> The Misunderstood Pegasus > by Gaylord The Decider > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun was just starting to rise, turning night into day. The sun rose higher and gave light to the land and it was truly beauti... BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! "Ugh..." Thunderlane tossed and turned in his bed trying to ignore his beeping alarm clock. He reached a hoof over and hit the top of his alarm clock silencing the loud, and annoying alarm. He soon rustled in his bed not wanting to leave it. He gave the clock another look and gasped as the clock read 6:45 am. He only had fifteen minutes before school started so he had to hurry up and get there. "Alright I have my satchel, my mane is done and my teeth are brushed. I think that I'm all ready to go." Thunderlane double checked to make sure he had all of his things and once he knew he did he flew off to school. As he is flying the crisp and cool air was hitting his fur coat making him shiver a tiny bit. Once Thunderlane arrived at school he started to trot to his first class. He got to his class and entered the room. As he walked over to his spot, he looked around the room taking in the same dimensions of all the other classrooms (except the band room and gym classes) from last year. Still nothing new with this darn school. Thunderlane waited for class to start almost falling asleep... RING! RING! RING! "Ah!" He leaped in the air, his heart pounding hard from the loud ringing of the bell. He sat back in his seat slowly and started to take some deep breaths. Soon everyone was coming into class and the classroom began to fill up with students. The professor walked in and all of the students in that classroom gasped. "Hello, I am Prince Artemis, your history professor." Thunderlane was daydreaming when he shook his head and got back to reality. He saw one of the Princes in front of the class and quickly took a look at his schedule. I have got to get up and leave the class because I made a mistake. Yay I get to just walk out on one of the Princes of Equestria. Thunderlane slowly gets up and starts heading to the front of the class with his head hung low with embarrassment. "Hey where does thou think thy are going?" "Oh I'm sorry Prince Artemis, but I'm afraid i have the wrong class. I'm supposed to have Statistics right now." "Alright. Fare thyself well young student." Thunderlane left the classroom and got in the hallway walking as slow as he could because he was very embarrassed about one mistake on the first day of his Junior year of high school. He was embarrassed because he thought he knew which class was which from the previous two years. Sigh... Well now I have to memorize the map of the school again and memorize which classroom teaches what subject. He reached his Statistics classroom and entered it then wanted to hide because everyone had their attention on him. "Who are you and why did you interrupt my class?" "My name is Thunderlane and I had the wrong class this morning." He reached for his schedule and handed it to the professor showing her that he had this class in the morning. "Okay Thunderlane, my name is Ms. Method. Welcome to Statistics." "Thanks Ms. Method." Thunderlane smiled and got his notebook out ready to take notes on the mathematical subject. RING! RING! RING! The bell signaled the end of class and Thunderlane took out his schedule to look at his next class which was Equestrian History with the same professor and in the same classroom as he was in before. Great... Now Prince Artemis will totally crack a stupid joke about making sure I have the right class now. DARN IT! RING! RING! RING! The class has started and surprisingly Prince Artemis cracked no joke about Thunderlane having the wrong class this morning, but rather went on to talk about the lesson and how Equestria came to be. I can't believe that he didn't crack a joke about me. maybe I will make it through this year with actual friends. Thunderlane had a big smile on his face, but made it look like he remembered a funny joke as he took down notes in his class. He always did have a soft spot for history class getting an "A" in every history class he has had since Elementary school. RING! RING! RING! The loud bell sounded the time for History to end and the next class to begin. Thunderlane got out his schedule and looked at his third class. "Awe man! I hate Biology!" Thunderlane groaned and grabbed all of his stuff and headed for Biology, his most hated class of the year. Once he arrived in the classroom he sat down and took out a notebook and he started to doodle. he sat there, focused on his doodling that when the professor told everyone to go outside for an experiment he didn't move. "Hey I said get outside. Put down your pencil and get out there." "Alright...." Thunderlane groaned as the professor made him stop his doodling to get up and go outside for a stupid experiment that he didn't even care about. Gosh why do I even have this stupid class? It doesn't teach you anything other than experiments, so why does everyone say that this class is amazing? Thunderlane stood with the rest of the class watching the professor talk about the experiment. Thunderlane rolled his eyes and looked into the sky. Seeing nothing, but clouds of different various forms, colors, sizes, and shapes he sighed as he knew that he would moving those clouds or destroying them after school. RING! RING! RING! Thunderlane was smiling as he flew back to the classroom and gathered up all of his stuff and headed for the cafeteria. Sitting in a desk and learning really makes a stallion hungry. I just hope the food has gotten better than last year. He got in a line and the lunch lady served him his food. he then went on to find a spot to eat. "Here will be okay i guess." He sat down and started to eat his hay burger and realized that the food has gotten a little better than last year, which really made a difference at least to him. RING! RING! RING! Now it was Thunderlane's fourth class. one of the most despised classes at his school HOME EC > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RING! RING! RING! Thunderlane stood outside of his fourth class, Home Ec. He didn't like the class, but it was so much better than Biology. He opened the door and walked in the classroom seeing tables and mini kitchens. He looked around and noticed some small note cards in front of the seats. Oh no, he knew what that meant. It could only be one thing and one thing only... A SEATING ORDER!!! "Oh no not a