> Facts of Life > by DarkHiro7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Another Arguement > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shadow Flash sighed. The noises coming through the walls was all too familiar and were happening more and more frequently. The sound of an arguement. "Creating this music is my special talent! So as my father, you shouldn't have a problem with that!" yelled her brother, Sound Byte. " Music! Ha! I wouldn't call that music if it meant I never had to work another day in my life!" bellowed Night Wind, her so-called father. “Of course you’d say something like that! You’re more in love with your work than your own family!” Sound Byte retorted. Shadow Flash couldn’t take it anymore. She quietly left her room and quickly galloped past the doorway where her brother and father could be seen, still yelling at each other. She looked over the railing, peering down at her mother, who was cleaning in an attempt to ignore the shouts coming from upstairs. Noticing one of the large windows was above the door was open, she spread her wings and puffed them a few times and hoping that, small as they were, would allow her to make the distance to the window. Taking a step back and jumping forward, she immediately started pumping her wings for all she was worth, clumsily flying through the open window. A sudden realization crossed her mind. I haven’t perfected how to land yet. In fact, I can barely land at all. She hit the ground, tumbling across the wet grass and ending up with a mouthful of dirt. Spitting out the dirt she sighed, “I really need to start thinking things through.” Getting up, she trotted over to her favourite spot in the yard, she flopped down and spread her wings, relishing the feeling of the cool night air on her feathers. She had no need to worry about being spotted, her dark blue coat and turquoise mane kept her well hidden. Gazing up at the stars she fiddled with the bracelets on her front foreleg and silently wished that this peace that surrounded her could somehow find its way into her home. Sound Byte slammed his door with a frustrated scream. “Grounded for a month” he mumbled to himself as he trotted over to his bed. He lied down on his bed and glanced around his room, stopping when his eyes fell on his saddlebags. He quickly levitated them over; searching through them he quickly found what he was looking for. He pulled out his cell phone and scrolling through the contacts he stopped at the name he was looking for. He levitated the phone to his ear and listened as the phone rang, praying that she wasn’t asleep. After 3 long rings the phone stopped and from the other side he heard a tired voice mumble, “Mhmhm wadda ya want?” “Sorry Vinyl, did i wake you?” Vinyl’s voice instantly perked up when she heard Sound Byte’s voice. “Oh hey Sound. Yeah i was just takin’ a nap. What’s up?” Sound Byte sighed, “I got grounded...” “Again?” Vinyl asked with a chuckle. “What did you do this time?” Sound Byte hesitated, “I... miiiight have insinuated that he cared more about his work than his family...” There was few seconds of silence until Vinyl spoke, “Your retarded” she stated bluntly. “What did he take away this time?” “All my sound equipment, records and electronics. Fortunately he forgot about my cell phone.” “Oooooh, harsh. If you want you can over tomorrow and do some work at my house.” Vinyl said hopefully. “Can’t. I promised my mom I’d help her at the shop tomorrow.” “Oh...” Vinyl said, the disappointment evident in her voice. “Hey Vin-Vin cheer up. I’ve only gotta help for a couple hours then I’m free after that.” Vinyl snorted, “How many times have I told you not to call me that?” false anger lacing every word. Sound Byte laughed, “I lost count around a hundred.... Vin-Vin.” He said with a smile. Vinyl giggled softly before yawning, “Can I go back to sleep now? I’m really tired and I’ve got a gig in...” there was a pause as she presumably glanced at her clock before finishing her sentence. “Oh sweet Celestia, two hours.” Sound Byte smiled “Well, have fun. I’ll see you tomorrow.” “Bye Sound.” Vinyl hung up. Sound Byte and dropped his cell phone next to his bed, before promptly falling asleep. BEEP.BEEP.BEEP. Oh sweet Luna, what is that dreadful noise. BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. Sound Byte slowly pried his eyes open. He reached over and smashed his alarm clock with his hoof, stopping the noise. Ugh, I don’t wanna get up. “Get up big bro!” yelled Shadow Flash, as she kamikazied into Sound Byte’s stomach. “OOF!” Gasping for air, Sound Byte managed to get his little sister off him. “Come On, Come On, Come On! It’s time to help mom at the shop!” Sound Byte groaned as he flopped out of his bed and dragged himself to the bathroom to get ready for his weekend job. After a quick shower, he dried himself off with a red flash of magic and examined himself in the mirror. He was tall, thin, and had a coat as black as onyx. His black mane and tail were striped with the same red as his mother’s. As he stood staring into his red eyes he promised himself that today would be a good day, if only for his sister’s sake. Trotting into the kitchen he spotted his mother, Candy Floss. She was an earth pony of short stature with a white coat and a red and white mane with three peppermints as her cutie mark, showing her skill was making candy. Sound Byte greeted his mother with a hug. “Morning mom.” “Morning Sound how was your sleep?” “Quiet... since I don’t have my records.” Sound Byte scoffed. “Well that’s unfortunate but you’re going to have to deal with it, you know how your father gets after work.” Replied his mother. Sound Byte stayed silent, afraid of any further consequences. “Well we have to leave now, Shadow can you clean your room today please?” “Fine...” Shadow whined. Well let’s make this a good day. Shadow thought of being with Vinyl later in the day as he trotted after his mother out the door.