> My Unexpected life as a Changeling's wife > by Autum Breeze > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Expected Wedding of Flash Sentry? No Shit! Chapter 1 ___________________________________________________________ “Ha! Take that, Xaldin!” I cheered, getting him with another combo hit after what seemed like ages. Man, my work mates were right, playing on the hardest mode of Kingdom Hearts 2 was difficult at times, but the rewarding feeling you got from each victory, no matter how small, felt all the sweeter. Suddenly, Xaldin stopped mid-attack, his lances pausing. I hesitated, frowning. Had the game frozen? No, I’d still been moving Sora towards Xaldin when he stopped moving. Was the game glitching? “Hmm. A quick-thinking mind,” a voice said, sounding amused. “You’ll work nicely.” I blink, my frown become confused. That sounded like John de Lancie’s Discord voice. Huh? Suddenly Xaldin’s glitch stopped and his lances fired at me. “Oh, shit!” I cried, moving to react, but too late. Sora was now stuck in a chain and I had to watch in both disappointment and anger as his health was wilted down to nothing and the screen faded to black. I leaped up, slamming my fist down on the desk, ignoring the throbbing pain that came with that. Damn it! I’d been so close to beating him that time, he had less than half his last health bar left. I’d never gotten that close on the hardest mode. What the happened there? If Xaldin hadn’t frozen like that and then the game say something in John de Lancie’s Discord voice, something I didn’t remember ever happening during a battle with Xaldin in the other difficulty levels, I wouldn’t have been distracted and I’d have won. I’d been one combo away from beating him at last! Sighing, I sit back and wait for the Try Again icon to appear so I can start the battle again... only now noticing that the screen was still black. I frowned. That wasn’t right. I glanced at the PS2 and saw it was still on and I didn’t hear anything odd with the disc inside. I raised an eyebrow. Okay. What’s going on here? Suddenly the screen goes from black to blinding what in less than a second. I shout, shielding my eyes against the brightness... before everything goes black. ___________________________________________________________ I’ve got to run. Got to get away. I’m injured, badly. Stupid idiots didn’t realize that avalanche was more likely to kill me than allow them to capture me again. I don’t have a hard exoskeleton, like they do. I can barely stand, leaning against a tree for support. I have to get away. Have to... Ow! Man, my head is pounding. And what the heck were those weird thoughts I just had? Exoskeleton? Avalanche? I groan out loud, intending to push myself up. However, the groan I make, causing my mind to seize up. That... wasn’t my voice. In fact, it was very familiar, but not in a positive way. I slowly open my eyes and look blearily around. I’m at the edge of some trees overlooking a valley. I blink as I notice something that is very wrong. The world looks almost cartoonish, and with a very strong familiarity. I gulp, before asking, “Am I where I think I... am?” My voice still doesn’t sound right. It sounds... but, it can’t be. I try to get a feel of my body and simultaneously want to leap for joy, while at the same time feel myself cringe. I felt no fingers or toes at the ends of my hands and feet. I didn’t even feel hands and feet. I could feel hooves. Along with that, I could feel my mouth was different and that my ears were pulled back against my head and feeling very un-humanlike. There was also the feeling of two new appendages on my back, both of which twitchws at just the mere thought of them. I didn’t need my brain to clear to figure out what had happened, I’d written enough fanfics about it to know, even if I’d never really experienced it before personally. I was a pony, a Pegasus, if the wings were anything to go by and the fact that I didn’t feel a horn on my head. Now, normally, if this kind of thing happened to a brony in a fanfic, they were joyous beyond words and, this being real life, so should I and, for a moment, I was ... aside from one, glaring detail, that I could not ignore! The voice that had come out of my mouth, not only wasn’t my own, but was one I knew for reasons a lot of bronies did. Gulping, I rubbed my eyes with my new hooves to get the sleep out of them, then looked down at said hooves. They were orange, or rather, covered in orange fur. Okay, Pegasus, familiar voice and orange fur; not a good start. But I needed to keep looking. Maybe I’ll get lucky? Using a hoof, I brought a piece of my new mane from my right to get a look at its colour; blue. Deep breaths. Still one more thing to confirm what I was really hoping more than I had anything in my life was not my reality. I turn my new pony neck around to look at my flank. Sitting against the orange fur was an unmistakable shield with two different shadings in the shield of arms, two blue, two a more greyish-blue. “You have got to be kidding me,” I growled, glaring at the marking on my flank. “You have got. To be. Fucking. Kidding me! I wake up in Equestria, an impossible dream come true for any brony, also get to be a pony... and I’m FLASH FUCKING SENTRY! ARE YOU SERIOSULY SHITTING ME?! I WAKE UP IN A WORLD I’VE WANTED TO ALWAYS VISIT, BUT AS WORST PONY, A PONY EVERY SINGLE BRONY WANT TO BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF ONE SIGHT!? WHO THE FUCK THOUGHT THAT WAS FUNNY!” “We found him!” My head snaps in the direction of the voice. Good. I’m angry enough to beat to shit of out something. However, what I see does scare me almost enough to make me forget my anger. Changelings. Fucking Changelings! If I wasn’t so pissed off right now, I’d probably be fangasming or whatever it’s called. There’s twenty of them and they quickly surround me. You know, the fact that you’re a pony right now, don’t know how to use this new body and you’re surrounded by twenty Changelings is probably not a good thing, a voice in my head, the voice of reason, triied to tell me. I ignore it, though. I’m too pissed off at which pony I’ve woken up as and I’m going to take that anger out on these Changelings... provided Flash Sentry is a strong as his race of pony should be. Knowing my luck, he’s a total push over and I’ll be down in seconds. I glare at the Changelings, daring them to attack— “Well, we can’t let that happen, now, can we?” I barely register just whose voice I heard, along with my brain trying to process it, before the Changelings, all twenty of them, just suddenly vanished. I blinked, not having expected that. Staring at the empty area which used to hold the insectoid creatures, my brain was only just now starting to remind me they would’ve likely knocked me out, then drained me dry of all my emotions until I was a lifeless husk. “That was a little interesting,” the voice said again, before a mismatched creature made of many other animals appeared in front of me, its eagle and lion arms crossed, a smirk on his face. “I had a feeling you’d be perfect for this.” I blinked again. One half of my brain was trying to understand what he meant by that, while the other half was screamed IT’S FUCKING DISCORD! THIS IS SO AWESOME! with fanboyish... whatever it’s called for guys. “Hello? Equestria to Flash Sentry, are you there?” he called, knocking the top of my head with his eagle claw as if I were a door. I shook my head, coming out of the mind-lock and glared at him. “What did you do?” He blinked a few times, then pouted, folding his arms. “Is that the kind of thanks I get for saving an innocent life?” I growled, looking away. “Fine. Thanks for saving me from those changelings.” Even though I wouldn’t have be surrounded by them if you hadn’t done whatever the fuck it is you did to me that brought me here looking like Worst Pony in the first place. Now to quickly clear things up, I was never really much of a Flash hater as the rest of the fandom after his first appearance in Equestria Girls. Truth be told, I was moot on the whole thing. In my opinion, people could hate on him, or like him, I hadn’t cared which. However, things had kind of changed after Rainbow Rocks, and the fact that I now was him certainly wasn’t improving my opinion of the Pegasus. I glared back at Discord. “Now, why the fuck have I woken up as Flash Fucking Sentry? Last thing I was doing was trying to beat Xaldin in Kingdom Hearts 2, heard your voice, then woke up here after my TV blinded me.” Discord suddenly wasn’t there. A yawn made me whirl around (I have no idea when I got up, nor how the hell I was standing on four legs, but I paid no mind to that for now) to see him lying in a hammock, wearing a Hawaiian T-shirt. “Do you want the long version or the short version?” he stretched, putting his hands behind his head. “Because the short version is Flash escaped from the Changelings who captured him, almost died, and I saved him by fusing the two of you together.” I blinked, then growled. “Give me the long version... Wait, you did what to us?” My eyes widened in rage. He rolled his eyes. “What the problem? You’re a brony, aren’t you? Being in Equestria and getting to be pony is a dream come true for your lot, isn’t it?” My right eye twitched, and I vaguely took notice that I was seeing out of both eyes for the first time in over a decade, when I used to only see out of one, not to mention the fact that Discord knew about the fandom, but other thoughts pushed those out of my mind as I— you know, I have no idea what’s worse than a glare, but I was giving it to the dragonequus. “NOT AS FLASH FUCKING SENTRY!” I screamed, feeling my face heating up. “No brony in their right mind wants to turn into him!” Discord raised an eyebrow, before what looked like an iPad appeared in his lion’s paw and he flicked the screen with his eagle talon. “Then how come he became such a big thing in your fandom once that second movie came out?” Ignoring he’d just mentioned he knew about the second movie, I screamed, “BECAUSE HE FUCKING MADE TWILIGHT CRY! AND NO, DON’T YOU DARE TRY DEFENDING HIM WITH A “HE WAS UNDER THE SIREN’S SPELL” EXCUSE! I KNOW HE WAS, BUT THAT SHOULD’VE ONLY MADE HIM NOT AS FRIENDLY TO HER, NOT MAKE HIM TREAT HER LIKE DIRT! THAT SCENE ALONE MADE HIM BRONY ENEMY NUMBER ONE!” Again he just wasn’t there and I suddenly felt something resting atop my mane, hearing Discord sigh. “Very well. Always the boring way. Honestly, you and Twilight Sparkle are meant for each—” “Finish that sentence, and I swear to God, I don’t care if you’re an immortal being of chaos, I will beat the fuck right out of you!” A devilish grin spread across his face, one that immediately made me anger vanish to be replaced by fear. “I’ll keep that in mind.” That... ominous was way too weak of a word for it. For the first time since waking up, I actually was scared. Anger had helped. It had kept me from feeling fear for suddenly being in another world, in another creature’s body. Now, with my fear of that grin making me forget my anger, other fears started weedling their way into my brain, as Discord began to tell me the what what. “A few days ago, Twilight was part of a little gathering in Canterlot where Spike let his greed get him over his head again...” I blinked. When did this happen? When I was on Earth, it had been October 2nd. Rainbow Rocks had come out on the 27th of the last month, but I’d had to wait til the 2nd to actually see it. Whenever this thing with Spike’s greed again happened, it must have been after the movie in Season Five, I knew they were making one. Huh. I wonder if Spike became big again, just like the last time. I couldn’t help smirking, thinking of all those nobles terrified as the little dragon they belittled because he wasn’t like them, suddenly growing huge and destroying the city. I bet Blueblood wet his... oh, wait. He doesn’t wear pants. Probably still wet himself, though. “Oh, course, since Flash was one of Cadance’s personal guards, he was there too. During all the commotion, a group of Changelings took him by surprise, one pretending to be Twilight Sparkle and luring him away.” I blinked, paying attention again. “Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait,” I said, holding up a forehoof to stop him and looking up at my mane. “Why? What possible reason would the Changelings ponynap (did I just say ponynap) Flash Sentry? That doesn’t make any sense.” Discord shrugged, a giant banana appearing before him, pealing itself to show a normal sized banana within, the peal vanishing and he gulped it down. “Why else? He loves Twilight. Feed off of that and you’ve got a Cadance repeat, only in reverse.” I growled, smacking my head with a hoof. Great. So it’s confirmed Flash loves Twilight. Well, as long as he doesn’t say she reciprocates the emotions, we’re good. I felt a pat on my head and looked up to see Discord back to his regular size, standing in front of me, grinning. “Though the whole marriage thing was a bit much of plan, if you ask me.” My nostrils flared and I slammed him against the nearby tree. “You did NOT just tell me Flash Sentry and Twilight Sparkle are getting married!” I yelled. He blinked, before guffawing. “Oh-hoo-hoo-hoo. Flash and Twilight? Oh, dear me, no. I was referring to the wedding between Flash Sentry and Queen Chrysalis.” I sighed, pulling back and turning around. “Well, that’s a reli—” What he said suddenly registered and I whirled around, my eyes wide. “Wait, WHAT?” He nodded, a banner saying “Congratulations, Flash” printed on it, with an image of the Pegasus and the Changeling Queen holding each other in a tight embrace. “I— but— uh— wha?” I asked, my brain not quite working as it tried to wrap itself around a ship I’d never once considered. It failed. Multiple times. Badly. Discord nodded, wrapping an arm around me and placing a rose in the breast pocket of my tuxedo (which I knew I hadn’t been wearing a second ago) and laughed. “Just imagine, hundreds of little Changeling-ponies running around, calling you daddy.” “Hundreds?” I could feel my brain protesting to how much stuff it could not understand going through it at once. “Thousands, really,” the creature standing by me chuckled. “I doubt Chrssi, wouldn’t stop there. So many babies, so little time.” “Uuuuuhhhh,” was all I could manage with my brain going on strike until things stop not making sense anymore, which clearly wouldn’t be for a while. “Indeed,” Discord stood up, the rubbed his chin with his lion’s paw, I was only vaguely aware that i wasn't wearing the tux anymore. “Now, where was I? Ah, yes. Now, of course, one of the Changelings tried to still a little love from you whilst they transported you in a pod. The others weren’t happy and fought. The result led to your pod falling out and opening when it fell down a cliff.” “Wait! Hold on a minute!” I shouted my eyes wide. “Why in the hell would Chrysalis want to marry Flash, of all ponies? Since this is clearly a forced marriage, I’d have thought she’d force Twilight to marry her. That would make sense. Why the hell did she choose to marry Flash?!” Discord frowned at being interrupted, but I didn’t care. He’d just told me Flash was being forced to marry the Changelings Queen, and now I was Flash, meaning I’d be marrying her. No way in hell was that going to happen! He shrugged. “Oh, she would have, but she tried to do that and, don’t ask me how, because I clearly don’t know how it happened,” the fake innocent smile on his face made me think different, “but she just fell head over hooves with him and wanted him for herself. The fact that Twilight loves him was just the icing on the cake for her. Or should I say the wedding cake?” he winked. I glared. “wait a minute. You just said a little while ago that they did it so Chrysalis could feed off his love for Twilight.” He grinned, looking up innocently. “I do believe I never actually said it was the reason, did I?” I smacked my forehead. I was really starting to hate him... not to mention I still head a headache. I’d woken up with it, but it was mild enough to ignore. Having to deal with someone who follows the laws of his own world’s reality only a little more than Pinkie was not helping lessen, but increase it. Discord shrugged, then continued from where I’d interrupted as if I hadn’t said a thing. “By the time those Changelings messed up, of course, several days had gone by and the fact you were missing had become noticed. When Twilight detected Changeling magic around the last area you’d been seen, she freaked out.” And thus another part of me died. If Twilight freaked out about Flash going missing, when he wasn’t even her guard and they’d never spoken beyond Equestria girls (I know he appeared twice in season four, but those were just background appearances and a single line in second to last episode of the season), it meant Flashlight was a real ship. Sometimes, I hate life. I frowned, something suddenly catching my attention. “Wait. How come I’m here, then?” I glanced around. I couldn’t see a cliff for miles, just the trees behind and the open valley beyond. Discord’s face looked down at me from the leaves of the tree above me. “Oh, that was three days ago.” I blinked. Wow. Flash had managed to stay away from the Changelings after he escaped for three days. Regardless of my feelings towards the guy, I had to give him credit for that, at least. Discord’s face moved from side to side as his eyes closed, an indication he was shaking his head. “And yet, despite their orders being to bring you back alive, they thought causing an avalanche to bury you was a good idea.” Now I was frowning again. “Seriously? Were they really that stupid?” His face moved into the leaves, only for me to feel his eagle talon resting on