> The Only Twilight > by Ink Script > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Only Twilight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sky rumbled overhead, and no two girls could hear it like them. The lean-to tent rippled and tugged at its spikes and the clips that bound it to hooks in Nero's side. The cover over the mesh roof was off, and the sky was naked before them. A blow-up mattress cushioned them from the harsh coldness of the summit's ground, and they were protected from the cold by a very heavy, large, thick blanket meant for this, so large it barely fit in the car at all. They wrapped themselves in that blanket, which also cushioned their backs against Nero's passenger door. By now the hour was sometime past midnight, and their coffee had long be depleted and dry, and the conversation had gone quiet. Twilight shivered, wondering to herself if perhaps they had driven too far, having to sleep into the mountains to fill a cooler of alchemy ingredients. Sunset slipped behind her from her side and held onto her, probably sleepily. Sharing warmth ... that was what was going on. Simple survival and comfort strategies, of course! She gave another little shiver as the skin on Sunset's cheek brushed and laid against the skin of her neck. After a moment, she felt the slight warmth of the other girl, the alien from a parallel world ... but then the warmth grew ... she felt it before ... magic. Over the tummy of her shirt, Sunset's hands grew very warm, and as if a blanket, that warmth spread, covering her head to toe. Minutes passed in that warm, full-body pressure, and after a few glimpses into the night above, she closed her eyes, another strange day with aliens coming to and end ... and then she felt something new start, the warmth growing distinct at a point on a side of her back, then many more points came into her awareness along her lower back, like two hands of fingertips spread over her lower back, nearly as warm as melted skin wax. This ... This had to be some manner of survival technique! Her attempts to even begin to analyze the alien's possible intentions faltered when the soft, warm points traveled up her back, pushing and warming the the polyester blend of her blouse and vest, and at the same time, Sunset breathed deep, chest pressing against Twilight's back, and her hands on her tummy pressed in a little. There was a shudder of a quiet breath that Twilight had not anticipated from herself, and divorced from her will, her back arched and stretched. The points gathered at the back and top of her neck, and though she did not feel the band leave, her hair, she felt it tumbling down, a lock of it resting on Sunset's nose. She didn't move, but listened to a tremble in Sunset's breath flowing along the fine hairs of her neck for minutes. Then the points rolled down over Twilight's shoulders and glided down the front of her like trickles of water, the points' path framing a path hugging the contours of her breasts. Somewhere, she heard a din of whispers in her voice ... reason, logic, questioning ... but she couldn't hear the specifics of the protests. The pads of Sunset's fingers trembling, they started to glide and hover upwards as the points of magical touch curled around her thighs and rested, pressing gently warm just below and around her hips. Her thoughts felt foggy ... she named to herself in her thoughts about the sensations in cold, scientific terms, but she couldn't think long enough for feelings to dedicate to the thoughts ... all she could focus on was the first thump in her chest of a more urgently beating heart as Sunset's trembling fingers grazed to the soft beginning of her breasts, feeling the warm through her clothes, the pressure steady, ridged, but so slight. Sunset found two cold, firm points with the pad of her index fingers, and the fingers rubbed against slow, soft ... warm. Twilight's hip came out against Sunset, the magic points resisting, but not stopping her. Her lip began to tremble. Sunset took a heavy breath, her chest pressed to Twilight making Twilight take on the same breath. This ... this was ... now? Like this? I didn't anticipate this ... I want to know her secrets ... but can I? Should I? No ... Y-Yes ... Who was she, right now? Sunset kept her hands above her, cupping, pressuring, for only a moment, and still trembling, still so ... pleadingly in her fingertips, her hands lifted, fell on her waist and tugged gently, pulling her top from her skirt. Twilight had a thought, and it came out a near-whispered whimper that tingled from her chest down to a place that ... that started to warm on its own, and fast! The winds around them sailed past in a surge, the mountain seemingly exhaling with her. She felt the climb of Sunset's fingers again, this time on her skin. She gave two quick breaths and her back arched again as the fingers climbed, the magic points also riding up her back, meltingly warm as they stopped on and loose loosed the clasp of her bra, then began dance on the bare skin. Sunset's fingers softly nuzzled under