> (Social) Experiments > by Yukito > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > (Social) Experiments > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Sparkle was finding it hard to concentrate on her Maths class. Not because the teacher was old, boring, and slow to get to the point, and not because she had already covered trigonometry back when her classmates were still covering multiplication, though those certainly didn't help. She found it hard to concentrate because she was hot. She found it hard to concentrate because she was sweating up a storm, and focussing much of her attention to keeping her mouth closed so that uncontrollable noises didn't come out. Most of all, she found it hard to concentrate thanks to the whirring rotor between her legs, its faint noise obscured by her panties, which were leaking fluids onto the floor underneath Twilight's desk. She fidgeted and crossed her legs, but it did little against the relentless vibrations inside of her. She glanced to her side, where Sunset Shimmer was staring down at her notebook with a mischievous grin on her face. She certainly wasn't grinning at the questions, that was for sure. "Sunset," Twilight whispered, a gasp escaping with her voice as soon as her mouth opened up. She looked around and found that nobody had heard her, and tried again. "Sunset Shimmer." Sunset looked to her side, her grin not fading. "Yes?" she mouthed back. "T-That's enough," Twilight said, wincing and shuddering as she felt the rotor speed up for a brief second. "S-Stop it. Someone's going to notice." Sunset Shimmer wrote something into her notebook and showed it to Twilight. "Have you came yet?" "I'm serious!" Twilight clamped her hand over her mouth and looked around again. Thankfully, nobody had heard her despite her whispers getting louder. Suddenly, the rotating stopped. Twilight looked down between her legs with a blush. The vibrations had completed halted, and she was finally able to calm her legs and arms down, though her breathing was still ragged. Although this was what she had asked for – and she was certainly glad to finally have a break, too – Twilight's heart suddenly sank as the burning itch between her legs was suddenly left unattended. "Better?" Sunset asked, still grinning like a Cheshire cat. Twilight frowned and took a deep, calming breath, exhaling slowly so as not to be too loud. "Twilight Sparkle," the teacher suddenly called, startling the student who jumped in her seat, knocking the table with her knees. "Ow!" Twilight rubbed her knees and looked up at her teacher. "I-I mean, yes?" As the students laughed, the elderly female teacher smacked her ruler against her desk, silencing the classroom quickly. "Have you been paying attention, young lady?" "O-Of course I have," Twilight lied. How could she had been paying attention when she was trying not to have an orgasm in the middle of class. "Then perhaps you might like to share your answers with the rest of us, along with your workings." The teacher noticed the student gulping and narrowed her eyes. "If you had been paying attention, and following along with the rest of us, then it should be all right there, no?" "Y-Yeah." Twilight grabbed her notebook and slowly stood up. Her legs were still shaking, but thankfully her table was just high enough to hide them, along with the wet stains running down them, past her skirt. It was also a good thing that she was in the back row, at the corner no less. The only person who could get a good view of Twilight's legs was Sunset Shimmer, who quietly whistled in appreciation at her own handiwork. "Well?" Twilight nodded her head and studied the first question. For any other student, this would be the part to either concede defeat, take a shot in the dark and hope you get lucky, or tell a funny joke to at least make people laugh at something other than your own predicament. For Twilight Sparkle, this was simply a time for quick mental arithmetic. "For the first question you're looking for the value of angle X. As we already know the values of the adjacent and the opposite sides of the right-angled triangle, we can use ta-an!" Twilight's eyes shot open and she bit her lip. 'She can't be serious!' "And tan means what?" the teacher pressed, raising an eyebrow. Sunset Shimmer chuckled mercilessly under her breath as Twilight looked at her with desperate eyes. Beneath her desk, Sunset cranked up the controller to the next level of power. A signal was sent to the rotor in Twilight's panties that caused it to speed up. 'She is!' Twilight's legs began to shake slightly and she started sweating again. She brushed her arm against her head and thanked her stars that it was a hot day outside. "T-The tangent of the annngle… is opposite o-over adjacent," Twilight elaborated. "I-I-Innnn this case, that would beeee… fifteen over nine, which givesss you one-point-six recurring. T-Then you just invvverrrse tangent on yourcalculator…" Twilight stopped to swallow and clenched her hands that were gripping onto her notebook. The rotor sped up again and she barely suppressed a squeak, though her hips were beginning to sway unconsciously. "T-That gives you the answeroffifty-nine, when rounded DOWN!" Twilight sat herself down quickly, her eyes twitching as she squirmed in her seat. She wiped her head with her arm again and could feel how red she must have been. The teacher cleared her throat. "Very good, but I asked you to talk us through every answer!" "Come on!" Sunset Shimmer shouted out, drawing some attention away from Twilight Sparkle and towards herself. "She's already proven she's been paying attention! I want to move on to the next topic already!" The teacher grumbled, but relented as she turned her head and began to erase the scribbles on the board. Twilight felt a little relief as all eyes turned back to the front of the class, though it was short-lasting as, when she turned to face Sunset Shimmer, she found the evil student holding up the remote to the rotor tormenting her… and set it to its maximum level. Twilight lurched forwards and covered her mouth with a hand. She straightened her legs beneath her table and closed her eyes. The rotor was spinning relentlessly, determined to drive her to orgasm, and there was nothing that she could do to stop it. All noise from the teacher was drowned out by her own breathing, and she could feel the sticky puddle forming beneath her arm clutching against her table. "Hey," she heard