> The Kidnappers > by Cocknie Thug > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Mother-Daughter Bonding > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dinky Doo struggled to breathe through the cloth bag on her head. It was thick and coarse and stunk of sweat and vomit. No matter how much she thrashed, she couldnt't dislodge the bag, or the blocker on her horn, the binds on her hooves, or the paws of the twisted ape-creatures that had abducted her. She screamed at them to let her go, but the words came out muffled and incomprehensible through the cloth. They laughed at her. "They're so fucking cute when they fight," said one of the ape-things. She didn't know how they knew Equestrian. They weren't in Equestria, or anywhere near it. She could feel it in her bones. Four of them were carrying her, each grasping a leg and marching through a hallway. Dinky didn't know how she'd been taken. Her last clear memory was the bag going over her head. Everything before that felt like a black fog. She felt her captors burst through a set of double doors. They laid her down on some sort of padded lounger--it felt almost like those strange chairs in the dentist's office--and tightened a strap across her chest. Several more straps held her front-legs tight to her side, and then another two held her body securely against the chair. Her hind legs were spread wide, with her hooves held in the air and then secured into stirrups, baring the teenager's privates and teats for anybody to see. The hood was pulled from her head. She blinked at the blinding light, and looked around in fear. She was in a small room covered in white tiles from floor to ceiling, strapped into a strange chair. Four ape creatures leered down at her. They towered over her, each almost six feet tall, had no fur, wore no clothes, and their bare skin ranged in tone from pale pink to a dull brown. Their faces were almost like a pony's, but squished flat, with smaller eyes and sharper teeth. They stood on two legs and had strange, skinny minotaur paws. All of them were coated in a thin sheen of sweat. "Don't scream yet, pretty mare," said one of them. "Save it for later." Dinky tried to struggle against her bonds, but they wouldn't budge. She looked up at her captors and whimpered. "W-w-what are you? What do y-you want with me?" One of them licked his lips and placed two fingers on Dinky's thigh. She shuddered and tried to escape his attentions, but she was trapped. "We're going to take you to see your mommy," said the human. Dinky froze. "Y-you know where my mom is?" "Of course! We're the ones who took her!" The humans all laughed again, and two of them circled around her. "We're just going to make some preparations." The pink-skinned one dangled what looked like a small belt with a clip at either end and a metal O-ring in the middle. "This is a ring gag. Your mommy is working hard right now so we need to make sure you can't distract her by talking, but you'll still need to use your mouth. Open wide!" Two humans pried her cheeks and jaw apart, and then the gag was forced behind her teeth. Her mouth was propped open wide. The straps at the back were tightened until she squealed from the pain in her jaw, and they let go of her head. One human looked down at her, smiled, and spat in her open mouth. It tasted like tobacco, morning breath, and some decay that she didn't want to place. Dinky tried very hard not to vomit, and began to cry. One of the humans wiped up her tears with a fingertip and licked them. The pink-skinned one showed her two binder clips. "We use these to hold paper together, but I've got a better idea." Before Dinky could react, she felt cold metal on her teats. She tried to give a wordless protest, but felt each of the metal clips crunch down on her nipples. Her vision went white at the edges as she screamed in pain. Suddenly, they were moving. All four humans dragged her along using the wheels on the bottom of her bondage chair. She was looking straight up at the ceiling, passing metre after metre of indistinguishable white tile, only differentiated by the occasional doorway. They came to a stop after one set of doors, and Dinky immediately knew there was something different about this one. For one thing, it smelled different. The other rooms were dry and oddly sterile, with a scent she could only place as not-Equestrian. This room was thick with humidity, the stink of sweat and cheesy musk and other notes that she vaguely remembered but didn't recognise hit her in the face like a blast of oven air the moment she was wheeled through the doors. It smelled like a locker room after a marathon mixed with a sauna mixed with a pile of unwashed bedsheets. The noises were different, too. Grunting and groaning, rustling and slapping, the sound of skin on skin, the sound of fur on skin, guttural noises of pleasure, sloppy wet sounds, choking noises, and distinctly feminine sounds of pain. A human grabbed Dinky's mane. "C'mon, little whore, it's time to see mommy!" He lifted Dinky's head to look at the source of the noise, and Dinky saw her mother for the first time in a week. Ditzy Doo was the center of a gang-rape. She was surrounded by male humans, all with their cocks out. One was laying underneath her, belly to belly, and thrusting up into her cunt while another stood over her and pillaged her backside. Both of them had their hands sunk deep into her squeezable, pillowy rump and seemed to