> Saurasexualicaipposmachia > by Master Titta > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1- Next Time Chain Yourself to Bed. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash was sprawling on her bed, wearing black tank top and dark gray shorts as makeshift nightwear. She had a long day at the gym and at the race track, trying to improve her musculature and time on 200 meters, so she was so exhausted she just barely made it out of her shower for have dinner, before going to bed and sleep. At least try to, because she heard a buzzing sound getting closer and closer. At first Rainbow Dash assumed it to be a mosquito, a fly or just any flying insect making an annoying noise while flying, and so she waved her hand in the air, attempting to shoo away the unwanted flying visitor. However, when this attempt failed, Dash gathered all her strength to sit up in her bed and look at her surroundings. She saw her room, true, but the window was open, and a weak green glow was being emanated from something that Dash could not see from her position. Feeling too tired and too sleepy, Dash decided to not move and try to go back to sleep, hoping that the glow was going to disappear by itself, but, as soon as Dash went to tuck herself back, she noticed that she was starting to hover away from the mattress of the bed, and that the rest of her blanket had slipped away from her body, limply resting on the bed. All of sudden, Dash's tiredness was overwhelmed by bafflement and surprise, so she started to wiggle and struggle around, flutter her wings, saying a chocked out "Help!" Nothing happened, as nobody came or answered, leaving Dash to just float in the direction of her ceiling, still in her lying position that allowed her only to squirming around like a trapped snake. A moment before her head broke through several layers of clouds that made the roof, she managed to expel a quick yelp. After that, everything went dark, as Dash felt her tiredness win over her again. When Dash fluttered open her eyelids, she was greeted by the sight of a metal ceiling with some cuneiform lights scattered around, the feeling of something pressed against her torso and wings, while her arms were behind her back and tied. After getting up on her hooves and after having passed the arms from her back to her front, Dash looked down at herself. Around her torso she saw a shiny metal ring locked around her, the only trace that it could open begin a hinge, probably articulating the halves. The object that was blocking Dash's hands were two black-colored shells wrapped around her hands, and joined together by two big-yet-light metal chains and what looked like a red bungee cord. Looking at her surroundings, Dash could see a shiny metal wall in front of her, and a smooth white floor who was also metallic in nature. Basically, she was inside a cleaner tuna can. "I gotta get out of here," Dash muttered to herself, as she, out of instinct, tried to break loose from the bizarre handcuffs by trying to spread her hands as widely as possible and pull. But the chains and the cord resisted with a clanking sound. Dash tried again and again. "Is there anyone here?" Dash said annoyed, her arms starting to feel sore at this point and the clanking starting to get maddening to Dash's ears "Somebody that can please fucking free me?" A synthetic voice suddenly echoed in the room, making Dash perk up her ears and look around for possible sources. The female will walk forward through the aperture. "But why would I do that?" Dash exclaimed, hoping that the voice would answer her back. The voice didn't answer at all, but, to compensate, the handcuffs did, by beeping, glowing red at the tips and dragging Dash's hands towards the metal wall. Dash tried to resist them as long as she could, struggling for every centimeter, her knees feeling nearly on fire due to the dragging on the floor -- despite it begin smooth and despite the knee-lenght shorts --, her arms feeling sore and dangerously overstretched and her tail moving around erratically. All of this quickly worn Dash out and she, with a sigh, got up and followed the direction that her handcuffs were forcefully giving. The handcuffs guided Dash to a seemingly random spot of the metal wall. Before Dash could make a quip about it, part of the wall let out a loud snap and a loud hiss. To Dash's surprise, part of the wall slowly moved up in the ceiling, revealing a dark corridor leading to another metal room. Dash let her handcuffs lead her through the corridor -- which kept making clicks at every step made by Dash on the floor -- into the next room. The handcuffs stopped glowing and beeping, allowing Dash to look around her. She saw three big screens hanging by the ceiling with the help of three different L-shaped supports seemingly made of white metal. On the other side of the room, there was a dulled-out hook hanging by the ceiling, plus four holes positioned in circles around the aforementioned hook. Dash could also see that the wall on that side was pitch black, with white signs that she could recognize, let alone read. As for the lights, their disposition was the same as the previous room's. The female will put her upper limb restrains on the hook, then face west. Dash mentally noted that the voice had stressed and prolonged the "s." She shrugged and walked to the hook. She then brought her restrained hands behind her back, turned around to the screen assuming that it was the west, before making a little hop and moving them forward, thus resting on the hook by the cord, her hooves hovering a few millimeters off the ground. After doing so, the light in the room shut off and the screens -- better yet, one of them, as the other two showed static -- came to life. There was a whirring sound, as two different mechanical arms started to rotate around Rainbow Dash, clicking and flashing every once in a while. Looking up at the screen, Dash saw photos of herself from the front, the back and by side. Dash lowered her head and sighed, a little more relaxed now. Sure, she was nervous in that position, but at least nothing weird was happening, not yet at least. The arms retreated silently, replaced by another couple of arms. These turned on with a whirr, emanating green light as they moved around Dash's body sinuously. Dash looked confused at them, then she looked up at the screen, gasping in horror at what she saw. She saw the entirety of her naked body on the second screen. Her small and flaccid breasts, her muscular legs, her plump and yet developed torso, her vagina, her poop-stained ass... it was all there, on the screen, for the captor's delight to look at and -- that is, if her captors were akin to the stallions -- masturbate at. "Lemme out! Let me out, you pervs!" Dash shouted, vehemently trying to free herself by moving around all of her body and swatting the arms away with her tail, but failing, because the arms were firmly set into place by the now-reactivated dragging handcuffs. Once she was tired out, Dash let her head drop down and let the arms go around to show off her private parts to whatever perverted captor was watching her right now. The scanning stopped briefly, and the light emanated from the arms became red, while the third screen lightened up and showed Dash's internals and skeleton, but Dash didn't notice it, as she was too busy in looking at the floor and attempting to forget what she had just seen. The voice seemingly read in Dash's mind, as it blared a command once more. The female will now rest. She sighed and complied, closing her eyes, waiting for sleep to catch her, while remaining in that uncomfortable position. Despite everything, tiredness made Dash fall asleep in a short time. Dash woke up again with a slight pain in her head and what it felt like a drought in her mouth. "Ugh... what's going on?" Dash asked to herself, woken up by a stream of cool air hitting her privates and spreading to her entire body. As she slowly opened her eyes to look at her current situation. This time, looking at herself, she saw that she wasn't hanging like a piece of ham by a hook. Rather, she was lying on a metal table, her legs and arms blocked by the ankles and by the wrists respectively, by metal rings. She also noticed that she was completely naked, and saw, thanks to her peripheral vision, that her clothes, her black undies included, were neatly folded in a corner of the room. Rainbow Dash immediately tried to cover herself with her tail, as she blushed strongly and bit her lip. However, that attempt at modesty was frustrated by an arm that came form under the table and that basically pinned Dash's tail down, making Dash even more powerless. As time passed, Dash couldn’t help but keep noticing the feeling of the cold air brushing against