> Changing Frequencies > by Miss Marionette > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Heavy Static > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Ah, Miss Scratch, welcome back to the land of the living. You gave us a bit of a scare there. Now, nothing fatal, but...” The doctor began to drone on, but I really wasn’t too interested in what he was saying. I knew the drill, this was hardly the first time I had ended up in the hospital for a minor OD. Not that I regretted it, the events of that night slowly breaking through and coming to pierce the haze that had set up shop in my mind, either from the OD or the hospital drugs.                  Last night had been one hell of a party, really. I’d been called in last minute to DJ, and it’d been a high level place, so I’d said yes in a heart beat. The crowd had been completely amazing. Just, alive and willing to move with my music in any which way I wished to move them. The drinks had been amazing, high quality stuff, and bottomless for my DJing delight. The after party, oh the after party had been just...estasy. No wonder I’d OD’d in that mess of enjoyment.          I began to check over myself while the doctor kept rambling on about who knows what. Blah, blah, blah, really. I didn’t care all that much. I was alive, and he had said it wasn’t fatal. I picked up my glasses off of the side table and placed them right back onto my head, before glancing back to the side table to try and find where the rest of my items had gone. Wallet, check. Glasses, on my face. Phone….phone, phone, phone...I snapped my head at the doctor.          “Where the fuck is my phone?” I asked, shutting him up right in the middle of some sentence I really could care less about. Phone was much more important now. “Um...Miss Scratch, it wasn’t with your possessions.” The doctor said, earning a very, very annoyed glare from yours truly. “...I keep all of my schedule on that damn thing. Numbers, dates, alarms, times, tracks...and you’re saying it wasn’t with my fucking possessions?” I asked, the doctor shrinking back under my glare. Glasses or no glasses, they didn’t stop it. You didn’t want someone as famous as DJ Pon-3 mad at you. “Ma’am, really, there’s nothing I can do!” The doctor said, but I only flipped him off, swinging my legs out from the bed and getting up. “Yeah, yeah, whatever. I’m gonna have my assistant comb this place, and I swear, if she finds that thing with some rabid fan nurse, I will sue your hospital into the ground. I’m done here.” I threatened, wincing slightly when I was finally on my hooves. Oh yeah...I’d taken one hunky stallion in the ass last night. I knew I’d of been sore in the morning, I just forgot...Wonder how many other mares and stallions I might have fucked in my drug induced haze? Eh, not that I kept track. Sex felt good, and was a great way to reward loyal fans. The doctor was talking again, but I didn’t care anymore. I was blowing this popsicle stand. I pulled the IV out easily enough, I knew my way around a needle after all. My clothes were all in a pile off to the side on a chair. I slipped off the hospital gown and got to my undergarments. Yep, that was a cum stain. I’d been naughty last night. Ugh, I hope I didn’t give any of them my cellphone number…Tavi probably wouldn’t like it if those I ‘enjoyed’ while at my parties suddenly tried to follow me home. After that, it was my white tube top, my hot pants, and all tied together by some fingerless gloves. “See you later, doc. My assistant will be over to look for my phone.” I glared at the doctor, almost expecting him to have it on him, before I finally turned and made my way out of the room. I’d let myself out plenty of times. One of the prices you paid to live quite like me. Stepping out of the hospital, there was a limo already waiting for me in the front, my assistant having my...mannerisms pretty down pat, I guess. My assistant was a tall, well built pegasus. Brown eyes, white hide, mane and tail with the color and unkemptness of a wild fire. I called her Matchy. I think her name was Match Fire, or something. I never stopped to confirm it. She was dressed in just a tank top and some sweat pants, the mare always preferring a more casual approach to things, even how she dressed. “Matchy. Get in there, and scrub the place down for my phone. You find it, get it. I don’t care if you have to kick some pregnant mare’s ass.” Did I mention that Matchy was also my head of security, and personal body guard? Oh yeah, she could kick some ass. It is why I paid her. Matchy just held up a plastic baggy from behind herself. Inside of it, was my phone, covered in some strange, alien, and probably smelly substance. Puke? Maybe. It wasn’t sexual in nature, I could tell that much. “....Well. Huh.” I shrugged, walking up and taking the baggy. Matchy opened the door for me, and I slipped into the car without another word to her. “Driver. Straight home. Octavia is probably pissed.” I sighed the last part to myself. The drive home was pretty uneventful. We stopped and picked myself up a hayburger, hayshake, and mozzarella sticks. What can I say? I got the munchies after a night of debauchery. We drove around the town for a little while longer, before finally the car pulled up to stop in front of Octavia and I’s. I popped out of the car, still sipping on my hayshake and waving the driver off before starting to climb the steps. “V-Vinyl! DJ Pon-3! Miss Scratch!!” A voice called out from behind me, I couldn’t help but groan inwardly. A fan, great. I just wanted to get inside, deal with Octavia, and maybe grab a drink before getting to finally washing off my phone. I still didn’t know what strange substance that it was covered in. Turning around, I spotted a mare waiting for me, panting to catch her breath. I blinked, before I suddenly remembered her. She had been one of the mares at last night’s after party. Sugar something or other.         “Ah….Sugar, right?” I asked, and damn did she light up. Ugh...Who did she think I was, the wonderbolts, here to cater to every fan because I walked out onto the street?         “Yeah, Sugar Heart! I was at your after party last night!” I just wanted to get inside by this point. Octavia was probably going to gnaw my ear off, I didn’t need some fan to do it.         “Alright. You need anything? Some STD you got that you’re just now telling me about…?” I asked, turning back to the door. Come on, come on.         “Um...No. I was wondering if I could have an autograph. After...last night and all.” The mare looked at me, with those same eager eyes that she’d gone down on me with last night.         “Uh, yeah, no. We had sex, it was great, but I have much more important things I need to do. Come to a signing, I’ll put a little heart by your name and everything.” I said, before I just turned and finally got around to getting into my own home. She was a drop in a bucket when it came to my fans.          I couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief, now that I was finally in the house. It would be mostly smooth sailing from there. No more bullshit, no more dealing with other ponies. Last hurtle, just had to talk things over with ‘Tavi, get a drink, and get back to work on that new collaboration me and Neon were working on. Ah, Neon Lights. Hate the guy, but he does make good music. Walking through our entrance hallway, we had a few pictures of us up, like any normal couple.I turned left and stepped into our kitchen. Small, sure, but only the highest class of appliances. Octavia didn’t want to live in some big house when it was just two of us. I stopped for a moment, a frown crossing my face. My custom coffee maker was missing. Thing could make me any flavor or temperature of coffee I craved. I’d have to ask Octavia about it later. I popped open our large fridge, and I found my frown intensifying. All of my alcohol was missing from the fridge. Not a can, not a bottle, not even a little shot glass saved for later. I could feel my mood decreasing, shutting the door to the fridge. I’d need to go out and get some more. Tavi didn’t like me drinking, maybe she threw it all out when I didn’t come home last night. I walked through the entry hallway and into the living room, before I froze. Octavia was sitting in our large recliner, while she had a large pile of boxes in front of her. She was all wrapped up in a nice, tight black dress, silk, and if I didn’t see the bled mascara on her face, I would have commented on how attractive it made her. “Um...Hey, Tavi. What’s up with the boxes…? Where’s my coffee maker, or, ya know, beer…?” I asked the mare, taking a slow step into the room. She had a picture in her lap. It was one of our first photos. I looked like a goof, and Octavia couldn’t look happier. She always told me that it was her favorite. “Do you remember what last night was, Vinyl?” Her voice sounded hoarse, like she’d been bawling all night. That would explain a lot. I stood there, racking my brain for whatever last night’s date could have been...and it suddenly dawned on me. “Shiiiiit….Tavi, I forgot. I’m sorry. Hey, hey, let me make it up to you. I’ll take you to that one restaurant you really like. Go freshen up, and we can go right now.” I said, putting on my best smile. “Not this time, Vinyl.” Octavia said, and I froze up.That tone she used, it sent a shiver up my spine. “Tavi…?” I asked, looking at her, she was getting on her hooves by this point, the picture held firmly in her hands. “Last night was our sixth year anniversary, Vinyl...and you missed it, for yet another night of debauchery. I can smell it on you. Your clothes. You spent our anniversary getting fucked by I don’t know how many stallions and mares...and, on top of that, I got a call from the hospital. That you were in there for a minor overdose. I stayed up...all night, waiting for you to come home, Vinyl. Just like I have done for the last two years...Vinyl. I had dealt with your lechery. I have dealt with your drug abuse. Your drinking. Your partying. Your forgetfulness...I have dealt with all of that and more, Vinyl. I have seen you turn from…” Her voice was starting to break, there was wetness in her eyes, and I couldn’t move a muscle to do a damn thing about it. I was stunned, watching. Watching it all. Fall. Down. “I watched you go from the mare I love, into...Into whatever you are. I watched the exchange on our front steps...When we first met, you would have signed every article of clothing that mare had. You...you aren’t my Scratchy anymore. You’ve let the fame eat her up, and you’re what I’m left with...and I’m sick of it. I’m sick of the heart break. I’m sick of all of it, Vinyl...and so, for my sake...I’m done. I’ve tried...and tried...and prayed to Celestia, Luna, and even Cadance that you would change...But no more. I’ve collected all your things, and I expect them to be out of here by the end of the week. Have a nice life, Vinyl.” Octavia said, getting to her hooves. “T-Tavi, come on! You can’t be serious! I mean, you want me to change, I can change! Just...just, give me time. I can take you on dates, sign autographs, you name it!” I began, my face a bit, stupid, open mouth grin as I tried to wrap my head around exactly what this was, what was happening. “I can change, Tavi!” “Vinyl. That’s the problem...You really can’t.” Octavia said, before she took our photo, her favorite photo of us, and ripped it right in half. After that, she walked past me, and went upstairs. It didn’t take long before I could hear heavy sobbing. I was left in the living room. Alone. I stormed out of the house, a whirl of emotions inside of myself. A void in my core, as I wrestled with what had just transpired. Octavia...Octavia had just left me. I was single. I stood there on the street curb, saying those things over and over in my own head, just trying to wrap my head around what I knew to be true. I was no longer in a relationship with Octavia, and she blamed me for all of it. I wanted to feel angry. I wanted to feel sad. I wanted to feel relieved. I wanted to feel anything...but all I felt was empty. That is, before a seafoam green colored unicorn in a fez ran up, and kicked me right in the crotch. I shouted out in sheer pain, falling onto my knees, my eyes tearing up. “That’s for screwing with Sugar Heart!” The unicorn declared, before she was sprinting off. I didn’t care. I just fell down onto my side, holding my crotch, and I finally began to sob, and sob heavily. My heart was broken, my lover had left me, and that unicorn had just hit both the beans and frank. It was only Tuesday.