> Blue Vinyl > by Exilo > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Cigarettes and Brandy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After Twilight Sparkle’s weekly Magnetism Spell lesson, I return to my room to find a letter on my bed waiting for me. The air is still pleasantly warm and smells faintly of sunflowers. I would guess it was my Aunt Tia who dropped the letter off, and I am disappointed I missed her. We have both been rather busy lately. I have been trying to get all the paperwork for a new business venture in order, while Celestia has been working on the terms of a proper treaty with the Griffon King and the Changeling Queen. Needless to say, hers is vastly more important than mine, yet she still has the time to deliver a letter to my quarters personally. That’s just the kind of mare she is. I smile as I use my magic to fetch a letter opener from my desk. An easy slice across the top, and I use my hooves to fish out the crudely folded piece of paper. The writing is absolutely atrocious. Messy and smeared, I have seen foals with steadier hooves. I try squinting, cocking my head to the side, holding the paper at a variety of distances, and I finally manage to decipher a few of the key words. The Three Crown Royale, meet me… uhm… Evening. Vinyl Scratch? Vinyl Scratch… That drunkard pony, with the cream fur and blue mane, and those big red eyes that remind me of my mother. A week and a day ago, I spent an awkward night with her. In these days since, I have thought about her from time to time, about that favor I turned down. About the weight of her against my chest as we rode the train. How she surprised me with a kiss. That saunter of her rather impressive hips as she trotted along… A glance at the mirror, and I see my face is turning red. I have no delusions that Vinyl Scratch actually wants to speak to me. This is probably some sort of scam or scheme. She wants to borrow money, or ask if I can upgrade the room I am paying for to the penthouse suite. Or perhaps I am walking right into a Discordian protest, and will be assaulted by rotten eggs and jugs of paint the moment my guard is down. I fetch a box of matches from my desk, strike one, and hold the orange flame just beneath the paper. It’s a chance to leave the castle though, spend some time out and about, stretch my legs, feel the sun on my fur, drink in public. I need to go the Three Crown Royale and speak to Fancy Pants anyway. I suppose there is also the chance, however slim, Ms. Scratch does legitimately want to speak to me. Maybe she actually wants to thank me for all I did for her, a week and a day ago. Stranger things have happened, I suppose. A long, hot shower, using soaps and salves on my fur and mane, helps to clear my head. By the sun, I have been so drowned in paperwork, I am not sure when the last time I washed was. This business venture I am planning, some will call it a hobby or a regal distraction, but it excites me more than anything has in so long. I have been working so hard on it, speaking to Fancy Pants and my aunts if they think I could make it work. They are so supportive, I am starting to think I can do it. Celestia as my witness, if this reunion ends up breaking my stride, I will personally throw Vinyl Scratch to the street. After the shower, I dry my fur with a towel and comb the knots out of my mane. I look good, if I do say so myself. I have gained more muscle and lost a bit of fat since I have begun working out regularly. The bags under my eyes remain, but they are not as prominent as they had once been. I have also been using a new shampoo Lotus recommended, and it has filled out my fur, concealing whatever residual scars or burns I still have. I put on my vest and tuck my new flask, filled with sweet brandy, into the breast pocket. Oh, yes, I have a new flask! It is a pure silver eight ounce container with a “captive top” (which is a small arm attaching the cap to the main body to keep you from losing it). I adore it for any number of reasons, but especially the beautiful compass rose engraved in blue over the front. Oh, it is beautiful, and I make a habit of taking it with me everywhere I go. The flask was a gift from that stallion I met at the Gala last week. Black Cloud, his name is. What an odd stallion. He is staying in Canterlot for the time being, working with Celestia on the terms of the treaty with the Griffon King. Every single day for the past week, he has offered to take me to lunch or dinner. I’m starting to think he has a crush on me, but looking at myself