her now-unprotected privates. The longer she listened to her body, the more of a small tingling she could feel inside her. Her captors made her wait on that table. Rainbow Dash wasn’t used to being as helpless as she was then, but somehow, that seemed to arouse her, too much of her confusion. After all, she didn't like feeling helpless in front of anyone, so why the thought of begin unable to do anything interested her all of the sudden? With each passing second they let her tied up and naked on her own, she forgot more and more why she was there at the first place, just letting her mind wander aimlessly at why she was feeling that way. After being lost in her fantasies for a while, she felt a small droplet of mare juices running down her flushed marehood. Dash’s excitement was stopped abruptly as a click, followed by a mechanical roar coming from under the table. Apparently, they waited until Dash had a hint of arousal, before starting. Raising her head startled with a jerking motion, Rainbow Dash saw a shiny metal cylinder with a slightly rounded tip mounted to a another of those robotic arms, along with another arm, this one holding something looking like a metal piercing, but with several small red protuberances around the circumference. There was also another arm with something looking like a bodkin. In her stubbornness, she didn’t realize what it was, as she thought it might wanted to take a sample of her private juices, but couldn’t see any mechanism to collect anything on the two and a half inches wide rod. Then realization hit her as it slowly advanced in the direction of her lower parts, directly at her genitalia, while the other two one went for her left breast. The arm with the simil-bodkin grabbed the nipple of Dash's left boob, which made her struggle and shake her head. Despite the fact that Dash was shaking around, and, by extension, her boobs were wobbling, the arm managed to successfully pierce Dash's nipple. To much of her surprise, Dash felt barely a pinch at that action, and the ring had been inserted inside her pierced nipple without Dash feeling anything else. Trying to find her entrance, the probe bumped softly into her clit. As soon as this happened, the ring's red dots lightened up, making Dash lighthearted and hornier. "N-no..." Rainbow Dash muttered to herself, as she tried to resist at the feelings that the ring was seemingly transmitting to her brain, by thinking about all the work she had to do the next day, but, to no avail. Concentrating on not getting aroused, she bit her lower lip, as her gravely-wounded pride wouldn’t allow these molesting abductors the satisfaction of giving her unwanted pleasure Then the object moved upward slowly but surely, touching the outer lips, before reaching the right spot to insert, at which point it retreated a little, standing in there like a predator waiting for a prey to commit a fatal mistake. The sheer suspense alone made hard for Dash to keep calm, as she was left alone with her conflicting feelings and the ring's effects. "C'mon, get over this." She muttered nervously. Shortly after saying that, the probe moved forward, this time stopping again just before penetration, the only thing giving begin a soft pressure on Dash's snatch, vibrating very softly -- almost unnoticeable so -- as it did. However, that was sufficient to make her squirm a bit in appreciation, her pleasure begin hard to keep in check now. The vibrating cylinder started to emit a light humming sound and moved forward, once again very slowly, opening up Dash's outer lips with its delicate pressure, never stopping until half of Dash’s passage was filled. A moan, restrained with difficulty, escaped Rainbow Dash's mouth. Immediately angry at herself, Rainbow Dash redoubled her efforts of not showing her desire. Not caring the slightest, the rod – still halfway inside her reddened marehood – moved out just a tiny bit faster than it had entered. That didn't mean it was done. Oh no. Once it was outside her cave, the Vibrating Identified Object immediately re-entered inside with only a small increase compared to the speed it entered, before exiting at a faster speed, going back inside at even higher speed and so on, never going beyond half of the length of Dash's vagina and never increasing its vibration. Rainbow Dash tried to resist her urges, but the ring and lust-induced images of making love with stallions she found cute enough to have a one-night stand with was too strong in her mind to be ignored fully, leading her to banish one image spot of having sex, only to be replaced with another image spot of the same kind, but involving a differently-equipped stallion. She could feel her snatch dripping for the pleasure, and that made her blush strongly, trying to stop the flow and the show she was giving to her captors. All in vain, thought. After an uncountable amount of times repeating the same action, the probe stopped inside Dash's cave. Dash sighed of relief, as a copious amount of her mare juices -- more than Dash thought it was possible for her to store in fact -- kept dripping onto the metal table with a sound similar to the one that a primitive metallic roofing made when hit by rain. Despite the pause, Dash still felt on the edge, and, in fact, part of her body craved for more, while the rest wished for it stop altogether. The struggle didn't last much longer, because the vibrating probe left the vagina, before re-entering, this time not with an increased speed, but an increased depth of penetration for each thrust inside. After the third pushing, too much of the disappointment of part of Dash, the probe had reached -- and indeed touched -- her most sensitive spot inside her. This time, however, even the part of Dash that had disliked all of this appreciated it, making her moan once more. However, her will was still strong enough to not make her come. That, apparently, wasn't lost on the one operating the machine, or maybe the machine itself, because, soon it started to accelerate its thrusts. This time, Rainbow Dash's will couldn't do anything, and she had her first intense orgasm, which made her shake around in her binds. Dash could feel perfectly her marehood closing violently on the vibrator, just before it closed onto itself for a few seconds. The piercing was vibrating on her nipple with another hum, and a different part of her lower parts felt tingly. The probe never slowed down to give her some rest during her pretty powerful orgasm, and, in fact, it actually started vibrating in short and strong pulses. With that – already far beyond her threshold – Dash started to squirm out her juices at regular intervals, shouting her pleasure out. The pauses between vibrations and thrusts then got longer and longer, until the probe stopped outside Dash's organ. Dash panted, feeling tired out by her ordeal, but with part of her wishing to keep going. The part of Dash wishing to keep going was promptly satisfied, as with one strong push, the vibrator entered inside her fanny, filling it to the point it peeked in her uterus, just before going back to vibrating, sending vibrations deeply inside her body. With the object completely inside her and unmoving, Rainbow Dash gasped, moaned and, in no time, she had another squirting orgasm. Dash's mind had a fleeting though about the oddness of having another orgasm a short time after the first, but that was quickly swept away by the pure bliss she was feeling thanks to the vibrations. Even when her sexual organs started to get numb at the vibrations, her mind still couldn't process anything properly, leading to what was a seemingly endless, continuous, fountain-like, squirting orgasm. Once Dash felt completely numb, leading to the slow trickling end of the orgasm, the machine left her pussy, the object of pleasure used so far, which was utterly soaked in vaginal liquid and dripping like a piece of wet cloth hanging to dry out in the sun. Dash also noticed that the ring had stopped humming and produce light, slowly going back to its previous inert status. The room went silent and inactive once more. When the ring fully shut, Rainbow Dash rested her head on the hard table with a sigh, feeling beyond tired and beyond dehydrated, like when she had done ten laps of Cloudsale's stadium without any source of water to sustain her. Due to this, once her breath slowed down, Dash closed her eyes, and, as soon as she did so, she passed out and slept. The next day came, and Rainbow Dash felt a wreck when she woke up. "Let's recap: I may have been abducted by aliens. I have been fucked until my cunt hurt, and I got a piercing in my nipple that then got removed," Rainbow Dash thought, as she was showering, checking out the hole she found in the nipple of her left breast. Said hole was painful at touch, and was big enough to see from end to end, but, thankfully, it wasn't bleeding. Rather, her nipple looked like if she had been like that for the entirety of Dash's life. "I think that I had quite a fucking night. I feel like a trainwreck." Dash sighed, as she carefully cleaned up her private parts with soap. "But I'm still fit for work. Guess that I'll try to tell that to Twilight, maybe she knows what the hell did I passed through tonight, besides the obvious implication." That said, she turned off the shower and went on to dry herself up, ready for another day of work. > Chapter 2- Two Showers, One Colorless, One golden. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack was walking slowly in her fields at sunset, carrying two baskets, one full of green apples and one full of red ones, on her back. She was tired and the sun that shone over the land was, as per usual during that part of the year, scorching hot, meaning that Applejack was wearing clothes wet with sweat over her the equally-sweated light fur all over her body. "One... last... load." applejack muttered to herself, as she walked up the steep hill on her hooves while keeping the baskets' belts on her shoulders with the help of her hands. Several drops of sweat came from her temples and slid down Applejack's head and neck until they joined other sweat drops in the neck of the green shirt she was wearing. Her muscles, both of her legs and of her arms ached terribly, making her stop to take a break every few steps, making the already-exhausting ordeal even more tiring. Once she was at the top of the hill where the barn was, Applejack sighed and put the baskets down carefully, before going under a tree's shade and laying in there, letting her hat fall over her eyes. Even if she knew it was late, and that the risk of going to sleep now only to wake the next day still under the tree, with the need to carry those baskets full of apples that she hadn't brought into the barn, in addition to the quota of apples she had to harvest the next day, without getting any proper sleep -- or a shower, for that matter. But Applejack was too tired to care about that now. All she wanted to do now was rest. Shortly after closing her eyes, Applejack felt herself doze off, the only annoyance begin a light buzz... When she woke up, Applejack felt cold hitting her body. But she could easily tell that she wasn't feeling cold due to a nightly breeze hitting her, rain or something like that. No, she felt that she was cold due to the contact between her wet fur and metal. "U-oh. Odd." She thought, as she tired to flutter her tired eyes open. Opening her eyes slowly, Applejack quickly realized that she wasn't in her orchards, or anywhere close to them. Instead, she was lying on her back in a round, shiny metal room which had nothing on Surgery Rooms of the hospitals. "Where am I?" She said to nobody in particular, as she got up on her hooves. Looking around her, Applejack saw some additional details that she had missed at a first glance. First of all, the center of the room was slightly convex, with a metal grid in the middle. A long series of coot hangers was placed in what it looked like a niche in the wall at Applejack's left. When she turned behind her, she saw a rectangle whose appearance suggested the fact that it was a door. However, the lack of any kind of handle to use for open it, making it look like a false door. Not that it stopped Applejack from trying to open it up, by putting her arms on the side and trying to push to the left. When this failed, she changed side, pushing from the right, but both attempts only made her feel tired and make little scratches on the metal. As Applejack stopped for look at the door state, a metallic voice from seemingly nowhere said. The female will slowly undress. It will go in the center and clean itself with the provided cleaning products. Applejack turned around her, startled by the sudden hissing voice. "Who's there? Where are you?" she said, looking around the room for anything -- anything -- from where the voice could have come from, but, in her research around the room, Applejack saw some holes in the ceiling in the center of the room, but she doubted they were the speakers due to how clear the speech was and how little echo it had. The lights that gave light to the room were, naturally, not good candidates as speakers. The voice repeated the order, which made Applejack sigh and shrug, as she unbuttoned her trousers and dropped them down on the floor. Sure, she didn't know where she was, but a free shower was a free shower, and she wasn't going to give that up, not with the tension she was feeling and the smell she could feel she was emanating. Applejack removed her white granny panties, her shirt and her white, red polka-dotted bra, leaving a gust of cool wind to hit all of her body, exposed fanny included, which made her look around hurriedly for the coat hangers, so that she could get her warm shower as soon as possible. Once she had found them at her left, once she had left the clothes hanging on there, she moved to the center of the room, where she assumed the water was going to fall down, standing up and still like a soldier would. When the warm water hit her hair and her wide shoulders, she was also hit with a huge wave of relief. She started to scrub herself clean with just her hands, starting from her shoulders, which she massaged for get them to loosen up, passing then to clean her big and compact breasts. The fact that she was doing so in an unknown enviroment didn't matter to her right now, what it mattered was cleaning and relaxing after a long day passed in harvesting apples. The female shall clean up its genitalia properly Those words brought Applejack back to reality, and, when she did, she noticed that the water had gone from its usual transparent look, to a purplish colour, that however didn't leave stains onto Applejack's fur and acted like water just fine. That is, until some drops reached Applejack's privates. At this point, Applejack felt filled by a tingling sensation in her belly and lower body, as she started to frantically clean up her labia, unsure why was doing it with fervor, but not caring enough to stop and question it. As she kept cleaning herself down there and elsewhere, Applejack felt her worries disappear, while her appetite for something else rose. "I feel horny... this ain't right," she muttered to herself, as the shower slowly shut itself off "but... I don't know. I don't know if this is right considered the situation." Suddenly, she felt a surge going from her vagina to her brain, which she clouded her vision briefly, making her mutter "Then again, who cares?" The female will now exit the cleaning bay. The voice said this, and the apparent false door lowered itself to reveal a dark corridor. Applejack, after a brief moment of stupor and confusion, flung herself to the corridor without any thought, which caused further confusion in Applejack. "Why did I do that?" She said, stepping inside, still dripping with water, as a loud whirring sound was followed by a gust of hot air hitting her leg. This gust pushed her to ran through the corridor, clanking at every step, the hot air making her fur and hair somewhat fuzzy in the process. Applejack noticed, in her rush through the wind-blowing gallery, that entire body had been dried, but her vagina was still somewhat dripping. "Odd." She muttered to herself, as walked inside the next room while looking at her pussy dripping alternatively with a semi-transparent gray liquid and the purple "water" of before. As soon as she touched the external labia with her right index, she felt a shiver of pleasure passing through her spine, which made her hiss in appreciation. "Okay, apparently my vagina works at the slightest provocation." Once again, her vision was clouded and she said, while holding her temples "Very good." "What did I just said?" Applejack muttered to herself, not understand why this had happened again. "Gah, I think I'm going crazy," She said, as she looked at the room she was in now. The room was round still, but, instead of a waste grate and a depression in the ground, there was something looking like a gray metal pedestal, with a pair of black burly handcuff-like objects hanging, and what looked like dark metal shackles with some lights in points. "What is that? Is that a torture machine? But why?" applejack said, turning around, only to see that the door had been closed behind her in the meanwhile. Sighing, Applejack looked at the contraption again, sighing. "That's the only place i can go to now," she felt her vision cloud once more "And the only one i want to!" Shrugging at her own statement, Applejack walked up to the machine, stepping up