Getting over the Fear

by JusSonic

First published

As Lorcan is close to death, Twilight feels sad for the events that led to his coma.

Takes place after the Redemption.. Despite everything that happened, Twilight couldn't get over the fear that everything happened, especially to Lorcan, was her own fault. Of course, Ben and the others must help her otherwise.

Chapter 1

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Getting over the Fear

Twilight, her friends and family waited outside Lorcan's room in the Rainbow Friendship Kingdom. They are worried and scared. Lorcan has been in coma for quite some time now. Dr. Horse and various doctors are trying their best with everything to help him. So far, there doesn't seem to be a cure for him.

Twilight hugs Spike who is worried. His big brother is close to dying, there isn't anything that he can to save him now. All everyone has to pray and hope for the best.

Rainbow has already got a response from Jade, informing her of Black Jack, the doctor who could save Lorcan now. The Mane Six and everyone can only hope he shows up in time.

Just then, Dr. Horse came out, with a sad look on his face. That doesn't look good, not at all. When a doctor looks like that, it means there's no hope for a patient.

" he going to be alright?" Fluttershy ask Dr. Horse meekly.

"Tell me that my big brother is going to be all right. Please tell me!" Spike exclaims, close to tears. Twilight holds him back to keep her adopted son from running off, maybe close to suicide.

Dr. Horse sighed, "I'm sorry. I truly am. It's impossible to save him."

The others looks down in sadness and despair. Nothing can be done to help him. Looks like whoever is responsible, has succeeded in the task of killing Lorcan once and for all. Death is closer than ever.

"Well, looks like we may accept the inevitable." Ben said gloomy. "Lorcan is dead...and after everything he did for us."

"Nooooo." Nyx said, sobbing a bit. "There must be a way."

"We can't give up on Lorcan now." Rarity said in agreement yet worry. Lorcan has proven himself to be amongst the good guys.

"It's my fault." Twilight said in sadness as she sat down, feeling like wanting to end it all. "If only I gave him the benefit of the doubt...everything that happened to Lorcan, to Ponyville, to the ponies...has been my fault."

"You got a fear that makes you think that everything had happened is your fault." Ben said to his love calmly. "You need to overcome it so..."

"How am I supposed to get over my fear when it's my fault?"

"Would you stop worry about Lorcan?! I know it was just a coma, I know I didn't have any problem! And I know that I am NOT UNDER SOMEONE CONTROL!!" The Pegasus pony protests. A radio wave strikes Rainbow and she gets big blushy cheeks like Owl Johnson and starts to sing. "I love to singa, about the moona and junea and the springa, I love to singa, bout a sky of bluea or a tea for twoa....."

A second radio wave reverts her to normal as everypony look in an awkward silence.

"What 'de hay was 'dat?!" Applejack demands in bewilderment.

Suddenly Jade rush in, smiling as she announces, "I've made it! I'm here, everyone. I've brought the doctor in the house!"

"Doctor?!" Twilight gasps as she turns to Jade in hope. "Are you saying..."

"Did you bring him?!" Nyx ask Jade, galloping up to her Mystic Pony in hope. "The one that you mentioned to Rainbow?!"

"Tell us, tell us; tell us!" Pinkie insists, bouncing off the walls, even literally!

"Yup... Presenting you the doctor in the house - Dr. Black Jack." Jade announces as she motions to the front door, announcing Blackjack, the same doctor that she mentioned to Rainbow in the e-mail series.

As everyone looked at the front door, it opened in two and revealed a pinkish Unicorn filly with small reddish short mane and tail. She smiled happily while calling out, "Hi everyone! It's nice to meet you!"

"Uh, Jade?" Applejack ask Jade awkwardly. "Ah done thought yew said Blackjack was a colt."

"Yeah, this is a filly." Rarity said with a frown, pointing a hoof at the newcomer.

Jade yelped in embarrassment, "That's not her! This is Pinoko! Doctor's assistant." The Mystic Pony pushes Pinoko aside to allow the real doctor to come in. "And now, here's the doctor - Dr. Black Jack."