seating order, not on the first day of school!" "Hey calm down! it's just today's recipe for what you're going to be cooking." "Oh uh sorry sir. Heh I guess I overreacted a little bit." "It's alright. I deal with that every year. I'm Mr. Cake." "I'm Thunderlane. I'm sorry I just added another year to your list of bizarre shout outs on the first day of school." "Oh don't worry about it Thunderlane. Maybe one day that will stop." Thunderlane walked over to a seat and sat down then flipped over the recipe to read what he was going to make. He did this out of honest curiosity and a little bit from hunger. He did have lunch today, but the portions are so small that he was still hungry. "JUST WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" "Ow. are you trying to make me deaf? I was curious about what the class was making so I took a peek at the recipe." "That is unacceptable! You were trying to cheat for the test tomorrow!" "I was not! How could I cheat for the test if this is the first time I'm hearing about it?" "Well you do have a point there. Fine you will make something else while everyone else makes triple chocolate fudge cupcakes." Mr. Cake went back to his recipe book and started to search for another recipe that Thunderlane could make. "Hey Mr. Cake, where are the other students?" "You are the only student in this class Thunderlane." Thunderlane was stunned that he was the only pony in his school that had a class all alone. To make things worse it was a class the entire school despised. None of the staff members liked the class and students hated the class even more than the teachers and staff members did. Once Mr. Cake found another recipe he walked back out to the classroom and handed the paper to Thunderlane. "Get in your kitchen and read over the ingredients, utensils, and directions. If you need any help after that then just ask me." Thunderlane got up and went into the small kitchen and started to read over the recipe. He got out everything that the recipe called for and went to work making it. He went back to his seat and sat down once the cupcake batter was in the oven and timed out thirty-five minutes. BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! Thunderlane got back up and went to check on his cupcakes. He inspected them thoroughly with a tooth pick (a trick that he learned from his grandma who sadly is now gone) and determined that they needed to bake a little bit longer. He went back to his seat and timed fifteen more minutes. As he sat there he could smell a slight burning smell and he realized his cupcakes were almost burning. He jumped up and ran into his kitchen taking out the cupcakes and sitting them on the stove to let them cool off before he put the frosting on them. RING! RING! RING! "Darn it! I didn't even finish my cupcakes today. Oh well maybe next time." "I will see you tomorrow Thunderlane. Nice Job today." "Thanks Mr. Cake and yeah I'll see you tomorrow too." Thunderlane walked outside of the Home Ec building and took out his schedule. The fifth class read Equestrian Economics. He looked at the classroom number and discovered it was the same one as his Equestrian History class. I hope that Prince Artemis is teaching this class too. I don't know why, but I can't stop thinking about him. Thunderlane shook his head and walked to his class. Once he arrived he went and sat in the same spot that he had chosen in his Equestrian history class. He sat there nervously waiting for the bell to ring and signal class to begin. RING! RING! RING! After the bell stopped ringing and the class was full of ponies The professor introduced himself. "Hello, I am Prince Artemis, and I am your professor." Thunderlane was secretly smiling just as he had done in his History class. Why was he smiling so much? He never really liked school, nor did he have any real friends. He even dropped out of the hoof ball team this year because it was the same thing over and over again. He sat in his seat and took notes of all the important information that was being talked about. He tried to be oblivious with his giant smile and just get through the class. RING! RING! RING! Thunderlane gathered his things and started to head to his last class, English. He was almost to the door and on his way to English when... "Can thou cometh here and talk for a moment?" "Yeah sure." Thunderlane turns around and walks over to Prince Artemis' desk. "What did you want to talk about Prince?" "We wanted to talk about thou smiling in class." "It was a funny joke I remembered from one of the guys on the hoof ball team from last year." Thunderlane spat out immediately answering the Prince's question. "We do not think that to be true. did thou forget that we can go into thou's dreams?" "Even daydreams?!" Thunderlane blurted out a bit embarrassed. "Yes even daydreams. Thou may want to clear his mind before class tomorrow." "Yes sir. I will not smile in class anymore." "We did not mean that thou could not smile anymore, but rather that we wanted thou to clear his dirty thoughts." Prince Artemis looked back at Thunderlane with a small smirk on his face. "W-well I should get going. Don't want to be late to class again." Thunderlane ran in the direction of his next class as fast as possible to get away from the smirking Prince that had found out his guilty pleasure. Darn him! I tried to not think those kinds of thoughts in school and I do it more! Darn him and his dream magic! I will not be caught like that again! > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thunderlane arrived at his last class of the day, breathing hard from the running he did to escape from the embarrassing event from five minutes ago. He walked into the class and sat down catching his breath. RING! RING! RING! The English professor trotted into the classroom and went directly to the board. She started to write different words and numbered them one to fifty. Once she was done she turned around to face the class. "Hello class my name is Mrs. L and I am your English professor. Today for in class work you will find the definitions of these fifty words and once you have finished you will bring me your paper and go to the library and get a book to read for the remainder of class." She went over to a small dresser and put out some dictionaries on an empty desk for the students. "Alright now begin." The students got up and grabbed a dictionary to start on their in class assignment. Once back in their seats they started writing and searching for the words. Thunderlane