on the base of the "podium." As soon as she did that, three mechanical arms started to swirl around her, immediately closing the shackles around her ankles, while other four robot arms held Applejack's arms up, setting them in the unusual handcuffs, all while a single arm teased Applejack by tickling her pucker. Applejack grunted and moaned of pleasure almost against her will, not struggling as her body was set into place while, at the same time, it was twitching, her tail doing little to swat away the teasing arm. When this was finally over, with a mechanical roar, a long and thin transparent tube was lowered, while something else poked applejack's butt cheeks. Looking behind her, Applejack saw a purple cylindrical object with a blunted-out tip attached to a simple-looking spring mechanism coming out from under her position, while another arm put a shiny metal ring, only a hinge present, around her torso, so to keep the tail out of the way. "Are they... going to stick that up my butt?" applejack said unsure, before being recalled by a sudden pleasing sensation to her vagina, which made her look in front of her. She saw the arm that had been teasing her spreading her pussy's labia apart, while the tube approached her pee hole. Applejack really wanted to slap it away, but the lack of mobility made her just a horny and terrified spectator of what was happening to her. The tube, with a small plopping sound, was inserted in Applejack's urethra, making her howl out a cry of both discomfort and pleasure, which kept going as the tube went deeper and deeper inside, stopping only when, seemingly, it had reached her bladder's walls. Another couple of arms moved her legs apart, helped by the shackles, which seemingly got lighter and beeped. Applejack spread her legs and, as soon as she was deemed in a perfect position, the shackles turned off and went back to be heavy again. "Weird things..." Applejack then saw a arm that took her by her chin. Applejack shook her head around, trying to have at least one victory over the machine, but, sadly, failing to do so, as it managed to put Applejack's chin high up in the air and her jaw kept open. From the ceiling, a small trickle of a blue sparkly substance -- which tasted like milk mixed with iron to Applejack -- was dropped inside Applejack's troath. Applejack cringed at the taste and tired to frown. With a cough, expelled some drops of the sparkly liquid, before it went the right way into her intestines. As soon as the liquid was inside her, Applejack felt her lower body ache, which made her legs twitch a bit. "I gotta use the little fillies' room," she muttered to herself "I hope they are going to be done soon..." Time passed, and Applejack felt her need to pee only get stronger second by second. Slowly but surely, a screeching sound was heard, and, very shortly after, there was a snapping sound. Applejack felt something ramming violently in her butt, which, after a vain attempt to clench her butthole close, both pleased her and caused her to pee out a small trickle of urine, which traveled quickly inside the transparent tube up to whatever container was attached to. There was another, faster but no less strong push, which got up her anus for about 15 centimeters, and that made Applejack moan, as her marehood started to drip, another small trickle of urine exiting from the tube inserted inside her urethrae. The dildo increased speed and reduced depth of penetration, but that didn't stop Applejack from still dripping arousal, while her mind was busy in thinking that at least the anal invader wasn't pushing any further, because the first time the probe had entered, she had almost soiled herself. The probe started to vibrate, as it kept its routine up, the warm waste liquid still passing through the tube at each slam. After a bit, her bladder, as if feeling incited by all that slamming, finally released itself completely. As this happened, Applejack saw stars, the true bliss making Applejack lose the sense of self, as the relief of peeing tied itself to the sexual pleasure given by the dildo still ramming into her ass. As this happened, Applejack kept her lounge out hanging, rolling her eyes, as her pussy still produced juices and urine like if there was no tomorrow. The dildo had started to vibrate and push in a more irregular manner, sometimes barely penetrating her ass, sometimes going all the way up, sometimes at a snail's pace, sometimes at the speed of a cheetah on fire. Then drops of a yellow warm liquid started to slowly drip down from the ceiling. The few abouts of rationality of Applejack made her question if that was urine. But the rest of her current mentality prevailed, sending her back into her state of mindless sexual arousal and satisfaction. The drops became trickles, and the trickles became streams and the streams cascades, and soon, Applejack was washed down by a veritable sea of urine, whose warmth spread all over Applejack's body, from her hair to her hooves, passing from her breasts and vagina, making for a pleasing tickling sensation all over the place. She could not take it anymore. With her sensible part gone, Applejack, at a limit break, reached ecstasy, producing an orgasm so strong, it propelled her mare juices well beyond the platform she was standing on. All of this while her own urine kept flowing all over her athletic body and the dildo changed speed and depth at random intervals. When Applejack's bladder slowly stopped itself slowly, so the golden shower obviously did and, without the warm golden liquid to keep up the flaming spirits of Applejack, the arms and the probe immediately retreated. Applejack felt that the ceiling of the entire ceiling was on her shoulders. She limply collapsed on her knees, but failed to hit the floor of in front of her due to the hand and ankle restrains, which basically caused to be hanging by her arms in an award position. The general tiredness she felt in her entire body made her pant heavily, as some sweat drops exited from her head and washed away part of the urine, which had started to dry out and form saline patches all over Applejack's fur, producing an unpleasant smell that spread out in the air. Her vagina finished dropping out the last drops of pleasure, before shutting off and going uncomfortably numb, while the tube was pulled out of the urethrae without too much fuss from either the machine or Applejack, the last drops of urine hitting the floor with a soft clicking sound. Applejack cringed at the smell, waiting for something to happen, still panting. Now her mind was completely shut off, not a proper feeling but the coldness and the need to rest some more, so to gain the energies she had lost in that sex session. Applejack heard a clicking sound mixed with a clanking sound coming from underneath her. With a great spending of will, Applejack got up and looked down, where she saw two arms, one opening up her numb vagina, the other bringing a small metal ring that seemed vibrating. Applejack tired to squint her eeys at it, but, in her lack of energies, she failed to understand the point of such an action. Not that she could think about it much longer, since the ring started vibrating while still on the arm. Then it before it got showed onto her clitoris. The result was her shrieking, a mini-orgasm and fainting. The last thing she heard was an alarm sound and the screeching inter phone going. Abort! Abort! Abort! Applejack woke up with a headache and the sensation of having been inside a concrete mixer full of broken glass and raw diamonds. "Gah... I feel like a wreck..." Applejack said, feeling something hard and rough at touch under her back, which made her woke up slowly and painfully. As she shifted her hooves around, she heard the sound of unpolished ceramic scratching other ceramic, along with a wood cracking. Applejack, opening her eyes fully and painfully stretching her arms, saw that she wasn't under the tree, but atop her house The rural landscape that she saw was one of trees, gentle hills and bushes illuminated by the tender light of the rising sun. Applejack recognized them as her own orchards, which made Applejack crack a grin. "How did I manage to get onto my house's roof?" She sniffed at herself, smelling the odor of piss on her fur, and, looking down, she saw sh was completely bare. Applejack instinctively covered her vagina with her tail and covered her breasts with her left arm, as she blushed softly. "Why am I naked? Why do I smell of piss all over? And just what the hell did I do for dream of having a shower with own urine?" Applejack sighed, as she turned around, looking for ways to descend. "At least I'm not on the other side of the town. Going around town like this wouldn't be very pleasant." That said, Applejack