> We never forget our first time. > by Stanislas > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The first one > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- She was scared and so was he but not for the same reason, for him that moment meant he will finally become fully adult, he playing in the grown up court now and he wanted this time to be perfect. He was wondering if what his oldest brothers had told him was true, Was the experience really so amazing? Will he be able the keep the pace as long as his best friend told him he did? He was not sure that ten minutes was the time Gary had kept it up until he finished. Will it hurt? Will his partner be hurt? Of course she will but not for long with how much of erotic novel he had read in his life he knew that when he will enter her she will be hurt but not for long if he was doing it correctly. He hoped he would do it correctly he wanted to make his father proud of him and he wanted to show off a bit to his other friend who had not lose their virginity yet. He was now questioning himself how would react the mare's parent if they knew were their girl was. Of course they would probably be mad at him for doing this to their precious kid while they were out to the restaurant and even more mad if they knew where they were. Mustic had to admit but the parents had good taste in the decoration of their bedroom and he never had felt a bed so comfortable it was almost a shame that he would ruin the blanket of he will be done. He did not know why but there was something quite exotic in doing it in the bedroom of the parents. The mare beneath him struggled a bit taking him away from his taught and remember him that she was waiting for him. Mustic gently smiled before he approached his muzzle to the neck of the mare and slowly licked it. The mare answered by a small gasp that made Mustic giggle but now he felt like it was the time to go further.His legs were shaking and he could feel that weird feeling of having butterfly in his stomach as he approached his full erect member to the mare beneath him. The mare was now shaking quite a lot so Mustic started whispering sweet word to her, he was telling her to not be scared, that it will hurt just a bit and to trust him on this. As he kept trying to calm the mare he kept approaching his member to the mare until he could feel her skin on the tips of his shaft. Mustic could not wait anymore and he placed a kiss on the lips of the mare under him before he rocked his hips forward finally getting entrance in her. Mustic Gasped as he was now inside her, he was feeling like he had reached heaven. His front hooves fallen beneath him as the mare shouted a blood curled. It had the effect to wake up Mustic from his trance before he placed one of his hoof in front of the mare mouth, muffling the scream. Mustic tried to remember what he had learned in the sex education class about what to do to enjoy the experience to it fullest and so he started to rock back and forth his hips desperately trying to place his shaft properly inside of the mare, each time he was pushing his member more farther in the mare until he reached what he wanted. Mustic moaned loudly as he started to empty himself inside of the mare who was not immobile beneath him, he tried to kept going until the mare was full of his seed he did not want to do a half done job but it was becoming harder by the time as he wanted to just lay there and appreciate the warmth coming from the inside of the mare. It only after couple of minutes later that he felt like she was almost full, he could feel now his precious seed moving around her body as he was now laying on top of her, too weak to support himself with his hooves but before he could finish the job he heard the door of the room open revealing the parents in it entrance. Mustic was frozen in place, he had heard of this happening in book and story from the older but never he had tough that it would happen to him and if he remember correctly none of the story had a happy ending once the pony caught them in the middle of the act. The mother shouted a scream almost as strong as the one her girl had shouted when he entered her while the father rushed to him to tackle him but Mustic caught him by speed as he used his wing to escape to the cellar before he rushed to the window and escaped from the house. He kept flying in a straight line, too scared to stop himself to see if he was being followed or not. It only when he was feeling his strength quit him that he let himself rest a bit beneath a tree in the wood. "Why!?" He shouted "Why does this happen to me I was so close to finish, so close to make everyling else proud of me.” Tears started to fall down from his eyes as he was feeling sorry for himself. He would have stayed under that tree, crying for hour if it was not from a rustling he heard from a nearby bush. "Wh- Who there? Question Mustic between his sob. He did not really think that the responsible of this sound would reveal himself just like that because he asked it but he was happily surprised when he saw who revealed himself. "Hello Mustic!" Said a voice he would have recognized everywhere. “Brother?” Shouted Mustic as he rushed to his brother before hugging him. “I failed brother, th-they saw me and and I had to flee.” Mustic said between sobs. The brother passed a hoof over his younger brother shoulder and calmly caressed his back until Mustic stops crying. “Don’t worry Lil’bro we will find you somepony else and this time I’ll be sure that you don’t get caught…. Now tell me how was it?” He asked a smile on his face. “I..I don’t know how to describe it..It was perfect I felt like I could have conquer the world yet I could not even stand on my own hooves.” “Well at least you tasted the pleasure of the hunt even if it ended in way you did not wanted, now come I’m sure dad would like to know his younger child has become a full grown up changeling.” *** “Welcome home honey!” Said a housewife as her husband passed the front door and joined her in the kitchen. “How was your night?” “Awful.” Answered back the pegasus as he took of his golden armor and sat at the table. “I had to calm down a desperate mother who was crying the death of her daughter.” “What happened?” Questioned now the shocked wife. “Her daughter had fallen victim to another one of those bug like fiend. It was not pretty I tell you. THe monster had filled her with eggs, her body was disgusting to look at. I swear sometime I think our Princess should just drop the sun and the moon on their hive and be gone with that race of of-of those things!”