Sunset whisper to her side. Twilight slowly opened her right eye and looked over to see what she wanted. She gasped, as Sunset Shimmer was pulling her skirt up, revealing her lace panties, before proceeding to pull them slightly to the side, giving a clear view of what was beneath. That was the final straw for Twilight, who climaxed right there in her seat, in the middle of the lesson. She bit into her hand and smothered her mouth, making every attempt to stifle any sound as torrents of her orgasmic juice flooded onto the floor. Suddenly, the vibrations stopped. The rotor inside of her had been deactivated, but the damage had still been done – Twilight was cumming and it was not going to stop until she had come down from her high. Her legs kicked and her vaginal walls clenched around the toy, as though they were begging it to continue pleasing her. It did not comply, though, and eventually, Twilight did stop squirting onto the floor. The noise of something hitting the floor beside her startled Twilight, and opened her eyes suddenly to find everybody in the classroom looking towards her. For a moment, she feared that they had caught on to what she had just done, but the she realised that, rather than looking at her, they were looking at the girl on the floor beside her – Sunset Shimmer, who was holding an empty plastic bottle and grinning sheepishly to the class. "Sorry! I'll clean that up right away!" Sunset stood up and walked towards the front of the class, where a cupboard of cleaning equipment was set up next to the teacher's desk. Everybody else resumed focussing on the teacher's lesson, with the exception of Twilight Sparkle, whose heart was still racing inside of her chest. Sunset Shimmer returned to Twilight's desk and ducked down underneath it, cleaning the puddle at Twilight's feet with a cloth from the cleaning cupboard. Twilight smiled upon realising that Sunset had spilled her drink on purpose, to clean up the mess of Twilight's climax without arousing suspicion. 'I guess she can be sweet at times,' she thought, before almost yelping as the rotor was yanked out of her suddenly. She leaned back in her chair and looked underneath her desk, finding Sunset Shimmer laughing to herself as she pocketed the rotor and the controller together. She blew a raspberry at Twilight, who returned it with a frown and kicked Sunset's arm, causing her friend to slip and fall into her orgasmic remains. "Hey!" Sunset whispered up with a glare. "That's what you get for making me come to class with that inside me!" Twilight whispered back. "You agreed to it!" Twilight had no response to that, other than to blush at the fact that Sunset Shimmer was right, and turn her head away with a huff to show that she didn't want to acknowledge it. "One, two! One, two! C'mon girls, feel the burn!" Twilight and Sunset hated Gym class, but Twilight especially. Her body wasn't made for running, it was made for thinking, yet the teachers wouldn't understand that and forced her to run drills once a week in order to 'stay fit'. "This… isn't… fair…" Sunset Shimmer wasn't quite as out-of-breath as Twilight and could probably have afforded to go a little faster, but she held back so that her friend wasn't alone at the back of the group. She also liked to watch Twilight running in her slim, white polo T-shirt and purple shorts that revealed much of her legs, glistening in the sun once she worked up enough of a sweat. "Hey… at least we… get a break… from the classroom…" "But I… like… the classroom!" "One more lap everyone!" Lyra shouted from the front of the group, laughing cheerfully as she sprinted ahead of the other students. "She's… insane…" Sunset Shimmer wiped the sweat from her head and glared upwards into the sky, squinting her eyes as the sun glared back. She didn't mind running as much as Twilight, but Lyra liked to push everybody far beyond their limits, and her body was threatening to break down. "… Hey," Sunset said to Twilight, "You wanna… ditch this class?" "That's… against… rules…" Twilight argued, starting to slow down to a jog. "What if… I can get us… out of here, legit?" "H-How?" Twilight shook her head. "No, I don't c-care, just… do it…" Sunset nodded her head and slowed down a little bit, before sticking out her leg and tripping Twilight over. She stopped as Twilight fell face-first onto the soft ground and kneeled down to pick up her friend. "Teacher!" she called out towards the coach, who was watching them from the sidelines. "Twilight sprained her ankle! Should I take her back to the changing room to make sure she's okay?" The coach ran over to the two of them, blowing his whistle and signalling for the rest of the students to continue their running. "Are you okay, Twilight?" he asked in a concerned tone. "Ugh…" was all that Twilight could groan out in response. "It sounds bad. You better get her back to the changing room, pronto." "Yes, sir," Sunset said with a smile, pulling Twilight's arm over her shoulders and walking the two away from the field. "… Mission success." "… There is mud, on my face." Sunset Shimmer laughed nervously. "Well, you told me to do it, so…" "You could have at least warned me!" Twilight shouted as she wiped the mud from her face using the wet towel given to her by Sunset Shimmer. "I was afraid you were going to pass out if we waited any longer," Sunset Shimmer told her, taking her seat beside Twilight. "Besides, it had to look real." "And why did I have to fall?" Twilight asked with a pout, turning her head away from Sunset. Sunset grinned and grabbed Twilight's chin, pulling the other girl's head to look her in the eyes. "Sorry, but you're just much cuter than I am. You'd earn more sympathy." Twilight Sparkle blushed and pushed Sunset's hand away. "D-Don't say that…" "But it's true," Sunset insisted, scooting closer and resting her hand on Twilight's. Twilight gulped as the sweet, peach aroma of Sunset's shampoo, mixed with the sweaty scent from all of the running, started to invade her personal space and make her dizzy. "You okay?" "M-Mhm…" Twilight gasped as Sunset leaned in, and she closed her eyes as she moved her head forwards to meet Sunset's lips with her own. Twilight wrapped her left arm around Sunset's neck and moaned into the kiss. She opened her mouth and wrestled with Sunset's tongue, enjoying the taste as much as she could in-between taking breaks for air. A hand grabbed her breast and Twilight gasped as she reeled backwards. "C-Class is