
by Dr Atlas

First published

Doomie has been feeling very stressed out lately. Fortunately for him, Pinkie is there to help.

Ever since he moved to Ponyville, Doomie has been feeling extremely stressed out.
Luckily, Pinkie Pie is there to help him relax.

Author's pen&paper combo: This would be my 2nd Lemon/Lime I've done, hopefully, this one will be less weird...hopefully


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Every changeling in the cave jumped when Doomie yelled at his crippled queen; Doomie realized this and recollected himself. “Y-Yes, my queen,” He said. “i-it’s true.”

“How disgusting…” His queen replied. “How could you even think of falling in love with a creature such as her?”

Doomie continued staring at her, ignoring all the blue eyes looking at him around the cave. “Because, unlike all of you, our love is real. It isn’t shrouded under a disguise. It’s true love.”

One Changeling snickered. “Yeah, you keep tellin’ yourself that.”

Doomie was about to object, but the queen raised a hoof in the air and yelled, “SILENCE!” The entire hive, Doomie included, jumped; this only made her even more frustrated. “Listen here, Doomie, I don’t care who you love, you are going to help us!”

Doomie darted his eyes across the cave. “W-Why can’t Stan do it!”

Stan glared at him. “I would, but that tree branch didn’t help catch my fall, since it tore off my arm completely.” He pointed at his missing arm, then to his injured right eye. “And the rocks did not help my fall when I landed head first in em’.”

The queen groaned. “And if I could feel my back legs, I’d go to Canterlot myself, same with the rest of my children.” Chrysalis waved her arm across the air, pointing at each changeling in the cave, all of them missing a limb or had a bandage coated body. “You’re the only one who isn’t injured and you’re telling us you won’t do it!”

Doomie bit his lip, knowing this wouldn’t end well, but after realizing what his life had been like, he knew his kind didn’t deserve any remorse. “No…” He said coldly, making some siblings in the room gasp. Doomie ignored this and continued. “This place is nothing but a slave driving prison...I, for one, am glad that I’m leaving this place, so, you can take your treaty and stick it up your-

Chrysalis hung her head. “So that’s it, you’re going to...LEAVE US!?” She ended in the darkest tone possible.

Doomie stood his ground. “Yes, Chrysalis, I am. I don’t want to live here. I’ve realized just how you treat us, just like a piece of trash. Well, I’m not gonna stand for it!” Doomie sat down and crossed his arms. “See, no standing.”

One big changeling snickered. “Heh, I get it…”

Chrysalis slammed her hoof on the ground, causing a crack and making Doomie raise a hoof to his chest. “You...a-are you questioning my orders…”

Doomie gulped, swallowing a bit of fear doing so. “Y-Yeah, I-I think I am.”

“Ooooh…” One changeling whispered. “He gon get et.”

“G-Get what?” Doomie asked stupidly.

Chrysalis gritted her teeth and stood on her two front legs. “GUARDS!” She yelled with a glowing horn.

Doomie didn’t have time to react as two changelings tackled him to the ground. He struggled but he knew he wasn’t strong. “Grr...rah! L-Lemmy go!” He yelled, only to get thrown right in front of the queen. Doomie then felt pressure once the queen grabbed him by his neck.

Chrysalis stared right at him, her eyes glowing red with only a black slit. “You had a choice, child, you could’ve helped your hive, now, you will pay the price.”

Doomie couldn’t feel the ground anymore, his looked down to see his legs were now dangling. He strained to get out of the queens grip, but it was now use. All he could do was look right in her eyes and see her horn glow brighter and brighter.

“ die…” Chrysalis flared up her horn and, point blank, blasted Doomie. All he could do was watch and cry out in pain as the green blast came right at him.



“ w-what?”

Doomie looked around to see he wasn’t in a cave anymore, nor were there any of his siblings around or his queen trying to kill him He looked down to see he was sleeping in a bed and that his hoof was clinging to his chest, feeling a rapid heartbeat and his breath going into overdrive. He moved his hoof away and groaned, knowing this wasn’t the first time this had happened to him, that he had a catapult nightmare.

“That’s the third time this week.” He said while dragging his hooves down his face. “Why can’t it just...oh..uh…” Doomie then realized that he probably wasn’t the only one who was awake. He turned to his right and said, “S-sorry, Pinkie...I-I guess I just can’t...can’t...Pinkie?” Doomie lifted the covers to see that there was no Pink pony under them, He looked around the dark room to see a door slightly open with a light peaking through. “Oh...nice goin’ scared her off…”

He grumbled to himself and got out of bed, falling out seconds later from the covers being caught in his legs, he twisted and turned until the blanket set him free, making him stumble out the door and hit the wooden floor. He groaned again and got up on all fours. “Stupid bed...why must it be so comfortable.”

Doomie rubbed his eyes and decided that finding Pinkie was more important than sleeping right now. “I hope she’s not mad…” He turned to the stairs and slowly trotted his way down them, wincing at every creaking sound he made.

He finally reached the bottom and looked to his right to see a light coming out of the kitchen. “Baking at this time of night?” Doomie said to himself. He slowly crept his way to the side of the entrance and peered around the corner to see a poofy, pinkie tail wagging in the air behind a counter top, it took Doomie’s eyes seconds before they fell down to a pink flank with three balloons on it.

Doomie cocked his head, still staring at his marefriend’s flank, almost in a trance as it continued bouncing about. He could feel the blood rush to his wings, but his mind only cared about Pinkie’s backside still shaking at him.

It wasn’t long before Pinkie finally turned around and faced Doomie with a pan in her mouth, making Doomie snap out of his trance. “Oh, hey Doomeh.” Pinkie said through the panhandle, spitting it out on the countertop. “What are you doing up so late?”

Doomie cleared his throat and tried to ignore the fact that he was staring at her flank for the past thirty seconds. “U-uh...I-I should be asking you the same…”

Pinkie only smiled, oblivious to why Doomie was blushing, or why his wings were standing up. “I couldn’t sleep, so, I decided whip up something to eat.” She tilted her head. “Did I wake you?”

“Wha- No, I-I thought I woke you up from me...well…” Doomie turned away. “Y-yelling.”

“Yelling? But you weren’t-” Pinkie held her hooves over her mouth. “Oh...oh no...D-Did it happen again?” Doomie hung his head in response. “Oh...poor buggy.” Pinkie walked up to him and pulled him in for a hug, Doomie was surprised at first, but quickly returned the favor by nuzzling the side of her face and wrapping his wings around her. “What was this one about?” She asked.

“My family…” He answered. “And how they hate me for leaving the hive...especially my queen...she was a real bi-”

“This is getting worse, Doomie.” Pinkie interrupted. “First you’re constantly nervous when you go out, then you act so scared when you’re with the cakes, and now you’re having nightmares?” Pinkie went eye to eye with him while continuing her embrace. “This isn’t normal, Doomie.”

“I know, Pinkie!...I-I know...” Doomie pulled away and put his hooves on the table. “It’s times like this that I wish that one alicorn could help...y-ya know, the blue one.”

“Luna?” Pinkie asked.

“Yeah, that one. Doesn’t she, like, go through dreams or something? I read about some of that it Pony Society 302. It said something about some mare going crazy and killing ponies after she found out they hated her through their dreams.” Doomie waited for an answer, but all he got was a dropped jaw from Pinkie. “What?”

Pinkie rapidly shook her head. “D-Doomie, that’s not what happened! She just didn’t like how ponies-”

“You sure, it was in a book. And last time I checked, books never lie.”

“Doomie, books don’t-”

“I mean, if your books say changelings are monsters who find lost ponies and harvest them for food and being nothing but mindless drones whose only thought is to serve their queen is something a pony wrote, then our books must be true too, right?” Doomie was hoping Pinkie knew where he was getting at with this.

Pinkie looked away. “Doomie...I know you were mad when we found that out in Twi’s home, b-but it doesn’t mean it’s true.”

Doomie sighed. “I know it’s not true, but some ponies think that; same with how we thought that alicorns are tyrants...though, that was more of a story from brothers.”

“But she’s not bad anymore, she’s nice, and she helps ponies through their dreams now.”

“Yeah, well I wish she’d help more than ponies...I-I mean, what about the other creatures, they have bad dreams too, why can’t she help them?”

“I’m sure she can’t help everypo- or...every creature out there, that’d be too much for her.”

Doomie closed his eyes. “But my dreams need help. My first dream was about how I was blasted away like the rest of my family, hearing so many sounds of death around me, the next one was you leaving me for some weird accordion playing pony, another was about me and my brothers getting the snot beat out of us from that rainbow haired friend of yours, another about a crossed eyed one doing it, and now it’s about my family trying to kill me.” He slumped on the counter. “For all I know, the next one’s probably gonna mix them all together.”

Pinkie slumped right next to him. “Come on, Doomie, cheer up. I’m sure there’s something that can help you.”

Doomie sighed. “There’s nothing I can think of that can help me. There wasn’t really any remedies of helping a changeling relax at the hive.” He moved away from the table and faced Pinkie. “M-Maybe there’s something ponies do that helps them unstress?”

Pinkie blinked. “Unstress, ey?” Pinkie tapped her chin. “Well, Rarity does relaxation sessions with Fluttershy over at the spa.”

“You mean that really hot place with the mares that touch every part of your body.” Doomie shivered. “I’d...rather not even think about going there.”

“What? You hate ponies touching you?”

“Well, not all ponies…” Doomie stepped forward and blushed.

Pinkie laughed. “Do-Mie! Is your brain always in the gutter?”

“It’s not always in the gutter.” Doomie looked up innocently. “It can be in other places.”

Pinkie only rolled her eyes and rubbed her nose against his. “You just need some help is all.” She backed up and pulled out a notebook and pen behind her back. “Let’s start with questions. Number one, do you have any ideas for what’s causing all of this?”

Doomie thought about that without worrying about how Pinkie pulled out a notebook behind her. He had gotten so use to Pinkie’s antics that he didn’t even try to question it anymore. “Well,” Doomie patted his hoof once. “there’s been a lot of stuff happening this month, from you guys being friends with El Discortalantilo after he-”

“It’s just Discord, Doomie.” Pinkie said while scribbling notes. “Why did you keep calling him that anyway?”