tried his hardest to focus on the assignment and think less about his embarrassing talk with Prince Artemis, but the more he tried the more he failed...miserably. He sat there and searched for the fifty words in the dictionary and was writing down the definitions twice to keep his mind occupied on the assignment. Once he finished he went up to the professors desk and handed her his paper. "Very good. Now go to the library and get a book to read for the remainder of class." Thunderlane walked out to the library and took a route that bypassed his History and Economics class. Once at the library, Thunderlane was walking around and looking for a book that would at least grab his attention. "Greetings Thunderlane." Thunderlane jumped up in shock and fright as the one person he didn't want to be there was the one that greeted him. "H-hello Prince. What are you doing here?" "We could ask thou that same question. Didn't thou say you had a class to get to?" "I am in class. My professor sent me here to get a book to read for the remainder of the class." "Hmm alright then. We shall see thyself back to our classroom and we shall also see thou tomorrow." "Alright Prince. I'll see you tomorrow." Why did I have to run into him in here?! I took that route so I wouldn't have to see him and his darn sexy body! Thunderlane grabbed a book and went up to the front desk to check it out. "You have to return the book in four days or it's a fee of forty five cents per day after the due date." "Got it. Thank you sir." Thunderlane grabbed his book and started to head back to his classroom. On his way back to the class he looked around the school and realized that since everyone else was in class it made the school look dead. He kept walking and passed by Prince Artemis' classroom and he didn't dare stop or turn around to peek in on his class. Once he finally got back to his English class he went to his seat and opened the book. Right when he started to silently read the book he flopped his head on his desk and looked out the window. Thunderlane hated reading. It just didn't do anything fun for him. He sit there, with his head laid down on his desk staring out of the window wondering when the class would be over. He slowly slipped into a daydream to help him pass the time. Thunderlane was walking around on the campus of his high school. He noticed that all of the doors so far have been locked and as he kept walking he found his History class. He stood in front of it and reached a hand out towards the knob and slightly turned it pushing on the door at the same time to open it. Once the door opened he saw Prince Artemis leaning against the wall without a shirt on. The way the Prince was leaning caused him to show off all of his muscles and Thunderlane blushed at the sight. "W-what are you doing in that position without a shirt?" "We were just waiting for thou to show up here for a bit of fun." The Prince smirked at Thunderlane after answering his question and went to the back of the classroom. Thunderlane quickly followed unsure of what the Prince was going to do. Once both of them were in the back of the classroom Prince Artemis opened a small chest and dug for a couple of seconds until he pulled out a medium length whip. Thunderlane gasped and was blushing bright red as he saw his own professor hold a whip in his hand and have a smirking face. "W-what are you going to do with that?" "Whatever you want us to do. After all this is YOUR dream." Thunderlane was blushing so much that now he could hardly speak right and was about to speak when... RING! RING! RING! Thunderlane was brought back to reality from the bell dismissing school. He gathered his things and left heading back to his house for a nap. On his way back home he was thinking about his daydream earlier why did I have that daydream? I know I usually do that a lot in school, but they're never like that. Maybe I should just forget about it, after all this is high school everybody has dreams or thoughts about this stuff. He arrived at his house and he went straight to his room and crashed on his bed. He was still puzzled by the daydream, but thought that he should take a nap for a bit. > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thunderlane was at school, mainly in his History class learning about Star Swirl the Bearded. "And that is whyeth Star Swirl hath failed to cast his own spell." Thunderlane was into the lesson or at least he thought he was. He was only eighteen and, like lots of his peers, he couldn't stop himself from opening the little or sometimes medium sized box (depending on the person) in his mind. Once he opened the lesson changed... for the better. Prince Artemis stepped away from his podium and started to walk towards Thunderlane. "Well greetings child, how art thou doing this fine afternoon?" "Uh...well I uh... I'm doing fine." Thunderlane was blushing very hard that he couldn't speak properly. Prince Artemis was looking down to his student with a smirk on his face. *chuckles* "Thou is quite funny making us laugh, but we also can see a bit of cuteness in thou." "Uh t-thanks s-sir." Thunderlane sat in his seat, his face bright red from how Prince Artemis was talking to him. He never realized that the Prince was a charmer or even tried to swing towards other stallions. He did know that all of the attention he was receiving from the Prince was making him want to do something forbidden in the school and that was...asking Prince Artemis on a date. Thunderlane opened his eyes and looked at the clock. It read six fifteen in the evening and he slowly rose up from his previous laying down position in his bed. He rubbed his eyes and stared at the wall in front of him for a bit making sure that his head was alright and that he wouldn't be dizzy when he got up. Once he sat on his bed for five minutes his stomach growled demanding food. He got up and walked down the stairs to his kitchen looking for some food. He looked all over his kitchen and didn't find anything that sounded good so he called the local pizza joint. "Yes I'd like a large veggie pizza with extra cheese and veggies please." After getting his order placed and hearing the total he sat on his couch and turned on the television. After almost dosing off again he heard the doorbell ring and he got up to answer it. "Hello sir, are you the one that had the veggie pizza with extra cheese and extra veggies?" "Yes that is me." "Okay that will be twenty dollars and forty five cents." Thunderlane grabbed the money and handed