noticed the ladder left by her brother the day before. Applejack sighed. "Bless my brother's slowness in fixing things," she said, slowly climbing the ladder down "otherwise I was going to stay up there for a looong time... but let's go get dressed now." > Chapter 3- The Longest, Blackest Night (Part 1) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thunderlane, after he was done with lifting weights and turning the local gym, was heading back at his house, still a bit confused about a conversation he had earlier with Rainbow Dash. Better yet, about her behavior during the conversation. While at first she talked in depth about her morning and her woes with her boss at work, she mentioned very quickly that she had visited her friend Twilight for something that happened to her the night before. Thunderlane had asked her to repeat what she did in Twilight's castle. Dash had repeated it, then she shied away from saying why she went there. Pressed to answer, when Dash said she went there for ask Twilight about the geography of Fillydelphia -- allegedly going there for a competition she had been invited only the night before --, Thunderlane didn't buy it for a nanosecond, but pretended that he did. Also, when he had accidentally bumped into Rainbow Dash changing herself, he could have sworn that the nipple of Dash' left boob had a piece of cotton in the middle, but, due to the speed of Dash in shooing him away, Thunderlane could not be completely sure. There was definitely something fishy about it all. Who knows what things had happened to her, in Twilight's castle? Or maybe the cause for her lies was due to an event that happened to her last night? His mind with Rainbow Dash, Thunderlane didn’t bother looking where he was going. After all he knew his way around his hometown, and it would have been a bad sign if it were otherwise. He took a shortcut through a small back alley, failing to notice he was completely alone, even if normally, every street in Ponyville had somebody going in there, even at the wee hours of the morning. His walk was abruptly stopped when he hit something face-first, the sound of a small electrical discharge going off. Thunderlane held his muzzle, banding over and groaning in pain. "Ugh, I should've been more careful, so that I don't bump agai-" he stopped himself mid-sentence when he saw that there was no apparent wall in fornt of him, only a backstreet alley with some overfilled trashcans and a half-broken street lamp. Carefully, Thunderlane moved his arm in front of him. Judging from the feeling of something smooth and cold over his fingers and yet another weak sound of electrical discharge, there was really some kind of barrier in front of him. "What is this? and what is going on?" He said, rubbing his fingers against this barrier, and discovering that the barrier seemingly ended where the walls of the surrounding houses started. "I don't know what is this, but I don't like it one bit," he said, turning around towards the way it came inside the alley "let's get out of here." However, as soon as he turned, he slammed against another barrier, making him flutter his wings and hold his muzzle in pain again. as he was going to collapse, he felt something behind his back that made keep an upright stance, an electric sound yet again hitting Thunderlane's ears. Turning around, he still saw that apparently nothing -- at least, nothing visible -- was actually holding him up. "Whoever are you, let me out of here!" He said, the invisible walls giving him very little space for even turning around, his attempts to separate the two walls with the strength of his arms only making him feel like a mime, but with more actual walls and less creepy make-up. "Get off me, get off me, get off me!" He muttered to himself and at whatever was creating the barriers, pushing with his arms and hooves, fighting for get a measly centimeter of additional space, his wings fluttering but being compressed against back without effort. With his eyes in front of him and squinting for concentration, Thunderlane didn't realize that something else was now pressing against his hair and head, thusly creating an actual, elevator-like, cubicle. Whereas he was still attempting to free himself, Thunderlane felt a loud whoosh accompanied by the sensation of air pressing against the body due to speed, which made him stop immediately. "What the heck is goin' on here?" He said, as he looked at his surroundings, seeing that he was now above the houses' roofs, and that he was leaving them behind rapidly, as if he was inside a giant cannon that was going to shoot him out into the orbit. Thunderlane, almost panicking and confused, tried one last time to free himself up, before looking up He saw something shaped like a crescent hovering about. It didn't take long to Thunderlane for understand that he was approaching (better yet, being brought into) a spaceship, which was floating just above the clouds. The dark gray metal of the spacecraft didn't shine in the moonlight, but the purple glows coming out from some oval-shaped lights all around the circumference -- combined with the speed at which he was approaching the spaceship now -- were sufficient for Thunderlane to see the rest of the structure properly. Despite the apparent elegant shape of the alien spaceship, underneath the chassis there were several lines of cube-shaped objects, connected by visible corridors between them. Thunderlane could see a couple of these cubicles having big windows in places, but, due to them being closed by some kind of shutter not too different from one of a closed store, he could not see inside them, which brought Thunderlane right back to the elevator's speed, as it was decreasing gradually. "This is one funny way to abduct a pony," Thunderlane grunted at his predicament, the invisible cubicle getting closer and closer to one of the cubes underneath the much sleekier chassis "close an invisible wall around them, then shoot them up the sky. I wonder how many ponies have died of hearth attack by captured this way." As he said that, he realized that the invisible elevator had just stopped shy of few centimeters from a hole in a cube's floor, where there was one of those purple lights. Since the elevator's floor felt pushing up, Thunderlane groaned and grabbed the hole's hedge, before pulling himself up. A strong sound of something powered by electricity and the sound of the hole closing down with a mechanical roar signaled that Thunderlane could move around freely now. The inside was completely seamless, completely made out of a shiny, silvery metal. Aside from the closed hole and a closed metal sliding door, weren’t any other apertures, and the lights were just cuneiform dots on the ceiling. However, the room wasn't completely empty. In the middle of the room, there were four slim metal columns that went from ceiling to floor. In the spac between columns, there was a tall and wide rectangular object, whose presence of flickering and inactive lights, coupled with some indicators written in an angular and unreadable calligraphy, suggested its use as piece of machinery. At the opposite side of that object, there was a transparent glass wall. "I don't know what is that, and I don't think it will free me up," he said, rushing for the sliding door and trying to grab the edges for try to forcefully break it, be it because he was going to tear it off its slot or because he found a way to destroy the lock by following the door's direction when opening it. "No measly door is gonna stop me, you otherworldly piece of crap!" Thudnerlane said, pushing downwards, the door squeaking and starting to fold under Thunderlane's powerful arms. A synthetic voice came from somewhere. The male will cease attempts to escape IMMEDIATELY. "Not a single chance here, not on this Earth!" This was Thunderlane's angered response at the voice, as he pushed again, almost crushing the door down fully in the process. Alas for him, before he could make an opening big enough to pass inside, he felt a snapping sound, followed by an intense burning sensation in his neck. Jerking his head around, Thudnerlane saw something tentacle-shaped retreating back in the ceiling at absurd speed, as the pain in his neck grew and he felt his eyelids getting heavy. Subject sedation activated. Thunderlane quickly started to mess around the point where the pain came from, until he managed to grasp onto something metallic and cold jabbed into his neck. "Sounds like a sleeping dart," he muttered to himself, as he quickly extracted the object -- which he found heavier than expected -- with a plopping sound and a small pinch in the entrance point. Once he moved his hands back in front of him, he saw a long shiny metallic tube with a long thin