> Necromancer of Equestria > by ziaodo > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Freedom (Edited) > --------------------------------------------------------------------------         After waking up alone for the millionth time it seems, I looked around my library, hidden beneath the crystal palace by its previous asshole of an owner, Sombra. His library of dark knowledge and my current home. This library and I share a similar past: we both at one point belonged to Sombra, the library being his store of dark knowledge and I his necromancer. But now we are both free, well I’m free, free-ish. See Sombra fought and lost a battle against the Princesses of the Kingdom to the south, Equestria. In his rage at losing and their kind hearted gesture of sparing him he banished the city and everypony in it to the void. Or at least near the void. If I was outside and looked up past the barrier I would see the never ending black emptiness. I don’t know how long the cities been here, times hard to track without the sun, but it’s been a long time. Long enough that food ran out and I had to lock everyone else under stasis spell. Hope we’re freed soon, its boring here alone. I felt a tingling feeling in the air, magic, a lot of magic. If I’m feeling magic then someone is casting it. “Someone is casting magic!” I shout to the books around me. “Someone has broken in! FREEDOM!” I run to the door but stop just short of tearing it open. Nopony likes me, if I rush out they will think I’m here seeking revenge for The Asshole. With a quick wave of my right skeletal hand black flames surround me then quickly dissipate. The spell: A visage of Death. Something I learned along time ago, everyone can see death. No one wants to, so their subconscious erases it from sight and hearing. Anyone who gazes upon someone under a visage of death causes the same reaction, they look away instinctively and forget. With the spell cast I walk out of the library and lock the door. Walking around the castle I see crystal and non crystal ponies alike talking and celebrating. “The Crystal Heart has been returned, Sombra is dead and gone!” they gossip about. I am elated by the news, Sombra is dead, I am free, the ponies are free, the dead are free, and Umbra is free. UMBRA! I run past the guards and celebrating ponies and rush around the castle looking for her. Umbra the last of the Royal line. The only crystal unicorn left, and my adoptive daughter. I had cared for her, raised her since Sombra destroyed her parents and siblings. He only left her because he had a plan. He was going to make her sire an heir, his heir. The sick bastard wanted to insure his claim on the throne was uncontested. I hate Sombra with a burning passion, even though he is now dead if the gossip is to be believed. As I near the Throne room I hear her faint cries “Mommy, I want my mommy,” she sobs. I want to hug her so badly. Then I hear a feminine voice speak, “It’s ok little one, we’ll help you find your mommy.” A guard opens the door and I follow him in. I see seven mares, two earth ponies, two unicorns, two pegasi, and a winged unicorn... a pegacorn. I can figure out what she is later, now how to show Umbra I am here without anyone else noticing me. The lightbulb turns on, IDEA! I wave my skeletal hand in a circle in front of me, black flames wisping from it forming a butterfly. The instant I stop the spell it floats over to Umbra and lands on her horn. “Mommy!” Her crying stops as she shouts and frantically looks around the room. Everypony sees the butterfly, everypony glances around to see where it came from. They can’t see me since Visage of Death is still active, even though I want to drop the spell and hug my filly. “Where do ya reck’n it came from?” whispers the Orange earth mare. “I don’t know, AJ. But I can find out.” replies the purple Unicorn as her horn starts to glow with a magenta aura, that same aura surrounding the butterfly on Umbra’s horn. I immediately dispelled the butterfly suspicious of the unicorn’s intent. An orb of violet magic appearing where the butterfly was catching everypony's attention, the orb then slowly made its way over my head. Suddenly everypony was staring at me like I was death itself. THE SPELL! How did that unicorn trace it to me! I thought to myself only to realize that I still looked like death. I need to undo the Visage quickly! With a wave of my skeletal hand the spell faded into nothing.          “MOMMY!” Umbra screamed as she rushed towards me and grabbing hold of my leg. Sadly the eight guards in the room respond how one would expect, deciding to point their spears at Umbra and me. The mares just continued staring, trying to figure out what had just happened. “Lower your spears or I will break them! You DO NOT point spears at Umbra!” I shouted with a veracity in my voice that nopony wanted to challenge. The guards are visibly shaken but don’t listen. I waved my skeletal hand the black flames of my power swirling around it. If they don’t lower the spears I’m turning them all to dust. “Guards lower your weapons!” The pegicorn says, still watching me. “Belay that!” Shouts a white unicorn stallion as he turns to the pegicorn “Cadence we don’t know the intentions of that creature!” “I presume you are the one in charge?” I ask. The pegicorn nods. “Very well, I thank you for defeating the monster known as Sombra and setting us free of his tyranny.” I say as I bow to her, careful of the spears still pointed at me. She stares at me for a moment before repeating her last order, much to the distress of the unicorn stallion. After the guards lower the spears she asks, “Were you also one of his captives?” I nod yes and she smiles. “I am not the one who defeated him, it was the bravery of these mares and young drake that stopped him.” She gestures to the six other mares. Drake? As in dragon I don’t see.. I then see a young dragon, a hatchling sitting beside the purple unicorn. Why didn’t I see him earlier? “You all have my thanks,” I say as I bow in their direction. I notice Umbra doing the same,  after having let go of my leg. The seven are all smiling widely from my praise. Do they not normally get praised or something?!   “May I ask your name?” The pegicorn asks. “My name, is Nox.” > Imprisonment (edited) > --------------------------------------------------------------------------         I opened my eyes to a familiar sight from years ago: my cell. Turns out I should have lied about my name, for once I spoke it the purple unicorn hit me in the face with a stun spell. Ow. And to add insult to injury they put me in the very cell I had spent years in while serving Sombra. That asshole felt when the dead weren’t needed I was useless. So he kept me locked up, away from everyone. “Can you believe the nerve of that monster? Trying to be friendly after what it did?” I heard who I presume is a guard on the other side of the jail door say. Talking about me behind my back? Dick. I got up from my custom made cot since the pony ones were so small. I may only be 5’5” but pony cots are too damn small. I pulled my hood down letting my silver hair drape down my back. It always bunches up in my hood, never fails. It was then I noticed a bucket of water in the corner. “Huzzah! the plumbing works!” I cupped my left hand and scooped some water into my mouth. Dear lord this is amazing! Nearly a thousand years without being able to drink or bathe make water a god send. Hopefully they’d give me some food soon. I miss eating. Back on Earth, when I was in school I admit I was a chubby girl. Now I seem to be forever skinny. Its not just that I didn’t get to eat for so long that made me skinny, no it was my immortality. Self-sustaining son of a bitch. Not only can I not die, I know I can’t I tried, I can’t lose or gain weight either. Hearing this people would be jealous. They shouldn’t, it’s a bloody curse. I physically cannot change. Cut my hair: It grows back just as long in an hour. Get hurt: flesh mends itself in a matter of hours, depending on the wound. I look at my reflection in the water, the iris of my right eye still is yellow and glowing. My left eye socket is empty, except a blue orb of flame. Cost of my necromantic knowledge, my left eye shall bear the flames of dead, my right hand shall have no flesh and be bone forever more. Its very annoying to have a skeleton hand, no sense of touch whatsoever in it. Except for when I touch the dead, or a soul. Well nothing better to do, might as well sleep I awoke to a guard stuck in the wall, the door to jail in splinters. I glance around to see what caused it, only to find the cause. Umbra, her horn and eyes alight with dark energy. “Umbra, dear, Why did you send that guard through the door?” I ask “Mommy!” she shouts with glee as she uses her magic to rip the door to my cell off. “Umbra. What did I tell you about using dark magic on others?” I ask with a hint of pride and displeasure. “Umm… Not to?” She replies looking a bit sad. No one likes to be caught doing something wrong. “Thats right. You do not use dark magic on anyone, unless you have to. Now come here and give mommy a hug?” I reply with a smile. She runs over and glomps me. The cute is too strong! I can’t stay upset with the filly. “They hit you and took you away and I was so scared they were taking my mommy away again and I just got you back!”  She sobs out as she clings to me. “Oh sweetie, they could never keep me from you for long. They are just mad at mommy for something that happened a long time ago.” I say as I pet her head. “Mommy will fix the misunderstanding then they won’t try to keep us apart ok?” “Ok mommy” her tears starting to stop. “c-can I stay here with you mommy?” “For now sweetie” I reply. “Stay right here ok? Mommy will be right back.” I set her on my cot and walk out of my cell.         The first thing I do is pull the poor guard out of the wall, thankfully he is just unconscious and not dead. I carry him out of the jail and notice another unconscious guard near the door. “Sweetie you really did a number on them didn’t you?” I notice a pegasus flying by and yell “Hey! Pegasus! I need some help over here!” He notices and drops to the ground. Only to notice his unconscious friends. “Could you take these two to the infirmary? They had an accident.” Instead of waiting for a reply I turn around and go back into the jail. I pick up my cell door, hold it behind me, walk into my cell and put the door back in place. And sit down on my cot next to a now sleeping Umbra. Poor dear must have used too much magic. I scoop her up lay down and hold her like a teddy bear until I fall asleep.         