The Forgotten

by Ultimate Mayhem

First published

A new enemy appears and along with a group of young fillies and colts. The Mane 6 fight a new threat and learn something from Luna's past which not even Celestia knows.

On a day like any other some young ponies appear, a new threat makes itself known, and the Mane 6 learn about something horrifying which happened some time before Luna became Nightmare Moon. The Mane 6 must now fight an enemy whom not even Luna remembers.

A New Threat Part 1: Escape

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It was the middle of the afternoon and Equestria was in relative peace. Unknown to most three lights fell from the sky and into the castle the was once home of Celestia and Luna. Deep inside in level never explored by ponykind three young forms awakened. The three awakened and began walking around. The only sound that could be heard was their hooves.

At the same time somewhere in the Everfree a small hole opened and from it walked out what appeared to be a black seed which, oddly enough, had a pair of legs. A small Timber Wolf got close to it wondering what it was but when it did the seed became a black mist that engulfed the pup causing it to become a much larger bipedal monster. The monster looked at it's claws and smirked before turning in direction of the formerly trashed castle. Then it slammed its paw into the ground causing the shadows of the trees to extend creating a large group of bipedal creatures smaller than it. The group turned. The former Timber Wolf pointed towards the castle and the others ran towards it.

Just outside the castle the three young ponies who could now be seen as being a unicorn colt, a unicorn filly, and an earth pony filly. The colt had red fur who had a red and gold mane and tail and hectochromatic eyes that matched his mane. He had a cutie mark but it almost looked distorted to the point only the the colors of red, yellow, and orange could be made out. The unicorn filly was a royal blue with a bright blond mane who had a similar problem having a distorted cutie mark who's colors were blue, grey, and white and her hectochromatic as well but were blue and green. The earth pony filly was a light shade of green with a dark honey colored mane and tail. Her eyes were hectochromatic as well being green and the same color as her mane.

The three walked out looking around curiously when they heard the bushes rustling. They turned and saw the group of creature. Immediately sensing danger they ran but were chased. The three figured it'd be better to split it so part ways they did.

The colt ran which, unfortunately, made it impossible for him to see when the dark creature started creating bows and arrow out of the dark energy their bodies were made of. He didn't realize it until an arrow hit his left hind leg. Though in pain he kept running desperately trying to get away which caused him to be hit by more arrows. As each arrow pierced him they'd disappear leaving only patches of blood and multiple stab wounds.

At around the same time Princess Twilight was heading to the castle when she heard a strange sound. She decided to follow it and near the edge of the Everfree Forest she found the colt breathing heavily in a small puddle blood. Horrified she got closer to the young colt. Although she knew healing magic she figured it'd be best to let a professional check the young colt for internal so she levitated him close to her and headed to the hospital.

The blond filly had decided to take a different approach to her escape and instead of just running decided to try hiding as she made her way out. The filly noticed some of the creatures walking by and tried to keep still. She didn't realize one of the creatures had noticed her and had silently been following her until she heard a branch break behind her which caused her to run but not before being pierced by an arrow to her side. She winced but kept running causing her to be struck by several more arrows. She continued to run desperately trying to survive until she made her way almost out of the Everfree. It was during that time that Fluttershy had been outside having a picnic with some of the critters when they noticed something rustling in the bushes. Harry the bear stood ready to defend the smaller critters when the young filly stumbled out, her blue coat coated in red patches of blood. Fluttershy immediately ran to the small filly as her conciousness began to fade.

"This is terrible." said Fluttershy horrified. The filly looked up at Fluttershy before losing conciousness. "I have to get her to the hospital. Everyone please continue the picnic. I'll be back when I can." she said before getting the filly on her back and flying to the hospital.

The earth filly had been running trying to find a way out but became indecisive of where to go. This gave one of the creatures the opportunity it needed in struck her with an arrow that went through her back. Realizing the danger she just took off while still being chased. A few more arrows pierced her but she didn't let that get in the way of her goal of escaping. Rarity had decided to visit Applejack when she heard rustling. She began to panic about what might come out and became horrified to see the young filly, who looked no older than Sweetie Belle, run out of the bushes panting heavily. She looked back and was relieved to see she was no longer followed but ultimately succumbed to her injuries and collapsed.

