> The Jade Series > by ElrikPiro > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unoccupied reader, as same as Cervantes, the great writer, i would like this stories, as result of my consciousness were the most beautiful ever written and again, as same as him, i'll be victim of the nature's order, where everything only can generate things that are alike, because of it, the objetive of this histories is not other than improve myself to give them the oportunity to be pure and beautiful. I dont know what edition of this histories are you reading and you will apologize me if this is the english one, because this is not my mother language and i was the one who translated it, i hope you will enjoy reading this histories, what, in the moment when im writing this, are not but floating ideas in my mind's sea. > Episode 1: The Pale Jade > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Time line: Elrik's Birth) Marelona was a far of all the hustle of Canterlot, maybe very much, cause was becomming more common that cityzens who resided on it to move to a neighboring villages o the capital itself, where the life was easier and everything are safer thanks to the proximity of the Royal Guard. A relatively ancient city, near the sea, gradually losing its inhabitants, but where families still forming, families as the Arioch's family, an eloquent jade green colored unicorn, with a blond and long mane and soft features. Arioch was living a very happy season of his life, he had married a wonderful woman after years being sweethearts, started to live together a year ago and now, they were expecting a baby, everything would be perfect if not for his work negotiating with the merchants to supply the whole city kept him away from his beloved most of the time. He was in a room, elegantly groomed, negotiating with a merchant from Fillydelphia, who came to exchange a cargo of fruit, mainly oranges, and other fruits and vegetables, enough to supply for weeks the whole city, but the merchant was asking too much, algae grown in Marelona's marine reserve were considered a delicacy in Fillydelphia and that was a major problem because every time there were fewer and had to skimp a lot, but ran the risk of worsening relations with the merchants of this city, which would be fatal for the city and accelerate desertification. - This is my last offer - said the merchant sharply - Do you take or leave? Arioch realized instantly what the merchant wanted and smiled to himself, his instinct told him that he should play the more risky card ... and he did. - I leave - Concluded Arioch - Now I have a better offer for half of what you're asking for. - Lied. The merchant hinted a sign of desperation in their eyes, he needed these algae much more than Arioch expected and made his last attempt. - Well, three fifths of the amount I've just requested - said nervously - note that you will not find better vegetables than mine. - Do you want to close the deal? - Asked Arioch with feigned disinterest - Done. - Concluded the merchant Arioch smiled to himself, the pony in front of him was a rookie merchant and that was the best thing that could happen to the city, now a much smaller amount of algae was trade to obtain more food than ever before, both signed the contract and the merchant abandoned the room to the stores of the city accompanied by a manager Earth Pony Mare , both in a hurry, it seemed that it would rain soon. Arioch set about organizing his documents. Spent a few minutes after he finished and the door flew open rough, he saw one of his best friends, Brown Earth, a chestnut coated pony with curly black mane, this pony, generally cheerful, had concern on his face, which shocked Arioch. - For the love of Celestia what happened? - Asked Arioch to his friend. Brown began trying to take a breath and talk at the same time, with disastrous results. - My wife ... - Began to babble followed by some unintelligible phrases - ... giving birth ... - At this point began to cough. - Hey! relax Brown - said Arioch with concern - besides, if your wife is giving birth... what are you doing here telling it to me? you should be with her - ended incriminating him. Again, his friend will looked at him and this time breathing slower, but still with nervous babbling spoke even more clear: - You dont... Unders ... tand - babble - Eequor ... was there and ... she are too ... Arioch doesnt let him finish, this could not be happening because his wife, Eequor, still had a couple of weeks for baby due date. - IS EEQUOR GIVING BIRTH?! - Shouted - WE MUST GO RIGHT NOW TO THE HOSPITAL! And the two friends, trotted fast as they cant for a couple of hours to the hospital, as rain started to bathe them, blaming the Pegasus for not doing his job that very day. . . . The hospital was a pearl-colored building, had many years and was not very large, time ago this was a problem, because the population was much greater, but now, the hospital was perfect despite being away from everything. Arioch and Brown