I was rudely awakened to the clanging sounds of armor and spears, and insults from the white unicorn stallion from earlier. I don’t like him, he is very rude. I carefully stand up, making sure not to disturb Umbra from her slumber and walk over to the cell door. I knock it over, walk out and slap the stallion across the face. He was shocked, the other guards were shocked, the pink pegacorn from earlier was shocked. “You do not  use such language in the presence of fillies. Do I Make myself clear, Mister Guard?” It earned him scowl from the pink pegacorn. “What fillies? Hmm? And Why did you hurt my stallions and attempt to escape?!” he nearly shouts. I put my left hand over his mouth to shut him up, he is not waking Umbra while I am here. Using my right hand I point at my cell “ Umbra is currently sleeping, You will not wake her up. As for you guards, they tried to keep my filly from me. You do not do that.” He looks angry, I’m going back into my cell. Damn never thought I’d say that… err think that. I walk back into my cell, pick up the door, set it in place. “If you wish to talk to me, talk later after and only after she is awake.” I sit down and stare at the door. I could see the pegacorn looking through the bars at Umbra then glancing at me. She stayed there for several minutes before walking away. I keep staring at the door, if they come in to take Umbra, they will leave as shambling corpses. > Rise (edited) > --------------------------------------------------------------------------         I’m bored, So dreadfully bored. Still waiting on Umbra to wake up, I’ve sat here in the dark of this cell for what felt like hours. While not the longest I’ve sat in boredom, doesn’t mean it isn’t boring. Then I hear a giggle and another giggle. I know this giggle, it belongs to one of the few things that kept me sane all of these years. “Paper Wasp, so nice of you to visit” I whisper turning to look at the wall behind the cot. A pale green pegasus walked through the wall, while giggling like a school filly. “Wondered where you went, Miss ObNoxious!” she giggled again at the nickname. “I noticed the sky was back and as a dear friend I went to tell you. But low and behold you weren’t in the library! Call me shocked!” “Yes the sky is back, and I left to go check on Umbra. Guess what you silly pegasus.” I whispered in reply. Paper being a wandering spirit made no sound the living should hear. I am the exception. “Chicken Butt.” she replied, and giggled again at her own response. “He is dead. Dead and gone. I am free, she is free.” I point to Umbra” They all are free.” Her eyes widen her murderer had finally be slain. “You mean I can go! Finally move on? I can be reborn?!” she nearly shouts at me. “Yes Paper, you and all of the others he killed are now free.” She grins and jumps in the air and does a few airborne summer salts in celebration. A grin stretches across my face as an idea forms “Before you do, could you perhaps do me a favor?” She stops and puts her hoof to her chin in a thinking pose “Hmmm.. I don’t know, I mean do I have to? Hmm… Of course I can you silly goose!” She shouts as she bops my nose.”Boop!” “Can you watch over Umbra for a bit, the new Queen and I need to exchange a few words.” Paper raises a brow “Yes you will have help, just if she doesn’t listen to them come get me?” “I can, but who will I be helping watch her?” She asks, to which I grin. “There are only three in this world I trust enough to ask, they just need to be woken up,” I stand up and quietly move the door to my cell and step into the main jail room. I Turn my back to the main door and raise my skeletal right hand to the back of the jail. Few know of the trapdoor in the last cell, fewer still know what's beneath. The mass grave of the old guard. Those that stood loyal to the old king were slain and dropped there. “Goliath of the Unbound Strength, Rise. Titan Master of the Silent Sword, Rise. Devious Grin of the Brightest Smile,  Rise. COME TO ME!” I lower my arm to my side and wait. Three minutes later the trapdoor opens. Three skeletons climb out and walk towards me. The smallest, only a third of his companion’s size, turns to me. “My dear, dear lady what brought such a sour mood you had to call us, Hmmm?” “Devious, such a way with words. It is not something sour, yet something bittersweet.” I reply. I put on my biggest grin “The Tyrant is dead.” Surprise spreads across their faces, which is hard to notice since they lack faces to express with. I still don’t understand how I can read the emotion of undead skeletons, but I gave up trying. “Truly sweet news, now what is the bitter?” He asks, the other two just staring at me. They are still shocked by the news. “A misunderstanding with the new rulers has landed me in a bit of a pickle. I need to speak with them, yet Umbra won’t leave my side. Would you three mind watching her until she wakes? Then would you take her to the library? I know it is a lot to ask of one who has already done so much, but please?” I plead with them. I may be able to raise the dead, but it is their choice to listen. Save when Sombra was alive. Somehow a Geas he had placed upon me, to force me to obey, had transferred to anything I raised as well. All undead were unwilling participants in his wars. Except a few vampires, fuck those guys. Devious grinned “I will gladly watch little Umbra! How much has she grown since I last saw her?” the other two nod. Goliath was strong, but not much of talker, nor that bright. Titan was an assassin, I’ve only heard him talk once. “Only three years of growth, before I was forced to place a stasis spell on the living.” “Only three… but it has been over a thousand years since you last called us?!” Devious replied. I let that sink in, a thousand years in a skyless city, a thousand years of only speaking with the dead, a thousand years without food or drink. “Truly a thousand years?” They nod. “I did not realize it had been so long, no wonder they do not trust me. A thousand years is a long time for a story to be exaggerated.” I pause and we stand there in silence for a few moments. “Now or never I guess. And thank you, all three of you.” I smile at them and Devious tries to shoo me off. I walk to the main door after showing the three where Umbra was sleeping. I open it to find three shocked guards all staring at me. “I am ready to speak, please take me to the Queen.” “Q-queen? You must mean the Princess.” I nod. None of the guards seem comfortable with my presence. To be expected I guess, I am a thousand year old necromancer. “This way.” The guard points to one of the others “Polished Shield go ahead and tell Prince Armor and Princess Cadence to expect us.” The one he points to flies off, presumably to follow his orders. then the rest of us start off towards the castle, slowly. The guards stand at my sides as they escort me to the castle. He said Prince, I wonder if that means their are two Pegacorns.  > An Explanation (edited) > --------------------------------------------------------------------------         My escorts had left me in the throne room, alone save a few guards, to wait for the Prince and Princess to arrive. Turns out I have a horrible sense of time, for currently the royals are enjoying breakfast. So I must wait. It wasn’t a long wait before they walked in. The pegacorn (Princess Cadence if I’m remembering correctly) sat on the throne. The white unicorn stallion stood on her right. Turns out he is the prince. Shit, I slapped the Prince. Oh boy, this isn’t going to end well.   I spoke first “Princess Cadence, I can only guess at which of my past actions landed me in your prison, however I must ask you to look past them.” “Look past them?! After you put the poor ponies of this city through nearly two months of starvation?! After you usurped the throne, when Sombra was gone. You KILLED their Princess. WHY should we look past your actions?! Why should we even give you a chance!?” snarled the White Stallion Prince. “Two months and a thousand years.” was my only reply. “What?” the Prince asked confused by my reply. “Prince Armor” I began, remembering the name the guards had called him. “Do you know how much food and water were within the city when it was banished? Two months worth. Maybe three if it had been rationed immediately. Of course I had the food rationed. I did not want them to starve! Sombra did not put the stasis spell over the city, I did! If I had not, all you would have found would be skeletons littering the streets.” Both the rulers were startled by my claims. “That still doesn’t excuse killing their Princess!” The Prince shouted after a few moments of silence. I was quiet, not knowing what to say. I knew they would believe it, I knew I would have to face this. But what can I say. Do I tell them she lives? No. Yes. A moment of self debate and I had decided. I will tell them if they do not tell the citizens, they have to believe she is dead and gone, to keep her safe, and them safe. “What I say must never leave this room, the crystal ponies can never know what I say. Do I have your word, Prince Armor, Princess Cadence?” They were silent unsure of what to do, it was Cadence who spoke. “It will not leave this room, unless it is a threat to my ponies.” Quick to claim them isn’t she? I took a deep breathe “The crystal ponies have had their memories altered. Thier Princess is not dead. However she is unfit for the throne. Unfit to rule the crystal ponies, dark magic must not sit on that throne again.” “Dark magic? She was a foal. Why would anyone teach a foal dark magic?!” Shouted a visibly startled Princess Cadence. “I did, under Sombra’s orders. He wanted the future mother of his heir to have as much dark knowledge as himself.” “Why? Why would Sombra want to give his direct rival to throne so much power?” Said the purple unicorn from yesterday. This startled me, all six of the mares from yesterday were in the room and I had not seen them. What the hell, first the hatchling yesterday, now six mares?! How did I not see them? What is shielding them?         “That's why he let the youngest live and not the eldest. He choose the one princess young enough that he could mold, that he could prevent from over throwing him. Sombra had one claim to the throne: His strength and what he took by force. The noble families did not accept him, neither did foreign rulers. He needed a better claim, a blood claim on the title. He needed the blood of the royal line. He left one mare, one he would force to bare his children. His children would then be the true heir of the throne by blood and he their Regent. He wanted his children to know the dark arts, to be weapons at his disposal.” The others were startled at my claims. Sombra may have been an Evil Asshole, but he was smart enough to know he would be unable to hold the throne for long. “Then why teach the Princess? It still doesn’t make sense. Why teach the Princess and not the foals?” the purple one asked again. “Dark magic and its knowledge are unlike any other magic. The knowledge exists in your soul, in your heart, in your mind, in your very blood. A child of a dark mage is born with all the dark knowledge of their parents. This is why dark mages are slain and not reformed, no matter their age.” The purple unicorn had more questions, and it was obvious, however Cadence quickly changed the subject “You said the memories of the crystal ponies were altered, why? Why were they changed? Is it truly so bad if they thought her alive?” I sighed “I altered them, hundreds of years after casting the stasis spell. The ponies fear dark magic, they spent too many years under Sombra’s rule. They would have feared her, hated her. Inevitably they would have removed her from the throne. I was selfish, I do not want to lose my family again.” My words sank in “Umbra, she is the princess isn’t she?” Cadence asked. I nodded.           “Yes she is, for three years I have kept her safe. After Sombra killed her parents and siblings in front of her. I kept him from her. He wanted an heir, badly. ‘She does not know enough’ I would tell him, ‘She knows enough’ he would reply. Excuse after excuse to keep him from trying. I would go through Tartarus to keep her safe. I would fight the creator himself if it would keep her safe.”  The royals dismissed me after several moments of silence, they needed to decide what to do with the knowledge I revealed to them.         I was escorted away by the three from the jail, midway to jail I changed direction. They protested but did not use force. They fear me. We arrived at the oak door to the library and I told them “This is where I will be staying.” They didn’t argue as I went inside. Umbra and the others had not arrived yet. I sat on the floor in front of the largest bookshelf and began to cry. I will not lose her, not now, not ever. I do not know where the words came from, but the came nonetheless:  “I am Nox the necromancer, I am the soul trapped in the dark yet seeking the light. Should you serve the light in the world: I shall seek to aid you. Should you follow the dark path: Fear me, for your soul is mine.” I didn’t notice the pointer finger on my skeletal hand fall of and vanish. It regrew before Umbra even arrived, a mere ten minutes later.   > Dinner with Death > --------------------------------------------------------------------------         I guess I left a good impression with the royals, as about noon a guard informed me that Umbra and I were invited to lunch with the Princess. I told the three, Devious, Titan, and Goliath to stay behind in the library. I will have to release them soon I thought to myself. And I would, when I knew if my incarceration was over. I hate being a prisoner, its not like they can keep me, but I must stay in their good graces as it were for Umbra’s sake.         After being escorted to the dining hall, and seated at the grand table a heavenly aroma filled my nose: Bacon. I don’t care if it’s fake vegetarian bacon, its bacon and after a thousand year fast it sounds delicious. The royal lunch included: daisy sandwiches, hay bacon, fries (sweet glorious deep fried potatoes!) and apples. While normally this wouldn’t sound appetizing, being without food for a thousand years however makes any and all food the best in the world.         After eating Cadence asked “Do you want to continue living here in the Crystal Empire?”                  “No. I wish to leave this place and the horrid memories within its halls.” Guess I’m not a prisoner anymore, or more like not a prisoner officially. She seemed to consider my response, be for saying something I didn’t quite hear. The tell tale click of a crossbow bolt being loaded distracted me. I could have warned her, in hindsight I probably should have, but I didn’t. Instead when I saw the pony take aim I jumped into the way.         Pain, sharp pain and the thud of the bolt impacting my ribcage echoed through my head. The pain subsided quickly, of course that's only because I died. Not to big of a deal, an hour or so and I’ll be up and moving again. But for now I get to be a wandering soul watching the panic in the room as the would be assassin was jumped by the guards. The panic surrounding my corpse, now laying across the table with a bolt sticking out of me. “MOMMY HAD ANOTHER ACCIDENT!” Umbra shouted, the castle shaking from her voice. The others in the room were shocked more by the fact she started eating food off the table and ignoring me, than her shout. Two minutes, that's how long it took the three skeletons to exit in the library, rush past guards and arrive in the dining room.  “GET AWAY FROM HER!” shouted Devious. Good stallion, get them away before I start draining them. I should be more worried about that, but the frequency of my ‘accidents’ is higher that I care to admit. The three ushered the living away from me, and piled a variety of plants from the table around my body.         The Prince was pissed, I don’t know at who, Me or the assassin probably, or Devious. Then his face gave it away: He was shocked at me for saving the Princess (Guess he still thought of me as a monster), furious at the assassin (Who is totally losing his soul later), and confused and panicked about the three walking skeletons. Guess I’ll have to explain them, later.         “You ok ObNoxious?” asked a voice behind me.         Great Paper found me “Just peachy!” I turn and look at her. She starts laughing.         “The great and powerful Nox, couldn’t dodge a widdle bitty bolt!” she laughs harder.         “Yep, couldn’t dodge. Hopefully now the royals will think of my as a saviour, rather than a monster.” Yep this was all a plan, totally a plan, in no way pure luck. Nope not luck at all, all plan!         Paper stopped for laughing for a moment and, with the most serious look I have ever seen on her face, said “The Princess didn't think you were a monster. MIsunderstood yes, monster no. The Prince on the other hoof believes the stories the other Princesses told of you: Undead monster serving Sombra to gain power and corpses. Seriously? One fight and they spread rumors? Can’t believe I use to server Sunbutt and Moonface.”         “Sunbutt and Moonface?” I ask, trying, and failing, not to laugh.         “Celestia and Luna, Diarchs of Equestria. You know the country to the south?” Paper replied.         “Wait, the ones I fought?” I ask trying to remember the details of them. “Yep, the two you fought and lost to!” Paper starts giggling again. I try not to laugh, remembering the fight. “Loooossssst? You mean the ones I had on the ropes? The ones who only won because I purposefully took a haliber to the chest?” Paper stops laughing and stares at me “Purposefully? Yea, I could see you doing that. Why though?” Good Paper,not questioning my power. “Sombra’s orders: Go fight those two, so I may prepare. He thought I would lose, he just didn’t think I’d let them win early.” I pause “Seriously, things would have been much worse if he had only said go defeat them. Stupid geas.”         “Ah, so you gave the Princesses a chance to defeat him before he finished preparing?” Paper asks. “I don’t buy it. You lost and are just a sore loser!”         “Believe what you want Paper, you weren’t around yet. I was their.” I replied. I felt a tingling sensation run down my spine. “Seems our time is up! We will finish this talk later, Paper. For now: BACK TO THE LIVING WORLD!”         I look to my body, the plants around it have rotted away, their sweet, sweet life force stolen by my body. At least this was a short jaunt of death. Last ‘accident’ had resulted in a near hundred years of me being dead. Turns out falling of the top on the Crystal Castle hurts, a lot, and it's not instant death, oh no its a seemingly slow and painful death. One I would like never to repeat. Forces I cannot explain in words, pulled me into my body and with a final tingling sensation, I opened my eyes. I yawned and stretched my arms after sitting up. My back made a very loud audible pop. “Ow.” > When gods speak > --------------------------------------------------------------------------         Well this is going to be an awkward explanation. I thought to myself. Before I could even start explaining I was met with an eerie static sound echoing through the castle. Something about it was off, the sound caused the hair on the back of my neck to stand on end and a shiver to run down my spine. In a panic I drew upon my powers, ready to raise every body in the city to fight whatever was making the static. The static cut out quickly and was replaced by chanting, in what I presume is Latin.   “I wouldn’t do that” said a cold yet elderly voice behind me. I turned to see the royals and the rest of the ponies in the room frozen in time. All except a tall elderly looking, pale white, bald earth pony in a black suit standing near the main hall door. I knew this stallion. I feared him more than I hated Sombra. I feared him more than anything else I had ever known.         “L-l-lord Death, i-is the static not a threat?” I stammered out. Shit, shit, SHIT!         “To me? No. To you? Yes. Just not currently. My brother still slumbers” he replied.         “Y-your brother? O-One of the four?” I asked.         “Yes, my brother Pestilence. He slumbers beneath the ice to the north, but you already knew that. Didn’t you my dear Nox?” he smiled at me, which is more fear inducing than a smile should ever be. I merely nod. “But yes, the reason I have come to you: You must leave this city by midnight tomorrow. And take that filly with you. Your presences are causing my brother to stir. Normally it shouldn’t, but with the death of his pet returned to much dark magic to him. He can feel you, and he wants to feed. If he wakes up now the schedule will be all mixed up. We can’t have that can we?” “No, Lord Death, we cannot. I thank you for this warning” I replied. SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT. This is bad, really bad. “Good, farewell my dear Nox.” He vanished and time resumed. The Prince was yelling something, but I didn’t hear him. All I heard was the static and my own heart beating. I need to leave. NOW! “Umbra go to the library and pack the bag. We are leaving” I say as I walk toward the door, ignoring everyone else. Umbra runs off to pack the bag. As I was stopped by a spear tip.         “Who said anything about you leaving? You are prisoner and until we say you will remain as such” snarled the Prince.         “Who says? WHO SAYS?! One with more authority than you, one with more power than you, one who I fear a hell of a lot more than you!” I shout at the prince.         “Who?” he sneered.         “Death” I replied. He had better back off, or I might do something I’ll regret I thought.         “Death? Is that a threat? Because I take threats very seriously.” he shouted in near anger.         “Not a threat! One of the Four, the Patron of Necromancy, the Pale Pony, the Reaper, the ferry pony. I care not what title you use for him, but he is real and he was here. He said his brother slumbered nearby and my powers might awaken him. You DO NOT want Pestilence to awaken. Not now, not ever! I am leaving this city tonight. I care not if you want to send an escort of guards with me, to insure I am imprisoned later. I do not care if you threaten to open Tartarus and throw me in, I am leaving. Death gave an order, and you DO NOT disobey!” I shout at him. He is really getting on my nerves.         “The Four? Who in the name of Celestia are the Four?!” he shouted at me. Selective hearing much?         “Death, Pestilence, War, Famine. The four who meet on battled ground, when the sky tears asunder and all that is ceases to be. They are also known as the gods of Dark Magic” I snarl at him. Before storming past to go help Umbra pack, ignoring the stupid prince and the rest of the ponies.         Upon arriving at the door to the library I lock the prince out. We will need peace to get this done in time. Four hundred sixty volumes on dark magic sit on the shelves, all of them need to be packed. Umbra has already dumped several shelves worth into her bag. A bottomless bag, gifted to her by her parents, that she stored all of her worldly possessions in. A few toys, a checkers board and pieces, a diary and picture of her family. And now it will hold all of these books.         Two hours and fifteen minutes, is all it took to put every book into her bag. It was now time to say goodbye to the few friends we had here in the kingdom and to finally let them have rest. “Devious, Goliath, Titan, it has been an honor and privilege to know each of you. You helped me in my darkest time and continued to help me after that. You three will have my eternal thanks” I said to them. “If skeletons could cry, I’d be ball’n right now. Thank you for giving us a chance when everyone had already forgotten us” Devious said to me before turning to Umbra. “You’ve always been a good filly Umbra, keep that up. Don’t give Nox to much trouble, ok?” Umbra hugged him while crying.   “Its time” I said. Goliath and Titan nodded and Umbra let go of Devious. “Devious Grin, Goliath, Titan I release you” With three simple words they collapsed back into piles of bones. I pick them up and place them in a near by boxes, one for each of them. I buried the boxes in the castle gardens and place a marker above their graves. Here lies the bravest soldiers the Empire has ever known: Devious Grin, Goliath, Titan. They served the Empire in life and in death, my they finally have peace.                        > Memory Lane > --------------------------------------------------------------------------         Prince Armor is happy, it is very disconcerting. It would seem he has taken up my offer to incarcerate me elsewhere. He ordered his guards to escort Umbra and myself, by train, to Canterlot. Upon arriving in Canterlot I am to be tried for my past crimes and punished under the laws of Equestria. Which is a load of bullshit, since none of my actions were performed under their rule.         When we boarded the train we were escorted to the second to last car. The last car and the third to last car would serve as the guard’s car. At Least Prince Armor is being somewhat intelligent by sending two full train cars full of guards to escort a dangerous dark mage. Not that they could stop me.         Eight hours by train. Thats how long it takes to reach Canterlot. A very boring eight hours of having nothing to do. Can’t look at the sights outside the windows yet, since it's mostly snow and rock. So I decided to sleep. Due to a near lifetime of slavery, a near life time of death, and over a lifetime almost alone my dreams are seldom good or sane. I fear for the dreamwalkers who stumble upon my mind, the madness contained is not pretty. I fear some of my dreams, not the nightmares from my subconscious; no I fear the dreams that contain memories. Things I want to forget, things I have forgotten. They are never pleasant. My dream, a memory of life, a memory of the most vile being I have ever met. The memory of how I came to Equestria. The end of my once normal life, and the beginning of the nightmare I now live. _____________________________________________________________________________ It started like a normal day at the time, my alarm went off and I got unhappily out of bed. I brushed my teeth and fixed my hair. (I think it was brown then.) I looked at the clock, it was 8am. So I ate breakfast and waited an hour for my friend to arrive. (I don’t remember much about my friend, I don’t remember their name or what they looked like. Hell they might not have even existed) Today was the day of Comiccon and I was going.          My friend arrived and I put on my costume: A silver wig, a black robe, and yellow eye contacts. I was going as a necromancer, a very generic necromancer. After I got dressed and my friend and I debated about how lame my costume was we left for the con. (I should have stayed home.)         After waiting at the doors for an hour or so (I think, time is a pain to think back on.) we walked in and saw many amazing cosplayers and a few bad ones. (I don’t remember many details about their costumes or who they were supposed to be, but I remember I felt most of them were better than mine.)         And then we went to look at the vendors. (Nice stuff all around: I remember very little.) Then we stopped at His table. He was selling more than any other vendor in sight, and items of better quality. (I should have known not to buy from him, but I was an idiot) I looked around his shop and saw very little that I wanted, or could afford.                  Then in the discount bin he had set up I saw a very detailed bone gauntlet for a right hand. I asked him about it: He said it’s match was missing so he was selling it cheap. It was still a little pricy and I was going to walk away, but my friend loaned me the cash for it. They said it would be an awesome addition to my costume. So I bought it. (I should have decked my friend in the face and walked away. After kicking the merchant in the balls.) I put the glove on, and the world went black.         I don’t know when I entered Equestria exactly; for the merchant was an asshole and my costume choice sucked. Due to my generic costume I gained nearly every necromantic power you can think of. The kicker to this amazing amount of power? Absolutely no control. (Never buy items from a magical merchant if your costume is generic, DO NOT.) Due to this lack of control I spent who knows how long in a state of constant death and reanimation. (Let me tell you: When your power literally rips your body apart molecule by molecule, it’s painful.) I honestly would have thought I was in hell, if I had been able to think.         Then I met Lord Death. He told me I was entertaining and that he would like to help me. The price? So long as he gave me control over my powers, they would be partially sealed and I would have to serve him for the rest of my life. (Which happens to be until the end of the world, possibly.) I agreed and became his servant. (Which isn’t as bad as you might think. I didn’t have to reap souls for him, nor aid souls in crossing over. I didn’t have to do much of anything really, only listen and obey if he gave an order.) The memory was over now and I was sitting alone within my slumbering mind. Conscious dreamer phenomenon, where one is asleep and knows it. This is how I tend to be when I sleep. No dreams, just me in control and thinking about things. Which is another reason I fear dream memories, even if I am in control: I can’t change them. And being unable to stop horrible memories from driving you insane is a very frightening thing to an immortal with a conscience. ___________________________________________________________________________         Unbenounced to Nox, she was not alone in viewing her memory. A blue alicorn princess had sought out the necromancer’s mind. And with the knowledge of Nox’s past the alicorn left the necromancer’s mindscape. Back to Canterlot, to prepare for Nox’s arrival.                              > A New Ride > --------------------------------------------------------------------------         Well, this is not what I wanted to happen. I think to myself as I look around an utterly destroyed train car. Five dead guards, a dozen injured, a panicked Umbra trying to hide behind me. All because some asshole decided to raid the train. A bandit asshole? No, a necromancer. A necromancer and at least a dozen zombies. I’m gonna get blamed for this, I just know it. While normally I would have been content to let the guard handle it, these ponies are incompetent. Rule one of fighting the undead, aim for the head no where else. The guards were trying to subdue the zombies and failing miserably. Rule two: If the necromancer dies, his undead die with him. Its always good to take out the source of the problem as quickly as possible. Again the guards were doing the opposite. They decided to focus on the zombies and were outright ignoring the sickly unicorn necromancer.         Now how to do this? Kill everything? No. Then I will get blamed for the guards deaths. One at a time? Maybe, would be slow. Kill the necromancer, screw the consequences? Again, maybe. My thoughts were rudely interrupted by one of the zombies. It was attempting to bite me. How cute, it thinks it's a threat. I poked its head and focused on the dark energies animating it “Rot” It screamed in agony (well as much agony as a zombie can feel) as the magic holding it together was forcibly broken down. This caused the necromancers eyes to widen in fear. I looked directly at the necromancer and stated fairly loudly “Rule three: Don’t tick off things more powerful than you.” I took a step towards the necromancer only to be surrounded by three zombies. Each one received a Rot spell, targeted at the magic holding them together. The necromancer bolted. He took three zombies with him, leaving eight to cover is retreat. It was a simple clean up job, only took a few minutes to destroy the remaining zombies. The guards suffered quite a few losses. nine dead, five wounded. Only six of them escaped unscathed. They have never fought undead before, have they? Just what sort of lax training did they receive? As four of the guards tended to the wounded, the other two flew about the wrecked train to find any survivors. Luckily we were the only one on the train. Minus the conductor, who was now dead; zombies at his face. With the train wrecked and conductor dead it would seem we were going to have to walk the rest of the way to Canterlot. Screw that.  “Umbra” I said “Yes mommy?” she whimpered out, still scared of the zombies returning. “May I see the bag? Mommy needs to get someone out of it.” She handed me the bag and reached inside, looking for a large skull in a bottomless bag full of books and odds and ends. By the time I found the skull, the guard had gathered the dead together and were talking about where to place the bodies, so they could be retrieved later. “If you cover them you can put them in the bag” I said gesturing to the bag in my hand. “Its got room for them, and would prevent the necromancer from coming back and using them for zombies.” Before handing them the bag I pulled the large fossilized skull out of the bag. A tyrannosaurus skull stolen from the Crystal Empire’s Museum of History. I had carved and intricate circular seal into its forehead; a wraith seal. Designed to hold a portion of my soul and condense ectoplasm into a wraith in the shape of the physical analog. The guard had finished placing the dead in the bag. twenty three bodies in total: ten guard (one of the wounded had bled out), the conductor and the once zombies. “Alright form up. We are going to have to hoof it to Canterlot!” the current leader of the guards shouted.         “Yeahhh, how about: No.” I replied as I touched the seal on the tyrannosaurs skull “Sue, I’m in need of you; Awaken.” The seal glowed for a moment before a black fog leaked out of the skull and took the shape of a T-rex. She stood 13 hoof lengths at her hip and was 40 hoof lengths long. She appeared looking like a living creature, save the dark purple glow given off by her purple and black hide. “I’m not walking, neither is Umbra. Nor do I think your wounded will survive the trek. My official recommendation is Rex riding.” I pat Sues side smiling at the now panicked guards. “M-monster” one of them mutters. “Yes and yes. However it would be better than walking, correct?” A few nods.         Sue lies down on the ground and I climb on, Umbra follows. “You getting on?” I ask the guards. They climb on one at time, miraculously they all fit. Though three pegasi opt to fly instead.         One of the pegasi takes off quickly in hopes of reaching Canterlot before us, to inform them of what has happened and how we will be arriving. I doubt he will make it to much before us I think with a smile.         I pat Sue and say: “Ok Sue, follow the tracks. Everyone else HANG ON!” Sue stands up and starts walking down the tracks. Everyone is doing their best not to fall off. I may need to invest in a large saddle.         Best thing about wraiths: their stamina is drawn from the magic of their creator. Best thing about my magic reserves: they are bloody massive. Meaning Sue will be able to keep up top speed far longer than a T-rex should be able to.   Sue’s pace begins to pick up to more of a run after a few minutes. Everyone still hanging on. Sue may be slower than the train, but we will still make a decent time. By train we were about three hours away, on Sue only about four.         I hear Umbra shout “Weeeeeeeeeeee” as we move along the tracks.          > And A Hunting We Will Go > --------------------------------------------------------------------------         Pain, I hurt all over. Between the saddle sore from riding Sue, getting stabbed by a guard when we reached canterlot and getting slammed into the ground from a well armored Princess of the Sun; Everything bloody hurt. So now I'm in a jail cell again awaiting audience with her highness Celestia. I hate jail, it's boring. “My, my in jail again are we, my dear Nox?” said a very familiar voice, causing a shiver to run down my spine.         “Lord Death, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?” I asked, trying not to panic. I may ‘serve’ Death, but it does not mean I like being in his presence.         “It’s good you made it to Canterlot on time, my dear Nox. For one of the Mad have made the city their home and they are slandering my name. He does and the Mad do, claiming to be my Avatar. Worthless mortal that he is. I want you, my dear Nox, to go hunting for this fool and show him what happens when you anger the gods.” Lord Death said, his voice dripping with malice. “Very well, Lord Death, do you want me to go hunting immediately? Or after I meet with the Avatar of Solaris?” I asked. “Immediately, lest you meeting never come. The fool is going to try and take over Canterlot. I will handle Solaris’ Mortal.” Lord Death placed his hoof over my left eye “Go hunting my Servant, the first seal is lifted. Bring me the soul of your prey.” I did not need to see my reflection to know my blue eye, normally glowing blue, was now burning red. “Very well my Lord, his soul shall be yours.” I bowed to Death and grinned. This will be fun. It didn’t take long to slip out of my cell and past the guards or to find the home in which my prey resided. The home wreaked of necromancy, how the ponies of the city didn’t know he had an army of rotting corpses hidden here is beyond me. The stench was near unbearable. I knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer. “Who is it?” asked a small geen Mare as she opened the door. I grinned “Hello, my name is Nox and I was wondering if you had heard the glory of Lord Death today?” “I see, so you have sought me out servant? Come to serve true death as it takes the throne?” The mare laughed. “You misunderstand you pathetic whelp, I serve Lord Death. I am Nox his favored executioner and you have slandered his name. I will accept reparations in the form of your soul only.” I say in the most joyous way I possibly can. “You think you can threaten me?  HA! You foolish mortal, I am the Avatar of Death! And for insulting me I sentence you to join the shamblers.” The mare shouted has she sent dark magic flying at me. I laughed at her attack. Death released my powers for this?! A Pathetic moron who does not understand that fighting the gods will only end in pain?  “Baxter, Dex Star, Garfield. Awaken and deal with this fools horde.” Three blue and black warith cats form near me and dart into the house to go seek out and destroy any undead they find. “Now that our horde is out of the way, I can have fun with you mortal.” When the mare cast her next spell I rushed her, and touched her horn with my skeletal hand “Pain Unending” was all I said. She collapsed on the ground writhing in pain, it would only last a few minutes before she blacked out. Few could withstand every pain receptor in your body firing off at once. Once she fainted I dragged her unconscious form inside, amazed at how we had not gathered the attention of the guard yet. I wait for someone to show up and when only my wraiths return do I decide to send one to go and get the guard. “Interceptor Awaken.” I wait for the wraith hound to form. “Go and find the guard. Lead them here.” The hound takes off. “Baxter, Dex Star, Garfield Sleep.”         Fifteen minutes, thats all it took for the hound to bring the guard, not only the guard but the Solar Princess. “Createn! How dare you harm my citizens!” She shouts ready to fight.         Now or never. I ready my spell. I had to wait so no poor pony would walk in and find me unconscious among the plethora of dead bodies in this home. I hate taking souls it's bloody exhausting. “REAP!” I shout. A scythe appears in my hand and I swing it at the unconscious necromancer on the ground. Celestia tries to stop me, only for my scythe to pass right through her war hammer and her body to make contact with the mare on the floor. I could feel her soul be pulled from her body. I could feel the seal on my powers be put back in the that instant. I had done as ordered, so Death had to ensure my powers were kept in check.           Before I passed out, I heard a voice echo through the room “HEIR OF SOLARIS HEED THIS WARNING WELL: DO NOT TEMPT ME NOR MY SERVANT. SHE ACTS ON MY WILL ALONE.” I will not be looking forward to waking up I thought briefly, trying not to collapse. Having to explain the Celestia who that was and what the hell was going on was going to be a pain in the neck. I hate Death sometimes. who knows, maybe it’ll get me out of jail? And then I felt it, the endless nothingness of no feelings whatsoever. Unconsciousness, my old friend; we meet again. “IF YOU SEEK TO HARM HER, KNOW THIS: I WILL PERSONALLY TAKE YOUR SOUL AND DEVOUR IT IN ITS ENTIRETY. I CARE NOT FOR WHOM YOU SERVE, YOU DO NOT HARM WHAT IS MINE.” Deaths voice echoed in Celestia's mind.      > Pain of the Past > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1563 Years Ago         Another day, another hunt. I thought as  I walked out of the cave I have been living in. I take a look around at the scenery: a tall mountain looms in the distance, a forest bursting with life of all shapes and sizes, seemingly endless plains running past the forest and a small stone cottage. As I approached the cottage a familiar voice rang out “Good morning, Nox!” yelled a tall white alicorn with a red mane. “Morning to you aswell, Faust.” I replied after I got closer. “How are the girls today?” She giggled “As lively as ever, they are excited about their father coming home today” she said with a smile. “Oh? Maximilian coming back already? I thought you said he was visiting the Equus Isles? You didn’t lie to me now did you?” I lean in close trying to hold back a smile.         “AUNTIE!” I watch two happy fillies run at me. One with a dark blue coat and a light blue mane, the other white with a pink mane. “Daddy’s coming home! Daddy’s coming home!” they shout with glee. “Now girls, calm down. You don’t want to get too messy now do you? You want to look right for daddy right?” Faust asks them.         A collective “Awww” escapes their mouths. “But we want to play with auntie Nox!” Luna shouts.         I reach down and scratch their heads “How about we play hide and seek? So long as you two don’t try hiding in any yucky spots you will stay clean.” I ask them. They answer by running off with giant smiles on their faces. Later that evening we sit by the cottage and wait for Maximilian Nebulous to arrive. He should have been here hours ago and Faust is trying not to show her worry. Celestia and Luna are both trying to fight off sleep. “Why don’t you two go inside and sleep? Me and mommy will wake you when Daddy arrives.” I ask them.         “B-but I want to wait for daddy…” Celestia mumbles.         “I know you do sweetie, but you and your sister need to get some rest. Lest you wont want to wake in the morning.” Faust says to them. They mumble under their breaths and head inside.         Faust goes in with them and returns after getting them to bed. She looks off to the east with a worried look “ What’s taking him so long?” she mutters.         “Probably a storm at sea, or a delay in setting sail. I’m sure he will be back soon Faust. Just watch he will be walking up to the cottage anytime and pulling you off your hooves. “ I say with a grin, hiding my own worry. My words don’t put her at ease. “I’ll tell you what, if he isn’t here by sunrise I’ll go look for him. Even if I have to go all the way to the Equus Isles to find him.”         Come sunrise Maximilian still hasn’t returned so after trying to calm Faust’s worry and the girls anxiety I head off to find him. It will take three days to reach the coast and another week to reach the Isles hopefully I’ll find him admiring the scenery of the forest, the big oaf.  