my flank. “Yep. You got away, badly injured, I might add and him been running from them ever since. At least until you were at death’s door and the only way I could save you was by pulling you out of your world and fusing you to him.” Wow. Flash was badly injured and he still managed to escape the Changelings, and that was three days ago. Again, despite my feelings towards the guy, I was starting to respect— Wait. What was that last part? As if he’d read my mind, Discord nodded. “The only way I could save him was by fusing the two of you together. You’re still a pony, but you became the dominant mind, what with Flash pretty much being dead already.” I stood still, my eyes just staring ahead. “My... family...?” Discord chuckled. “More worried about your family than you are yourself at the moment? Well, that I didn’t expect. Sunbutt and the others would be very happy to hear that. Don’t worry, I erased any trace of you before 5:34PM on the 1st. As far as they’re concerned, you never came home from work.” I felt numb, my legs buckling underneath me. I was a missing person? My family would never know I was here? “Look on the bright side,” Discord said in a cheering voice, grabbing me in one arm. “Now you can live here, in Equestria, every brony’s dream. Plus, you get to marry royalty.” I flopped out of his grip and falling to the ground. “Hmm?” Discord seemed annoyed. He sighed. “If it can’t be helped.” He clicked his eagle talon. I blinked, shaking my head, before holding it in my hooves. My head felt weird, all fuzzy. I shook it again, then glared at the other male. “What the hell did you just do?” He shrugged. “I just made it so you wouldn’t be burdened by your feelings for your family.” I raised an eyebrow. “What do you...?” I blinked. Now that I was thinking about my family... I couldn’t remember their faces... or their names. “Well, Flash, what do you plan on doing now?” he asked, leaping up and laying in a hammock that wasn’t there a moment ago and was floating in the air in front of me, before a coconut appeared in his paw, with a straw inside and took a sip. I glared at him. “My name is not Flash Sentry! My name is Flash Sentry!” I paused, my face blank. “Did I just say...?” I quickly racked my brain, trying to remember my human name. To my horror, I couldn’t. I couldn’t even remember what I looked like as a human anymore. I looked to the lazing dragonequus with horror and hurt. “How...? How could you?” He frowns at him and harrumphs, the hammock and drink vanishing as he drops to the ground, his arms folded. “Typical. I go out of my way to save a pony’s life so that Twilight won’t be heartbroken and this is the thanks I get. Well, I know where I’m not wanted.” With that he vanished. I gritted my teeth, before shouting to the heavens, “DISCORD, YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE! IF I EVER SEE YOU AGAIN I’LL BEAT THE FLYING FUCK OUT OF YOU UNTIL YOU CAN’T EVEN MOVE!” Suddenly I felt a weight on my back, before Discord coiled around my body until his face was in front of my now terrified one. “I’d almost forgot. Thanks for reminding me.” There was a flash and he and the weight were gone. I blinked, my anger about to flare up again... before I noticed I felt different than I had seconds ago. I felt slimmer. My mane seemed longer, reaching within my peripheral version now. I squeaked as I realized I could feel I was missing something down below that I’d not been before. I lifted my right back leg and turned my neck, feeling myself whimper at what I saw. Any signs of maleness were gone and instead a had the lower body of... “A mare?” I sobbed, tears brimming in my eyes. “Over there!” gruff voices called. “I can see orange!” I whirled around in time to see six large white ponies wearing Royal Guard armour come through the trees. They were an even number of pegasi, unicorns and Earth Ponies. They all froze at the sight of me and I wilted under their mixed expressions of shock, confusion, suspicion and one expression that clearly just said “What the hell?”. Only theww words came to my mind to express my current situation. “Oh, fuck me.” Wait. I’m a mare now. Bad choice of words, really bad. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 ___________________________________________________________ I glance at each guard, my eyes wide with panic, hoping to God they hadn’t just heard what I said, or, if they did, understand I was swearing, not asking to get some. To my relief, they don’t come towards me. They each glance at each other, as if confused. I close my eyes and relax. At least that’s one less worry off my chest. Why did I have to go and say that, anyway? Talk about a stupid idea. I scream, my eyes shooting wide open, suddenly feeling something push its way into my newest hole, followed by pain, then more pain as something inside my breaks. I whirl my head back to see one of the guards, one of the two Earth Ponies, has come right up behind me and forced himself inside. “Get out!” I scream, fear making my voice crack as he begins moving in and out. My cry seems to snap the other guards out of the stupor seeing me had put them in. They charge forward, shoving the stallion riding me off, the other Earth Pony and two pegasi pining him to the ground. “What the hell is wrong with you?” one of the pegasi shouts at him. “She’s a vulnerable mare who’s clearly been through tartarus and yet the first thing you do is fuck her?” The guard underneath them blinks a few times, shakes his head, before his eyes widen. “What did I just do?!” The unicorn guards turn to me and I quickly back away from them in fear, my tail pressing against my aching snatch, whimpering. It still feels like he’s inside me. The unicorns step towards me, looks of concern on their faces. “Miss, are you alright? You seem... Miss? Miss!” I fall forward, the world going black to me. ___________________________________________________________ “Unbelievable. You’ve no doubt traumatized the poor dear!” “Hey, I swear, I don’t know what happened! One moment we’re all staring at this mare who looks like Flash if he’d been a mare, then I find the others pinning me to the ground and the mare backing away in panic.” “Just stay away from her! We female guards will look after her. After what you pulled I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s scared of stallions now.” I wince as I realize my whole body is aching. I can feel soft sheets underneath me. A part of my mind tells me to panic, but my body aches so much I can barely move. I can feel bandages and wrappings all over me. I’m lying on my right side. I can feel a splint on my exposed wing. It must be broken. I whimper as I feel the hot pain down in my nethers. My moan earns me some attention and I soon feel a gentle hoof on my shoulder. I flinch, but it remains there. “Deary, are you alright?” a gentle, soothing voice asks. I slowly open my eyes. My vision is still a bit blurry, but I can see what I think is a unicorn and from the voice, clearly a mare. She’s pink and her mane seems blue. I can’t make out more than that with my blurry vision at the moment. “What... happened?” I ask hoarsely, finishing in a hoarse squeak. Hearing that voice out of the mouth I’m using is really going to take time to get used to. The mare sighs, shaking her head. “Well, you fainted. It was due to stress, not to mention your injuries.” I give the tiniest nod, it being the only body movement I can do without causing myself pain. I wince again as I feel a searing from my loins. “My... my loins...” I say, trying to ask. She shushes me quietly, stroking my mane. “Don’t worry. That guard will be punished. Though he has asked if he can apologize. Does that help?” I sniffle, shutting my eyes. No. No, it did not help. It didn’t help at all. That feeling of having a male take control, while I was helpless to stop him... it terrified me. The unicorn makes some soothing sounds and I relax, if only a little. “Now, my name is Kind Heart. Who’re you and why do you look like a female version of Flash Sentry?” I look away. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” Kind gives a light chuckle. “We’ve a pretty good idea, but we want you to tell us. Is that okay?” I sigh, keeping my eyes closed. “I’m Flash Sentry.” A few sighs run from around me. “Damn changelings!” one of the female voices I’d heard earlier, one of the female guards, likely, hisses. “When did they learn to switch genders?” another female voice growls. “Why would they even do that?!” “To marry me.” I feel all eyes on me. I sigh. “I... don’t remember much. But, they... I heard them say, right before I was placed in the pod, that I was to be wed to their Queen.” “That... that’s just sick!” Kind gasps, stepping back. “Wh-why would they make you a female for that?” I chuckle darkly. Even if the changelings hadn’t been the ones to make me female, they probably could still have done it. “To make me a broodmare, why else?” Hey, I’d read enough fanfics where they did that that I wouldn’t be surprised if that was what Chrysalis had had planned for me after she’d forced me into marriage. “That... I can’t enough find the words,” another female voice says, sounding disgusted. “Did they even think to ask if...? No. They didn’t. Look at you. I doubt you asked for this.” Though I couldn’t see her, I knew she was indicating to my female body and replied with a small nod. “What... what happens to me now?” I ask, trying to get up. As well as hearing Kind Heart telling me to not try moving to much, my body screamed at me to cease all movement, so I complied with both. I hear a one of the mares from earlier sigh. “We’re in a small camp we set up. We’ll stay for a while, until you’re healed enough to at least be moved. Then we’ll be taking you back to Canterlot. Princess Twilight and your sister will be most relieved.” I blink. “Sister?” I can hear them all turn their heads, not to mention something strange was happening. The air feels... denser, all of a sudden. I can’t figure out why though. “F-Flash,” Kind Heart asks, her voice hesitant, “what do you remember?” I blink again, not understanding the question. “I’m... afraid I don’t follow.” One of the guards comes into my field of vision. She ias a unicorn, with a black coat, yellow mane and what looks like a cluster of blue stars for a Cutie Mark. “What do you know about yourself?” I frown slightly. “I’m Flash Sentry. I’m a Royal Guard in service to Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, better known as Cadance. And...” I blink, gulping. “That's... that's all I know, actually.” Damn it. Now I wish the show had flushed Flash's pony self out a bit more. I'd only seen him in those two scenes Equestria Girls and he'd only had two other appearances, both of which were very brief and only one where he talk. And even then, it was one line. This is bad. The little info I’d just given could easily be misinterpreted as a changeling spy posing as, well, me and not being given much Intel on the subject they were replacing. I chuckle inwardly. Aside from the changeling part, that is pretty much the case with me. My inner laughter at my own expense is halted with the dense feeling in the air from before grows far stronger, making me wince. What the heck is that? “She’s not a changeling posing as Flash, right?” one guard asks, sounding annoyed at the idea. “No,” says the unicorn one who’d asked me what I remember. “We put the test on both her and the guard when they returned. They’re clean. Well... aside from...” “No,” another says, sounding firm. “We agreed that was only interference from her long-term exposure to their magic in the pod they put her in. She’s a pony, just like any of us.” I whimper as the dense feeling in the air is mixed with something hot. I want to curl up and hold my head, but my body doesn’t move. “Alright, that’s enough!” Kind Heart’s voice says loudly, in a voice sounding not at all kind, halting all the other talks. “I have a patient to tend to and your arguing around her isn’t helping the situation any. Out now, all of you!” There are grumbles from the other mares, but the file out. Once they’ve all left, my body relaxes. The dense feeling in the air has almost completely gone, and the hot feeling is much weaker. I feel a hoof stroke my mane and turn it to look at Kind Heart, who’s smiling sadly at me. “You can’t even remember your own sister?” I shake my head a little, actually feeling tears form in my eyes as I realize what this means. Flash has a sister. When said sister finds out the brother she loved is now a sister who can’t even remember her, it’ll crush her heart. Kind leans closer, pulling me into a hug, letting me rest my head on her shoulder. “Shh, shh. It’s okay. It’s not your fault. It might come back with time, we’ll just have to wait it out.” I nod, sniffling as a few tears slid down my cheeks and onto her coat. Once I’ve calmed down enough, she rests me back in the bed and gives me a look over, explaining my physical condition to me as she does so. It seemed I was in pretty bad shaped. As I suspected, my wing was broken, some of the ligaments needing repositioning. My right foreleg was also broken, along with my left hind leg. My other legs were sprained a little, but nothing too serious. I’d suffered some head trauma, no duh, which was why the bandages were around my head. However, as Kind finished my check up, I winced at a new feeling. My new female parts were burning and not from pain. It was as if a sun was down there, burning outward from within me. When I ask what was happening with that, Kind Heart chuckles uneasily. “Oh, my. It seems they really were planning on using you for... breeding,” she says hesitantly. I frown at her. What the hell was that supposed to mean? She blushes, looking away. “Um... Flash. I... I don’t really know how to tell you this, but... you’re in heat.” ... ... And thus my life is officially fucked. ___________________________________________________________ I lay in my makeshift bed in the hospital tent, whimpering ever few minutes. It’s been three days since I woke up and found myself with other ponies. Five days since I’d learned I apparently now had a sister I couldn’t remember. Five days since finding out I was in my estrus cycle. I whimper as I feel my snatch wink again, demanding I tend to it, but am unable to do so. This is torture. Why did Discord have to turn me into a mare in the first place? And why the bloody hell did he make sure I was in heat when he did. From what Kind Heart has told me, I shouldn’t be in heat since Heat Season wasn’t til spring and it was currently early autumn. So, why the hell was I in heat? “Well, don’t look at me.” My head snaps to my right to see the dragonequus laying on the bed next to me, his arms behind his heat. I glare at him. “And why shouldn’t I? You fused me with Flash, then turned me into a mare in heat!” He tutted. “No. I only turned you into a mare. The fact that you’re in heat is something you can thank the changelings for.” I open my mouth to retort, but pause. “What?” Discord sniffs, sticking his nose in the air. By that I mean he literally took his nose off and hung it in the air... while still having it on his face? “All I did was speed up what the changelings were going to do to you anyway. It was going to happen eventually, even if they never found you.” I blink, staring at him. “Wh... wha?” Discord sighs, looking a little bored already. “I’ll spell it out for you. You were already changing before you escaped. The metamorphosis would have happened even without my interference. It would, however, have been long and painful as your body changed to its new gender. By speeding up the process, I saved you the pain. You're welcome,” he finished, a bit of sarcasm entering his tone. I remain still for several moments, letting his words sink in. The changelings had already started turning me into a female? Had that been why I had that headache when I came to as Flash? It was my body’s response to the change occurring within it? I frown, looking to him. “If the headache was because I was slowly turning into a mare, why is my head still pounding?” It was. My head hasn’t stopped feeling like someone is banging symbols inside it since I’d first woken as Flash. If it was from the change from male to female, how come it was still present? Discord gives a smirk, one I really didn’t like. “I don’t remember saying the headache was from you shift from male to female.” Before I could ask further, he vanished. I glower at the bed he’d been laying on, before slumping back in my bed and closing my eyes, massaging my forehead with the hoof from my not-broken foreleg. A sudden jolt from my nethers makes me whimper. The good thing about Discord is he’d distracted me from my heat. Now, it was again the only thing I could really think about. I hate my life. ___________________________________________________________ “You holding up okay, Flash?” one of the female guards asks as we trudge up the road towards Canterlot, the male guards staying far at the back of the group. I make a small noise, but don’t say anything. It’s been over two weeks since I woke up as Flash, only to wind up a rule 63ed version of him. Once I’d recovered enough to be moved, the male guards, who’d thankfully been keeping their distance from me after that ass who pretty much raped me, had made a stretcher of sorts. It was pretty much a bed that could be carried, ensuring my injuries wouldn’t be made worse as we moved. I was thankful we hadn’t run into any changelings along the way, those I could likely attest that to Discord using his magic to divert them whenever they came within range of us. I had no doubt he was watching over our group. I could even swear to see him a few times, or at least