"Oh my goodness!" exclaimed Rarity as she ran up to the filly. She saw that her green coat had patches of red which she could tell were blood because the filly was still bleeding. The filly looked at a Rarity with a small smile. "Don't worry. I'll get you to the hospital and you'll be just fine." she said as the filly lost consiousness. Without a second thought Rarity levitated the filly and headed to the hospital.

As each of the three Elements of Harmony headed for the hospital the same thought crossed their minds. 'What could have happened to this young one?'

A New Threat Part 2: Shots Fired

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It had been around an hour and a half since the three young ponies were taken to the hospital. Princess Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rarity had actually met up one after another in the hospital. Given that the three young ponies were all found near the Everfree they figured they were all part of the same group so they began wondering just what they had been doing in such a dangerous place. They'd had a small discussion about what they'd been doing and where they'd each found the little ones but afterwards it became quiet because they were each heavily concerned. It wasn't long before Nurse Redheart came out.

"How are they?" the three asked. Nurse Redheart sighed softly.

"The Doctor would like to see you." she said leading them to a room. Inside were the young ponies asleep in three seperate beds with the doctor looking at the three in concern. "Doctor, they're here."

"Thank you Nurse Redheart. Can you give us a minute." Nurse Redheart nodded and left.

"Is something wrong?" asked Rarity. The Doctor looked at the three before turning to the mares.

"There's something important you need to know." he said.

"What is it?" asked Fluttershy concerned.

"I ran a scan on the three of them to look for any kinds of wounds that we'd need to be careful with and I found something I don't think I'd believe if I didn't see it for myself."

"What?" asked Twilight.

"Princess these three have been through some horrific things." said the Doctor. "All three show signs very old scars, not only in the exterior of their bodies but in the interior as well. I'm sure you noticed the young colt's ear." Twilight looked at him. The doctor signalled towards the colt. The three went up to him and they noticed something horrible. Part of his left ear appeared to have been torn off.

"Who would such a thing to a young colt?" asked Rarity.

"That isn't all." said the Doctor causing them to turn. "We found signs that the three were tortured and experimented on." The eyes of the three widened. "And I fear they won't be able to speak. Their vocal cords were all severed." At this point Twilight and Rarity were furious on a level they'd never felt while Fluttershy was on the verge of tears.

"What kind of monster would do such a thing?" asked Rarity outraged.

"I can't answer that but I believe there was a reason. I don't believe it was justified but I may have found something."

"What is it?" asked Twilight.

"My scans did show signs of torture and experimenation but at the same time...I believe that whoever experimented on them did to enhance them although I'm uncertain as to the extent."

"Enhance in what way?" asked Twilight.

"From what I can tell the three have extraordinary regeneration and their endurance is much higher than even adult ponies have." explained the Doctor. "From what you described when you brought them I believe that if it weren't for this enhanced endurance they may not have survived enough to encounter each of you."

"S-So is it a good thing they were...e-experimented on?" asked Fluttershy.

"For their survival, perhaps. It's true that their enhancement allowed them to survive but it's impossible to say without knowing the purpose of what was done to them." said Twilight. The Doctor nodded. "So what should we do?" she asked him.

"Well...I'd say that's up to you Princess." said the Doctor. "I did use a spell to heal them but due to their own ability they're almost completely healed so if you'd like you can take them or we could keep them here under observation."

Both Fluttershy and Rarity turned to Twilight who was thinking. After a minute she smiled.

"We'll take them back to the castle. If they're regenerating as fast as you say I'd like to examine them myself. With any luck their regeneration will help their vocal cords. If not I can do research and hopefully find a spell that'll help them." said Twilight.

"Very well." said the Doctor. "Would you rather take them now or wait until they awaken.

The three mares looked at the three young ponies.

"Perhaps it'd be best to let the sleep here for now." suggested Rarity not having the heart to risk waking them.