in the mirror, well, who can blame him? I have politely declined the offer every time. I do not feel comfortable around him, you see. There is something about him: his eyes, his voice, his dictation, his body language. His mere presence twitches my nerves and puts me on edge. He has done nothing to warrant such worries, but I feel them nonetheless, and dread the day I will run out of excuses. I take a taxi to the Three Crown Royale. I do not want to bother one of the royal guards with chauffeuring me and I really, really don’t want Aunt Luna or Aunt Tia to know why I will be absent from the castle this afternoon. They are busy with important things. I doubt they will even notice I am gone, but if they do… well, I just don’t want to explain why I am going to a hotel to meet a mare I have been dreaming about the past week. The first thing I do upon arriving is speak to the receptionist, the same sunny gold earth mare I met a week ago. Frustratingly, Fancy Pants is out on business. Of course, being a businesspony, it is not all that surprising, but I curse under my breath. I would have really liked to speak to him, have him assure me my business plan isn’t absolutely horrible. Spotting Vinyl Scratch at the hotel bar, I trot over and take the stool beside her. She does not notice my presence. She is staring at her drink far too intensely. By the cute umbrella resting in the brown, bubbly liquid and ice, as well as the subtle scent, I would guess it is a Rum & Cola. There is a fuming cigarette in the ashtray beside her, along with a smothered butt, implying she has not been waiting too long. I clear my throat. “Huh, what?” she stutters, snapping out of her trance. “Oh, hey prince. I was beginning to think you weren’t gonna show.” She is not wearing her usual sunglasses, so I have a perfect gaze of her crimson eyes. The sunglasses I still have are perhaps her only pair. I hope she didn’t contact me because she wants them back. I forgot them at home, and if she put that in the letter, I most certainly could not decipher it. “You requested my attendance, Ms. Scratch. Why?” “Yeah, I guess I did. Uh… how you been?” Her eyes are sore and red (I mean, more red than usual) but her breath smells only faintly of alcohol. I would guess she is tired more than drunk. Judging by a slight puffiness, perhaps she has been crying as well. “I have been good Ms. Scratch, if busy.” “Busy with what?” she asks quickly, as if she is afraid of the silence. “Oh, just something silly. A little pet project, I’m sure you will call it.” “What?” she asks again, eyes focused on me. “I have been thinking about opening a nightclub on the boulevard. I spent so much of my life in them I… it’s silly, but I think perhaps I will be good at it. I do not suppose you would be interested in DJing on the opening night? I bring it up only in case I must book you well in advance.” Vinyl chuckles in a sad way. “Job offers ain’t exactly rollin’ in, prince. Been sorta off my game lately. I mean, you know, couple missed gigs and everyone just drops you.” She laughs. “At least you are no longer living on the street, right?” Vinyl chuckles again. “Uhm… yeah, that’s sorta what I wanna talk to you about. I know this isn’t your hotel, prince. I know you are hoofing the bill for my stay. I have been trying really hard to resist raiding the mini-fridge, cause of that. So, I just kinda wanna know, why are you being so nice to me?” Typical. I do my best to keep my frustration under control, and casually ask, “If I were anypony else, would you be even remotely surprised by an act of kindness?” “Yeah, as a matter-a-fact I would,” she says sharply. “OK, so I missed a few gigs and screwed up a few shows. All my contacts and all my fans and all my employers just disown me. They forget all about me and just move on to the next big thing. You know, a day, how many ponies would just walk by me, not even spare a couple bits while I was sitting on the side of the street. So, yeah, a bit of kindness kinda shocks me.” I roll my eyes. “That is not even close to the truth, Ms. Scratch. Mr. Macintosh offered his home to you in my presence.” She giggles again. The rum must be hitting her. “Yeah, Mac is a great guy. Gives me a slice of pie or a bowl of oats and forgets to charge me, sometimes. Hell, I bet Octi would let me stay with her, but fuck if I’m going to put her through that again.” With her magic, she picks up her fuming cigarette and takes a few puffs. Gathering a nice mouthful of smoke, she tilts her head back and blows out a ring that shapes into a heart