My journey ends after a day and a half of walking. Sitting in the middle of a charred clearing were the remains of the last Alicorn Stallion. They were charred to the bone and the only thing telling me it was him was the fact the skeleton had both a horn and wings.         I cried for what seemed like days after burying his remains. He was my friend, my first friend in this world. Days after death saved me from the endless cycle of my powers killing and reviving myself I met him. He was a kind stallion and he wanted to be friends with everyone. He didn’t care that I was an undead monster with unspeakable powers. No, he didn’t care about any of that. He introduced me to his family and friends.         He saved me and Faust the day the Alicorn Empire collapsed. They angered the gods, and gods destroyed the Alicorns for it. Save Maximilian and Faust. They were the last two natural Alicorns and now Maximilian is dead. And I’m left to tell his wife and daughters. I have to tell them he won't be coming home; that he angered what I can only guess was a dragon.         The journey back to Faust’s cottage was a long one. I walked slowly morning my friend. The only thing driving me to walk was the fact Faust was waiting for me… and him.         When I arrived alone Faust already knew. He wasn’t coming home and it was just her and the girls now. She cried and cried. I broke it to the girls he wasn’t coming, but they didn’t understand.         I stayed with them at their cottage that night, trying to help console them. After I returned home, I cried again. I cried long into the night; all of the tears I had fought back when I was with them, when I was trying to be strong, came out.         I spent two days there, I would walk outside and look toward the cottage to see how Faust and the girls were doing but I couldn’t bring myself to go near them. Then he came.         “The Empire has fallen, a dark mage sits upon the throne. Thousands will perish should he remain. You are to go north to the Crystal Empire and hunt the dark mage. Destroy his hold upon the city and free them of his blight.” That was Death’s command. I only nodded.         I forced myself to say goodbye to Faust and girls. I told them I was going away to stop a very bad pony. They cried. This was the last time I would ever see Faust and last time before Sombra forced me to fight them that I would see the girls.         A year later Death told me Faust had past away. Her time had ran out long ago but Solaris and Artemis took a liking to her and Maximilian. They kept them alive for as long as they could. But their time was up and Death knew I would have fought everything to keep her alive had I been there and the Empire would have fallen long before its time. Shade Strike the Horrid would have destroyed the Empire had I not come. I wanted to go to the girls, but I couldn’t leave. The Empire needed me.     > Judgement > --------------------------------------------------------------------------         I open my eyes to a less than desirable sight. I feel the rope around my hands and the pole behind me as I sit in an open area. The rag that was stuffed into my mouth tastes most foul. The sky above the twelve unicorns across the way is blue and clear. The unicorns are dressed in what I only assume is military attire and each wears a saber at their side. Celestia in her golden armor takes notice that I have awakened. “Nox the Necromancer, you have been found guilty of multiple uses of forbidden dark magic. Nearly a thousand acts of necromancy alone. You have been found guilty of war crimes against the citizens of Equestria.” she pauses “You have been found guilty of multiple accounts of enslavement.” She pauses to glare at me, anger burning in her eyes. “Your sentence is death.” She raises her right hoof and the unicorns take aim. Out of the frying pan and into the fire. This is gonna hurt. Is all I can think as the unicorns charge up their spells. I close my eyes and wait for their spells, but they never come. “She dares.” I hear in a malice dripped whisper. Time stops and Death stands before me dressed in a grey shroud and scythe in hoof. His eyes burn with anger. In all the time I have known Death, no matter who he was dealing with or what they had done or said, had he ever shone anger. He took a deep breathe and his voice rang out “SOLARIS YOUR CHILD DARES TO STAND AGAINST ME! I give you this one chance to come bring sense to her mind.” In that instance everything around us changed. The ground replaced with pure white marble, the sky filled with white clouds and an impossibly large tower stood before us. I voice from the top rang down. “Death, what transgression has my child brought on to you?” The voice asks. I realize it comes from the top of the tower.         “I gave her a warning not to interfere with my servant, yet she ignored it. She has attempted to slay my servant and I will not stand by this blatant disrespect.” Death answers, his shroud and scythe vanishing, being replaced by his normal black suit. “I demand reparation for her misguided actions.” The voice rings out again. “Daughter is this true? Did you attempt to fight a god? Did you ignore his warning and pursue a childish path?” I realized that Celestia had come with us to this place, though none of her guard had.         “Father, I did not know he was a god! I thought she had merely enslaved some spirit to spread lies to avoid her sentence!” Celestia answers. I open my mouth to speak, but a glare from death promptly makes me decide to remain silent. “Do not lie to me daughter.” the voice paused. “Now Daughter tell me truthfully: Did you or did you not pursue harming Death’s Servant, knowing who she was?”         Celestia held her head low to the ground. “I did Father.” She glares at me. “I decided to ignore his warning and destroy that monster. She has killed countless Father! She has made a mockery of life every chance she had. She took Mother from us Father! SHE KILLED MOTHER!” Celestia pleaded.         I didn’t kill Faust. Why would she think I killed Faust?! Were the only thoughts going through my head.         “You dare assume that your mother was killed? NAY! Your mother died of age daughter. No one slew your mother. And if they had do you think I would have sat idle?! Nay. I would have scoured the mortal plane and destroyed them.” The voice bellowed. “You have shamed me, Celestia. Worse, you have shamed the memory of your mother.” Celestia’s eyes widened in regret. “To blame another who was not involved, to forget your promise to be fair to all those you meet, I sentence you Celestia: You are to be stripped of your power, and cast away from this world.”                  I gasped, this was too much, the ponies needed her. I decided it was best to speak up, even if it angered him or Death. “Lord Solaris, do you feel such drastic measure is warranted? Should you take her powers the void would consume her the instant you through her out! And what of the ponies? They look up to her, they see her as their guiding light, would you take that from them? Lord Solaris I beg of you: Please lessen her sentence, do not punish everyone with her absence, for a mistake that is only her’s to bear.” I am probably going to die now.         The world was silent until Solaris spoke once more. “Your concerns have merit. Yes, I agree with you elder one. A lesser sentence she shall be given! But a sentence of what?” he asked.         It was probably not my place to speak again, but I spoke anyway. “Lord Solaris, why not punish her by making her aid the one she has shown such hate? Allow her to provide housing for myself and those near me. A stipend of money, paid by her and not the royal treasury. And still one favor owed when asked. Does this punishment sound fair Lord Solaris?” I asked him.         He laughed, not a laugh you let out when one sees something stupid but one of genuine glee. “Your terms elder one, they bring such joy! Yes! That will be her punishment. A home to you and yours, pay so you may live, from what she earns of her own merit not given from the treasury and a favor owed. These are agreeable! Much merriment this will cause to the gods whom have grown bored!” He laughs some more. “Young One, Daughter of mine, you have heard you punishment and you make good to fulfill it. However there is one last thing I will add to it, not for your transgressions against Death, nay for lying to me in my court: You Celestia shall be stripped of your powers for one month!”         Celestia gulped. “Father what of running Equestria? What of the citizens? My sudden change will cause alarm!” “Worry not daughter, for my sister and I shall find a suitable stand in for the duration of your change.” He paused, if I could see him I would bet he was grinning. “Brother, I have already informed my daughter of what has transpired and she has already thought of a plan. Celestia will not suddenly vanish, nay she shall make a speech of how she is going on a vacation for one month. Leaving the nation in my Daughter’s hooves for the duration.” A soothing voice rang out.         “This is pleasing. Celestia you shall keep your power for the next five days. Prepare your speech and leave your sister in charge.” He chuckled. “Then as per your punishment you must get a job.” With a bright flash we were standing in the throne room of the castle with a laughing Luna, a distraught Celestia and a grinning Death. I grinned and then my grin turned into a laugh. A favor owed! Now what humiliating thing can I do to her? I wondered. Then a wandering thought broke through the laugh: Why did Lord Solaris call me Elder One?     > Again > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS CHAPTER MAY CONTAIN GORE, You have been warned.         I stand outside a small wooden cabin built on the palace grounds. It is one of three buildings like it in Canterlot. They normally function as lodging for visiting dignitaries or overworked staff who can’t afford to leave the city. And now, this particular cabin will serve as Umbra and myself’s home.         “I assume it is to your liking, madam?” asks the unicorn butler Celestia ordered to escort us.         “Hmm” I mutter. “Do you like this place Umbra?” I ask.         The filly looks around and nods vigorously “Yep! Can I go back outside mommy?”                  “Of course Umbra.” I watch her run out the door. “Well it’s better than I had hoped for and it has Umbra’s approval, so yes I like it quite well. “ I say to the butler.         “Very good, ma’am. When would you and the young miss like to eat lunch?” he asks.         