it to the delivery man grabbing his pizza at the same time. "Here you go sir. Thanks." "No thank you. This is the first tip I have gotten in weeks." "Well don't mention it. Now you have a good night." "You too sir." Thunderlane went back inside his house and sat on his couch setting his pizza on the table. He slowly opened it and smelled the glorious smell of freshly cooked pizza. Once the pizza box was opened Thunderlane grabbed a slice and took a bite. The piece made him go to heaven and the feeling only grew as he continued to eat the pizza. This pizza is really amazing. Only proves my point that when all else fails you can always turn to a good veggie pizza. He sat on his couch eating his pizza and stopped after eating five slices. He closed the box and walked back into his kitchen setting his pizza in the fridge and closing the refrigerator door after he got a soda. He stayed up until eleven at night and walked outside looking up at the stars. The night sky is so beautiful. *sigh* If only I had someone to enjoy it with... He walked back inside his ears flat against his head and his head slightly hung down. He went up to his bathroom and took a shower to clear his head a bit before he went back to bed. His shower is just what he need, nice hot water to help ease his mind and to help him relax. He always took hot showers especially when he was either having a bad day or when was stressed. The hot water hit his body and his muscles started to ease up a bit so his showers, on those two occasions, usually lasted about an hour or so. Once he was finished he turned off the water and stepped out drying his fur with a towel then using a blow drier to make sure that his fur was all the way dry. Once he left the bathroom he went into his room and put on some clean boxers and sat down on his bed. As he sat on his bed he looked out of his window and into the mesmerizing night sky. I just hope that I don't get made a fool of by Prince Artemis tomorrow in class again. I will try clearing my head before school because those thoughts are weirding me out. Why do I have these thoughts of my professor for one and one of the princes of Equestria for two? Maybe tomorrow will be a better day than today was. "I hope that I can do my best tomorrow to not make a complete fool out of myself like I did today. I hate when people laugh at me for a minor mistake, but I can not control them or their sense of humor." With those final words uttered out of his mouth he laid down and slowly started to close his eyes before his arm grabbed his blanket and covered his body. Once he was under the blanket he drifted off to sleep and lightly snored. Unbeknownst to Thunderlane, Prince Artemis was watching him in his dreams to keep an eye on him and see if he would actually clear his head of the naughty thoughts the young student had about the Prince. Prince Artemis watched as Thunderlane had a dream about him and the Prince and to Prince Artemis' surprise it was not naughty, but rather romantic. Prince Artemis saw Thunderlane with himself under a nice tree enjoying a picnic while holding hands. Prince Artemis felt bad for his somewhat naughty behavior towards the young student yesterday after class so he formulated a plan that he hoped would make up for it. He would ask Thunderlane out on a date. > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! The alarm rang loudly throughout Thunderlane's room. He turned over and laid a hand on his alarm clock, shutting it off. Once the alarm is off Thunderlane slowly opened his eyes and yawned. "Time to get up and go to school again." Thunderlane gets out of his big, soft, and comfy bed, walks over to his closet and looks for an outfit. Once he is dressed he runs over to the bathroom and brushes his teeth and fixes his mane before grabbing his backpack and heading over to school. Thunderlane was walking to school and he was also thinking about his dream and what went through his mind. I remember my dream, but I don't remember my thoughts or what I declared in my dream. I have to think about what I said and I need to remember. Thunderlane continued walking to school and decided to skip breakfast and just go and wait by his statistics class. He got to the door and tried to open it seeing that it was locked. He sat down outside the door and decided to wait for the professor to either unlock the door or show up and unlock the door so they both could enter the room. While he was waiting outside his History professor was walking by in the other hall and saw him. Why are we seeing this young student wait outside a classroom looking sad? Prince Artemis started to walk down to Thunderlane to see what if anything is wrong. As he was walking toward the student the classroom door opened and Thunderlane stood up and walked inside the class. Maybe he was just waiting for the professor. We need to get to class and prepare the students for our test. Prince Artemis turned around and walked back to his classroom, unlocked the door and went inside setting the test out on the desks of his students. Thunderlane, on the other hand, was inside his statistics class, sitting in his spot his eyes looking down at his desk. He looked depressed, but really he was just tired and could fall asleep at any moment. RING! RING! RING! The loud bell made Thunderlane jolt up in his seat. He got out his notebook and got ready to take notes, but closed his eyes for a little bit and ended up falling asleep in his class. "Thunderlane! Get up!" Ms. Method slapped Thunderlane's desk as hard as she could to try and wake him up. Thunderlane slowly opened his eyes and sat up and started to rub his eyes to see more clearly. "W-what time is it?" "It's already lunch and I have had two of your professors come to my class asking for you." "ah crap baskets... I'll get my stuff and go." Thunderlane gathers his stuff and walks out of the class heading for the front door trying to go back home and escape his day of embarrassment. Prince Artemis was by his classroom door and saw Thunderlane walking to the front door. He went after him to get him and talk. "Where doth thou think thy are going?" "I was going to go get some lunch and may go home." "Will thou cometh with us to get thy's homework and take the test?" Thunderlane followed his History professor back to his classroom and took the test and retrieved his homework. "Thanks again Prince Artemis. I'll return this to you tomorrow." "It is not a problem Thunderlane. By the way thou can call us Artemis and we would