Silverlight The Not So Bearded

by GriffithTheGriffin

First published

Silverlight the son of luna comes to face the painfull past of himself and a beautiful mare named Aura scratch.

As he boards a train to Buckington DC to head to college he meet's Aura Scratch. As the first day moves on he starts to have feeling. Like he knew her from somewhere. Little did he know that he in fact did know her in a past life. When he was Starswirl the bearded and when she was Record Scratch his lover.

the train

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Silverlight sat for what seemed like hours. As the train arrived the conductor stepped out.

" All aboard to the Collage of magic for gifted unicorn's " He yelled looking at the long line that awaited.

Silverlight grabbed his bags and walked onto the Train. When walking in he looked at his ticket. " Cart 3 room number 27. I wonder who will bunk with me? " he mumbled.

As he reached cart 3 he looked for room 27 " ah there it is ". When he opened the door he was greeted by a mare his age.

She looked at him " hi.... Umm I'm Aura Scratch " She offered her hoof he took it gladly.

He couldn't help but notice how beautiful she was " Silverlight " he said which of course caused her eye's to widen.

She stood there for a second gathering what he had just told her." Y-Your Luna's son. The son of Brutal Light the commander of the army. Omagosh I should bow I'm sorry " She said bowing.

Silverlight looked at her " Um no need, I'm not even a Alicorn. My mom is. There is no need for formality towards me. ".

She nodded then looked at him " Hey top or bottom " she said smiling.

This caused him to jump back mentally. Then he noticed what she meant " O-Oh um top if you don't mind " he said. She put her bag in the bottom bunk compartment.

" So what are you going to study " She asked as she sat in a chair.

He just noticed that the room was big it had a bathroom, a Tv, a couch, and a bunk bed. " um the stars they've always fascinated me I want to learn how to do magic with stars " he explained sitting on a chair. " What about you ? " he asked causing her to snap out of some trance.

She looked at him " I'm studying to become a elemental master like your father " She said blushing a bit.

He looked at her and smiled " hey I was wondering I have no umm friends. I wish to ask you to become one. If you don't mind of course. " he said shyly.

This caused her to get excited " of course. I don't have friends... Well besides BlueJay who is Fluttershy's daughter and well she's shy.. And she didn't come. Because she's a Pegasus. ". Then her stomach growled causing her to blush.

Silverlight looked at her " Hey come with me we can go to the dining car it's supper time any ways. " he said getting up. He then noticed her cutie mark was that of a music note with a heart on it.

" So your mother is Vinyl Scratch your father is Vendale Scratch and your sister's name Is Heartly Scratch " Silverlight said, as he took a sip of tea.

Aura nodded " yeah she got in a fight and got a red scar on her eye. She looks like mom and me. The only difference is I have this red streak in my hair. Oh I almost forgot. My Coltfriend works as a guard his name is Gold Chestplate. Do you know him " she said while eating.

This made Silverlight sad " Oh the one who guards my aunt Twilight. Yeah we talked a couple times, but he has a job to do. So do you know how many days it will take to get to Buckington DC? " he said.

She took a bite of an apple and swallowed " Tomorrow afternoon " she said smiling.

You chuckled when the train hit a bump and she squeaked " Are you staying in a dorm at the college " he asked.

Her head lowered and she sighed " no I'm just going to look for a place to stay plus all the dorm's are taken " she frowned.

This saddened Silverlight. Such a beautiful mare with no place to go. Then he said something he didn't expect to say " You could stay at our summer house with me. I mean if you want. ".

She looked up and smiled " you mean it. I don't wish to intrude " she looked down.

He just smiled at her " no it's ok plus your Coltfriend wouldn't want you to sleep in some crummy place. Plus I've been to the summer house and it has alot of room's. Come on we'll shake on it " he offered his hoof and she shook it.

Later that night he walked towards the door to hear crying. He opened it to see Aura laying on the couch with a note in her hand. He quickly galloped over to her " Aura what's wrong " he said sitting by her head her eye's were red so clearly she had been crying for awhile.

She sniffled and looked at him " Gold cheated on me. My friend Red Velvet found him with another mare. I.. I... " She started crying again.

Starlight grabbed her underarms and scooted closer to her so he could hug her. Soon as he made contact she pulled away and pushes her head into his chest bawling her eyes out. He sat there shushing her and trying to calm her down. A couple hours later her head rested on his chest.