“Uh...n-no reason.” Doomie could still remember the stories of that creature and how it kept him and many of his other brothers and sisters up at night. “A-Anyway, f-first you’re being friends with him, then you multiply!”

Pinkie giggled. “That was pretty fun, wasn’t it?”

Doomie shook his head. “I don’t get why your friends didn’t listen to me when I was telling them you were the real you.” He turned away. “And I still don’t get why watching some liquid dry on a wall proved it was you.”

“Probably a fan service, and It worked, didn’t it?” She stepped closer, remembering how Doomie acted during that event. “And I think I saw a nose bleed from how many Pinkie’s were around you~”

Doomie blushed. “I-It was dry outside...a-and having a lot of Pinkies coming straight at you is kinda...unsettling…”

“I could see your wings from a mile away, Doomie.” She poked him. “You were so turned on! Weren’t you?”

Doomies wings went up again. “I-I was not! I was just really surprised to see multiple clones of my marefriend come at me…” He gulped, almost seeing flashbacks of Pinkie hair and fur surrounding him and cloned Pinkies having their ways with-

“What’s that mean?” Pinkie raised an eye. “You really didn’t tell me why you were under my bed when I came back home after all of that.”

“I-I really don’t wanna talk about it…” Doomie hugged himself and shivered.

Pinkie just rolled her eyes and wrote more notes. “What else?”

Doomie scuffed the ground. “T-There was that time you went with your friend on the mission or something...” He grabbed her by her shoulders “I was worried sick for you.”

“All I did was encounter crystal ponies and seeing a giant smoke monster who was originally the king of that place trying to come back and take it, only to be destroyed by us once the ponies powered up the crystal and blasted him into pieces.” Pinkie smiled with her pen stuck on the side of her mouth.

Doomie blinked. “Uh...w-what?”

Pinkie patted his head. “Oh, nothing you need to think about now. Anyways, what else?”

Doomie tapped his chin. “There was that one weird pony who showed up and put a glass dome over this town. I Still don’t know what happened to her, I thought for sure the town would find that pony and get revenge on the mare or something…”

Pinkie shrugged. “Ponies can be forgiving at times, plus, I’m pretty sure they didn’t have enough time for it.”

Doomie nodded. “Yeah, probably...At least you can talk again...Oh yeah! Then there was that time when those wood wolves were coming in and almost killing that orange friend of yours, luckily, I spoke their native tongue to help you guys out just in time.”

“What did you say to them anyway.”

Doomie saluted. “I said: Вы можете съесть ее позже, просто не сейчас , ладно?”

Pinkie rolled her eyes. “I know that, but what were you really saying.”

“Oh...uh, j-just to leave your friend alone...h-heh...yeah…”

“How did you know that’s how they talked?”

Doomie shrugged. “It just comes natural, you’d be surprised by the languages those creatures say, especially the DD’s...heheh...Qué montón de idiotas.”


“N-nothing! nothing…”

Pinkie just scribbled more in her notebook. “Anyways, is there anything else that might’ve caused it?”

Doomie crossed his arms. “Your friend growing a pair of wings for some weird reason after your booty mark changed might be another reason.”

Pinkie laughed. “Really?, you’re still calling them booty marks?”

“Well, your booty does look pretty nice.” Doomie immediately clamped his mouth shut with his hoof, hoping Pinkie didn’t hear that, but that hope was crushed when Pinkie raised an eye.

“Aw, thanks Doomie. Your flanks pretty nice too.”

“Um…” Doomie looked at his backside, unable to understand how it was attractive, in fact, he wasn’t sure how anything on his body would be considered attractive. “t-thanks?

Pinkie giggled and scribbled more into her notebook. Doomie watched on in amazement. “How can you write with your mouth so fast?”

Pinkie smiled. “Lots of practice.” She raised her eyebrows twice before going back to writing. Doomie only waited and hoped she was just joking. “Alright, Doomie. After writing down all of this, I think I know just the answer.”

“R-Really? What is it?”

Pinkie looked over her notes. “Maybe you should take a look.” She gave the notebook to him, his wings going back up the second he looked at it.

Doomie saw pages and pages of him and her either making out or in positions that made him tilt the page to the side in an attempt to figure it out, when he turned the page again, a three-way folded page came out, making Doomie blush. “Pink-IE!” Doomie said, closing the book and tossing it on the table.

Pinkie giggled. “Hey, that’s the only thing I can think of. You’re stressed out, you don’t want some spa treatment, and I seriously doubt a walk would help calm you down.” She walked to the other side of him, blocking the exit. “You need to relax...Pinkie Pie style~”

Doomie covered his face, feeling how hot it was. “But Pinkie, we never even get the chance, d-do you know how many times we get interrupted! From your friend, Rango Crash, commin’ in through the window to the cakes walking in...e-even seeing your pet in the room only makes it worse.”

“Doomie, I’m pretty sure no one else is up.” Pinkie quickly stood over him, her body only inches away from his. “It is the middle of the night, you know; just you, me, and pastries.”

The changeling blushed even more when she grabbed him by the sides of his flank and pulled him. Doomie just yelped and brought his hooves up to her chest. “L-L-Listen, Pinkie...I-It’s not just about others watching…”

“Then what is it?” Pinkie asked with lidded eyes.

“I-It’s more about...well, how? I-I really have no idea how to do...well, it. F-from what you said, hugging and kissing is just the first part.”

Pinkie went in and nuzzled the side of his face. “Then let me walk you through the steps.” She whispered.

“O-Okay…” Doomie felt extremely nervous. He could feel the sweat dripping from all around his body. “W-Why isn’t she nervous?” Doomie thought. “I-It’s like she’s done it befo-” Doomie let that thought sink in before he asked. “Pinkie, h-have you done this before?”

Pinkie went nose to nose with him. “You’re the only one who’s been in a relationship with me, and, unlike some other ponies I know, I don’t throw my body around for others, I want my first time to be special, with someone I care about, someone who loves me back, and someone who’s not afraid, right?”

Doomie only looked down, seeing that his hooves were still on her chest and feeling something rush down his waist. “I-I’m...well, a-afraid is a strong word…”

“Then are you nervous?” Pinkie asked, thinking she already knew the answer.

Doomie sighed, still feeling something build up on some part of his body. “Y-Yeah, I am...b-but why aren’t you?”

“Because I know how to do it, silly buggy, unlike you, who failed almost all his love classes.” Pinkie said with a smile.

“Hey! I passed some classes...bearly...a-and the one’s I passed were important.”

Pinkie kissed him, making his his ears, wings, and something else stand straight up. Pinkie leaned in even more and whispered. “Just relax and try not to-AH!”

“W-What?” Doomie said, but he quickly knew the answer when he looked back down, seeing what else was up and currently poking Pinkie. He yelped and quickly pushed away from her, putting his hooves down between his legs in an attempt to cover his now, hardened member. “A-A-u-uah..u-uh...P-P-Pinkie...I-I wasn’ was...I-I can’t...gyuh?”

“W-Was that your...o-oh...oh…” Pinkie couldn’t help but look right at what Doomie was trying to cover, Doomie did the same and tried even harder to hide it, but the holes in his arms were making it rather difficult, and he could still feel some blood rushing right at his lower half. “D-Doomie...”

Doomie just sighed, knowing full well what he just did, he practically violated her in the worse way possible, and he was certain this was probably not the first step in sex. “I-I’m sorry...i-it’s just that...y-ya know...w-with you talking like that and...y-your body against mine and...a-and other-”

“W-Why wasn’t that like that before?”

Doomie looked up at her, unsure as to why she asked that instead of calling him an outright perv. “W-why wasn’t what?”

Pinkie walked forward. “When we were in the dumpster, y-you know, up in Canterlot?”

Doomie knew all too well what she was talking about. “Uh...y-yeah, what about it?”

“Why didn’t you get hard their?”

“Get hard?” Doomie tilted his head. “What’s that mean.”

It was Pinkie’s turn to be nervous when she realized he didn’t know anything about sex terms. “It means that your...well, ‘you know what’ is stiff as a rock.” She pointed down. “Just like it is right now.”

Doomie continued trying to hide it, but his hooves constantly touching it weren’t helping. “O-Oh! U-Um…” Doomie gulped and tried to remember just why he wasn’t like this in the dumpster. “Y-You see, when a changeling feeds, I-It’s blood doesn’t go straight down, i-it goes around the rest of the body and helps get the love pouring it in order to help with the rest of the system...a-at least, I think that’s why my third stem wasn’t like this.”

Pinkie laughed. “‘Third stem?’ Is that what you guys call it?”

Doomie face was pure red at that point. “I-It’s just what some brothers call it, s’better than calling in a fertilizerer.”

“‘’” Pinkie said, her eyes still making contact with his poorly hid member. “That’s what you call a penis?”

“Uh...I’m guessing that’s your term...o-or something?” Doomie felt very embarrassed at this point, first he was hiding his ling-hood away from her, and now she was asking all sorts of questions about it.

Pinkie was beginning to feel embarrassed about this too, she finally took her eyes off of Doomie and scratched the back of her neck. “Y-Yeah, that’s what ponies call it, b-but why do you call it that?”

Doomie shrugged. “Well, that’s what this thing does, it fertilizes the eggs so they could hatch.”

Pinkie was curious. “How’s that work.”

“I-I’d really rather not go into detail, you seeing it hitting stage two is bad enough.”

“Stage two?” Pinkie looked back down again. “What’s that mean?”

“I-I just means it’s...well, like this, waiting for the next step.”

Pinkie took another step toward him. “Which is?”

Doomie gulped. “Uh...y-ya know...i-i-it’s when changelings just...g-gets the fertilizer out and have it brought to the eggs where they begin the process of hatching.”

“Do the eggs come from the females?” Pinkie started becoming more confused by the second.

Doomie shook his head. “They come from the queen, the female changelings are in charge of taking care of them.”

Pinkie tried piecing all this together. “But I thought nothing comes out of you changelings?”