I never got the chance to answer, for when I opened my mouth the ceiling caved in. I vaguely heard someone shouting “Monster” from outside. I looked about the rubble from where I fell, looking for the butler whom I hoped had survived. When I spotted him I attempted to move toward him, only to feel something tear. I coughed once, blood spouting from my mouth. “Thats not good.” I mumbled to myself. Ooh fun, I get to bleed out again. Is that my stomach bleeding… yep its my stomach. Dammit. Pain flooded my senses as I tried to think of a way to get out of this without myself or the butler dieing, if he is alive. “Hurry! Move the rubble, we have ponies trapped under here!” I heard someone shout. Bet its a guard. I thought, trying to ignore the pain. I glanced at the butlers form, noticing blood seemingly pouring off of him. I need to do something, or he is going to die. I thought. I grit my teeth desperately trying to do something, anything that could save him. The idea popped into my head, so simple yet effective: I’ll give him my energy, it should be enough to save him.. hopefuly. Somehow I managed to point my skeletal hand toward him. “You’re not going to die on me, not now, not here, never again.” I cough up more blood as I begin channeling my own life energy into the stallion. My vision started to fade, first it went blurry then it started to darken. On the brink of unconsciousness I heard a shout “MOMMY!” followed by a near deafening explosion. I didn’t think about it, nor acknowledge it before I embraced death once more.         I hovered halfway inside my corpse as I leaned my spectral form toward the butler. He was breathing, but just barely. I hoped they would reach him in time. After a few moments I noticed the screaming.         “What the hay is that thing!” someone shouted.                  “Mommy!” Umbra sobed                  “Si...ster” said a gravelly voice I had not heard in a very long time.         I floated out of the rubble and looked in the direction of the voices. What I saw made my eyes go wide: Half a dozen armored guards staring in fear at the small black maned  filly with tears filling her blue eyes as her tears soak her dark purple coat. Beside her was a large white half hound half pony with long brown mane and cold pale eyes.         The beast moved toward the rubble as Umbra continued to sob. It mumbled “ Sis…. ter” once more as it began to move the rubble.         For the first time in an exceedingly long time I heard something that nearly convinced me the guards weren’t completely idiots. “Help it! Move the rubble and get those ponies out of there!” Shouted a silver armored guard, the same one that I heard shouting when I was buried. The guards scrambled to obey, moving the rubble out of the way alongside the monster. I watched in almost awe as they moved quickly towards where the butler and my body was buried.         Within ten minutes of them moving the rubble from over top the butler he was flown out to Canterlot general, my body however was still here, having been declared dead when they found me. No surprise since I’m floating over their heads as a ghost. “Mommy!” Umbra cried out as the guards tried to keep her away, only for one of them (thankfully a pegasus) to rocketed into the sky by her magic. As the others tried to stop the monster moved to block them.         “Mommy?” she whispered as she poked me with her hoof. Tears swelled in her eyes again. Then as suddenly as they started they stop. “Mommy get up!” she shouts. When my body does not stir, she grips it in her magic and pulls. A sickening tearing and cracking sound is heard as she accidently rips my body in half. I instinctually slam my forehead into my palm “That is going to hurt for weeks. WEEKS!” I shout. Umbra merely giggles as she drags the top half of my body out of the ruins and lays it on the grass. “Silly mommy, you need to get up! Its time to play!” She playfully shouted as she bounced around my body. After the third or fourth lap around my body, she turned back towards the rubble and bounded toward it. A minute later she dragged my lower half out of the rubble and over to my torso. She giggled again “Wakey wakey mommy!” She danced around again, smiling happily.         I watched one of the guards throw up as the rest just looked on in horror. “And this is supposed to be the Elite Guard of Canterlot. Celestia and I will have to talk about this.” I look at the scene again. “We are going to have so much to talk about.” My forehead hits my hand again. I’m not looking forward to this. “A ruined building, a near dead butler, a monster of war, a blood stained dead yard and guards who are in desperate need of education concerning death and undead.” I pause for a moment. “And an aching back, the likes of which I haven’t felt since I thought jumping off the top of the crystal palace was a good idea.” I shiver. “Definitely going to be an eventful next couple of days”         I look at the scene below once more “Oh, and I need to get the name of whoever destroyed the house, the things they will experience.” I grin to myself, thinking of the fun I was going to get to have when this is all over.   > Monsters Within > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Umbra                  “Mommy?” I nuzzle her head “Why don’t you get up mommy?”         I see one of the grumpy armored ponies take a step towards mommy and me. I flare my horn and send him flying back. ‘You know, if you let one of them get close to your mommy she would get up, right?’         “She would?!” I can’t help but smile. I look to the closest pony and grab them in my magic, dragging them closer.         ‘Don’t! STOP! Umbra stop! Mommy would not like that if you did.’ the voice pauses ‘He isn’t strong enough anyway. If you reeeaally want to help your mommy, you need to find the toughest one here and drag them closer!' the voice giggled.         “Oh…” I release the pony from my magic and he takes a few steps back, his face twisted with worry and fear. “So… how do I find the strongest one?” I ask as I tilt my head to the side.         ‘Kill them all?’         ‘No, don’t kill them. They are weak and not worth the effort. No you wait untill one who is strong comes to you. Trust me, they will.’ the voice pauses again ‘Go ahead and keep these weaklings away though. That should draw the strong one out.’         I push another guard away, when the big white pony from earlier lands nearby. Before I can say anything the voices shout: ‘Her!’ “She is the strong one? She can make mommy wake up?” I ask the voices. ‘Yes! Draw her close and let you mother wake up!’ ‘Yes! Fight her, she is worth of the challenge!’ I attempt to grab the big pony, but she fights off my magic, so I have to try again. ‘More power little one! Grab her!’ The big pony’s horn flashes gold with magic and I start feeling dizzy. I try to fight the dizziness, but I fall over. ‘Why do you have to be so weak! Do you not want your mommy back or something?!’ the voice angrily shouts. Everything starts to fade.         ‘Jeez lay off the kid. She is doing all she can, no reason to shout, Warpath.’         ‘Can it you insignificant Hellspawn!’ Nox         I glare at Celestia from where I float. ‘How dare she do that to MY FILLY! How irresponsible can you be?! knocking out a filly like that.’  I scowl. “Just another thing we shall have words about!” I shout at her, knowing full well she can’t hear me. “Guardspony please take Umbra to Dr. Lecter, tell him to treat her for magical exhaustion and inform him she is to be given a horn ring.” Princess Celestia orders. One of the guards scoops Umbra up and takes off toward the castle. I start to follow then stop myself, not sure if I should leave my corpse or not. “Sis...ter.. go.. “ grumbles the warbeast Umbra summoned. I sigh “Thank you, Nina.” I say before floating off after the guard and Umbra. Unsure if Nina heard me. It doesn’t take long for us to reach the castle infirmary. “Doctor, this filly is need of treatment for magical exhaustion and Celestia has ordered she be given a horn ring.” The guard states as he lays Umbra down on one of the many beds.                      “Very well, off you go, shoo.” says a grey sheep, with short well shorn wool as he trys to shoo the guard out the door.         After the guard vacates the infirmary the sheep turns to the unconscious form of Umbra. “You now I haven’t had to treat magical exhaustion since little Twilight Sparkle was here. You should really watch out for this miss.” The sheep says as he begins to examine Umbra.         After a few minutes of testing the Doctor walks away from her and opens a wooden cabinet on the other side of the room. He pulls out a small circular ring made metal. After walking back to Umbra he places the ring on her horn, and it flashes. “Poor dear, exhaustion and a ring? What did you do little one? To cause such a reaction from our kind Princess?” he asks as he pats her unconscious head. Celestia                  ‘The beast can speak.’ I take a step towards the unmistakable form of Nox as the beast stands over it. The beasts head snaps in my direction and it growls. “No… No.. Near… Sis.. ter.”         “I just want to insure she is unharmed.” I say as I take another step closer. I glance at Nox, she has no visible wounds, and the ground around her is barren of life. “Will you permit me to check on your sister?” I ask the beast.         “No… No.. Harm… You..” the beast gravelly says.         “If I try to reach her you will harm me?” I ask preparing to cast a spell to stop the beast should it try something.         “No… Stop… Sis.. ter ...From.. Harm… You..” it says.         “She will harm me?” I ask a bit surprised the beast thinks Nox could harm anypony in her current state.         “Yes.. Sis.. ter.. Drain.. Life… Hurt..” It grumbles.         “She is draining life? You are keeping us away to stop her from hurting anypony. The beast nods. “I see, do you know when it will be safe?” I ask, still worrying about Nox.         “Soon..” the beast replies.         “Guards insure nopony comes near Miss Nox or… “ “Ni.. Na…” the beast interrupts. “Insure nopony comes near miss Nox or Miss Nina.” I order. The guards nod, though they look worried. ????? I lift the communication gem out of my saddlebags. “Phase one is completed,please inform Head Paladin Heart that target one was successfully removed. Target two is still at large.”         A few moments pass and the gem buzzes “Agent, the Head Paladins are in agreement, phase two cannot commence while target two is still alive. You are authorized to remove target two at your discretion. Stay safe Paladin, May the Light always shine.”         “Target two shall be removed within three days, May the Light always shine on you brother.” I place the gem back in my saddlebag.         After a moment passes I head downstairs and address my fellow Paladins. “We have been ordered to eliminate target two, who here volunteers to take on this mission?” I ask the group of eight ponies.         