his eyes, through some foliage. He’d wink, then vanish. My non-broken legs weren’t hurting as much anymore and my broken legs were doing far better. Had I been human, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have healed so much by now. Didn’t I once read a fic where someone said pegasi heal quickly due to their Pegasus magic? A fair while later, we make it into Canterlot. The streets are clear, though many ponies are hanging around, all watching our procession as we move by. Many of them look at me with great pity and I feel like the air itself is filled with it. I honestly can’t say if I don’t deserve it. Even if I did know I wasn’t Flash originally, I was him... well, her now, with no memories aside from what I knew from the show. I pretty much was your basic case of someone who doesn’t know who they are. However, I noted how every male looked at me with a glint in their eyes, their nostrils flaring as well as a feeling in the air that made me shudder for reasons I couldn’t explain. They were smiling my heat. I cursed Chrysalis with every fibre of my being. It was her fault this was happening. Discord may be the reason I myself am experiencing it, but she started it all. By the time we reached the palace, along with the crowd that had followed behind us, I just wanted to find somewhere to hide and not speak with anypony. As we walked through the doors and they closed behind us, however, a short caused my head to shoot up. “Big brother!” An orange blur shot towards me, leaping into the air and slamming into me. I fall onto my back, wincing at the pain from my still injured body. At once though, I become aware of sobbing. I lift my head and see what barreled into me... my eyes widening for a moment before they saddened at the sight. An orange Pegasus filly with a purple mane and tail and a blare flank was clinging to my chest, her body jerking with sobs. “I-I-I thought I’d never see you again,” she blubbered, rubbing her head into my fur. There’s another fan theory proved, I guess. Scootaloo and Flash Sentry are siblings. “Hey... Scoots,” I say, the words feeling hollow on my tongue. They aren’t the words of her sibling. They’re the words of a stranger. It’s now that Scootaloo looks to my face. Her expression turns to a frown of confusion. She pulls back a bit, looking at me with a cocked head. “Um... you are Flash, right?” she asked with uncertainty in her voice. I look down, sighing. “Yeah, Scoots. I am.” Her frown deepens. “But... my brother’s a guy. How come you’re a mare?” A scowl comes over my face as I look away. “You can thank that bucking Changeling Queen for this.” Did I just say bucking? Scootaloo’s frown becomes confused again. “Huh? Why? What did the changelings have to do with you becoming a mare?” I laugh darkly, turning to her. “She wanted to marry me and make me a broodmare.” Her frown of confusion became just confusion. “What’s a broodmare?” I would scold myself for informing such a young filly about such a topic, but I’m too tired. “She wanted to make me give her babies. Lots of babies.” Scootaloo processes this for a moment, before her eyes widen in horror and her mouth hangs open. “She was going to use you as a baby factory.” “Not quite how I’d have worded it, but yeah,” I say, shaking my head. “If the guards hadn’t found me when they did, I’d have been recaptured and taken to their hive.” “That horrible...” Scootaloo begins to say, but I give her a look, pretty sure she was about to swear. “Sorry.” I sigh, shaking my head. “If there’s anypony who should be apoligizing, Scoots... it’s me.” This makes her look at me with confusion again. “You? Why?” I close my eyes and lower my head in shame. “I... I don’t remember anything about being your brother. I... I didn’t even know I was your brother until I saw you. Those damn changelings. Because of them, I can’t remember anything!” It's true, technically. If not for the changelings, Scootaloo would still have her big brother and I’d still be back on Earth as a normal human being. Scootaloo looks at me with those big, purple eyes and it breaks my heart seeing the hurt in them. “You... you don’t remember being my brother? You don’t remember... anything?” Tears slide down my muzzle as I give a single nod. “I’m so, so sorry, Scoots.” The filly rushes forward again, hugging my barrel. “No!” she sobs, shaking as she holds onto me, the only being I can really think of as family anymore. “It’s not your fault! It’s their fault! You don’t have to apologize.” I hesitate, before wrapping my better foreleg around her and hold her close. I can feel a warmth coming from her... and it’s making me feel better. I haven’t felt anything like it since I first came to Equestria. It was like the warmth I’d gotten from the female guards and Nurse Kind Heart, but so much stronger. We stay that way for a while. “Um... Flash?” the small filly’s voice is muffled by my fur. “Yeah, Scoots?” “Does this make you my big sister now?” I suddenly feel a tightness in my chest and pull her closer. Scootaloo’s lost her brother. But I’ll make sure she never loses her sister. “Flash!” My head jerks up at the voice that called my name. Another blur is coming towards me, this one purple. Oh, this is gonna hurt. It did. A lot. A lavender mare immediately identifiable as Twilight Sparkle slams into me, meaning I find myself one again on my back. “Flash!” she wailed, wrapping her forelegs around my tightly. I open my mouth to tell her that, as touching as it is that she is so happy to see me, she’s squashing Scootaloo between us. However, I don’t get farther than opening my mouth. At once the warm feeling I’d gotten when Scootaloo hugged me hits me again, only this time it’s like a train made of the feeling slams into me. I’m barely able to acknowledge the overwhelming warmth coming from Twilight, before the whole world goes black. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 ___________________________________________________________ “Please tell me you’re joking?” a voice says from somewhere. It sounds faint, as if from down a long tunnel. I can tell it’s worried, though how I know I can’t say. “I’m sorry, Princess,” says another voice, sounding just as far away, though there is regret behind it masked by firmness. “We went over the tests multiple times, before you did the same. The results haven’t changed once.” “But it can’t be!” the first voices says again, sounding a bit closer this time, as well as louder. “The doctor’s know what they are doing,” another voice says. This one has worry etched in it, along with several other things I can’t place. “You know they would not lie about this.” I slowly open my eyes to see white. I blink for several moments, before I realize I’m looking up at a ceiling. “euh...” is all I can manage to get out of my mouth. “She’s awake!” I slowly turn my head, before wincing. My head is pounding worse than ever and I feel like my body is laying in tar. In my blurry vision I see something orange and purple. Sadness and worry are coming off it. ... How do I know that? I wince as my head throbs again. “E-easy, Flash,” a quivering voice, the one from before says and I feel something gently press on my shoulder from the side the orange blur came from. After what feels like forever my vision clear enough to see things clearly. I’m in a hospital room of some kind. Scratch that, it looks like a hospital wing; most likely the one in Canterlot Castle. I’m laying in a bed, wearing a mange-green hospital gown. Standing around the bed are several ponies. Scootaloo is closest to me, her face soaked with tears, though she’s giving a weak smile. The other ponies are Kind Heart and two other doctors, both mares. Standing by them is... I sigh, closing my eyes before opening them again and looking at the other pony; a lavender Alicorn with a blue mane and tail with a purple stripe through them and a purple six-pointed star surrounded by five white stars Cutie Mark. Princess Twilight Sparkle. Though, from the way she’s looking at me, eyes filled with such despair... I have a feeling she was more to Flash than just a princess. “Flash?” she asks tentatively, taking a few steps around til she close to my other side. “Do you...? Do you really not remember anything?” I sigh, shaking my head. “I’m sorry...” I sigh again. “Am I allowed to just call you Twilight?” She nods, sobbing. I close my eyes, then look at her with genuine sadness. “I’m sorry, Twilight. The Flash Sentry you knew... he’s gone and... I honestly don’t think he’ll be coming back.” She burst into tears and pulls me close. I feel a warmth coming from her, like I had before I black out, but it feels different this time. It feels... colder, less happy. My sense of moral tells me to comfort her, but my body feels so sluggish; it won’t move properly. Instead, I do my best to lay my head against her, murmuring that it’s okay. It’s the best I can do right now. After several minutes of Twilight sobbing into my neck, a cough from one of the doctors makes the three of us look to her. She’s an alabaster unicorn with blue eyes and a red mane and tail. “Mr... um, Miss Flash,” she says, her voice a bit hesitant, but a nod from me spurs her on. “Do you know why you fainted when Princess Twilight came at you in the hall?” I sense sadness from the lavender mare, different from before. I sigh, shaking my head. “All I remember is this wall of some warm energy slamming into my like a freight train. Next thing I know, I’m waking up here.” The unicorn sighs. “As I expected. With what the results show... it shouldn’t be surprising.” I blink, before remembering what I’d heard as I became conscious. “Um... what exactly is wrong with me? You know, other than the fact I’m now a mare with no proper memories of anything,” I add, giving a weak smirk. Kind Heart sighs and steps forward. “The Changelings...” she pauses, looking away. “Remember how your gender changed because of them.” I almost think of correcting her, before I remember what Discord told me. While he was the one to fully change my gender, I would have ended up female because of what the Changelings had done to me beforehand anyway. He just sped up the process. I give a small nod, before wincing. Doing that with this headache was not a good idea, in hindsight. Kind Heart nods, before closing her eyes. “Your gender isn’t the only thing they changed.” I blink. Why do I have a bad feeling about this? The doctor from before coughs. “It seems that, whilst you were held captive, before you escaped and lost your memory, along with you gender your... DNA suffered, as well.” It takes a few moments to process her words. Once their meaning hits me my blood runs cold. “I... I have... Changeling DNA?” The doctor nods solemnly. “Luckily, it seems you got away before the change could go beyond your gender and slight alterations to your physical body.” I gulp. “L-like...?” The doctor gives a cold smirk. “What do you think knocked you out?” I blink. “Something warm. I felt it from Scoots when she came to me. When Twilight came close, I felt it again, though it hit me like...” I blink several times, my eyes going wide. “You mean I...?” Kind Heart nods. “While the change to your body isn’t much, you know have enough Changeling DNA within you that you now seem able to sense emotions like their kind does.” I frown. “And just how do you know how a Changeling senses emotions?” I want to trust Kind Heart, but what she just said, coupled with everything I’ve learn my body’s been through since before I woke up in it, I feel a need to be cautious. Now that I’m aware of my emotion sensing abilities, I can feel a nervousness coming from the unicorn mare as soon as I pose my question. “Studies on Changeling bodies have yielded much information about their kind,” the third doctor, a green unicorn with a brown mane and tail and grey eyes says matter-of-factly. It takes a moment for part of what she said to process and I feel myself shiver. To study bodies... they’d have needed dead Changelings. I could only assume they were the bodies of though found after the Canterlot Invasion back at the end of season 2. I’d rather assume that, anyway. Then I remember why we were even talking about that and shudder. I’m part Changeling. Great. I can feel Twilight and Scootaloo’s anxiety and, using what strength I have, give them weak smiles. “Has everypony forgotten about me?” It’s only now that I notice one more pony amongst those gathered near my bed and my eyes widen in shock. Standing nearby is the tall, white-coated, flowing multi-coloured maned mare that I know right away is none other than Princess Celestia. It’s strange. The Brony part of me wants to jump with joy... but it’s remaining quiet as well. Guess the severity of my situation shut him up a long time ago. I give a weak smile. “Princess Celestia...” I only now notice how hoarse my voice sounds. “I’d bow... but I’m not really capable right now.” She shakes her head. “Understood, Flash Sentry. You have been through a lot.” I lean back, enjoying the warmth coming from Scoots and Twilight. Though I feel a bit guilty as the emotions are meant for the Flash Sentry they know and love, not the cardboard cut-out I am, it still makes me feel a bit better. That is until I hear a spell being cast. I open my eyes and lift my head a little to see the third doctor’s horn losing an almond-coloured glow. “What kind of spell did you just cast?” I ask, confused. I couldn’t feel any heeling magic being used on me, I remember how it felt since Kind Heart had used it on me a few times on the way to Canterlot. All three mares blush. Strangely, Twilight leans up, a blush on her own face. Hell, even Celestia is blushing, if only slightly, but it really shows against her pure white fur. “Um, Flash...” Twilight fiddles with her hooves. “You’re in heat.” I give her a deadpan look, or at least the best I can manage of one. “Kind Heart already told me that. I’d rather not have it rubbed in my face, thanks.” Twilight’s blush seems to deepen. “Yes, but... you’ve got it really, really bad.” I blink, before gasping, my legs, though immobile, trying desperately to push themselves together. Oh, sweet merciful lord. It’s worse than before. My nether feel like someone’s holding hot wax against them. I whimper, shutting my eyes. “C-can you make it stop?!”I barely manage to finish without gasping. Everypony aside from Scootaloo sighs, before I feel a tingling around me and the searing heat dies away slightly. It’s not as bad now, but I can still feel it. “I’m afraid that’s all we can do for you, Flash,” the green unicorn says, shaking her head. “I think the Changeling DNA within you is making it worse. At best, we can lessen the feeling of your heat. However, the only way to really stop it is—” The look on my face stops her and she looks away, blushing. I slump back, letting my head rest against the pillow. I am not having sex with a stallion. No. Fucking. Way. “So, the other spell?” I ask, able to properly think without that distraction from my nethers being so prominent. “The one you cast before. What was it?” Kind Heart sighs. “It was a dissipation spell. It stops the smell of your heat from leaving your bed.” I take a good sniff and wince. Oh, God. That’s strong. Pretty sure if I were still a guy, that scent would’ve made me dead to everything but. “Gratitude.” “Come, my little ponies,” Celestia says to everypony, clearly even meaning Twilight and Scootaloo. “Flash will need her rest.” Pretty sure I’ve rest enough, but with my body the way it is right now, I can’t really object. My heart aches a bit more at the look on Scootaloo’s face. I move my good foreleg and ruffle her mane. “Hey, squirt. You’ll see me soon, okay?” She gives me a weak smile, before following the others out. Twilight pauses for a moment, before returning and kissing me, right on the lips and whispering, “Please get better soon,” then hurried off to join the rest of the retreating ponies. Long after the doors have closed and silence has fallen, save the beeps of the machine connected to me, I’m still laying in bed, my eyes wide. Did... did I seriously just get my first kiss... and from Twilight freaking Sparkle? Oh, God. How many Bronies would be fuming in jealousy if they could see me right now? When I finally manage to pull myself out of my mind-lock and slump into the bed and stare up at the ceiling. Even if only for a few days, this is going to be a long wait until I’m out of this room and I have a feeling I’m gonna hate every minute of it. ___________________________________________________________ “Where is our child?!” a slightly scratchy female voice shouts, following the doors to the hospital wing being thrown open with a loud bang. I almost jump out of my bed in fright, Scootaloo yelping, just as startled. It’s been about two days since I first woke in this hospital. My injuries are pretty much healed. Gotta love a Pegasus’ rapid healing ability. Twilight and Scootaloo have visited both days. Though I have scolded Scoots for skipping school just to be with me... even though she is justified in wanting to be with her older sibling who’s been missing for so long now. Earlier this morning, Princess Cadance and Shining Armour visited. They told me I was still a member of the Royal Guard and my condition would not mean my having to leave. It was nice, knowing that, despite fans hating Flash’s guts, the ponies were caring about my situation and being considerate. Princess Cadance told me I could return to the guard whenever I wanted and that there was no pressure for my return too soon. She didn’t want me coming back under 100%. However, despite my body having healed thanks to my Pegasus magic, my headache hasn’t gone away. No matter what the doctors do, they haven’t yet been able to