before dissipating. After a few moments of uncomfortable silence, I ask, “How are you enjoying your room?” “Hate it. Uck, all these prissy douche bags every time I take a step out the door. Have to use headphones to listen to my music since the walls aren’t soundproofed right. Shower heads barely got any water pressure for when I wanna think about some big stallion cock. Eh, better than sleeping in a cardboard box, though. I don’t really know if I ever said it proper, but thank you for what you did, you know? That whole night is still a bit of a blur, and when I woke up it was totally black. Why I was in a bit of a panic in the morning: strange room, strange stallion sleeping in the chair across from me, and my mouth didn’t taste like week old puke. I read the paper that afternoon. Did we… did we do anything?” “No Ms. Scratch, we didn’t do anything despite what every tabloid has said. Though you were coming onto me rather strong-“ “Damn, I musta been drunk!” she giggles. “I mean, look at you! What could I have been thinking?! Do you even have a cock, or are you like a toy doll down there?” I sigh. Really, what did I expect? “If that’s everything, Ms. Scratch, I will be going. I will mail your sunglasses to the front desk. They should arrive in a week and you can pick them up at your leisure.” As I stand up to leave, she takes a gulp of her Rum & Cola. Reaching a hoof out for my arm, she tugs me closer. “Just so you know, if we had done something, I wouldn’t have regretted it. I’m not some haughty royal. I see somepony who’s pretty handsome, nicely built, and smells like shampoos and fine soaps. I decide I want it, and I take it, and I don’t regret it.” “I am flattered you consider me on the same tier as a piece of pie,” I say, rolling my eyes. She doesn’t let go of my arm. I finally rip it away from her. “D-do you maybe wanna do something now?” Returning to the stool, I wave a hoof to the Rum & Cola. “Just how many of those have you had?” “First in a few days, actually. Since I haven’t got any gigs, I’ve been spending my days going out and seeing if anyone might offer a few spare bits to a starving artist. Finally got enough to buy myself something nice.” “Panhandling,” I mutter. “The point is, I’m not drunk. I just wanna do something for you. I mean, damn you’ve been so nice to me that I just feel like I owe you one.” “There aren’t paparazzi in the closet waiting to snap some shots of me, right?” “I’m serious prince-“ “As am I. Like I said before, you do not have to compensate me for anything. I am simply acting like a-” “By the sun, are you gay or something?” Vinyl screams. “I mean, I don’t mind, but I wanna know if there’s any hope of taking you to bed! Seriously, what kind of a stallion doesn’t JUMP at the chance of a free lay?” “Keep your voice down, Vinyl.” She takes a gulp of her Rum & Cola. “I’m serious! I was stretched on the bed, tail up, and you decide to sleep in a chair across the room. I’m pretty sure we even took a shower together. Do you find me attractive?” There is my blush again. “Well, I… uhm…” I turn to the bartender. “Brandy, neat.” “Are we reasonably similar in size?” Vinyl continues. “Cause I’ll tell you one thing, I ain’t doin it with a draft horse again. Was walking funny for a week after.” “I… I uhm…” Accentuating the request with a slam of my hoof, I shout, “Brandy. Neat. Now.” My face must look like a tomato. Vinyl leans back and grunts. “So what is the problem, Prince Blueballs? Why are you playing so hard to get?” Finally, the bartender places a glass of brandy down before me. Gripping it with my magic, I bring it to my lips and take a long, calming gulp. Oh, that’s better. The sweetness washes over my tongue and sifts between my cheeks before finally trickling down my throat and into my belly. I look around the bar again. The lighting is warm and homey and puts me at ease. It is an off time, so there aren’t many other ponies around. There is a unicorn couple at one of the tables sharing some sort of pink, frilly drink, and an older earth pony stallion at the other end of the bar nursing what I would guess is whiskey. “I just don’t have that much experience with mares.” “By the sun, you’re a VIRGIN!” “No!” I snap. “It has just been a while, alright?” I sigh. Taking another drink of brandy, I lean back. “It has been even longer since it wasn’t just some Las Pegasus whore.” “How long is a while?” she asks. “You know… t-ten…” “Days? Weeks?” “No. N-not weeks.” “Damn, ten months? No wonder you’re always so moody.” I put my head down, and can barely manage a