needle, which was stained with some blood and was dripping with a green liquid. "Oh, for fuck's sake..." he said, as his strength felt waning and his mind slowly lost coherence "this was really a sleepin-" With a loud thump, he slumped onto the floor asleep and started snoring lightly. The next thing that Thunderlane felt, once his consciousness was back up, some something cold grabbing the base of his tail, while also grabbing something else entirely nearby. This act alone was sufficient to make Thunderlane try to turn around and see what was going on. Alas, his neck could not turn around because, as he could see thanks to his now-wide open eyes, his neck and his hands were kept into place by what it looked like a metal pillory painted bright red. As he tried to move his hooves, he hears a metallic squeak, as his hooves felt suspended in the air. "Damn it," he muttered to himself, as he shook again, the chains colliding between themselves and making jingles as they clashed between themselves or against a metal wall nearby "I'm hanging up like some kind of ham!" The male will stop struggling a look in front of itself. Thunderlane felt a strong desire to defy the machine's operator. Oh, if he did wish it with all his hearth. But he was stuck in that position, leaving him no choice but obey. "I'm going get my revenge as soon as I find a way to find you, slimy bastard," he said looking in front of himself. He saw a still-off screen hanging by a large column that blocked most of Thunderlane's field of vision, along with two large holes that seemingly lead to nothing. Thunderlane let out a little grunt. "Are you going to start up this crap or not, you abducting asshole?" This seemingly sent the operator over the edge because, after several hisses resembling the one of a distressed snake, the robotic voice spoke again. Proceeding with subject's verbalization." Thunderlane shook himself pointlessly one last time. "No you wo-" He was interrupted immediately, as a red ball with black strings was shot directly in his mouth from one of the holes in front of him, and two sleek robotic arms tied the strings behind his nape. He could only grunt in surprise, once the ball gag had been set in such way, as he didn't quite get what happened, but, when he did, he glared at the screen and grunted loudly his disapproval. The screen flickered on, and started showing an image of what, Thunderlane assumed, was his sheath, with two arms holding up two halves of a ring, while another one held up what looked like a thin black drinking straw, but with a succession of colors between yellow and red in certain spots. He could also notice a purple brush resting against his nut sack. With a whirr, the brush on Thunderlane's balls started to move softly and nicely. Thunderlane saw, and indeed felt, his penis rising out of his sheath slowly and calmly, its throbbing nice and regular and its rise accompanied by him slightly moaning in appreciation, as the brushing continued. Once Thunderlane's cock in all his fifteen centimeters glory was fully out, the brush slowly stopped rubbing his nuts, too much of Thunderlane's disappointment, while the mechanical arms with the two halves of a ring positioned themselves at the top of the sheath. The closure, which made Thunderlane's cock swell up, felt as if some strong mare -- if not outright one with an amazon-like physique -- was squeezing his dick for get a good grip for a hand job, which made Thunderlane give up a drop of precum and hiss in anticipation. However, once he noticed from the screen that the drinking straw look-alike was moving towards the tip of his penis, thinking that it was aiming for his urethra, and remembering the time he had gotten some urethral sounding for locate and allow the passage of some kidney stones -- which of course caused him a lot of pain -- he felt all his anticipation for a good sex session to die out, and a desperate desire to shut off his dick. He mumbled behind his ball gag, managing to only bite and droll against it. Quickly realizing this, instead of keep biting onto the red plastic ball of oral obstruction, Thunderlane tried to go for another, less verbal approach, by shaking around violently, jingling his chains around and almost destroying the grip that the ring had over his penis, even if he clearly felt his rod being compressed and squeezed tightly, which made him wince. Proceeding to apply punishment onto subject! Thunderlane pretended that he didn't hear the metallic voice, focusing in freein his dick from the ring, as pain as it was to do so, so that the alien could not try to give him an urethral sounding. He moved left, and the associated ring half tired to squeeze it back in place. He shook right, and the other half did the same for that side. After a bit of struggle and genital torture, in which Thunderlane almost managed to break free at the expense of his comfort and, likely, his ability to piss for the next five hours, he felt a thunderous machine's roar, followed by a powerful swat on his muscle-bound ass. Thudnerlane froze into place and bit on the ball while his face reddened a bit. The swat was strong enough to make him wish to rub it, while also sending some vibrations of the aftershock against his testicles to make them vibrate pleasantly. On top of that, a long time had passed since the last time Thunderlane had been spanked, and it hadn't been enjoyable for him in any shape or form, which only made his cautious appreciation of it in context even more confusing to himself. His thoughts were cut off when another powerful swat on the butt followed. Thunderlane yelped again, letting out a small tear, not noticing that the sounding probe was getting closer to his cock's helmet slowly. Another swat followed shortly after, and before he had time to react, the next smack hit him on the rump. But it wasn't over yet, because yet another one followed, and then another one, and then another one... in short the paddling didn’t stop, tormenting Thunderlane's butt one hit very shortly after another. The pain closely united with pleasure given out of the spanking was strong enough to make Thunderlane failed to notice that, by then the sounding probe had already infiltrated itself inside his wet helmet oozing with precum and a couple of drops of actual semen. The paddle stated to give out slower and rare spanks, until it stopped completely. By the end of it, Thunderlane felt aroused and horny once more. He tried to say something to the effect of "Bring it on!" but the ball gag a his lust made it hard for him, thus limiting him to a copious expenditure of drool, a grunt and a series of nasal whines of appreciation. The machine's controller obliged. The sounding probe started to vibrate delicately, as it went down Thunderlane's urethra, going all the way through it, almost getting inside Thunderlane's actual body, and he squirmed around uncomfortably as the probe did that, but didn't struggle with as much strength as before. The vibrations spread beyond the canal the probe had been placed into, going towards his prostate, his testicles and, ultimately, up his spine to his brain, which sent him in a powerful mindless pleasure. The probe went deeper, expanding the canal, and Thunderlane just moaned in appreciation, as in the spermatic canal a gentle trickle of cum exited, hitting the floor and forming a white puddle. The probe then did the inverse motion, which, while producing the same vibrations, felt less nice to Thunderlane, due to being used to it by now. Once the probe was fully out, Thunderlane sighed, feeling a bit tired out by the experience. However, his horniness and desire to keep going was still up. He just needed a few seconds -- or minutes -- of pause, before going back to satisfy his lust. The screen went offline with a "boing" and, with a sound of steam being expelled, the dick ring broke off, allowing Thunderlane's genitalia to go limp a slowly go back inside. The operator event went as far as to untie the ball gag, and set a hose-sized tube -- which was dropped from the ceiling -- inside Thunderlane's mouth, who didn't even struggle. Once Thunderlane had his pause and had been served with sparkling water -- which however tasted a bit funny and kept fizzing even when it reached his stomach and stopping only after going beyond it -- served by a transparent hose-sized tube what was set in his mouth. Being abducted, after the first moments of panic, wasn't so awful after all, more like "weird but titillating." Sure, he was still pissed that the alien had abducted him, but his mind was already working on ignoring that part to concentrate on the free sexual pleasure the extraterrestrial was giving out. "Aaaw yeah, that's the stuff," he said, sucking away the last drops of the