy, followed by the other two girls. “It’s very neatly trimmed, did you do this yourself?” Fluttershy couldn’t answer, so she sobbed and nodded in response. “How does it feel?” Adagio asked, “how does it feel to be standing there, completely naked and exposed in front of your classmates?” Fluttershy cried more, but still couldn’t answer. “I asked you a question.” Adagio said angrily. “I….i….fee…feel….” Fluttershy couldn’t answer, she was too busy crying and hyperventilating. “Embarrassed?” Sonata asked, “Ashamed? Completely humiliated?” Fluttershy nodded. “Let me hear you say it.” Adagio poked Fluttershy’s stomach with her finger, touching her for the first time. “Y…ye… I…. fe…” It was no use, she was too nervous to speak. “Say it.” The bully poked her harder. Fluttershy tried really hard, but this time all that came from her mouth was an unidentifiable muffled squeaking noise. Not surprisingly, the Dazzlings were not impressed. “She’s not talking.” Aria stated in annoyance, “how should we punish her?” “No…I…fe…I…fe….” The anxiety ridden girl cried. Her heart was pounding, and the thought of being punished further was too much for her to handle. “e...embarass….comple….. asha….” She sobbed, it was too hard to talk. “All in due time Aria.” Adagio put a hand on her friends shoulder, “first, I think a more thorough inspection of her body, is in order.” Fluttershy gasped, but knew it was no good opening her mouth. She could barely speak anyway, and her whimpering would probably only anger them further. “Sonata, get the camera.” Adagio ordered, “Aria; your bag.” Sonata pulled out the camera phone and pointed it at Fluttershy’s naked body. The meek, timid girl, shook her head pleadingly, but the pony tailed Siren just smiled, and snapped another picture. She walked around Fluttershy, and took more and more pictures of her body from different angles. It was the most humiliating thing in the world for the shy, nude girl, and all she could do was stand there, wishing the ground would swallow her up. Aria then came walking over, carrying her backpack. She reached in and pulled out a long ruler, then passed it to Adagio. The lead siren held out the ruler and placed it under Fluttershy’s left breast, lifting it slightly for all three of them to examine. Fluttershy turned her head as she felt the plastic object touching her, and braced herself for the worst. “Hmm…” Adagio muttered, staring hard at Fluttershy’s nipple as Sonata took a close up photo. She then moved the ruler beneath Fluttershy’s right breast. “This one is more erect.” She announced, after examining the other nipple. Fluttershy looked away, still whimpering and blushing intensely, this attention was too much. Aria then began touching her right breast, stroking it, poking it, and making it jiggle. Adagio laughed and cupped Fluttershy’s left breast, tugging on it slightly. Then, two girls gave each other a confident look, and both began stroking her nipples. Adagio started out with light, fast flicks, whilst Aria swirled her fingers around repeatedly. Fluttershy didn’t know what was happening, but felt herself becoming strangely aroused. Aria then reached into her bag and pulled out two paintbrushes. Art was Aria’s favourite class, and she was one of the only students who provided their own equipment for that subject. She always had a wide variety of brushes, pencils, and materials handy. Fluttershy could only guess what else Aria had in her bag. The two bullies pointed the brushes at the timid girls exposed nipples, and began teasing them with varied strokes. It wasn’t long before they became more erect from the attention, much to Fluttershy’s embarrassment. As the nipple tickling continued, Sonata started to record the event on video. Fluttershy wanted desperately to move out of the way of the brushes, but she knew better than that, so she stood as still as possible and let the bullies have their way with her poor, vulnerable breasts. She soon began panting, as her body started to betray her and gradually became more and more aroused. Then, just as she was giving in to the sensation, and her panting became louder, the brushes stopped, and the siren’s stepped back to examine their victim. “W…why.. are…” Fluttershy stuttered. “Why are we what?” Adagio asked, “speak up.” “Why are you doing… this.” She finally managed to speak. “Doing what?” Adagio asked mockingly, “turning you on? Are you getting turned on by us, slave?” Fluttershy mumbled something and stared at the ground. This time, Adagio didn’t demand an answer. “Your nipples have gotten incredibly hard.” She stated, “You’re a very bad girl, Fluttershy.” “S…sor….” Once again, Fluttershy started to cry. She had no idea why the Sirens were trying to get her aroused, but the thought of them capturing it all on video was too much to handle. The siren’s took no pity upon her, “Do you know what happens to bad girls?” Adagio asked evilly. Fluttershy looked up pleadingly, she didn’t even try to answer this time. All three of the Dazzlings smiled and nodded at each other. Then, Aria suddenly walked behind Fluttershy and sat down on the wooden bench. “Bad girls…” She started to say, “...need to get a good spanking.” Fluttershy’s heart leapt at those words. Aria patted her lap whilst her friends started laughing uncontrollably. “Come here.” She ordered. Fluttershy gulped and froze. She contemplated trying to beg again, but remembered that it was no use last time. Sonata held the camera phone up, trying hard to contain her laughter. “Now.” Aria said sternly. The poor, embarrassed girl, slowly made her way over to the bully. “P…please.” She said at last. Aria tapped her lap. “Bend over.” > Spanked > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy felt a huge lump in her throat, as she peered down at Aria’s lap. The siren tapped her thighs impatiently. “Across my lap. Now. Or else.” She threatened. Sobbing, Fluttershy began to bend down. She had no choice; they had her right where they wanted her. The three bullies had taken many photographs and videos of her naked body. One little slip up, and they could be posted onto the school website for every student, teacher, and member of staff to see. They could print them out and put them up around the school, or they could simply punish her further and make her life a living hell. Fluttershy knew that had to obey them. She had to get this entire ordeal over with, even if that meant receiving a merciless spanking and having it recorded on Sonata's phone. The shy, naked girl positioned herself over Aria’s lap. The front of her body, including her breasts, were dangling over the one side, and her pale yellow ass was lifted upwards on the other, in full view of Sonata and Adagio. Hanging her head in shame, Fluttershy heard more camera flashes and knew instantly that Sonata had started taking pictures of her naked butt. She dared not glance back, but was certain that the siren would be getting close up’s as well as distanced shots, which portrayed the situation clearly and embarrassingly. A few minutes passed, and finally Aria spoke. “You’ve been a bad girl Fluttershy.” She said sternly, “and now, you are going to receive your punishment.” “P…please…” Fluttershy whimpered; she was terrified. Suddenly, she felt a cold hand on her right butt cheek, which made her whimper even more. Adagio started stroking it, whilst Sonata recorded. She toyed with it for a while, giving it light squeezes and causing Fluttershy to groan quietly. She placed a finger inside Fluttershy’s but crack, and parted the cheeks a little, giving the siren’s a good view of the embarrassed girls anus. While she continued to play with her victims ass, poor Fluttershy could do nothing but lie there and take it, making various noises and wondering when the first strike was going to come. Finally, Aria’s hand paused, and she looked down into Fluttershy's large blue eyes. “I am going to spank you until your ass is as red as your face.” The Dazzling explained, “and with each strike, you are going to count and thank me for it.” “W….wha….” Fluttershy sobbed, “You heard.” Aria snapped, “you will count each slap, and then you are going to say “Thank you master.” Sonata and Adagio burst out laughing at this rule. Sonata recorded Fluttershy’s reaction, then lowered the camera to get a show of her jiggling breasts. “If you fail to do this, even once.” Aria continued, “I’ll add another five strikes onto your total. Do you understand?” Fluttershy felt very, very nervous. Her heart was thumping, and she couldn’t hold back the tears. “Y….yes.” She cried, “Yes what?” Aria squeezed her with her fingers, as though she was threatening to pinch. “Yes….. Master.” Fluttershy answered, bowing her head submissively. Aria brushed her hand over her ass, as though trying to decide where the first hit would land. Sweat began to drip down poor Fluttershy’s forehead; the anticipation was unbearable. She wanted it to be over, she longed for it to be over…. Then, it came. SLAP “Owwwwww!” Fluttershy cried in pain, The hit had landed upon her right