> How Fluttershy met Tree Hugger > by kainofthesand > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 01 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After a long train ride and forty minutes of combined hiking and fluttering, Fluttershy had finally reached the top of the steep platou where she would finally and at long last get to see the rarest and most adorably tiny magical creatures in all of Equestria. The breezies! She huffed for breath as she looked around to take in her surroundings. There were trees and bushes, and a giant field of flowers that were some of the richest in pollen production ever cataloged, which is why the breezies chose this place to come visit. Fluttershy saw that no adorable little fairies were about in the fields, meaning that she had time to set up her camp before they arrived. She set up her tent and took off her adventure outfit that Rarity had made for her, feeling the gentle breeze that told her that they would be arriving in about three to four hours. She left her camp site so she could locate the best possible spot to watch the breezies without disturbing them. She located a large bush and moved to investigate it. Sure enough, she found an opening in the foliage big enough for her to crawl into. She ducked down and entered the opening, where she was surprised to find that there was a network of tunnels. "Perfect," she whispered to herself as she moved deeper into the bushes. The leaves were thick, only allowing a small amount of light to enter. She squinted, trying to see better in the dim light. She turned a corner, spotting a ray of light. She moved towards it. As she approached, she saw that the light was an opening that looked right out onto the field, meaning that it was the ideal spot for breezie watching. Fluttershy's eyes sparkled as she looked at all the beautiful flowers. They formed a rainbow of colors that Fluttershy hadn't seen before. She sat down, taking a moment to absorb the perfection of the view and the moment. "Oh, sweet Celestia. It's all so…so-" "Like, perfect right?" Fluttershy jumped so high her head almost went through the top of the bushes. She almost ran away, until her eyes adjusted to the shadows and she saw the form of a pony sitting next to her. "Oh, goodness. I-I'm so sorry. I didn't know that this bush was taken," Fluttershy apologized to the new pony. "Oh, no worries. You can't, like, 'own' a bush. They're beings all their own, ya' know?" Her voice sounded slow and sleepy, yet soothing and feminine with love and appreciation. Fluttershy's eyes were now more adjusted to the darkness, allowing her to properly see her fellow bush mate. She was an earth pony with a darkish green coat and a red mane and tail done in thick dreadlocks. Her smile was one of pure peace, and her half lidded eyes were a radiant, shimmering purple. "Well, anyways. Hello, I'm Fluttershy. May I ask what your name is?" "You sure may. I'm Tree Hugger…blessings." "It's nice to meet you, Tree Hugger. Are you here to see the breezies too?" Tree Hugger seemed to zone out for a moment till she looked back to Fluttershy, blinking slowly with the same sleepy smile. "Absolutely, the breezies are like, awesome. Soooo in tune with the flow. Very radical." Fluttershy cocked a brow at Tree Hugger's…interesting analysis of the little fairy creatures, but she could see that Tree Hugger seemed to be nice. The lazy eyed mare started looking Fluttershy up and down, as if observing some unseen thing. Tree Hugger's gaze made Fluttershy visibly uncomfortable. "Um, is everything alright?" "Oh yeah, dude. I was just noticing that you have such an awesome vibe." "Vibe?" "You emulate like, gentleness and tranquility, and so so much kindness. It's very refreshing." Fluttershy still didn't fully understand what a "vibe" was, but she could tell that it was some sort of compliment. "Well, uh, thank you," she replied, smiling back at her new friend. "Do you think that the breezies will be here soon?" Fluttershy asked. "It's like, all good, Fluttershy. The breezies will come when the time is right." Fluttershy couldn't disagree with that. Magical creatures were very finicky, and trying to interfere or rush them was a fools errand. "Hey, I just had an idea. Why don't we head back to my tent and we can like, get to know each other." Fluttershy still felt somewhat hesitant about the unusual mare, but if she had learned anything from her friends and their adventures, it was to never judge a friend by their appearance. "Well…alright then." Tree Hugger lead Fluttershy out of the bush tunnels and to a large tree with outstretched branches shading a large burgundy tent. The fabric was embroidered with swirls and other earthly patterns. Over the flap entrance hung an expertly woven dream catcher with beads and feathers hanging from it. As soon as Tree