" Silverlight can I ask you something " she said not moving a muscle.

He looked down at her " Yeah. What is it " he asked his voice clearly filled with concern.

" We just met. But yet I feel as if I've known you my entire life. Why is it that you are so nice and not so mean like gold? " She asked her voice quivering.

He sat there starring at the ceiling. " I have been raised that way and to make sure all ponies are ok. I'm concerned about you. I care about you I feel as if I've known you my entire life. " he said smiling at her.

She blushed when he said that. When he tried to move her so he could get up she stopped him. " can you stay, please ". He looked at her and nodded laying back down. She scooted up so her head was under his chin. The couch was small so she was lying on top of him.
In her sleep she mumbled " Starswirl " but Silverlight didn't hear as he to was asleep mumbling " Record ".
On the second day Starlight woke up to find Aura was gone. He sighed and got up and opened his bag to see a picture of his mom and dad holding a baby him. His dad was tall and mighty he had silver fur and black hair his cutie mark is that of a sword surrounded by the four elements. Silverlight had Silver fur and Black and purple hair his cutie mark was much like Starswirl's it was a spiral with grey stars and behind them was a horizon of light.

As he dug in the bag some more he found what he was looking for it was a blood line book of his father's side of the family and on the last page he saw Starswirl. He sighed and sat down wondering where Aura was.

Earlier that day....
Aura woke early but just laid on Silverlight's chest smelling his aroma. She smiled ' he smell's like vanilla ' which only made her hungry so she got up threw the letter in the trash and walked out of the room.

She sat down with a vanilla and oat ice cream. She used her magic to call her mom through a thought spell. ' Hey mom. ' She thought.

' Oh hunny I'm so sorry about gold red velvet told me everything do you want to come home ? ' her mom replied.

Aura chuckled ' no mom. Besides I found someone else. He's my bunk mate on the train. Last night he found me crying and he told me everything was ok. He even let me sleep on his chest for comfort. ' she thought to her mom.

' if he hurt's you... Who is he ' her father broke into the spell.

' Dad it's fine. He's nice. Handsome and strong and guess what he's your commander's Son ' Aura thought

' Silverlight. Well if it's him I know your in good hoofs bye I love you Aura ' her father said.

' bye mom and dad love you ' she thought. After she got done she walked back to the cabin and opened the door to see Silverlight awake. She blushed when he looked at her.

He stared at the picture till he heard the door open he turned to see Aura blushing. He went back to looking at the book when he heard a gasp.

" Your related to Starswirl cool. " Aura said looking at the book. She sat beside him and leaned over to look at the family tree.

" yeah I even have a similar cutie mark. " Silverlight said. She looked at him and blushed. " I've got to tell you. You look cute when you blush " he said smiling at her causing her to blush more.

" yeah well..... " she stopped as she thought of a comeback. Which only made her look even cuter.

Just then his horn vibrated and a hologram of Luna appeared. " mom hey I was just going to call dad how is everything " Silverlight said.

Aura stared in amazement as Luna stood there " son I wish you the greatest luck you should be arriving in a few minutes and....... Oh who is this lovely mare you are sitting with " Luna said.

Noticing that her head was on Silverlight's shoulder she quickly sat up " mom this is Aura Scratch she's going to be staying with me at the summer house " he said.

Luna smirked " one day in and you already got yourself a mare friend. Aura you watch this one he's a keeper " causing Silverlight to blush.

Aura sat up and looked at him then smirked " yes ma'am I already understand. He's. Handsome, nice, gentle, and strong. All a mare need's " she said causing Silverlight to deepen his blush.

The hologram faded away. Silverlight sat there confused " what did you mean by that " he said.
She jumped at him and kissed him. ' OMG IM ACTUALLY KISSING A PRINCE. WAIT WHAT DID I JUST DO!!!! ' she thought and pulled off then looked at his surprised face. " I'm sorry I understand if you don't want to be friends anymore " she said.

He looked down " no I don't. I want it to be more " he said as he kissed her. Her look of surprise turned into a look of pleasure as she moaned into his mouth. Their tongue's entwined and started wrestling for dominance. After they broke the kiss a strand of saliva was all the evidence that they had just kissed.

Then the trained stopped " now arriving in Buckington DC. All passengers must have their ticket's present on the way off the train " a voice on the intercom said.