Everyone saw who came in as thunder and lightning somehow flashes behind him: a Unicorn with a black and white spiky short mane and tail dressed in a black suit. He had a scar on his right side. He levitated his black suitcase as he entered the area.

"Well, he looks....uh...nice." Fluttershy said meekly.

"How did he git 'dat scar on his face?" Apple Bloom ask, curiously at the scar in question.

"Oooh, I don't think I wanna know!" Scootaloo exclaims uneasily. Perhaps there are some questions best left unsolved.

"Hmmm, he looks kinda rough...but appearances can be deceiving." Pinkie said, scratching her shin while giving a suspicious look to Black Jack.

Black Jack stops as he ask, "Where's the patient? Let me see him."

Twilight and her friends led Dr. Black Jack to Lorcan's room. He checked through his body carefully yet slowly as he wanted to make sure that he find the cause of the sickness by listening to heartbeat, blood pressure, check his skin, his eyes, hearing, fever and more.

Blackjack sighed, "It's as I feared. He's getting worse..." With a nod, the doctor spoke once more, "It's definitely the Dark Plague. And I found where it hits - his heart. But not only that, I found something funny on his heart. There were two of them inside of him."

"How did it get inside him?" Twilight ask Black Jack in concern. It must've happened after the defeat of Tadaka, but when during that time?

"Who could've cause it?" Nyx ask Black Jack upset. Somepony had harmed her adopted brother and whoever it is will pay!

"I don't know. But it's not good either. Because if I don't remove the plague and this mysterious heart within him, he could die any minute..." Black Jack said seriously.

"Die?!" Fluttershy and the CMC gasps in horror, the fillies hold onto each other.

"As in never waking up again?" Spike ask frantically. He fears for his big brother now than ever.

"You got to help, please!" Ben begs Black Jack seriously. "He may have been a tyrant in the past but he's reformed now."

"Lorcan doesn't deserve to die. You got to help him!" Rarity begs Lorcan as well.

The others beg Black Jack, wanting him to help the poor scarred Dragon out. The doctor waits for them to die down, then he spoke, "Alright... I'll do it if you agree with my demands."

"Oh horse feathers! It's always pricey fer yew doctors." Applejack said with an annoyed groan. Figures doctors would want payment for his or her help.

"So what do you want for your help?" Twilight ask Black Jack. Rainbow warned her thanks to a warning from Jade to expect a payment demand from him. Time to hear the pony out.

Black Jack then answers, "10 Billion Bits and 100 Golden Dragon Eggs!"

"100 Billion Bits and 100 Golden Dragon Eggs?!" Most of everyone in the room yell in shock.

"Are you mad?!" Pinkie yells out, taking out a glass of water, drinking it then spitting the water. "Hay, that's waaaaaay too much for us ponies."

"How could you even make a huge demand like that?!" Rainbow demands as he got into Black Jack's face. "I knew Jade was onto something that you would make a payment, but that's too greedy!"

"We won't pay it!" Rarity exclaims sternly.

"If you don't meet with my payment demand, I might as well leave it." Black Jack said emotionlessly. It sounds like if no one would pay his price, he will leave the matter alone and leave Lorcan to die.

"So that's it?" Phobos yells out to Black Jack in annoyance. "Wow, and I thought I was greedy."

"You would leave Lorcan to die just because of that reason?!" Fluttershy ask Black Jack, stunned to hear him deciding 'to Tartarus with it' just for lack of payment.

Blade snaps in anger and disgust, "You're nothing but a despicable and dishonorable doctor. You dare to demand that much money when lives at stakes?!"

Warpath nodded in agreement as he spoke to Black Jack in annoyance, "You said it. You've got lots of nerve of asking that lot, fake doc!"

"Fake doc?" Ben ask Warpath puzzled. "What do you mean?"

"Are you saying this guy is a quack?" Sweetie ask puzzled and concerned over hearing that.