the wire, and the bra went loose in her top. Sunset's middle and ring fingers rose up and just started to graze the curve of her breasts when at the instant, Twilight felt Sunset's thighs around her tremble and warm, and in her back, Twilight could feel Sunset's chest pushing into her as she gave two trembling gasps. The wind seeping into the lean to was spiced with cedar and pine and rain mist, and just as her nipples became points in the air, Sunset's palms covered them. The bare skin of her midsection chilled in the air! Where was the blanket? Had it fallen? -Wasn't there- Something more important going on? Something ... just as the chill started from the bottom of her chest to the band of her underwear, the magic touches came back, as molten as before, trailed like wax down her back, slowing the closer they got to her tailbone ... and a pair a a time, each touch would glide around her legs, each pair of touches looping closer to her, and her thighs shuddered as on each pass, her legs opened, little by little. Twilight felt herself bring her hip forwards, sliding herself forward, then raising her legs, putting her feet down outside of Sunset's. The magic points made their final loop and ... seemed to stop by short of that point on her cotton panties that had begun to get so warm! Why! Why stop now? Wait, that wasn't her! Twilight didn't do this sort of thing! She thought that and instantly her happiest voice rang out. 'Trust her! It's okay! She'll protect you here, too!' Sunset's left hand rested between Twilight's breasts and the right hand started to slide down, cold, but leaving her skin flush in its wake. "S-Sunset! S-Sunset ..." The chest behind her trembled hammer blows for a moment. "Twi ... light ... Please ... I ... n-need to. Y-You ... please ..." And for a moment, Twilight Sparkle, the intellectual, the girl who watched the gears of science ... she knew it all in cold truth ... she could stop this ... Her hands darted on her tummy and intercepted Sunset's hands, cuppling them, lacing them at the gentle steady pressure from them. This was going to be intercourse. H-Her ... h-having human-alien intercourse. Wh-Whatever she hoped to learn, using herself as a test subject wasn't good science ... it wasn't ... The magic points made a counter-argument, gliding on her inn thighs, squeezing her at the sides hotly as she shudders more and more. Sunset slid forward then, and under the blanket, her body was on Sunset's, and Sunset's hands stilled, holding onto her. For a moment, there was only breathing. Then magic tugged, slipping the top and the bra away and putting them down near. Twilight felt the satiny blue of Sunset's mini-dress down to her waist, where she felt the warm, courser texture of denim. The was tinging and cold at her exposed upper body, but on her chest, her back, her skin ... somehow she was also so impossibly warm, impervious to cold! Then Sunset's right hand started downwards again, and instead of stopping her, she guided her with just a ounce of resistance, slowing her as the hand came to the band of her skirt, and then she stopped the hand, pushing it into her goosebumping pale skin just above that point of no return, and press the hand did, and the demin thrust into her from behind. This had to be it ... this didn't need to ... but SHE needed to! For a long moment, they were both still. They both looked up out into the stars, closer to the sky than anybody else, and the winds went silky, soft ... They were alone ... She was alone ... and with Sunset. Was ... Sunset doing this because of that Princess out there? In Sunset's mind, was she doing this to somebody else, and only used her because they were identical? If she let herself call out Sunset's name, would Sunset hear -her-, the girl from Earth, or would she hear the pony in her own world ... Twilight had to know ... had to know that if she had this moment with Sunset, it was only them two. "S-Sunset ... " She whispered, stifled, and her toes clawed into the mattress. "I'm ... I'm the only one, Sunset ... promise ... promise I'm the only Twilight to you ... like this." Sunset was quiet for a longer moment, her breathing calming. "When ... I talk to her, I hear her voice and imagine you r-reflexively. When you talk to me, I only ... I only imagine that the night will last forever." The answer wasn't a revelation, but it hugged her closely. Sunset Shimmer had never lied to her. She ... She was able to protect herself now, but ... she ... she always knew Sunset would protect her just in case. She took in a long breath, and loosened her press on the hand, and with a storm of trembling, the hand started to graze down. She didn't believe in the glory of something so abstract as love, but ... but ... but she only tensed tirelessly in her legs and gave a little thrust of her hips. The nails slanted and the fingertips padded under the band of her skirt, then her panties, touching down of fine, unseeable little hair that signaled the beginning of her ... slope, but the three extended fingers ... stopped. The warm, magical