be competing who could pinch and grope her the hardest. Three men stood in front of her face, one grabbing her head in a vice-grip as he forced his dick down her throat, and the other two slapping her face with their cocks as they waited their turn. Her grey wings had been bound to her back and twitched miserably, with a particularly sadistic human rubbing the feathers the wrong way for no other reason than spite. Several more men stood around, either waiting for a turn or simply content to jerk off on whatever areas they could reach. Her face and rump were already coated in sticky white fluids. One human had wrapped her tail around his cock and was thrusting into it, nothing more than a tool to masturbate with. "Guys, guys! Forget that jaded-old whore, there's a fresher set of holes for us to ream!" annouced the human next to Dinky, "I present to you our favorite fucktoy's teen daughter, Dinky Doo!" There was excited chatter, and the men quickly disentangled themselves from the older mare. Ditzy Doo stood on shaky hooves and cried out in despair when she saw her daughter. "Let her go!" screamed Ditzy Doo. She tried to charge past the crowd to free her daughter, but a lazy backhand sent her staggering. One of the humans grabbed her by the throat and pinned her to the ground. "You're going nowhere, and neither is your whore kid," growled the human. "Just because your holes are sloppy doesn't mean we won't be having fun with you. Now shut up and suck my cock." Ditzy Doo was too exhausted to do anything but cry as another dick was forced into her mouth. Dinky watched on in mute horror as her mother was violated five feet away from her. A finger on her pussy reminded her of a more pressing issue. One of the humans grabbed her head and looked her in the eye. "Bitch, we're gonna pump you full of so much cum that you'll legally count as a sperm bank," he said. With that, he turned her head and forced the tip of his cock through the ring gag in her mouth. Dinky squealed around the oral invader. It tasted sour and slick and musky. Damp pubic hairs tickled her nose, stinking of sour milk and old-ponies' hooves. His cock left a disgusting residue where it touched her tongue and the roof of her mouth, one that seemed to amplify the horrible taste a hundred times over. He thrust into her mouth until her cheeks bulged with spit and her gagging rivaled her mother's and then withdrew, leaving an unbroken trail of spit between her lips and his knob. The rapist walked around and lined up his cock with Dinky's pussy, to the cheers of the others. He rubbed his spit-soaked tool up and down her cleft. Her pussy was a tight, clean line, with no mound to speak of, no prominent clit, and dry as a bone. The lips of her pussy buldged out as the tip pressed into it. "She's pretty dry. You think I'll hurt her if I go in like this?" "Who cares?" The human laughed. "Yeah, you're right." He dug his fingers into Dinky Doo's thighs, and thrust half of his seven-inch cock inside in a single movement. She screamed hoarsely and strained against her bonds. Her pussy lips were puffy at the edges where they had stretched to accomodate her rapist, her pubic mound was now pronounced and visible, and a thin trickle of blood ran down the cock from where her hymen had been split. Inhaling deeply through his nose, the human stayed in place, reveling in Dinky's warmth and unwilling tightness. "Jesus, it's a fuckin' vice." He began to fuck her. She screeched in pain, what little lubrication there had been having already been used up in the initial penetration, but the human appeared to enjoy the additional friction. Every other thrust battered against her cervix, sending such waves of pain through her body that her ears rang and white spots appeared in her vision. She tried to scrunch her eyes shut and block out the pain, but he took perverse pleasure in bringing her back, grabbing the clamps on her tears, slapping her face, and spitting in her open mouth. A fire lit up inside her as the human came. Hot sperm flowed out into her, a prodigious amount spurting from the rapist's shaft. The liquid felt painful on her abused pussy, like lemon juice in a cut, but the slickness was a welcome respite. After pulling out, the human walked around and stuck his cock back in Dinky's mouth. His cum tasted vile and the mixture of her own blood and juices tasted little better, but at least he wasn't fucking her any more. One of the humans whistled, and Ditzy Doo was dragged to her hooves. "Mommy dearest," said the human, "we've got a job for you. Your slut of a daughter got her cunt all messy. Clean it for her." They pulled Ditzy by her mane until her muzzle was inches from Dinky's cunt, now open at the bottom, inflamed red, and leaking thick, white cream. Ditzy resisted, and did the best to stand her ground. "I c-can't do it..." she whimpered, "I w-won't d-do it..." The human laughed and spat in her mane. "Yes you will, and just for protesting we're going to screw your daughter's ass as well as her cunt. If you say 'no' again, we're going to take a pair of pliers and pull out Dinky's teeth one-by-one until you say 'yes'. Now eat out your daughter's pussy." Dinky looked on in mute horror as her own mother opened her mouth and kissed her slit. Her mother's tongue was sloppy and slow, but the threats and encouragement kept her working constantly. Mouthful by mouthful, Ditzy swallowed the cum and blood that the initial rape had