> The Night Fall > by _-PRINCE ASTAROT-_ > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Old friends > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location: Ever free Forest. Its funny how old bonds are tested after so long: friends can have known each other for years, fight and bicker all they please but when matters turn grim and that trust is called upon: those very years are a testament to the unwavering friendship one individual can possess with another. As per of a long standing ritual of doing this, Princess Celestia and Luna wore ecstatic faces as they both could not wait to conversate as well check up on a long-time friend. Trotting through the dense grove of trees they have grew accustomed to, Luna brought up a possible reason as to why their friend wished to see them so urgently. ''Perhaps he is injured and requires our assistance or discovered a new species.'' Luna held a hoof to her chin in wonder. However unlikely that seems, Celestia responded with a different opinion. ''Or the issue could be that he merely wishes to see his good friends again: with all that's happened in Canterlot, we haven't a chance to meet as we usually would.'' Celestia figured. No matter the reason, this much is clear: it was clearly worth it that both of them needs to be here. Whilst they are only gone a few hours from their subjects, the two always left the structure of Canterlot in capable hooves for the time being. However, they made sure not to give Blueblood too much authority. Passing by the castle of the two sisters brought out a slew of different memories: some pleasant, others bad and some indifferent: just like the time Luna 'accidentally' ate Celestia's prized double layered strawberry fudge cake that was saved for a special occasion. Now, in her defense, Luna had no immediate nourishment to sate her hunger she figured: why not? Partly 50% of that was for just wanting to gauge her sister's reaction while 40% was out of hunger and 10%...just boredom. And yet the thought of being buried underground for a week with a magical dampening ring on urged Luna to never do that again. Turning past a slanted rock, the entrance to a cave appeared as a tarp of sorts lay over it. Pulling it back, the sounds of a roaring fire and food on a rotisserie put the princesses in high spirits from the hour long flight here. Looking throughout the cave, the same old knick knacks and old contraptions lay in their respective places. Along the cold, smooth walls are depictions of artistic paintings, permanently set in stone, though the one that always managed to catch their eyes no matter what was the imagery of them contorted into a painting with a figure's arms around their necks in a friendly embrace. His tall, muscular frame only accented the dragon wings that lay folded behind his back. And his horn stick to his head, His magnificent white coat shone through the darkest of lights to be offset by his black and red striped shaggy mane and tail the most defining characteristic would be the somewhat decent resemblance to the manifestation of chaos: Discord. Looks of insanity both plagued their eyes, though the read dilated pupils gave way to more than that. (he doesn't have a cutie mark yet) ''This always takes back to when- ''You two nearly blasted me from here to Canterlot?'' A Gentle soft and echoing voice sounded to their right. ''In my defence, that was only because Luna rushed in head first without thinking: but what can you do?'' Turning over, the source of the voice was the one portrayed in the picture, calmly sitting in a velvet chair, perusing a book by a A.K. Yearling. Daring Do and the Griffon's Goblet sounds like a exciting read. ''Ah Dark Phantom.'' Luna looked relived. ''It is good to see you once again, my friend.'' ''Same to you too princess.'' he bookmarked his page and bowed. ''I trust all is well with you?'' ''More or less.'' Celestia sighed. ''A lot has happened since last we spoke.'' ''And what better way than to enjoy it with tea? If you'll please.'' Dark Phantom gestured to the couch besides them. ''Of course.'' Sitting down, Dark Phantom got up and prepared the tea, bringing out his exquisite, hand crafted tea set he treasured so dearly. Bringing out three cups, coasters, and plates, he snapped his fingers, producing a stream of boiling hot water in the kettle as well as he poured the liquid into each of the cups, taking note to remember everyone's favourites: camomile for Celestia, ginseng for Luna and lemon for him. Tossing in 5 sugars, he brought out a plate of oatmeal, chocolate chip, peanut butter and macadamia nut cookies made