"I agree." said Fluttershy.

"Alright then. Let's go get the others and bring them here to meet them." said Twilight. "I'd also like Spike to meet them before I send a letter to Celestia."

"Alright then. Let's go." said Rarity. The three looked at the young ones one more time before heading off.

Rarity went straight to Sweet Apple Acres, Fluttershy first went back to the picnic to tell the critters what had happened before and then headed to get Pinkie Pie. Luckily Rainbow Dash was asleep on a cloud just above Sugarcube Corner. Twilight went back to the castle to get Spike. She also made sure take a scroll, some ink, and a quill. They met up where the Golden Oaks Library stood before Tirek's attack but when they started heading to the hospital they heard somepony scream in terror. They headed to the market where they saw dark bipedal demonic creatures attacking.

"What are those things?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"I don't know. They don't look like changelings or anything we've faced before."

"Twilight what do we do?" asked Spike as they noticed the creatures grabbing ponies at random.

"We're gonna have to fight to make sure they don't take anyone. Spike stay out of sight." instructed Twilight. The others nodded, with Fluttershy trembling a bit but realizing she had to help in any way she could. The seven ran in. Twilight and Rarity began blasting the creatures while Rainbow and Applejack attacked them physically. Pinkie attacked with her party cannon but the creatures would only become dazed. When one of the creature took notice of Twilight it turned to the other creatures which stopped going after other ponies. At that part of the group began focusing on Twilight while another started focusing Rarity and the last started focusing Fluttershy. When they noticed Rainbow Dash went to help Fluttershy, Applejack went to help Rarity, and Pinkie went to help Twilight. Unfortunately rather than try to grab them the creatures' would turn their arms into tendrils which would extend. Rarity tried making a barrier but the tendrils would completely engulf it and started putting heavy pressure on it making cracks. Twilight did the same thing but in the air.

"Pinkie help Applejack with Rarity." she ordered. Pinkie nodded and ran off. Twilight tried focusing to increase the strength of her barrier but it was still cracking. Twilight tried to focusing more but struggled heavily. Suddenly a stream of fire dissolved the tendrils. Twilight looked up and saw the red colt she'd found standing on the barrier. He looked into the barrier and looked at her before pointing down with his hoof. Twilight nodded and landed. When she did he hopped off and did something Twilight couldn't believe. He shot a stream of fire out of his mouth similar to a dragon. This left her in shock.

Applejack and Pinkie Pie were trying to the get the creatures who were trying to break Rarity's barrier to stop but the creature wouldn't budge no matter how many times they were bucked or shot. It wasn't until something really strange happened that they stopped. The ground began to move as though a shockwave had been sent in their direction causing the creatures that had been trying to break the barrier be thown or impaled in stone causing them to dissolve becoming surprised as they tried to keep their balance Pinkie and Applejack turned. Once the strange substance which the tendrils had become dissolved Rarity turned as well. There they saw the earth filly Rarity had come across. She signalled for them to follow her afterwards which they did.

Rainbow Dash was trying to protect Fluttershy but the two wound up getting tangled up in the tendrils. The two struggled until the mass that had been tendrils was suddenly frozen and shattered allowing the two to escape as the blue unicorn filly jumped in front of them.

"You're okay." said Fluttershy relieved. The filly nodded and then signalled for them to follow her.

The others regrouped with Twilight and the red colt but were surprised when the colt and the two fillies stood in front of them.

"You fight them by yourselves." said Twilight. The colt nodded before he and the two fillies began glowing lightly which surprised them. The light began floating off them in the form of a strange dust which flew towards Twilight, Rarity, and Fluttershy. The three were too surprised to move as the dust circled their left forelegs and then took the form of metal bracelets. The three noticed and looked at them surprised.