left behind. Her tongue trailed too far up and touched Dinky's tiny clit, sending a dreadful rush of heat through Dinky's nethers. Dinky felt a moistness down below that wasn't from either the sperm or the saliva. Her own mother was tasting it. She desperately wished she could stop existing, just to end this. Another human forced his cock through Dinky's ring gag, this one just as unwashed as the last one. He shoved Ditzy out of the way and slammed inside her now-wet pussy in one thrust, jackhammering her with no regard for anything but his own orgasm. His cock was shorter but thicker, causing her to bleed from the remains of her hymen for a second time. Her body thrashed around involuntarily. She wasn't even sure she could still move. The second rapist came a short while later. Once again, they made Ditzy eat out her daughter between rapes, once again they made Dinky suck the cock clean, and once again they raped Dinky. The humans kept raping her in this fashion until all of the rapes blurred together in a mass of horror. A few screwed Dinky's ass until she lost her voice from screaming. Dinky tried, unsuccessfully, to stop the filth, cum and blood covered cocks from being cleaned in her mouth, but Ditzy's spirit was broken and she simply stuck her tongue deep in her daughter's ass to eat out all of the sperm. After the dozen or so humans had all used her, they began all over again. Several of them forced Ditzy to suck their cocks until they were hard enough to rape her daughter, though others were content to screw Dinky's mouth and jerk off on her face while another availed himself to her back holes. When all of the humans were thoroughly exhausted, they untied the two mares and let them fall to the floor. Neither of them had the strength in their limbs to attempt any kind of escape. One human fed them a bottle of water each, while another prepared the sleeping arrangements for the two ponies. Mother and daughter were both blindfolded and had their ears plugged, were then tied together in a sixty-nine, and forced into a cage that only allowed them to make the smallest of twitches. The humans turned off the lights and left the room, leaving Dinky and Ditzy in the dark, unable to communicate, each with their face buried in the other's well-fucked slit. > Breakfast Time > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At some point in the night, Dinky's mom was taken from her. Dinky cried out in panic as her captors re-tied her, but she could not see through the blindfold or wriggle from their grip. She begged for her mother's safety as they dragged her away, but when the door shut behind them, she laid down and sobbed. Outside of her mother's grasp, the cell felt freezing. Dinky curled herself up as tight as possible, and drifted in and out of consciousness as the room grew in dark and fear. She assumed she must have slept at some point after that, because she did not hear the creatures come into her cell. She became aware of them as they untied her, shackled her legs, and dragged her to her hooves. Her body ached all over, and every twitch sent waves of pain through her raw, bloodied and bruised vagina and ass. She could only move her hooves an inch in any direction in her new shackles. Something smacked against her rump, hard enough that she shrieked in pain and tottered forwards. Several more smacks made her continue forward, desperately shuffling her sore limbs to avoid the pain. After a painfully-long walk down corridors that smelled of antiseptic and stale sweat, the blindfold was pulled off. She blinked at the harsh light. By the time she could focus, the door behind her had shut. She found herself in a small room, with two other occupants. The first occupant was her mother. Dinky couldn't see Ditzy's face, but she instantly recognised the bubbles cutie mark on the light grey coat. Ditzy was laid on her back--tied down, in fact--with her hind legs spread in the air, her wings tied to her back, and her front legs bound to her sides. Sticky white goo oozed out of her sore, swollen cunt and ass. Her neck was propped up on a foam pillow, and the sides of her head were built into some kind of box device, leaving her face uncovered. The second occupant was sat on Ditzy's face. It was another one of the ape creatures. This one was taller and broader than any of the ones that Dinky had seen last night. It had a muscular build covered in flab, a pot belly, and a double chin. Its mane was long, lank and greasy, its skin was sparsely covered in dark hair and its entire naked body had a sheen of sweat. Dinky could smell its body odor from several yards away. She felt sick as she saw what hung between its legs. A cock like, those that had tortured her yesterday, but somehow worse. It dangled, half-erect, almost as long as her foreleg. A wrinkled foreskin flowered over the tip, with only a small spot of the angry red, plum-sized head peeking out. Dinky froze on the spot, hoping that if she could just stay still enough, she would be ignored. Something tugged at her neck. She saw that the creature held a leash in one of its hands, connected to a collar around her neck. The creature tugged again, and beckoned her forward. Dinky whimpered, but did not move. The creature made a noise that sounded like a sigh, reached behind himself, and picked up a heavy leather riding crop. He brought the tip down on Ditzy's unprotected pussy. The pegasus squealed into his ass-crack and