“I never said that...I just said waste doesn’t come out...a-and I’d rather not talk about what comes out of a fertilizerer out in public, e-especially to your friend.”

Pinkie leaned down, making Doomie fiddle even more with his still hard member. “S-So where does it come from?”

“What? The stuff for the eggs?” Pinkie nodded. “Oh! T-That comes from the bottom part of the fertilizerer. I-It’s just stored there until it’s ready to..well, come out.” Doomie was feeling a little bit less uncomfortable than he was before, but what Pinkie asked next made him right back to where he was.

“C-Can I see it?”

“W-W-What!?” Doomie said, now using his legs to hide it even more.

“Come on, Doomie. I just wanna see it, this is one of the parts doing the dirty, Doomie.”

Doomie looked away. “Nice aliterations, but I’d rather not have anyone else but me see this thing, I remember the last time someone saw this thing.”

“Who, another mare?”

“W-Wha...N-No! n-nononono...I-It wasn’t a mare...i-it was my siblings.”

“Oh...well, that’s gotta be embarrassing.”

Doomie closed his eyes. “It was, and the fact that they laughed only added to the experience.”

“They laughed?” Pinkie tried seeing it again, but Doomie continued keeping his arms and legs in front of it. “Was it too small?”

“Small? was big, way bigger and more freakier than the others.” Doomie frowned. “They called me big stem and fertilargererer for weeks after that…”

Pinkie blushed. “Big?” Pinkie put a hoof in front of him, making him yelp. “Alright, I have to see this.”

“B-But Pinkie, y-you’ll just-”

“I promise I won’t laugh, trust me, if you call it big, then it’s good.”

Doomie legs stopped being tence. “I-It’s good?”

Pinkie nodded. “Yeah, i-it doesn’t matter about the size, but big is pretty you know.” Pinkie slid her hooves closer, making Doomie tense up again.

“A-Alright. Alright...j-just let me do it…” Doomie waited for her hoof to back away before he started moving, he slowly spread his legs before he looked down again. With a big breath, he slowly held his front legs up to his chest, his rod now in full display and pointing right at Pinkie.

“Woah…” Was all Pinkie could say when she saw the long, black member stick out of him. She blinked when she saw it twitch

“I-I know, it’s hideous, isn’t it?” Doomie moved his hooves to the ground again, this time behind his back.

Pinkie continued staring. “What? No...Doomie, this looks just like...well, like a stallion’s.”

Doomie cocked his head. “It does?”

Pinkie went closer to it, causing Doomie to tense up again. She was still surprised by how much it looked like a pony’s. “Yeah, it really looks like one.”

“W-What about the size?”

Pinkie didn’t notice that her face was getting more red the longer she looked at Doomie’s fifth leg. “U-um...y-yeah...t-the size...i-it’s...well…”

“Well what?” Doomie was becoming concerned at this point, thinking this wasn’t the best idea.

“I-It’s...perfect.” Pinkie laid her hooves on his legs, making him yelp and flinch in surprise.

Doomie continued sitting with his legs spread out and his member pointing right at her, his face was just as red as hers. “I-It is?” He stuttered.

Pinkie nodded, unable to turn away. “ is…”

Doomie leaned back, feeling the counter wall on his wings, which were still standing straight up. He gulped and started fidgeting. “S-So...I-I’m guessing we’re past part two then?”

“Yeah...we are.” Pinkie moved her hooves across his legs until they were on his thighs. Doomie was trying his best to hold still, not knowing what the next part in this was.

“W-What are you doIING?” Doomie yelped as Pinkie’s hooves made contact with his member, making him move his hooves to his chest again. He darted his blue eyes around the room, hoping no one else was seeing this. Pinkie didn’t seem to care as she slowly wrapped her right hoof around his rod, causing Doomie to gasp and stay stiff. “P-Pinkie?”

Pinkie rested her hoof on the tip of Doomie’s fertilizerer. “Doomie,” She finally looked at him in the eyes. “B-before I do this...I need to ask you something.”

“B-Before you do what?” Doomie started to panic, thinking of hundreds of things that could go wrong with this. “W-What ever it is, w-will it hurt?” He pointed at what Pinkie was still holding. “T-That thing is very sensitive, you know.”

“What do you mean by that?” Pinkie looked back at it and leaned it to the right, making Doomie moan.

“Gyah...w-what I mean is…is that...w-well, h-holding it like that makes me...well...uh…”

“Does it turn you on?” Pinkie said, coming up with more ideas than she could imagine with what she could do with it.

“Turn me on?” Doomie still had no idea what any of these terms meant. “B-But I’m not a lamp...t-that’s what those things are called, right?”

Pinkie decided that a direct approach was necessary for this. “What I mean is that doing this” Pinkie slowly stroked with her other hoof. Doomie gasped as he started getting flashbacks of the stages for the caring of eggs, especially the feeling that he got when he finally reached stage four...the release. “makes you wanna-”


Without warning, Doomie’s whole body started to convulse as a blue colored liquid came spurting out of his member. Pinkie was fortunate enough to aim it away from her and toward her right, creating a small blue mess on the floor. She let go as it continued squirting out the substance right in front of her. Pinkie watched in a mixture of shock, surprise, and arousal as Doomie came one more time before his body went limp.

Doomie started sliding down the side of the counter before his head hit the ground, he hung his tongue out the side of his mouth and panted out loud. It didn’t take long for him to crane his head up to see Pinkie looking at his mess. He bended his front legs so he was resting on his elbows, still seeing Pinkie with a dropped jaw. He sighed and said something that made him remember what else his brothers made fun of him for.

“U-Uh...I-I was pretty quick when it came to fertilizing too...heheh….ugh…”


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“Why’s it blue?”

Doomie blinked, still a bit dazed from the experience. “T-That’s the first thing you ask?” Doomie glanced at his blue mess and pointed at it. “It’s always blue, what color did you think it would be?”

“it’s usually white, Doomie” Pinkie said. “Well, for ponies, at least.”

“White?” Doomie slowly sat up, his member still not calming down after the treatment it went through. “That’s...interesting…”

Pinkie continued looking at the blue puddle. “I...I don’t understand, I barely even touched you, and you just...just…”

“Fertilized?” Doomie said in shame. “Like I said, Pinkie, fastest fertilizer right here.” Doomie pointed at himself before laying on the floor again. “I’m guessing that’s considered a bad thing in your society?”

“I-It’s not...well, it’s not can’t...uh…” Pinkie bit her lip and tried to find a way to put this lightly. “It’s not normal…” She put a smile on, only for it to vanish seconds later.

“Not normal, eh?” Doomie said, still looking at the ceiling. “Go figure.” He sighed and looked down at Pinkie, only for his erection to get in the way, he groaned and banged the back of his head on the floor. “Stupid third stem, always getting in the way!”

Pinkie tilted her head so she could look at Doomie in the eyes for once. “I don’t see how that’s a bad thing.”

“It is, seeing as how this stupid thing can’t hold it together for five seconds!” Doomie looked at his linghood and glared at it. He would’ve hit it if he hadn’t known it would hurt.

“You don’t have to be so hard on yourself, Doomie.” Pinkie reassured him. “It is our first time.”

Doomie sat up again. “But we haven’t even done it yet...right?”

Pinkie scratched the back of her head. “It’s kinda the first step in this. Well, for some ponies, I’m sure.”

“So...what’s the next step,” Doomie looked at the blue liquid again. “is it like the hive where I take that stuff and-”

“Not exactly...actually.” Pinkie walked up to Doomie. “C-Can I test something?”

Doomie crossed his arms. “If it involves another release, then I don’t wanna.”

“I don’t see how you wouldn’t want another ‘release’.” Pinkie said with a raise of an eyebrow.

Doomie blushed. “L-Look, Pinkie, this is probably the most embarrassing thing that’s happening to me right now.”

Pinkie rested her hooves on his upper legs, making him flinch. “But it’s with someone you love. I don’t see how you could hate it.”

“I don’t hate it, it just feels weird…”

Pinkie shrugged. “Sex can be weird at times.”

“I-It can?” Doomie now noticed her hooves were on his rod again.

“But it can be fun too.” Pinkie adjusted her grip, Making Doomie flinch..

“H-How so?” Doomie said, hoping another release wouldn’t happen while she was.holding it. “L-like, can you do something else besides hold it like that?”

“What do you want me to do with it?” Pinkie tilted his member and looked at it, still amazed by how big it was. She had to admit, she felt like she had total control with him by doing this and although it wasn’t right in her head, the rest of her said otherwise. “If you don’t answer, maybe I’ll think of something.”

Doomie gulped, knowing full well she had the upper hoof in this, with said hoof wrapped around his re-growing member. ”Pinkie, all I know about this thing is that it’s used for fertilizing eggs, is very sensitive, and...well, uh…”

“What?” Pinkie continued looking at what was in her hooves.

Doomie turned away, remembering another trick he and his brothers used for getting the blue liquid. “Um...well, w-when a changeling is tired of the same...uh…’hole routine’.” He pointed at one of his bigger holes in his arms. “S-Sometimes a changeling decides to do it...differently.”

“Differently?” Pinkie looked at him. “What’s that supposed to mean, do you use something else to make you cum.”

“Cum?” Doomie said. “What in the cave is that supposed to mean?”

“It means you did that.” She tilted her head at the blue mess.

“Ah, another weird term. I swear, you ponies come up with the most weirdest names for stuff like this.”

Pinkie rolled her eyes. “Anyway, what do you mean by ‘differently’? Did ya use something besides your hooves?”

“Uh...y-yeah, some of us did...a-and when we did...we found out that...i-it’s kinda...better, in a way.”

“What is?” Pinkie could feel his heart beating through the veins of his member, if felt both strange and arousing to her.

Doomie fidgeted. “Well, we…” Doomie moved one of his hooves to his mouth and grabbed his tongue, he then pulled it out to show just how long it was. Pinkie dropped her jaw as she saw the pink membrane almost touch the floor with some drops of spit dripping from it..