touches came to life again, this time, slowly petting her shape under the cotton, as if seeking her, so close and yet so far, but oh so close! She gave an electric clench deep inside and lightly moaned, rubbing herself against the magic, and the points rewarded, traveling up and to her sides ... then starting to pull down her panties. Her legs started to tremble, even as they closed, yielding to the shimmering glow pulling that final line down her legs, and they stayed closed. Sunset's hand pulled back her hand from under the band of the skirt, and for a moment, Twilight was alone, an island of saturating heat under a winter wind. The sky could see her now, and she knew that ought to scare her, that it ought to make her feel like a less psychologically complex creature ... but instead she leaned her head back, and when she turned her head, she, looked into sleepy, urgent eyes. Sunset Shimmer did not look away or look pained and apologetic, but instead looked at Twilight with the most thankful tinge. Sunset was ... happy, and that was ...it was the only thought Twilight could think to want. The points of warm magic collected on the pads of Sunset's fingers on both hands, and with her right hand, reached out and grazed the inside of the lower thighs of Twilight's closed, cold legs, and with tightening, tingling breaths, her legs started to part and yield. Sunset's arm arched over and under the skirt, parting her legs more than more, and then Twilight felt the fingers hovering above her, the warmth feeling rich and glowing. Twilight reached down after spending the moment nearing hyperventilation, and rested her fingers over Sunset's hand. Then, controlling Sunset's hand with her palm and pads of her fingers, gently pushed down on the knuckle of Sunset's middle finger. As Twilight parted, tension traveled down from her down to her soft, blushing slope in a snap, and she gasped a whimper. She parted and the touch was cold than warm, warming than anything. She slowly guided Sunset in more, her own finger going in. She was a cushion of satin, tingling, welcoming satin. She put on upwards pressure on the finger, and the magically warm pads where gently pressed upwards, She squeezed on Sunset's touch ... on her own touch. There was more desperation in Sunset's eyes now, and Twilight met her gaze, questioning, not-questioning, happily helplessly. She guided Sunset out of her, the tip of the finger keeping her parted, and slowly pushed them both back in, she clenched again, and she arched her look upwards, eyes closed. Her hips swung on top of sunset's denim, and she clenched as much as she could when she did, little gasps coming out of her. Again and again, she brought Sunset into her, and a point higher became hot enough to make her wince. S-She knew what to do, and she brought Sunset out, but she didn't take her hand of the other girl's. Instead, she brought the hand up and held it to her spot. Still wet from Twilight, Sunset gently tucked the pad of her middle finger on Twilight's spot and began a slow drawing of the ABCs. It was thunder, her lower body shocked by the touch, and Twilight took a deep, hurried breath. Then the points came back, two of them gliding the edges of her, only slightly parting her but not going in, but then she froze as a few points left, rolled over the rounds of her rear, and slowly closed in on her ... warming, just ... just lightly pushing! Her hip when to the left, and everything at work followed her. It was like being held. She swung her hip to the right, and everything followed unceasingly. She started to only breathe in whimpering gasps, and in her ear, Sunset quietly mirrored her. Twilight felt her other hand stretching, and quickly, it sought under Sunset, found the warmest point on the denim between Sunset's legs, and started to rub, pushing at the fabric, demanding that it somehow disappear! And that's all it took for Sunset reach with her magic, undo her jeans and slide them halfway to her knees, leaving Twilight to get past just one last sheet of fabric. She could feel damp warmth, contours of Sunset trying to take Twilight in to no avail, and with a deep breath Twilight reached, and still could not bend her wrist to get the band of Sunset's ... silken underwear, so she brought in her nails, clawing the soft-as-a-bubble fabric into her grasp, lightly clawing the rear of the other girl. Sunset shuddered, and in response, the magic points over her part pushed in, somehow feeling solid, but again, as soft as a lotion bubble! As the magic started inside, the warm magic over her other place pressured in more and become solid, gliding in with cool, wet ease. Twilight clawed a little harder on the fabric. Her whole body was shaking, and she needed that last separation away! Sunset arched her back and at last, the underwear was suddenly pulled off, Twilight tremoring, and Sunset shocked under her, as if reluctant, as if shy. Her own hand shaking, she found Sunset and desperately went inside, and then, there, the first of them let out a fully-voiced moan to