find the reason for my constant headache, but have chalked it up to my body trying to adjust to the new Changeling part of me. And that banging and shout certainly isn’t helping my headache in anyway. However, I’m barely given time to consider this before I’m pulled into the grip of somepony, who holds me tightly. After I manage to get some air back into my lungs I focus on the pony standing behind the one holding me. I blink. It’s Soarin of the Wonderbolts. Huh? I shift my head a little and my confusion only grows. The pony holding me tightly, as if afraid I’ll vanish if she lets go... is Spitfire? “I-I... I thought we’d never find you,” the captain of the Wonderbolts sobs into my neck, tears running down her face. “Um...” I say, not really sure what’s going on here. “Mom, it’s okay,” Scootaloo says, putting a hoof on the older Pegasus’. “Flash is back. Our family’s together again.” ... ... What? I blink, looking at Scootaloo with wide eyes. Scootaloo’s parents are Spitfire and Soarin? Okay, yeah, it had been a fun theory some fans had talked about, but it’s legit? Wait a minute. Scootaloo is Spitfire and Soarin’s daughter? But... she’s Flash’s little sister. Wouldn’t that mean...? You. Have. Got. To be. Kidding me. Not only is Flash Scootaloo’s sister, but the child of Spitfire and Soarin?! I feel the world fade away as my brain shuts down and, for some reason, I keep hearing the words “Does not compute” over and over as I lose consciousness. When I wake up a few hours later, I actually ask Spitfire if what I thought before passing out is correct. Yep. It is. It seems Spitfire and Soarin are a lot older than the show made them seem... or ponies just age far better than humans, which wouldn’t surprise me, really. I feel guilty again at having to tell ponies important to Flash’s... well, my life, that I can’t remember them as my parents. Hell, the only times I’d seen these two hadn’t really ever suggested them being married, let alone parents. Though, comparing myself and them, I can see the resemblances. My coat is like Spitfire’s and my mane and tail match Soarin’s pretty well too and I can even see the resemblances in Scootaloo, now that I’m thinking about. Soarin says that he is a bit surprised that I’m a mare now, but Spitfire says it doesn’t matter, because I’m still their child. That does make me feel a bit better, really. We spend the rest of the day talking, them reliving memories of me in my foal years... jeez, that sounded even weirder than I thought it would in my head, and the mishaps I got into. One thing that made me swell with pride was how they told me I’d always looked out for Scoots when she was little... though I hadn’t apparently been able to do much since being promoted in the Royal Guard, which seemed to take place before season 1 of MLP from how Scoots talks about Twilight not being in Ponyville at the time and it had apparently gotten harder since I’d been assigned to the Crystal Empire. When visiting hours are over, Spitfire asks when I should be out. I tell her I’ll be out of the hospital wing tonight, but I’ll be staying in the castle in one of the guest bedrooms until the princesses are sure it’s safe for me to leave the castle. After all, there’s no telling if the Changelings are waiting to come back for me. As soon as the door closes, however, and I can no longer hear their hoofsteps or sense their emotions, I gasp, falling back against my bed and curl into myself, whimpering. My heat is horrible! The spells that had lessened it before aren’t working anymore. I try hiding it, my brain reminding me that the reason I’ve been able to hide it so well is because of the Changeling DNA within me and maybe I’ve a teensy bit of their disguise magic, though it’s hard to focus on that with their burning. I wish I could end this horrible heat, but the only way I can think of that happening is something I do not want to do. I quietly sob, thinking that, at least once I’m moved to my own room in the castle, I can try and ride this out in their until it ends. I just hope that time comes soon, because this is just torture! ___________________________________________________________ I slowly open my eyes, blinking blearily in the morning sunlight trickling through the curtains. I’m laying in a lush four-poster bed in one of the castle’s many guest suites. It’s been a few days since I got out of the hospital wing and was moved to stay in this room. I sigh, closing my eyes. I feel so relaxed. Every morning prior, when I’ve woken up, it’s been to that horrible heat, which always made me wish I hadn’t woken up in the first place. Now, I feel a peacefulness. No heat. No burning sensation. Sure, I've still got that pounding headache, but I've gotten used to it by now, so can ignore it. With my heat no longer bothering me, the only thing I feel is the slushing of my stomach as I role over and... Wait. WHAT?! My eyes jerk open, only to widen further at the sight before me. Laying next to me, a cute scrunch expression on her face as she sleeps... is Twilight Sparkle! I can feel a happiness flowing from her thanks to my new emotional sensors. I freeze as I realize my stomach is pressing against hers... and feels a LOT bigger. With ragged breaths, I lower my head and barely suppress a scream. My stomach is bloated out and distended. I look like I’m several months pregnant! I shudder as memories of the previous night flash before my eyes. I’d spent every day since getting out of the hospital in this room, not leaving it once, using the bathroom for the room itself as opposed to going out. I had a good reason. My heat was worse than ever before. I’d even gotten desperate enough to clop myself off, if only to try and relieve the burning somewhat. That was a stupid idea, in hindsight as it had only made things worse, yet I’d kept going, thinking it might work. It got to the point where I was a quivering mess and could barely do more than lie in my bed and whimper. Then, last night (shortly after I’d made another failed attempt to stop the burning with my own hooves), Twilight had come in to see what was wrong, since I hadn’t left the room at all and she was getting really worried. She’d also been sporting a, um, new appendage. Apparently the idea that Alicorns are hermaphrodites is also true. I blush, remember how the sight of her massive member alone had caused my marehood to shudder, not to mention what followed after, the feeling of being filled by... God, did I really scream that loudly?! I hope this room is soundproofed like Princess Luna’s room was theorized to in the fandom. And... oh, God. Did was I really that drunk on pleasure that I willing gave Twilight a blow— Nope! Nope! I am not even going to finish that last sentence, lest I need to go for phyciatric help. Then again, that probably isn't too far off in my future, given my current mental state at this point. I stare down at my swelling belly and prod it with a hoof, shuddering as I feel the fluids within slushing around. My eyes widen in horror. I’m part Changeling now! What if part of that was the reproduction of Changeling. Oh, God! Please don’t tell me I’m pregnant with dozens of babies due to Changeling anatomy! I lean forward, shuddering as I feel my bloated belly pressing against Twilight’s slim frame. “T-Twilight?” She shifts, smacking her lips, before slightly opening her eyes, giving me a small smile. “Good morning, Flash. Feeling better?” I blush scarlet and look away. “Um... i-in regards to my heat? Y-yeah. B-but...” She blinks, seeming to wake up more as she looks at me intently. “But what?” I gulp, returning my gaze to her. “Don’t you feel it?” She blinks, then blinks again as recognition enters her eyes and she glances down at where I’m physically making contact with her. I move a bit back, allowing her to see my huge stomach. Her eyes widen. “It hasn’t gone down?!” An icy chills creeps through my at her words and the uncertainty in her voice, along with the fear I’m feeling from her. “Was...? Was it meant to?” Twilight blushes. “We-well, Rainbow Dash also said it does. I-I mean, I’ve never done what we did, not even as a unicorn and— Flash, why hasn’t your belly gone down?!” “Why would I know?!” I shout back, both in anger and fear. “I’ve only been a mare for a short time, Twilight! And I can assure you I’ve never done... that until last night! What if I’m pregnant?!” At this, Twilight’s expression becomes a deadpan. “It would take longer than that for you to get pregnant, Flash.” “But I’m part Changeling!” I scream, trying to sit up, but finding my rounded stomach is hampering me. “Wh-what if I got more than just their ability to sense emotions? What if I got their reproductive abilities too?! You saw how many Changelings there were at your brother’s wedding!” The fear coming from her that had backed away for her annoyance at my previous words returns at a steamroller’s pace as her eyes go wide. “Y-you don’t think...?” she whispers. “I don’t know!” I cry, shuddering. “Why else would my stomach still be so big?! I don’t think I’ve got down a big since you finished in my last night.” Inwardly I blink. Did I seriously just say that? God, my life is so weird now. ___________________________________________________________ I’m laying on a hospital bed (again) as we wait for a doctor to come. I feel so uncertain of everything and fearful as I lay on my side, my stomach stretching out from me, tears sliding down my face. I can’t be pregnant. Please, don’t let me be pregnant. I’m barely coping with everything else that’s going on, I can’t be pregnant too! Twilight is sitting next to me, her hoof on mine, murmuring that it’ll be okay. Easy for her to say, she’s not the one possibly carry God only knows how many babies inside her. After what feels like forever, a doctor finally come to see us. He’s a brown unicorn with a blue mane and tail and a medical object I have never seen before, nor know how to describe it. Best I can say is a syringe blended with a bottle. “So what’s the prob...lem...?” he trails off at the sight of my stomach and my tears. “I’m... you were only in here a few days ago right?” I nod. He scratches his head. “Um... ponies can’t get pregnant that fast can they, or has medical reality changed since yesterday.” Twilight gulps. “We need a pregnancy test. She and I... well... last night we... She’s big because I...” He nods. “I understand, Your Highness. All castle medical staff are briefed about Alicorn biology. So... I’m guessing she’s this big because you...?” The look we give him tells him not to ask further. He nods, his horn glowing. “Alright, Miss Flash. I’ll be casting a pregnancy searching spell, but we’ll also be doing physical tests, just in case the spell test doesn’t work due to your new Changeling DNA.” I nod and he starts to cast the spell. I feel the magic tingling over me. It feels weird, but not unpleasant. Once the spell is finished he shakes his head. “It doesn’t seem your pregnant... however, the records show you’ve been in heat and... if Princess Twilight’s...” he coughs, “is inside you, it may still happen or could be interfering with the spell’s accuracy. Not to mention the full results will take a little time. Shall we do a urine test as well?” I nod and he goes off to fetch a basin for me. Twilight passing the time, and takes my mind a little off my bloated belly by telling me about the last few days, how she’d wanted to give her some space, guessing she was still adjusting to being a mare and the fact that she was in heat. However, Scootaloo had come to her, expressing her worries about me, making me feel guilty for leaving Scoots out, not to mention Spitfire and Soarin, which had caused Twilight to start second guessing herself. After some thought, she’d decided she needed to confront me about it and gone to me room. Blushing, she tells me that last night she knocked on the door to my room and had waited for a response. When none came, she’d used her magic to unlock the door and slowly, but quietly opened it to peek inside. The moment the door was open though, Twilight had reeled back. The room stank horribly of a mare in heat (it didn’t now, as we’d opened the windows before coming to the hospital wing) and she winced as she forced herself not to react as her body wanted to at the smell, though its power was incredibly strong. Once she’d managed to get a hold of herself, she moved inside to see what was going on and to ask me why the room stank so hard. What she saw made her mouth drop and now caused me to blush. She’d seen me laying on me bed, rubbing my hooves into my snatch with a ferocity that had caused the Alicorn to blush. However, what caught her attention was the pained look on the my face. Tears had been streaming down my muzzle as I’d sobbed. “Why won’t it stop?!” I remember wailing, before ceasing my actions and curling up, my sobbing doubling in force. That had been when I’d learned Twilight was in the room and saw her massive boner, despite her trying to hide it. It wasn’t hard, now, to realize it had been my scent doing that to her. The memory of her mounting me from behind shortly after and the feeling as she pushed into me caused me to shudder. It had been my first time, well... unless you count the stallion guard who took me seeing “Fuck me” to seriously, not just as a female, but on the whole and man, for a first time, it had made me want more. Somehow, Twilight had been able to hold out until I orgasmed (which, despite my heat being so bad, had take agonizingly long to reach), following right after. However, we’d not gone any further due to the intensity of my orgasm knocking me out once it had finished. The doctor finally returns and gets a urine sample from me and goes back to test it. As we wait, a small part of me wonders what it’ll be like raising dozens of children. Seeing as I’m still mostly a pony, the same would be said for any offspring I have. Twilight would no doubt help me with raising them, being the father, after all. It would mean I wouldn’t be going back to the Royal Guard any time soon, though. Does the Royal Guard have maternity leave? When the doctor returns about an hour later, he gives us the result, an odd frown on his face and an odd swirling of emotions around him. “Well, you’re not pregnant, Flash, of that I can say,” he says, looking over the charts. I feel both relieved and oddly disappointed by that. I’d started to kinda like the idea of raising several dozen foals. “Both the spell and urine test came back negative, but...” he shakes his head. “What?” Twilight asks, sounding both concerned and interested, and odd combo of emotions to feel from her. He shakes his head. “I think it might be something to do with Changeling reproduction.” I freeze at that. But, he said I wasn’t pregnant! Why is he talking about Changeling reproduction if I’m not pregnant? Oh, God! I’m I going to fill up with eggs? Is that why he’s talking about it?! He shakes his head. “At the very least, we’ve figured out why the princess’s...” he coughs, “hasn’t left you yet.” I blink. Something about what he just said sounds... odd, not to mention his emotions are really getting weird. “Your womb has sealed itself,” he says after a pause. “Not like when a mare becomes pregnant,” he goes on, seeing the look on my face. “No. it’s... hard to explain. I think it must be something that happens to Changelings when they’re impregnated, or are attempted to be, in your case.” “I was not trying to get Flash pregnant!” Twilight snorts, glaring at the stallion. He nods, as if not really listening to her. “If our theory is correct, the Changeling part of you is keeping it all inside because it thinks there are Changeling eggs to fertilize.” “Well, there are eggs!” I growl, glaring at him. “My pony eggs! If it’s stuck inside me, what’s to stop me still getting pregnant?!” He blinks, before looking at me with confusion. “Wait. They didn’t tell you?” My anger vanishes as I raise an eyebrow. “Didn’t tell me what?” “Well, since I’m the one doing this test, I guess it’s not surprising,” he murmurs, as if talking to himself and not us. “Guess they wanted to test it with hooves on testing. Pity.” “What are you blabbering about?” I snarl, my anger returning full force. He sighs, looking up at me. The mood change, in his tone and his emotions in general cause me to pause. “Miss Flash, due to the Changeling DNA within you... you can’t have foals.” I blink, his words slowly working their way inside my mind. “What?” He shakes his head. “Whatever changes were being made to you by the Changelings, they messed with your ability to breed. You won’t ever give birth to a foal. I’m sorry.” I blink at him for several long moments, before I look down at my large stomach. “So... even though Twilight’s... stuff is inside me... it won’t work?” He nods. I’m struck by the weirdest of emotional cocktails. I’m glad I’m not pregnant, but... never having children, ever. I honestly start to cry at that idea. True, I’d never really given much thought to the idea of having kids, even as a guy, but to have the choice taken away from me? That was just wrong. > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4 ___________________________________________________________ “Sis?” I look up from the book I’m reading as I lay on my side. Scootaloo is staring at me with a raised eyebrow as she stands in the doorway of my room. Three days have gone by since we found out I not only am stuck with Twilgiht’s leavings inside of me thanks to the alterations of Changeling DNA within my body, but that I also cannot have children of my own. I've spent most of that time figuring out how to maneuver with my new weight. It's tricky, I can't move as fast as before, even when walking and I sometimes need help getting