Celestia eye the cookies with determination to wolf them all down. Handing them a cup, both handled were engulfed in a gold and blue hue of magic as they sampled their drink. ''Excellent Dark, excellent.'' Luna praised. ''I agree: just how I like it.'' Celestia nodded. ''It's been so long since you visited.'' he said as he stirred his tea idly. Celestia was going to respond when a gleam out of the corner of her eye turned her attention that way. ''What is that Dark? I believe I have never seen it before.'' the solar princess looked on with intrigue. ''That.'' Dark Phantom chuckled. ''Is the Star of the Nightfall.'' he gestured to the object, swirling with different types of magic as it entrance the princess. ''H-How did you come about this?'' Luna inspected the star closer, prodding it with a hand. ''I more or less came across it in a different way.'' Dark shied away. ''It was found here, in the Everfree after you got imprisoned for 1000 years, not sure to say sorry or really at that, but anyways: focus.'' he told himself. Celestia walk and hug her little sister. "Dark don't you think making a powerful star might cause us grave danger?" "Oh Celestia please it's not much of a big deal" said Dark. "I know but this one, it more different than the others you have made." commented Celestia. "But do not worry princess if you don't want me to make a test on this i won’t." he said sadly as he place back the star. Princess Celestia smile in ease knowing she can trust Jack on his decision and said. "I am very glad at you're decision Jack." "Yeah yeah." said Dark stubbornly he look outside and decided. "Hey princesses you come all the way here let’s not waste the sun and have some picnic shall we." he smile at the princesses. "It is a great idea Dark since we don't have an opportunity like this much." said Luna excitedly. "Then it is settle." said Dark as he wore a white expressionless mask. The two sister frowned but ignore their friend’s action. Meanwhile, while they were gone a shadow pony suddenly went inside Dark's lovely adobe. "This would be easy as i thought." said the shadow pony as he stole the night fall. When he was out of the house a bird came crashing in to him and the nightfall slip into his hands ”Fuck." he said as he kill the hopeless bird and throw it in the side. When suddenly he saw the nightfall fly in the sky. The shadow pony. "Fuck me in the jizz." He said with fear mix in his voice. He look around if anyone saw him. griping his hand and cursing himself over and over as he stop by the bridge he ran out of Darks Cave until he reach the castle two princess while walking until he got the old castle of the two princesses. The curtains seems to be scattered everywhere as the ground has stains of blood along with rotten flesh that lay down the ground and from the shadows there were many eyes that look at you in the most deadly ways. In the center of the throne were a one single stallion sat in Celestias old chair gentle features, his muscular frame only to be accented to the scars all over his body, and his ragged and broken wings that was attached on his back from the scientists who use to experiment on him, his long golden mane and tail from his magnificent red coat. But on what you see from him as a kind pony is far more worst to remember his past life “you come back too early my dear Shadow…”said a low voice "The star my faithful servant." he said as he brought out his hand to receive the star. "Uhhh…” the shadow start to shiver “well i lost it...” said the shadow pony. "YOU WHAT MY SHADOW." he said as he stood up and pick up his axe that lay beside his chair. The only thing the shadow could do was to look at his master's blade as it stab him in his very eyes. > One magical wish > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- One magical wish Location: Picnic at the Everfree forest “C’mon let me see the two sisters Set the sun and raise the moon” cheered Dark phantom as the two sisters giggle from his childish action. “Well…” Celestia look at Luna as she gave her a nod and gently Celestia’s horn start to glow and the sun starts to set and Luna started to raise the sun now a bit close to the everfree “wonderful! Absolutely wonderful!” he commented to the two sisters Luna stood up gently as she look at Celestia and Dark “Dark, it has been a great honour to speak with you once again but NOW we must part. For the NIGHT has set and it is my DUTY to PROTECT my PEOPLE from their DREAMS” Dark Phantom smile “I see…” he smile “well it was nice seeing you Luna and I hope u may visit again in my home as you and your dear sister is always