> Marital Adventures > by Blazeracer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Honeymoon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shining Armour opened the door to the honeymoon suite using his magic, considering his wife was resting in his hooves. He entered the room carefully and gently set his love onto the bed. The princess let out a giggle and stared up at her new husband with loving eyes. He returned the gaze and connected his lips to her in a tender kiss. Their hooves wrapped around each other as their passion ignited from sparks to fireworks, they could no longer contain their excitement. Cadence broke the kiss. "Let me slip out of this dress", she said in a seductive tone, slipping out from under her lover and walking towards the restroom. "Hurry back", Shining Armour smirked, laying flat on the bed and watching his love walk away. Cadence's horn shone with her magical aura as she unzipped her dress and carefully slipped out of it. Examining herself in the mirror, she removed her veil and took her mane down from the elegant bun. Her colorful mane fell into it's usual position, slightly messier than usual but that hardly mattered at the moment. She had a stallion waiting for her in the next room. She took a quick look at her teeth, practiced some sexy faces, and exited the bathroom. "Oh Shining Armour", The princess said teasingly, "I'm-" She cut herself off when she realized her husband had fallen asleep waiting for her. She smiled softly at the sleeping colt. The stress of the events that had occurred earlier that week had probably left him exhausted. She covered him with the blanket and softly kissed his head, whispering a goodnight into his ear. She climbed in next to him and felt his hoof wrap around her, comforting and warming her. She snuggled into him, his coat getting slightly ruffled. Cadence could not have been happier than she was at that moment. Slowly, with the thoughts of her love in her mind, she drifted off to sleep. Light leaked into the room through the window and landed softly on the face of a sleeping stallion. The white coated pony stirred and groaned softly, his eyelids lifting slowly. He squinted, defending himself against the sunlight, and sat up. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and blinked as his eyes adjusted to the sunlight. He heard the sound of a shower running and Cadence's voice singing a lovely tune. He smiled softly as he listened to his wife sing as she showered. She had a truly beautiful voice that sent a surge of happiness into his heart. He hopped out of bed and shook the blankets off of him. He noticed a small mirror across the room and walked over to it. He saw his blue mane in a terrible state. "Damn bed-mane", he muttered, attempting to fix the mess with his hooves. Suddenly, a loud boom sounded from outside and shook everything in the room. Shining spun around to look out the window. As a sonicrainboom sounded over Canterlot, shaking the streets below and causing great damage. "What in Equestria was that?!" Cadence yelled, stepping out of the bathroom, still dripping wet. "Rainbowdash...", Her husband groaned, "This is bad. I'm gonna have to go in to make sure the damage is dealt with." Cadence looked at him pleadingly, "Can't you send one of your guards to do it?" He shook his head in response, "Sorry Cadence", he held her chin on his hoof and smiled at her sweetly, "Don't worry. This will be over soon enough and then we can enjoy the rest of out honeymoon." He nuzzled her nose affectionately. "Okay...", His princess said, "But hurry back." He nodded and raced out the door. Cadence let out a sigh. She knew marriage wasn't going to be easy, but running into something like this just one day after the wedding? This had bad luck written all over it. After the sonicrainboom fiasco, Shining Armour was eager to return to his wife. It turns out that since the wedding Rainbowdash had been restless and dying to preform a sonicrainboom again. However, she preformed the stunt dangerously close to Canterlot in altitude. After it was determined that no one was harmed, and repair orders were given, the newly married stallion raced back to his honeymoon suite. "Cadence!", He exclaimed, bursting through the doors, "I'm back!" Cadence looked up from her magazine, "Shining it's been nearly three hours. Why did it take so long?" "I'm sorry Cadence", Armour said, trotting over to his love, "There were a lot of orders to give out and I had to make sure the princesses were unharmed. I'm sorry this happened on out honeymoon of all days." Cadence smiled and placed a hoof on his shoulder, "It' not your fault. Besides it's still early in the day. We can enjoy some quality time together still." Shining Armour looked up at her and smiled. He climbed onto the bed next to her and gave her a tender kiss on the lips. As the spark between them ignited once again, he felt passion welling up inside him as if his heart was attempting to dominate his body. They carried on with the snogging session until Cadence broke the kiss.They held each-other in a sweet and loving embrace until, Shining Armour drifted off. His body collapsed onto hers and she struggled to push him off. When she finally did, she gasped for breath and looked at her snoring husband. He hadn't been sleeping enough, that much was obvious. She heaved a long sigh and pulled the blanket over him once again, kissing his head sweetly. She returned to her magazine until she too nodded off into a little nap.