gonna be over in thirty minutes," Twilight warned, taking a nervous glance over to the changing room's door. "It's fine. We've got plenty of time," Sunset assured her, massaging both of Twilight's breasts slowly with her hands as she leaned forwards for another kiss. "And besides," she began in-between kisses, "we'll know if… someone comes in… through the door…" "Mmn… W-Well… I guess, if we make it… a quickie…" Sunset Shimmer lifted up Twilight's shirt, her friend raising her arms to allow the top to be removed. The two quickly resumed their kissing, whilst Sunset reached behind Twilight's back to unhook her bra, dropping the undergarment aside and allowing Twilight's breasts to bounce freely. Although Twilight was often conscious about them, to Sunset Shimmer, they were the perfect size. Not as big as her own, which gave her bragging rights, but just big enough that she could nestle her head comfortably in them after a long day at school, and enjoy fondling them whenever the two made out in their bedrooms or at the back of school… or in the female changing room, with only thirty minutes before the other students would return. Sunset could feel the excitement Twilight was feeling as she played with her erect nipples, before she started to trace her fingers around teasingly, earning those precious squeaks and moans that she loved to hear. Twilight reached down to Sunset's shorts, pulling them down along with her panties. The two broke their kiss and stood up, allowing Sunset Shimmer to remove her shorts and panties completely whilst Twilight did the same. "Hey, you're almost naked inside of school," Sunset pointed out with a smirk, delighted at the blush that that earned. "Naughty girl." Twilight frowned and responded, "You started it." "Yeah, and I intend to finish it," Sunset said, walking forwards and holding each side of Twilight's head as the two continued making out. Sunset pushed Twilight down gently onto the bench, position herself on top of her so that their legs crossed and their crotches met. "You sweated up a storm, huh?" Sunset asked in a teasing down, bringing a finger down and stroking Twilight's vagina, her fingertip becoming wet before she brought it up to show her friend. "I-Idiot. You know that's not sweat," Twilight replied. "C'mon, we don't have long!" "Eager, are we? I like it." Sunset began to move her legs. The two were equally wet and so there was very little resistance as they began to grind against each other. The sounds of lovemaking filled the changing room along with the heavy scent of the two girls' lusts. Twilight threw her head back and cried in pleasure. "Oooh, Sunnyyyyy!" "T-Twilight!" Sunset grabbed Twilight's thigh and pulled at her leg, pushing herself harder into Twilight's mound. "Twilight, I'm gonna cum!" "Me toooo! Mmn!" The two sped up their grinding, both as eager as the other to reach their climax. Sunset twisted her legs slightly so that their two nubs would meet, causing Twilight to freeze as she was thrown over the edge into an oblivion of bliss. "A-AAAAAAAHHHHH!" Sunset felt Twilight squirt and gave one final push, arching her back as she joined her partner. Her legs shook and they felt like they were on fire as she let loose all she had, all over Twilight's legs. "AH! T-TWILIIIIIIGHT!" As the sounds of the two girls' screaming and moaning began to die down, a different sound reached Twilight's ears. It was only a buzzing sound as Twilight's mind was still recovering from the heated daze that it was in, but it soon began to sound a lot more feminine. "W-What's that?" "Did you say something?" Sunset asked, picking herself up and looking at Twilight. "I thought… I heard a voice…" "Great work today, everybody! Let's all get back to the changing room!" Twilight and Sunset both jumped to attention in unison, their eyes fixed on the door as the sounds of footsteps drew closer. "What are they doing back so early?!" Sunset Shimmer shouted. "Lyra's in charge! Of course she isn't following the schedule!" Twilight cried. "We have to get dressed!" Sunset Shimmer removed her top and her bra and threw them aside. "No time! Come with me!" Sunset grabbed Twilight's hand and dragged her away, leaving their clothes scattered across the floor. "Hey Twilight! You okay?" Lyra asked as she opened the door to the changing room. She gasped as she walked inside, shocked by what she was seeing. "You guys… you're so untidy! Leaving your clothes just thrown everywhere!" She turned to the showers, where Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer were concealed by the thick steam produced by the hot water. "And you'd better not be using all the hot water for yourselves!" "We only just got in!" Sunset replied. "We heard you guys coming and thought we'd get the water ready for you!" Twilight Sparkle sighed as Lyra and the other girls filed into the changing room and started to remove their clothes. "We somehow made it." "Yeah… By the way, maybe we should have removed our socks first." Twilight nodded solemnly as she looked down to her feet, still wearing her socks which had become soaked by the shower's water. "I'm just glad we didn't get caught. My heart is still racing." "I know. It was exciting, right?" Sunset asked with a grin. Twilight playfully punched Sunset's arm with a frown. "I thought I was going to have a heart attack!" She turned away and mumbled, "But, yes, it was a little exciting…" After school had finished, Twilight decided that she wanted to visit the library and get some reading done for her latest assignment. Sunset Shimmer had told Twilight that she would wait with her at the library until she was finished… but quickly grew bored as she did nothing but watch Twilight read. Although it was cute, it quickly ran its course and the hands of the nearby clock seemed to have slowed down drastically. Still, Sunset Shimmer was true to her word, and she would wait for as long as she needed for Twilight to finish. She just needed to find something to do to keep her entertained was all. Something like… "S-Sunset, s-stop," Twilight whispered, pushing against Sunset's head under the table as she tried to not to speak too loudly. "I-I'm trying to read." Sunset Shimmer pulled her head back from Twilight's open legs, licking her lips and looking up at Twilight with an innocent smile. "Sure, go ahead. Don't mind me. I'm just indulging myself in a little treat…" Sunset reached forwards and grabbed Twilight's panties, pulling them down