welcome” Luna smile great fully “farewell my friend” she said as she raise her hand to the moon as blue aura flow around her and closing her eyes gently as she disappeared to the moon and to do her duty as the princess of the night “Ah Luna…” Dark Phantom take a breath as she sat beside Celestia as they watch the moon and the stars in the sky and For a moment everything was peaceful and client and as if they were the only once living in the world. Dark turn his head over to Celestia as she notice his gaze and turn her gaze at him with a smile “What are u staring at?” Celestia said with a giggle “is there something in my face?” Dark look at her one last time as he shook his head “it’s nothing Celestia…” he said as he turn his head down and standing up “I guess it’s time for us to part too… don’t you think?” “Oh…” Celetia turn her head in disappointment “I guest so…” she said as she stand up and open her wing as she start to fly when Dark stop her “What is it Dark?” she ask him calmly Dark look at her as he scratch the back of his head “well… Everfree can be dangerous at night and out there too…” “And?” Celestia raise a brow “Well I was thinking about taking you back to your castle safely…” he said as he look at her with a smile Celestias frown turn into a wide smile “I would be Delighted Dark” she said happily as she held her hands together “that’s great Celestia” he said as he open his wings widely as it can and high as it can stretch as it point into the sky. Trying to show off Celestia and her gasp made his ego feel high from the sky “let us Go Celestia we wouldn’t want your pretty to turn into a nightmare” he jokes as Celestia laugh softly “oh, dark you never change…” “And so do you Celestia” he commented as they both fly to Canterlot Location: Fluttershy’s cottage Angel bunny hot over to his bed as he watched Fluttershy close the door and look at the stars with a smile “there so many Stars today and so beautiful” she said with a smile as she walk over to Angel. “Good night Angel bunny” Said Fluttershy as she kissed Angel’s head and tuck herself to her bed Angel bunny look up at her as he lay down his little nest and waited for her to fall into a deep sleep before he stood up and hop outside and he stood by the river. He sat by the edge and take a deep breath. He was in deep thought of the things he have done to fluttershy he thought he was always doing the right thing and get what he always wanted. But today seems different and he could never forget what he did to her -Flashback- a yellow Pegasus was running around the kitchen as Angle tap its foot in frustration. “W-wait for a mint Angel bunny” Fluttershy said as she step onto something and accidentally stumble herself in the floor. She was now face to face with angle bunny. She look at him for a moment before smiling sheepishly and Angel gave her a glare “O-oh... A-Angle bunny im sorry i ran out of ingredient" she said as she stand up but angle bunny still isn't okay with it as he scoff and walk away. "A-Angle bunny wait!" said flutter shy as she follow angle bunny but she end up being stumbling from the mess in her house as she forgot to feed her animals. They all go around her and demanding for food which makes flutter shy panic. she don't know what to do first and angle bunny was leaving “o-oh my p-please e-everyone please e-excuse Angle please!" she order Angle to stop but he dint listen as flutter shy remember her past when her family leave her "please don’t leave...me" she said as she frown as she stood were she was standing but he ignore her and he walk to his room slamming the door shut. -Present- Angle bunny sigh. He need something to say sorry for what he have done to fluttershy. The way she talk was still in his mind "please don’t leave me…" her voice was still plastered in his thought as he look into the shy as saw something bright. He always remember when flutter shy saw a shooting start she will close her eyes and take a wish. Angle thought it was foolish but maybe he could just try. Just once.as he close his eyes and make a wish. ''I wish...I could better understand her sometimes: she's always trying her best to not be a burden and it lurks me. She's so fragile and weak when she wants to be...but all I want is to have the power to protect her, to make her feel more happiness then she's ever known, to take off some of the burden. Is it so wrong to have these...feelings?'' Then. Nothing. He look around and sign. He stood up and turn back. He dint even notice a shooting star was about to hit him though it wasn’t just a star it was the nightfall. There as a loud boom was heard in