were in the lobby, a large room that had several ponies waiting for they turn, less than usual, because it was about to close medical visits that day, a few others were accompanied by the hospital porters to the rooms of those who wanted to visit. Brown was panting as if he were to leave the heart through the mouth and Arioch breathed quickly, partly because of the effort, partly because of nervousness, his heartbeats were fast and his head ached as if it was going to explode. He saw Brown approaching the counter to talk to the receptionist. - Stubborn... - thought Arioch overtook Brown and approached the unicorn mare that was behind the counter. - Hello Mind ... - Said Arioch quietly, he already knew the unicorn mare and the situation could turn violent - could you please call a porter? I want to see my wife. - He turned and looked at Brown with a smile - take easy, I'll go with you to the Lasia's room before. Mind Voice was a purple coated unicorn mare with a crimson mane, she seemed busy writing some reports and raised her head at the hear of the Arioch's voice and gave him a withering look. - Well, look who has come. - Said sarcastically Arioch tried to keep the composure, he knew what was all that about and although it was time ago, she was remembering that to him everytime she had the chance, so he had no choice but to bow to what she wanted, Arioch prepared himself to pretend, there was no time to discuss right now, he just wanted to see his wife, telling Mind Voice which was his duty, only could delay the wait. - Mind, please ... - Pleaded Arioch - If you don't do it for me, do it for Brown. Mind escaped a giggle, it was clear she was feeling great that moment for having achieved a plea of Arioch. - I don't do it for you or your friend - said firmly - I do it because it's my job. While Mind Voice used his magic to call a porter, Arioch sigh at his answer, turned and accompanied Brown to a bench to sit on, Brown don't panted anymore but was still nervous and shaking as if having cold. - You should have told her to call up another - said Brown -I know that you feeling now and i do not like you to wait because of me. When Brown told this Arioch kindly hit his hoof on Brown's forehead. - Take a break - Said with a smile - it's not me who has traveled half of the city to tell his friend that his wife was giving birth. And for the first time all the while had been together on that day, Brown laughed. They talked for a few minutes of trivial things, Brown seemed to have relaxed and returned to his usual good humor, Arioch got up when he saw a porter, perhaps in advance, because he did the same with the previous three, but this time wasn't wrong : - ¿Arioch Jade and Brown Earth? - asked the porter Arioch approached him, followed by Brown and both agreed, the porter looked at them with a smile. - Congratulations - Said - Follow me quietly, please. Arioch looked sideways at Mind Voice before entering in the corridor, following the porter. She was staring at nothing, not moving or doing anything, as if she were elsewhere. They toured several corridors, went up stairs and got into the first floor, the porter had explained that their wifes had been put together in the same room because both arrived at the same time, Arioch smiled. - Well, it seems I'll have to invite Brown to a round of cider - thought When he saw that Brown was smiling shook his head trying not to laugh, apparently his friend knew him so well that he knew what would be his reward. And they reached the room, the Nurse Mirath was in front of the door, waiting with a smile, she was an orange coated Earth Pony Mare with green mane, which Arioch met at school for being the younger sister of his classmate Stable , which is none other than one of the most valued doctors Marelona's hospital, the fact of she standing at the door was a good sign. Mirath made them a gesture for silence. - It's been two very fast births - whispered - and they two got exhausted, so you must leave them to rest and sleep, tomorrow we will bring your children. They nodded and went slowly into the room, Brown was who first entered and went to Lasia straight. Arioch came in and looked at the bed of where Eequor was, his wonderful girl, with her ??beautiful sapphire mane was sleeping in bed ... And Arioch's heart sank, nothing else mattered, he was beside her, kissed her forehead and sat on the chair beside the bed, resting his head on the mattress, staring at her with joy, almost all his fears vanished, she was fine. . . . Arioch wake up feeling someone stroking his hair, he had fallen asleep in his chair last night, then opened his eyes and saw Eequor stroking, he approached and kissed her. She beckoned him to come closer in silence and he could saw in her arms the little Elrik, a baby unicorn that had the color of his father and his mother's hair, both with paler color, and was sleeping peacefully. Then he could say that all was well and had formed their own family, his father would be proud of him.