The Queen and I

by Vanillacider

First published

On my way to Ponyville, I wander into the wrong place to be, at the wrong time.

On my way to Ponyville, I wander through the wrong area at the wrong time, and run into the wrong creature to insult/arouse.

The Encounter

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This was a bad place to be. I knew that from the beginning. The sky here was nothing like the blue and gray skies of my own world, or the clear azure of Equestria. It was a deep burnt orange from dawn until dusk, then a darker burnt orange at night. This was a bad place to be.

I had ventured into the land of the changelings. There were no plants or animals, other than the colonies that dotted the barren landscape. They were not needed here. This made it extremely difficult for me to make it through without being seen. However, I had already managed three days without so much as a close call. Just a few more miles, and I would hit the forest. From there, it would be child’s play to reach Equestria.

Foal’s play, I thought to myself. I have to get into the jargon of the land now, so I don’t have an awkward phase when I get there. Being human would make that difficult enough already.

I reached the top of a small mountain. Gazing over, I saw the edge of the changeling’s land. If I ran, I could be out of here before sundown. My better judgment told me to keep going as I had. It was unsafe. Better not to risk it.

But, I thought, if I run quickly enough, even if I encounter any enemies, I would easily be able to take them down. Being in a different world means having different laws of physics, and being here meant I had certain advantages. Having been immersed in martial arts for a while, and also having been a good friend of a Wiccan for even longer, I knew a few things about fighting and bending the laws of nature. Though they were rather bound in my home world, here, I could nearly execute a spell. For the time being, I was stuck with minor telekinesis and self propulsion, but I was improving.

It would be good practice, if I ran into some changelings. In fact, it would be fun. I took off down the mountain, not even bothering to conceal my dust trail. I did a flip over a stream, exhilarated by the freedom and ease of movement. I leapt over a large boulder without even expending any effort. As I landed, I heard a hiss.

I grinned. My first opponents. Turning around, I saw a trio of changelings that had been sleeping on the other side of the rock. Before they could do much more than glare at me, I used the momentum of my landing to kick a large block of energy, or magic, as this world calls it, at the one in the middle.

I hit it directly on the snout, causing it to fly back and hit the rock behind it. The body went limp, and slumped onto the ground. Glancing at it, then back to me, its companions charged forward.

I focused my energy in my left hand. I blinked slowly, and time slowed down. Each changeling was coming at me from a slightly different angle. If I swung at the one coming from the left, and carried the hit all the way around to the other one, I could destroy two enemies with one blow. Minimal effort, and besides, it would look really awesome.

Execute. Sidehand to the left, spin, second sidehand to the other. They both hit the ground, and did not move hereafter.

I took off, running again. The edge of the changeling land was almost at hand. I heard a buzzing, somewhat louder than usual. There was a group of about seven changelings flying right at me.

Charging. Energy built up in my left hand. Drawing back, I sent a bolt of energy at the foremost three. It hit the front one, and the energy expanded immediately upon impact, taking out four more.

The last two landed on the ground, and started darting toward me with caution, keeping their wings fluttering as they approached, ready to take off.

I decided to experiment. I was feeling good still, and this looked like it could be fun. I lifted the earth beneath the back one. The rocks flew up, forming a short pillar the jarred the changeling, and tossed it up into the air.

Well, that was cool. The last one was within five feet of me. I leapt forward and did a downward kick on its horn. There was a sharp crack, and the thing fell to the ground.

The air was as quiet as usual. I assumed that there were no more in the general area. I turned and ran, somewhat slower than before, assured of my victory.

Soon again, I heard a buzzing, somewhat louder than before. I glanced over my shoulder. Just in time to dodge a beam of green energy. I flipped to the side. The beam hit the ground, singeing the gravel. I glanced up at my assailant.

It was a large changeling, with a mane, and a feminine shape. There were holes in her legs. Her horn was much longer than her minions, and it glowed with wrath. The Queen had arrived.