“Y-You sucked your own...” Pinkie looked up at him. “T-That’s kinda-”

“Gahoua?” Doomie said before sucking the tongue back in him. “Yeah, we know it was disgusting, but it’s way better than the hoof, and the taste! It’s almost like-”

“Taste?” Pinkie looked at his fertilizerer again. “W-What do you mean by taste?...d-does it taste good?”

Doomie rubbed his head. “Uh...I can’t really remember, we stopped doing it once the queen found out, saying that the only taste we should be tasting is love.”

Part of Pinkie’s mind knew what she would do next was pretty dirty, but the other part told her this might be better than actual intercourse. “For all I know.” She thought. “He could get me preggers if we went ‘that route’...maybe we’ll look that info up at the library, I’m sure Twilight wouldn’t mind.” She took a breath and said. “What about the blue stuff?”

“Blue stuff?” Doomie quickly realized what she meant and went even redder. “Oh, was kinda the other reason why the queen told us not to do it, some of it...’misfired’ I guess you could say.”

“So, it’s not harmful for you guys to eat.”

“W-Wha?” Doomie could feel his face getting hotter by the second “N-No. We’re fine, that stuff isn’t poisonous or anything.” Doomie looked at her and noticed she was staring at his member, mouth slightly open and drooling.. “W-Wait...a-a-are you actually-”

“Only if you promise to do the same.” Pinkie blurted out, knowing that Doomie had no clue what she meant.

“Do the same?” Doomie looked down below her waist. “I thought female mares don’t have one of these.”

“We don’t.” Pinkie said. “We got something that this big thing should be getting in. uh...I-I mean, something that’s not this.” She patted the tip of his member, Doomie had gotten so use to what she was doing to it that he didn’t even flinch.

“So, you got some kind of hole or something?” Doomie asked, still confused by all of this.

Pinkie sighed. “Listen, Doomie, I’m gonna be straight with you.” Without warning, Pinkie raised her hoof to his mouth, pulled out his tongue and pointed at it. “This thing is practically just as good as this thing.” She pointed at his member. “Maybe even better.”

“Eht iha?” Doomie asked. “howah?”

Pinkie continued holding the tongue. “For starters, it’s flexible, right?”

Doomie wrapped his tongue around her hoof to answer that. He then slurped his long snakelike muscle back in his mouth and smacked his lips. “Huh, those DD’s were right...Ponis son como caramelos.”


“Oh, nothing,, what are we doing again?”

Pinkie sighed, knowing Doomie had absolutely no idea what she was about to do. “Since you don’t know, how about I go first.”

“Go first in what?”

Pinkie looked down again. “Doomie, I’m at least gonna ask first.”

“Ask what? Pinkie, I really can’t figure out any of this.”

“You know what you did to this thing when you were, uh...fertilizing, right?” Pinkie tilted his member back and forth.

Doomie nodded, feeling more blood pumping to his third stem. “I remember, I used-”

“Your tongue, right?” Pinkie finished.

“Oh...that method...uh…” Doomie rested his back against the counter. “Y-yes, I used my tongue…” Doomie covered his face with his hooves. “Geez, this is awkward.”

“The first times always awkward, silly.” Pinkie looked away. “I have to admit, though, explaining it to someone who has no idea what to do is pretty...awkward...b-but that’s not a bad thing.”

Doomie lowered his hooves. “It’s not?”

“Course not. Think of it like a learning experience.”

“I failed almost every ‘learning experience’ at the cave…” Doomie stated sadly.

Pinkie leaned her head closer to his tip. “But we’re not at the cave, are we?”

“Uh, n-no…” Doomie said. “D-Does that mean I might have a chance?”

“Let's see if you do.” With no warning, Pinkie planted her lips right on the tip of his member. Luckily, Doomie managed to only squeak and tense up instead of letting go of another load again.

Pinkie realized this and pulled her lips away while Doomie tried to calm down. “See, you didn’t even cum that time.”

“I-Is it bad to uh...’cum’ fast for ponies too?” Doomie waited for an answer, but Pinkie only continued her treatment by moving her muzzle around his rod. He then felt something warm and wet make contact. He yelped and realized her tongue replaced her muzzle as it slid up and down, left and right, gliding across his member until every part of it was wet.

Pinkie looked up at him and said, “Ready?” Doomie could only nod in response, not wanting to talk anymore and instead wanting, no, needing whatever Pinkie would do next. The second he nodded, she dragged her tongue from the very bottom of his rod to the tip before plunging her head back down.

Doomie gasped as his member was now engulfed by Pinkie’s mouth, her hot moist breath and her squelching tongue was enough and send shock waves of pleasure straight to his brain. He clenched his eyes as Pinkie’s tongue traveled all around him and her own deep throaty moans sent vibrations to his sensitive region.

Doomie hung his tongue out and moaned, starting to feel the final stage hit him already, but he didn’t want this feeling to stop. He looked down to see her staring right into his eyes. She didn’t stop either, she continued moving her tongue around. His body could barely take it.

Pinkie could tell he was close. His clenched eyes and teeth and his constant moaning was enough to let her know he couldn’t take much more. She closed her eyes and continued dragging her tongue around him and sucking harder than before, moaning just as much as him.

Doomie couldn’t hold it anymore, the vibrations in her throat triggered his climax. He started gasping in pleasure as he yelled out her name and, with an arched back that sent his rod further down Pinkie’s mouth, came almost as much as before. Pinkie started gagging as the warm liquid ran down her throat. She coughed and spurted most of the blue stuff out of her mouth, but his rod in the way made it difficult to get all of it out. Doomie didn’t seem to care as he exploded a second time.

Pinkie managed to pull his member out, his juices now hitting her mouth first this time, and when it did, the taste was something she never thought she would lay her tongue on. She rolled her eyes up and moved her mouth to his tip as his third shot came, making him scream even louder and the delicious taste fill her taste buds.

After two more times, her mouth couldn’t take the amount and had most of it drop and drool outside her lips, Pinkie realized this and pulled her mouth away, fortunate enough to not have any get shot directly at her face. She managed to swallow some before having the rest fall on the floor with a couple loud coughs.

After a few heavy pants, Doomie opened his eyes, seeing the damage he had caused. He dropped his jaw when he saw Pinkie’s mouth dripping with his seed, some of it out her nose. “P-Pinkie?” Doomie sat back up. “A-Are you okay? I-I felt my...uh, linghood go pretty deep in...uh...ya know, you.” He started fidgeting, feeling even more embarrassed with how he said that.

Even Pinkie felt weirded out by that. “Uh...yeah, I’m fine.” She rubbed her throat, hoping nothing was damaged.

Doomie fidgeted. Trying his hardest to not make this any more awkward than it already was. “So, uh, w-was that good or…welll, what exactly was that?”

Pinkie wiped the rest of the warm blue substance off her and continued smiling. “That’s what we call a cream pie, Doomie.” Pinkie stated.

“Is that a bakery joke or something?” Doomie asked. “Because last time I checked, a cream pie is just that; a pie. Not...this.” Doomie pointed at her face and the mess between both of them.

“Again; it’s a term.” Pinkie said licking the rest of the substance off her lips

“I, uh...w-was it good?”

Pinkie smiled, still feeling like doing another round. “I dunno, was it?”

Doomie wasn’t sure if he could really define what just happened to him. “Uh, I-I guess, I-I mean, w-was it good for you?”

Pinkie stepped closer, her arms on each side of his hips. “It will be.”

Doomie’s eyes went wide once she said that. “W-What do you mean, a-are we not done or-”

“Not by a long shot.” Pinkie raised her hoof to the tip of his nose. “Now, we test out that tongue of yours.”

Doomie cocked his head. “What about my ton-ACK!” Doomie didn’t have time to finish as Pinkie grabbed said tongue and pulled it out of his mouth. “Uh..Peahkeh?”

.Pinkie just held the tongue tighter and slowly lowered it down. “Just follow my lead.”

“Leah? Leah on whaAAH Ah...oh...aaaauuuhmmmgggh~”


7 hours later…


Doomie slowly opened his eyes once sunlight came through the kitchen window. He slowly blinked and craned his head down. It was a blur at first, but once his eyes were clear. He saw a sight he’d never thought possible.

]He looked over his body to see that it was completely covered in baking substances, from frosting to dough to sprinkles. He looked up to see his horn was currently stuck to a cupcake. He groaned and slowly took it off, seeing some bits of batter were in the holes of his arms. He looked around the kitchen to see it was even worse. Kitchen supplies were scattered around the room, flour all over the ground, frosting stuck to the walls. It was messy.

As he finally got up and stretched, he smacked his lips, tasting a very odd flavor. It wasn’t love, that much he knew “Huh, weird…”

“Mmmhhhgeah...What’s weird?”

Doomie stood even higher and looked past the countertop, seeing Pinkie in the same state; body covered in food, a cream pie stuck on her head, and a nose that had a dot of frosting on it, which she quickly licked off. “Uh, Pinkie?” Doomie said.

Pinkie rested her arms on the table and put her chin on top of them. “Yes, love bug?”

Doomie looked over himself again. “I-I’m guessing it was pretty...weird last night, wasn’t it?”

Pinkie shrugged. “If by ‘weird’ you mean us having a great time, then yes, it was.”

Doomie shook his head. “You know what I mean.”

“Yeah, but it was still fun, wasn’t it?”

Doomie had to admit, it was fun, maybe even more than that. “Yeah, I’d say it was great.” Doomie smacked his lips again. “Uh, I think I still taste that...taste...that I tasted…”

Pinkie cocked her head as if trying to pretend that she didn’t know what he was talking about. “Really now?”

Doomie nodded. “Yup, tastes just as good, but...uh, you liked it, right?”

Pinkie couldn’t lie, that tongue did wonders to her body. “Doomie, that tongue of yours is an even greater gift than your...uh, fertilizerer.” She giggled. ““I’m just surprised your fangs didn’t get in the way.”

Doomie tapped his sharp teeth. “W-Well, these guys are gentle when they wanna be.” He then realized the taste was starting to go away, but he didn’t want that to happen, it might not be as good as love, but it was still a great flavor. “Um, a-and I’m sure they won’t get in the way if we did it again.”