"What the hay are those?" asked Rainbow Dash. Twilight was about to answer when she along with Rarity, Fluttershy, and the three young ponies started glowing brightly forcing the others to cover their eyes. Once it died down Rainbow, Pinkie, and Applejack became shocked. The six ponies had now become much taller creatures. The only one who knew what they were was Twilight from when she'd crossed into the other world but with one difference. For some reason Twilight and Fluttershy retained their wings but the three had two sets of ears. One set that were human and one that were pony. The three young ponies only had the two sets of ears. The young ponies, who now looked to be children around twelve years of age, were wearing the same thing with one difference. The three outfits had t-shirts under vests and fingerless gloves but the boy had shorts while the girls had skirts. They also noticed the bracelets they had just aquired were now long covering half their forearms each with a unique emblem on it. On Twilight's there was a flame, a Rarity's a stone, and on Fluttershy's a waving lines.

"Okay...what just happened?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"What happened to us?" asked Rarity noticing she was now wearing clothes. The devices flashed for a bit before what looked like options appeared just above the devices and one started glowing.

"Uh guys. Whatever you're gonna do you better do it fast." said Rainbow Dash noticing the creatures were walking towards them. The three former mares were uncertain of what to do before the former colt turned to her with a smile and nodded confusing her. After he and the two former fillies charged at the creatures surprising them. The front row of creatures extended their tendrils in an attempt to catch the three but it proved useless as the blond girl released a deep breath which shot a white mist that froze them. The boy jumped over them a released a large stream of fire incinerating the majority of the group behind. Then the girl with brown hair jumped over him and slammed her fists into the ground creating a rock wave destroyed the remaining ones. The three moved back to the three surprised teenage girls/former mares.

"How did you do that?" asked Spike as he went up to them. Rather than answer the three turned back to where their enemies had been as the much larger creature walked towards them.

"What do we do Twilight?" asked Rarity.

"I-I'm not sure." It was then the boy went up to her and pointed to the only option which was glowing. "You want me to press this?" He nodded as the two girls took hold of Rarity's and Fluttershy's hands with smiles. The three could swear they heard voices saying things like We can do it, Please trust us, and We need your help. The three older girls looked to each other before nodding. It was then the three kids stepped in front of them. The three older girls touched the option causing what looked like swords to appear in the hands of the kids. With a silent battlecry the three charged. They jumped and tried to slash down only for the larger creature to block with its arms and launch them back but in midair the boy released fire from his feet giving him enough impulse to move forward and strike the creature with his head, which turned out to be a terrible idea as it left the two completely dazed.

"That must've hurt." said Rainbow. The boy was able to regain himself fast enough to dodge when the blond girl created a large wave of water which grabbed the creature and held it high in the air before pulling it down hard enough to slam it. The other girl move her hands up causing two boulders to come out of the ground. Then she moved them close causing them to trap the creature. It was then the same option from before began glowing on the three devices. The three older girls noticed and sighed.

"Alright let's see what this does." said Twilight as the three hit the option once more. This time the swords began glowing and took on different forms. The boy's sword took on a more knightly looking appearance becoming bigger. The blond's sword became an ice blade with a larger handle while the other girl's sword became a blade of gems. The three surrounded the creature before their blades began glowing and they slashed simulaneously causing a bright flash of light. Once it was gone all that remained was the Timberwolf pup who was asleep which surprised the Mane 6. After that the swords of the three kids vanished and they collapsed on their backs panting with smiles on their faces. The Mane 6 went up to them to check if they were okay when Twilight, Rarity, and Fluttershy along with the three kids began glowing before returning to their pony forms.

"Okay....that was weird." said Rainbow.

"If it's okay I'd like to ask you some questions." said Twilight. The colt stood up and nodded. "Although we will need some paper and quills." It was then shapes made of fire formed just above the colts head surprising them. First the monster and then an arrow pointing to the Everfree forest. "The creature came from the Everfree Forest?" The colt nodded with a smile as the two mares joined him. "Just what were you three doing in the Everfree Forest?"

"Children should not play in such a dangerous place." stated Rarity. It was then some sand formed over the green mare's head forming a castle. "You woke up in the castle?" She nodded.

"But why were you there?" asked Fluttershy. At that water formed over the blue mare's head forming a question mark which then became what looked like a pillow. "So you woke up there with no memory? That's awful."