to her ankles, before diving back in and lapping at Twilight's crotch. "Nn! I-I mean it, what if-" "Hey, Twilight!" Twilight's heart nearly leapt out of her chest. She looked up quickly to find Lyra Heartstrings standing before her. "O-Oh! Lyra!" "You okay, Twilight?" Lyra asked, taking the seat opposite to Twilight and dropping her bag to the side. "After Gym, I mean. You didn't hurt yourself too much, did ya?" "N-No, I'm fine. Thanks for asking, though." Twilight gasped as she felt Sunset's tongue flick her clitoris. She could feel herself leaking and continued trying to push Sunset away, but found it to be quite futile. "U-Um, sorry, b-but I was kiiinda hoping I could, s-study in, ah, p-private for a bittt." "Ah, c'mon, Twilight!" Lyra responded, taking the open book in front of Twilight and studying it for a second. "You're always studyin' on your own! If it wasn't for Sunset Shimmer, you'd have no friends!" Twilight felt like she should have been angry, but all that she could focus on was Sunset's intrusive tongue wriggling around inside of her, barely missing her most sensitive areas. "I-I just liiiiike to sttudy." "It's like, and no offence here, but it's like you care more about books than friends." "P-Please-" "You can spare a couple of minutes to chat, right? Tell me something about yourself, other than you like reading. I noticed you fall behind a lot in Gym. Is there anything I can do to help you get fitter?" Sunset couldn't help but chuckle at Lyra's directness, and that chuckle reverberated into Twilight's vaginal walls, causing her to kick her left leg like a dog getting its tummy rubbed. She pulled out her tongue and took in some air, watching Twilight's twitching hole leak its juices onto the floor. Twilight began to catch her breath as Sunset finally stopped, and she brought her hands up onto the table to take back her book. "Really, Lyra, I just feel more comfortable when I'm reading. Eek!" Lyra raised an eyebrow. "What's up? You see a mouse or something?" Twilight bit her lip to suppress her moans. She could feel two long fingers thrusting in-and-out of her beneath the table, taking no time between thrusts, whilst the thumb was positioned in such a way that it would press into Twilight's clitoris each time. To make matters worse, Sunset's fingers were curved, allowing them to hit the rough, highly-sensitive spot lining Twilight's vaginal walls. "You can just hang with Sunset your whole life," Lyra said, taking one of Twilight's books from the pile and studying the cover. "Huh. This is from the university section." "I-I'm done with allll the high school bo-ooks on that subject," Twilight said, her left eye clenching shut as her hips ignored her pleas to remain still by grinding against Sunset's fingers beneath the table. "See? This's what I mean! You're already so far ahead of your studies. Why can't you put some time aside for friends?" "Ah." Twilight closed her mouth and tried to hold back any further gasps as she kicked her left leg forwards, hoping to push Sunset away. He efforts only served to open her legs further, inviting Sunset Shimmer to feast on her inner thighs. "Mm!" "What d'you wanna do after graduating anyway?" "I-I don't knowwww…" Twilight reached a hand up to her chest, instinct telling her to unbutton her shirt in order to cool down, but thankfully she was able to restrain herself. "Well, if you don't even know what you wanna do, then you're just wastin' you youth reading all these books! They're not going anywhere, but you won't be a kid forever." "W-We're the same age, y'knooow?" Lyra chuckled. "Yeah, but I got a girl in uni who feeds all these lectures into my head! That's why I'm so wise and mature for my age." 'For a girl who still watches 'My Little Pony',' Sunset thought as she nibbled gently on Twilight's thigh, earning a strong reaction in the form of Twilight stomping her leg and clenching around Sunset's fingers. Sunset decided that it was time to end the teasing, and removed her fingers from the warm, soft depths of Twilight's vaginal region in order to reinsert her tongue. A glorious feast that that made Sunset hunger for more, accompanied by a thick, sweet scent that could make her high ten times over. 'I could get hooked on this. I think I already have done!' "L-Look, I appreciaaate the advice," Twilight began, "B-But I'm fff-ine, really. I-I enjoy re-reading and… and…" Lyra sighed and shook her head. "Look, I'm just lookin' out for ya." Twilight bit her lip and came all over Sunset's face. She made tiny thrusts with every spurt, each one multiplying the pleasure that came with her orgasm and releasing even more of her juices. She felt Sunset's tongue running laps around her mound, possibly trying to suck up every last drop. "I wanna be your friend, Twilight, and I want you to know you can talk to others." Twilight panted as she finally began to calm down, opening her mouth slowly and clenching her fists. "Thanks, Lyra," she said, reaching her hands beneath the table and grabbing her panties around her legs. She pulled them up and then scooted backwards in her chair, catching a glimpse of Sunset's sticky and confused-looking face. "I'll keep that in mind, but I should really be going now." Lyra frowned but nodded her head regardless. "Just remember what I said if you ever need someone besides Sunset Shimmer to talk to." Twilight nodded and collected her books. "By the way, you should really give this book a try," Twilight said, reaching into her bag and pulling out a thick book out. "I thought it might help me in Gym class. It's a very interesting read, and I know you're a sports fan. Since you're already here…" Lyra took the book and examined the cover. "Hey, thanks! I'll give this a read right now then!" Sunset gasped and looked up at Twilight, who was grinning whilst looking down at Susnet Shimmer. "Y-You can't," she mouthed. "You reap what you sow," Twilight mouthed back, looking back up at Lyra with a warm smile. "See you tomorrow," she said with a wave. "Yeah, see ya," Lyra replied, leaning back in her chair as she opened her book and began reading. Sunset Shimmer gasped as she caught of view of Lyra's panties up her skirt and her skin began to grow pale. 