like you to show up in class tomorrow." Prince Artemis was giving Thunderlane a flirty type of look as he gave him permission to call him Artemis only. "O-okay Artemis. I'll see you tomorrow." Thunderlane walked out of the classroom and headed home. Once he got home and opened his front door he walked in and laid on the couch. Why was Prince Artemis giving me that flirty look when he told me that I could call him Artemis? That was so weird, but maybe it's nothing and he is just being friendly towards me. Thunderlane slowly fell asleep on the couch and started to dream. Thunderlane laid there on his couch, watching television when someone knocked on his door. Suspicious he got up and walked over to and opened up the door to see Prince Artemis standing there. "W-what are you doing here Prince Artemis?!" "We are here because this is thou's dream and it involves us." "Okay. Please come in." Thunderlane moved out of the way letting the Prince into his home. Once the Prince was inside his house Thunderlane closed the door and walked over to his kitchen getting something to drink. "Would you like something to drink? I have soda, coffee, water, and juice." "May we get some juice?" "Sure. Let me get a glass and pour some." Thunderlane looked up from pouring the juice and saw Prince Artemis standing there. Prince Artemis was looking around the nice home of his student. "Prince Artemis you can sit down ya know?" "Oh we apologize for that we sometimes need to be told that we can do some things." Thunderlane snickers and brings out two glasses of juice handing one to Prince Artemis and sitting on the couch next to him. The two men sit on the couch and hang out for a while before Prince Artemis moved his hand over and grabbed a hold of Thunderlane's hand. "W-what are you doing?" "We know what thou is thinking and we feel like we need to be together as friends." "Oh... Yeah... Sure..." Thunderlane turned his head back to watch television a little bit sad, but a blush on his face still visible to his new found friend. Prince Artemis saw the disappointment in his friend's eyes and he leaned in kissing Thunderlane on the cheek to get his attention. "W-why did you do that?' "We saw that thou was disappointed and we wanted to see thou smile more." Thunderlane blushed more from Prince Artemis kissing his cheek and smiled because of the reason he gave him. Thunderlane leaned in and kissed Prince Artemis on his cheek to return the favor and as a way of saying thank you. Thunderlane's body was telling him to wake up and he slowly started to open his eyes and realized that his dream was over and he was back in reality. "Darn it! Oh well at least I had a good nap and I got to kiss the Prince's cheek after he kissed mine." Thunderlane walked up the stairs and went into his bedroom and got ready to shower and do his evening routine before going to bed. > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun was starting to rise and bring light to Equestria, while at the same time waking up ponies from a nice time sleeping! Thunderlane turned in his bed where his face was out of the light so he could sleep a little bit longer, but... BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! His alarm clock started to go off so he could get ready for school. Getting out of his soft, and comfortable bed was against his better judgement, but so was missing school. He made sure that he was actually awake before walking over to the bathroom to do his business before brushing his teeth and returning to his bedroom to get dressed and head off to school. "I think I'll grab a rockstar to help me stay awake since today seems like a sleepy day." Thunderlane kept walking to school and drank his rockstar. Once at the school, while walking down one of the hallways he ran into his History professor, Prince Artemis. "I'm sorry Artemis. Are you alright?" "Thou doth not need to worry about us young Thunderlane. We are quite alright." Thunderlane extended his hand out to Prince Artemis to help him up. Prince Artemis grabbed the hand, but instead of Thunderlane pulling him up Prince Artemis pulled the young pegasus down. Now they were on the same level and Prince Artemis was enjoying this. "Why'd you do that? I was trying to help you up." "We know, but this is much better for us." Prince Artemis was giving Thunderlane a flirty look with his eyes while smirking with his mouth. Thunderlane started to blush and hoped that nobody would see them. Prince Artemis slowly leaned in causing Thunderlane to blush harder. Prince Artemis chuckled and puckered his lips giving Thunderlane's cheek another peck and going back to his normal position. Thunderlane's whole face was now as red as a tomato since the professor that he secretly liked just kissed him. What was he supposed to do? He did not know because this was on;y his second time getting pecked on the cheek. "Doth thou not want to give us a peck in return?" Oh I will give you a peck alright. Thunderlane slowly leaned in puckering his lips. Prince Artemis was ready to receive his peck on the cheek, but then he started to blush furiously. Thunderlane wrapped an arm around Prince Artemis and slowly pulled him closer before kissing him on the lips. Once both of their lips touched Thunderlane was slowly stroking Prince Artemis' mane and they were both blushing. Thunderlane, since this was his first kiss, wanted to keep it going a little longer and wanted it to be a little more passionate so he started to use his tongue more, which caught Prince Artemis by surprise. They were in public and they were making out or was this just another dream? Thunderlane was so different today and he did not want this kiss to ever end. He was finally showing his true feelings when... RING! RING! RING! RING! Thunderlane opened his eyes and looked at his cellphone seeing that Prince Artemis was calling. "Why is he calling me?" Thunderlane answered the call and started to blush immediately upon hearing the Prince's royal voice. "Hello?" "Would thou like to join us on a picnic?" "S-sure let me get ready. Where do you want me to meet you?" "Just meet us by the Everfree." The call ended and Thunderlane was smiling and giddy. He is going on his first date! Not to mention its with a sexy guy. He had to make sure that he looked nice and that everything was perfect. "What should I wear?! I was always taught to look nice, but I do not know if it was suit and tie or just casual? Gah!" Thunderlane was having a mini panic attack because he couldn't figure out what