water, trying to ignore the bittersweet taste the water had. When this was done, the tube quickly retreated from his mouth into the ceiling whence it came from. "What's next?" Thunderlane asked to the screen. As soon as he asked that, the screen came to life again, and, this time, it was split in two halves. In one, his cock had disappeared, as it had retreated in the sheath during the pause, and, instead of the ring, the arms were holding something looking like a condom, but clearly made in hard plastic and with a wide transparent green tube at the other end of it, and it was attached to a squeezebox-like brown contraption. On the other side of the screen, on the foreground, there was a cyan pussy, which had some drops of mare juices coming out from it. Thunderlane blushed, as he guessed that the vagina that was seeing in all its glory on that part of the screen was Rainbow Dash's. "I hope she won't mind it," he muttered to himself, blushing again "always kinda wanted to try her out." The sheer thought of Rainbow Dash's privates and his wish to get a grip on those more closely was enough to make Thunderlane's magnificent stick come out spontaneously from the sheath. The arms set the contraption onto his rising cock, while he kept starting and having fantasies about Rainbow Dash. Thunderlane could notice all of this going on, both thanks to the screen and thanks to the feeling of the folds of the contraption brushing delicately against his penis and, finally, his tip hitting the end of the transparent plastic shell. He didn't mind, in fact making him moan a little as the machine was set up for his pleasure. When his eyes went back to the screen, he saw two mechanical arms spreading Dash's labia, revealing her clitoris, the main prize and the urethra, all at the same time. Shortly after, transparent tubes were inserted up her vagina, which made "Dash" squirm around, in turn arousing Thunderlane, who imagined replace those tubes with his dick. His penis started to drip with precum that quickly slid down the plastic shell onto the floor underneath. Then a gentle sucking motion ensued. Thunderlane bit his lip and grunted in appreciation. The sucking motion then got faster and faster, almost causing Thunderlane's penis to stretch even further, as cum was expelled from his penis, to be then collected by the tube and shot right up the mare's vagina. At the sight of that, Thunderlane exploded, getting an orgasm and producing what looked like liters upon liters of the stuff, which was accurately put inside Dash's vagina, which also started to drip, mare liquids mingled with cum. He was still producing and expelling life's seed, stimulated by the sucking and his arousal fueled by the images transmitted to him by the screen. A brush on his testicles, just as he was going to calm down, made him orgasm one last time, before passing out cold. > Chapter 4- The Longest, Blackest Night (Part 2) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just how she had decided some hours prior, that night Rainbow Dash, instead of going back home straight away like she always did after practice, went to Twilight's castle for try to get back in contact with her abductors and understand what brought them to abduct Rainbow Dash for then use her like some kind of living sex toy. "Spike, do you have ginger ready?" Twilight Sparkle said, as she pointed her telescope towards the sky and Rainbow Dash sat down on a white and purple deck-chair on the same balcony. Spike, wearing just black shorts and a purple shirt too big for him, came in with a pot made of crude ceramic. "That's all we got," Spike said putting the can on the floor covered in tiles with elaborate decorations on it "I think that's enough for whatever you need it for." Twilight stopped to look in the telescopy to walk up to the pot and open it with a pop, spreading some parfumed yellow powder in the air. Twilight put the pot on the balcony's parapect. "Yes, it is enough. Now, please, go to bed, Spike." She said, and Spike nodded before rushing inside the castle, likely towards his bedroom. "By the way, Twilight," Dash said, stretching her somewhat aching muscular arms over head a bit, yawning in the process "what do we need the ginger for?" Twilight took a handful of the ginger powder, spreading it around on the balustrade until it was a thin layer of yellow barely visible despite the moonlight and the couple of candles lit next to the balcony's door. "If these alien visitors that have abducted you are of the kind I and the Princesses have already met with," Twilight said, taking another handful to sprinkle around on the balustrade "then it's safe to assume that, after some ginger, they will be more willingly to speak with us, instead of going and directly doing what they wanted to do with us." Dash scratched her chin thoughtfully, going from her previous sprawling position to a more erect sitting posture, still watching, as the layer of yellow powder was getting bigger and bigger. "Ginger? But why? Is there something in ginger that makes them less perverted or something?" She asked, as Twilight shook her right hand over the parapet, some speckles dropping down. "Not exactly that. Yes, there is in ginger a chemical compound that has peculiar effects on these aliens, something that works much like a mixture between catnip and the chemicals of certain seeds of hemp. They are rapacious, almost desperate, to get it," Twilight explained, as she made the layer even onto the balustrade, spreading the small deposits onto points that lacked of the pulverized ginger. "Like catnip? But isn't catnip the plant that makes cats go, y'know.. crazy?" Dash said, her eyes widening and her hearth beating a little faster, at the imagination of what a crazed and horny alien could do to her, considered what they did to her when they were just desperate for some indirect sex. "Yes, cats, but, to my knowledge, the euphorizing effects are really bland, and, according to the last ones I've talked to, ginger is, in small doses, something akin to opiates but with milder withdrawal symphotmns, and in larger doses, it works as painkiller, tranquilizer and mild diuretic all in one. My comparison to catnip was mostly based on the diuretic part, really," Twilight Sparkle said, closing down the pot of ginger, placing it behind the deck-chair where Rainbow Dash was sitting on. Rainbow Dash sighed of relief, as she got up and walked next to the parapet. "Guess we'll have to wait for them to come now." She said, staring at the star-filled night sky, trying to spot any oddities that could signal the arrival of a spaceship. Twilight silently nodded at her friend's statement, as she looked insde the telescope for do the same thing that Dahs was doing with her naked eyes. After a while, Twilight opened the palm of her right hand and rose it. "I think I found something," she said which made Ranbow Dash rush next to her. Twilight left her position, letting Rainbow Dash set her right eye in the lens of the telescope. "Keep looking in the same point." She said, which made Dash sigh, annoyed by the precisation made by Twilight, which sounded patronizing to Dash. Very shortly after, her annoyance was replaced by surprise, as she saw a purple glow in the sky above the clouds. "Is it purple and looks like a stain?" Rainbow Dash asked, squinting her eyes at the undistinct purple shape, until Dash actually recognized a crescent shape inside the purple blaze. Since the glow was getting intense and nearly blinding by the second, she diverted her eyes from the telescope to look behind her towards her friend Twilight, who was, apparently, waving a white rice paper fan with a symbol composed by an elongated leaf with a closed gecko claw as stalk. Dash opened her mouth, but, before she could ask anything else, Twilight spoke up while still waving the fan around. "In absence of radio or any other possibility of contact, this is our best bet. the symbol means 'We are unarmed nad we have ginger," if you are wondering." Dash nodded at the explanation, before turning around again, towards where the approaching spaceship. Truth to be told, from that distance and without the magnifying power of the optical instrument, the spaceship had a more tolerable brilliance, over to actually have a definite shape. The spaceship light up two orange lights and blinked with a red light five times, just before sending a dark green lgith that blinked two times. Dash looked confused at the show of lights and, when she turned around, she saw Twilight sparkle looking in front of her with a frown expressing both shock and anxiety. "Oh no... I think we've met with their equivalent of a straight-edge..." She muttered, as hse dropped the fan with a very light crinkle. "I don't know what to do