'I-I can't leave. Even if she doesn't piece two-and-two together, she'll think I was trying to sneak a peek!' Sunset tried to plea with Twilight once more, but she was already gone. '… Damn it.' Later that night, Twilight Sparkle received a call from Sunset Shimmer. She frowned as she saw the name pop up on her phone but answered the call anyway. "… Hey," Sunset said on the other end of the line. "Hey," Twilight responded. A thick silence followed for several seconds. "Well?" "… Sorry 'bout earlier, in the library. My bad." Twilight sat down onto her bed and glared to her side. "I said I'd try that vibrator stunt under the condition you didn't let it go too far. Not only did you take it way too far, you then did… that to me in the library, whilst Lyra was right there in front of me, no less!" "Hey, I said I was sorry! I just couldn't help myself! I got a taste of you earlier and needed more…" Twilight rolled her eyes and blushed. "Idiot. Can't you control your hormones?" "Look, how about I make it up to you? You know how our first date was… kind of a bust?" "You mean how we were kidnapped by some guys after my brother and the FBI had to bust in and save our lives? Gee, it almost slipped my mind." "Well, it's time we made up for that! How about tomorrow, we go to Funland, just the two of us. That new mall is opening tomorrow and will attract a lot of people, so this is our chance to have a great day with short queues for all the best rides!" Twilight rubbed her chin and hummed. "Well, that does sound nice… Alright then, I'll put today's incident aside. I guess I did agree to try some stuff in public…" "Sweet! Meet me at my place then at eight. If we beat the traffic we can get there just before it opens." "Alright, but that means I gotta hit the sack early, so I'm going to have to hang up now." "Wait! Before you go…" "… Yes?" Twilight asked, raising an eyebrow. "… Are you touching yourself right now?" Twilight hit the red button to hang up her phone and slammed it down onto her bed. "IDIOT!" "Rwar?" Twilight looked over to where Spike was laying in his little bed in the corner of the room. "Oh, it's nothing, Spike," she said, rising to her feet and walking over to the little puppy. She kneeled down to stoke Spike's head, earning a smile from him. "Hmm… I'll have to prepare a lunch for tomorrow… Maybe I'll make one for Sunny, too." Twilight stood back up and left her room cautiously, taking great care not to make too much noise so that her parents wouldn't hear her. Twilight arrived at Sunset's house precisely on the dot. Sunset Shimmer was already waiting beside her motorcycle, making the final preparations by placing a couple of bags inside of the box on the back. Twilight raised an eyebrow as she asked, "Why are you packing so much? Is that a sleeping bag?" "I'm staying at yours tonight," Sunset told her, taking Twilight's bag and adding it with her own. "My folks already said it's fine, and yours would be fine with me waltzing in and announcing I live there now." "You practically do with how often you come over," Twilight laughed. Sunset Shimmer handed her a purple helmet and she put it on, making sure to roll her hair up inside of it first. "But you could have at least asked me if it was okay, first." "I was going to, but you hung up on me." "That was because you asked such a stupid question!" Twilight replied with a huff. "Sorry, sorry! Is it okay if I stay over yours tonight, dear?" Twilight frowned and said, "Never call me that again, and deal." "You got it, honey!" "We're not married, you know?!" Sunset laughed as she climbed onto her motorcycle. "I'm just teasing ya! C'mon, let's go! If we hurry, we can beat the traffic." Twilight Sparkle climbed onto the back of the red, purring beast, and wrapped her arms tightly around Sunset's waist. Sunset Shimmer put on her orange, flame-patterned helmet and started her bike's engine. "Ohhhh boy…" "Relaaaaax! You know I'm a good driver!" "Well, that's up to each individual's personal opinion…" Sunset Shimmer revved her engine and felt Twilight tighten her hold on her. "I've been training with Chrysalis so if I crash, blame her!" "Please don't! If the police find out you're driving under the legal age-" "Off we go!" Sunset's bike took off, tearing through the quiet street with the screaming of a young girl following it down the road. Their day at Funland was off to a great start. After arriving early, the two were able to buy their tickets and enter the park without too much queuing, the weather was favourably warm and clear of any clouds, and the majority of the park's attendees that day were focussing their interests on the new ride that had opened recently, granting most of the park's other attractions short queuing times. The two started with the water rides, getting themselves wet early on and clearing out the closest section of the park first. Twilight bought a souvenir keychain for her brother, whilst Sunset Shimmer bought a souvenir of her own – a picture of the two on the rapids ride, which caught the perfect shot of Twilight Sparkle's shirt being so wet it was see-through. The two then moved on to the more intense rollercoaster rides, despite the loops and twirls not agreeing with Twilight's stomach, balancing them out with the more leisurely attractions, such as the aquariam and the many sideshow attractions. After winning a contest of strength and gifting Twilight with a lovely white winged unicorn plush toy with a rainbow mane, the two decided to break for dinner. Twilight felt her nerves starting to betray her as she presented the lunch that she had made for the two of them and, to her surprise, Sunset Shimmer had already planned a similar thing. The two laughed and found a nice spot in the spacious gardens to set up a picnic. "I guess we have two lunches now," Twilight said with a light giggle. "I don't know if I can handle that much after all these rides…" "Well, how about we save mine for when we get back?" Sunset suggest, packing the lunches that she had made away before she was stopped by Twilight's hand grabbing her wrist. "But you worked so hard on it. It would be bad to let it go to waste." "Well, the same goes for you," Sunset returned. The two were silent for a moment before Twilight asked, "Well, how about if I eat the lunch you made for me, and you eat the lunch I made for you?" Sunset Shimmer smiled. "Works for me." After the two exchanged lunchboxes, they dug into their respective meals. "This is good," Twilight said, looking up at Sunset Shimmer. "You don't have to lie. I know I'm not the best chef around." "No, I mean it! It's great!" Sunset Shimmer blushed and simply returned to her own meal in silence. "… It can't be any better than