squeaky, “N-not… months…” Vinyl bursts out laughing, pounding her hoof against the bar, spitting drool in all directions, and drawing the attention of everyone in the hotel. She does a remarkable job drawing the attention of every other patron. I do my best to bury my head even deeper between my arms. “By the sun, prince… I’m even more impressed you didn’t do anything to me. You pass out at a rave, and there’s a good chance you won’t be able to sit down for the next month.” I feel like I am going to puke. What was I thinking talking to her? What was I thinking even coming here? I take another gulp of brandy, hoping it will calm me down, but it does nothing to ease the nervousness that is racking my soul. “I’m just saying prince, had you gone and done something, I wouldn’t have minded. Not like it’s the first time I’ve passed out and some stallion has fucked me. I mean, it’s not that bad when you get slipped something on a date. You get laid and a good night’s sleep. Win, win.” “You’re broken inside, aren’t you?” I don’t know why I said that. It just slipped out. I look at her, though, and her lip quivers, and her eyes look heavy, and for a moment she’s different than usual. I have the strangest urge to hug her, but after a heartbeat, she’s back to normal and the impulse fades. Thank the sun. “Considering how much time I spend grooming, I would like the stallion in the mirror to be somepony I can bare to look at.” More silence. Vinyl reaches out and touches my hoof. I look to her. “D-do you maybe wanna go upstairs and just see what happens? No pressure, but we could try. Either way, you’re paying for the hotel room. Maybe you just want to spend the night?” Would it be that bad to say yes? I mean, Vinyl is no longer intoxicated. She is capable of making her own decisions. It’s not like it would be some unsavory action done in the backroom of a rave. We are two consenting adults who have at least some attraction for each other. Would it be that bad to say yes? Vinyl Scratch is rather pretty. Her mane is no longer down, like it was after her bath. Instead it is worn spikey and to the side. I like it better down, but this style doesn’t make her look ugly. It is her eyes that I so adore. Something about the red, and I feel absolutely awful for speaking ill of them a week ago. She is pretty, certainly a mare I would like to spend time with. What is the harm in going up to the room, the room that I am paying for, I might point out, and spending some time with her? Even if we don’t do anything, it might be nice to be with somepony instead of in the library; going over tax forms and zoning laws and bank accounts. Taking one last gulp of my brandy to empty the glass, I set it down. I leave enough bits for my own drink as well as Vinyl’s, plus a little extra since I am not sure I believe she has only had one. Turning to her, looking into those crimson eyes, I curtly nod my head. Vinyl leads the way. Every time she steps through a doorway or turns a corner, I’m tempted to run. Or duck into a room and hide. Or use my magic to blow a hole through a wall and jump onto the street (I’m sure Fancy Pants would understand.) But I keep trotting after Vinyl, doing my best not to stare at her shifting flanks, even though she is walking with far more of a saunter than she really needs to. Now that I don’t have to carry her or keep track of her, I can better appreciate… uhm… certain parts of her that… that shake quite a bit when she walks. We reach the room and she pulls a key out of her mane to open the door. Last chance to run, I muse as she fumbles with the lock. We don’t have to do anything, though. Maybe we could just spend the night smoking and drinking. I wouldn’t mind that. It’s what I do at the castle anyway. I am just tired of being alone. Sure, I see Twilight and my aunts and even Captain Armor on a regular basis, but it feels different with Vinyl. To Twilight, I’m a fencing instructor and magnetism tutor; to my aunts I’m their nephew, and to Armor I’m a fellow prince. Vinyl doesn’t treat me like that, though. She doesn’t much treat me like anything. By the sun, certain parts of her shift and shake with every step she takes... Vinyl hasn’t changed the room around too much since last I saw it. It still has a bed, a desk, a lamp, a chair. The floor is littered with crumpled pieces of paper. On the bed is a music player with a pair of headphones attached to it. On the desk is a half empty pack of cigarettes and an ashtray almost overflowing. With my magic, I pick up the carton and give them a contemplative