They all raise a hoof in the air. “Paladin Light, Paladin Evergreen, you two shall infiltrate the castle. When you find target two, insure their elimination. Use your own discretion and do not fail the order.” They nod in affirmation “You are dismissed, May the Light always shine!” “May the Light always shine!” the group yells back.                       > Wandering The Halls > --------------------------------------------------------------------------         I sit, floating above Umbra, waiting for the inevitable: I wait to live again. Minutes pass. minutes turn to hours and hours turn to days. Three days pass before Umbra awakens. The doctor worries about her health but she remains stubborn and tells him nothing. Visitors come and go, yet she doesn’t speak to any of them. Not to the guards or the Princesses. Two more days pass before I feel it. I’m about to live again. I smile and my eyes burst open, my lungs fill with air as I gasp for air. I sit up and look at the dead plant life around me. Mostly grass, a few bushes and a tree all wilted by my power. As I stand the guards finally take notice, the two pegasi’ faces distort in fear. ‘I guess no one told them I was getting up… What did they think they were guarding?’ I think to myself. I point at the closest one, a white pegasus. “Go inform Princess Celestia that I am awake and tell her I’m calling in my favor.” I tell him with a scratchy voice. I point to the other guard, another white pegasus. “Take me to the kitchen please, I need water.” I tell him.         “M..m..MONSTER!” one of them shouts.         I deadpan. “Really? Monster? That’s the best insult you have?” I notice their legs shaking. “By Solaris’ sweet sun, please stop that. Yes, I came back from the dead. That is normal for me. Now even if you don’t believe me, even if you believe I am a threat, don’t you think you should inform the Princess of my presence?”         Their only response is shoving a spear in my face. I sigh and grab the spear with my skeletal right hand and whisper “Rot.” The spear’s shaft begins to rot away and the tip begins to rust. “You know, I’m not surprised they don’t tell you guys anything. Just another thing to add to the list.” I turn and start walking towards the castle, ignoring the guards.         As I approach the castle another guard, another white pegasus, screams “Halt!” I ignore him. He responds by thrusting a spear at me.         “Rot.” Another broken spear, another wide eyed panicked guard. I look him dead in the eyes. “Yeah, bad idea. A good idea would be: GOING AND TELLING THE FREAKING PRINCESS!” I yell at him. He pisses himself and I face palm. “Bloody useless guard… so bloody useless.” I look at him again, hoping, no praying he is a new recruit. “Are you new by chance?” He passes out. “Uhhhggg!” I groan as I continue my walk to the castle.         Upon reaching the nearest door I encountered another guard, this one however did not attack me nor react at all to my presence, because he was asleep on the job. ‘Do I wake him? Could be fun, could be disastrous. Hmm… I’ll leave him.’ I walk past him, carefully avoiding waking him. I catch a glimpse of myself in my reflection on the polished flooring. The right side of my face is sagging and looks like it can fall off at any moment. I am missing several teeth and I am now half bald. “Regeneration failure 179. Thank you Universe for being so bloody kind!” I snarl before continuing my hunt for the kitchen or Princess.         It doesn’t take long before I am standing before the large door to the royal dinning room, I open it, only to receive frightened glares from the ponies in the room. I ignore them and practically bolt over to a tea pot. I down the entire pot, before letting out a loud gasp.         I finally take a look at the ponies in the room. A dozen or so guards all armed and ready to attack me, two butlers, three maids, a visably startled Princess Celestia and a large white Pony-hound hybrid. “Princess, we need to talk. Alone.”         “And pray tell would I listen to a monster like you!” Celestia starts channeling magic into her horn, not recognising me.         I facepalm “You will listen because you need to and seriously? How well did attacking me go last time? Just how many undead do you think are in Canterlot!?”         She stops and just stares. Before she can say anything the pony-hound speaks up. “Sis.. ter.. wel..come.. back..”         “It’s good to be back, Nina. I trust you have been well?” I ask, ignoring the blank stares of everyone else in the room.         “Y..es. Big.. Broth..er well.”         “Good to hear Worm is doing well.” I sigh “You’d best be getting back to him, he is liable to blow himself up with you being gone so long.” I smile at her. “I’ll have Umbra summon you up later so we can chat, ok?”                  Nina nods before walking to an empty portion of the room. “B..ye Prin..cess.. Sis..ter.” In an explosion of electric sparks Nina vanishes.         I look to Celestia again. “Incase you haven’t figured it out by now: I. Am. Nox. Back from the dead! And we have problems to discuss, Princess.”         “Nox? How are you back? Miss Nina said it would take atleast a month for you to return.” Celestia replies, still not discharging her horn.         “Grass, so much grass and other assorted plant life. And as for the disfiguration of my face, my reanimation redistributed the energy of my body to speed up the process.” I gesture to my face then my body. “This is not ideal, but for the time being it will be sufficient. Now can you dismiss your staff so we may talk alone?” Celestia gives a nod. “Everypony, you are dismissed from the dining hall.” “Princess” a half dozen of them mutter as they walk out.           “Alright, they are gone, now tell me what you wish to speak of Nox?” Celestia asks.         “First, tell me: Did the butler survive?” “Yes, Quick Wit, is expected to make a full recovery. He will still be off work for the next month however.” Celestia replies.         “Then the first thing we need to talk about, Celestia, is my murder and the attempted murder of Quick Wit.” I say with a blank expression.     > A Favor Owed > --------------------------------------------------------------------------         “So you are telling me you know nothing?” I ask Celestia trying to hold back the frustration. “Three days and you have nothing?!”         “Unfortunately not. By the time the guards had pulled Quick Wit out and Umbra had retrieved you the assailant had fled. A thaumic scan of the area turned up nothing, too much magic was thrown around by You, Umbra and Miss Nina. We are not even sure how they destroyed the building. “ Celestia sighed. “ We were unable to find anything about whomever killed you.” She paused. “ Were they Unicorn, Earth pony, Pegasus? Were they even a pony? Did they work alone or was it a group?” She asks as she pours us tea.         I stare at her. Nothing, they know nothing. “Fine. I can work with this, gods know I have worked with less.” I take a drink of tea. “There was at least one, a mare. Definitely a citizen of Canterlot, or a good actor. At least she sound like one of your snobby nobles.” I take another drink. “ Good Tea, by the way.”         Celestia smiles. “It’s a gryphon blend, a gift from the Ambassador.” Her smile fades into a scowl. “ Are you sure it was a pony? And one from Canterlot?” “Yes. I  admit I haven’t spoke to a gryphon in years, but their beaks always cause a sort of..” I pause trying to find the right work. “ Disruption of sound. Probably the wrong word, but you can tell they are talking without lips and they definitely were not a minotaur. Never heard a minotaur with that high of a voice.” I take another sip of tea. While Celestia merely nods. “As for from Canterlot? I could be wrong, but they had a snobbish accent when pronouncing ‘monster’. You know that holier than thou tone? I have only heard that from the damnable Crystal Knights when they tried to purify the kingdom. “ I Scowled. “ It’s also the same tone I heard when drifting about your castle, since well I died.” “I see... However it is not enough to go on. I am sorry Nox but I do not believe we will find them. We simply do not have enough to go on.” Celestia lets out a sigh. “ A mare with a Canterlot accent? That is over half the ponies in Canterlot. I am sorry Nox, I wish I could believe my ponies were above this.” Hypocrite. “It's fine. Well fine-ish. Sadly it doesn’t take much to turn an innocent into a monster. A slight push in the wrong direction, a simple word on a bad day. I mean look at Sombra. “ I wince as I say his name. “ A monster through and through, yet in the beginning? A bright young unicorn looking to make life better for everyone. Then one day, he changed. ‘Monster walk among us, tis not right! We must slay them.’ Then they listed everything a non pony did wrong. Every crime they could find, every lie. Damn Knights claimed to be holy, drafted and brainwashed Sombra. In the end he was their leader and look what happened.” Celestia blinks in surprise. “You almost sound like you pity him.” Her eyes widening as soon as the words left her mouth.         I wince at her words then let out a long sigh.”In a way I do. But at the same time I don’t. I pity he was placed in such a situation, but it's his own damn fault for walking the path.” I glare at Celestia. “ Now back to the topic at hand, my murder. I do not need you or the guards to find them.”         “You cannot truly want them to get away?” She states in shock.         “Of course not. I don’t need you to find them because I will. Which brings me to my dilemma I need someone to watch Umbra.” The biggest grin I can must spreads across my face. “And I need to borrow your castle to throw a party.”         “I could arrange for someone to watch Umbra for you, however to host a party at the castle is no small feat. There is a reason there are only a few events held throughout the year.”         “Ohh nooo.” I fail to hide my smile. “I want YOU to watch her. And to let me throw the shindig. Consider it the favor you owe me.”         “Calling in your favor so soon?” She asked.         “Calling in the favor when I need it, and I need it now. Also because you asked, you are not invited.” I let out a chuckle. “To think the Sun will miss the party. Your sister will be invited, the nobles will be invited as well as anyone else from the town who want to come. As well as a few hundred others that I will personally invite.” “Oh?” is Celestia’s only response. “It will be glorious.” I state while grinning. “Can’t wait to see the looks on the nobles faces when they show up and you aren't there. And when they realise there are over a hundred ponies whom they know nothing about.” I takes all of my willpower not to burst into maniacal laughter. “So, do accept the terms of the favor?”         Celestia lets out a small chuckle. “I must consult with my sister about letting use the castle for a party, however if she agrees then yes. I Agree.”