butt cheek, and it had come sharp and fast, leaving a lingering burning sensation which shot through her body. Fluttershy took a few seconds to gather herself, then looked up to see Sonata holding the camera in front of her. She then remembered what she was instructed to do. “O….one…. thank you…. Master.” She looked at Aria, who smirked, then readied her hand for the next blow. SLAP “OWWWWWW!” Fluttershy felt the impact in the exact same place as the last. Aria was showing no mercy; she knew that Fluttershy was already sore in that area. “T…two…thank… you…. Master.” Fluttershy cried. SLAP “OOOOOWWWWW” It was the same place again, the same, sore, aching place. “THREE… Thank you… Master!” SLAP “OUCHHHHHH!!!!” The strikes seemed to be getting harder, or perhaps it was the result of being slapped in the same place, over and over again. Fluttershy felt her right butt check throb, and wondered how red it was getting. “Four…. Thank….you….master.” She panted. Slap “OOOOOUUUUUCCHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!” That one came really sharp, Fluttershy’s entire body jerked, and she cried harder. “F….Five… thank…thank…. you master.” She sobbed as she tried to re-position her backside… but it wasn’t to Aria’s liking. “Ass up.” She demanded, Fluttershy complied. “This one is going to hurt.” Aria warned, “you had better brace yourself.” Fluttershy gulped. SLAP!!!!!! “OOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWW!” She screamed. Her body leapt up once more as she screamed in pain. “S…S…six” She shouted, “T…thank…. You…. M….master.” Aria laughed, then turned to her friend. “Sonata, take a picture of her ass now. I want her to see how red this butt cheek has gotten compared to the other.” Giggling, Sonata snapped a picture and walked around to show it to the miserable girl. Fluttershy felt awful as she was presented with the photo of her ass. Her right cheek was like a tomato, and contrasted immensely with her pale left cheek. She groaned, totally ashamed. “Now.” Aria started to stroke her again, “let’s see if we can even things out.” “Ohhh….” Fluttershy moaned as she tried to mentally prepare herself for another beating. Aria then said something which sent fear through her body. “Adagio… pass me the paddle you use for your squash training.” Fluttershy gasped. “N…no… p…please no!” She squirmed, before being pinched by Aria. “Shut up.” She ordered. The timid girl shut her eyes tightly, and tried to block out everything. She heard Adagio opening her rucksack, and handing something to Aria. The paddle was wooden and thin, and much harder than a bare hand. Aria positioned it on Fluttershy’s left butt cheek. “Same as before.” She told her, “you are going to count with me, starting at seven, and you are going to thank me for punishing you. Only this time, instead of stuttering like an idiot, you are going to say, “Thank you Master, I have been a very bad girl, and I deserve to be punished.” Fluttershy gasped; there was no way she would be able to say all of that. “If you don’t.” Aria threatened, “I will add five spanks to each butt cheek.” Fluttershy’s mouth fell open. She had never felt so helpless in all her life. How could she possibly say that entire sentence, whilst suffering the intense pain that she was about to be subjected to Sonata and Adagio laughed manically, “Oh Aria you are so wicked!!!” They applauded their friend. “Do you understand?” Aria gently tapped Fluttershy’s ass a few times with the paddle, reminding her of what was about to happen. The shy girl bowed her head, “Y…yes master.” She answered obediently. There was a moment of silence, whilst Aria brushed the paddle up and down her ass, and then…. WACK “OOOOOWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” It came fast and hard, right across her left ass cheek, and it really, really hurt. “SEVEN!” Fluttershy shouted, “Thank you master I….. I have been a bad…. girl and I deserve to be… punished…” She panted heavily, that sentence had taken a lot out of her. Wack “OWWWWWWWWWWW!!!” Aria was wasting no time. “E...EIGHT!!” Fluttershy struggled to speak, so she shouted it out in one quick breathe, “THANK YOU….M….MASTER… I HAVE BEEN A BAD GIRL AND…. I DESERVE TO BE… PUNISHED.” WACK “OWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!! N….NINE!!” “THANK… YOU…. MASTER… I HAVE BEEN A BAD GIRL.” Fluttershy pushed herself to get the words out as fast as possible, “AND I DESERVE TO BE PUNISHED.” WACK “OOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!” She tried not to struggle again, for fear of angering her abuser, but couldn’t help leaping in pain as her sore ass became more and more sensitive and more and more battered. “TEN THANK YOU MASTER I HAVE BEEN A BAD GIRL AND I DESERVE TO BE PUNISHED!” She said super quickly, then broke down into tears. Aria ignored her, “hmm… only five more to go. I must say, you’re actually doing well.” She complimented Fluttershy. “Thank… thank you master.” The girl sobbed, unprovoked. The Dazzlings smiled in satisfaction; they had completely broken her. “Adagio.” Aria beckoned to her friend, “my arms are getting a little tired. Would you like to deliver the final blows?” To Fluttershy's horror, he curly haired siren nodded, “Why, it would be my pleasure.” She made her way over to Fluttershy’s rear end, and admired it. The two domes were flushed red, and raised high. Completely vulnerable and ready to take the rest of her punishment. Fluttershy felt Adagio’s nails lightly scratch her sore ass, then, there was a moment’s pause. Aria started chuckling, and Fluttershy’s mind filled with dread as she wondered what Adagio had planned for her. The leader of the bullies then made her way around to Fluttershy’s front, and stood before her holding something which terrified the poor girl further. She had removed her belt, and was gripping it with both hands. When Fluttershy's gaze fixated upon the object, Adagio sharply tugging both sides to emphasize how strong it was. Fluttershy shook her head, “N…no….please. Not that.” Adagio grinned and looked into her eyes. “Five lashes.” She spoke slowly, to let the words sink in. “...unless you disobey my demands.” Fluttershy gulped, how much worse could this possibly get? “You are going to count the strikes, and this time you are going to say….” Adagio took a deep breathe, Sonata and Aria couldn’t wait to hear what Fluttershy would be made to say this time. “Thank you master, my humble ass is completely at your mercy.” It was shorter than what Aria had made her say, but all the more humiliating. Fluttershy knew she had no choice; she didn’t want to risk five more strikes, or whatever else Adagio would subject her to if she dared to disobey them. And so, the poor timid girl nodded and closed her eyes. The sound of Adagio’s footsteps as the siren made her way to her vulnerable rump, made her head and heart pound immensely. These strikes were going to be even harder than those issued by Aria and the paddle. She scrunched her face, and tried to think of anything other than the situation she was currently struggling to endure. Then, she heard the belt being flung over Adagio’s shoulder, and the first strike hit her. “AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!” She screamed, “OWWW…. Oh MY… OWWWW” The belt hit straight across her ass, sharply striking both butt cheeks at the same time. Despite the pain, Fluttershy had to say the humiliating phrase that she had been ordered to say, and Sonata was there with the camera to record each and every word. “ELEVEN!! Thank you…. Master.” She paused, “my humble… humble… ass….is….completely…at your mercy.” The Dazzlings laughed, then came the next strike. WACK “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Fluttershy thrashed around this time, and Aria grabbed her shoulders to hold her down. “TWELVE!!! THANK YOU MASTER…. MY HUMBLE ASS… IS COMPLETELY AT YOUR MERCY.” WACK “AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! OH OWWWW OWWWW OWWW” She shuffled her backside vigorously as though trying to shake off the pain. “THIRTEEN!!! THANK YOU MASTER… MY HUMBLE ASS IS COMPLETELY… AT YOUR… MERCY…” Fluttershy panted heavily. This was taking every inch of her will power. WACK “AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” She shot up again, Aria steadied her more forcefully this time. “FOURTEEN!!!” She screamed, it was almost over. “THANK YOU MASTER!! My humble….ass is completely at your…. Mercy….” She was beginning to feel light headed. “One more.” Adagio announced, “Let’s make this one really count.” She readied the belt, and Fluttershy braced herself for the worst. WACK “AHHHHHHH!!! OWWWWWW!!!! FIFTEEN!” She shouted. “Thank you master… my hum…humble…as is…. Compl…eately… at your… mercy. Her entire body collapsed. She felt so weak, and could barely move. “That was fun.” Aria chuckled. “I think she’s out for the count.” “Look at how read her ass is!!” Sonata poked at Fluttershy's aching domes, then parted her cheeks a little. “And look at…. Oh my.” “What is it Sonata?” Adagio asked. Fluttershy could do nothing but lie there panting as the two crouched down and inspected her. Then, she felt a finger make delicate contact in a very particular place, and gasped at the realisation. “She’s wet!!!” Sonata laughed loudly, “She’s totally aroused!