sniff. “Want one?” Vinyl asks, taking it with her own magic. I shrug. Walking over to the bed, I climb on and sit on the edge. She puts two cigarettes into her mouth and takes the lighter off the table. Igniting the tip of the cigarettes and puffing until they are properly fuming, she uses her magic to pass one to me. I puff warily. “Sorry it isn’t one of those fancy gourmet cigars you are probably used to,” Vinyl mutters, sitting down on the bed, beside me. I take another puff. Yes, it certainly tastes “peasant,” but it not the worst thing I have had stuffed in my mouth. I took up smoking at the Point, but I was never addicted. I usually just puff them to keep awake. “Octi got me to quit,” she continues. “Well, I guess she got me to stop for a while. That’s a better way of putting it. A smoker is a smoker, a boozer is a boozer, a whore is a whore, till the end. We can’t change what we are, right? Can’t ever fix what’s broken.” I frown and open my mouth to say something, but can’t really think of just what. Vinyl takes a long drag of her cigarette and, probably just to be a jerk, turns and blows the smoke into my face. I wave a hoof through the ugly cloud. She giggles. “What happened with you and Octavia, anyway?” “Octi?” she asks, ears perking. “Eh, you know. S-some relations ain’t meant to last. It’s fine. I mean… she doesn’t nag me to come to her shows, and she doesn’t get on my tail when I can’t pay my part of the rent, and… you know, I’m better off without her. And she’s better off without me.” I place an arm around her shoulders. She leans into me and rests against my chest. “No parents to stay with?” “Hey!” she screams, pushing me away. “The only reason I’m staying here is cause you offered, and I’m paying you back right now! You want me out, I’m out!” “Calm down,” I nearly shout. “By the sun, ponies say I’m ornery. Last week, I thought it was the alcohol coursing through your veins, but I think you are genuinely crazy!” Huffing and puffing, Vinyl trots to the ash tray and tosses her cigarette in with the corpses of the others. With her magic, she places another cigarette between her lips and lights up. Unsure how to handle her (I think I preferred when she was drunk), I trot over and place my chest against her back. My Aunt Tia used to do this when I was younger, and sometimes she does it still (since she is larger than I am, it’s not too hard). An arm under Vinyl’s belly pulls her into my chest. My chin rests on her shoulder, and from the angle, I can see there are tears running over her creamy cheek. “I’m sorry,” I say. “Bout what?” “Making you cry?” “I’m not crying,” she grumbles. Her ample posterior thrust back pushes me away. Free of the embrace, she trots back to the bed and lays back, legs spread, groin on full display. It takes more will power than I would like to admit to avert my eyes from the sweet curve. “Come on. We gonna do it or what?” OK, now I need a drink. I make a mental note to thank Black Cloud as I pull the ornate flask from my breast pocket and take a quick nip. It helps. Alcohol always helps. From the time I was young, far too young to take up drinking, the kiss of brandy has always calmed me down. Clearly annoyed at my reluctance to take her like some horny dog, Vinyl sits up and puffs angrily on her cigarette. Sitting down beside her, I stretch a tentative arm around her shoulders and pull her close. She doesn’t resist. “I did something stupid, alright?” She cuddles a little firmer into me. “I did a lot of things stupid, but I did an especially big stupid thing and Octavia,” she pauses, “Octi didn’t even shout. She just talked, really calm, and really slowly, and then she left, and I haven’t talked to her since. An-and I don’t know what to do. She’s got concerts booked and a new place to live and she and that pegasus are going steady, and I guess I could go back to her and beg her to take me back, but I don’t think that’d make her any happier. I can’t do anything for her, except keep away from her, and she’ll never even know how sorry I am…” With my magic, I hold my flask in front of Vinyl. She opens her eyes and giggles loudly, before taking the flask with her hooves. “Damn the sun,” she mutters. “Now I owe you for the room and for listening to me cry like a filly.” “You don’t owe me anything. Trust me, I understand completely if you just said that as a momentary lapse of sanity. We could just hang out for a bit. I would never want you to-“ Vinyl growls. With her magic, she snatches the cigarette from my mouth. I turn to her to protest, only for