thrashed in her bonds. "Come here, or I hurt your mother," said the creature. "I can do this all day if I have to." Dinky hurried forward. As she reached her mother's legs, the creature stopped her with the tip of the crop. "First, be a good girl and give your mommy a kiss." Dinky looked up at the creature sitting on her mother's head, but it did not move. The creature chuckled, and rubbed the tip of the riding crop on Ditzy's pussy. "Not on the face, slut. Kiss her other set of lips." Dried cum coated her mother's slit. Wet whiteness seeped out of the bottom. It was bright red from soreness, and purple bruises coated her thighs. A drop of cum spilled out of her slit, ran down her ass, and joined the mess at the base of her tail. Dinky couldn't bring herself to move. The creature slashed the crop down hard on Ditzy's slit, and whipped her five more times. Ditzy wailed and struggled in her bonds, shifting her hips from side to side, but could no more protect her pussy than she could protect her own daughter. The creature ordered Dinky to hurry up. Shaking, Dinky inched forward until her face was almost touching her mother's slit. Before she could steel herself to plant a peck, the creature grabbed her mane and pushed her face right into the messy pussy. All she could smell was sex, sweat and piss. Wet, cold cum flowed into her mouth and nose, thin and bitter and salty. She closed her mouth to avoid drinking any more. The creature pushed her head down until her entire face was covered and she couldn't breathe. Only when her limbs nearly gave out from lack of air did the creature release her. She coughed and whined, fresh tears of humiliation running down her face. "We were gonna let you two get some sleep, but the boys got kinda bored last night and decided they wanted another piece of your mom's ass. Her holes are getting kinda loose now, but she sucks a mean dick so we don't mind. Anyway, now she really needs some sleep before her heart gives out or something, so as soon as you've done your job, we'll let her get some real rest. Do you understand?" Dinky wanted to protest and scream and free her mother, but knew she was powerless. "Y-yes..." "Good. I've had a busy week and haven't had time to wash, so I'm sweaty and dirty. Your mom's doing a pretty good job down here--" he lifted a leg to show the underside of Ditzy's chin, and her tongue lapping at his asshole, "--which means you're gonna do my crotch. Climb over your mother, and start licking my balls." He spread his legs and lifted his thick cock, displaying the sweaty testicles beneath them. They were coated in thick, bristly hairs. Dinky shuffled forward, careful not to hurt her mother as she climbed over her body. She could feel the dampness of her mother's sweat through her fur, and felt the tendons in her mother's neck and chest straining as she licked away at the creature's asshole. As Dinky approached, the repulsive smell intensified, a sour, musky stink that smelled like old stallions, blue cheese, and fermented honey. As she craned her neck forward, she could feel her mother's heartbeat and hear the soft, wet noises of her tongue as she rimmed the creature. Eyes closed, Dinky stuck her tongue out and lapped at one of the creature's balls. It tasted salty, and the vile smell filled her mouth and nose, almost sticking to her nostrils. She licked the other. The creature moaned and shuffled forward, pressing his balls into her face. His fingers ran through her mane, thick and meaty. She winced as she sucked one of his balls into her mouth, his pubic hairs tickling her nostrils. The creature was content to continue like this for some time. Dinky licked and sucked until her mouth was sore. A bead of precum welled up at the tip of the creature's cock, and then dripped down onto Dinky's horn. She scrunched her eyes shut harder, trying to imagine that she wasn't here, and that her mother was safe. A hand pushed Dinky away, and the balls left her mouth with a wet pop. She looked at the face of the creature, who looked down at her with a cold grin. Slowly, the creature grabbed its cock and eased back the foreskin. The smell was a hammer blow to Dinky's nostrils. The angry-red tip was coated in white smegma, moist and rancid, reeking of vinegar. Dinky cringed and shied away. A slap knocked her head to the side and made her ears ring. "This is your breakfast, kid," said the creature, smearing the bulbous tip over her face and nose, "now eat up..." Dinky froze in shock, and could not close her mouth before the creature pushed his cock inside. Her cheeks swelled from the thickness of it, though only the tip could fit. It tasted foul, sour and acrid, with a pungency so severe that her eyes watered. Her stomach turned as the smegma rubbed off on her tongue and on the roof of her mouth. It felt mealy and sticky all at once, clinging to her tongue and her gums and everything else it touched. The creature was not gentle with her, pushing his cock deep over and over until she gagged, tears streaming down her cheeks, saliva flowing from her lips, hackles raised and stomach churning. On one thrust, her front teeth scraped up along the tip of the cock. The creature closed his eyes and shuddered. Dinky whimpered, expecting a blow, but instead he held her mane tight and withdrew his dick. Before Dinky could react, the creature pressed back inside, pushing the tip over her front teeth, and pushing the clump of smegma that had