> What Happened? > by Mixin Husky > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I moaned from the tapping sun-light against my face, wondered how long I'd been sleeping. I blinked, shut my eyes, blinked again. I yawned, managed to fully open both of my eyes. Where am I? Why am I here? Sitting up the bedroom I was in, I noticed that it was red, white, and black. I love this combination! Walls, drapes and bedspread are off-white, carpeting is cranberry red. Furniture is Spanish, I really could tell. Dark wood, with an antique Spanish armchair upholstered in dark red velvet used as the desk chair. The desk is dark wood with a black leather top. Focal point is a heavily carved, dark-stained oak triple-dresser. Headboard on the bed is an intricately carved. Black bookcases filled with all the books. Throw pillows are black and white prints. A small wall shelf to display miniature knights and other small souvenirs of travels in Spain. Accessories are a Dali drawing of Don Quixote, a painting of a young Spanish boy on a white horse in a dark, carved wood frame, a lamp with a carved black base and a black drum shade. I absolutely love it! But reminded me of someone. To the side a bedside table with two phone's and three empty beer bottles. I managed to pick up both phone's only to find my clothes on the rug. Top, bra, jeans, underwear and socks even my shoes were in the corner of the room. I looked to the side of me to see who's room it was, but the person were covered up then I decided to try one of the phone's. Mine. I thought as I tried the other phone. Dead. Ugh. I groaned. I placed down the phone and checked time. 11:22 AM. Fuck. I thought. That's right the big f world. The big 'why-in-the-hell-did-I-drink-so-much-last-night. Fuck, shit, bitch I don't know, it was the only word my brain could think of in between the hammer that was my intense migraine. Not even the fat cow of a woman- who for the record had been a 15/10 the night before could phases me. Except for- and I quote from the words I remember from last night- "Pissed out of your mind ain't you Dashie. Come on I'll take you home. "I pondered my mind, the voice was definitely feminine, I was out with Pinkie, and it couldn't been a guy if she was there. My head pounded as the person who were laying next to me finally moved, but of course I really didn't notice so I fell back onto my back this made her jump. "Ahh!" I turned to my side to see... Fluttershy? What the fuck, why on earth am I in her room. Now I remember why I fount the room so familiar. "Fluttershy?" I said as she poked her head from the covers. "Feeling.... better Dashie?" She asked as I nodded. "Please tell me I didn't do anything to harm you?" I hate waking up in someone else's bed. "No, but.... the one thing you did.... is you slept naked." "I...I....I... I regret nothing. Sorry." I said as Shy smiled. "It's okay." She moved closer to me. "I'm just going to..." Fluttershy wrapped her arm around my exposed body. "Flutters... What are you doing?" I asked as she giggled. "I...I love you." She said that made me blush. "I Love you too." I snuggled up to her as someone walked in. "Fluttershy... Your friend...." Her dad stopped to see me and Fluttershy. "What the fuck." He walked over and pulled me out of bed. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY DAUGHTER!" He screamed as I grabbed the cover to cover myself up with. "Watch.... what you’re saying dad..... It's just a sleepover." Fluttershy said. "THEN WHY IS SHE NAKED!" "No need to shout I'm right here." I point out as Fluttershy answered her father. "She got pissed out of her mind.... and needed somewhere to stay." She said as she yawned. Her dad pushed me back and walked out as Fluttershy made room for me. "Come on I'm still tired." I pulled Fluttershy out of bed. "What?.... What are you doing?" I put my arms around her waist. Pulling her slowly toward me. The kiss was hard,yet soft. It was fiery, yet passionate. It was filled with our hunger for each other but it was also filled with love. Even though we have kissed before, when Rarity dared us it seemed like the first. It felt as if the whole world cheered for us. As if fireworks and explosions went off behind us. As if all eyes were on us. Even if we felt all these emotions We didn’t care. I pulled away as Shy pushed me onto the bed. I really wanted this, really wanted to sleep with my butterfly for the first time. Waking up this morning didn't count, this time will. Fluttershy jumped in next to me and I let her wrap her arms around me while she placed her head on my chest. Somehow I scored with her, I don't know how but a week later on Replace, another social media site, Fluttershy put her relationship states as In a relationship with Rainbow Dash. I had to do the same so I did. In a relationship with Fluttershy. I arrived home to my parents wanting a very long word with me. "Dash... Are you dating.... A girl?" My mum asked me. "Yeah, what's wrong with that?" I asked as my dad sighed. "Sit down Rainbow Dash. We need to talk," my dad said as I swallowed hard.