yours, though." "You kidding?" Twilight laughed. "I just threw together what looked good." "Well, you have a knack for it. I wouldn't mind eating this every day." Twilight Sparkle exploded into a sea of red as she responded with nothing more than an audible squeak and a nod. After the two finished their lunches, the next attraction on the map was the haunted house that stood in the centre of the large gardens. Once inside, Twilight was reminded of just how much she hated spooks and skeletons. The two were left on their own to brave the 'dangers' of the decrepit old house and, if it weren't for Sunset Shimmer staying right beside her at all times, Twilight doubted that she would have gotten very far. Sunset Shimmer decided to take advantage of the attraction's darkness to have a little fun with Twilight. Casually, Sunset Shimmer inched closer to Twilight, their arms making contact for a brief second and confirming that she was close enough to extend her hand, bringing it behind Twilight's skirt and searching around for her plump rump. 'Gotcha' Sunset thought as she grabbed her prize, rubbing a little and smirking at Twilight's… lack of reaction? Confused, Sunset Shimmer squeezed. Twilight's butt wasn't as soft as she had remembered. In fact, it was rather hard, and felt a little slimy. Her body froze on the spot and her she slowly turned her head to the side, finding her hand connected not to the back of Twilight's skirt as she had planned, but to the skull of the rotting corpse dangling from a hole in the wall. As she slowly pulled her hand back, the corpse began to rise, its eyes meeting Sunset Shimmer's as the two entered into a brief staring contest. And then it screamed, followed quickly by Sunset Shimmer, Twilight completing the chain before the two girls took off as fast as they could through the dark hallway. "Well, despite nearly suffering from a heart attack, today's been a really fun day!" "It's not over yet," Sunset Shimmer said, taking out her phone and showing the time to Twilight. "We still have time to do one more thing." "So what do you have in mind?" Twilight asked. Sunset Shimmer pointed up towards the huge Ferris wheel in the distance. "How about a nice, quiet ride on that? You can see the whole park when you're at the top." "Sounds great!" Twilight grabbed Sunset's hand with her own and led the way. "The perfect way to end a perfect date." "Yes… It will be," Sunset said, licking her lips as she picked up the pace to walk alongside Twilight Sparkle. The view from the Ferris wheel's carriage as it rose up was breathtaking. Outside, Twilight could see the entire park, from the minigolf course, to the awesome rollercoasters that were the source of many screams echoing throughout the park, to the band performing at the main gates. A firework exploded in the distance, catching Twilight's attention as many hues filled the sky. "Wow! This is amazing!" "Sure is," Sunset Shimmer agreed, opting to lean back casually in her seat rather than press her face against the glass wall of the carriage. "Don't tip us over, okay?" Twilight frowned and sat back into her seat. "I'm not that fat." "I never said you were." Sunset Shimmer glanced back out of the window one final time. 'We're high enough…' "Still, they were right," Twilight said, staring blissfully into the distance as the sun began to set over the horizon. "This is beautiful." "… Not as much as you," Sunset said as she rose to her feet. Twilight wasn't sure if she had heard that correctly. Surprised, she turned to face Sunset Shimmer as the girl leaned down and kissed her on the lips. As the two sunk into the kiss, Twilight Sparkle closed her eyes and felt at ease. The day had been great, and this was the perfect way to end it… Sunset Shimmer had different plans, though. As she distracted Twilight with her tongue, she slyly slipped her hand under Twilight's skirt, feeling up her thighs and working her way slowly up to Twilight's panties. "Hey," Twilight said between kisses, "What… are you…" Twilight felt a pair of fingers rubbing against the outside of her panties, running circles around the increasing pool of moisture that had begun to form. "Mm. S-Sunny, wait. Ahh!" "We've got some time," Sunset Shimmer said, backing off so that she could collect her bag lying on her seat. As she reached into it, Twilight gave her a confused look, before gasping. From within the bag, Sunset Shimmer pulled out a long, purple, double-ended strap-on dildo. "I brought this along, just for this moment." "You planned this?!" Sunset Shimmer lifted her skirt, revealing that she wasn't wearing any panties underneath. "Mhm," she responded as she slid one end of the toy into her dripping hole. "Nn! Well, honestly I was beginning to question whether I should go through with it, but…" "Y-You've been going camando all day?" Twilight asked through wide, startled eyes. "Only the past half-an-hour, since I last visited the bathroom." "But Sunny, I don't know…" Sunset Shimmer approached Twilight, placing a hand gently on her cheek. She looked down into Twilight's eyes and said, "It'll be fine. The ride takes eighteen minutes to get from the top to the bottom, and no one can see this far up. We've got fifteen minutes until we're at a point where it's possible to see inside, plus, I saw a couple of wheelchairs in the queue that should give us an extra two to five minutes!" Twilight wanted to meet Sunset's eyes, but her attention was drawn to the large, purple phallus waving before her face. "… Whuh?" she asked as soon as she noticed the silence, throwing her head up to face Sunset Shimmer. Sunset grinned. "Something distract you there?" Twilight blushed. "N-Not… really…" Sunset Shimmer thrust her hips forwards a little, poking Twilight's nose with the toy and chuckling. "See? You want this in you just as much as I do. Admit it." Twilight growled, her hands clutching the bottom of her seat as she glared furiously at the large, phallic object standing proudly before her. "Aaaaalright! Fine! I do!" Twilight admitted, covering her face in shame. "It's just so… It looks so… It looks like it'd feel so… I DON'T KNOW!" "Easy there," Sunset cooed, gently removing Twilight's hands. "It's best to be honest with yourself, Twilight." "… I… want that." Twilight met Sunset's gaze once more and grabbed onto Sunset Shimmer's hands. "I want you." Sunset Shimmer nodded. "Then turn around. Remember, we've only got twenty minutes at most." "Okay…" Twilight stood