collected there deep into her mouth. She moaned in horror as she was forced to swallow the vile substance. It only seemed to fuel the creature's sadism. He grabbed her mane and jaw in a vice grip and started to fuck her face. Dinky retched and tried to push away with her hooves, but she couldn't get any leverage with her shackles. Sweat ran down the creature's body as he violated her tiny mouth. When she brought up a mouthful of bile and last night's cum, he wiped it up in his fingers and forced her to lick it back up. Everything began to feel light and unreal to Dinky, as if she wasn't there in reality, but was just watching the scene from inside her own head. When the creature pulled out of her mouth, she coughed and shook. He presented the side of his cock to Dinky, and gestured to the underside of the head, where a thick trench of smegma remained. "Be a good girl and lick it up..." She whimpered, but moved forward before he could grab the riding crop again. Her pink tongue flitted out and lapped at the foul, waxy substance. The creature praised her and petted her as she cleaned his filthy dick. She found herself forced to swallow just to rid her mouth of the taste. The creature pushed the tip into her mouth once more and began to masturbate, making a fist around his thick cock and jerking up and down. Dinky struggled as the tip twitched in her mouth, and the taste of salty precum joined the sickening taste of smegma. As the creature grew closer to climax he stroked himself more aggressively, his fingers hitting Dinky's lips at the height of every stroke hard enough to bruise her lips, and his other hand gripping her mane so tightly that she felt it pulling out at the roots. With a shout, the creature came. Bitter semen filled Dinky's mouth, thick as wood glue, salty and fishy and vile in every way imaginable. She tried to swallow but could not keep up. Gloopy liquid surged into the back of her throat and shot out of her nose, burning her sinuses. Her throat worked as she gulped it down in mouthfuls, but the creature seemed inexhaustible. The lack of air clutched at her lungs. As much cum seemed to flow out of her lips as she managed to drink. Dinky coughed and gasped for air. A hand descended and wiped up the cum that had spilled from her nose and mouth. The creature stood up and pressed his cum-coated fingers against Ditzy's still-moving tongue. Dinky watched as her mother sucked the digits clean. "Any time you mess up a job, mommy picks up the slack," said the creature. "Clean the last drops from my dick before I push it down mom's throat, you piss-drinking whore." Dinky gulped down the last of the cum, and moved her head forward to suckle the half-hard penis. She heard the creature sigh, but he made no movements so she continued to suck. Suddenly, her mouth filled with piss. It came so fast that she had no time to swallow, so her cheeks bulged out and the cock slipped from between her lips from the pressure. Hot yellow liquid sprayed over her face and mane, soaking her and stinging her eyes, dripping down onto her mother's heaving chest. It quickly slowed to a trickle as the creature cut himself off. "Put it in your mouth and drink my piss," said the creature. Dinky stared at him, her eyes stinging, barely able to comprehend the horror of what he was asking. She shivered and found herself shaking her head unconsciously. The creature sighed. "Drink my piss, right now, or I will take a dump in your mom's mouth." Dinky whimpered at the thought of him doing such a thing to her mother. "P-please..." "Less talking, more sucking." She inched her head forward and took him into her mouth again, closing her lips tightly over the head. With a sigh, he let loose. As her mouth filled with dense, salty piss, he pinched his cock at the base. Her cheeks bulged out until she swallowed the brackish liquid, and then he released the flow again. Mouthful after mouthful, he made her drink his piss, until her stomach felt swollen and it was all she could smell or taste. He shook the last drops over her head as she retched pathetically. The creature gave her an affectionate pat on the head, and then stood up. Ditzy's tongue continued to move, even as it dislodged from his asshole. Blindfolded and deafened, she seemed too terrified to stop. "You did a good job, little one," he said to the dry-heaving foal, "I think you've earned a shower and a few hours in a soft cot for you and your mom. Remember, do a good job, let us have our fun, and you might make it home in one piece." He stretched, and stepped over mother and daughter. "I'm going to get a drink. Someone will come and collect you, so stay put." With that, he walked out of the room, shutting the door and turning out the lights behind him. Dinky was left to comfort her bound mother in the darkness. > Cleanup Duty > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dinky didn't remember waking up, only the sensation of being dragged to her hooves by her mane. She was already walking through a hallway, towards a room she did not recognise. Perhaps she had been awake for hours. The next room was a small one, no bigger than a bathroom. It had grainy, non-slip floors like a locker room, a drainage grate in one corner, and a hose in the other. Her human captor giggled. "Don't worry about the hose, it don't work. You're in charge of clean-up today." With that, he slipped a blindfold over her eyes, cuffed all four of her hooves