to wear to his first date. Finally after thirty minutes deciding he settled on a nice over shirt and some clean jean shorts. After getting dressed and making sure that his mane and tail looked decent he headed to the Everfree. On the way there he glanced at his watch and realized that he was a little late. He pulled out his cell phone and dialed Prince Artemis to let him know and to apologize. "Hello?" "Hello Artemis?" "Yes this is we? Thunderlane?" "Yeah it's me. I wanted to apologize for being a little late, but I am heading there right now." "Oh that is quite alright. We shall see thou in a few minutes." "Okay I will see you at the Everfree." Prince Artemis hangs up and continues to wait for Thunderlane, luckily he does not have to wait too long before Thunderlane shows up. Thunderlane came walking up toward the Everfree. He was smiling and waved at Prince Artemis. "Greetings Thunderlane, how are thou?" "I am doing well Artemis and yourself?" "We are also doing good. Shall we find a nice spot for our picnic?" "Sure." Thunderlane walked by Prince Artemis' side and grabbed his hand and held it as they looked for a nice spot. They walked around for a couple of minutes before stumbling upon what could only described as the perfect picnic area. They walked over and Thunderlane sat down while Prince Artemis laid down the blanket and got the food out. "Is thou hungry?" "Mmm yes I am. The food looks amazing." "Then we shall eat." Prince Artemis handed Thunderlane a sandwich and smiled at him. Thunderlane accepted his offer and grabbed the sandwich. He smiled back at Prince Artemis and took a bite of the sandwich. "Mmm this is so good! It's like an orgasm in my mouth!" Prince Artemis' eyes opened wide at the statement from his date. "Um Thank you?" "W-what? Did I say something wrong?" "No, it's just that we have never heard that saying before." "Oh sorry about that." "It is quite alright. We were just surprised was all." Thunderlane blushed and was quiet because of his embarrassing statement. He did not want to embarrass himself or Prince Artemis, but it's too late for that. They continued to eat silently and reluctant to speak. "So what about me made you ask me on a picnic Artemis?" "We have seen thou's dreams and we wanted to see if you would just like to hang out." Prince Artemis started to blush from his statement and so did Thunderlane. "Th-thanks." "Did we say something wrong?" "N-not at all, just caught me off guard was all." "So what about us makes you have those dreams?" "Well...um... I'm a teenager and I thought that you were...I mean are...sexy..." Thunderlane blushed and closed his eyes from embarrassment. Prince Artemis leaned in and gave Thunderlane a peck on his cheek and stroked his mane a little. "We thank you very much for that Thunderlane." Thunderlane opened his eyes and looked over at his date blushing. "Y-you are welcome. Thanks for the peck." Prince Artemis giggled and crawled over to Thunderlane, wrapping his arms around him and snuggling him. They both sat under the tree snuggled against each other and looked out toward the city admiring the romantic view. The sun started to set, the sky turning orange and having some purple streaks. "It is getting late. Would you like to hang out tomorrow?" "We would like that. We had a good time with thou today." "Yeah I'd like to hang out with you more. I'll see you tomorrow for another date." "Alright we shall see you tomorrow Thunderlane." The two ponies walked into town and Prince Artemis dropped off Thunderlane at his front door and gave him a kiss on his lips. Thunderlane blushed, but started to kiss back and his leg unconsciously lifted up. Prince Artemis broke the kiss and stared into Thunderlane's eyes. "That should hold us over until tomorrow. We should start heading back to the castle, but we will be here tomorrow." "Alright Artemis. I'll see you tomorrow." Prince Artemis took off flying back to his castle and Thunderlane watched him leave until he was out of eyesight then he opened his door and went inside his house. Oh my Celestia that was the most amazing date ever! I cannot wait until he shows up tomorrow! He walks up to his bedroom and lays on his bed, the date replaying over and over in his mind. "This is by far the most amazing day of my life." > Chapter 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! Thunderlane slowly and unwantingly opened his eyes. He grunted reaching his arm over to turn off his alarm clock that woke him from his pleasant and wonderful sleep. Slowly getting up, he stretched his body and yawned a bit before executing his normal morning routine. "Time for school again. If only school started in the afternoon it would at least be better." He took a leak that seemed endless until nothing more came out and he went to wash his hands after flushing the toilet. Once that was done he left the restroom and went back to his bedroom to get dressed for school. "Another day with more useless shit to learn. Oh well I will go because it is something to do." Thunderlane left his house and started to walk in the direction of the school. He hated school, but if he didn't go then that showed his parents that he doesn't have the responsibility to live on his own. He didn't want to back to living with his parents again, especially after what happened with his younger brother. It was one day after school. Thunderlane was at home crying over the bullying he received at school because of his sexual orientation. He was always gay and had no romantic feelings for any mare. The other stallions told him that he was an abomination in the eyes of Celestia and Thunderlane had even met Celestia a couple of times. One time he asked her how she felt about gay and lesbian ponies. Her answer still haunted him to this day. She said "They all deserve the shit they get from other people because they are nothing, but abominations that shall be destroyed to keep pony kind pure." Thunderlane was so shocked by Celestia's answer that he was crying and ran off back to his home and ditched the rest of the school day since that was a field trip. Once he was back in his room he laid on his bed and couldn't stop the tears or the aching in his heart. His parents didn't know about him yet and he wanted it that way until he could live on his own. "Thunderlane what's wrong? Why are you home so early from school?" his mom asked. Thunderlane was too busy crying that he didn't hear anyone come in. "I HATE BEING GAY AND I HATE MY LIFE!" "GASP! Thunderlane! Don't you ever say