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!” Fluttershy blushed, but was too weak to do anything. “Oh my, you’re right.” Adagio replied. “You really are a bad girl Fluttershy. You’re drenched down there.” “Her entire body is all sticky and sweaty.” Commented Aria. “Well we can’t have that can we?” Adagio tutted. “She’s a very dirty girl, and dirty girls… need a good wash.” “Uhhh….” Fluttershy groaned weakly. “Give her a few minutes to rest up, while we prepare for the next stage of her humiliation.” Adagio told her partners. The three nodded, and Fluttershy was left lying on the bench, watching as the three bullies began to take various items out of their back packs. Such items included some rope, thin paint brushes, a bottle of green liquid, some sponges, and a tub of cream. She had no idea what they were going to do to her… but it certainly wasn’t going to be good. > Scrubbed > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “It’s time to get up, slave.” Fluttershy weakly opened her eyes to find Adagio standing before her. The frizzy haired siren had her arms folded, and a terrifying grin across her face. The bullies had allowed their victim to rest for a few minutes after her spanking. They wanted her to be fully conscious for the next part of her punishment. Fluttershy didn’t even try to resist this time; she had completely given up. The Dazzlings were going to do whatever they wanted with her naked body, and there was absolutely nothing she could do to stop them. Any attempt at resistance would only serve to anger them further, and therefore most likely prolong her punishment. With this in mind, Fluttershy lifted herself up off the bench, and once again stood naked before her ‘Masters’. She didn’t dare try to cover herself, and kept her arms firmly at her sides. Her ass cheeks were still burning, and her body was drenched in sweat. Sonata and Aria soon joined Adagio, carrying a variety of objects in their arms. Most noticeable of these objects were three large yellow sponges, and a variation of brightly coloured bottles. The three girls licked their lips as they gave Fluttershy’s naked body another good look over, and the timid girl hung her head in shame. “You got wet from the spanking, didn’t you?” Adagio looked down at her pussy in a patronizing manner. Fluttershy knew what to do; she no longer needed instructing. “Yes Master.” She replied meekly. Adagio seemed pleased at the quick, unprovoked response. “You are a very dirty girl.” She commented, “but don’t worry, we know how to take care of dirty girls.” She reached into the pile of objects in Adagio’s arms, and pulled out a piece of rope, which she then held out for Fluttershy to see. “We are going to give you a good scrub.” Adagio announced, then turned to her friends, “take her to the shower area.” Sonata and Aria nodded, then took their places either side of Fluttershy, giving her a sharp nudge as an indication to walk forwards. Fluttershy complied, and the three headed to the shower with Adagio following behind. The timid girl gazed at the floor, wondering what on earth was going to happen to her. Having a wash didn’t seem so bad, but she was pretty certain that the Dazzling’s had something else up their sleeves. The shower area was long and separate from the changing area and the benches. There were eight shower stalls in a row with walls between them. The showers themselves were long metal poles that lead into the ground, with detachable heads at the top. Fluttershy was lead into one of the stalls, and Sonata and Aria lead her over to the shower. “Turn around.” Aria ordered, “Yes... Master.” Fluttershy obeyed nervously. Adagio then prepared the rope. “Put your arms behind the pole.” She ordered, Fluttershy did as she was told, then gave a worried "eep" when she felt her hands being pulled and positioned so that her wrists were together. She didn’t dare move them when Adagio let go, and remained in place while the bully tied her up securely. When Fluttershy’s hands were tightly tied behind the shower pole, the three bullies stepped back to take a look at their victim. Fluttershy didn’t speak, or struggle, or do anything to try and get out of the situation; she had been completely broken. The shy girl now stood before the three sadistic sirens, completely naked and tied up, with every part of her body on display. She shook with fear, wondering what they had planned for her. Then, the phone came out. *Flash* Sonata took a picture of her naked body, and Fluttershy bowed her head, blushing intensely. She was expecting more photos to be taken, but surprisingly Sonata then lowered the phone. Glancing up in confusion, Fluttershy saw the blue haired girl leave the stall. Aria and Adagio said nothing; they were sorting through the objects and placing them down in full view of their victim. Fluttershy now had a good view of the brushes, sponges, and bottles before her. Her heart leaped when she realised that it wasn’t regular shower gel that was going to be used on her, but an assortment of potions. One large green bottle read; 'Peppermint Tingle Potion A fizzing potion which makes skin tingle intensely. Caution: Use sparingly on sensitive areas.' A smaller Purple bottle was labelled: 'Volt Vibration Potion This potion sends small jolts of electricity to the area where it is applied causing it to vibrate. Warning, using on wet skin will intensify the jolts greatly.' The tub of white liquid was labelled; 'Sensitivity lotion. A lotion which will make bare flesh incredibly soft and sensitive.' Fluttershy gulped as her fear was confirmed; they weren’t going to wash her… they were going to torture her. To make matters even worse, Sonata suddenly returned, holding not only the camera phone, but a wooden stool and a plastic stand. She placed the stool in front of Fluttershy, then positioned the camera on the stand directly in front of her. “This is going to record your humiliation.” Adagio told her. “It’s going to capture every moment. If you behave, it will remain our little secret, but if you anger or disobey us in any manner, it will go up on the school website along with every other photo and video taken of you so far. Naturally we will edit the video and replace our figures with dark silhouettes so you will be the only one recognizable. Do you understand?” Fluttershy wanted to cry, but she knew better, and nodded before shakily answering, “Y…yes Master.” The three girls grinned at her state, and then Adagio turned to her companions. “Let’s begin.” She nodded at each of them. The Dazzlings each grabbed a sponge and positioned themselves either side of the naked girl, being careful not to restrict the view of the camera phone. Adagio took the tub of sensitivity lotion, and each girl applied a generous amount to her sponge. Then, Adagio turned the shower on, and warm water sprayed down onto Fluttershy’s head and dripped over her body. Aria lifted the container of sensitivity lotion, and they each put a generous squirt onto their sponges. “This is going to make your skin extremely sensitive.” Adagio told Fluttershy, “and we are going to rub it all over your naked, vulnerable body.” Fluttershy gulped as Adagio bought the sponge lower and lower, then positioned it on her stomach, it was very, very cold. “Ohhh…” Fluttershy let out a weak cry as Adagio began to moving the sponge in circles, wiping the lotion across her stomach and making it very, very sensitive. Sonata then reached around Fluttershy and attended to her back. The cold touch forced the poor girl to take a step forwards. Meanwhile, Aria got to work on her legs, causing Fluttershy to shuffle and whimper. After a few minutes of scrubbing the lotion and water over her stomach, Adagio’s sponge made its way into Fluttershy’s belly button. Fluttershy let out an “eep” as Adagio dug her finger in, making sure the lotion didn’t miss a spot. Sonata worked her sponge high across Fluttershy’s shoulders, and Fluttershy felt an odd combination of stimulation and fear. Then, the siren scrubbed her right arm, right down to the fingers, followed by her left. Fluttershy couldn’t help but moan when Sonata started gently rubbing the lotion into her neck. She felt so embarrassed about her noises being recorded on camera, but she just couldn’t stop. Aria had scrubbed all around her legs, and eventually reached her poor feet. She forced them off the floor and began to wash them, it tickled an awful lot. “He…hehe….he…” Fluttershy shuffled a little, causing the Dazzling to grab her by the ankle and hold her in place. “Haha… hahahahaha!” She wiggled as the sensitivity lotion was rubbed onto her poor soles, then between her toes. “Stop squirming.” Ordered Adagio. Fluttershy tried to tense her body and keep still, but it was incredibly difficult. Every inch of her flesh was becoming