together, and rolled her onto her back. The floor was cold beneath her as she heard him walk away. He returned minutes later, with more humans, and clanking, jangling equipment. There was another sound in there too, a pained and whimpering noise, but not her mother. Dinky stiffened, her chest tightening, her eyes scrunched shut even under the blindfold. Unknown hands lifted her and changed her bindings. Shackles clicked around her hind hooves, a spreader bar keeping them wide apart. Her captors forced her front hooves behind her back and bound them there, before hooking the bonds to a rope attached to the ceiling, pulling it tight until Dinky screamed and cried that they were breaking her shoulders. She tried to stand up as straight as possible to alleviate the pressure on her shoulders and withers, but one of them pushed her head back down. Fingers grabbed at her bottom lip, and something cold and heavy and metal pressed against it. A click and a crunch. She whined in pain as her bottom lip was pierced and a ring was forced through it, but it was far from the worst pain she had endured over the last several days. The blindfold lifted from her eyes, and her stomach sunk when she saw the two teenaged ponies displayed in front of her. The first one, she could only recognise from her cutie mark as Silver Spoon. She was raised on a bench at waist height for the humans, laid on her back. Everything from the hips upward was concealed in a wooden box, so thin and narrow that it must have been hammered in place around her, like half of a coffin, and sealed with thick black cloth at the base so not even a trickle of light could get in. Two thin tubes led out of tiny holes drilled near the head area of the box, but other than that it was completely sealed. Her hind-legs were tucked in at the knees and bound tight with bandages, pulled out to the sides by ropes. Her pussy and asshole looked well-used, and she was at the perfect height for rape. As if to prove the point, a human immediately stepped between her legs, forced his thick cock into her ass, and began to rail her. Only the faintest of cries could be heard from inside the wooden box. The second was a young stallion instantly recognisable from his white-and-brown pinto coat. Like Silver Spoon he was bound to a bench on his back, his front-legs bandaged to his sides and chest tied to the bench, with his hind-legs folded in and tied in an identical manner to the grey mare's. The rest of his bonds were different. Several layers of thick black tape were wrapped over his mouth, running all the way around to the back of his head. His eyes were closed, and as Dinky craned to look, she saw a line of a black gooey substance painted over his eyelids, apparently glueing his eyes shut. His ears were plugged, and a pair of clear tubes ran out of his nostrils, where they both connected to the nozzle of a metal funnel perched just above his mane. Between his legs, the bondage was even stranger. His slender cock was erect and pointed directly towards the ceiling, with one pink ribbon tied tight at the base, and another pink ribbon tied in a bow at the base of his testicles. A plexiglass rod, as thick as a sweet pea, had been inserted into his uretha, and about a foot of rod stuck out of the tip. Mounted on a board on his stomach, an oversized back-massager-style vibrator was perched at a 45-degree angle, with the tip of the vibrator bulb just touching the rod. The strange device had not yet been turned on. One of the humans walked over to Pipsqueak, held his middle finger behind his thumb, and gave him a hard flick at the middle of his penis. He shook and whimpered. The human walked over to Dinky and ran his fingers through her mane. "Lemme explain what your job is today. It was that cunt's job," he said, indicating to Silver Spoon, "to do all the cleaning while we did our little experiments on Bitchboy over there. All she had to do was suck our cocks clean after we blew a load in his ass, eat out his ass when it got too sloppy with jizz, and lick our balls when they got too sweaty. That was too much responsibility for her to handle, she wouldn't stop talking in that bitchy voice of hers, so now nobody is gonna hear her bitchy little voice for the next thirty days until she learns to do as she's told. Today, you're her replacement, and unless you want to be bound completely still for the next month while you eat and breathe through a tube, you'll do as we tell you. Understand?" Dinky nodded with what little give her bondage provided her. "Good. Now, suck my cock and get it nice and wet for bitchboy's ass." He hefted his limp cock up to Dinky's lips. Defeated, she opened her mouth, allowing him to push his unwashed dick inside. He moaned as her tiny tongue slipped over the bottom of his shaft, her cheeks bulging out from the size of the tip. Dinky tried not to think about what she was doing, and began to suck. This cock wasn't as unthinkably vile as the one from earlier, but it was still far from pleasant. All of the humans had a permanent sheen of sweat on their bodies, and their crotches were thick with the stink of old sweat, congealed cum, and dried piss. The human growled, stroking Dinky's mane as she sucked him. "Yeah, that's a good little fluffer," he moaned, "keep that up, and I'll be ready in no time..." Every soft dick that Dinky had been forced to suck over the past few days had undergone an unpleasant metamorphosis, and