"How are they doin' that?" asked Applejack.

"And why don't they just talk?" asked Rainbow.

"Because they can't." replied Rarity. It was then the three formed question marks over their heads.

"What's wrong?" asked Fluttershy. The three formed images of Pinkie. The five mares looked around and noticed Pinkie was gone.

"I figured it was too quiet." said Rainbow. The three images of Pinkie became question marks again.

"She's probably making you three a Welcome to Ponyville party." said Twilight. The three smiled brightly..

"So you can understand them with just those shapes?" asked Rainbow.

"It seems to be the case." replied Twilight.

"You know I don't think I've ever seen an earth pony do what you did." Applejack told the green mare who's question mark spun.

"It really was quite surprising but how did you do it?" asked Rarity. The mare shrugged. "So it just came naturally?" The mare nodded.

"This is kinda freaky." said Rainbow. It was then Pinkie suddenly returned.

"I just realized we never introduced ourselves." said Pinkie. "I'm Pinkie Pie."

"Name's Rainbow Dash. Fastest flyer in Equestria."

"Applejack. Pleasure to meet ya."

"I'm Rarity."

"I'm Fluttershy."

"I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle." The three young ponies looked at each other uncertain. "What wrong?" The three question marks became exclaimation. "You don't know your names?" The three shook their heads.

"That's so sad." said Fluttershy. It was then Twilight noticed something strange and approached the young colt who smiled.

"Uh...Twilight, what are you doing?" asked Rainbow.

"I'm not sure." replied Twilight as she held the bracelet in front of the colt's horn. Then to her surprise a name was magically projected. Flame Blitz. "I guess this means your name's Flame Blitz." He shrugged. "I guess that's as certain an answer as we'll get." she said as Fluttershy and Rarity went up to the two mares and did the same. On Fluttershy's bracelet appeared the name Aqua Frost while on Rarity's appeared the name Gem Stone.

"I suppose this means your name is Gem Stone." said Rarity look at the earth mare who smile.

"And yours is Aqua Frost." she said looking at the unicorn mare. The three young ponies looked at each other before smiling and hugging each of the three mares surprising the them. Within the minds of the three a single word resonated which they could tell came from the three younger ponies. "Mama."

" okay?" asked Rainbow who didn't notice Pinkie had disappeared again.

"They just called us Mama." said Fluttershy. Upon hearing this Rainbow Dash and Applejack looked in shock.

Those Forgotten

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The group stood there awkwardly for a moment as the young ponies held onto Twilight, Rarity, and Fluttershy who didn't exactly know what to do.

"How about we head to the castle." suggested Twilight breaking the silence. The others nodded as did the younger ponies before heading to the castle.

Once in the throne room the three younger ponies looked around in wonder.

"They're sure curious, ain't they?" said Applejack with a smile.

"I suppose it is natural." said Rarity with concern.

"What's wrong?" asked Applejack.

"I'm just concerned." replied Rarity. "They said they awakened in the Castle of the Pony Sisters with no memories."

"Maybe they just hit their heads really hard or something." suggested Rainbow Dash.

"That's unlikely." replied Twilight. "We took them to the hospital and the doctor didn't mention anything about finding any trauma to their heads."

"Well what did he find?" asked Applejack.

"He said they'd been experimented on and tortured." replied Twilight sadly surprising the three. "Spike."

"Yeah?" asked Spike.

"I want you to take a letter. I just realized I left my saddlebag in the market." said Twilight. Spike left and returned with a quill and a scroll.

"Alright. I'm ready."