more and more sensitive to the strokes of the sponges, and the cold lotion. Her feet were tickling like crazy as Aria scrubbed them, and when Sonata started on her sore backside, she clenched her teeth to try and block out the pain. “Ohh…haha….eep…ahhh…” Fluttershy made all kinds of noises, and pulled all kinds of faces, which of course were all recorded on the phone. After what seemed like an eternity of scrubbing, the three girls paused for a moment and stepped aside. Fluttershy stood shamefully; her sensitive body being drenched in water, her hair soaking wet, and any inch of dignity she had left completely shattered. Then, Sonata spoke. “I want to do her pussy.” She announced, causing Fluttershy to snivel. Adagio glared at her friend, and hesitated for a moment before replying. “Fine, me and Aria will wash her tits.” After applying more of the lotion to their sponges, Adagio and Aria took their places either side of Fluttershy. They then lifted their sponges and simultaneously placed them upon her bare chest. “Ohhhhh…” Fluttershy moaned louder this time, as the cold lotion made contact. The girls rubbed all around her breasts, lifting them and making sure to apply the lotion underneath and around the sides. They both took turns scrubbing between them, and would occasionally squeeze their sponges to let the water flow down them like waterfalls – presumably to make a good shot for the video. Then, they circled her nipples. Fluttershy bit her lip as the sponges became closer and closer. The two girls looked into her eyes, enjoying every minute of her distress. Then, the cold lotion was applied to her areola, and Fluttershy squeaked as it was rubbed into both nipples at the same time. She closed her eyes as her poor nipples were made even more sensitive. They became erect and water began trailing down her breasts and dripping off the pointed tips. “ohhh….mmmy…ohhh…c…colllldd…” Fluttershy whined as she tried to endure the sensation. Then, Sonata spoke again. “Alright, it’s time.” She licked her lips before bending down. “Stick your pussy out.” Fluttershy’s eyes grew wide. Aria and Adagio began rubbing more lotion into her breasts and surrounding areas, whilst slowly watching Sonata prepare her sponge for their victim’s pussy. Fluttershy reluctantly held her pelvis forwards to give the bully more access, but Sonata did not begin at the area in question. She instead placed her sponge on Fluttershy’s lower waist, and rubbed around it, making the girl moan and pant. Then, she moved downwards, to her thighs and began rubbing lotion into each one. Fluttershy became weak, and her knees began to bend, allowing Sonata to use the sponge on the inner part of her thighs, gradually getting closer and closer to the dreaded area. “She seems to be enjoying this.” Adagio commented whilst holding Fluttershy’s breast in one hand, and torturously rubbing more lotion into the nipple with the other. “Are you slave?” Aria asked, wiping her sponge underneath her other breast, “are you enjoying this?” “O….ohhh….” Fluttershy moaned in response. The three girls laughed. “You are ours.” Adagio told her. “Your body, is ours.” “Ohhhhhhh….” The poor girl gave a submissive nod. “And your pussy... is mine.” Sonata added, and then… contact. “Ooooohhhhhh coo….coooold…. ohhhh…” Fluttershy tilted her headwards back as the lotion was applied to her mound. Sonata smiled as she started at the base of her slit, rubbing lotion into every part of her most private area. She then circled upwards, and made her way to the top, before parting Fluttershy’s yellow lips and washing the insides with the lotion. “OOOOhhhhh…. Ohhh my…. Ohh…” Fluttershy panted as her labia was coated and made even more sensitive. Then, Sonata bought her sponge upwards, getting dangerously close to the most sensitive area of Fluttershy’s entire body. She formed a wicked grin as she paused for effect, then gave a small, quick dab upon Fluttershy’s exposed clitoris. “Ohhhhhh!” The poor girl moaned as another dab followed. She tilted her head back further. Sonata was only tapping her with the sponge; it wasn’t enough, it wasn’t what her body needed. She began panting heavily in time to the taps, as her clitoris and the surrounding area became more and more sensitive as more and more lotion was applied. There was no denying it now, Fluttershy was very, very turned on. For a few more minutes, Adagio and Aria worked on her breasts, and Sonata continued to tap her clit delicately. The more aroused she became, the more Fluttershy’s nipples hardened, and the more her pussy lips parted, giving Sonata more access. She became very wet, and wondered how much more of this she would have to endure. Then finally, the Dazzlings stopped. “Ohhh…” Fluttershy groaned in frustration. Her body needed attention; thorough attention. She watched as the three bullies put down their sponges, and slowly picked up three thin paintbrushes. Adagio then lifted the green bottle, the one which read “Peppermint Tingle Potion,” and held it out in front of Fluttershy's face, giving her a good, long look at it. “Bet you can’t guess what we’re going to do with this.” She teased, as she slowly removed the lid and dipped her brush inside. Fluttershy had a very good idea of what they were going to do with the potion, but she was too turned on, too frustrated, to even think about it. So, Adagio answered. “The bottle says to use ‘sparingly’ on sensitive areas.” She informed her victim. “but I think you can handle it. So we’re going to play a game.” Adagio collected a generous amount of liquid onto the tip of her brush, and held it up in front of Fluttershy’s face. She flickered it tauntingly. “When this potion is applied to your super sensitive body, it is going to tingle like crazy.” Adagio told her. “You are going to get very, very turned on. You are going to lose it. You are going to scream, and cry, and beg for mercy. And the whole thing is going to be recorded.” Fluttershy stared at the tip of the brush fearfully. She could only imagine the unbearable impact it was going to have upon her. She blushed vibrantly as she could see the camera in the background, recording everything. This was going to be the most humiliating moment of her life. “However.” Adagio continued, before proceeding to speak the most terrible instruction that Fluttershy had been given that entire afternoon. “You will not be allowed to orgasm. You are forbidden to reach climax until I give you permission. If you do… the consequences will be dire.” She pointed at the camera phone. Fluttershy gasped in horror; she understood completely > Stimulated > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the warm water continued to soak her sensitive, aroused body, Fluttershy was forced to stand, naked, tied up, and in fear. She nervously awaited the terrible treatment she was about to be subjected to by the three Dazzlings who held her captive. Adagio held the thin paint brush in front of her face, with the peppermint tingle potion coating its tip. She stood a little to the side of her victim, so as not to block the view of the camera. which was recording her humiliation. When Fluttershy recalled the horrendous instruction which the evil siren had given her, she felt her heart pound along with her exposed mound: she wasn’t allowed to orgasm. No matter what they did to her, she had to hold it, or suffer the consequences of the video – and possibly every other embarrassing picture on the camera phone – going viral. It seemed impossible. The sensitivity lotion had made her body crave attention, and the slightest touch would drive her wild. Fluttershy was certain she wouldn’t be able to do it, but there was no way out; she had to try. “So, where do you want it slave?” Asked Adagio evilly, as Aria and Sonata watched from the side lines. “Here?” She positioned the tip of her paintbrush millimetres away from Fluttershy’s right nipple. Fluttershy gulped, but Adagio did not touch her. “Or…” The Dazzling slowly and tauntingly moved the brush over to her left nipple. “Here?” She paused for a moment, Fluttershy didn’t answer. “Or….” Adagio lifted the brush once more, and pointed it at fluttershy’s face. She waved it in circles menacingly, then slowly bought it down her chest, past her stomach, across her waist, and pointed it directly at Fluttershy’s mound, or, more specifically, at the very tip of her throbbing, erect clitoris. “…here?” “Oh…no…” Fluttershy gasped. Adagio grinned and paused, enjoying the flush of panic on her victim’s face whilst she held the brush millimeter's away from her clit. “Choose.” Adagio ordered, “Or the choice will be made for you.” She looked down, indicating that if Fluttershy didn’t answer, her most sensitive area was going to get it. “M…my…my ni…” The timid girl stuttered. “Clearly, Slave.” Adagio held the brush firm. “Ask me clearly where you would like me to apply the peppermint tingle potion.” Fluttershy took a quick breathe. “P…please apply the potion… to my right… my right nipple.” She answered, totally embarrassed. Adagio laughed, “Very