up, but I've learned to manage. Twilight reported the news to Cadance and Shining Armour right away, though she asked my permission before sending the letter, informing them about my condition. They’re reply hasn’t come back yet, though I suspect that is simply due to them wanting to see me in person (pony?), to determine whether Twilight is being honest about what’s happened. In all honesty, I can understand them not quite believing her. If I wasn’t going through it myself and had been told about the situation, I’d have had serious doubts myself. It does sound ridiculous. Then again, what part of my life isn’t since I woke up as Flash? I grin, closing the book and slide myself along the bed until I reach the edge, then drop to my hooves, struggling a little to gain balance as my belly wobbles and hampers my centre of gravity a bit. To the outside observer, I appear like a six month pregnant mare, while in reality, it is Twilight's... Oh, screw sugar-coating. It's her cum still stuck within me. No doubt Scootaloo was thinking along these lines, though since I’m sure she’s already learned about sex-ed, it’s confusing her as well. I give a sad smile. “I’m not pregnant, squirt,” I say as I reach her and wrap a foreleg around her. She looks up at me, frowning in confusion. “Then why’s your tummy huge? Ponies only have big tummies like that when they’re pregnant... or just fat,” she adds. “Well I’m neither, little sister,” I say, ruffling her mane. “It’s... complicated.” And, even after you’re old enough, I doubt I’ll tell you. A small part of me is surprised with how well I’ve adjusted to the idea of being Scootaloo’s older sibling. A smaller part of me keeps saying I shouldn’t be excepting it, as I have another family in the world I came from. However, that voice is overshadowed by a logical voice telling me that, since I can’t really remember them and I have a loving sister here, I should except it as it is and deal. Scootaloo presses her hoof against my stomach and blinks as it wobbles. “You sure that’s not a foal in there?” I grin sheepishly, yet know sadness is still there too. “Trust me, Scoots... there isn’t a foal in there.” And never will be, no matter what I want, I don’t say. I lead her out of my room and through the palace. Whenever we pass I guard, while they remain expressionless, I can feel the uncomfortableness coming from them at seeing a fellow guard in my condition. Not like I can blame them. I can’t walk like other ponies with this large stomach, having to slightly plod around to counter balance the weight... while at the same time trying to ignore the feeling of the fluids within my bloated belly as they slush around. We walk into the garden, where I see Shining Armour and Cadance speaking with Twilight and Celestia. As we aproach, they stop their conversation and the Alicorn of Love walks up to me and embraces me in a tight hug. “I’m so sorry, Flash,” she says with the most barely hidden sob. I blink as I sense the sadness coming from her. Why is she so upset? Was I really that important to her as a member of her guard? “I wish I wasn’t making you feel worse,” she says and I feel anger directed... at herself. “If I could change things right now I would so you could be having a foal instead of me.” It takes a few moments for what she says to make sense... before my eyes widen at the realization of what she just said. “Princess Cadance?” I ask, pulling back a bit to see her looking at me with teary eyes. “You’re pregnant?” She sniffles, the faintest of a smile creeping onto her lips. “Yes. I’m sorry.” I shake my head, smiling. “Princess, that’s wonderful! Congratulations.” I had a pretty good idea whom she was pregnant with, the fifth Alicorn and one the fandom has been waiting for ages to see, Skyla. “But... your condition...” she begins, but I stop her by putting a hoof to her mouth. I sigh. “Princess... I never really thought about having children of my own. The fact that I don’t have a choice now does hurt... but I’ll manage. It doesn’t really change much.” Her eyes and emotions say she wants to protest, but I just shake my head. We pull away from each other and move over to join the other ponies. Twilight comes over and gives me a reassuring hug. From her emotions and those coming from Shining Armour and Celestia, along with Cadance, something is making them very uncomfortable. I lower myself down, withholding the grimace as I lean my forelegs against my swollen stomach. It just doesn’t feel right and I know I’m probably going to have to deal with it for a long while, most likely for the rest of my life. While I could get my womb surgically removed or, at the very least, emptied, the doctors had concluded that it would be dangerous to do so, as the Changeling magic holding my womb closed could react badly and they didn’t want to risk it. Seeing as Changeling magic is an unknown variable, I hadn’t questioned them. At the very least, I’d never have to suffer heat again. Shining informs me that I was, unfortunately, going to have to retire from the Royal Guard. I can’t blame him for it. With my bloated belly, I’m not exactly a warrior and the fact I can’t even remember any of the military training my previous mind had doesn’t help either. “You will be compensated for, though,” Cadance tells me as Twilight rubs my back, right between my wings, to make me feel better. “All guard who end up having to talk early retirement get compensation.” “Bet I’m the youngest in history to end up with it,” I say, a bit darkly. We lapse into an awkward silence. After several minutes, I struggle up, Twilight using her magic to assist my rising, before I thank Cadance and Shining for coming and head off, Scootaloo following uncertainly behind me. We walk through the garden, Scootaloo keeping as close as she can. “Um... Flash?” she says after some time. I stop and turn to look at her. We’re close to the edge of the gardens. I can hear the sound of Canterlot life in the distance. I can’t help wondering if I’ll ever even see it. I honestly don’t think it’ll ever be safe for me to leave the castle grounds. Before I might have been able escape a Changeling or several (after figuring out how to fly, that is) but now, with my belly so bloated with Twilight’s cum? I wouldn’t be able to escape no matter what I tried. “Flash?” I extend and wing and pull the little filly closer and hold her tightly to my side. I don’t say anything and she seems to understand I want some quiet time, so she just rests against my side. To an onlooker, we probably would look like a pregnant mother and her daughter. I inwardly chuckle at the image. Scootaloo was feeling anxious, and she technically still is, but being close to me seems to be easing her nerves. We just sit, listing to the sounds around us, the birds and other animals inhabiting the garden and the distant voices of ponies. I’m honestly about to doze off, when I sense a stirring of emotions that don’t feel like those of a ponies. They’re full of eagerness and dark intents at the same time. “Scootaloo, run!” I shout, standing and whirling around with a bit of difficulty, my belly bouncing from the momentum. Three Royal Guards are coming towards us, but I can tell they aren’t really ponies. I brace myself, lowering my front, standing in front of my sister. How could I be so stupid? Twilight told me, even in the gardens, I shouldn’t be alone, even once. Now I had several Changelings coming at me. I wouldn’t let them take me or Scootaloo. No as long as I have breath in my body. Suddenly their horns glow with green auras and I hear a cry from behind me. I whirl my neck back and see Scootaloo dropping to the ground, a green aura fading from around her, unconscious. I turn back to face the Changelings, snarling. “Leave her alone!” I tense my muscles to move, but the headache suddenly intensifies and I cry out, staggering. It was bearable before, but now it’s like a thunderstorm inside my brain. “Forgive us, Your Highness.” I struggle to open an eye, confused by what I’d heard, before I’m blinded by a flash of green and the world goes black. ___________________________________________________________ “Scootaloo? Scootaloo, wake up!” The young filly slowly opened her eyes, wincing. She felt like she’d smacked her head into a wall while riding her scooter at top speed. Standing around her were Twilight, Cadance, Shining Armour and several Royal Guards. At once the Pegasus panicked, backing away from the guards, thinking of how Flash had— “Flash!” She whipped her head from side to side, but saw no sign of her older sibling. “No,” she whispered, tears brimming in her eyes. “Not again. Not again!” “Scootaloo, what’s wrong?” Cadance said, concerned for the filly. Twilight, however, was looking around in a panic. “Scootaloo, what happened to Flash? Where is she?” The young filly broke down, sobbing uncontrollably. “They took her!” “Wh-who?” Twilight stuttered, her breath catching in her throat. “Them!” Scootaloo scream, glaring through tears at the Royal Guards, whom responded by glancing at each other in shock. “Oh no,” Cadance whispered, looking to Shining. “You don’t think...?” “ARGH! Idiot!” he shouting, slamming his hoof to his forehead. “Why didn’t I think to project a shield?! They must've take on Royal Guard disguises, knowing they'd blend in and sneak in better.” “Inform my aunt, at once!” Cadance ordered, looking to the three guards. They each stood to attention at once, raising their hooves in a salute. “Flash has been captured again! If we hurry, we might be able to find her this time without her having to free herself!” “Yes, Your Highness,” they said in unison, before hurrying off to do as ordered. Meanwhile, Twilight was holding onto the distraught Scootaloo, both sobbing into each other. “We’ll find her,” the Alicorn said, though whether to the filly or herself it was unclear. “We have to.” ___________________________________________________________ I awaken to nothing. I’m floating through an empty blackness. I can barely focus on a single thought. Every time I try, it slips away and I seem to fall back into the abyss. I don’t know how long I’ve been floating in this darkness. Time doesn’t seem to have any meaning. Have I been here for a few hours? A few days? Years? I try to focus, to figure out how long it has been since I came to... but it slips away the moment I try. It’s so lonely here. I remember feeling love, four loves, strongly. Where are they? Who are they? It’s so hard to think. Suddenly, the empty silence is broken by voices. Lots of voices. I want to clamp my ears shut and drown out the noise. I can hear sound, but now there’s too much. I scream for it to stop, but I don’t hear my own voice. The noise only grows louder, but I can feel worry and concern within the din of loudness. I beg for it to not be so loud, to let me not drown in the noise. Strangely enough, the voices do quieten down. I can still hear them, but it’s like having a pillow over your head. Their all muffled now, at a tolerable noise level. I’m startled by the voice. It’s the only one I’ve been able to hear clearly and I feel like it was speaking to me. the voice says, sounding gentle and soothing. I’m suddenly no longer floating in an empty blackness. I’m submerged in some kind of liquid. Worse, it’s in my lungs, I can feel it. I scream, pushing up and feel my head collide with something hard. the voice says and I feel as well as hear encouragement in it. I wince, realizing there’s something on my head, right in the centre of my forehead, something like a long stick. Wait. I can use that. I push forward again, this time again the thing on my head. I feel it break through whatever the hard thing is and can hear cracking sounds. I pull back, then push forward again with everything I’ve got, slamming the flat of my head against where I think I thrust the stick through whatever’s holding me. At once I hear a loud cracking and burst through the hard thing and feel cold air on my face. Before I can even be thankful for that, though, I retch, expelling the liquid in my lung, hearing a disgusting splattering sound. After several minutes of retching out the vile liquid and I take in a huge breath, thankful for the beautiful feeling of air rushing into my lungs. I feel something tingly surround me and feel myself lifting out of the rest of the gunk, only to suddenly slam down, butt first, onto some hard surface. I wince at the loud voice. It’s like someone is shouting directly into my head, but it isn’t directed at me. a second voice says, filled with fear. the first voice says, still so loud it feels like my skull is shaking. I wince as I feel the presence of several things coming towards me. the first voice says again, though decidedly quieter than before. several voices say at once. I suddenly feel something touching me. Its touch is hard, just gentle and I realize something else. The liquid that had remained on me as I was lifted out from whatever was holding me is being removed. the voice says more softly and I realize it’s the voice that helped me get out. I blink as my sight finally comes through. I’m in a dark room. A little off to my side is something that looks like a huge egg. Its top is open, as if something smashed out of it and a green gooey liquid can be seen inside and drips along the edges of the breakings. the kind voice says. I feel safe near it. Whatever nightmare I’d been in before, it had saved me. It was safe. I look up and am met with a sight that confuses me for a moment. I almost wish that moment lasted longer as suddenly everything returns to me. The gardens, the Royal Guards that weren’t Royal Guards! Scootaloo crying out as one used magic on her. And this face... I yelp, pushing her away and stumble back, my legs feeling like jelly, my hooves struggling to keep me up, the safe feeling now completely gone. Standing before me is a creature that looks like a deformed Alicorn. Inside of skin, she’s covered in black chitin, with holes dotting her hooves. Her horn is jagged and sickly-looking. Her wings are insect-like and riddled with holes like her hooves. And those eyes, with pupils like those of a lizard, surrounded by green irises. “Chrysalis!” I snarl, my mouth feeling odd. She looks confused by my reaction and the malice in my voice, but I pay that no mind. My eyes are wide as feelings from my body are reaching my brain. I look down at my body and feel my blood go cold. I still have my fur and the colour hasn’t changed, but there’s something off about it, something I can’t place. I look behind me and almost scream, my wings are similar to Chrysalis’, yet they also look like pegasi wings. It’s hard to put into words how they look, really. I look up and shudder as I see the thing I used to break out of what had been holding me (which I know understand is a cacoon) is a long horn. It’s not as jagged as Chrysalis’ horn, if fact, it’s rather smooth compared to hers, like an Alicorn horn, only different too. “You...” I growl, turning to her. Oddly, something else is off, but for a different reason. My voice... it.. it doesn't hold any distortion like Chrysalis did in the season 2 finale. But, isn't that how all Changelings's voices sound? She’s just standing there, looking perplexed. “What have you done to me?! You turned me into a fucking Changeling!” I scream, running forward, only to suddenly find myself pinned to the hard black floor. Glaring over my shoulder I see three Changelings, each wearing expressions and emitting emotions of regret and fear. “Get off of me, you disgusting insects!” I scream, my eyes drilling into them. They quiver, but remain on my back, not letting me up. I whip my head back to the Changeling Queen, who winces at my glare. Good. She should be scared. How dare she turn me into a— Suddenly, despite rage pumping through my system for what she did to me, I register something in her last sentence. A proper Changeling? I quickly think about what I saw as I looked myself over. I still had my fur and my wings still have feathers of some kind. Plus, the horn on my head doesn’t look quite like the Changeling Queen’s. However, I keep my glare up. “I will repeat, and you’d better answer me properly, bug! What. Have. You. Done to me?” She seems calmer, if the emotions I’m getting from her are any indication and she remains still for a moment. A second later, the Changelings on my back get off, quickly help me up, then bow to me, begging for forgiveness. I glare at them and they scamper off through an opening I hadn’t notice before. I’m gripped by an impulse to go through it and find my way out of what I’m guessing is Chrysalis’ Changeling hive... but I need answers first. I look to the Changeling so much bigger than me, yet who is cowering from me as if I dwarf her like a mountain. “Explain. Now!” > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5 ___________________________________________________________ “Answer me!” I growl, taking a step forward. Suddenly I lose all feeling in my legs and drop, hitting the floor, hard. a buzzing sound reaches my ears, before I can feel somepony nuzzling the top of my head. I flinch away from the nuzzle as much as I can, though I pause when I hear the pain in the Changeling Queen’s voice and feel it coming from her. Still, I want nothing more than to rip her to shreds for doing this to me, but it seems she’s right. My body is too weak at the moment. I glare at her. “Use... use your mouth, you... you bug,” I pant, realizing just how exhausted I feel. She looks and feels hurt for a moment, before she composes herself, closing her eyes. “Trying using some of the love you’ve stored,” she says, leaning in to nuzzle me, but stopping at my glare, and looks away. “You... you have plenty of reserves. It should