"Dear Princess Celestia,

Earlier today two of my friends, Fluttershy and Rarity, and I found some young ponies who were badly injured. We took them to the hospital and found something horrible. The three had been tortured and experimented on. Their vocal cords were also severed so they're unable to speak. We gathered the rest of our friends to see them in the hospital but some strange creatures attacked the market. We fought but were overwhelmed until the three came to our aid. The three displayed power unlike anything ever heard of before. The first of the three is a young colt who seems to be able to control and breath fire like a dragon. The second is a young filly who displayed the ability to control water and freeze things. The last is another young filly who somehow manipulated the ground making rocks come out of the ground. In addition strange bracelets appeared on our forelegs and that's not even the strangest thing. For some reason these devices turned the three of us and the three of them into humans. We were able to defeat the threat but we're uncertain of what to do with them. They've communicated they awakened in your old castle with no memories of who they are or how they came to arrive there. They also seem to think of us as their mothers but we're uncertain of what to do. We will await your response.

Your fellow Princess,
Twilight Sparkle."

At that Spike rolled up the paper and sent via flame breath.

"So what do we do in the meantime?" asked Rainbow Dash. It was then an exclaimation mark formed over Blitz's head causing question marks to appear over Frost and Gem.

"That wouldn't be a good idea." said Twilight.

"What'd he say?" asked Rainbow.

"He suggested we play hide and seek." replied Twilight. "But the castle hasn't been here long so we could get lost." he added before remembering something. "Hey Flame Blitz." He turned to her with a question mark on his head. "I remember that during the battle you stopped yourself in mid air. Does that mean you can fly?" The question mark spun.

"How would he fly?" asked Rainbow Dash. "The kid doesn't even have wings."

"Maybe not but if he was able to stop himself in the air it's possible he might be able to use fire to propel himself to fly." explained Twilight. Blitz looked at her for a moment. "So do you think you'd be able to?" Blitz jumped and fire began shooting out of his hooves keeping him in the air which completely shocked the others, but none as much as Rainbow Dash. Blitz hovered a few feet off the ground for a bit before the fire vanished and he landed on his hooves. "It wasn't a bad first try."

"I agree." said a voice. The nine turned to the door where they saw Princess Celestia and Princess Luna looking at them.

"That was quite impressive." said Celestia. "So these are the ones you found?"

"That's right." replied Twilight. Celestia and Luna went up to inspect the young ponies.

"What are your names?" asked Luna.

"Luna I forgot to mention before that these young ones are unable to speak." said Celestia.

"I see." said Luna. At that question marks formed over their head surprising the sisters. Twilight chuckled a little as she, Fluttershy, and Rarity went up to them.

"Kids they're the rulers of Equestria. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna." said Twilight. "It seems that because they're unable to speak they have the ability to project their thoughts as images made of whatever they're able to control."

"Fascinating." said Celestia.

"And they told you they awakened in our former castle." added Luna.

"Yes." replied Twilight.

"Do you think you might be able to show us what part of the castle you awakened in?" asked Celestia. The three nodded. Blitz turned to Twilight as a question mark formed on over his head.

"I think that's a good idea." said Twilight smiling at Blitz.

"What did he say?" asked Pinkie.

"He asked if we should go now." replied Twilight.

Not long after they walked to the Everfree Forest where they made their way through to the old castle which was starting to collect a little dust. The three youngest members of their group led the way until they got to what should have been the basement but to everyone's surprise there was a large hole on a one of the walls. Gem pointed to it.

"That's where you awakened?" asked Rarity. Gem nodded. The three began leading them again but as soon as they crossed the threshold they collapsed. Immediately they ran up to the three.

"Are they okay?" asked Applejack.

"It looks like they're fine. Merely unconcious." said Luna.

"What in tarnation happened to them?" asked Applejack. Twilight looked at the opening and then closed her eyes a minute.

"There's magic here." said Twilight. "I think there's a spell of some kind in place."

"But why aren't we affected?" asked Rainbow.

"I think it was made specifically for them." replied Twilight.

"Right you are." said a voice. They looked around as the ground began lighting up forming a path.

"Who are you?" asked Princess Celestia.

"It has been too long princess." said the voice. For a moment the voice sounded familiar but Celestia and Luna were uncertain as they followed the lights. Twilight, Rarity, and Fluttershy got the young ones on their backs before following. At the end of the trail of light was what appeared to be a mare with yellowish green fur and a magenta mane. She turned to them revealing her dark pink eyes.

"Who are you?" asked Twilight.