that again!" "Mom? When did you come in my room?" "I have been in your room since you shouted about you hating your life. Why did you shout that?" "I had a field trip to Canterlot today and people at school were telling me that gay and lesbian ponies should die because they are an abomination to Princess Celestia. So when we arrived in Canterlot I saw her and went to ask her how she felt about the issue. She told me the same thing and had a very disgusted look on her face. I couldn't help, but cry as she told me. No pony should die just because they like another pony of the same sex!" "Thunderlane honey, I understand your point, but I also understand Princess Celestia's point of view. She is the Princess of Equestria and she makes the rules. If one of the rules is to not be gay then we have to obey that rule." "No we don't! We can make a difference and make it to where gay ponies are accepted!" "Thunderlane! Celestia is the one we worship. You can't be gay..." "TOO BAD MOM! I AM GAY!" After saying that Thunderlane stormed out of his room and ran downstairs to get his little brother and leave the house. His mother ran after him and grabbed him by his tail and almost made it back to his room when Thunderlane started to move back and forth his soft tail hair being cut from his mothers teeth. Once he was free he ran back downstairs and his mother didn't notice until it was too late. Thunderlane grabbed his little brother and made a break for the front door. Before he got there, his mother blocked the way. "Thunderlane what in the hell do you think you are doing with your little brother?" "I am leaving this blind household! Rumble doesn't deserve to be raised in that type of household and I know that you will raise him exactly how you raised me: Princess Celestia is all knowing and nice to every pony as long as you follow some rules." "Thunderlane can we talk about this like civilized ponies? Please?" "Why so you can politely tell me that I am taking all of this out of context? Celestia told me that I deserved to die because I am gay and you are taking her fucking side mom!" Thunderlane's mother was speechless at what her son had just said to her. She couldn't do anything let alone talk. She grabbed Rumble and walked over to the window. "Mom what are you doing?" His mother didn't speak, but only kept on walking and opened the window which was on the top floor or second story of their house. She looked back after opening the window and had a numbness look in her eyes. "Mom come here. Don't hurt Rumble." "If he can't be raised to appreciate Celestia then he won't be able to be raised at all." With that being said she dropped Rumble from the window and Thunderlane tried to run toward the window, but his mother kicked him in his balls and he fell to his knees crying because he couldn't save his little brother from their blind mother. THUMP! BEAT BEAT BEAT Thunderlane could feel his heart beating after that loud thump and he couldn't believe what his mother had just done. Once he got over the pain of the kick he received from his mom he packed all of his clothes that night and stole his mom's bank card and withdrew enough money for an apartment and left. His parents never knew about his leaving until his dad checked their bank account and saw that some money had vanished. Once they found that part out his father found the apartment that Thunderlane had rented and went there. Once he arrived at his sons apartment he knocked on the door and Thunderlane answered it. "Hey dad. How did you find me?" "I found you by tracking your cell phone and I also know that you took some of my money." "Sorry dad, but I left because mom killed Rumble." "No she didn't. Why are you making lies about your mom all of a sudden?" "I was there and watched her kill him. I tried to save him, but she kicked me in my balls to stop me. I swear I'm telling you the truth!" "No she never killed Rumble! Quit your fucking lying you disgrace!" "Dad... Why won't you believe me?" Thunderlane had his head down and his eyes were tearing up. He couldn't believe what was happening to him. First his mom killed his little brother which he saw and afterward she disowned him now his dad after finding him is disowning him for no reason other than supposed lies. Thunderlane was in his own little world and didn't see a car coming. Before the car hit him Prince Artemis flew down and saved him. "Why are thou not watching where thouself is going?" Thunderlane leaned into his professors chest and started to cry because of the flashback that he had. > Chapter 7 part II > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prince Artemis flew for a little while longer while his young student and love interest was crying. Once he found a secluded place he landed and sat Thunderlane down. "What happened to thou? Why did thee start to cry?" "I remembered what my parents did to my brother and how they disowned me." Prince Artemis leaned in and gave Thunderlane a genuine hug, which somewhat calmed Thunderlane down. Prince Artemis wanted to be there for his student and potential lover and he showed how he would be there for him in this moment. Once he felt Thunderlane move he started to let go, but Thunderlane grabbed his arms and held his hands while looking up at him with a small smile. Prince Artemis saw that smile and he smiled back rubbing his students head as a gesture for saying "I'll always be here for you." "Thanks Artemis. I really appreciate this." "There is no need to thank us Thunderlane. We want to make thou happy." Prince Artemis embarrassingly smiled and blushed after saying that because he knows that he has fallen for his young student and vice versa. Thunderlane looked at Artemis curiously as to why he was blushing so hard. "Hey Artemis why are you blushing so hard?" "W-we are not blushing that bad!" "Artemis your whole face is red and that is hard to do with a black coat." Prince Artemis looked at his young student and couldn't take it anymore. He wanted to tell Thunderlane how he felt and how he had wanted them to be after their nice picnic date, but he couldn't figure out if this was the right time or not. "Screw it" he thought. "Thunderlane?" "What is it Artemis?" Prince Artemis faced Thunderlane and grabbed his hands. Prince Artemis took a few seconds to compose himself before telling Thunderlane how he really felt. "Thunderlane, we want to tell thou something." "What is it Artemis?" Thunderlane was standing there, his hands being held by his professors hands as Prince