Jade giggled uneasily, "I might left a little detail. Black Jack isn't licensed doctor from the start."

"What?!" Most of everyone yells out in shock. Black Jack isn't a license doctor?!

"Why the hay didn't you say so before?!" Rainbow snaps at Jade, flying into her face. "We wouldn't have to bother with him!"

"How are we going to save Lorcan if we have to pay for him to do so?" Nyx asks Jade in frustration.

"And even if we do pay him, what makes us think he would do the task right?" Pinkie ask with a concerned look on her face. Something fishy is wrong with this picture.

"But he's the doctor you can count on. Really! He can be trusted." Jade insists to the doubtful group in concern. If they want to save Lorcan, they must meet Blackjack, just as she pointed out to them before.

Black Jack notes the skeptic and doubtful looks on the others' face, he can tell that they aren't willing to meet his price. Well, time for one more tactic to make them change their mind.

"ine then... It looks like that you don't need me." Black Jack said as he get his bag ready, preparing to leave the castle and leave Lorcan to his face. "But ask yourself this - whose fault make Lorcan sick? Whose fault for mistreating him? And above all, whose fault for blaming him because of the past?!"

"HEY! WHO ARE YOU TO SAY IT'S OUR FAULT?!" Rainbow snaps furiously to Black Jack, wanting to beat him to the ground.

"If I heard right, most of the fault is on the new princess for mistreating him fairly. If you can't meet my demands, you can forget about it. After all, you're the cause of this mess, Twilight. Because if you hadn't start the argument, Lorcan wouldn't be in desperate status. You should have given him a chance. So, are you willing to let him die?”

"Twilight has her reasons: she couldn't trust Lorcan at first." Ben remarks in concern. Of course, what Blackjack said left the guilt ridden princess in thought. "It was an attacker who done this."

"Right, I mean, Twilight can often be wrong, but she's trying her best." Applejack said in agreement. "No need 'ta make it looks like she's 'de bad pony here!"

Twilight sighed, "I'm afraid... He's right. Whatever you want, it can be done. But please... Save him..."

Hearing that startled most of everyone. Twilight is actually agreeing to his price?! The doctor smirks as he said, "Good enough... Let's get started. First thing first, we need him move to the surgery chamber. I could perform the work well. Begin the operation!"

Black Jack heads off, preparing for the operation. Ben in worry spoke, "Twilight? You sure about meeting his price?"

"Black Jack's prices are high...but he's right. I got to help Lorcan, even if it means paying a huge price." Twilight said with a nod. The mare wants to make up for her nasty behavior against Lorcan.

Paying a high price is the only way to save Lorcan now.


The castle has a surgery chamber so it's easy to move Lorcan down in there. It's up to the Herd and Black Jack to save Lorcan now.

As Black Jack dressed up in his surgeon suit, he and some doctors and nurses began the operation. The illegal doctor took the scalpel up as he began cut and open the chest up. Most of the ponies did their best not to faint.

"Stabilize the blood pressure! We don't him to lose it now. Without it, he'll be dead soon!" Black Jack orders the doctors sternly.

The doctors and nurses quickly stabilize the blood at once. Black Jack began looked carefully at Lorcan's body as he moved the flesh gently and slowly. He gasped in fear upon looking at Lorcan's heart.

Black Jack spoke in determination, "So that's the cause of the two hearts. Whatever it was, I have to remove it at once. Hold it for a while."

As the nurse places some tongs in holding the flesh for the moment, Black Jack use the sharped extractor as he slowly removed it from the heart. But instead, it gave him a static.

Black Jack groaned, "I guess there is more to it than meets the eye. I'm not giving up yet. Hold on! Let's clean some ooze off and then I can place some medicine."

Black Jack began his work by cleaning the ooze off. He then used cotton buds on medicine before putting them on wounded yet scared of his heart. Black Jack stared at the heart which was attached with dark purplish lights. He had his eyes narrowed in determination as he took the scalpel in cutting a path gently on the heart. Black Jack then used the extractor to remove it. It then gave him a shock yet he continued finding a way to know about the light.