be well more than enough.” Huh. She doesn't have any distortion in her voice either. Weird. I’m about to ask her what the hell she means and why her voice doesn't sound like it did at the wedding, when I feel something nick at the back of my mind. I turn my attention to it. It sounds like a small voice, really young, like that of a foal. Frowning in confusion now, I close my eyes and look into try to think of what I’m looking for. Suddenly I see it, a large mass of pink energy, deep within me. I reach out, pulling some of it with me. As I do, I instantly start feeling stronger, the energy in my legs returning. I manage to push myself up. Once standing, I inwardly thank that smaller voice... and can swear I hear a squeal of joy in the back of my mind in response. I look to the Changeling Queen and glare at her. “I said: Talk. With. Your. Mouth!” She gives me a sad, firm expression, before sighing. “As you wish, Flare.” My glare hardens. “Oh, funny. Since I’m a rule sixty-three Flash Sentry, you’re gonna call me Flare now?” She blinks and I feel her confusion, to which I simply roll my eyes. However, her response takes me off-guard. “No. I have called you Flare as it is your new name, now that you are not a pony, but my wife.” My glare returns as soon as it vanished. “Oh, fine. So, what now? Since I’m a changeling you’re gonna fuck my brains out and pump me full of your eggs til I can’t move?” She takes a step back and I feel her... horror and disgust(?) mixed with more confusion. “What by the First Mother would make you think I’d perform such a horrid and despicable act?!” I blink, shocked by her response, before glowering. “Oh, so former ponies aren’t good enough for a Changeling Queen to fuck now, huh?” I grate my teeth, noticing I have K9 teeth again, only they're bigger than they were back when I was a human. She shakes her head, her disgust, confusion and horror coming off of her in waves. “Why would you think I would fill you with my children?!” “Oh, I don’t know,” I retort sarcastically, looking up in mock contemplation, “maybe because you’ve forced me to be your wife and that’s what a forced wife is used for!” Her horror and disgust just seem to amplify. “I have no idea where you’re getting your information, child, but I have never, in all my years, heard of a Queen doing that to her heir!” I stomp a hoof, annoyed at this prolonged discussion. “Well, what did you expect when... you...?” I blink, my anger fading to confusion. “Wait. Heir? Like, as in offspring?” “Naturally,” she replies in an almost deadpan, still looking and feeling very unnerved. “Why? Would did you think I was making you?” I cock an eyebrow. “I thought I was now your wife?” She gives me a full deadpan expression this time. “You are.” I shake my head, putting a hoof to my face. “Okay, I am thoroughly confused now. Which am I, your wife or your heir?” She’s the one that cocks an eyebrow this time. “Is there a difference?” I can feel a headache coming on. I shake my head. “So, let me get this straight. To you, the word wife means heir, correct?” She nods, looking slightly bored now. “Yes. Is there a reason for this pointless questioning when you can learn all this from the Hive Mind?” Oh, like I needed that unnerving idea in the back of my brain right now. I shake it off and continue. I’m starting to get the picture, but need confirmation. “So, when you impersonated Princess Cadance,” I ignore the snarl she emits at the name, “you saw yourself pretending to be becoming Shining Armour’s heir?” She rolls her eyes, her bored attitude now coming off of her. “Yes! Honestly, I was never this vocal when I became a changeling.” I blink, but sort that little tidbit of info away for later. I chuckle. “What’s so funny?” she asks, raising an eyebrow. I shake my head, still chuckling. “Wow. That is one hell of a cultural gap. We were way off on what you wanted me for.” She frowns. “What do you mean, Flare?” I flinch at the name, having gotten so used to being called Flash that being called the name of his rule sixty-three self is somehow harder to take than when I’d had to get used to the male name, but sigh. “Wife means something very different in pony culture, Chrysalis. Well, almost every culture, as far as I know, anyway.” She blinks, her eyes widening a little. “It does?” I frown slightly. Didn’t she just say she’d been turned into a changeling? Doesn’t that imply she was a pony, or at least equine, before that, so shouldn’t she know the difference? I shake my head, putting that aside and chuckle again. “In pony culture, actually in pretty much every culture, wife means life partner, the one you want to spend the rest of your life with.” At her blank stare, I roll my eyes. “I guess you would call them a clutchmate, or something like that.” She blinks, still seeming confused. I sigh. “So, you’ve never heard of that term before? Ever?” She looks down, frowning. “I... think I have... maybe?” I cock an eyebrow, before blinking. I’ve only just now realized I’ve been having a simplish conversation with the Changeling Queen who invaded Canterlot, tried to pretty much kill Shining Armour by draining him of emotions and finally ponynapped me, twice and turned me into one of her own kind to, as my understanding of it now is, make me her... daughter. That thought suddenly slams into my brain like a freight train. “You’ve made me your DAUGHTER?!” I cry, my eyes wide. “That’s why you captured me?!” She blinks, looking confused again. “Didn’t we just agree on that?” I shake my head. “No. No-no-no-no-no. I’ve barely gotten used to my pony parents thanks to the amnesia your first, and might I remind you, failed, attempt to capture me before. Now I’m supposed to see you as my mother, too?” She glares at that. “Too? What are you implying?” I scowl. “What? You think I’m going to just forget about the mare who gave birth to me; originally gave birth to me?” I add, seeing her opening her mouth to argue the matter. “What? Is that how you felt when you became a changeling?!” She hesitates, frowning in confusion again, looking down. “I... never thought about it like that. I can’t remember my pony mother. I didn’t expect you would, either.” My anger again quells at this odd news. “Seriously?” a voice says in my head. The suddenness, having gotten used to a verbal conversation with the Changeling Queen, startles me. Chrysalis’ voice answers, in what I now realize is the Hive Mind, still recovering from our back and forth. My heart leaps into my throat, my eyes widening in horror at the implications of what I just heard. I scream at the voice over the Hive Mind, feeling it shudder under the voice of my demand. it replies, it sounds male, I think. I demand, though I already know I am right. he replies, sounding nervous. I bellow, rage returning to my system. I feel a shudder through the Hive Mind, as well as the voice faintly shouting at others to help it move something. I turn back to Chrysalis, my eyes narrowed once more. “If she is harmed in any way, his head will not be the only one that rolls... mother!” I finish, the last one spoke like an insult. ___________________________________________________________ Shining Armour stood near the edge of the trees, looking out into the late afternoon sky. A few moments later, a Pegasus appeared on the horizon, soon reaching him and landing. “Anything to report?” the unicorn asked. The Wonderbolt saluted. “Nothing, sir. The area is clear. No sign of any changelings within the vicinity.” Shining cursed under his breath. Less than an hour after Flash’s second abduction, the whole castle had been shrouded in a spell that would unmask any disguised changelings, to see how many others might be hiding, possibly to hinder their search. What none of them had expected was for Scootaloo she be revealed as a changeling nymph. It was honestly the first time he’d felt sympathy for a changeling. Right after it changed back, the changeling had stared down at itself in horror, before its eyes had widened and it had burst into tears, before running over to the gates, flying up and impaling itself on one of the spires at the top of the gate. Twilight was still being consoled after seeing the changeling attempt to commit suicide so suddenly. Last he heard before they left Canterlot, the nymph was in intensive care in the hospital wing. He was torn on whether or not he hoped the poor thing would make it. When Spitfire and Soarin learned that both of their children had been taken by the changelings, and one left to replace Scootaloo, seeming to even think it was her itself, they’d pulled all Wonderbolts away from performances and had them assigned to assist in the search. Misty Fly and Blaze had to take over temporary command, as the distraught parents were in no state to properly lead in the search. Shining sighed, nodding. “Alright. Search Area X. That space is still yet unsearched.” The Wonderbolt saluted again, “Sir!” before flying off the direction he was now assigned. Shining groaned, rubbing between his eyes with a hoof. He feared what was happening to Flash and Scootaloo. Just what horrors did those monsters have planned for them? ___________________________________________________________ I leap forward as a pod similar to the one I was held it, but with a softer look to it, is carefully placed in front of me. The changelings who brought it in immediately cowers, scurrying away in terror. I look inside the pod. Suspended within the green liquid is an unconscious filly Pegasus I know all too well. I thrust my horn forward, piercing the covering of the egg-shaped pod, breaking through as if it was cling wrap, then pull my head down, making a horizontal tare through it. The liquid within spills out, the filly being dragged out with it. I quickly catch the filly in my forelegs. She’s covered in splotches of the gunk that was holding her in that pod. She retches, green liquid spilling from her mouth and onto the floor. I wait patiently as she expels it all from her body, ignoring the confused and annoyed stare of the Changeling Queen. Once she’s ride her lungs of all the goop, she coughs several times, before looking up at me with blearily eyes. She blinks a few times. “Flash...?” she asks, her voice weak. A warm, relieved smile plays over my muzzle. “Yeah, Scoots. It’s me.” She blinks again, still looking dazed. “Why’s do I feel... weird?” I glare over my shoulder at the other occupant in the room. “You can thank that bitch for that.” I get a shocked look from the bug in return, which only makes me grin a little. Scootaloo blinks a few more times, before lifting a hoof (lucky one without any goop on it) and rubs her eyes. When she looks at me again, her eyes widen in horror as she looks from me to the one I’m glaring at. Her expression darkens. “How dare you?!” she yells, trying to break free from my grasp and go attack the Changeling, though she’s still so weak from just getting out of her pod that I barely have to do much to hold her in place. Chrysalis, naturally, doesn’t seem to like a pony addressing her in such a way. “You little whelp! How dare you speak to me in such a way! It is only because of Flare that you are not being drained for food right at this moment!” she snarls, before glancing at me. “Though why she is not feeding even a little off of you right now when I sensed the amount of love you were giving her, is beyond my knowledge!” “You turned my sister into a monster, like you!” Scootaloo screeched, and if looks could kill, Chrysalis would’ve burned to ash multiple times already. The changeling blinks, before glancing at me in confusion. “Sister?” Now I’m glaring just as hard as Scootaloo. “Yes, Chrysalis. Didn’t you know I already had a family before you did this to me? Or did you simply not care? Scootaloo is my little sister and whether I’m a changeling now or not, that won’t change. Either deal with it, or fuck off!” She blinks for several moments, looking from one of us to the other, before scratching her head. “Fine. Fine. If you want to keep that pony as you pet and call it your sister, be my guest.” I’m about to feel insulted before I hear her mutter over the Hive Mind. She whips her head to me, looking slightly shocked. I nod back. She snorts. “Are you coming or what, daughter?” As she turns to leave the room, Scootaloo glances up at me in confusion. “Daughter? I thought she was forcing you to become her wife?” I shake my head. “Cultural differences in an understatement in this situation, little sister.” > Chapter 6 (WARNING! Slight season 6 finale spoilers) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6 ___________________________________________________________ Scootaloo looks at me with confusion. “What do you mean, big sis?” I suddenly feel myself being held by magic, seeing a green glow around my body, before I’m yanked towards the exit, quickly grabbing Scootaloo and putting her on my back. Once through the exit, the magic holding me drops and I can walk again. We’re standing in a long tunnel that looks like it was carved into stone, with green pods hanging from certain areas. Light seems to be filtering in through small holes that keep opening and then closing, only to reappear in other places. Chrysalis is standing there outside, tapping her front hoof impatiently. “Well, are you coming or not?” “Not like she’s really giving us a choice, is she?” I whisper to the filly resting on my back. With that knowledge input into my mind, I make a mental note not to lose track of the queen, before turning my attention to the other changelings we keep passing. Most look like the ones Chrysalis used to invade Canterlot, no manes or irises, just a bald head and completely blue eyes. It’s seriously creepy in person. In pony? In changeling? Gah! How would that even work in this world? However, there is one other type of changeling that I hadn’t seen in the show. They’re a lot bigger and more muscular than the other drones. I mostly see them stationed in corridors, but a few I catch moving about. One thing I don’t like though, is the way each changeling is looking at me, or rather, looking at what’s on my back. I snarl through the Hive Mind. This seems to make all the changelings stop looking at Scootaloo like they’ll eat her the moment I have my back turned, though I can feel their jealously and anxiety at not getting to taste the little pony. I turn my attention back to Chrysalis as we pass yet another set of those taller changelings, each of whom avoid eye contact with me and I feel the anxiousness coming off of them, as if fearing what I might do. I’m kinda liking this feeling of all the changelings fearing me. I just hope I don’t start feeling this way about ponies. “Where are we going?” I ask, adjusting my wings a bit so that Scoots is more comfortable. she states simply over the Hive Mind. I glower. “Words, please. I want Scootaloo hearing this, too.” My eyes bug out for a moment, before I let out a low growl. “Ever suggest that again and I will make you regret not leaving me in Canterlot to suffer a pony’s life with the alterations you already made before!” She blinks, before going silent. It seems she can tell I’m being dead serious. “What was she suggesting?” Scoots asks, her voice sounding both tired and stronger. I shake my head. “Better you not know, Scoots.” I glare at the Changeling Queen. The changeling snorts, not turning to meet my gaze. I roll my eyes. “Oh, the silent treatment? Really?” This time she glances back, glaring at me. “Why must you be so difficult?” I snort. “I’m not intimidated by you. Without that, you don’t have anything over me. I can tell from the emotions of the other Changelings it's how you control them and it won't work on me.” “How come you sound different?” Chrysalis gives the smallest of glances to Scootaloo. “What?” “Your voice,” Scoots says, sounding confused. “Back when you tried to invade Canterlot, your voice sounded all echoy.” “Probably just another intimidation tactic, right?” I ask. The huff she makes in response, along with turning again so she’s not looking at us confirms it. “So, what’re your plans for me now, huh?” I ask after several minutes of us wandering through several large caverns. The Hive is structured like an ant hive, with the walls criss-crossing at odd angles. One thing that has been making both me and Scoots uneasy are all the glowing pods hanging from the ceilings. It’s not every ceiling, but a lot of areas have them and, if I’m right, they’re holding prisoners. Chrysalis grumbles. “My original plan was to train you, whilst also teaching you to hate the ponies.” Scootaloo snorts. “Yeah. Good luck with that.” The changeling stops, whirling around and glaring at her. “Hold your tongue! It is only by Flare’s wishes you aren’t already in a pod and having every last strap of love drained from you!” “So those pods do contain kidnapped ponies?” I growl. The black changeling steps back, turning around, whilst looking at me over her shoulder. “Not all of them. Your fellow changelings sometimes sleep in them too.” “I’m honestly surprised how calm you’re being about all this,” I state as we move on. “You do realize Twilight and I are sort of a thing, right? You’re not worried about her somehow tracking me with her magic and coming in, horn a blazing and blasting this place t’ dust. Not to mention our parents.” Chrysalis merely chuckles. “Highly doubtful.” “Are you dissing our parents?!” Scootaloo growls. This causes the taller pony to sneer. “No magic aside from Changeling Magic works here.” I blink, a little taken aback by that. That was never something suggested in the many Changeling fics. “How?” Chrysalis pauses, before changing direction so fast I narrowly manage to follow her through before the tunnel door shifts into a