Artemis started to lean in toward him. "Thunderlane, we want to tell thou something important. We do not know if this is the right time or not, but we want to tell thou that we have fallen in love with thee. We want thou to spend eternity with us and be happy together." "Artemis...I..." Prince Artemis stood and waited for Thunderlane to respond and heard nothing from the young pegasus. Prince Artemis was looking down and let his arms fall to his side. Right as he turned away he felt a hand on his shoulder spin him back around. He was surprised to see Thunderlane being so assertive with him. Thunderlane leaned forward and pressed his lips against his professors and started to kiss him. Prince Artemis quickly blushed and started to kiss Thunderlane back, which, in turn made Thunderlane blush and fall backward. Thunderlane quickly wrapped his arms around Artemis' neck and dragged him down not breaking the passionate kiss. The two ponies that were once student and teacher are now a couple and they couldn't be happier. "Thunderlane, we are ready." "Alright." Thunderlane gets up and opens the door for his new boyfriend. Once Prince Artemis walks through the doorway Thunderlane walks out behind him and closes the locked door and they head out for Canterlot. "The air is really nice tonight isn't it?" "Yes the air feels good against our coat." Thunderlane couldn't stop staring at Prince Artemis and how handsome, studly and sexy he looked especially in this moonlight. Prince Artemis caught on and flew over to Thunderlane and stopped him. "Find something interesting?" Thunderlane was blushing so hard because his lover has caught him and because of his lovers perverted smirk showing a couple of small fangs. Prince Artemis smirked more and took his lovers blushing face as a "yes." He leaned forward and kissed his lover and used his hands to explore his lovers body. Thunderlane was blushing, but kissed his lover back and wrapped his arms around Prince Artemis' neck while he explored his body. Once Prince Artemis found Thunderlane's butt he grabbed, smacked and squeezed it all while not breaking the hot, passionate, lust filled kiss. Prince Artemis finally broke the kiss after a couple of minutes leaving both him and his lover breathless, but to Prince Artemis that made the foreplay all the better. "Artemis... Take me. Make me yours forever." "We were going to do just that Thunderlane." Prince Artemis grabbed Thunderlane and flew to an empty motel room. Once in private and away from the outside, Prince Artemis smirked at his lover. Thunderlane knew that he wanted him naked and he slowly stripped off his clothes except for his hot pink panties. When Prince Artemis saw that he smirked and kept staring at his lover. Thunderlane walked over to his lover and started to give him a teasing lap dance. Thunderlane did it for the pure reason of teasing Prince Artemis because he knew he had a nice looking butt and he knew that Prince Artemis liked it from all the groping earlier. Prince Artemis sat there and smirked at his young lovers beautiful butt and smacked it again before standing up and grabbing him flying back to the bed. "Artemis you naughty professor you. Hehe." Prince Artemis growls and rips Thunderlane's panties off to expose the ass that has him so captivated. "Ah! Artemis..." "Yes little one?" Artemis uses his hand and lifts Thunderlane's head up. Thunderlane doesn't answer and just blushes. "Does thou not have a question for us?" "T-this is m-my first time doing anything l-like this. Can you be gentle?" "Of course we will be gentle Thunderlane. It was just your gorgeous butt had me go on pure instinct for a minute." Prince Artemis stripped himself from his clothes and pushed his crotch toward Thunderlane's face. "Come on Thunderlane. Use that mouth to please us." Thunderlane obeyed and started to suck on Prince Artemis' cock and blushed when he realized that he actually enjoyed the taste of another stallions cock. (Thunderlane said he was gay to try and get his mom to leave Rumble alone so she would do whatever to him instead and had never actually done anything with another stallion) "Oh yeah that is good. Keep sucking Thunderlane." Thunderlane kept on sucking and enjoyed obeying Prince Artemis' every command. He felt right being ordered around by someone that could and would eventually OWN him. Thunderlane was doing such a good job giving Prince Artemis a blowjob that Prince Artemis started to thrust his hips and fuck Thunderlane's throat with his big, thick cock. "Oh! Yeah! Take my cock babe!" Thunderlane only gagged as a response to his now owner and lover. He did love the slight roughness that he got from this being his first time and all. Thunderlane was able to breathe when Prince Artemis pulled his cock out of his mouth. "Now it is time for thou to be a good boy and take our cock." "P-please Artemis give me your cock. Own me." Prince Artemis flipped Thunderlane over and started to slowly push his cock in his slaves tailhole. With a bit of resistance Prince Artemis used just enough force to thrust the first couple of inches in his slaves tailhole. "Ah!" "Is it okay Thunderlane?" Are we hurting you?" "I-it's fine. This just feels so amazing and I feel so full." "Heh. Just wait until we get all of our big, thick cock in this nice butt of yours." Prince Artemis pushed his hips forward and pushed his cock deeper into his slaves tailhole. He loved how tight his little slaves tailhole was around his big cock. Thunderlane was seeing stars from the pounding that he was receiving from his owner. He loved how he felt even fuller because of his owners huge cock. Prince Artemis continued to pound his slaves tailhole and put a collar around his neck and hooked a leash to it. Thunderlane didn't care. He wanted this. He needed this and it all felt right to him and to his lover. "Grrr! Thunderlane we are going to cum! Tell us where you want our seed!" "Ah! Please Artemis, cover my face in your cum!" Prince Artemis pulled out of Thunderlane's tailhole and went over to his face and started to jack off and came all over his face. Once Prince Artemis finished he looked for his lovers cell phone and took a picture of Thunderlane with his cum all over his face and he smirked. "Lets get you cleaned up little one." Prince Artemis helps Thunderlane get out of the bed and they walk to the shower so they can both clean up. Once they are done they get dressed back in their clothes and head back out for their date and their future of happiness together.