Junior Speedster Flight Camp

by TidalWave

First published

Junior Speedster's Flight Camp was a little more than just a two week training camp for rainbow dash

Camp was a little bit different for our rainbow-maned friend. As a filly, the prestigious camp was all she could think about, but as the years went on things in her life changed. Now, going back as a teenager she tries to see it in the same way as she did back then, but is met with memories she can't seem to face. While there she meets some unexpected friends and reunites with some powerful allies. But along with a thirst for success, there always comes a price to pay; people who want nothing more than to beat you. There is a mysterious colt who claims he can beat anypony, but will Dash claim her title and become 20% cooler, or fall for this new found challenger in 10 seconds flat. Teehee... have some fun teenage Rainbow Dash mayhem with a side of romance and a dash of sorrow. ENJOY!
Cover Art is by John Joseco! HE IS AMAZING!

Ch.1 The Beginning and End of a Champion

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Junior Speedsters Flight Camp

Ch. 1
A whirling ball of energy flew out from behind what seemed at the time, a pale yellow wall. A light blue pegasus filly with a colourful rainbow mane and tail bounded around her parent’s hooves. She sped around thier legs, eyes narrowed, a smile across her lips. Stopping for a moment to breath, she began to talk, and did she love to talk!

“...and then I’m gonna learn how to do a double back flip!” She said, bouncing up into the air and attempting to roll onto her back. Before she could hit the ground a quick carnation-pink mare had the filly’s little tail in her mouth, lavender eyes glaring down at her.

“Now Rainbow Dash,” Her mother said sternly, “we expect you to be on your very best behavior here. Remember, it is a privilege to be invited to this camp and is something you’ve had to earn.”

The tall yellow Pegasus beside the gray one added, “A privilege that can be taken away from you at any time.”

Rainbow Dash nodded and bowed her head.

Picking up on her daughter’s ashamed demeanor, Fire Fly gave her a reassuring pat on the head

“Oh my little pony, I didn’t mean to get angry. It’s just hard,” she glanced at her husband, “to see my little girl all grown up and off to camp for the first time!”

The cyan filly giggled and rolled onto her back. “But mom! It’s only for a couple of weeks. And besides, I went to summer flight camp when I was a little teeny weenie filly!”

“I know Dashie, that’s why I’m sure you’ll act like a big pony and make us proud.”

“And you know what’ll happen if you don’t!” Her father made a slicing motion with his hoof across his neck, winking.

“Ahh!” Rainbow jokingly yelped in fear and went to hide behind her mother’s hind leg.

Fire Fly rolled her eyes, “Oh Storm, you’re just as bad as her!”

Storm Chaser grinned sheepishly, and then, looking at the position of the sun, said, “Oh Dashie! It’s almost time for you to go and meet your camp coaches!”

Dash’s face suddenly lit up, and the filly began bouncing around her parents, beating her wings to get extra air.
“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!” She said smiling from ear to ear, “Just think dad, today; my first day of real training, tomorrow ;a spot on the WONDERBOLTS!”

“Alright Rainbow, that’s a plan!” He grinned down at his daughter, who possessed so much of his same attitude and determination. “Make us proud.”

“I will dad! Don’t worry!” The filly called out as she bounded away to where a group of pegasi her age was beginning to gather.

The last thing Fire Fly and Story Chaser could see of their daughter, was a tiny speck of blue, disappearing into a sea of colors.

That was 5 years ago. Before the accident. Before everything had changed. Before things had been taken from her, things that Rainbow Dash could never get back. Before him.

Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but think about her parents, about everything. When so many things are taken away from you in a short amount of time, it’s hard to forget.

She pressed her cyan cheek up against the window of the flying chariot. The chariot was being pulled by two of her father’s employees, Bumper and Steady Fast. Both were close friends of her fathers, for he would never have trusted anyone else to take his daughter anywhere.

Smiling meekly at the two colts, Rainbow hopped out of the chariot. They smiled back at her. “Have fun Dash!” Bumper grinned.

“I’m sure you father would have loved to see you off, but you…”

“Know how busy he is.” Rainbow Dash finished for him rolling her magenta eyes. “Yeah, same old story, different year.”

“But now you’re sixteen!” Steady Fast reminded the smug rainbow-maned mare. “This is the year that you get to compete in the Ultimate Young Fliers Competition!”

At the thought of this, Dash perked right up. “Yeah! It’s the biggest competition for young pegasi aside from the Best Young Fliers Competition, but I can’t enter that until I’m eighteen.”

“Well, it looks to me like you have something’s to be excited for after all!” Bumper said.

Rainbow Dash regained her uncaring composure and shrugged. “I dunno.”

And with that, she waved at the two colts half-heartedly and made a beeline for the nearest group of pegasi that looked to be about her age.

Dash loitered there until the chariot was out of sight, then wandered away from the gathered ponies and off to find something more interesting.

“Ugh,” Rainbow thought to herself, “they are so LAME! I don’t need this stupid flight camp anymore than I need training wings.”

Suddenly, she felt her body collide with that of another. A much different other. A much more masculine other.

She looked over at whoever she just ran into, “Hey! Watch where you’re going BUDDY!”

A navy-gray colt that looked about her age only grinned back, “hey there beautiful.”

“Oh shut up you featherbrain.” She said rolling her eyes.

“Ooh! I like them feisty!” said the colt, as he offered a hoof to help the cyan Pegasus up.

“I don’t need your help!” Dash said sourly, pulling away from where his hoof still remained in midair.

The colt only smiled. “Well whatever, Crash!”

Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes, “what... did you just call me?”

“I just called you Crash, because, well because you just crashed into me!”

“Don’t call me that.” She said, finally standing up, giving the colt a death glare the whole time.

“Well okay. What should I call you then, if I can’t call you crash?” He said, shaking his onyx mane, which appeared singed at the ends with a bright yellow colour.

“Rainbow Dash” The mare answered, cautiously.

“Alright, Rainbow Dash.” He said, seeming to test out the way the name sounded. “I like Crash better, but whatever.”

Rainbow raised an eyebrow, “And to whom do I owe the pleasure?”

“The names Bolt, fastest pegasus in the sky!” He said proudly, “and the pleasure’s ALL mine!”

Dash gave a slight chuckle and shook her rainbow mane. "Oh really, Bolt? Well, we'll just see about that."

She turned to leave, but before she did, she looked over her should, grinning, "oh and Bolt."

The Colt looked up at her from where he was still standing.

"I didn't properly introduce myself yet," her blue lips curled into a smirk, "I am Rainbow Dash, fastest flyer in Equestria and the only pony to ever pull off a sonic rainboom."

And with that remark, she left the dumbfounded colt to stand there with a confused look on his face, not hearing him wisper under his breath, "Ah, so it is you."