the night witch made Fluttershy woke up from her slumber and ran outside as she saw an Animal? NO it has wings a Pegasus. A wounded Pegasus. “oh my” Fluttershy said in a worried tone and ran out of her house as she gently carry the stallion and with the help of her critters it became more easier to carry him up to her bed and started cleaning the mess on the stallion’s mane and furr Location: Canterlot Dark Phantom Fly over to Celestias window with a grin in his face. He have been playing with the guard by acting like a Vampony witch made them ran in fear while receiving some scolding from Celestia “It was a pleasure to talk with u once again Celestia id hope we can do this more often...” Dark said with a smile Celestia look up at him as she held the curtain of her room “well… I hope we can but ive been quite busy here at Canterlot” “well” Dark Phantom stood up “I shall wait for your next visit…” he take a glimpse at her ” tia” he said softly removing his mask with a smile and taking a step close to her Celestia blush placing her hand over her chest. Dark never called her Tia before. Dark phantom smile at her and place his hand over to her cheeks but only to stop him. He frowned “Celestia…” “im sorry Dark but my heart belong to someone” Celestia said as she look at him with a frown “Yes, The Shadow king “Dark whispered Celestia look at Dark with a frown “I’m sorry Dark.” She said as she face her back Dark look at her and shook his head with a frown. Stretching his wings “no” he said as he walk by the window “I’m sorry…” he said before he flew away and as fast as he could to be away from Canterlot Location: Everfree forest He reach the ever free forest as fast as he could. Wiping all the tears in his eyes and cursing himself from the love he was blind to live for “Focus” he clench his fist and fly down his home. He walk back inside his cave. The candle light up around his home when he spotted something he dint expected to see. There were blood in the floor with a dead bird. He gasp in realization and reach over the corner of his room. The Nightfall was missing Dark phantom grab quickly grab his saddle bag and as well as his coat and goggles "if the nightfall was taken before I came it wouldn’t gone far yet! “he said in grief “and were ever the nightfall have ended up to it cannot be held up with the wrong hands! " he spat as he cast a spell into his home so that no pony can ever enter he fly up in the night and hoping that he would find the nightfall because once the princesses know this not only will they get mad but he would also lose good friends. Suddenly a loud boom was heard from the sky “by Celestia” he mumble as he leap into the sky as fast as he could and searching around to pot the glow of the nightfall when storm came close to him “might be my bad luck” he growl and he reach into pony vile “were is it?” he growl as he look around more when he was accidentally push by a wondering Pegasus “Hey watch it!” Dark said as he watched the Pegasus fly away “Pegasus this days” he mumble as he continue to fly into the dark stormy night. Needless to say it wasn’t his lucky day when a storm suddenly hit him behind and he came crashing over the glass window of the castle. “Awe…” he groan in pain feeling his back and body in pain and numb “w-were am i…” he said in a weak tone and before he pass out he caught a glimpse of a purple… alicorn? > Angel Bunny > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Angel Bunny It was day. The rain has stop and Celestia raise the sun in the sky and darkness became hope once again for each and every one. Fluttershy wipe the dirt all over Angels coat and gently brush his hair. She look at him one more time and wonder what has happen to him. Why was he wounded and were did he came from? She let out a deep breath and cover Angel to keep him warm. Her animals look at him as if they know who it is and a little rabbit sniff Angel as it let out a cute little squeak. Fluttershy look at the little bunny and pick it up “hmmm… what is it lil loe?” she ask The bunny point at Angel and Fluttershy gave a nod “I know… I’m worried about what happen to him and I hope he gets better soon” she said with a frown The little bunny made a face palm and jump out of her hand and hop over to Angel when Fluttershy grab him once again. “lil loe let’s not bother the stallion. He needs a rest” she said as she walk by the door and her friends walk out to the room. The little bunny made a small squeak as it watch the door close. A few hours later. Angle bunny's eyes flew open as he felt his body ache so bad that he groan in pain "w-what