> Forest Favor > by Glitter Grenade > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Only Chapter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy's belly bulged, glittering under the faint sunlight that shone through the thick woodland branches criss-crossing over the base of the great Everfree tree. Some said that it was the first tree, the one driven mad by wayward magic of the former capital. Others called it the last, the one that would outlive them all at the end of the world. The tree was gigantic. Easily dwarfing the former Golden Oaks Library as it towered for miles and miles into the early blue sky. Whether or not either of those things were true, all agreed that it was great and it was to be feared. Fluttershy personally thought the great tree needed to use a gentle touch if it wanted to change its reputation. Somewhere not too far, a bird called to its mate. A pack of timber-wolves raced on by, yipping good morning to the rising sun. Squirrels and other small creatures chattered, enjoying the pleasant weather the preceded the first day of spring. The dainty pegasus wanted to make her own sounds, heralding the upcoming season that would come in less than a week's time. But she found the noises bubbling in her throat; moans, hiccups and gasps soundly muffled. Waking up from her reverie, she found gravity weighting down on her as her belly gurgled. Ah, it was almost time. She flexed her feet, one of the few things she could still move freely, sending the motion down the vines and roots holding her up. They responded in kind, tightening their grip on her hips as they moved her suspended form over the natural formed basin that sat at the foot of the tree. Her legs were pulled apart as far as possible, knees bound by tentacles. The first trickles of the gooey casing on her vagina dripped. A contraction came and went, jump-starting her sated pussy as she felt her warm juices dissolve the coating. In a way, she too singing her song for spring. The mare looked downwards, watching as the green and squirming liquid drizzled to a light rhythm. Fluttershy gasped, another contraction surprising her as the movement shook her body. The mare swayed, the contractions coming one after the other. Her belly visibly folding and stretched as the mix inside of her cooked inside of her womb. Filled to the brim with plant fluid and healthy nutrients the Everfree needed to sustain itself. The whole process made her head spin, being made the host body of the magical pollination for the untamed forest. She moaned, unable to say a word as her clit felt hot and pleasurably painful as the casting melted away. The honey-colored nectar gushed out of her, falling into the hollow basin that would run into the tree and propel the rest of the Everfree's seasonal flowering. Fluttershy had taken this duty to offer her body to the tree very seriously. Especially, when it helped the wood and lessened the amount of ponies stolen off the beaten path. She was glad to be of service, even when it led to her being unable to walk straight for hours afterwards. Vines wrapped around her middle, pumping her belly. The stewing mix increasing as it rained down, some of it splatting on her bare ass. Fluttershy wiggled, the plant fluid tingling as it was absorbed into her skin. It was probably the reason she could keep going even after days of being inseminated and then milked for plant food. Fluttershy remembered when she first made her way to the glade within the Everfree, a little over three days ago. Lured by an irresistible aroma that blew into her cottage home. That's when she knew it was time. She came dressed in a outfit she wouldn't miss too much. A tan buttoned blouse and her long white cotton skirt that often sat dusty in the back of her closet. She liked her bras far too much to bring with her and so she went into the deep wood. Her path to the great tree was unhindered by the beasts of the forest. Wildflowers sprouted to guide her. Birds kept her company and the trail was populated by happy plants brushing against her form, dousing her with the seeds to bring. Fluttershy had unbuttoned the top two buttons on her shirt, letting the floral dust sink between her breasts. Once she came to the great tree, alone amongst the flowers, she ran ahead. As she came closer, roots sprung from the ground, hoisting her up into the air. If she hadn't gotten so used to it, she would have been scared. Her wings flapped mindlessly as the roots wrapped around her body, preventing her escape. A root, coated with oozing dew, slathered itself along her feathery limbs. Making them heavy and hard to move as it quickly dried, locking them in place. The tree's front opened, bringing the pegasus inside its moist oaky core before it closed, leaving her in slight darkness. Through the wood-pecker holes inside of the wood, moonlight fell over her. Fluttershy was placed standing upright, her bare feet caressing the sticky quivering floor as she kneaded her toes into it. Digestive sap seeped from the bottom as barkless pale-colored vines took to her body. With care, they tore off her shirt and wounded around her supple mounds. Fluttershy took a skittish step back as the sap ate through her skirt and rose to her knees. The vines twisted her perked nipples as they pulled her forward, increasing the pressure every second she didn't comply. She stumbled forward, inhaling deeply as her nose was filled with fragrance. Its overwhelming smell causing her to cup her hands into the maple-like fluid and hold it up to her mouth to drink. It was tantalizing as it went down her throat, making her horny. She licked at her sap-covered hands, enjoying stroking her sugary digits. Against the wall, more vines sprouted as they explored her body, checking every hole. Some entered into her mouth, almost triggering her gag-reflex as she struggled not to choke. Two went to her rear, spreading her cheeks and spewing cold stringy dew down her hole. But most of them played with her pussy, sinking one inch inside and circulating around her g-spot. Fluttershy threw back her head, climaxing as she squealed in delight. Her peach bright panties were yanked and pulled on as a mass of vines filled the front, prickling her clit as they tasted her juices. The mare bucked her hips, the sap causing her