the stars above. Sunset's left had pushed firmer on Twilight chest then came to glide up Twilight's neck. She padded a finger on Twilight's lips, and Twilight let her in, cradling the finger with her tongue as she closed her lips around it. The moment of tasting Sunset's left finger, she did not begin to understand but she did it anyways. Nothing mattered, nothing but feeling the tremors rocking Sunset with ever slow inch Twilight went. When the finger left her mouth, it slipped, wet and cozy, on her heating, blushing spot, and snuggles it. Sunset's right hand switched with her magic, and with her hand, she traveled at Twilight's parting back and forth, only going inside, melting, sweating her, she she thrust her hips enough. The rhythm of it all came into being. More points of glowing warmth flowed to where she had never thought she'd be touched. A droplet of her herself ran down the surface of that hot place, and she let out her own moan, and just as she tried to toss her head to get out this strange pressure inside her, Sunset nuzzled through the back of her hair, and Twilight felt warm lips and careful teeth close brushingly on her neck. And then, things fell into a blur, a rhythm ... a kaleidoscope, and everywhere she focused, she moaned more and more. In the midst of it, while her hips attacked and she refused to let anything leave her, she wondered in the background. Was this so animal? So many reactions, her nervous system ablaze, but was it so unreasonable that to think in this moment of capture there was something more profound? She stretched her thumb and found Sunset's spot, and they rubbed and swung their hips, flush skin on flush skin, cream poured over radiant strawberries. All of Sunset was her's now and all of her was Sunset's! And then she was aware of her own point, and a heat hotter than liquid metal flowed inside, and while it didn't hurt, she felt it in her, making her grip on Sunset hard, making her moans pleading, raspy, rolling. Her legs started tremble more and she started to hear everything begin to quiet. Her breath stopped and something grew. She pushed hard on Sunset began the same tremble, and Sunset drew her actions slow and then to a stop, leaving herself still inside her. For a moment, Twilight felt like she was hotter than the sun ... she felt more powerful than gravity! More! More! She gasps as somehow Sunset understood, pushing and pushing, so warm ... in and out ... around and across, so safe and so sunlit hot! She started begging with no thought behind to Sunset. "Please, please please ... ple ... ple ... ah!" Something shot through everything Sunset had touched, her whole world clenched and held and she drove herself firmly in Sunset and Sunset drove in her! She opened her mouth, convulsions slammed in them into each other, and it took the better part of ten seconds to get out the loudest cry out she had ever given about anything, and Sunset had her lips pressed against Twilight's back, her own finish whimpered, moaned directly into her cold, bare neck. The stayed that way for a long, blinding moment, and then they where quiet, trembling. Twilight let her hand fall gently out of Sunset and the other girl did the same. The freezing air wisping successfully into the blanket, it found them flushed where they had been ... almost glow with the blush of roses. Twilight turned and held onto Sunset, arms around her now-wrinkled mini-dress. Sunset held her just as urgently, wrapping the blanket around them in a cocoon. They panted on each others' necks with a slowing pace It was uncomfortable, the folds, the textures of what was left on them. She tugged at her skirt, her socks, impatiently, and Sunset helped with her magic while Twilight loosened her grip as Sunset tugged all her clothes off with the glow of her horn. Then, when nothing more was between them, Sunset cocooned them, warded the tent, and wiggled her nose into Twilight's cheek, giving a nervous smile in the dim. Twilight looked at her. Wrapped together, her left leg was held between Sunset's legs. Twilight was distracted, the sensation of Sunset pressed against her making her eyes closed. Quiet for a while, she soon asked in a whisper. "I ... I hope I was ... adequate in this ... cultural ... exchange?" Sunset sighed and she hugged close. "Shhh ... ... I can't talk unless I'm telling you this, over and o-over ... I love you ... I love you ..." Twilight went quiet and closed her eyes. Where were her questions? Her formulas forming? They were all gone. She held Sunset and rubbed her back as Sunset rode slowly on her leg, quietly moaning into Twilight's ear. The skies rolled with thunder and the wind became the radio static of the cosmos following a supernova. They were alone in the universe, and they showed all of the stars something ... something beyond science, beyond hypothesis. Sunset shuddered and held tight has a smaller finish shot through her body, and grew still and peaceful. Twilight listened to the wind for what she felt was a long time. There was no other Twilight. She was the only one.