happen" he thought as he sat down and stretch but it only ended up making him groan and hiss from the pain in his body but he ignore it for a meantime when he notice he was in Fluttershy’s bed. “How did I get here” he thought as he scratched his head and notice his fur was long and gold “w-what th-” "o-oh your awake" Angle shift his face to look were the sound came from and see Fluttershy holding a tray of food in her hands. "Flutter shy?" he said to his thoughts as he look at her. "a-are you alright?” she ask as she place the tray of food down the table how are you feeling?” She ask as her place her hand over to his head. Gently. To check if he is ill “o-oh u seem to be a bit hot” she said with a worried tone “A BIT HOT FLUTTERSHY WHY ARE U ACTING LIKE THIS?!” he thought as he stood up and Fluttershy take a step back with a gasp “s-sir?” “Sir?!” Angel bewilderedly thought as he notice something odd inside him then suddenly, everything hit him in realization as he look at himself “THIS ISNT MY BODY!” his eyes turn wide as he hop out of the bed and made loud clapping sound of his feet/hooves and he reach over the mirror. He have a short Golden mane. His eyes were dark and his fur was white thoe what made it more special is that he have wings and his cutie mark was none other than a bunny face of himself “im a p-pony” he thought as he face Fluttershy with a wide yet worried eyes “s-sir are u alright w-what happen to you?” fluttershy ask as she take a step forward Angel look at her and open up his mouth but nothing came out. He wanted to tell her that it’s him. Angel bunny. Her little Angel bunny. But only tears came out from his eyes as he walk forward to her Fluttershy watch him cry as she felt her heart ache. She thought the pony might have gone into something so tragic that made her cry too. She walk over to his and gave him a hug “please let it all out… everything’s going to be alright…” she said with a deep frown while she held him close to her Angel stop and look at her while he point himself “it’s me Angel” he said in his thoughts “What are you doing?” Fluttershy as she watch him point himself “you?” she ask Angel look at her and something came into his mind and he pointed his little bed. Fluttershy followed him and look at her little Angel’s bed “oh that’s Angel’s bed” she said with a smile “kind to think of it I haven’t seen Angel bunny when I woke up” she said as her eyes turn wide “and he hasn’t gone home too” she said as she felt her heart going to explode “I HAVE TO FIND HIM!” she said as she look at him and ran by the door but before she could reach it Angel grab her hand and pointed himself “Please… it’s me” he thought cursing himself from being a pony from the start and not knowing how to talk. Fluttershy look up at him “why are u pointing yourself you’re not my Angel” Angel bunny gave a nod “yes I am” he thought as he pointed his cutie mark of himself Fluttershy look at him “w-what? But how” Angel smile widely that finally fluttershy know that he is her Angel and he is safe. “We have to get you to twilight!” she said as she held his hand and walk out the house when suddenly a white light came into their view almost blinding them “Well hello there my dea-AAAHHH WHO IS THAT!” Discord said as his smile turn into a growl of jealousy “are you going to steal me and fluttershys FRIENDSHIP?” he said pointing his bear hands at him Angel look at Discord as he heard the word ‘friend’ and he made a growling sound “I’m fluttershy ‘only’ and best friend” he said in his mind as he come face to face with Discord “you dare me Rabbit?!” Discord said as he connected his index fingers together Angel nodded as he grab on the book and without hesitation he throw it at Angels face Discord let out a small scream “that’s it.” Snapping his fingers. A bucket of ice cold water appear over Angel and splash over him making him freeze “ha!” Discord laugh as he watch Angel shiver. Angel Glare at Discord and shook his head. He let out a loud hiss and he send another book to his face and Discord dodge it and about to snap his fingers once again when Fluttershy step in to stop them “stop it Discord. Angel bunny” “Angel bunny?” Discord ask as he look at angel then to fluttershy “Yes, this is Angel bunny and I don’t know what happen but for now I have to bring her to twilight” she said as she look at discord with her worried eyes “oh what if he is just pretending to be Angel but his actually someone who try to destroy us?” Discord look back at Angel and made a wide grin “oh, yes ill bring you both to twilight and let’s see what we can do …” he said as he snap his fingers