well." She replied, "I’m just too merciful today.” She then lifted the brush upwards, and pointed it at Fluttershy’s erect nipple. For a moment, Adagio simply circled the soft bristles a millimeter away from her, and Fluttershy became extremely anxious, knowing that horrible tingle potion was going to make contact at any given moment. Then, it happened. “Ohhhhh oh my…. Ohhhhhh….” Fluttershy moaned as the brush tip touched her. Her eyes widened as the soft flesh began to tingle intensely. It was like extreme itching, but incredibly arousing. The sensitivity potion had done its job, and when Adagio began brushing the potion properly onto her areola, the poor girl couldn’t help herself. “Ooooh…. Ohhh my….. ohhhhh….” She struggled to keep still, but knew that she must. “That’s right, moan for me slave.” Adagio ordered. “Ooooooooohhhhhhhhhh” Fluttershy obeyed. Sonata and Aria sniggered in the background. The potion was really making her nipple tingle like crazy. She wanted to shake it off, but she knew better. Adagio coated her entire areola in the thick green liquid, then slowly brushed upwards and over the tip. “OOOOhhhhhh my…” Fluttershy scrunched her face and panted heavily. Chuckling, Adagio flickered the brush up and down, up and down, across her sensitive nipple. Fluttershy moaned again and again, getting louder and louder, and becoming wetter and wetter. Her nipple was tortured by the potion for a good few minutes, and then Aria approached her, holding another paint brush. Fluttershy watched in horror as the purple haired siren dipped her own brush in the peppermint tingle potion, then took her place beside her left nipple. “I think this one’s feeling a little left out.” She looked to Adagio for assurance. “Be my guest.” Her friend gave her permission, taking a break from her own brushing to witness Aria’s work. Even when Adagio had stopped, Fluttershy could still feel her nipple tingling intensely. The potion was unbearable. She wanted to rub it off, and hoped that the water might wash some of it away… but the siren’s had clearly chosen their potions carefully, as it was very thick and clearly water resistant. In fact, the trickling of water over her sensitive, tingling nipple was driving her insane. Now, Aria was holding a second brush ever so close to her left nipple, which was about to receive the same treatment. “Go on Aria, what are you waiting for?” Adagio asked, noticing her friend hesitate. Aria smiled, and then answered. “I want her to do it to herself.” Adagio didn’t seem to understand, but had a very good feeling about Aria’s plan. After all, Aria had been very good at humiliating Fluttershy during her spanking. The two girls stepped a little more to the side, making sure they weren’t obstructing the path of the camera’s view. “Slave.” Aria looked Fluttershy in the eyes. “M….mmmm…” The poor, aroused girl replied through pants. “I am not going to move this brush.” The bully informed her. “I’m going to hold it right here. Fluttershy looked down at the brush tip. It was so very close to her sensitive, erect nipple, but not touching it - not quite. “You are going to punish yourself this time.” Aria explained. “You are going to jiggle your breasts and brush your nipple against it, until it is covered in the peppermint tingle potion. Understand?” “mmm…” Fluttershy nodded with tears in her eyes as she pictured herself performing the shameful act. “Answer.” Aria snapped. “Y…yes….m…mmm…master….” She replied. The Dazzling still wasn’t impressed, “When I ask you a question. You will answer in full. None of this mumbling or hesitating. That makes me veryyyy angry.” She threatened. “You are a very dirty girl, and you deserve your punishment. Don’t you?” “Y…yes Master.” Fluttershy started crying, her nipple was tingling insanely. “I am a…very dirty girl and… I deserve my… punishment.” “Better.” Aria frowned, “Now, start jiggling, and look at the camera while you’re doing it.” As Fluttershy’s face flushed red, she lifted her head and looked into the camera that was recording her shame. She took another breathe to try and gather herself, then stuck out her chest and brushed the tip of her nipple against the soft bristles. “OHHHHHHH” She cried, but continued. The three bullies watched, chuckling away as Fluttershy issued her own punishment. She jiggled her breast, collecting more and more of the terrible potion on her nipple. She shuffled left and right, moaning as the sensation tormented her sensitive flesh. Aria laughed and held the brush in place, “How does it feel, slave?” She asked. Fluttershy whimpered, before answering through tears; “Ooohhh it… it… ohhh tingles… ohhh….” Adagio and Sonata burst out laughing. After a few minutes, Aria took a few seconds break to gather a second helping of potion onto her brush. She then held it back up, and nodded to Fluttershy, who continued jiggling her breasts and torture herself. “Ohhhhh….” The poor girl moaned and cried, she couldn’t take much more. “P…oooohhh please…. Please…..I…I can’t….” She sobbed, after a few minutes. “No orgasm.” Aria said sternly, “You’re really going to have to try harder Fluttershy.” Adagio warned, “If you’re having trouble with this potion, you’re really going to hate the next one.” “Ooohhhhh….please….ohhh…..” Fluttershy felt herself becoming more and more wet, every time she flickered her nipple against the brush. “We haven’t even started on her pussy yet.” Sonata added. This seemed to suddenly prompt Aria to realise that Fluttershy’s left nipple was now thickly covered by the potion. She had been almost in a trance for the past few minutes, enjoying watching her victim punish herself. The siren stopped in her trackes, then looked Fluttershy in the face. “I bet they’re tingling like crazy.” She laughed. “you’re on the absolute verge of climax, aren’t you?” “ohhhh… uhhhhhh…. Ohhh…. Y…es… master” Fluttershy had tears streaming down her face. “please… I can’t take any….mo...” Fluttershy froze in fear when she saw Sonata pick up a brush and approach her with a wicked smile across her face. She watched, silent and horrified, as the siren took the peppermint tingle potion, and dipped her brush inside. There was a moment’s pause, as Sonata swirled her brush around, collecting an awful lot of the thick liquid. She then stood not directly in front of Fluttershy, but a little to the left, again so as not to block the view of the camera. She then held the brush up to her face for her to see. Fluttershy gulped as she gazed at the green liquid, knowing exactly where Sonata was planning to apply it. “ohh… n…no…p….please…” She shook her head furiously. Very, very slowly, Sonata lowered the brush. Past Fluttershy’s chin, down her neck, past her tingling breasts, over her stomach, down her waist... Then she paused, pointing it firmly at her clit in the same way Adagio had before – only this time, it was much worse. This time, it was definitely going to happen. Fluttershy suddenly felt trails of sweat drip down her forehead along with the running water. She couldn’t stand the thought of the tingle potion touching her there. It was the most sensitive area of her entire body, it was going to drive her wild. And worse; it was going to make her orgasm. On camera. Which she was then going to be punished for, in the most embarrassing and humiliating way possible: The video would go public, the pictures would go public, and her life would be over. The Dazzlings said nothing for a while. Sonata was really enjoying the mental torture Fluttershy was going through, having the tip of the brush so very close to her clit. Knowing that at any given second, she was about to be driven wild, about to be humiliated beyond belief, and about to completely lose control… “Open your legs wider.” Sonata ordered. Fluttershy did as she was told, exposing the inner parts of her pussy to the bully, but scrunched her face and shut her eyes tight, bracing herself as much as she could, trying her best to think of something else to try and turn herself off, even just a little. "P...please....n...no..." She whimpered. A few more seconds went by, and the timid girl nervously opened one eye, to see what was going on down there. Sonata was looking her in the face, as were Adagio and Aria from the background. The anticipation was driving Fluttershy wild. Then, the tip of the brush touched her, ever so lightly, on her inner labia. “OOOOOHHHHH” Fluttershy moaned loudly, as the brush stroked downwards, “OOOOHH MY… OH PLEASE…. Ohhhh…..” Sonata then teased her opening which was now very visible. “AAHHH… ohh… AAHHHH…” Fluttershy thrashed her head backwards and started to scream. The Dazzling began to slightly dip the brush tip inside her soaking vagina. She swirled it around, laughing manically at her victims reaction. “AAHHHH…. OHHHH AHHHHHH….” Fluttershy had tears streaming down her face, the tingle potion was too much for her to stand down there. As Sonata began to work on the other side, Fluttershy started stomping and wiggling, and screaming uncontrollably. The bully dipped the brush in again, and