"In my time I was known by a number of names but my birth name was Wyld Streak." said the mare.

"You..." said Celestia surprised as both sisters looked at the mare.

"Do you know her?" Twilight asked Celestia.

"Wyld Streak, here, was Clover the Clever's younger sister." replied Celestia surprising the others.


"Jeez. You'd think think an ascended princess would be able to talk clearly." said Wyld.

"Why is she not in the history books?" asked Twilight.

"I can answer that." said Wyld. "You see.....heh. I just realized how time perception works." she said with a light laugh. "Anyway I found out about somepony who had some really bad plans and she asked me to find out more but I couldn't exactly do much with my sister being the ever popular student to Starswirl so the Princess had to scrub the records of my existence." explained Wyld.

"Wyld how are you here?" asked Celestia.

"You know better than anyone there's more than one way to keep knowledge in hidden." said Wyld. "What you're seeing is a projection I made to ensure I could give them guidance."

"So you know what happened to them?" asked Fluttershy.

"I'm afraid I was powerless to stop it from happening." said Wyld.

"What can you tell them about them?" asked Luna.

"A long time ago there was a least we believed he was a pony, named Balthasar. At least that's what he wanted others to call him." began Wyld. "I wasn't brought in until much later but it seems he found a number of young ponies who had a unique connection."

"What kind of connection?" asked Twilight.

"Do any of you other than the Princesses know of the legend of the Elements?"

"You mean like the Elements of Harmony?" asked Rainbow.

"I'm guessing not." said Wyld.

"The legend has fallen into obscurity." said Celestia.

"So what's this legend about?" asked Applejack.

"A long time ago, before even Luna or I were born, there was a great evil. Though I don't quite remember its name our parents attempted to fight it but were not strong enough so they tried to find a new way to fight it. Eventually they made contacts with a group of spirits known as the Elementals. They embody the Elements of Nature."

"The Elements of Nature?" asked the six.

"Yes." replied Luna. "They became encarnate through a spell and became ponies. Their efforts allowed this great evil to be banished and after they elected to live as normal ponies, thus they each had families. As there was no need for them to use their powers they became legends but as Tia has mentioned their legend fell into obscurity."

"So what does this have to do with the young ones?" asked Rarity.

"They're descendants of the Elementals." replied Wyld. "Balthasar wanted to make servants of them. Warriors with the powers of the Elements and thus they were fused with the spirits of the Elementals."

"So that's why Flame Blitz was able to spit fire like a dragon?" asked Twilight.

"Yes." replied Wyld.

"How long ago was this?" asked Celestia.

"Around a thousand years give or take." replied Wyld. They became shocked.

"B-but how...?" asked Fluttershy looking at Frost on her back.

"I was able to keep them from becoming mindless killers but I realized their power would be needed one day so I put them all in stasis." explained Wyld causing most of the others to become confused.

"You mean these three have been asleep for a thousand years?!" asked Twilight shocking the others.

"That's right." said Wyld turning to a place with three very large but broken crystals.

"Can you explain these darling?" asked Rarity holding up her hoof.

"Ah yes. Those are Bio-Links." replied Wyld. "Due to some of the things they went through their powers are significantly weaker. Due to this it seems they developed the ability to link with somepony but because the mergence of the Elemental Spirits with their own Souls caused their memories to go white."

"So they have no memory of who they once were?" asked Twilight.

"I'm afraid not."

"So that's why they think we're they're mothers." said Rarity.

"Say what now?" asked Wyld surprised.

"The three of them seem to think we're their mothers." explained Twilight.

"I guess it makes sense." said Wyld.

"Can you tell us anything about the creatures we fought earlier?" asked Twilight.

"Not a lot. I know that there's something they called Seeds of Devastation which can create monsters by merging with any living creature. " replied Wyld. "Once they do merge with a creature the resulting monster is called a Destroyer. Each Destroyer is able to create minions called Shades and that's about all I know. Truth is each of them was meant to lead an squad of Destroyers but I was able to hide all of them."

"So how many others like them are there?" asked Rainbow looking at Frost.