She landed, not bothering to remain cautious of my behavior. I growled. This underestimation would be her undoing. I cast a beam of energy toward her.

She blocked it with her own magic, and fired a bolt of green at my right arm. It caught me right at the elbow, and I felt my arm go numb. I turned and kicked an energized stone toward her. It shattered several yards away. Another bolt paralyzed my left leg.

I turned and hobbled away on my right leg. I had barely advanced a few feet when a bolt of energy hit directly between the shoulder blades. I fell forward, my whole body frozen, but not numb.

“Damn you… you….” I was picked up by the Queen’s magic, and lain face up on a knee-high boulder.

“You attacked my subjects.” She remarked. Her voice lent not a single hint that she actually cared about them.

I felt my belt unbuckle. I tried to grab my pants as they were pulled off of my legs. My body did nothing to stop her. She cast a spell that caused my shirt to disintegrate. Now I was face up on a rock, in nothing but my underwear.

Within moments, my underwear was removed as well. My penis was fully exposed to the Queen’s wrath.

She’s going to cut it off, I thought. That’s what she’ll do to me for invading her land.

To my surprise, however, I felt not a searing pain, but the odd sensation of a horn prodding at my anus. “What’re you doing…?” I asked deliriously.

“Hush, now.” I felt the horn start to push into me. Looking at it, I thought, there’s no way it will all fit inside. She’ll kill me. But my worries, I thought, were for nothing. The horn only went in a few inches. Then I felt a warm sensation, accompanied by a slow vibration. Then there was a quiet pop.

I jerked as much as the paralysis would permit. Then the Queen withdrew her horn from me.

She gazed at my penis with obvious lust. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen one of these.” She said. She prodded it with her hoof. Then she bent down and sniffed it, giving it a small lick. With all of the stimulation, from her horn to this, I was fully erect. There’s no way I’m going to let her screw me, I thought. She’s from a different species. They might be dangerous.

As if she read my thoughts, she said, “Don’t worry. This won’t kill you. This is going to be fun!”

She licked one of the holes on her leg, one that was about as large as my penis, but slightly smaller. She ran her tongue all over the inside until it was slick with lube. She then lowered it onto my penis, barely allowing the head to go through.

I sighed. She was teasing me, and it was working. My erection was as hard as a rock by now. She slowly licked the head, before pausing deliberately. Then, as I thought she was going to remove herself, she drove my entire penis through the hole on her leg. I gasped at the sensation.

She violently hoofed my erection, not pausing even for a second. I already felt as if I was about to cum. She seemed to sense my arousal, and stopped. She removed her hoof.

My penis pulsed, swinging slightly. The Queen lifted herself onto the rock, and lowered her hips nearly to mine. She grinned. “Are you ready?”

“Ready… for… what?” All thoughts of danger aside, I was ready to be ridden. This was what I wanted, more than anything.

“This!” She shouted, violently thrusting herself down onto my penis. Before I could do a thing, I was balls-deep, and being ridden with insane roughness.

Then I was cumming. It was barely surprising, but amazing nevertheless. The feeling between my legs was ten times better than anything I had ever felt before. Then I realized something odd. I wasn’t stopping. Fifteen seconds after the start of my climax, I was still pumping juice into her.

Her belly was starting to expand, and I wondered why nothing was leaking out. My confusion was clear to her, so she said, “Do you not remember that spell I cast inside you? You are no longer just ejaculating semen, but blood as well. Love is good sustenance, but mixing it with other fluids makes it infinitely more effective.”

So I continued to empty myself into her. My body felt drained after a few minutes, and I felt myself stop cumming.

The Queen removed herself, shuddering with delight. Not a drop of blood fell out of her vagina, and she fluttered off of the rock. “You’ll be able to move soon.” She said. “I do hope to meet you again. You are the most delicious meal I’ve had in years.”

So I sat there, drops of blood coming out of the tip of my penis. When I could move, I stood, and put on my underwear. I was unable to locate my pants.

I continued on to my destination, wondering what the ponies would make of a person who ejaculates blood…