up, took a deep breath, and then turned around, mounting the carriage's seat and holding onto the backrest bar with one hand. With the other, she reached behind herself and pulled her panties aside, revealing her dripping, pleading entrance. She looked back to find Sunset Shimmer stepping closer towards her. Sunset Shimmer grabbed the plastic shaft and rubbed the end of her toy against Twilight's hole. She could feel her heart racing as she prepared to enter Twilight. "Are you ready?" "Y-Yes," Twilight squeaked. Twilight tensed up and clutched the metal bar she was holding onto as she felt the sex toy slipping into her. "Oooohhhhh…" "It's almost all the way in," Sunset announced. She could feel it getting harder to push inside, suggesting that Twilight's walls were clamping down on her shaft. "Try to relax a little," she said, and felt the effects immediately after Twilight took another deep breath. She pushed forwards just a bit further, and felt her waist making contact with Twilight's backside. "There. How's that feel?" Twilight remained silent, save for the sultry breathing through her mouth, and she glanced back confusedly when she felt no further movement from Sunset Shimmer. "Hmm?" Sunset asked. "How does it feel, Twilight?" Twilight's mouth clamped up. "It…" Twilight's face was a deep red as she turned to hide it from Sunset's eyes. "It's good…" She heard chuckling behind her and furrowed her brow. "Don't laugh! You asked how it feels and I answered!" "You're right. Still, it was just too cute." Sunset Shimmer leaned forwards and planted a kiss onto Twilight's cheek. She pulled back and whispered, "I want to hear you moan." Sunset Shimmer pulled out and then trust back in just as fast, repeating the motion without rest. The carriage filled with the sounds of flesh slapping flesh mixed in with Twilight unsuppressed moans. "Ohhh! Ah! Ahhhnnnn, Sunnnnyyyyyyy…" Sunset grabbed each of Twilight's hips as she began to thrust with much more force. With every thrust, her own end of the strap-on shook and reverberated, sending waves of pleasure throughout Sunset's system. This was enhanced by the very image of seeing Twilight on all fours, being rutted like an animal in heat. "Oh god, Twilight! This feels… so good…" "Ahhh ahhh ahhnn…" Twilight gasped as one particularly strong thrust hit a sensitive spot inside of her. She could feel her own walls tightening, attempting to suck every last drop of milk from Sunset's cock, not caring or perhaps even realising that it was simply plastic. As far as she Twilight was concerned, the real thing couldn't have been any better. A balloon floating outside caught Twilight's attention, snapping her back to reality. She noticed that the ride was starting to move down again, and worry started to grasp at her chest. "S-Sunny, maybe this isn't such a good ide-ea after all." "Don't worry," Sunset Shimmer said, her thrusts not dying down. "We still have pleeeeenty of time before we're in visible range." Twilight Sparkle didn't share Sunset Shimmer's confidence, and quickly shook her head. "But what if we don't?! What if we get caught?! We should stop!" Sunset Shimmer stopped for a brief moment, before chuckling and reaching her hands beneath Twilight's chest, groping the two round, soft orbs that were there. She resumed her thrusting immediately, and mixed it up with her massaging Twilight's breasts. "If you don't want to be caught, then you'd better hurry up and cum, because I'm not stopping until you do." The panic inside of Twilight grew larger, but at the same time, so did the arousal. Her legs shook, whilst her hips simultaneously began to waggle, attempting to stimulate herself with Sunset Shimmer's help. 'We're not gonna make it, we're not gonna make it…' "W-We shouldn't… keep going…" Twilight breathing grew ragged and her vision became a thick fog. "Ahh! Ahh! NN! OHHH, AHHHHHHHH!" "That's it! Let it go!" Sunset Shimmer picked up the pace, driving Twilight and herself to their limits. Her legs started to burn, but she couldn't stop. She wouldn't. She was so close, and if Twilight's moans were any indication, so was she. "Cum, Twilight! Cum before everybody sees what we're doing!" Twilight clenched her eyes shut and cried out as her entire body became aflame. On one hand, she was terrified of exactly that happening, but on the other… she was so close, so very near, and she had never experienced an orgasmic build-up so powerful before. She wanted it. She needed it. And she got it. With one final thrust, Twilight screamed, and came like a tsunami all over Sunset Shimmer's legs. Suddenly, there was nothing on her mind other than the sheer bliss and the pleasure that she was experiencing at that time. Her vaginal walls refused to let Sunset Shimmer pull out anymore, instead demanding that she stay inside until Twilight had ridden out every last drop of her orgasm. Sunset Shimmer, meanwhile, had no complaints about that. She could feel her legs and her feet becoming wet and was impressed by the sheer force at which Twilight was spraying her orgasmic juices. Eager to join her, Sunset Shimmer released the straps around her and began humping her own end of the double-ended toy. It didn't take much. Sunset Shimmer fell on top of Twilight as the two joined forces in creating a hot, sticky puddle on the floor of the carriage. "AHHHHHHH! OH MY GOOOOOOOD!" "S-Sunny…" Twilight, now starting to recover after she had finished cumming, glanced over her shoulder to find Sunset Shimmer slumped over her back, shaking and squirming as she made the most adorable O-face that Twilight had ever seen. With a giggle, Twilight rolled around, causing the strap-on to fall out of Sunset with an audible pop, and embraced Sunset Shimmer with a kiss. Even after coming down from her high, Sunset Shimmer continued to make out with Twilight Sparkle. The two were in heaven. To them, there was no carriage, no amusement park, and no danger of being caught. It was just the two of them, together in paradise, free to hold onto each other for all of eternity. Sadly, reality reared its ugly head as the two were forced to part for air. Both were panting like they had just run a marathon, and Sunset Shimmer stared down into Twilight's eyes as she sat in the latter's lap. "… See?" Sunset said with a smirk, leaning down to poke their noses together. "Told you we had enough time." Twilight Sparkle tilted her head for a second, and then gasped. Suddenly, she remembered the situation