Most of doctors and nurses were amazed by his work and skills. Black Jack was sweating and exhausting. They quickly helped and assisted him in his work.


The scene begins to open around on the balcony in where Twilight was looking out over the Rainbow Kingdom. From seeing her subjects to even see something going on around the center of town. It was Big Mac as he was seen mildly walking to mingle with the crowd, he was buying some farm seeds to plant back at Sweet Apple Acres. Twilight almost envisioned Big Mac buying flowers to present to someone with the words coming from his mouth 'I'm sorry' before the princess shook her head as the illusion faded to make her see reality. Twilight only signs in having seen such things, especially since Lorcan is in a coma during this time...

"Twilight?" Then without warning, Twilight turn to see that the voice belong to Ben, but it was not just him, the Mane Five, Spike, Nyx & Phobos were with Ben too.

"Oh, everyone...I...I didn't notice you there." Twilight responded off to say this in trying to put on a front face.

"Twilight, is everything okay?" Ben asked off in feeling that something was bothering the mare.

"Of course, why?" Twilight spoke off to say in a sheepish tone in sounding like she was not oaky.

"Cause you look like you have something on your mind, and that you look worried if we're poking our noses too deep to expose a secret you rather keep under wraps." Pinkie Pie spoke off in mentioning this off in randomly claiming it as so, much to Twilight's surprise.

"Better come clean with us sugar-cube, after all, we are yer friends." Applejack raised an eyebrow in liking their friend to fess up now & be done with it.

"Hugh,’s about Lorcan." Twilight sighs off to say this while admitting this truth of the matter.

"Again, I thought we already buried under that hatch of an issue long ago." Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes in recalling that they were finished with having the issue involving Lorcan.

"Rainbow's right darling, what could be wrong with Lorcan now?" Rarity asked off in feeling like this next subject sounds troubling.

"It’s not him, its....with me." Twilight shook her head off to look away with a sad expression.

"What do you mean?" Fluttershy shyly was asking in sounding worried, Twilight sounds sad about this.

"Despite everything that happened, between learning Lorcan was alive, then how he was trying to change for the better, then being framed by Drago's group, the revival of Tadaka, and...even having learn that there is a Dragon more scarier than him that almost could have destroyed Lorcan & Spike." Twilight spoke off all of the subjects of some matters that lead from one thing to another, how trouble started when Lorcan came in the picture, what enemies did in using this against the ponies, even when a CRAZY POWERFUL Dragon named Ji-Ga-No came out of nowhere to almost finish off Spike & Lorcan but didn't bother; just remembering that part would make anyone sweat under pressure.

"Mommy, what are you trying to say?" Nyx asked worried in thinking something was really wrong here.

"I couldn't get over the fear that everything that happened, especially to Lorcan, was more than likely my own fault! The enemy knew that I couldn't forgive him, yet despite all the evidence that proved he didn't kill my younger brother, Starlight, even if there was a chance he was still alive...I was still letting my hate control me. And it caused so much trouble." Twilight spoke off in stating these facts over her own fault which was down-grading her spirit in seeing that everything comes back to her, her hate for a murderer that was used like a puppet of evil, then losing herself, it was all disgraceful.

The others felt concern in seeing how hard Twilight was giving herself. Despite having gotten over that case to live a new day, Twilight was still reflecting from her mistakes.

"Hey Twilight, you know that we all make mistakes, heck, even me. Like when I hated you all & left to be with my own kind..." Spike came up to pat Twilight's front left leg to say this in recalling what he did when he learn about Lorcan was his brother & that he misunderstood things to pack up & leave them.

"Yep, we called each other names, thought I think one insult backfired since we were both purple." Phobos nodded off in recalling that matter while never figuring out how to use an insult name that didn't involve him & Spike being the same purple color.

"What Spike is trying to say Twilight, is that you have to let go of what is holding you back to move on." Ben came up to comfort Twilight in giving this advice for her to use.