wall. Strangely, I was able to tell how fast I’d need to move to get through. She leads as through two more caverns and up several flights of stairs before we come to the biggest chamber yet and, on the far wall is a large black, jagged-looking throne. “Behold, my throne,” the queen brags, waving a hoof in its direction. “It’s made of a special Obsidian stone that drains all other magic, like we Changelings drain love. How do you think we haven’t been taken out by Discord after all this time?” I frown, glancing to her. “Discord knows the Hive’s location and that even his magic won’t work here?” It takes a second before my last words actually sink in. “Wait. Discord’s magic can’t work here?! The Lord of Chaos’ magic doesn’t work here?! Really?” Chrysalis just chuckles. “Impressive, no?” I... I hate to say it but, yeah, I am impressed. Seriously, that’s one heck of a game changer. Something that even Discord’s magic can’t effect? Suddenly, a thought occurs to me and I scowl. “You do realize this means you could’ve helped stop him from being all evil a thousand plus years ago, right?” Chrysalis just raises an eyebrow at me. “And why would we have bothered? His magic couldn’t get here, so we saw no reason to go after him.” I open my mouth to argue, but close it again. Damnit! She makes a good point. “Anyway, I’d think you’d be more curious about,” she points at me, “all that... stuff that was inside you. We couldn’t remove it and I feared what might happen when we started your change. What was that stuff, anyway?” I blink, before cocking an eyebrow. “Wait. You’re the Queen of the Changelings, being who feed off of love... and you don’t know what sperm is?” She blinks, before I can somehow see her blanching despite having chitin for a face. “You... Why would you let a stallion put that in you?!” I scowl. “I didn’t. Twilight did. Alicorns have both sexes. Jeez, you impersonated one and didn’t even know that? My belief in you being a tactical leader is really diminishing the more I learn.” She frowns. “Wait. Princess Twilight Sparkle... Don’t tell me you let that mare breed you?!” I blush hard, my wings flaring. Jeez, does she have to say it like that? It’s stirring me up so bad I can feel my— well, my parts telling me that wouldn’t mind some action. I glare at her, my shame at knowing she’ll see my blush not helping dispel it. She cocks an eyebrow, before shrugging. “Fine. Shall we move on with the tour?” I nod and she leads us back out of the throne room, myself quickly glancing back at it before the wall seals itself and we follow her. She shows us a few more corridors and caverns, many of which holds dozens of glowing green pods, which I’m always wondering which have ponies and where have changelings. At one point we pass what I can identify as a hatchery and learn a little more about changleings. When they hatch, they look like little grabs, larva, like insects and they’re so tiny. Seriously, I think even Parasprites are bigger than them. “This is all nice, but can we please just go to my supposed room, now?” I groan after passing a ninth hatchery. Seriously, if they’re hatching this many changelings without stopping, it's no wonder they’re always looking for more love. Chrysalis sniffs disapprovingly. “Fine.” I barely even have time to flinch as a flash of green fire blinds me. When it fades, we’re in a whole other room. This one looks more like a room for royalty. The bed is a lot like the one I was using back in Canterlot Castle, only with a changeling style to it, grey, with silk covers. And it’s huge, you could probably fit all the Alicorn princesses on it at once. Thanks to the hormones now running through me after she asked why I'd want to mate with a pony in the first place, susiquently making me remember that night with Twilight, I suddenly have a vision of Celestia, Luna, Cadance and Twilight all having their way with me. WHY do Alicorns have to have cocks and I don’t now?! God, I’m going to kill you for this, Discord. I quickly shake my head, trying to dispel the thoughts and turn to glare at the taller changeling. “So, care to tell us why you didn’t just make one of the changelings in the hive a princess instead of my sis?” Scoots asks, looking both annouyed and confused. “Since they were already changelings, it would’ve made more sense, wouldn’t it?” It is then that Chrysalis provides us with something apparently only Queens and their heirs are given knowledge of... which is why she grumbled half of it, since Scoots was hearing it too. A Changeling Queen takes a pony, male or female, it doesn’t matter which, and converts them into a Changeling Princess. Once a princess has hatched enough soldiers and drones of her own, she leaves the hive to start her own. It sickens me to know that it has been this way since long before Chrysalis’ time. From what the hive remembers from shared memories, it has been happening since even before the three tribes came together, even before the first pony got their Cutie Mark and ponies were just like any ordinary animal in this world, aside from the talking, of course I frown after she finishes explaining this. I didn't know that about changelings. Then again, it seems there's a lot I don't know. I have a feeling I'm gonna have plenty of time to learn, though, whether I want to or not. Chrysalis frowns, hearing something on the Hive Mind that is only fuzz to me. “I must leave you now. There are matters I need to attend to. You and your pet—” “Sister!” I correct her. She grumbles. “Fine. You and your sister will have to get settled on your own. If you need anything ping one of the drones. They will assist you in any way they can.” With that she disappears in a flash of green light. With the room to ourselves now, I lean down so Scoots can hop off my back, before rising up again, glancing around the room. “Suppose, until we can convince her to let us go back to Equestria, we’d better get used to this place.” She walks around, looking at the frankly sparse room. Guess changelings aren’t much for decor. She stops by a mirror, looking at herself from different angles. “You think I could fly if I became a changeling?” she asks, buzzing her tiny wings. A stern expression comes over my face as I walk over to the mirror and look down at her. “No, Scootaloo. You are not becoming a changeling.” “But you have,” she states, looking up at my reflection. I nod. “And, because of that, Chrysalis is now my mother and I’m some freaky amalgamation of changeling and pony. The only way you could become one is by either becoming hers as well, or becoming mine.” Her eyes widen and her jaw drops. “What? But I thought you became her wife?!” I sigh. “To changelings, it would seem the word wife and heir are the same thing. I am not her life partner, but her offspring.” She grimaces and sticks out her tongue. “In that case, I’ll pass on becoming a changeling and stick with being a pony. I don’t want her as my new mom and, no offense sis, but having you as a mom would just be weird.” I chuckle, shaking my head and ruffle her hair. “Same here, Scoots.” I look back at my reflection. This is the first time I’ve actually gotten to see my face since becoming a changeling. In truth, aside from my face being a tiny bit longer, my face doesn’t look that different. The only real big change, aside from the horn on my forehead and the canines in my mouth are my eyes. My irises are still the same blue they always have been, but the pupils are dragon-like now, like Chrysalis’. There’s also some kind of second, inner iris around the pupil that’s a darker blue than the outer irises. My Cutie Mark is still on my flank too. Though, with my luck, it’ll fade away with time. I read a fic where Twilight Sparkle was really a changeling and, after she fully became one again, her Cutie Mark vanished. Then again, Twilight had technically always been a changeling in that fic. I’d been turned into one, and badly, it would seem, so maybe I’d still keep my Cutie Mark? “So, you’re still a mare... or whatever a female changeling is called?” Scoots asks from behind me. I glance behind me and nod unintentionally doing a perfect Big Mac impression, no doubt to my Changeling Magic. “Eeyup.” I blink, shaking my head and clear my throat, my voice returning to normal. “Sorry. Gonna have to watch that.” “So, why’s your belly so big?” she asks, pointing. Looking down, I notice I’ve a slight bulge in my stomach. I chuckle. “Maybe I’ve eaten too much love and it’s making me fat.” With both have a good laugh at that. It feels good to laugh. > Chapter 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 7 ___________________________________________________________ Understood, Enderine,” Chrysalis said coldly to the changeling drone with slitted red eyes. “Thank you for the information.” “I only do so out of honour, Holes,” the drone replied in a female voice that was clearly not its own. “Ransma and Hilito may still trust you, but I have not forgotten what happened all those centuries ago.” The drone gave Chrysalis’ body a distasteful look. “The fact that you are even still holding onto such a petty grudge is pathetic,” the black changeling rolled her eyes. “Leave. My soldiers grow weary when your drones are around. It is liable to end up dead if it stays for much longer.” The drone nodded, before it shut its eyes. When they opened again, the eyes were completely red. The drone nodded of its own accord this time, before leaving, several of Chrysalis’ soldiers following it to lead it out of the hive. Once she was alone, the Changeling Queen bit her lower lip. She needed more time. They couldn’t move forward this fast. As much as she wanted to focus on this matter, something else was plaguing her mind. Flare’s reactions were so erratic, unusual. She had even consulted her mother and she had confirmed that Chrysalis had never acted as Flare was after she had been converted. She had avoided mentioning her daughter’s physical condition though. It wouldn’t do to worry her mother with such details, not with what was going on within the Changeling Kingdom. Being the forefront of it all and being left in charge of the hive with the Obsidian Throne was both a great honour and a heavy burden, due to the expectations. The fact that Flare seemed to aggressive towards her was one of the most worrying concerns Chrysalis had. True, her daughter didn’t need to feed on any of the food stored. In fact, her Flare was the healthiest changeling she’d ever seen, not a single hole of hunger on her entire body. However, her daughter hadn’t feed since she’d awoken. It made no sense. A Changeling’s hunger could never be satisfied, yet Flare hadn’t even eaten one scrap since she’d first delved into the love already stored within her. And then there was the pony. She could feel the love her daughter had for it, as well as the love the pony had for her. It angered her as she realized she had felt no love from her daughter aimed at herself, but that was not the issue, nor expected. Changelings do not love. It would be ridiculous to need to feed on something if you could feel it. Why was Flare so focused on that filly? Why was she so important when she now had so many fellow changelings in the hive? Why was one single pony so much more important? And why did her daughter not become a normal Royal. Why did she become... that? I need to get to the bottom of this, now, Chrysalis thought, turning her attention to her daughter. Several hours had passed and it seemed Flare and her pet had retired for the night. From the quick glance a guard had made inside after carefully opening the door, she was sound asleep on her bed, though she was letting the filly sleep with her. I must learn what is going on with you, Flare, she thought, her horn alighting with her magic. And if I must look through your memories to do so, then I will. Her horn flared and she searched for the closest, more emotional memory she could find. Locating it, she dived in, wondering what she would see. ___________________________________________________________ I whimper as I work my hooves into my snatch, one as deep as I can get it in, the over furiously kneading my engorged clit, trying to end the burning. Why? Why can’t I just fucking end this already?! Four days ago I’m let out of the hospital, finally. Once everything’s been cleared and I’m completely free to go, Twilight shows me to my room where I’ll be staying in the castle until things have been sorted out. It was several doors down from the one she was staying in. I look around the room. It’s pretty big, with lush blue carpeting, and a fireplace on the far wall. The four poster bed looking very comfortable, far better than any of the places I’ve been sleeping since this craziness started. I thank her for showing me the way, then go in, telling her I’m feeling tired. Once the door is shut and the sound of Twilight’s hoofsteps have vanished down the hall I slump to the ground, whimpering. Looking down I see my marehood winking frantically as well as feel it and shudder. I have to keep myself away from stallions. This heat is unbearable, but I am not risking a stallion popping a bun into my oven. Now I’m panting deeply; my body feels so hot, but I can’t stop it. I’ve tried everything I can, but this damn heat isn’t getting any better. In fact, rubbing my hooves into my snatch and clit only seems to be making my heat worse, but I can’t stop myself. I’m desperate to end this. I need release! Finally, after what feels like hours, I scream in frustration and grief and lay back against the mattress, sobbing as I curl my legs. What the hell can I do? Why can’t I end this fucking heat?! “Flash?” I startle, but my body’s so hot I can’t jump. I move my head and see Twilight standing just through the doorway, worry on her face and emanating from her. “I can’t stop it, Twilight!” I wail, thrusting my head into the pillow. “I’ve tried clopping off, something I swore I’d never do once I became a pony, but even that doesn’t work! It only makes my heat stronger! He-he-help!” I finish in a sob. “Oh, Celestia, why?” Twilight’s voice whispers. I glance at her, wondering the meaning of her words. Through the intensity of my heat, I notice she’s hunched over, as if trying to hide something down bellow. “Do... Do you really want my help, Flash?” the question has an odd tone to it. I brighten slightly, giving her a hopeful smile. “Y-you know something that can help?” She gives a shuddering sigh, looking uncertain of herself and stands up straight, a slapping sound following shortly after. I look at her, noticing something underneath her stomach. What could...? My eyes widen. A cock! Holy crap! Twilight’s sporting a massive cock, it has to be as long as one of my arms back when I was human and twice as thick! “F-Flash,” she gasps, bitting her bottom lip and looking away. “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to show you this. It-it’s just this room reeks of a mare in heat and...” That I can understand through the haze in my mind. I’ve not left this room since I first came in, so naturally my scent has seemed into the room. “I know how you feel after that guard couldn’t control himself...” Twilight’s voice begins to explain. I can barely take my eyes off that massive rod staring back at me. Pre-cum is pouring from it. The scent has reached my nose and, whatever feelings I had about male smells before wipes away, now smelling like the sweetest ambrosia, my marehood dripping more juices. Oh, what I’d give to have the mammoth of stallion meat inside me, ripping into my body... No! a small voice in my head screams. You don’t like guys! You were a guy before all this! You don’t want a guy inside you! But Twilight isn’t a guy, another, logical, yet seductive voice says. She’s a female, just like I am now. She can fix this heat and she can always pull out. I won’t get pregnant if she does that. “... and I realize I have not excuse for my body reacting the way it does since I got this thing after becoming an Alicorn,” Twilight’s voice starts saying again, sounding like she’s been talking for a while now. “I only know who uncomfortable—” “Fuck me.” Twilight stops, looking at me with uncertainty and shock. “Wh... what did you just say.” I look at her with pleading eyes. “Twilight, please, fuck my pussy!” I reaffirm my plea by standing up and pushing my front down, forcing my back end into the air and displaying my parts to her. My marehood is dripping heavily, and puffy and red, the juices running down my legs. I need this, now! “B-but, Flash...” she gasps, looking like she tried to take a step back, but her body remained in place. “Y-you said you didn’t ever want a stallion inside of you.” “And you’re no stallion,” I say, giving her bedroom eyes that were also pleading. “You’re a mare, just like me and I don’t really care anymore!” I sniffle, tears starting anew down my face. “Twilight, I need this done now! I can’t wait to just ride this out; if I do, I’ll go mad! Please! I need your pole pounding me! I want to ride your rode until I can’t think! I need your stallionmeat stretching me wide! Please!” What the hell? I’d never say this kind of shit, and yet I know nothing is forcing me. Everything I just said is all true! She shivers, looking uncertain, but takes a step forward. “F-Flash, I’m an Alicorn; Celestia’s says we’re unbelievably fertile. If I finish inside you, you’ll definitely get pregnant, heat or no heat.” For some reason that just turns me on more and I scream as my marehood winks. I look to her, sobbing. “Twilight... don’t you love me?” Her face grimaces at that. Yeah, playing the love card is a pretty low thing, especially since I’m not sure of how I feel about Twilight despite being the stallion now turned mare that she used to