this one was no different. It started off soft and yielding, like skin-wrapped-mush or a depressed sea sponge, heaved into her mouth and left there. Soon it became half-hard, twitching and pulsing and bulging, making her cheeks swell as its owner began to thrust. Then, rock-hardness, the worst of the three, battering her tonsils, making her mouth gush with thick saliva as her stomach churned and the urge to vomit grew. The human grabbed the back of her head and pushed forward with no respite until his cocktip slipped into Dinky's throat, ignoring her gagging and spluttering entirely. He withdrew suddenly, leaving Dinky to heave and whine, and hustled over to Pipsqueak. Dinky heard a muffled whine as the sightless, speechless colt had a human cock forced into his asshole. The human sighed contentedly as he eased his way in, the first few thrusts careful and testing, before working his way up to a more comfortable rhythm. "Aww, don't be sad, Bitchboy," growled the human, his hips slapping against Pipsqueak's rump, "you're made to take dick. You're gonna love it..." Pipsqueak only whimpered in response. "Don't believe me? Try this." With a sick grin, the human flicked a switch on the back massager. It thrummed to life, loud as a vacuum cleaner, turning the plexiglass sounding rod in Pipsqueak's cock into a blur of vibration. Pipsqueak let out the shrillest squeal yet before it died down into panicked, meepy panting. The human grabbed his inner thighs and thrust forward triumphantly. "You guys have gotta feel this. Bitchboy's ass is squeezing like a vice. It's pulling me in!" One of the other humans laughed. "This one's getting nice and loose, she's learning to take it," he said as he rammed into Silver Spoon, his hands braced on her portable oubliette. "Feels good though. Gonna fill this slut up with sperm..." Dinky watched in horror as the human shuddered, his buttocks clenching as he unloaded deep inside Silver Spoon's ass. He pulled out moments later and walked towards her, the last droplets of jizz still oozing from the tip of his cock. Dinky's mouth shut instinctively as he approached, but she opened wide when he rea.ched for the piercing on her bottom lip. "Not as dumb as you look, little whore," he said, slipping his filthy cum-slicked cock between her lips. "Try to impress us, okay? You'll earn your mommy some well-needed rest." Dinky's stomach turned as she tasted the cock. Human sperm was vile at the best of times, and knowing where this cock had been made it much worse. There had been no visible dirt, but the taste and smell was enough to remind her of exactly what she was doing, bitter and earthy and unclean. She closed her lips around it, running her tongue along the underside to clean it. The human withdrew mercifully quickly, and walked away to sit down. Three more humans were visible, now. One was already balls-deep in Silver Spoon's cunt, and the others were groping Pipsqueak as another human fucked him. A fourth human walked into view, directly in front of Dinky, his cock twitchingly hard. Dinky shivered. He pressed something to her lips. Plastic. A bottle. "Drink." She did. Sweetened water. She hadn't realised how thirsty she was. In seconds, she'd gulped down half of the bottle. "Good girl. Do your job and it won't be so bad for you. Here's your next job..." Dinky opened her mouth, expecting another oral invasion, but the human turned around and spread his ass-cheeks. Before she knew what was happening, her face was stuck between his ass. She knew what he wanted, and timidly licked at his hole. It was clean, at least. She continued to lick as the human moaned softly. The human stopped moaning. She kept up her licking, but got no reaction. A grunt, but more annoyed than pleasured. From the corner of her eye, she saw the human reach for something, and fiery pain surged through her back and shoulders. When it subsided, tears flowed down her face, and she had stopped licking. In a panic she started again, redoubling her efforts. "I just pulled the rope on your strappado," said the human. "It's a training tool, and that was a demonstration. When I use it for real, I won't let it back down afterwards, it'll stay like that. Your holes work just fine with two broken shoulders, so it's on you to keep them intact. Understand?" Tongue out, Dinky nodded her head, rubbing her face up and down the man's sweaty ass-crack. "Good. You're licking, and that's a start, but you should be eating my ass. Get your tongue stuck up in there. Get it deep. Stretch me out." Dinky did as she was told, hardening her tongue to a point and pressing it into the tight hole. The human shuddered and moaned as it slipped inside. She couldn't taste anything, but the heat alone was disgusting. Still, she had no choice but to obey. She wormed her tongue around, licking him deep, each lick of her tongue pressing up inside him, stretching and relaxing him. "Excellent work. You're almost as good as your mom. I'd give you a demonstration on the finer points of rimming, but it looks like my slot just opened up..." He stepped away, the air cool against Dinky's sweat-and-spit slicked face, and walked towards Pipsqueak who was now unoccupied. Dinky didn't have a chance to rest before the human who had just reamed the colt stepped up to her, slapping his soiled cock on her face. "You're getting a fuckin' feast today, kiddo," said the human. "Tossed salad, tube steak, and a whole lot of ball