her to lean in and touch her lips to mine. My eyes open, while hers are half closed. Her lips taste like smoke and rum, and though I am not usually found of either, I don’t mind. My heart throbs beneath my breast and I feel a bubbling in the pit of my tummy. I close my eyes and relax, and when the soft, moist, warmness of Vinyl’s kiss finally leaves me, I feel my heart sink. Vinyl is giggling again. She deposits the cigarettes in the ashtray. While she is distracted, I scoot myself back further on the bed. Unwilling to give me even an inch of space, Vinyl is quick to prowl after. I keep scooting back, she keeps approaching. I lose our little game when my back hits against the wall. Vinyl gently places her forehooves on my shoulders to keep me under control. I can feel my heart throb in my ears. That bubbling in my stomach is getting more intense, and… uhm… “down there” is feeling just a bit tight. I try to say something, but all that comes out are clumsy syllables. Vinyl silences my words by pressing her lips to mine. The taste of rum and cigarettes returns. She wraps her arms around my neck to keep me from twisting my head away. Her lips press harder, her tongue occasionally sliding out and brushing over my teeth before she moves her head lower and plants delicate kisses onto my neck. I tilt my head back, exposing my throat to her delicate affections and the odd nibble. I do not know why, but it is pleasant. Vinyl is a nice weight on my chest. Her heat sifts to my heart and her scent tickles my nose. Her teeth never hurt me. At most they are a fun tickle over my throat. Preying on my distraction, she backs up and plants her ample posterior down on my crotch. I jolt up, but she pushes her hooves to on my shoulders and keeps me firmly pinned. For the first time, I realize how painfully hard I am, and with my erection snuggly smothered by her buttocks… by the sun, this feels amazing. I wiggle and squirm, but she keeps me down without trouble. Just when did she get so strong?! When did I get so weak? “Damn, prince,” Vinyl giggles. “You really weren’t kidding about that decade of celibacy, huh? Amazing your whole body ain’t blue.” I lift my head as best I can and stare into those crimson eyes. “How does one go a year without any lovin, let alone ten? I mean, if the tabloids are to be believed, you’ve pounded every pussy from here to the Griffon Kingdom.” I try to bite my lip to keep from talking, but she presses her ass down harder onto my crotch, causing near agonizing pleasure to surge through me. She eases her posterior up and waits for my answer, but I try to wiggle free. Her response is to smother my groin beneath her rump, and this time she holds it. I can’t tell if it is ecstasy or agony coursing through my veins. The only sound is her laughter as she wiggles side to side, nonchalantly grinding her plot down harder and harder until I feel like I am going to pop. “Fine, fine!” I scream. “Just get that thing off me!” Sliding herself a little higher, she rests on my pubic bone. Her weight is significant, but at least I am not seeing stars. “I really want to know,” she says. With a sonnet of giggles, Vinyl Scratch moves to her hooves and knees, so her torturous rump is looming ominously over my hips. I wonder if I can get her off me without any further torture, but she gently lowers herself and rubs against my groin, making me gasp and shudder. “What is there even to say?” I ask. “You give your heart to some mare, and she walks over it so she can be with some peasant, and then what do you do? Add in all the gold-digging tramps and spoiled, royal whores, and eventually you just give up on romance all together. It’s just easier to spend every night in your study with a bottle of brandy.” I groan. “Happy now?” “This isn’t romance, just so we’re clear. This is just me blowing off some steam and paying off a debt. I don’t want you to get the wrong idea. If Sombra put me up for a night, I’d have him underneath me right now. You got that? No romance between us. By the sun, I don’t even like you that much.” “Ms. Scratch, for the last time. You don’t have-” My voice catches in my throat as she scoots down my body and once more smothers my aching groin beneath her shapely butt. I fall back and bite my lip, my heart racing faster than a Wonderbolt’s. “Oh, I think I do, actually,” she giggles. “I think you really need this. In fact, I think I’m gonna need to be extra nice to you, cause I know you need it so damn bad. This is like a sequel to losing your virginity, after all.” She slithers down