started playing with Fluttershy’s poor pussy and teasing it mercilessly. “OHHH PLEASE… OHHH NO….AHHHHHHH!” Fluttershy thrust her hips to try and get the brush to fuck her. She knew that she wasn’t allowed to climax, but her body so desperately needed to. Sonata did not comply however, and removed the brush from her opening, only to slowly swirl it up the other side of her pussy, stopping when she reached the side of her clit. “OH MY…. OHHH…. PLEASE…. AHHHHH…. OHHHH… PLEASE….PLEASE!!!” Fluttershy panted heavily and screamed as her clit was refused the attention it craved. “Please what?” Sonata asked. She already knew what Fluttershy needed, but she wanted her to say it out loud for the camera phone to record. “OHHH PLEASE… JUST LET ME… OHH…” The poor girl turned to look at Adagio and Aria, who were sniggering by the phone. Sonata continued to brush up and down the inside of Fluttershy’s pussy, avoiding her throbbing clitoris that was so very desperate for attention. “Let you do what?” She asked. “I…OHHH I CAN’T TAKE…. ANY…. MORE” Fluttershy thrashed about, “I… NEED TO…. COME…. OHHHH…. PLEASE... AHHHH....” Sonata stopped for a moment, giving the poor girl a slight glimmer of hope. Then, she replenished her brush with more potion, and continued to work on either side of Fluttershy’s labia lips. Fluttershy felt her eyes roll back in her head. The brush was getting so close, but stopping before it touched the area which needed stimulating the most. Her whole pussy was tingling, and she was extremely desperate for climax. After a few more minutes of the torture, Sonata stopped once again. She took a moment to witness the distress of her screaming, crying victim. Then, she positioned the brush tip as close to Fluttershy’s clit as she could get without touching it, and gave an instruction. “Beg." She ordered, "Look at the camera, and beg." > Shocked > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy had never felt so helpless, so humiliated, and yet so incredibly turned on. She was now completely at the mercy of Sonata, who held the paint brush coated with peppermint tingle potion mere millimeters from her pounding clitoris. The camera phone was still recording, and caught a good, clear view of her exposed body. Either side of the stool upon which it was rested, Aria and Adagio were standing, looking very content at her distress. Fluttershy moaned and screamed simultaneously as sweat dripped down her forehead and tears rolled down her blushing cheeks. Both her nipples were tingling so much now that it was almost painful, and the inside of her pussy was also suffering the effects of the terrible potion. She longed to remove it, but with her hands tied tightly behind the shower pole, she couldn’t. And now, Sonata was about to apply the potion to the most sensitive part of her entire body, and drive her to orgasm. Climaxing in front of the three bullies was humiliating enough, but to make matters worse, she had not yet been given permission to do so. At the beginning of her pussy torture, Adagio had made it very clear, that relieving herself without permission would issue a punishment so dreadful that Fluttershy couldn’t even bare to think about it. All of the videos and pictures that they had taken of her that afternoon, would be posted onto the school website, for every student and member of staff to see. Fluttershy wept hopelessly, once that potion was applied, she knew there was absolutely no way she could hold it. Her body would betray her, and her life would be over. She closed her eyes tightly, and braced herself for the worst, but then Sonata spoke the words which gave her a microscopic, weak, and unstable glimmer of hope; but a glimmer of hope none the less. “Beg.” The blue haired Dazzling ordered, still holding the brush firm as though she had Fluttershy at gun-point. “Look at the camera, and beg.” Futtershy opened her tearful eyes, and looked pleadingly at Sonata, then to Adagio and Aria. Her attempts of begging for mercy so far had been in vain, but maybe this time, maybe if she tried her absolute best… maybe there was a chance they would grant her permission to relieve herself. She shifted her gaze to the camera, and tried to control her moans as best she could. Then, she started to beg. “Please….I’m… ohh….I’m begging you. Let… me….ahhhh…. come. Please…. Have… mercy.” Fluttershy noticed the unimpressed faces of the sirens, and realised her effort wasn’t good enough. “Ohhhh please M…masters… I…I’ll do anything… please let me come… I need it… I need it so badly. I… I’ll do whatever you want, just please give….ohhhh give me… permission to… ohhhhh” She continued. “You’ve been a very bad girl, Slave.” Adagio frowned. “Yes…. Yes… I… I’m sorry master I’ve been a very… bad girl… and I beg your forgiveness… please….. I need to come…” The Dazzling’s laughed; they had never heard Fluttershy talk so much unprovoked, especially not about a subject like this, but the shy girl was willing to say anything, however humiliating, to finally get her release and avoid being publicly humiliated. She continued to surprise them, as she begged even more. “I am completely at your….. ohhh… mercy…. I can’t take any… more… please masters... please… I will behave from now on… I will do whatever you… say… ahhhhhh please grant me permission to come… this is torture… my…. my….” she hung her head, “my pussy is…. throbbing… it can’t… ohhh stand any more p.….PLEASE MASTERS…. Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!” The three girls couldn’t believe how far they had pushed her, or how much they had broken her, but Adagio in particular seemed very content with their progress. She approached Sonata, and put a hand on her friends shoulder. “Sonata, step back.” She instructed her friend. “Wha…” Sonata lowered the brush and in confusion and backed away from her shaking victim. “Adagio, what are you...” Her mind was suddenly put at ease however, when her friend picked up a brush of her own, followed by the bottle of glittering purple potion. Fluttershy watched wide eyed as Adagio dipped her brush into the potion. Once the tip had been coated, she noticed that the glittering effect was actually caused by tiny sparks of electricity that weaved in and out of the thick purple liquid. Adagio then read the label on the bottle. “Volt Vibration Potion. This potion sends small jolts of electricity to the area where it is applied causing it to vibrate. Warning, using on wet skin will intensify the jolts greatly.” Fluttershy gulped. “I have to say,” Adagio grinned, “I was very impressed by your begging this time. You must really be desperate.” “I….I am master.” Nodded the timid girl, “p…please… le…” “So.” Adagio interrupted, “I’ve decided to give you a chance to earn your release. Aren’t I kind?” “What? Adagio!” Aria butted in, but the head siren lifted her hand, silencing her. “Y…yes…T….Thank you…. Ohh… master….” Fluttershy cried between pants. “Here’s what we’re gona do.” Adagio flickered the paint brush in front of her victims face menacingly. “I’m going to cover this brush, and apply this vibrating, electrifying potion, to your poor, throbbing clit.” “Ohhhh myyy…” Fluttershy couldn’t help it, just the thought of that was turning her brain to mush. Adagio then pointed to the bottle. “It says here that water will greatly intensify the volts.” She informed her. “Your body is already pretty wet, but what would happen if I….” The frizzy haired girl reached behind Fluttershy and pulled the shower head down. She then turned to Aria, signalling for her to hold it. Her friend complied, now a little more confident about Adagio’s actions. Once again, Fluttershy began to feel extremely nervous. “After I have applied the potion….” Adagio told Fluttershy, “Aria is going to hold the shower head over your pussy. That alone would be enough to get most girls off, but in your predicament; with your clit helplessly coated in that potion, vibrating, and being shocked by volt after volt of electric waves… it is going to take some extreme will power to hold it.” “Ohhh no… p…please master… permission to…ahhhh” Fluttershy started stuttering and squirming helplessly. “Five minutes.” Adagio continued. “You will hold it for five minutes, and then I will give you permission to come. Relieving you from your wretched state and saving you the humiliation of this video and everything else we have recorded of you, being shared with the world.” “F….five… n…. no I…. I can’t… master please… mercy…” The poor girl cried, knowing there was no way she could handle it. Adagio ignored her, and bought the brush close to her eyes, forcing her to look at it. Then, she lowered it down her body, and crouched, ready to apply it. “N…no….ohhh please…” Fluttershy continued to beg, Adagio looked her in the eyes, and replied coldly; “And you know the consequences, if you orgasm before I give you permission.” The two girls took a moment to admire the look of horror on Fluttershy’s face when the brush with the Volt Vibration Potion was held to her clit. Then, contact. “AAAAHHHHHHH!!!” She screamed