A sly smile came across Pinkie’s face. “Oh, you want seconds?”

Doomie smirked. “Do cocoons glow in the dark?”

“They do?” Pinkie’s mind went sidetracked after that. “Oh, that’s so cool, ya gotta do tAH!” Pinkie was then tackled to the ground by the bug, his arms on each side of her body. “D-Doomie?”

Doomie smiled, wanting to try something different. “I think I’m gonna be the one in charge now, you tasty little pie.”

“Oh really now?” Pinkie moved her arms to her chest and pretended to sound hopeless. “So, big bug, what do you plan to do to me?”

Doomie slid his tongue out of his mouth and slowly made it glide across the side of her face before slurping it back in, Pinkie watched in slight anticipation as his head slowly trailed further down her body. Doomie didn’t want to waste time, he would’ve teased her if it wasn’t for his mind begging him to get that taste back in his mouth.

Once he was close enough. Pinkie stopped the helpless act and wrapped her bottom legs around his body. Luckily, Doomie planned for this and plunged his tongue deep into her, making sure the fangs were still out of the way.

Pinkie screamed in ecstasy as his tongue went to work on her again, her legs seemed to lose control once they let go of Doomie’s body, Pinkie noticed and tried pushing his head further in, but the constant wiggling and twisting and turning his tongue was doing right now made her stay put.

Once Doomie noticed the grip her legs had on him were gone, he knew he was in control this time, he wrapped his arms around her torso and pulled her, his lips now against her’s, “As least, I think that’s what she called this thing…” Doomie thought, He still didn’t know what this hole of her’s was called, but that didn’t stop him from his treatment.

As Doomie continued and Pinkie’s moans went louder, the two of them didn’t seem to notice how early in the day it was, and that some ponies were still trying to sleep. One mare in particular managed to come downstairs to figure out what all this commotion was coming from.

Once the mare turned the corner to the kitchen, she yelled out. “Pinkie! Do you have any…” The blue mare then froze and started getting flashbacks from a few months ago, only this time it was in the kitchen and not in Pinkie’s bedroom.

From her perspective of the scene, it was Pinkie’s head on one side behind the counter table while Doomie’s legs were on the other. After a yelp escaped Miss Cake’s mouth, Pinkie turned her head toward her and gasped.

Doomie pulled away, his head now peeking over top of the table. “OH! D-Did I hit that F spot you were talking about last...night...” Once Doomie saw who was at the doorway, he growled and yelled out. “Oh for- Ya know what!? I don’t even care anymore! She can watch if she wants to! I’m not letting anything spoiling our moments anymore!” Doomie then threw his head back down and made Pinkie scream in pleasure seconds later.

“DAH-D-Doomie, yaaaah...ya caAH...Caaan’t jah...oooOH~” Pinkie tried pushing his head away from between her legs, but his tongue made sure that wasn’t happening. Pinkie simple went back to her position before; her eyes looking up and her tongue hanging out on the side with her head. She managed to look back at Miss Cake and say, “YouAH...You already knoooooow it’s what it looks like, Miss just...just...Oh~” Pinkie then wrapped her arms around the back of his head and pulled him closer, her back arching up while doing so.

Miss Cake watched in horror as Pinkie continued moaning and the sounds of licking and sloshing came from behind the table. With this scene now firmly implanted in her head, she decided to quietly walked away, whispering to herself, “It’s not what it looks like. I-It’s not what it looks like. I-It’s not what it-”

“OH Doomie! Don’t stop!”



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“Are you sure there’s something in here that can help us?”

“There has to be. Twilight has books on everything, right Twilight?”

Twilight sighed, getting a bit exhausted with having to help Pinkie and her lingfriend in trying to find a book for them. “Pinkie, not everything has a book about it.”

“You sure?” Pinkie asked as she looked through all the shelves. “Cause the books I’ve seen you read have been about everything.”

“It’s not that; It’s just hard to find something about the two of you.” Twilight explained. “It is a strange relationship.”

Doomie rolled his eyes. “Oh please, there’s way weirder relationships than the one we have, I hear about my brothers dating other creatures from griffins to DD’s...even one brother fell in love with a breezie. really can’t remember what their names were. All I know is that they have been at it for over a year.”

Twilight didn’t even want to know. “...Interesting. Now, can we please find what you two are looking for.”

Doomie tilted his head. “Why are we here again?” He asked.

Pinkie bounced over to him. “We’re looking for something about the both of us, Doomie, ya know, things that a pony and a changeling should know before we-”

“I know that, what I mean is why here? In a tree house?” Doomie looked around the room, not very impressed with the decor. “Isn’t there somewhere else we can look? Especially some place safe.”

“You can fly to Canterlot.” Twilight suggested sarcastically. “And what do you mean by ‘safe’?”

Doomie tapped his horn. “I’d demonstrate by bursting into green flames, if you know what I mean?”

Twilight glared at him. “If you even think about burning this tree into the ground.”

Doomie held his hooves up defensively. “I’m just saying that sooner or later this house is gonna burn to the ground in some way.”

Knowing that was impossible, Twilight simply rolled her eyes and said, “Sure it will…Now, can we please find the book you two looking for so I can get back to dealing with these” Twilight unfurled her wings. still trying to get use to them

“When were you gonna to test your wings out anyways?” Pinkie asked, taking hold of one of them.

Twilight yanked her wing away from her and furled them. “I was going to read up on flying today, that was, until a pony and a changeling asked me to help them with their sex problems.”

Doomie blushed. “I-It’s not a se...well, it’s’’s complicated.”

Pinkie’s face went red as well. “We just wanna know if we can actually...ya it safely.”

Twilight dragged her hoof down her face, still a bit flustered by this changeling. “Does it look like I know how a changeling reproduces?”

Doomie shrugged. “I dunno, you’ve read a lot of stuff. You should know something about this...Hey, if you’ve read a lot of books, don’t you think you’ll ever...ya know, run outta stuff to read?”

Twilight looked at him like he asked the most insane question she’d ever heard. “Run out?” She paused for a few moments before laughing a bit too creepily. “T-That’s impossible, Doomie. T-There’s a vast number of books out there that still need to be read, I haven’t even scratched the surface yet. A-And just because I know sooner or later I’ll run out doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing!”

Doomie and Pinkie looked at each other before looking at Twilight, seeing a few strands of her hair come out of her mane and a slight twitch in her eye. “ okay, Twinklight?” Doomie asked.

Twilight managed to control herself when Doomie mispronounced her name again. “It’s Twilight, and yes. I’m fine. Now, can we please just find the book over on this shelf here please.”

Doomie looked over at the other side of the room, seeing a shelf with a few books that looked a bit dusty and misused. “What about this shelf…” Doomie pulled out a random book and inspected the cover. “‘ want to be an uncle?’” He read out loud. “What’s this about?”

Twilight snatched the book out of his hooves and placed it back. “That story isn’t for you, or for anyone really.”

“What do you mean?” Doomie asked.

“What I mean is that this book, along with its two sequels, were awful. I can’t believe I wasted twenty minutes of my life reading them.” Twilight turned away. “Let’s just focus on finding-”

Doomie pulled out the same book. “What’s so bad about it, I mean, besides the title.”

Twilight groaned and turned back. “It’s just a bad story that should be pushed off a cliff with the plot it had.”

“It’s that bad?” Pinkie asked.

Twilight nodded. “Yes, it is. Even the author himself regretted writing those stories, at least his other ones aren’t that bad...they’re not great, but still.”

“What about this one?” Doomie pulled out from the bottom shelf. “‘A battle on the carpet’ This looks interesting.”

“Tell that to the hundreds of ponies who didn’t read it,” Twilight said, lifting the book out of his hooves with her magic. “All they did was move on to a newer story that had title bate, or picture bate, or was about a book along the lines of what you two should be looking for.”

“Stories about sex is better than this?” Pinkie asked, opening the book while it was still in Twilight’s grip.

“Pretty much.” Twilight nodded and pulled the book out of her clutches. “Ponies usually read stories like these over thirty times.” She scratched her head and put the book where it once was.. “Not sure why, but it seems the same plot, theme, and outcome are so interesting that it needs to be written dozens of times.”

“Hey, look at this one!” Pinkie pulled out another book from the same shelf. “‘it’s a filly?’ That’s a weird title.”

“That one’s even worse.” Twilight said. grabbing the book and shoving it back in with the rest. “It was really promising, but the ending was just awful. That book really let me down.”

Doomie continued looking through the books. “‘Weeds grow back’” Doomie was about to open the book, but Twilight snatched that away as well.

“HEY! Spoilers.”

Doomie glared at her and grabbed another book. “Will you stop snatching books out of my hoof! I was just looking at it. You’re acting like I don’t know anything about them. Well, listen here, Twitly, I know a lot about books.” Doomie was about to open it, but Twilight placed her hoof on the front cover.

“Twilight…” She corrected again. “And what do you mean?”

“What I mean is that changelings read things too, ya know. Even this one changeling scout reads all the time, he even reads the same books over and over too. He’s messed up.”

“How many books did you have back home?” Pinkie asked.

“Not much.” Doomie answered, looking at all the works of literature in the room. “You ponies have way more books than we do, most of ours are just learning stuff, but not stories, that’s our older siblings job, we don’t even have books about...uh.” Doomie inspected the front cover of the book in his hooves. “Arac?...areak?...akrac?....” Doomie tried reading the title, but gave up and flipped to a random page. “What kind of word is that...t-tha...” He froze for a few short seconds and stared at the pages with wide eyes before he-

“AAAH!” Doomie then flung the book to the opposite side of the room and hid behind Pinkie.

Luckily, Twilight caught it with her magic grip before it hit the floor. “Doomie?” Twilight said. “What’s wrong with you? Why did you just-”

“S-S-Spa...spaaahaaa...Spaaaie...spi…” Doomie continued holding Pinkie.

“Spy?” Pinkie said. “That books about spies?” Pinkie smiled. “Does it say anything about leather suits?

Twilight looked over the pages. “Uh, Pinkie, I think your lingfriend has something.”