"Right, I you honestly think you’re a bad princess just from one little mistake?" Rainbow Dash nodded off to state this in knowing how good & true her friend is.

"She's right hun, ye were only doing wha ye thought was best....just...a little much is all." Applejack nodded off to say while being honest even when Twilight got a little crazy during most of that issue with Lorcan.

"And besides darling, you managed to overcome it & you even managed to see Lorcan in another light." Rarity smiled off to proudly say this in seeing how Twilight got over that subject to see Lorcan for what he's change to be.

"Especially when the mother of Spike & Lorcan was seen from that locket, it was so beautiful, even Lorcan looked ready to cry. Now who doesn't cry if they first don't have a heart?" Pinkie Pie issue off to remind the group of what else happened that was so shocking, yet so amazing that even a guy like Lorcan felt love from his birth mother, who wouldn't still have the heart to let himself cry when seeing someone they love.

"We all may have had doubts, but Lorcan has shown that he wants to change for the better. Maybe you just need to not take in all of the responsibility of what happened & just let bygones be bygones." Fluttershy spoke off to say this in a kind way in what they need to do in order for Twilight to understand Lorcan better now that he's no longer the enemy they once fought.

"That's, actually some good advice Fluttershy." Twilight spoke off to say in having heard that advice to think her kind hearted yet shy friend made a good point.

"And if you need help changing or need a shoulder to lean on when doubts weigh you down, you should know Twilight...that's what family & friends are there for most." Ben smiled off to issue this in knowing for a fact, if Twilight needs help overcoming things too much to shoulder...then she can lean that extra weight to those that can support her.

"Yep, you can count on it." Spike nods off to say this with a proud face.

Twilight felt a bit emotional now as she rub of some loose tears from her eyes in being so happy to have such good friends & family like this.

"Thanks everyone, I think...this is helping me get through." Twilight stated to say this with an honest face in having had this little talk will help her get going.

"You know Twilight, maybe the next time you have a chance, you can talk to my brother once he wakes up, so you both can reflect on your actions to move on." Spike suggested this off in where Twilight & Lorcan can just talk about their differences, what they reflect of their past mistakes to get a better understanding.

"Hmph, you know Spike, I'm beginning to wonder just how smart you are becoming." Twilight smirked off to say this in seeing how clever Spike has gotten that she needed his advice.

"Heh, learn much of it while growing up to be your best assistant." Spike let off a chuckle in knowing he learn this from growing up with Twilight & been the best assistant to the smart mare since she was still a unicorn.

"And a good brother." Nyx proudly stated to stand near Spike that to her, this baby Dragon is like her brother.

"This calls for a group hug now." Rarity suddenly spoke this off in feeling so emotional now.

Then without warning, everyone gathered around Twilight to help her feel better & more relieved. As Twilight felt so lucky that even in her down in the dumps moments, her friends & family are there to help her out. That's what matters the most, being there for another when one needs a little help...

"Hey!" Jade calls from inside. "He's done!"

Everyone stops their hugging as they came inside. Now they can hope for the best.


As the 'operation' sign of red turned into green light, everyone gasped and looked worry as the doctor came out from the door. Now they hope for the best.

To their relief, Black Jack smiled as he said, "The Operation is a success. Lorcan's alive. I removed the cause of it for good."

"He's alive?! HE'S ALIVE!!!!" The CMC cheers wildly as they hug each other. Nyx and Spike laughs happily as they hug one another.

"Wow...I'm sorry for even doubting you." Rainbow said with a smile. Even the Mystic Ponies are relieved that they are wrong for doubting him.

"See? Told you he's the best." Jade said to her friends proudly.

"And it's a good thing you did recommended him."

"But what about Lorcan?" Fluttershy ask Black Jack in concern. "Is he all right?"

"Lorcan is still in a coma but he'll be fine. For now, he need more rest. And be sure that he eats his medicine when he woke up. After ever meal, he must take them." Black Jack explains, assuring the group that, although Lorcan is still out, the scarred Dragon will be fine and recommended that he take some medicine once he wakes up.