that they were in. "… You idiot!" Twilight shouted, pushing Sunset Shimmer off of herself and standing up tall. She blushed as she felt something slipping out from between her legs, and looked down to find that she was still attached to Sunset's toy. "H-Hey, c'mon!" Sunset pleaded, standing up and taking a cautious step back. Twilight removed the toy and threw it at Sunset. "I told you we should have stopped! What if we hadn't made it in time?!" "But we did! I calculated it perfectly and-" Twilight reached down to pull up her panties. "No! It was too risky, and too dumb, even for you!" "Well, you joined in, too." "And then had second thoughts!" "But it all worked out fine!" "That's not the point! I was scared out of my mind! I've never been so scared before!" "I-I'm sorry, I-" "Just save it!" Twilight Sparkle sat herself down and crossed her arms, glaring outside of the window to her side. "Don't talk to me until we get home. And put that thing away before someone sees it!" "Twilight, I-" Twilight Sparkle held up a hand, and Sunset bit her lip. With a sigh, Sunset Shimmer picked up the strap-on with a grimace and hesitantly put it back into her bag. "Probably should've brought a separate bag to put it in, or a cloth to clean it off." "That's your problem," Twilight said with a huff. Sunset Shimmer gulped, and nervously cast her eyes to the ground. '… Maybe I went too far with this one. Oh god, please don't make me sleep on the floor, Twilight.' Sunset Shimmer was thankful that Twilight was merciful that night, and told her that she didn't need to sleep in her sleeping bag on the floor. She still had to sleep in her sleeping bag, to ensure she kept her hands to herself, but she was at least given permission to sleep next to Twilight in the same bed. Twilight prepared the sleeping bag in silence, rigging the zipper so that it could only be unfastened from the outside. Sunset Shimmer watched as she buttoned her pyjama shirt. "Make sure it's nice and solid! You know how crafty I can be." She got no response from the pouting Twilight. Sunset walked up to Twilight and sat down beside her on the bed. "… Y'know, I think your mum might know about us." Still no response. "She's nice, though, so I don't think it'll be a problem. Now your bro, on the other hand, he might just kill me for trying to take his precious little sister away from him!" Twilight finished with the sleeping bag and lay it out straight, opening it up so that Sunset Shimmer could climb inside. "… Oh come on! You're already making me sleep in there, do you really have to give me the silent treatment?!" Twilight turned to Sunset with a hard glare, and Sunset immediately regretted her decision to demand a response. "I told you to keep your hormones under control." "It's not easy though, y'know? Especially not with such a cute, adorable-" Twilight batted Sunset's arm away, and then frowned. "Look, I know that you said you wanted to try some things out in public… and I said I'd be happy to, if it's what you really wanted, but I never expected it get so out of control. At Funland, I was genuinely scared that we'd be caught." Sunset Shimmer cast her eyes down and sighed. "Yeah, I guess… I guess I went a little overboard there." "More like a lot." "And I'm sorry! But it's like, whenever I'm with you, I just wanna… I just want to hold you, and kiss you, and feel your body close to mine. And when you said you were really to try out sex in public, I just let it get to my head." Sunset scratched the back of head, raising her eyes to meet Twilight's. "I'm sorry, Twilight. I should've know when to stop." Twilight shook her head. "No. I should have told you I wasn't up for it anymore. Instead I left it too late, and let you get all excited. I've read books, so I know teenagers have a hard time controlling their urges. I should have been more sympathetic about that." "I love how you speak like you're at a level far beyond everyone else your age," Sunset Shimmer deadpanned. "But maybe you're right! Maybe it wasn't my fault, but my natural biological urges'!" Twilight Sparkle narrowed her eyes, and Sunset gulped. "Maybe I should stop talking and just climb into the sleeping bag." "Look, Sunny?" Twilight held out her hand and placed it on top of Sunset's, squeezing gently. "I'm still okay with… kissing you, behind the school, and anywhere else we likely won't be seen, but I…" Sunset placed a finger over Twilight's lips and shook her head, smiling softly. "No more sex stuff, I got it. From now on, I'll keep it in the bedroom." Twilight smiled back, and leaned forward kiss her lover gently on the lips. After pulling back, she whispered a soft, "Thank you." "But still, I want to do something to make it up to you, and to thank you for indulging in my fantasy." Sunset closed her eyes and thought hard for a couple of seconds, before a light bulb popped above her head. "I got it! How about for tonight, before we go to bed… I'll indulge in whatever fantasy you want to play out." Twilight's eyes widened and a blush crossed her face. "W-Whatever… fantasy I want?" Sunset grinned and leaned forward, whispering, "However rude, dirty or naughty… I'll comply." A little blood trickled out of Twilight's nose and she brought up a hand to fiddle with some locks of her hair. "W-Well, I do have one thing I've been dreaming of since we first… y'know, got together." "You name it. I'll do anything you want…" Sunset stood up and gave a bow. "For tonight, you're in charge, Princess Twilight." Twilight jumped to her feet, an expression of glee on her face. "Okay, here's what I want you to do!" Sunset Shimmer didn't know what she was expecting, but she was surprised she had expected any different. Or maybe she just hoped for something different. It felt strange to be wearing her school uniform this late at night… and even stranger to see Twilight wearing a suit, complete with glasses and her hair tied into a bun… Strange, but hot. "Okay, class," Twilight Sparkle began, adjusting the glasses on her face as she addressed her 'students' – one Sunset Shimmer and one Smarty Pants – with a cheerful smile, "Is everybody present and accounted for?" Sunset Shimmer raised her arm. "Miss Sparkle, I'm sorry, but I brought the wrong books to class today, which means I left all my homework at home." Twilight's smile turned into a seductive grin and she folded her arms as she faced Sunset Shimmer directly. "Well then, it seems I'll be needing to see you… after class…"