Hugger opened the flap to her tent, Fluttershy was hit with strange scents. It smelt of sandal wood and some strange herbal smell. Similar to pine, but not quite. The inside of the tent was like nothing Fluttershy had ever seen before. There was a thick rug on the floor, and pillows of different colors and patterns laid out in a half moon formation around what looked like a tall vase with hoses coming out from its middle. There was a bowl with some burning incense in it, filling the room with a wonderful scent that mixed with the strange odor. "Come in, Fluttershy. All are welcome in my tent." Fluttershy accepted the invitation, daintily laying down on some of the soft pillows while Tree Hugger sat across from her. "So, Fluttershy, is this your fist time seeing the Breezies?" Tree Hugger asked in her relaxed tone. "Yes it is. I just got permission from the Equestrian society for the preservation of rare and magical creatures." "Righteous, dude. This will be my third year." Fluttershy's ears perked up. "You mean you've seen the breezies before? But I've been trying to get permission for years." "Well I'm like, licensed to observe rare creatures. Ever since I graduated from Trottingham university." "You went to T.U.?" Tree Hugger let out a little laugh as she moved a lock from her face. "Oh yeah. I got my masters in advanced fauna." Fluttershy looked at Tree Hugger with newfound admiration. She wasn't some lazy drifter pony with a nice tent, she was an educated mare who was pursuing her passion. The two girls spent the next hour talking. Fluttershy leaned that Tree Hugger spent every year traveling Equestria, seeing all the different creatures and meeting new friends. She made a living by writing reports and taking photos of animals and landscapes, selling them to magazine editors. "You mean, you're Miss. T?" Tree Hugger nodded. Fluttershy had read thousands of articles by Miss. T, and now she was talking to her. "Oh my goodness! That article on wild orthrose was the highlight of my year. I must have read it a hundred times." "Oh thanks. The orthrose are all about respect. Once you earn their trust, they're like family." Fluttershy was suddenly swept away into a fantasy about herself living with orthrose. Raising puppies, helping them fix up their dens. "Oh hey, Fluttershy. Do you like mind if I spark up while we talk?" Fluttershy was broken from her fantasy. She tilted her head at the question. "Spark up?" She asked. "Oh sorry. I mean smoke," Tree Hugger explained. Fluttershy felt her cheeks blush slightly. Being such an innocent girl, she had never really seen somepony smoking before. But she didn't want to offend her new friend, especially after learning that she was one of her personal idols. "N-no! Not at all. This is your tent after all." Tree Hugger shot Fluttershy a lazy smile, brushing another dreadlock from her face. "Righteous." Tree Hugger pulled out a plastic bag of some green lumpy stuff that the yellow mare assumed was tobacco. Tree Hugger dropped a big lump into the ceramic top of the glass vase and put the end of one of the tubes in her mouth. Her other hoof lit a lighter and held it over the top of the vase. The inside of the vase bubbled as she drew on it. Fluttershy watched for what must have been a full minute as Tree Hugger continued to inhale the acrid smoke. The scent of the smoke explained the strange odor that Fluttershy had detected upon entering the tent. Finally, Tree Hugger took her mouth off of the hose, her cheeks puffed out. It seemed like she was trying to hold the smoke in as long as possible before finally opening her mouth and blowing out a big cloud of thick smoke. Fluttershy coughed daintily, waving her hoof to clear the cloud while Tree Hugger sighed in contentment. "Oh, sorry, Fluttershy. Didn't mean to harsh your vibe." "O-oh no, that's ok. I don't mind at all." Tree Hugger smiled again at Fluttershy as her eyes started to turn red. She held the hose up with a hoof. "You like, wan a take a hit, dude?" Fluttershy's ears perked up at the offer. "I-I don't know, Tree Hugger. I mean, I don't have a problem with…that. It's just…well." Tree Hugger detected her hesitation. "Say no more, Fluttershy. If it's not your thing than it's cool, ya know?" Fluttershy felt more comfortable. Tree Hugger wasn't somepony who would use peer pressure, and Fluttershy appreciated that. "You know what? I think I will try it," she said, taking the hose. "Groovy, girlfriend. Just like, make sure you don't do too much. It's powerful stuff." Fluttershy put her mouth on the end of the hose, sucking on it as Tree Hugger lit the top. The smoke tasted bitter as it filled the newbie mare's mouth and crept its way down into her lungs. She felt her chest tighten the instant that the inhaled smoke touched her pure, pink lung tissue, but she fought the urge