“Has what? Another book?” Pinkie looked at Doomie, still seeing him clinging to her and shivering.

“Spie...Spiiieheher...spieeehahahahaaaaer…” Doomie dug his face in her neck, not wanting to face the book’s direction.

“Spyer?” Pinkie looked back at Twilight. “Are you sure that’s not about spies?”

“Not ‘spies’ Pinkie.” Twilight then flipped the book pages to Pinkie, making her flinch at the illustrations that were drawn. “Spi-ders.”

“Spiders?” Pinkie laughed. “You’re scared of spiders?” Pinkie hugged him. “How could you be scared of them, they’re totally friendly if you-”

“F-Friendly?...Friendly!?” Doomie pulled away from her. “Pinkie, that...thing, right there, in the book, is the one thing us changelings can’t ever face, even our older brothers didn’t tell stories about those things they were so bad.”

Twilight looked at the book again. She could understand spiders being a bit scary, but having an actual fear of them. “You’re all afraid of spiders? Why are you afraid of-” Twilight thought about this for a bit before realizing the answer. “Oh, right...bugs...spiders...yeah…”

“Those things took away so many of us! I-I heard that they suck the blood out of a changeling, just to see it’s death slowly come as it looks deep in your eyes, a-and that’s just the mercy killing.” Doomie started circling the room. “T-The other times t-they just wrap ya in a web of terror and feed off you piece by piece or just throw ya at one of their demented spider giants, o-o-or dissect ya while making you watch, o-or clap to some demented song! As it feeds you donuts while talking about striped shirted chil-”

“DOOMIE!” Pinkie grabbed his shoulders and shook him violently. “Calm down! Get a hold of yourself!”

“B-But what if one of those horrible creatures come into this town...T-Twilight told me all about things coming from that forest on a daily basis. W-What if it’s...t-that thing!” Doomie pointed at the still open book about arachnids.

Noticing this, Twilight closed the book and put it away. “Doomie, I seriously doubt a giant spider’s gonna stroll right in town for no reason. You have a better chance of a bugbear coming in, besides, aren’t you changelings friends with every mons- er, creature out there.”

Doomie continued shaking. “All I said was that we’re friends with lots of them, not all of them, some, like those eight legged beasts, are horrible, while others are more friendly and don’t want to kill us!” Doomie stopped shivering and thought about that. “Though, to be fair, some act like they do, but that’s all just for fun. Sometimes it’s love too.”

Twilight was finding that hard to believe. “Trying to kill someone is considered love for some monsters?”

“Eh, I wouldn’t say love. I’d say it’s more along the lines of being in a nice friendly relationship.” Doomie said with a smile. “Now, Our queen.” He chuckled. “When she sees someone she’s interested in, she immediately starts hating the hay out of them...kinda explains why that king of hers left.”

Twilight found it hard to believe hating someone is the same as loving them. “So, does that mean a way...loves you guys?”

Doomie nodded. “Yup, we learned that her hating someone is just another way of saying she loves you, kinda makes me think she has a thing for you.”

“M-Me!?” Twilight yelled.

Doomie only shrugged in response. “Well, she constantly manipulated you, made you feel bad, made you angry at her, made you glare at her whenever you saw her.” Doomie would’ve went on, but he stopped there and said, “Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if she came back wanting to go out with you...we would finally prove that she was bi the whole time too.” Doomie then eyed Twilight. “ you feel the same way about-”

“NO!” Twilight exclaimed. “I don’t love, let alone like, that friendship ruining, soul sucking, jagged horned...MONSTER!”

Doomie stepped back. “So...that’s a no, right?” Doomie received a deadpan glare from her. “O...kay then.”

Hearing about all this information was starting to put even more stress on Twilight. She was about to drop it there, but Pinkie continued. “Do other creatures act the same way?”

Doomie seemed to feel less scared now that the topic changed. “The DD’s are kinda like that, but they would never try to kill us, I mean, it’s not like they want to kill the only other ravers in the forest, right?”


“Yeah, Ravers. We changelings throw some pretty nice underground rave parties with those dogs, One of their main singers: R0V3R, is pretty nice on the mic, even if we can’t understand what he’s saying half the time. Un perro extraño tal.” Doomie finished.

Twilight sighed. Still having trouble understanding those words. “You can’t learn anything out of a book, yet you can talk in their own language?”

Doomie laughed. “Talking in someone else’s tongue isn’t that hard, ya just gotta know how to say it. Before ya know it, you’ll be speaking Так же, как деревянные волков. Their language was the first one I learned.”

Twilight had never heard of such words. “Who?”

Doomie smiled. “I’m sure someone can translate that…” Doomie looked around, hoping someone would, mostly because he was secretly hoping he said it right.

Twilight was starting to get interested with this. “So, no other monsters tried to kill you then?”

“Hmmm…I don’t think so...Now, ponies, oh queen! They have tried. The worst case was this one town that almost killed us when we showed up with fake marks on our butts...then their was this one pony who tried to take away our non existent flank marks with that weird stick.”

“Cutie marks.” Twilight corrected.

Doomie didn’t care and continued. “Whatever. Anyways, we were kicked out of that creepy town the second she found out we didn't have one...apparently we weren’t ‘equal’ enough...stuck up mare…and her stuck up stick...and her stuck up-”

“So, she was a mare that takes away cutie marks?” Twilight found that hard to believe.

Doomie shrugged. “We didn’t really know, neither did our queen when she was there.”

“Did your queen do anything about it?” Twilight asked.

Doomie shook his head. “Nope, she was more annoyed with that mare than mad at her. So, we just went back to the cave and tried to find another place.”

“And if she was mad?” Twilight asked, guessing the situation would’ve been even worse.

“She’d probably do what we did to the zebras when they didn’t want to be friends with us.”

Pinkie gasped. “You fought zebras?!”

Doomie started fidgeting. “Um...kinda...w-we were about to fight them out in the woods, but both factions decided not to.”

Twilight got confused. “ didn't fight the zebras?”

Doomie shrugged. “It’s as if it wasn’t supposed to happen at that time and place...Like, we weren’t supposed to do it unless something else happened before or after it. They needed more creatures or we needed a better excuse or something...It was weird. Twig wouldn’t stop scratching his ear the whole time...and his left eye couldn’t stop flashing blue either.”

Twilight didn’t even want to know. “Interesting…”

Doomie nodded and looked over at the shelves again. “Yup, changeling’s lives sure are boring. Anyways, back to the on-topic of books.” One book caught his eye.’”’The Secret In-sex Life of Dusk and Shield’” Doomie smiled and took the book. “Oh, so mating with your siblings is accepted in your society too?”

“W-What!?” Twilight immediately grabbed the book and looked at the cover, blushing instantly and shoving the book back. “ makes you think that books about-”

“Dusk and Shine just sound like names that could relate to each other. Almost sounds normal for siblings who want to-”

“It’s not nor...I-It’s not accep- It’s disg...It’s not right!” Twilight yelled.

Doomie backed up as Pinkie started moving across shelves. “Okay, shesh, I get it. Insest is apparently not accepted this culture, I just thought you guys were like the DD’s. They think it’s normal, and changelings don’t really have sex but sometimes we get pretty close...why are you giving me that look?”

Twilight was getting sick and tired with all of this. “Doomie, I’m tired of talking about these kinds of books and all these stupid conversations! So, just fine what you need already and get out of my-”

“Found one!”

Doomie and Twilight turned to Pinkie who was holding a book in her hooves. “Y-You did?” Twilight was astounded to hear that.

Pinkie nodded and held up the cover for them to see. “‘Monsters and/in You’. Sounded like this work of literature is about interspecies relationships.”

Before Twilight could question Pinkies sudden intellectual spike in grammar, Doomie came up next to her and opened the strange book. “Huh. ‘made in hopes that others will understand not to’. Well, that’s a good sign.” Doomie said sarcastically.

“It’s better than nothing.” Pinkie said. “Now...let’s see, chapter one: Sizes. ‘most monsters are unable to penetrate the female due to the size of-’”

Before Twilight could hear another word, she teleported between them the yelled out, “That sounds REALLY interesting, I’m sure, but can two please not read it here.”

Doomie started looking closer. “Huh...So that’s what it looks like on a dragon.”

Pinkie started flipping through the pages while Twilight pushed them closer to the door with her magic. “Glad to know I could help, now will you please-”

“Whoa. Listen to this, Doomie, ‘changelings tongues can go up to twelve inches and flex at every inch, making them great cunili’-”

Twilight finally managed to push both of them outside. “Will you two just go home already.”

Doomie leaned to the book. “Wow, ‘earth pony hair has the ability to twist and bend to create massive amounts of ple-”


With the door finally shut, and the couple now gone, Twilight sighed in relief to know that she alone again, thanking Celestia that it was over. “Glad that’s done and done. Now, where did I put those books about flying?”

A knock came from upstairs before Twilight could even start searching. “Twilight, I heard the door shut. Can I come downstairs now? And can I unplug my ears?”

Twilight sighed, happy to know that Spike agreed to staying upstairs during all of this, but hoping he didn’t hear too much. “In a sec, Spike...just need to clean up all this smut…”




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“Listen, Pinkie, I-I’m glad you’re making my dream a reality, b-but I don’t think this is a good idea.”

“Why do you say that?”

Doomie looked down at a rock that was plugging up a hole, knowing full well what was under it. “W-Well, I’m sure Twilight put a rock over this for a reason...h-how did you even know it was here in the first place?”

Pinkie shrugged and put her front hooves on the rock. “I dunno, I find a lot of weird stuff. You should see this village that I found out here.”

Doomie raised an eye. “You mean that village where everyone has the same flankmark? cause that one’s really creepy.”

Pinkie pulled on the rock once, knowing this would be heavy. “They didn’t have any ‘flankmarks’ Doomie. You really need to remember what things are called.”

Doomie rolled his eyes. “I know they’re called cutie marks, but it sounds way too weird for me to say it.” He crossed his arms. “I don’t even see why they’re so important, s’just a mark on your butt.”