Twilight bowed as she said, "Thank you so much, Dr. Black Jack. We owe you a lot. What you had said... You were right. I was stupid and selfish for not giving Lorcan a chance. But this time - I want to make sure he's alright and healthy. Not for me, but for Spike. I've done enough bad stuff as it is." The mare then nods as Ben uses his magic to float a bag, not enough for the amount owed, to Black Jack. "And as for the payment, I know it wasn't much. But I'll try to get it more for you."

Black Jack smiled as he waves the bag away. The unicorn said, "Keep them. You already paid me,"

"Wait, paid you?" Nyx ask Black Jack puzzled.

"How did we?" Spike ask puzzled. "We didn't even..."

Black Jack spoke to Twilight gently, "I was testing. I want to know if you truly have what it takes to save him. It looks like I was right. Even though you have a grudge, you put it aside and save him. Admitting the fault is the first step to become a better pony with better understanding and compassion. That's the payment you have given me, Twilight, and a lesson you must not forget."

Applejack pause, smiling as she said, "Shoot. Black Jack is right; Yew did good Twilight."

"Wow, and here I thought Black Jack was a greedy and selfish jerk." Rarity said with a smile of her own. "I'm glad to be wrong.

"And by the way, I think you might need to see this." Black Jack said seriously as he hold out something. His hoof had a slim purple diamond shape in it. "This is the cause. It was damaged by the Dark Plague. Because if it attacked on his real heart, he would have been killed at once."

"What is it?" Apple Bloom ask in concern, glancing at the object in question.

"I don't know. But I know that this is the cause of turning Lorcan into monster. But now, this crystal is destroyed. But if you see any of these, bring it to us or Tao. We need to study them and understand them."

"He's got a point." Ben said seriously to the others. "It may be planted by the Apocalypse, the Dark Mystic Ponies, or Grimmore for all we know."

"Ugh! Who knows how many got this?" Fluttershy ask in fright, fearing the worst.

"If this is the cause of Lorcan's becoming monster, I just hope that there weren't other get affected by this. If it does, the world may face greater danger..." Twilight said seriously. She fears the worst for Ponyville, for all of Equestria should anyone else out there is effected by what Black Jack just found.

"For now... I'm leaving." Black Jack said as he and Pinoko prepares for their departure. The task is now done. Lorcan will live, everyone had learned their lesson.

"Black Jack, thank you, for all you done." Ben said as he and the others nodded, thanking Black Jack once more for saving Lorcan.

"Yes, thank you." Twilight said, hugging Spike gratefully. She will make sure to hug Lorcan once he does wake up. The scarred Dragon will be surprised as to whom would go far to help him.

"Never forget the lesson you have learn. Farewell..." Black Jack said with a mysterious smile.

With that, Black Jack and Pinoko took their live. What they will do next? No one knows...


Grimmore sat over in his throne, looking over at his kingdom. Everything appears to be quiet since Tadaka was brought back, now tortured more so than ever than his failure. The silence is soon broken as a familiar Dragon arrives on the scene.

Ji-Ga-No bows as he spoke, "My lord... They discovered our Dark Stones. This means that our plan is failing..."

Grimmore smirked, waving off what Ji-Ga-No said as he said, "Not yet... This is the beginning. After all, these Dark Stones need to increase its power and strength to control our enemies... Forever...."

"Understood... But how did you find them? They're very rare and special since the Great Demon War."

Grimmore smirked as he explains, "Let's say I know him very well. And his Dark Stones are very vital to my plan. As long I have them, my revenge will be complete. But for now, I need them to increase. And keep your eyes on Brotherhood, they're vital to our cause. As long as they had Dark Stones within them, they'll distract and hold their 'friends'. Unless they want to kill them so badly, I would be pleased of it."

"Yes,my lord..." Ji-Ga-No said as he heads off.

Grimmore fiddles with his fingers, smirking wickedly. Nothing will stop his revenge...

The End...for now.