love, but I’m desperate. Maybe, in a non-heat-addled state, I wouldn’t do that, but right now all I can think about is getting that thick shaft of meat deep inside my pussy and Twilight riding me until I can’t walk properly. Twilight whimpers, biting her lip harder, before crying out and leaping onto the bed. The sudden motion causes the bed to bounce and I tumble, falling onto my back, displaying my pussy and only it to her. Twilight stops in front of me, leaning her head towards my nethers and sniffs, hard. I whimper, wondering why she’s taking so long. Why can’t she hurry up and— My thoughts are cut off and I gasp as I feel something warm and wet slipping along my marehood. Lifting my head up a little, I can see Twilight’s licking my swollen lips... and it feels amazing! I shudder, leaning back as she moves her tongue up and down. Suddenly, I jerk as the warm tongue playing with my lips presses inside. I moan, my hips instinctively rocking forward, burying Twilight’s muzzle further into my snatch, only making me moan louder as her warm appendage moves around deeper inside my walls. As Twilight’s tongue explores deeper inside, lapping against my sensitive flesh, a burning feeling starts in the middle of my stomach. I shudder. Whatever this feeling is, I want it more! I clench my hind legs harder around Twilight’s head, feeling a muffled cry of surprise from the mare inside me. Her cry sends vibrations throughout my inner walls and I shudder again. Suddenly, my hind legs are gripped in Twilight’s magic, pulled open and the mare herself lifts her head up, gasping for air. I’m about to cry out in woe, wanting to feel her against my walls inside of leaving me hanging, before I cry out in pure ecstasy. Twilight had leaned forward and flicked her tongue against my clitoris. The moment she did, I feel like an electric shock has shot through my system and feel my marehood grow even wetter. Twilight grins down at me as I pant heavily, before she returns to pleasuring me, flicking my clit with her tongue, then sucking on it. I moan loudly as I feel her mouth wrap around and suck on the bud. Oh, Lord! Why did I refuse this for so long?! This is amazing. All the while she tends to my clit, she’s rubbing a hoof into my marehood, just intensifying my pleasure. “T-Twilight!” I cry after several minutes of her attention to my lower region. That burning feeling is so strong, it’s overwhelming. “I-I’m so close! I-I’m gonn—AHHH!” I scream louder than I ever have before, my back arching as an immense heat and pleasure rockets through my body, my marehood clenching around the warm appendage within it, gushing liquid as my very first orgasm as a female takes hold, leaving me in a state of pure bliss. My orgasm is only extended as I feel Twilight lapping at my pussy, drinking every drop of what my body is giving. After what feels like several minutes of absolute bliss, my orgasm ends and Twilight away. I lay on the bed, panting heavily. “How... how was it?” Twilight asks, panting almost as hard as I am. I shakily lift my head, the goofiest grin I’ve ever worn plastered on my face. “W-wonderful, Twilight.” I lean my head back, sighing in relief. “Just... wonderful...” She gives a panting chuckle. “Was... was it enough?” I whimper, shaking my head. As wonderful as what she did to me feels, I’ve been dealing with this heat since becoming a mare. It’s going to take more than a little (even though my brain is screaming that it was huge) oral to sate it. She chuckles again. “It... it’s okay,” she pants, her breathes sounding ragged, as if she’s struggling against something. “Something better’s coming. I promise I’m going to make you feel pleasure like you’ve never known. She moves forward and pulls me into a fierce kiss. I gasp. My first kiss. Oh... Celestia have I been missing out. Twilight’s tongue moves into my mouth, wrestling with my own tongue. I can taste my juices on it. There’s a tang, but sweetness that makes me moan into her mouth. She pulls away after several moments, a trail of our saliva connecting us and a sudden something pressing against my lower lips, makes me glance down between us as best I can and I shudder. Twilight’s shaft is right there, pressing against my lips. It looks like it’s only gotten bigger since earlier, if that’s even possible. “Okay, Flash,” she says in a husky, seductive tone, giving me lidded eyes. “Ready for a ride?” I shudder, feeling the hot stick of flesh rubbing against my opening, being coated in my juices and her saliva and nod, wrapping my forelegs around her neck. “Ride me, Twilight Sparkle! Ride my pussy til it hurts!” Holy crap. What the hell has gotten into me? Before all of this I’d have never said such a thing, never would’ve even thought it. Yet, like before, I feel I’m not lying. I want this. I NEED this! Twilight starts leaning forward and her shaft starts pressing further, splitting my lips. I gasp I feel her moving in. Oh, wow. Talk about amazing, and she’s barely put her tip in. “Sorry!” she shouts and before I can ask why, she pulls back and thrusts forward, burying herself halfway in me. I can’t even scream as my head snaps back, my mouth wide open, my tongue lolling out. Oh, GOD! I can feel her inside me; her massive cock is inside me. It throbs with her heartbeat, making me shudder with pleasure as it twitches within, causing me to moan louder. She starts pulling out, more and more until only the head is inside. I whimper at the empty feeling after feeling so full. Suddenly, she thrusts forward again, her shaft going even deeper than before this time. I moan, trying to speak, but only slurring sounds coming from my lips. After several more pumping thrusts, I cry out as my second orgasm takes me, my pussy clamping down on Twilight’s meat. I can vaguely hear her shudder, before I feel her magic lifting me up. I subconsciously start flapping my wings, assisting my lover. Once we’re in a position where she’s standing on her hind legs, kept upright by her wings flapping gently, she grabs my flanks with her hooves and drops her magic. Not expecting it as my wing move up, I drop down, impaling on her shaft. I cry out, a third orgasm hitting me as I feel almost her entire length forced into me. We remain frozen for a moment, Twilgiht catching her breath while I twitch and moan, supported in the air by only the hunk of meat buried within me. I can feel the tip of her shaft pressing against something inside me, like a barrier. Despite my sex-addled mind so rattled by my last orgasm, I realize it is my cervix. Twilight only needs to thrust once and her cock will be right inside my womb. The very thought almost pushes me over the edge again and I shudder, suddenly wanting nothing but for Twilight to ram herself into my most sacred place (regardless of how long I’ve had it) and pump into it like an animal. Twilight gives me a shakily, sly grin. “I promised I’d make you feel great, didn’t I?” Before I can answer, not I have much thought process to go with at this very moment, I feel her magic grip me again and suddenly up spun around, while still impaled on her cock. I scream as my fourth orgasm in a row causes my body to shudder as I feel her meat spear spin inside of me, before I’m pressed back onto the mattress, standing shakily on my hooves. Before I can even figure out what’s going on, Twilight resuming her thrusting and I wail in pure sexual joy as we do it doggy style. With just three thrusts Twilight smashes through my cervix, her cock imbedding itself at left a fourth of its length inside my womb. I shudder as I’m rocked back and forth by Twilgiht thrusts as she pumps her cock inside me. For several long, wonderful minutes we go at it like feral animals, the room filled with the smell of sex and sweat, the only sounds our moans and the constant slapping off flesh against flesh. Suddenly, Twilight starts increasing the speed and force of her thrusts, pushing herself deeper within me, making me shudder from the pleasure it brings. “F-Flash!” she wails, her breaths ragged, yet I can somehow tell from her voice that she’s wearing a grin. “I-I’m not gonna last! I-I’m gonna cum!” A part of me screams at me to stop this, to tell Twilight to pull out and not cum inside me. But that voice is barely heard, the only thing is said coming through being that Twilight is going to cum inside me. The very thought of being filled with her hot, thick seed turns me on even more. “Cum in me!” I yell, my voice sounding manic and desperate. “I want you to fill me Twilight! Fill me with you seed until my belly is so big I can’t walk! I want your babies!” A very small part of me is ashamed of what I’ve let myself become. I’m acting like a whore that just wants to feel a cock deep within her at all times, pumped hard by such big meat. I’ve become a breeding mare in heat, willing to risk getting pregnant (which my sex-addled brain tries to warn me will happen because, not only am I in heat, but Twilight told me before we started that, since Alicorn are unbelievably fertile, I’d get pregnant if she cum in me whether I was in heat or not) but I don’t care. The idea of my belly swelling with Twilight’s babies just turns me on even more, pushing me right over the edge, causing me to be taken by my fifth orgasm so far. That seems to be the turning point for Twilight, because she screams “I’m sorry!” then thrusts forward until her balls slap against me, her whole sheath buried inside me. Her cock spasms and flares, growing larger, making me moan as i feel the head sealing off my passage, leaving no chance of backing out now. My moan rises in volume as I feel something burning hot shot from her flared head, slamming into my womb, filling it completely and more. Then, another shot comes and I give a mixture of a moan and a scream as my orgasm is extended as I feel Twilight pumping more of more of her virile seed inside me, my stomach billowing out as more and more of her wonderful baby batter pulses into me. A part of me screams at myself for what I’ve become. An animal who bends over and allows another to pump her full of their spunk, not even caring about the consequences, who just wants to ride cock. And right now, I don’t care about the consequences and I do want to ride cock; this marvellous cock currently inside, filling me to the brim with one of the key components for creating life. If I was given the option to return to my normal life at this very moment, I would gladly remain her to be bred by Twilight over and over for the rest of my life, with no regrets. After what feels like an eternity of pure, utter bliss, Twilight’s cock finally tops spurting, coming down to a drizzle, before being completely spent. I drop onto my stomach, which means I barely touch the bed due to how much I’ve swelled with Twilight’s spunk. Twilight pulls out with a loud, lewd “pop” and flops onto her flank, panting heavily. I glance over my shoulder, giving a drunk-like grin at the mare who has no doubt just gotten me pregnant. I can think of nopony else I’d have rather done that. For my first time having sex... oh, I wouldn’t forget this, ever. As I watch my sweaty lover panting heavily, her head turned up to the ceiling, I notice her cock is still erect. In my sex-addled state, I want to repay her for sating my heat at long last and filling me with her beautiful seed... and I know just how to do it. Flapping my wings to give me some leverage, I turn myself around and struggle to my hooves and half-walk, half-hover over to her. Once I’m in front of her, I let myself fall to my hooves and stare at the purple member standing tall before me. The tiny part of my brain that shouted at me not to let Twilight come inside me cries weakly at me again, telling me not to do what I’m about to, that, if I do this, I will have turned my back on everything my past life stood for on this matter. However, like it has since the beginning, it is barely more than a whisper and it is wrong. This mare has given me everything and has done nothing but make me the happiest mare in Equestria. It is only natural that I return the favour to her. Leaning down I slick out my tongue and run it up the still erect shaft. I can taste myself and Twilight on it. She has a musky, yet sweet taste, like salty bubblegum. At once Twilight stiffens, her rod twitching from the contact. “F-Flash...?” she stutters, sounding more coherent than I think she should after releasing such a heavy load inside me. “Wh-what are you—?” “You pleasured me,” I say in a sultry voice, looking up at her with lidded eyes. “Let me return the favour, your massive mare.” Before she can respond I slid my tongue up her shaft again, causing her to moan and jerk her head back. Once I’ve reached the tip, I run my tongue around the flared head, shifting between licking and suckling. After a minute of this, I open my mouth wide and press my lips down on her shaft. She moans louder, her hips thrust forward suddenly, burying her deeper into my mouth. I’ve barely got the head in alone, but I can already tell it’s almost right at the back of my throat. I moan as I feel it twitching against my tongue, my cheeks bulging out from the massive thing inside. I can’t really move my head forward any, so I begin moving my tongue around, lapping at the head, Twilight’s moans telling me I’m doing a good job. I slowly pull back, before I push back down, doing small bobbing motions on the head of my lover’s cock. I feel a hoof rest on my head, then another. Good. From what I know of sex from all the porno I watched as I teenager, when the guy (or futa mare in this case) puts their hands (hooves in this case) on the one blowjobing them’s head, it’s a sign they’re loving it. Suddenly, the hooves holding my head thrust me down, forcing more of Twilight’s cock down my throat. I feel a bugle in my neck as it presses farther and farther down, until my muzzle meats the base, Twilight balls under my chin. I remain in place for several moments, shuddering as my pussy leaks more juices. I can feel Twilight’s cock so deep that it’s just outside the entrance to my stomach. From the fact I’m not gagging, it would seem either Flash was born without a gag reflex, or Discord had just taken it away when he changed me into a mare. Whatever the case, I don’t care as I feel the whole of Twilight’s length buried in my throat, my eyes rolling up to the ceiling. Despite my not having a gag reflex, I swallow, my throat constricting around the member within me, causing Twilight to release a throaty moan. I’m having to breathe through my nose, and even then the air is less than usual due to my windpipe being up against this massive meat within me. Twilight begins pulling me up, before she thrusts me back down, moaning loudly as I swallow, my throat constricting against her cock again, making her moan even louder. She pumps into my throat over and over, her moans growing louder each time. Despite the lack of air, I’m in heaven. I can feel every vein in Twilight dick as it slides up and down my throat, twitching every few seconds. If I died now, I’d die a happy pony, sated and having experienced the wonderful world of sex. Twilight’s thrusts start to pick up pace and I shudder and squeal, knowing what this means. Moments later, Twilight lets out a guttural cry and thrusts one last time, her shaft actually pushing into my stomach. It expands, nearly cutting off my air all together and I shudder and moan as I feel hot seed pumping down her shaft and directly into my stomach. I lose track of time as I feel her hot spunk filling my belly, cuaisng it to expand even farther than it already is, until I feel my hooves lift off the mattress, all my weight pressing down on my bloated belly. The feeling of all Twilight cum slushing around as my swelled and still swelling belly holds up my weight causes me to scream and moan as I’m taken by a final orgasm, my pussy spraying my mare cum as Twilight continues to pump my stomach full of her baby batter. After what feels like another eternity of absolute bliss, Twilight pull out, allowing me to catch the last tastes of her spunk as her cum covered, shrinking cock slides from my mouth. There’s a faint saltiness to her, mixed with that same sweetness as before. I give a belch, tasting her one more time, before I slump down over my distended stomach, feeling at blissful peace for the first time in what feels like eons. I am vaguely aware of Twilight’s magic lifting me into the air, before I’m gently lowered onto the mattress. Something warm come up next to me, pressing itself against my rounded stomach and I feel the blanks cover us both. Unable to stay conscious anymore, I drift off into sleep, sighing as I feel Twilight’s cum sloshing around within my stomach and my womb. Never have a felt so at peace. ___________________________________________________________ Chrysalis pulled herself from the memory, breathing heavily. Her body what she’d seen. What... By the First Mother, Flare had really been dominated by that blasted purple Alicorn. And the love... it was so potent. Even through the memory, Chrysalis felt her body screaming at her, wondering why it couldn’t absorb any of the love she’d been feeling given within it. It also explained why her daughter's stomach had been so distended when she'd been brought to the hive. She stomped a hoof on the floor, cracking the stone, snarling. “Even now, Twilight Sparkle, you interfere with my plans.” She’d need to figure out the best course of action now that she knew why her daughter was behaving as she was, as well as a hint as to just why the transformation had happened as it did. Sending a message to several drones, she moved over to her throne and sat down to brood. This complicated matters so much more. She would need to proceed carefully.