louder than ever before as Adagio touched the left of her clitoris with the paint brush, and the horrible potion fizzed and vibrated, before issuing small zaps to the area. “AAAAAAAHHHH NO!!! OHHHH!! AHHHH!!!” Adagio now brushed the potion to the other side of her clit, then slowly upwards, and back down. “AAAAAAHH OHHHH NOOO!!! OH PLEASE!!!” Fluttershy felt the volts tormenting her poor sensitive area, and thrashed her head back and forth as her body shook uncontrollably. Adagio took her time, and flickered the bristles across the lower part of her clit, then applied more potion, and circled the area, making sure it was completely covered. Fluttershy couldn’t help but twitch and struggle, which only served to assist Adagio in coating the surrounding area in volt vibration potion, too. “AAAAAAAAAHHHH NO… NOOOO… AHHHH!!!!” Adagio didn’t lay off, she carried on caking Fluttershy’s clitoris. The poor girl felt herself getting very, very wet, but she had to hold it, she couldn’t go too far, she had to endure it. Volt after volt tickled and tortured her, dancing across her delicate flesh and causing her to scream over and over… Then, Adagio did something terrible. She dipped her brush into the Volt Vibration potion, and held it to Fluttershy’s opening. “Aria, ready the shower head.” She told her friend, who complied. Adagio then pressed the tip of the brush to the soaking hole, and applied potion just around the rim. “AAAAAAAHHHHHH!” Fluttershy cried, shaking her head and sobbing as she hopelessly fought for control over her body. “Five minutes.” Adagio warned her, then looked at her watch. “Staring…. Now.” She nodded to Aria, who bought the shower head down over Fluttershy’s pussy. The poor girl screamed at the top of her lungs when the water reacted with the electric potion, causing the volts to shock her, and her clit to vibrate manically. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!” The sirens laughed evilly and Aria held the shower head firm. They positioned themselves either side of her, making sure that the camera caught everything. Fluttershy’s screams got louder as the water soaked her mound, her knees became weak, and her mind was extremely fuzzy. The zaps of electricity now jolted through her entire body, but her poor clitoris was getting it the worst. “Moan for me, Slave.” Adagio took the opportunity to pinch her left, tingling nipple. “AAAAAAAHHH OHHHHHH AHHHHHHH!!” Fluttershy tried her best, but she just couldn’t stop screaming. “You’re a dirty little slut.” Adagio continued, “Aren’t you! Look at the camera and say you’re a dirty little slut!” “AAAAAAAAAAAHH I…. OOOOOOHHH AH…. I’M… I…. DIR…..AHHHHHHH!!” She couldn’t do it, she was on the brink of orgasm, despite being fully aware that it probably hadn’t even been a minute yet. “I said SAY IT.” Adagio twisted her nipple hard. “OWWWWWWWWWW AHHHHHHHHHH I…. IM A DIR….AHHHHHH DIRTY…. AHHH LITTLE… OHHH…. OH NO…. NOOO!!!!” Suddenly, Fluttershy felt her mind break down, and opened her mouth wide to scream louder than ever before, as a wave of energy built up in her body. “Don’t you dare!!” Adagio threatened. Sonata pointed to the camera as a warning. “OHHHHHHHH NO…. NO….. NO….” Fluttershy panicked, trying to regain control of herself. The water dripping over her clit was driving her to the brink of insanity. She couldn’t take any more, the vibrations, the volts, the tingling, it was agonising yet extremely, extremely arousing. “Don’t. You. Dare. Disobey me.” Adagio pinched both her nipples at the same time. Fluttershy shook furiously as she pleaded her own body not to betray her. “NO….NONONO….OH PLEASE NO…. NO….. AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!” Aria held onto the shower head, not giving Fluttershy a single second of mercy from the water, despite her state. Fluttershy’s clit pounded harder than ever, and she became wetter and wetter, and screamed louder and louder, and then… “NONONO… PLEASE… OHHHH NO… OH NO… NO….. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!” Suddenly, a shattering orgasm took over her entire body, and she screamed at the top of her lungs as wave after wave of come left her soaking mound. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” She cried, as the release prolonged itself, dripping down her legs and draining what was left of her energy. Aria removed the shower head from Fluttershy’s pussy, and all three of the Dazzling’s stood and watched as she had the longest and most powerful orgasm they had ever known. Her body trembled as though it was being properly electrocuted, her eyes rolled back into her head, and her body thrust itself forwards, spasming completely out of control. “AAAAAAAAAHHHH...HHHHHHH….HHHHH….hhh…ahhhh….” She continued, as her vision became blurry and her body shook furiously. “AAAAAHHHHH….hhhhhh….aahhhh……ohhhh…..ohhhh.” Finally, after a good few minutes, her screams faded to loud moans, then to quieter moans, then to heavy pants, and her body and mind collapsed simultaneously and she flopped forwards, in a zombie-like state. In her last few seconds of consciousness, Fluttershy saw a faint vision of Adagio approaching her. The orange blur came closer and closer, then mouthed two words which Fluttershy barely caught as she blacked out. “You... failed.” > Saved? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy was awoken with a sharp slap across her cheek. She weakly opened her eyes to find that her body, although still naked, had been moved and re-positioned. She was now sitting in the benched area, but this time, she was securely tied up in an unusual fashion. A rope around her waist trailed behind her back and bound her wrists together as before. Only this time, it lead down beneath the rear of the seat. It ran under the bench, and reappeared out the front, where it was wrapped tightly around her left leg. It then looped back around, and through the rope behind her, securing itself. The same process had been applied to her right leg, separating the two and exposing her pussy for all to see. It then once again ran beneath the seat and was wrapped this time around her lower stomach, pushing her breasts up and outwards. The final knot was tied behind her, and securing Fluttershy’s body to the bench, forcing her to sit with her goods on display. To top things off, she had been gagged. A thick piece of material that she could only assume was a scarf, had been shoved into her mouth and tied tightly around the back of her head. It took a few minutes for Fluttershy to regain consciousness, but when she did, a million fearful thoughts danced in her mind. She struggled in her bonds, but they were tight. She couldn’t get up, she couldn’t make a noise, she could barely move. Then, Fluttershy heard three familiar voices taunting her simultaneously, and the Dazzling’s appeared in front of her. “That was quite a performance.” Sonata giggled, “You’re a dirty little bitch.” Aria snapped evilly. Then, Adagio approached her, holding a certain object which made Fluttershy’s heart pound. It was the camera phone. “You disobeyed me.” She said, in a calm yet terrifying tone. “You know what that means. Don’t you.” Adagio turned the phone to face the bound girl, and flicked through humiliating picture after humiliating picture of Fluttershy’s naked body, undergoing the terrible punishment that it had been subjected to all afternoon. She played a section of the video, showing Fluttershy moaning and having her poor nipples and pussy tortured mercilessly. The silhouettes of the three Siren’s had been blacked out, and replaced with blurry, grey figures – they were unrecognisable. Fluttershy felt herself welling up as she was forced to watch. Then, Adagio showed her some photos that she was unaware had been taken. They were of her unconscious body, with her pussy still dripping with come. Adagio presented images of various angles, including shots of her swollen red ass, her erect nipples, and her naked self being tied up with her private parts in full view. Being forced to look at those embarrassing photos made Fluttershy cry once again. She snivelled through her gag and tried her best to plead with her captures. “Mfffhh… mmmmhhhfff!” She sobbed. “Sonata.” Adagio beckoned to her friend. “You took most of these photos, would you like to do the honors?” “I’d love to.” Sonata beamed in delight, and reached out to take the phone from her friend. “Mmmmmfffh!! Mfffhhh!!” Fluttershy continued to shake her head as tears streamed from her face. Adagio decided that she was going to do whatever she could to let the whole thing sink right into the poor, timid girls anxious mind. Sonata was clearly on board with letting Fluttershy suffer a little longer, before delivering the final blow which would completely ruin her social life. “Just imagine it.” Adagio licked her lips, “every student at school logging onto the website, seeing your body in all its glory. Watching you cry, and beg, and moan, and…. come.” She smiled at Fluttershy, “in mere moments they will all be staring at your perky little breasts, watching