"There's a total of nine of them." replied Wyld.

"Can you tell us where to find them?" asked Celestia.

"Unfortunately no." replied Wyld. "I had to be sure that if one was found the others wouldn't be so I placed them in different hidden locations. Each one has a projection of me with the information needed."

"So then what exactly are we to them?" asked Twilight.

"Well...I guess technically you could be considered their masters or tamers if you wanna get technical though personally I like the term Operators." replied Wyld. "Essentially they'll be relying on you for strategy in battle and to help them learn. Please watch over them."

"Is there anything we should know?" asked Fluttershy.

"Well their bodies were modified so it's near impossible for them to get sick but remember that this only reduces the possibility of them becoming ill." explained Wyld. "If they do fall ill just place them within in their elements. Other than that each of them has individual abilities they shouldn't use outside of battle. For example Gem's able to make any gem she touches explosive." Hearing this made Rarity worry. "Don't worry. She should be able to control it so she'll only do it in her or your defense." she explained before turning to Fluttershy. "With her I'd be careful about a few things. First she can breath under water. Second be careful not to let her sneeze because if she does she'll freeze whatever she sneezes at."

"Is there anything else?" asked Twilight.

"Yes. Keep him..." said Wyld pointing at Blitz. "...and her..." she said pointing at Frost. "...from getting too angry. At their current age he'd make things around him hotter to the point they might burst into flames and she might cause things around her to freeze.

"Wyld." said Celestia causing her to turn. "How exactly did you get this place here without us knowing?"

"I'm curious about that as well." said Luna.

"You think we're in your old castle?" asked Wyld. The others looked at them confused. She sighed and then pointed to where a window opened. "Take a look." They walked over ot it and became shocked.

"Wh-What is this?" asked Twilight in shock.

"Just where the hay are we?" asked Rainbow shocked.

"We're hidden deep within Yakyakistan." said Wyld causing them to turn. "When I hid the Forgotten I had to make sure It couldn't find them before they found their operators."

"The forgotten?" asked Twilight.

"I called them that because their pasts were taken from them and because of it they remained erased from all history." replied Wyld.

"Is there anything else we should know?" asked Celestia.

"Yeah. I'm not sure how they did it but all nine of them were instilled with some sort of fighting spirit so they have an impulse to fight. In other words if you see them fighting each other it's not out of hostility."

"So they fight for fun?" asked Pinkie confused.

"Pretty much." replied Wyld. "They have skills set for both forms but keep them from fighting anypony other than one another because they could seriously hurt others. Physically they're all stronger, faster, and have a much higher level of endurance than anypony their age."

"That will be a problem." said Twilight.

"Yes but I believe you will be more than able to watch over them." said Wyld with a sad smile.

"Wyld Streak." said Celestia causing her to turn. "You mentioned that the others were hidden but how are you certain they will find their....operators?"

"Didn't you wonder why I had these three together?" asked Wyld as she looked at the three younger ponies. "Their awakening acts as a signal for the others so once they awaken they'll be drawn to where ever they reside."

"Then the others will be drawn to Ponyville." concluded Twilight.

"Correct." replied Wyld. "It is time for you to return but before you do I must ask something of you." she said causing them to turn. "Please watch over them. They may be empowered but they are still children. In battle you will need to be their operators but at home they'll need guardians...parents." she said sadly. Before anyone could respond there was a bright light and they found themselves back at the castle but to their surprise the hole they'd gone through was now gone.

"So what now?" asked Applejack a bit confused.

"I guess we take care of them." said Twilight looking at Flame Blitz.

"If the three of you wish I can have adoption forms sent to you homes to make it official." said Celestia.

"I'm willing to watch over Frost." said Fluttershy.

"Given the circumstances I'll make sure to watch over Gem." said Rarity.

"Then we're in agreement." said Twilight. "We'll be sure to watch over them." she added as she looked at her former mentor.

"Alright. Be careful Twilight. Everyone." said Celestia. "I'll send the forms as soon as they're ready and have others ready for the missing ones."