like a predatory snake. Keeping pressed tight against me, every inch of her soft fur rubs against my throbbing cock. First her groin and belly, then her chest and throat. She is making absolutely certain to give me not a moment of reprieve, lest I might mount a resistance. Finally tilting her head down, she brushes the underside of her chin against my bare flesh. Her soft lips are next. With kindness that belies her normally thuggish demeanor, she plants soft kisses on my glans. My breath hikes. She doesn’t seem bothered by the trickles of white that are oozing out of the slit, but I wear a crimson blush. I shouldn’t be doing this. I try to push myself up or push her away, but she runs her tongue up my erection’s underside, sapping away my strength. Save a few shudders and twitches, I don’t think I can move. I finally manage to lift my head and look to her. Exaggerating every movement, she dips her head and runs her tongue up, starting at my scrotum and going to my gut. The saliva tickles as it dries over my hot flesh. Vinyl doesn’t use her magic to grip my penis. Her rough hooves squeeze the pillar and lift it up. Her eyes had been closed this whole time, but as they finally open, a soft giggle escapes her lips. I feel my cheeks heat up even more, which I wouldn’t have thought possible. You see, my genitals really are a shade of blue. I brace myself for any number of jokes, but she plants the same delicate kisses as before on my glans, leaving the saliva to dry on the hot skin. I’m embarrassed about everything that is happening, but especially the white droplets that are trickling out of my erection’s head, despite the fairly limited amount of affection. Vinyl rolls out her tongue and brushes it over me, starting at my scrotum, up a particularly large throbbing vein on my shaft, and over the flat glans to lick away the pooling cream. Tilting her head back, she makes a show of licking over her lips, stealing the clinging, musky sweat and drops of white she might have missed before gulping the mouthful down. Rolling her tongue out, she first coils the long, wet snake around my penis and snuggly grips it. Jaws wide, her head begins to lower. Her teeth are dull and slick, and brush against me slow and tender. I reach a shaking hoof out and place it against the back of her skull. Giving her the smallest of pushes, I watch with great interest as her mouth widens to swallow a few inches of my throbbing shaft. Her lips close before her teeth, snuggly trapping about half the pillar in a slick, humid oven. That’s all, I guess. That is all she’ll take. I’m alright with that. Her warm lips and cheeks and tongue slapping against me feels absolutely amazing. Her mouth opens wide. I’m worried she will pull away and the love will end, but instead she slides her mouth down harder, taking half my girth in its entirety with only a few gulps and gurgles. Angling her head forward, she continues stuffing her mouth and only stops when her snout bumps against my pubic fur. I can see a slight bulge in her white throat. The gulps as her wet skin slaps against my cock is vulgar and seductive to my ears. I’m hoofing at the bed. My legs are spread and kick gently, but I am careful not to hit Vinyl in the face. I don’t want this to stop. By the sun, I don’t want this to ever end. The vulgar noises as Vinyl’s throat expands to compensate my girth only heighten what I am feeling. Her hooves lift and softly press against my swelling testicles. She’s a little rough, a little forceful, but even as she pushes a little too hard and I feel a little sickness in my belly, I don’t care. She’s kneading and massaging my balls, rubbing and squeezing them together and working the seed inside. No pony has ever touched me like this. No pony has ever taken the time to treat me so nice and make me feel so good. Does she enjoy this, or is she only interested in pleasuring me? A cannon goes off somewhere deep inside me. Vinyl’s cheeks puff, but unwilling to be pushed away, she gulps that mouthful down. My breath is stuck in my chest with my still heart. My ears burn and my hooves go numb. Somehow, my heart remembers to beat and my lungs remember how to breathe. Cheeks overflowing with white, sticky seed, Vinyl tilts her head back and gulps the mouthful down. She has to catch her breath too. “Damn Blue,” she says. Using the back of her hoof, she wipes her lips of the drool and seed. She prowls forward, her hooves a delicate pitter patter on my chest until she can lay down against me. Her lips touch my cheek to kiss me, and then leaning