panties' body to collapse into scraps of cloth. Then into muddy goo to be processed for sugar and starch. She looked somewhat in dismay, she forgot that she wore her lucky ones. The vines stretched her pussy, two or three pushing inside of her cunt before the large budded one rose from the tree's inner floor. It positioned itself under her, vines grasping on her thighs, opening them. The budded vine stroked her excited clit, shedding its blue powder that made her loins wink with need. Then sunk itself inside, every bulb grazing her pulsating walls of want and need. She watched as the vine and its seeds visibly bulge through her skin as it went further and further. Fluttershy cried out, another orgasm rocked through her body. Panting as the stars came out of her eyes, she laid her head against the wall. Sipping at the sap that had made its way to her lips. The bulbs detached once the vine made it to her womb, six of them stretching through her skin. The vines on her body kept pleasuring her, stimulating her nipples, her ass and her clit until she came again. This time, her lungs filled with sap and Fluttershy blackened out. Once the bulbs had been placed inside her, she was incubated from night to night. Brought out for the days to enjoy the sunlight and milked for her fluids. Sometimes, the great tree would loosen its bonds and let her roam around the glade to exercise. Not too far though. It still was used to holding ponies against their will but Fluttershy hoped it would change its ways. As the river of nectar turned into a weakly sputtering stream, Fluttershy's pussy was checked and tenderly touched. Her lower lips cleaned as sucker plants drained any fluid left behind. The mare snorted out a sleepy yawn, somewhat used to this part. Then she was rotated in the air, her head and motionless wings pointing to the ground as her marehood was stroked. The vine inside of her mouth was removed as another poked against her lips. Looking like a winter rose, the new vine gently parted her lips and poured yummy-tasting flowery mush. Using her tongue, she tugged the flowered vine into her mouth, sucking on the scrumptious petals. It was a natural healing aphrodisiac, sending warmth through her body and fixing tears or marks that might have made during the birthing process. The plant substance quickly filled her stomach, giving her a little belly pudge. Flowering stems hovered over her crotch, sprinkling their pollen into her waking folds. Even from such a light touch, her pussy began to ache. Some were eager, the younger ones born from last year, smushing themselves on to her hardening clit. Fluttershy cooed, trying to calm them down as they grew wild. She came, bending her knees as a naughty flower stuck its tulip-shaped face into her pussy. Once the top priority flowers had their fill, quite a few she didn't recognize or seen beyond history books, a trio of thick purple vines slithered up her body. Fluttershy pushed the flowering vine out of her mouth, licking the roof of her mouth. The trio wrapped around each other, turning into a thick cock. Out of reflex, she jerked her hips as they slammed into her, the girth expanding her pussy as the vines would take turns pushing at her inner walls. Fluttershy howled in ecstasy, body bobbing up and down as the plant cock rutted her. As she jiggled, she watched as a scattering of insects fell off her immobilized wings. Small beetles and butterflies tickled her feathers as they fed off the dew and sap, the swarm adding light pleasure as they rested on wing joints she could never reach by herself. The mare's breasts bounced, slapping each other, as vines twined themselves around the restless tits. One vine choosing to slide between them as the others held her girls in place, squeezing them. The vines squeezed harder and harder, stretching her breasts from the tips of her dusky nubs to the base of her meaty jugs. Tighter and tighter until even her yellow fur turned red, nipples dribbling dew themselves, before the fronts of the vines peeled off. Revealing transparent needle-like stems before they pierced her nubs, swelling her breasts with sugary fluid. Her tits expanded from magical mixture, growing three sizes bigger and nearly slapping her in the face if not for the vines. Then they were coated with dew, a wax-like clear shell spreading over them as the fresh injection would be squeezed out hours later, returning her breasts to their proper size. But the new and smaller vines that were suppose to wait for the dew to dry kept on interfering. Their leafy stubby ends rubbed around her sensitive skin before pushing their tiny heads into the opening of her nipples. She mewled, looking for relief from the pleasure building up, making her go hoarse. Each thrust made her back arch as they fought to squirt inside her nubs, spilling the runny goo down her chest. The plant cock took her to planes of bliss that she didn't know was possible, drilling her shuddering form as she came again and again. Fluttershy's pussy clenched, greedily devouring every inch driving inside of her. The plant cock trembled, stilling, as it pulled out. Its large throbbing cock's head brushed over her soaked folds, slimming it with a familiar green goo. It was ready then. Fluttershy wavered between inhaling or exhaling, her tongue lolling out of her mouth in anticipation. Then it drove itself back inside, relentlessly pounding her as it went further and further. From the outside, the plant cock swirled her insides as it spun inside of her, releasing seeds and dew. It tapped against her final wall leading to where her womb began, causing an instant climax of blinding pleasure and pain, as it shot its load. Fluttershy screamed, cumming as her belly expanded to its limits. She writhed, her voice echoing out. Tears came out the corners of her eyes as the afterglow nearly brought her to another orgasm, her hips still thrusting. Slowly, the vines holding her up brought her to the soft grass-covered floor. The silly ones on her breasts let go with a final squeeze. And the plant cock settled inside her, the green goo hardening its way out. Fluttershy rested, laying on the inclined hill as she watched animals frolic in flowers ahead. She patted her newly swollen stomach and went to sleep, the sun feeling nice on her skin.