to cough. Only five seconds into her inhale she took her mouth off of the hose and started coughing like a freshman behind the gym during lunch. Her chest burned like fire, Tree Hugger patting her back like a good friend. "Whoa there girl. I'm all for lettin your freak flag fly, but ya gotta trot before ya gallop, ya know?" Fluttershy continued to cough the fire from her lungs. Her eyes were burning and watering as she tried to recover from her first taste of what she assumed was tobacco. Finally, after much back rubbing from Tree Hugger, she felt fine enough to sit back up, though she didn't know how long she would be able to stay upright. As if a vail fell upon her, she felt like her insides were light as butterfly wings, yet her eyes suddenly felt heavy. "Uh, T-Tree Hugger? I don't…think I feel so well…" Fluttershy suddenly felt a comforting hoof on her shoulder, pulling her gently till she was laying against Tree Huggers soft chest. "Don't even worry about that, Fluttershy. Just breath deeply and relax," Tree Hugger instructed in a soothing tone. Fluttershy felt like her chest was led as she inhaled and exhaled, feeling Tree Hugger do the same. While she didn't understand what exactly was happening, Fluttershy couldn't deny that she was feeling really really good. The two new friends stayed like that, cuddling together as they drifted in and out of their own highs. Fluttershy suddenly felt Tree Hugger nuzzle the side of her ear, her gentle nasal exhaling tickling her fur. Tree Hugger's hoof moved to rub Fluttershy's chest fur, sending shivers of enjoyment through the butter ponies little body. Fluttershy slowly turned her head, looking deep into Tree Hugger's dark green coat, soon finding herself getting lost in the sheer….green…niss of it. She extended a hoof to the sea of green, marveling at just how soft and smooth she felt. "I love your coat, Tree Hugger. What shampoo do you use?" "I don't really like using all those mass produced corporate stuff. I like, loooove Flax and Wheat's line of all naturals." "Really? Me too. My friend Rarity told me about them and I've been hooked ever since." Tree Hugger sniffed the top of Fluttershy's head a few times. "It shows. You like, smell reeeeealy good." Fluttershy blushed from the embarrassing yet kind complement. Tree Hugger continued to sniff the stoned little pony, nuzzling deeply into her neck. Fluttershy was aware of Tree Hugger's affections. And while embarrassing, she couldn't bring herself to oppose the comforting attention. "Ah, T-Tree Hugger…" "Shhhhh, I'm like, smelling you, Fluttershy." "I-I can see that. I just…" Fluttershy sighed loudly as she felt something warm and moist make contact with her tender neck, realizing that her new friend was licking her. She raised a hoof weakly, but it was gently grasped by Tree Hugger's hoof, holding it gently. The shy filly could only quiver and gasp as the earth pony continued to lick and occasionally kiss her. Being stones put aside, Fluttershy honesty didn't know how to react. Aside from her parents and her animal friends, she had never engaged in such a close and tender moment with a friend. Tree Hugger didn't seem to care much for whatever hesitations were spinning around inside of Fluttershy's THC laced brain. The green mare shifted her position so that she had Fluttershy pinned gently against the soft pillows. The two new friends looked into the others red eyes. Fluttershy wanted to look away out of embarrassment, but couldn't tear herself away from Tree Huggers vibrant purple gaze. "Fluttershy, do you like, like me?" Fluttershy tried to swallow despite her mouth feeling like it was full of cotton. "Well of course I do. I know we just met, but I can tell that you're a really nice pony," Fluttershy explained from a place of genuine affection. Tree Hugger smiled at the beautiful girl before her. "Righteous," she whispered as she closed her eyes, capturing the unsuspecting pegasus in her first kiss. Fluttershy 'meeped' helplessly as Tree Hugger gently used her tongue to wiggle into her mouth. Fluttershy tried to voice her objection, but Tree Hugger was too good. Her lips moved with her tongue, forcing her new friend to move with her in an elegant dance. Very soon, Fluttershy lost all desire to oppose what was happening. "This must be some sort of different way of getting to know somepony," she reasoned to herself. Tree Hugger was unique, so it wasn't out of the question that she had different ways of making friends. Tree Hugger pulled back, giving Fluttershy's lips a small lick in the proses. Without a word, she started peppering Fluttershy's chest with small kisses, slowly working her way downward. She paused for a moment to give a sensual kiss to Fluttershy's navel, flicking it with the tip of her tongue. "Ah…" Fluttershy sighed as her earth pony friend kissed