you get spanked on your plump, red ass, and enjoying a good view of your throbbing, wet pussy.” “Mmmmmffff.” Fluttershy couldn’t stand to think about it. She struggled in her bonds, hoping, wishing for a miracle to save her. “It’s going to be the most humiliating thing in the world.” Adagio continued, “you’re about to be exposed to the whole school, and there is nothing you can do about it. Everything has already been uploaded to the status box. All that’s left to do now, is give a single click to post them.” “mmmhhhh!!! MFFFHHHHH!!!!!” The poor girl sobbed and scrunched her face tightly, imagining the utter embarrassment she was about to face. “Are you ready?” Adagio asked slyly, Once again, Fluttershy furiously shook her head, and tried to beg through her gag, but Adagio ignored her. “Sonata.” The head siren turned to her companion, “do it.” “MMMMFFFFFFHHHHH!!!!” Fluttershy gave a loud muffled whine, as the blue haired Dazzling lifted her finger to press the button on the phone which was about to shame her publicly, making her worst nightmare come true. Sonata lowered her finger slowly, enjoying every second of the wicked deed. It gradually came closer and closer to the screen. Fluttershy shut her eyes tightly, she couldn’t bear to see it happen. And then…. *Crash* The three girls turned in surprise, as the changing room door suddenly flew open. Aria and Sonata were shoved to the side, causing Sonata to drop the phone, which was quickly retrieved by Adagio. Fluttershy timidly opened her eyes, and there, in the doorway, was her good friend… Rainbow Dash. “Mffmfffmhhhh!!” She squirmed in her bonds. “Fluttershy!!!” Rainbow froze at the sight of her best friend, totally nude and tied up on the bench. “What is going on here?!” Her face grew red with anger when she noticed the look of distress upon Fluttershy’s soaked face. “What the hell have you guys done to my friend?!?” She grabbed the nearest Dazzling – Sonata – by the scruff of her neck, and gritted her teeth angrily. “Urm… we…. Uh…” Sonata panicked, not sure what to say. Rainbow Dash clenched her fist, “I’m going to kill you for this!!!” She growled, and prepared herself to hit Sonata. “We… we were just having fun!” Aria butted in nervously, “Fluttershy loved it. Didn’t you Fluttershy?!” “Mmmmfffhhhhh!!!” Fluttershy cried, shaking her head once more. “I knew something was up when you said you had to meet your friend for a private yoga class!” Rainbow told her, “So I went to your cottage to see what was up, and when it got dark, and you still weren’t there… I came to check what was going on.” Fluttershy had never felt so thankful to have Rainbow Dash as a friend. The loyal tomboy had seemed pretty skeptical when they parted ways after school, and now, she had saved her. “But this isn’t what I was expecting to find!” Rainbow Dash continued, “And I certainly wasn’t expecting to have to beat the crap out of three evil bitches today, but I guess that’s what’s gonna happen!” She lifted her fist, and swung it back, ready to smack Sonata right in the face, but she was interrupted. “Oh, I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” A sneering voice called from behind her. “What?” Rainbow was surprised by Adagio’s confidence, but she didn’t take her eyes off Sonata. “You see.” The head Siren continued, whilst backing as far away from Rainbow Dash as possible, “I have a little something here; a little something that could destroy your friend’s life… forever.” “What are you talking about?” Rainbow snarled. “Oh, just a few… photos.” Adagio replied calmly, “And… videos.” Rainbow Dash hesitated for a moment when she realised what the Dazzling meant. “What! No you don…” she started to say, “Oh but I do.” Adagio chuckled, “just ask Fluttershy.” Rainbow reluctantly turned her head for a brief second, to find her naked friend nodding and sobbing on the bench. “Pictures of Fluttershy.” The Dazzling bully continued, “Naked. Exposed. Being humiliated, spanked, washed, tortured, tied up, and made to orgasm. We were just about to post them onto the school website actually, for every student in the school to see.” Fluttershy hung her head and blushed, still crying her eyes out, indicating that what Adagio said was true. “What!!” Rainbow suddenly shoved Sonata to the ground, and turned to charge at Adagio. However, the Dazzling leader was at least four meters away from her, and firmly held the camera phone, with her finger ready to press the button on the screen at any given second. “Uh uh.” She taunted, “One more step, and I’ll click to post everything. Can you imagine what that would do to such a shy, timid little girl like Fluttershy? She would just die of embarrassment. She wouldn’t be able to show her face in school again, she wouldn’t be able to look any one in the eyes again! It would totally ruin her life.” Rainbow snarled furiously, “Don’t. You. Dare.” She warned, “I swear Adagio, you post those pictures and it will be the last thing you ever do!” “Oh Rainbow Dash, you’re always so reckless.” The Dazzling replied, “I’m sure if you stopped and thought about it for a second, you would realise the situation you are in.” “You disgusting little…” Rainbow was fuming, “I’m going to knock you out!” Suddenly, Rainbow Dash heard the changing room door close behind her. Adagio had managed to re-adjust the latch, fitting it back in its frame. She then reached into her backpack and took out the key, locking the door once more. “What do you think you’re doi…” Rainbow started to shout. “Be quiet.” Adagio snapped, “You came in here to save Fluttershy, didn’t you? “I am going to save Fluttershy!” The colourful haired girl scowled, “and I’m going to beat you and your friends to a pulp!” Adagio rolled her eyes, which only served to irritate Rainbow Dash further. “I guess you’re too dumb to understand, so I’ll have to explain it to you.” The Siren sighed. “If you take one step closer to me, I will press this button. If you attack any of my friends, I will press this button. If you threaten us, or give us any more abuse, I will press this button. Get the picture?” “Grrrrr I…..you….grrrr!!!” Rainbow Dash was reluctantly starting to understand. “Fluttershy is lucky that you burst in when you did.” Adagio continued, “And you are lucky too. Had you arrived one second later, you may not have had a chance to save her from public exposure.” “What are you…talking about?!” Rainbow asked angrily, becoming increasingly annoyed. “Even an athlete like you wouldn’t be able to tackle me before I tapped my finger upon this button.” The Dazzling explained. “Hell, any attempt would be extremely risky. The screen is incredibly sensitive. Fluttershy is lucky that the pictures didn’t get posted after you knocked the phone out of Sonata’s hands.” “Stop babbling!” Rainbow still wasn’t getting it, “come over here and fight me!” “So, I take it you don’t want a chance to save Fluttershy?” Adagio teased, “Alright, then I’ll just quickly post these pictures and videos, and then you can beat me up, sound good?” “W… No! Don’t you press anything! No!” The blue skinned girl suddenly realised the predicament, “Okay, fine, I won’t hurt you! I won’t hurt any of you, just… give me that phone and we’ll continue being mortal enemies none-physically.” She suggested, reluctantly. To her surprise, Adagio shook her head. “You’re not listening.” She said sternly. “Just calm down, and listen.” She lifted the phone, and turned it to face Rainbow. It was quite a distance away, but Dash could just about make out the various private body parts of her friend as Adagio swiped through the uploaded images. She turned her head in disgust as the Siren spoke once more. “I can ruin Fluttershy’s life with the click of a button. It will take less than a second, and there is nothing you can do to stop me.” She tried to explain as calmly as she could, “but I am going to give you a chance. All you have to do, is put your own pride and dignity aside, to save hers.” Rainbow Dash looked at Fluttershy, tied up on the bench with her breasts forced upwards, and her legs spread apart. Her face was flushed red with embarrassment, her body was soaking wet. Tears streamed down from the terrified girls crystal blue eyes, as she watched helplessly. After a few seconds, Rainbow realised the truth; that right now, she was just as helpless as Fluttershy. “Well.” Adagio tapped her foot impatiently, “what’s it going to be Rainbow? How far are you willing to go to save your friend?” She asked. “That is, if you really are as loyal as they say.” “What… what do you want?” Rainbow Dash asked after a moment’s hesitation. “Hmmmm let’s see.” Adagio pondered for a moment before replying, “how about this. I’ll delete five pictures from those uploaded, if you….” She paused for effect, whilst Sonata and Adagio started giggling in the background. “If I what?!” Rainbow Dash stomped her foot. The head siren grinned viciously, held the phone up with her finger hovering over the button, looked Rainbow Dash in the eyes and said…. “Strip. Right now. In front of us.” To Be Continued.