Pinkie’s jaw dropped. “It’s not, ‘just a mark’ Doomie, it’s something more than that, it’s what you’re destined to do.”

Doomie thought about that. “Well, that kinda explains why changelings don’t have them, we don’t really have a destiny, in fact, it seems kinda lame to know what your destiny is once you’re born, you don’t even have a choice.”

Pinkie sighed, knowing Doomie didn’t know what he was talking about. “You aren’t born with it, silly, you find it out on your own. Didn’t you pay attention to any of the books Twilight gave you on us.”

Doomie shook his head. “Nope.”

Pinkie sighed and gave the rock another tug. “I’m starting to realize just why you failed your classes.

Doomie didn’t seem to care and continued watching Pinkie pull on the rock. “Anyways, what about you? You never told me about your flank mark. Did you just wake up one morning and realize throwing parties is what you’re destined to do.”

Pinkie stopped pulling and took a breath. “It’s more than parties, Doomie. way more.”

Doomie shrugged. “If you say so.” Doomie then realized something. “Hey, doesn’t that mean you need to find out what you’re good at before hoof?”

Pinkie nodded. “Yup.”

“So, were there things you did to try and figure it out, like, did you try different things or...?”

Pinkie giggled. “Nope, it just happened when it happened. Sometimes you just need to wait for it instead of trying over and over again, rather not get covered in tree sap.”

Doomie didn’t want to ask. “Um...okay, I guess that’s other ponies do that?”

“Get covered in tree sap or try and find cutie marks...or both, in those girls cases?”

“Whose cases? Wait, are you talkin’ about those fillies that almost killed me a a week ago? Because taming changelings aren’t a destiny even I would want.”

“They wouldn’t have killed you. They would’ve just broke a lot of bones, besides, they’re just like that.”

Doomie crossed his arms. “Doubt they’ll be gettin’ a flank mark if they try to-”

“CUTIE mark, Doomie, are you really that embarrassed to call it that?”

“No.” Doomie answered. “I thought it was some formal way of saying it, s’not like we call our queen by her real name in front of her face, she’d hurt us if we did that.”

Pinkie stopped pulling. “She’d hurt you guys?”

Doomie didn’t know why she was so concerned about such a fact. “Uh, yeah, she’d punish us if we did things like that. I remember Sid burning in green flames after backsassing the queen when she was eating a sandwich, that was pretty cool to watch...what?”

Pinkie continued staring in disbelief at Doomie before slowly shaking her head. “It’s things like this that make me glad you're away from that mean queen of yours.”

Doomie shrugged. “Eh, what can you do?”

“Find a new ruler.” Pinkie answered, grabbing the rock and pushing on it.

“Kinda hard to find one since there’s only changeling queen around here.”

“You don’t need a-AH!”

Pinkie was interrupted by the rock finally getting out, or getting in after being pushed too hard, Pinkie going along with it as she fell down. Doomie reacted by screaming her name and flying down with her. Luckily, the only thing that landed on the bottom floor was the rock while Doomie held on to Pinkie in the air, flapping his wings more than ever.

Pinkie’s bottom legs dangled as she was being held by her forearms. She looked up at Doomie to see him straining to have both of them in the air, his teeth and eyes clenched. “Uh, Doomie, you can let go now.”

Doomie opened one eye to see the rock was on the ground instead of falling. He sighed in relief, causing his wings to stop flapping. Fortunately, they were close to the ground when they fell. Unfortunately, Doomie landed first with Pinkie crashing on top of him.

Pinkie managed to get on all fours while Doomie laid right under her. “You okay?” She asked.

“I-I think so.” Doomie continued to lay on his back and look up at Pinkie. “Heads okay, eyes refocused,” He wagged his tail. “tail’s movable,” He licked on one of his fangs. “teeth intact, arms currently immovable due to a pony pinning them to the ground.” He smiled at Pinkie, making her do the same.

“Well, your arms seem okay.” She moved her arms to his chest. “Chest still breathing.” She went lower. “Tummy’s still okay.” She sat up and put both her hooves to his waist. “Waist seems like it’s working.”

“Waists don’t even do that much, Pinkie, they just turn and-” He gasped and quickly looked down, glaring up at Pinkie seconds later. “Really? You checked there before my legs?”

Pinkie blushed and pulled her hooves away. “Alright, I think the body’s ready.” Pinkie got off him and walked to her right.

“Ready?” Doomie got up and trotted over to Pinkie’s side. “Ready for what?...Oh.” He looked down to answer his own question.

In front of them stood a pool, the same pool of water that Pinkie used a few weeks ago, thinking it would help her, only to cause chaos through the entire town. “Told ya it would still be here.” Pinkie said.

Doomie leaned in, seeing his reflection. “So, how’s this thing work, do ya just, dive in or-”

Pinkie shook her head. “Nope, ya just reach in and pull out your clone by while saying-”

Doomie put a hoof over her mouth before she could start. “Listen, Pinkie, a-about this...thing we’re doing.”

Pinkie brushed his hoof away. “I know what I’m doing this time, Doomie. Besides, when second Pinkie gets out and sees you, I’m sure she’ll have the same intention as we do.”

Doomie looked at the pool again, starting to have seconds thoughts about this, his dream may have been a wet one, but it was still weird, especially when the fourth Pinkie went in bed with him. “I know the dream was good and all, b-but-”

Pinkie giggled. “I should know, I was there.” She walked closer to him. “And I heard everything.”

Doomie blushed. “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about, I-I didn’t hear anything.”

“Oh really? Cause all I heard was constant moaning, my name being said several times, then I heard you telling other Pinkie’s to join you.” She was nose to nose with him. “Sounded to me like you were doing the do with multiple me’s.”

Doomie’s face went even redder before he looked away. “It was just two of them.” Doomie was hoping she would believe that, knowing there were four to five Pinkies in total that rutted him in his dream. “Y-You sure you aren’t mad at this.”

“Mad? Why would I be mad? I think it’s amazing how you dreamt of just Pinkie’s doing you, I thought for sure it would be another mare.”

“All the other mares I got love from hated me once they found out I looked like this.” Doomie looked at himself from his reflection.

Pinkie wasn’t surprised to hear that. Luckily, she knew just what to say. “Doomie, you are the most handsome bug I’ve ever seen. and I don’t see how anyone else could hate you.”

Doomie grinned and hugged her. “You too, Pie...uh...well, besides the bug part.”

They continued their embrace until Pinkie realized something. “Hey, doesn’t this mean you’ll double the amount of love you’ll eat?”

Doomie pulled away and thought about that, he did fake calculations in his head and nodded. “Huh...I think so. Double’s good, and tripple might even be better tasting.”

“Then a three way it is.” Pinkie turned to the pool again, only for Doomie to grab her arm.

“Pinkie, listen, I really am glad that you brought me here for this, but I’m just worried that it might get out of hoof.”

“That’s why we’ll take it slowly this time, and make sure no stray Pinkie wants more Pinkies.”

Doomie looked at the pool again. “Y-You sure the other Pinkie’s won't go too far?”

Pinkie grabbed his arm instead of the other way around. “Tell you what, if it there are too many for one Doomie to handle then we’ll just make more Doomies! How’s that sound?”

Doomie dropped his jaw. “T-That sounds crazy! I have no idea what the other Doomies will do.”

“I’m sure they’ll know what they’re doing too.” Pinkie said, her face now staring into the pool. “Now, are you ready?”

Doomie knew there was no turning back now, he sighed and nodded. “C-Can I at least prepare myself, I’ve only heard of a few changelings that have done this.”

Pinkie rolled her eyes, knowing he was delaying this on purpose. “Fine.”

Doomie immediately turned around and took a deep breath. “Alright, just act calm, you’ve done this before, it’s nothing new, she’s just adding one into the equation, it’s not like it’s gonna be harder for you to-”

“You ready now?”

“You ready now?”

Doomie turned around and yelped, now seeing two of his marefriends in front of him. “P-Pinkie?”



“I’m not talking to you.” Doomie pointed at the on on his left before looking at the Pinkie on his right. “I’m talking to the real one.”

Both Pinkies were shocked to hear that. “How do you know she’s the real one?” The left one asked.

Doomie walked up to the real one and looked straight into her eyes. “I can tell by her eyes, she has the same exact features that I remember, unlike you.”

The real Pinkie tilted her head. “Is this how you could tell the difference?”

Doomie nodded. “How do you think we changelings recognize each other. every changeling has a different eye.” He pointed at his clear blue eyes.

Booth Pinkies leaned in, seeing no difference to the one’s at canterlot. “I don’t see it.” the real Pinkie said. “No pun intended.” The second one finished.

Doomie shrugged. “I guess it’s harder for ponies.” He looked at both of them, still a bit weirded out by it.

“Guess so.” The left Pinkie said. “Anyways, you ready?”

The real Pinkie smiled. “Yeah, what Pinkie number two said, you ready?”

“Uh…” Doomie looked back at forth at the two Pinkie’s, both of them had lidded eyes and looked like they would pounce on him at any moment. “Um...d-define ready?” He started backing up, slightly afraid at this point.

The Pinkie’s looked at each other. “You take the right, I’ll take the left.” Pinkie number two said.

“Way way wait, I-I didn’t say I was-”

“But you are ready, Doomie.” The second Pinkie said. “You just don’t know it.”

“T-Then when will I know it?” Doomie asked, the Pinkie’s now on each side of his body.



The second Pinkie leapt on him and pinned him to the cave floor while the real one sat behind her, seeing her target as she spread his legs. Doomie’s eyes went wide, knowing exactly what they were doing. “Ba-But I’m not reHMMPH!” He was silenced by a kiss, causing his eyes to close and his blood to rush to his member.

Before long, Pinkie wrapped her hooves around his hard rod and kissed it’s tip before engulfing her entire mouth into him. The second Pinkie pulled away from the kiss, looking deep into Doomie’s eyes. “You doing alright so far?” She asked.

“I-I dunno…” Doomie looked past her face to see that the real Pinkie was still sucking, he could feel every inch of that tongue as it rolled around his member. “I-I’m just...ooogh..I-i’m…”

“Don’t tell me you’re close already.” The clone Pinkie said.