her belly button. Tree Hugger's eyes caught sight of something pink and fresh just under the place she was kissing. She used her hooves to gently open her friends hind legs, revealing one of the most beautiful things she had ever seen. "Oh wow, dude. You're like, sooo pink, Fluttershy. It's like a cherry blossom in spring." Fluttershy felt her face turn so red it could have boiled water. She wanted to cover her eyes, but she wanted to keep looking at what Tree Hugger was doing to her. "Uh, t-thank you," she whispered. Tree Hugger wasted no time. She opened her mouth and enveloped Fluttershy's pussy into her maw, her tongue gently running up and down the warm slit. Fluttershy sealed her mouth shut to try and quell any embarrassing sounds from escaping. She felt something other than saliva on her slit, and quickly realized that she was getting wet. Tree Hugger tasted her leaking arousal, and greedily lapped it up before swallowing. She used her dexterous oral muscle to open Fluttershy's feminine passage, working her way inside to find more of her sweet nectar. Fluttershy couldn't hold in a loud moan. It felt like Tree Hugger was filling her up inside with her wonderful tongue. The earth pony sighed and made little muffled cooes as she continued to expertly eat Fluttershy's pussy. "T-Tree Hugger! That feels….so good!" She cried out. Tree Hugger didn't stop in her oral ministrations. Her hooves tenderly rubbed Fluttershy's thighs and belly, enhancing the stimulation the pegasus was feeling. Her half lidded eyes gazed up at her new friend, locking eyes as her mouth moved in waves. Fluttershy couldn't look away from Tree Hugger as she deep kissed her pussy. Tree Hugger's tongue was touching places that Fluttershy never knew existed. Places that made her feel like she was going to go crazy. The pegasus arched her back as Tree Hugger found the mother of all sweet spots. She was building to something big and wonderful, when suddenly Tree Hugger took her mouth off of Fluttershy's pussy, thick strands of saliva and arousal dripping from her panting muzzle. Fluttershy was about to voice her objection to her friend stopping, but was hushed by a hoof to her lips. "Not just yet, Fluttershy. You'll like, feel much better if you cum with me." Tree Hugger sat shoulder to shoulder with Fluttershy, their mouths connected in a deep and passionate kiss. Tree Hugger lead her hoof to the place between her hind legs. Fluttershy wasn't quite sure what to do in this situation, but she wanted Tree Hugger to like her, so she did her best, remembering back to those sweaty nights she spent comforting herself in her bedroom. Tree Hugger followed by touching Fluttershy in the same way. They broke their kiss, and Tree Hugger nuzzled the side of Fluttershy's head. "Move like how I do, Fluttershy," she instructed sweetly. Fluttershy nodded trying to focus on how Tree Hugger was massaging her pussy. She matched her movements, rubbing gently yet firmly along Tree Huggers equally warm slit. The two stoned mares began a rhythm of touching and gyrating together as they exhaled heavily through their nostrils. Fluttershy couldn't stop looking into Tree Hugger's eyes, and Tree Hugger was the same. Their arousals soon soaked their hooves as they rubbed and touched each other. Both girls were building to something big, as evident in their heavy breathing and sounds of pleasure. Soon enough their movements mirrored each other, their hooves working furiously on the other as waves of bliss built up to the breaking point. "T-Tree Hugger! I-I'm gonna cum!" "Me too, Fluttershy! Just let your energies go!" Both mares threw their heads back as they came together, female orgasm spraying wildly about as they reached euphoria together. Unable to hold back, Fluttershy kissed Tree Hugger, who was all too willing to return the gesture. They sat together, gently rubbing the other as they came down from their shared orgasm. "Tree Hugger…thank you so much for that." "Don't even mention it, Fluttershy. Oh wow, dude, it's time!" Fluttershy perked up, suddenly remembering that she had forgotten about the breezies. "Oh goodness! We haven't missed them, have we?" Tree Hugger peeked out from her tent, turning back to Fluttershy with a smile. "No no, we haven't missed them. In fact, I think we have time for one more smoke." Five minutes later and Fluttershy found herself laying in the flowers with Tree Hugger, watching the breezies as they fluttered from flower to flower. To Fluttershy they were even more magical than she had imagined them to be, and not just because of the "tobacco" she had smoked with her new friend. "I really want to thank you for everything, Tree Hugger." "You have nothing to thank me for, Fluttershy. It was destined that we meet today." "Maybe if you're ever in Ponyville we can meet up again." "I'd like that."