down, she softly nuzzles into my neck. It occurs to me we are laying groin to groin. Between her legs is a furnace. The warmth and heat makes my penis tingle. “Now that we got the juices flowing,” she giggles. Scooting up, she drags her warm, fleshy lips over the underside of my cock. When high enough, she braces her hooves on my shoulders. My whole world is only her: her strong arms at either side of my vision; her expanding and contracting belly mere inches from my snout. Her warm, smoky breath blows down and ruffles my mane. She must use her magic to grip my penis, because I feel a tight, cold hold on the base of my shaft. Lifting my cock off my belly, she scoots back until her fleshy tunnel is against my glans. I shudder and whimper loudly. Much to my surprise, Vinyl is grunting softly as well. My horn flickers with magic. Vinyl gives a surprised grunt as I gently take hold of her nether lips. Careful as I can, I pull them apart. The warmth of her insides washes over my groin, furthering the lust that I feel boiling inside me. With a heavy grunt, she backs up. My penis sinks inside her. I let her lips slap against me and squeeze as she sees fit. Leaning forward slightly, she pushes back and slides her warm slickness further over my throbbing shaft. Low enough now, Vinyl buries her face in my chest. I place my hooves on the small of her back and coax her down a little harder. A few more precious inches sink inside. Oh, she is so warm and pleasantly slick. She grunts and moans as she forces her hips down harder. Her eyes and teeth are clenched. How I am keeping my eyes open, I haven’t a clue. I wrap my arms around her to hug her snuggly as she jams the last of my penis into her void. Warmth washes over my hips and testicles. I let out a loud grunt. Vinyl grunts as well, but also sinks her teeth into my shoulder. It hurts, even more so when she starts to grind her jaw left to right as if she is trying to saw through my flesh. I let her do it and lay there, hugging her and occasionally nuzzling her cheek as she lifts and drops her crotch over and over again. Every muscle in my body locks up. The cannon inside me goes off. With a great shudder and grunt, I push my hips into the gripping mass of mare. My testicles contract. My hooves curl. A great spurt shoots out of me and into the slick tunnel of gripping flesh and heat. Vinyl returns the favor, letting a great wash of hot white surge out and onto my crotch. Snuggly holding her, I roll over and pin her beneath me. She lifts her hooves against me, but unwilling to let this sweet nirvana cease, I lift her hooves over her head and keep them pinned. I hump madly, driving myself harder and faster, listening to her snarls of encouragement, or feel her bite down my neck or shoulder. The overwhelming bliss starts to fade. With an exhausted groan, I roll onto my side, though I take Vinyl Scratch with me. I’m afraid if I let go of her, she will disappear. A silly sentiment, I know, but I just need to feel the warmth of her fur against my chest a while longer. “You crying?” she asks. “N-no,” I stutter. I’ve been getting back into shape lately, jogging, weight training, practicing my magnetism spells. None of that could prepare me for the utter exhaustion I feel now. Vinyl breaks the embrace by scooting back. I don’t want her to leave, but I don’t have the strength to hold her. I roll onto my back and try to catch my breaths while Vinyl prowls to me. Resting her head down, she puts her ear against my pectoral. “Damn Blue, don’t let your heart explode.” Reaching a hoof out, I softly stroke through her blue mane, but even that proves too taxing. My arm falls to the side and lays there. My greatest movement is a twitch of my hoof tip. She scoots higher over my chest and softly kisses me on the lips. There’s the taste of cigarettes and rum. Added to it is the flavor of sweat and musk. “You know,” Vinyl says. “I was sorta thinking, since you are paying for this room, any time you wanna stop by… I’m always up for blowing off some steam. Cause that’s all this is! Just paying a debt and blowing off steam. Ain’t nothin more.” I chuckle. I need just a while to slow my pounding heart and ease my panting breath. Vinyl uses her magic to retrieve the pack of cigarettes and the lighter. Sitting up, she lights up two cigarettes and gives me one. I graciously accept and take a relaxing puff. Tomorrow I can go back to the castle. Tomorrow I can fill out the last of the tax forms. Tomorrow I can speak to Fancy Pants. Just… for tonight, I just don’t want to be alone.