Doomie took deep breaths, hoping that would delay the inevitable. “S-Sorry,.P-Pinkie two. I-It’s just-”

“Doomie, you need to understand that premature ejaculation is a girl’s worst enemy, and the only way to overcome it is to practice...heh, cum.”

“Practice on what?” Doomie asked, not understanding Pinkie’s pun.

“All you need to do is control.” Pinkie turned around, seeing that the real Pinkie was too preoccupied to listen to them. “Maybe if you experience a lot of it you can...hmmm…”

Doomie was afraid to ask. “E-Experience a lot of what?” The Pinkie on top of him tapped her chin as she turned back to the pool, Doomie knew this would be bad. He started hyperventilating once the clone Pinkie made her way to the pool. “W-Wait...Pah...Pinkie! t-the other...ohmyqueen…” Doomie tried telling the real Pinkie that one of her clones was currently pulling another one out, but she seemed too preoccupied with sucking him off. She even closed her eyes and brought his member deeper in her mouth, a deep throated moan was all it took to make Doomie shut up and start moaning as well.

Once he felt the weight of Pinkie on his stomach, he opened his eyes, seeing that there were now three Pinkie’s, each of them looking at him seductively. “So, what should we do next?” The one in the middle asked.

Doomie looked back and forth, seeing that both his wings were straight out from all the tension. “U-Uh...G-Give Doomie a break?” Doomie suggested, only for the Pinkie’s on his left and right plant their hooves on his wings, making him yelp.

“I gotta say,” The left one said. “You’re wings look really nice.”

“Yeah…” The right one said. “I wonder how’ll they’ll react to this~”

“Reh...R-React to wa-AAAH!” The two Pinkie’s on his sides grabbed hold of his wings and held them closer. Doomie never really knew how sensitive they were once they started nibbling on the ends. He would’ve moved his arms, but the preening Pinkie’s kept them in place by sitting on them. All he could do was clench his eyes and teeth, holding back the moans.

“Mmmh hmm.” The top Pinkie chuckled. “How that feel, little buggy? Want more?” With no response other than more moaning, Pinkie just smiled and got off him again, walking back to the pool. Doomie would’ve called out again, but the Pinkie on his left silence him with a kiss. He tried moving his legs, but the real Pinkie kept them spread.

Doomie clenched his eyes shut, trying to think of some way to get out of this, but with every second of a Pinkie chewing his wings and another dragging her tongue up his member, he was starting to lose hope of escaping this, he was just thankful that not all of him was being subjected to the pleasure-

“Now...let’s see how you like this~”

Doomie’s eyes shot open and looked up, seeing that another Pinkie was licking the top part of his horn, her hooves wrapped around his ear stems. He looked back down to see that the clone that started all of this was sitting on his stomach again, her sly smile still present. “Are you enjoying yourself, my little buggy?” She asked, going nose to nose with him.

The helpless bug answered with another loud moan, making the clone Pinkie giggled and say, “That’s what I want to here.” She kissed him again, her tongue managing to overpower his own.

Doomie moaned loudly through her lips as he looked over himself, he had five Pinkie’s right on top of him, two of them constantly biting his wings, one sucking his horn, another laying on his stomach, her lips still against his, and the real one moving her mouth up and down his member in an even greater effort to make him reach his climax.

The frail changeling could barely keep it together, every sensitive part of his body was bombarded by Pinkie’s clones, he could even feel another pair of hooves hold his right leg, another pair holding his left seconds later. Doomie might not have been good in math, but he could tell that six of his marefriend’s clones were on him now, with the real one refusing to take her mouth away from his rod.

After several more minutes of constant pleasure on all parts of his body, Doomie could no longer take it. He screamed her name and shot out his first load into the real Pinkie Pie. Unlike last time, Pinkie managed to keep the blue liquid in her mouth for every stringy shot, pulling her lips up to his tip and managing to savor the flavor before gulping it down. Pinkie stoked his throbbing wet rod with every release, wanting as much from him as possible.

After ten shots, Pinkie pulled away and wiped the rest of his mess off her mouth, hiccuping after she was done. “Heff...Da...Doomie, that no…” Pinkie stepped back once she looked up, seeing that six of herself were on top of him. She cupped her hooves over her mouth at the sight. “O-Oh no...P-Pinkies!” The real Pinkie waved her hooves in an attempt to get their attention, but they continued assaulting Doomie with pleasure without even realizing the real Pinkie had finished. Knowing that a direct approach was necessary at this point, she stomped her hooves and screamed, “PINKIE PIES!”

All six stopped their torment and turned around, seeing the real Pinkie glaring at all of them. The one on top of Doomie waved. “Oh, hi, real Pinkie! What’s up?”

The real Pinkie walked up to them. “What are you doing to my lingfriend!?” She yelled. The small group of Pinkie’s looked back at Doomie, his tongue hanging out and his eyes glowing pink as they slowly traveling in all directions, his wings twitched and his horn sparked every couple seconds he laid there. The Pinkie on top of him waved her hoof in front of his face, but his mind was momentarily gone from this world. All of them cringed and looked back at the real Pinkie, who was tapping her hoof. “” Pinkie said sternly.

The other clones looked at each other before slowly getting off Doomie, all of them had a sad expression on their face. Pinkie took hold of the changeling and forced him to sit up, his eyes still swirling and glowing pink. “D-Doomie?” One clone asked. “Are you okay?”

No response came except heavy breathing, making the Pinkie’s panic, fortunately, Doomie’s eyes shut after a bit, the Pinkie’s smiling seconds later. Doomie held his head and groaned, his mind finally coming back into this world. “Pah...Pinkie...wha *hic* what happened...e-everything went *hic* pink for a while.”

The real Pinkie hugged him, flashing a glare at her clones. “I-I..well, me...or, m-my clones went too far on you.”

“W-We were just trying to give him more of an experience, Pinkie.” The second clone said.

“And almost break him in the process?” She let go of Doomie and walked up to her clone. “You went too far, me. You all did.” She crossed her arms as the other Pinkie’s looked down in shame.

“I...W-We’re sorry, D-Doomie.” One of them managed to squeak out.

“Sorry?” Doomie cocked his head. “You have *hic* nothing to be sorry about. Tha *hic* that was amazing.”

“It was?” All of them said.

Doomie tried standing, still very woozy after everything that happened to him. “I-I gotta say...I *hic* I had no idea my kind had *hic* had so many s*elch*ncitive places…” He ended up sitting back down, his eyes slowly turning back to blue. “A-and that was better tha...than any dream I’ve ever *hic* had.”

One of the Pinkie’s raised her hoof. “Does that mean you wanna go again?”

Doomie held his head as he started leaning, luckily, the real Pinkie held him up before he could fall. “L-Listen, Pinkies. This was fun and all...b-but I’m just...ooogh.”

“I think you had too much love tonight, Doomie.” The real Pinkie patted his stomach, making him belch. “Come on, W-We should probably go.”

“” Doomie looked up at the other Pinkie’s. “S-Sorry, Pinkie’s...bah...but I’m just…”

“But I wanna have a turn.” One of the clones shouted.

“Yeah, I wanna see what his horn is like.”

“I wanna see how his wings react when I use them.”

“I wanna see how that tongue works!”

“I wanna-”

“NO!” The real Pinkie stomped her hoof while Doomie tapped his chin. “We are not going to have another round.”

“But...b-but we wanna turn too.” One clone said as Doomie looked at the pool, smiling.

The real Pinkie sat down, knowing this would be hard to do. “Listen, me’s. I know you it, but Doomie’s just one bug, there’s no way he can-”

“Then why not two.”

“Then why not...two?”

The Pinkie’s turned to the pool, gasping as two changelings stood in front of them. “N-No way!” One clone yelled. “You pulled out another Doomie?”

The right Doomie nodded while the left one tilted his head. “He did?” The left one asked, now realizing he was the clone.

“Wait, which one’s the real Doomie?” One Pinkie asked, making both Doomie’s look at each other.

Before anyone could answer, the real Pinkie walked up to the real Doomie and said. “He is, this is the Doomie I fell for~”

The real Doomie smiled while the other one raised an eye. “So,” The real Doomie said. “Now you can see it.”

The second Doomie laughed. “Heh, nice to know that.” He put his hooves together. “So, how’s about helping me deal with-”

Doomie pointed at his clone. “Alright, girls, it’s his turn now, have at him!”

“W-what!?” The second Doomie yelled while the Pinkie’s clapped and cheered. “Y-You’re not even gonna help?”

Real Doomie started stepping toward the rock that once sealed off this cave “Just keep them distracted long enough for me and Pinkie to seal this place off.”

The Doomie clone looked back and forth at the mob of Pinkie’s and the real Doomie and Pinkie. “Ha-How long is that gonna take?”

Both of them shrugged. “Well, the rock’s pretty heavy,” Pinkie said. “but I’m sure we can both do it before daytime.”

The real Doomie placed his hooves on the side of the rock and started pulling. “Eeeeya! T-This could probably take a while...jrrrr, just keep them occupied, okay?”

The clone Doomie’s jaw dropped as he felt a hoof grab his tail. “Do...Doomie!” He yelled. “Y-You can’t just-AH!” He fell on his stomach as the group of Pinkie’s started pulling him closer to them, his hooves dragging across the cave floor. Before long, he was turned on his back and about seven Pinkie’s loomed over him, all of them staring at him with sly smiles and lidded eyes. He gulped, knowing he could only ask one thing in this situation. “B-Be gentle…”

One Pinkie tapped her chin. “I-I’m sorry, what did he say, girls?”

“I think he mercy.” Another said, causing the clone Doomie to shake.

One Pinkie stepped over him and leaned her head down until she was nose to nose with the quivering bug. “This is going to”

The real couple continued pulling on the rock, not even close to the exit. Pinkie looked back at the other Pinkie’s. “Um, do you think your clone will be okay, I don’t think they’ll stop even after we seal this place off.”

Doomie turned to the current orgy between six mares and a changeling, knowing that he had to tell the truth before they could continue pulling the rock. “Eh, he’ll live.”