The Meadow

by GrizzlytheMedic

First published

Roseluck, Lily, and Daisy decide to take a trip to the meadow after closing. What they didn't expect is what was there.

Roseluck, Lily, and Daisy decide to take a trip to the meadow after closing. What they didn't expect is what was there.
Idea from CrazymattCaptain
Trigger Warning: Dicks. Lots of Dicks. Seriously, tons of Dicks

Feeling Cocky

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Twas another calm evening for Roseluck. A long day of running the local flower shop had left her and her friends Lily and Daisy exhausted.

“I just need some time to unwind girls. I think I’ll head to the meadow on the other side of town. I find it really calm and relaxing down there.” Roseluck said, making sure Lily and Daisy could hear her.

“Sounds fun! Can we tag along?” Lilly asked.

“I don’t see why not. It’s a nice way to wrap up a good day of sales.” Daisy chirped.

“I don’t see how you can go wrong with that!” Lily chimed in.

“Excellent! Why don’t we close up shop and head over there now?” Roseluck said.

The three ponies finished the task of locking their store up and began their short trek to the local meadow.

As they travelled, they passed many of Ponyville’s tell tale landmarks such as Sugarcube Corner and Princess Twilight’s castle. They’d had more than a few bad memories in this tiny town but all in all, it was a nice place to live despite the recent bugbear attack. The trio trotted at a reasonable pace along the main road as the buildings began to thin out around them, making way for the more rural landscape that lay outside the town’s main streets.

Besides Sweet Apple Acres, the meadow was one of the largest pieces of land in the area and it was where Roseluck, Lily, and Daisy all met and formed their business together all those years ago.

As the ponies made their way into the meadow, a familiar smell that she couldn’t quite place hit Roseluck’s nose.

“Do you girls smell that?” Rose asked her friends as she sniffed the air again, trying to get a better whiff of the odor.

The smell seemed to be getting stronger and stronger as they stood there.

Roseluck began walking forward, trying to pinpoint where the odor was coming from.

From ahead of her, she heard a rustling of the flowers.

All three ponies froze on the spot, waiting to see if whatever was responsible for the movement to reveal itself.

Out of a thicket of orchids emerged a quite mobile and sentient stallion cock.

It seemed to be about 11 inches in length and 3 in girth as it craned its glans to get a good look at the intruders of its territory.

The three flower ponies just looked at the dick in absolute bewilderment.

There was a stallion’s penis moving around as if looking each of them over.

Lily let out a tiny “eep” of fright as she began to inch away from the living cock.

As she backed up, she felt her hoof step on something fleshy and hard.

Another living dick let out a squeal of pain as it skittered out from under Lily’s hoof.

Lily let out a shrill scream as she booked it at maximum velocity out of the meadow, squashing countless more of the ambulatory schlongs as she escaped, leaving her friends to fend for themselves.

Roseluck and Daisy just looked in horror as the single cock became an army. Each one different in color, length and girth. Some mottled with patches of color and some sleek and dark as the night sky.

Roseluck and Daisy looked at each other in combined horror.

“Rosie? What do we do?” Daisy squeaked out as she shook in fear and, was that arousal Roseluck smelled

Roseluck took a deep breath in and shivered as a single drop of fluid ripped down her thigh. There was no denying it now, they were getting aroused when they shouldn’t be.

Deciding that she didn’t want to have sex with a dick attached to nothing and was worried about the fact that she was aroused by something that could kill her, then again, she’d heard of worse fetishes. One of which was Derpy’s “muffin” technique. Daisy would never see the cross-eyed mare in the same way again after seeing that through her window.

Nodding in Daisy’s direction, Roseluck jerked her head to the edge of the meadow looking at the trail of flattened grass and squashed cocks that Lily had left in her wake. There was no other escape route except for across the rest of the meadow, and only Celestia knew how many of them there were.

With another nod, both ponies made a mad dash to the outer edges of the meadow. As they ran, they could feel the sentient stallionhoods being squished underneath them and hear the surviving cocks chasing after them at terrifying speed.

They reached the edge of the field and looked behind them to see the army of dicks closing in on them.

Screaming, Roseluck and Daisy sprinted back up the road to Ponyville.

As they entered town, the ponies looked at them.

“Where’s Princess Twilight?!” Roseluck shouted in a panic at a brown coated stallion.

“She’s back at her castle. Lily was on her way over there.” the stallion answered.

Both ponies shot over to the castle as fast as their hooves would carry them.

Knocking madly on the front door, they were relieved as Lily answered the door, a goofy smile painted upon her face.

“Lily! Thank Celestia!” Roseluck and Daisy shouted in relief as they hugged her.

“Come here! Twilight found out what we stumbled upon was!” Lily said, the goofy grin still plastered on her face.

The two others looked at each other and trotted over to Twilight.

They saw a dick run over to her rear and at the speed of light, jump and shoot itself into her moist depths. The alicorn’s wings shot out and her tongue lolled out of her mouth.

“Ohhhh Princess Celestia is gonna love me for this one” Twilight said, half moaning as Roseluck and Daisy looked behind Lily and saw that another dick was the source of Lily’s goofy as it slid itself in and out of her warm depths.

Looks of shock painted the other two flower ponies’ faces before they felt two more dicks jump into their own snatches and decided that maybe these things weren’t so bad after all. That night, Ponyville’s mares were the happiest they had been in years.