batter..." She cleaned him off, licking cum and lube off the man's shaft. The taste wasn't as bad as the last cock. They must have cleaned out Pipsqueak beforehand. Once she finished, the man slapped his half-hard meat on her face a few more times and walked away. Another half-hard cock was shoved between her lips in preparation for the next fuck. The sick game continued. She alternated between getting cocks hard and getting them clean, occasionally eating their assholes and licking pungent sweat off their balls. Her emotions swung between disgust, boredom, and despair. For a while she zoned out, only dimly aware of the acts she was performing. She might have been licking cum and pussy juice off a thick shaft, but it didn't matter. She wasn't really there. A hard thrust brought her back into reality, finally overpowering her gag reflex. She threw up with the tip of the cock still in her mouth, coating the entire shaft in a mixture of cum, bile, and water. The human cursed and slapped her. She coughed, two thin lines of vomit running from her noise. "S-sorry..." "Shut up. Clean it." He pressed the side of his cock to her lips, not letting her suck, instead making her lick the mess she'd made off the side. It tasted even worse going back down, but she did it. He adjusted her strappado, giving her some slack, and then pushed her to the floor. A few drops had landed on his feet. She knew what to do, and licked them clean, sucking his toes. The saltiness of the sweat was overpowering. Soon, she was pulled back up by the ropes. "You get me messy," said the human, holding his wilted cock, "I get you messy." He let loose with a stream of piss, splattering all over Dinky's face, soaking her coat and mane. She kept her mouth open; she knew better than to do otherwise. At least this one didn't insist that she swallow it. He just hosed her down, his strong jet of piss seemingly unending. She sucked the last few drops from his tip as rivulets of urine ran down her face and neck. "Ugh," said another human, ambling up to Dinky and slipping his semen-soaked shaft between her lips. "You've just gotta get them messy before I want to use them, don'tcha?" Some time later, they undid Dinky's bonds and told her to stand. She struggled to her hooves. The piss stung her eyes and made it hard to see. They slapped her, and ordered her over to Silver Spoon. She didn't need telling twice. Dinky was gentle as she ate out Silver Spoon. The cum that soaked her pussy and asshole was thick, slimy and vile, but at least she could ease the hurt that her fellow filly felt. She felt a few sympathetic twitches through Silver Spoon's thighs. Once she had swallowed what felt like a coffee cup of cum from Silver Spoon's pussy, a human pressed down gently on her head. She no longer had the energy to feel disgust as she slurped the cum from her asshole. She was led over to Pipsqueak. Cum covered most of his body. He had been forced to cum several times himself from the sounding rod and the vibrator, and a few humans had seen fit to pull out and cum on his face. His gag of tape had been removed and one human was wiping the horse cum that slicked the sounding rod up with two fingers and feeding it to him. The strange tubes in his nostrils connected to a funnel remained. A human pulled out the sounding rod as Pipsqueak sobbed and made him lick it clean. Dinky was directed to the colt's shaft and balls. She licked them softly, tasting pony cum for the first time in her life. It had none of the bitterness or fishiness of human jizz, compared to her previous experience it was almost pleasant. Once again, her head was pushed down, and she ate out the colt's well-fucked asshole. A full load of cum seemed to flow out with every touch of her tongue. "Watch this," said one of the humans, grinning at the others. He dangled his soft cock over the lip of the funnel and began to piss. They laughed as the frothy liquid swirled downwards and ran into the young stallion's nostrils. He squealed, thrashed and panicked. His movements made cum flow from his ass even faster, forcing Dinky to simply press her lips over the hole and drink down the jizz as it flowed out. She really hoped they had cleaned him out. Pipsqueak calmed down, sealing his sinuses and only breathing through his mouth. Most of the piss remained pooled in the funnel. The human was unimpressed. "Kid, I'm about to gag you again. It's going inside you, one way or another. Your belly or your lungs, it's up to you." He whined, but there was nothing he could do. He inhaled, piss burning his sinuses as it flowed into the back of his throat, let it flow back into his mouth, and then swallowed it. He took several uneasy breaths, and repeated the process. With no other instruction, Dinky continued to lick his now-clean ass. When the funnel was clear, another human pushed forward. "My turn," he said, pushing his cock into Pipsqueak's mouth. More piss, hot and brackish. He gulped it down, and begged for no more. They ignored him, and made him swallow two more full bladders. To his credit, he did not throw up until they had unstrapped him. Though unbound, they didn't remove the coverings on his eyes, leaving him sore and blinded, shivering on the floor. A human buckled a thick collar on Dinky's neck as another spread a thick layer of mint toothpaste over Silver Spoon's pussy and asshole. Dinky barely reacted as she was led from the room. "C'mon, kid. Time to see mommy again."