now..." Rainbow Dash felt her hearth fill with anguish at the news. "Y-you seriously don't know what to do? A-are you completely sure?" She said, joining her hands together and kneeling down. Twilight grinned and scratched the back of her head, a buzzing sound in the distance getting louder and louder each second passing. "I don't... I have a fan signaling that we want to be left alone, but I don't think it's going to work, if their mission is what you think it is. Besides, maybe they want to apologize about what they did to you last night?" Twilight Sparkle said, grinning and looking around her with a slight blush, which made Dash to glare at Twilight, likely hoping that her friend was kidding and hiding the truth to her. "I'm serious Dash, I'm stumped n what to do in this case, I guess we should wait and see what happens next." "YOU are going to deal with them, I'm not gonna deal with this, not until I can be 100% sure they don't want to use my body as sex toy!" Dash snarled, sprinting towards the balcony's door, the buzzing coming from the spaceship almost deafening but not noise-covering now. As soon as she did the first steps, Dash noticed that she wasn't moving forward, but actually backwards and, rapidly understanding what was causing, Rainbow Dash tried to outrun whatever device of abduction the aliens were using for bring her inside their spaceship. Twilight Sparkle rushed and tended her left hand. "Grab it," she said, her left hand almost touching the fingertips of Dash's one. Rainbow Dash attempted to take it and get Twilight's support for escape, but, as soon as she stretched her arm forward, she noticed that the hand was going to grab the thin air and that she was farther away from where she had started. As for why Twilight didn't follow her, she was too busy in trying to free herself from the pull with the help of her own magic and her legs' muscles. Each step forward was going backwards, and the stronger she did the farther she got from her starting point, and, by the time Dahs was at the balusters, desperation and hints of tiredness made her sigh and limply collapse on her knees. As soon as she did that, she felt every and each solitary fiber of her body begin stretched out by a giant vacuum, and soon she lost consciousness. The next thing that Rainbow Dash felt, when her consciousness came back, was some something cold painfully grabbing her left nipple. The pain made Dash jolted into place, then widening her eyes to look at what was causing her pain. A couple of robotic arms, similar to the ones she had met the last night, were pushing out the cotton filling she had put inside the nipple's hole, and were replacing it with what looked like a jewelry chain made of stainless steel attached to two bigger chain rings, with one end containing a green round protuberance and the other begin slightly bigger than its "brother" and having said protuberance colored red instead of green. Dash could also notice that, unlike the last time, only her arms were fully strained, because her legs were blocked into place no thanks by two metal rings going around her knees, instead of her ankles, and she was in a erect -- even if with her limbs separated -- position, instead of a supine one. Plus, at least as far as she could tell, aside from a column full of holes, there was nothing at in the room. However, just like during the infamous sex session, she was just in her birthday suit and she wasn't exactly liking it one bit -- even if her fantasies of helplessness had gotten slightly bolder by now --. But that didn't matter to her. What it mattered now was that, while the green end of the chain was set inside the hole left the night before, the other one was, bizarrely enough, nestled inside her belly button. "Uh-hu, they didn't pierce my belly button for some reasons. But, for all I know, probably it's grafted in my flesh by now or something." Dash muttered to herself, before sighing an waiting for the aliens to start up. As Dash remained there waiting, her fantasies of lack of control started to surface, timidly rising at first. Dash bit her lip at the mere presence of them. "Don't do it, it may end badly, really badly." She said to herself, attempting to stop herself from giving satisfaction to the ginger-licking aliens by the mans of getting aroused. Sure, resisting to arousal has been proven pointless already, if the night before was anything to go by, but Dash didn't felt like letting the extraterrestrials win over her either. Some more time passed in silence and solitude, the only company begin the cold breeze blowing all over her body, making itself manifest especially in Dash's vulnerable spot and under her armpits. Dash expected a likely mind-controlled stallion, an android, or even an alien in flesh and bone -- or in scales and bone, whatever -- to come over, putting her like a right angle and abusing her, slapping her butt cheeks, ramming their genitalia up her rectum viciously, pulling her hair, without her begin able to do anything but shout. Truly a terrifying scenery for Dash... or was it? She noted to herself that she had spent time in describing to herself how a stallion's penis -- or the equivalent, hopefully elongated, organ, in the case of the alien -- felt inside her butthole, and how each kind of physical abuse could have felt. "That isn't completely right... shouldn't the idea of begin assfucked violently be enough to scare me? Also, why I feel wet?" Dash thought, as she indeed noticed that her genitalia's folds had gotten a bit wet with juices in the meanwhile. Rainbow Dash had no time to justify it, as she heard an hum and noticed a green glow in her peripheral vision, both coming from her nipple piercing. As these two thing happened simultaneously, Rainbow Dash looked down and, aside from her left boob illuminated by the green light, she saw the red protuberance of her navel piercing glowingly weakly like a firefly in a lamp. All of sudden, Dash did not felt anymore shame in begin in that situation, not much more than the one she would have presented in begin naked around an hypothetical sexual -- and, why not, romantic -- partner, and, in fact, she started to twitch her legs around and shake her arms around, as her mind started to desperately crave for sexual pleasure. Her vagina was feeling tumultuous in its desperate need to be penetrated, and her healthy nipple turned hard like a piece of rock. She just needed something to touch her, and quick! However, that didn't mean she was fully and utterly absorbed by this strong desire of having sex. "Wha- why? Why did that happen? Wait, am I real- Gah, stop it, I just wanna know what is go- Just screw me ple- No! Get an ho- No, please, go!" Dash muttered to herself, bickering with herself, as part of her was still scared and unwilling to proceed with whatever the aliens had in store for her that night. Rainbow Dash kept muttering, snarling, barking, roaring against herself and the machine's operator, her desire not getting any smaller or any easier to keep in check. To make the task of keeping an hold on herself harder for Dash, some mechanical arms, after appearing from the ceiling with a hiss, had lowered themselves to Rainbow Dash's groin, spreading the pussy's lips apart slowly, which, inevitabily, caused Dash to drip out some liquid pleasure out from her main prize, with the arms giving out small tickles to her clitoris, be it on purpose or due to faulty mechanism. "N-no... not again... Wait, yes, again!" She said, knowing well enough that she couldn't do anything about it but watch -- which, of course, both terrified and somewhat aroused her, but most the latter in that situation -- letting out a sigh and lowering her head as her body twitched around and she expelled some groans and hisses of appreciation. In short order, a small metal spreader, its shape resembling a mattress's spring with blunted-out ends, was delicately between her the snatch's lips, leaving her peehole and her cunt proper exposed to the air, which, of course, was cause of additional appreciation for Dash, who let her tongue hang loose out her mouth and moaned loudly, her judgment overpowered briefly by lust. "O-okay, I'm pretty close to losing it, but I must keep going," she muttered to herself, once the clouding was gone again, just before looking down at her groin. But that wasn't going to last. With a whirring and yet another mechanical hiss, the robot arms brought what looked like a transparent garden hose --which had been dropped from above --, a probe crudely shaped like a dido of about two centimeters of diameter at the end of said hose-like tube. Before Rainbow Dash could comment, or worry, about the size and the destination of such a big tube and of the aforementioned probe at the end of it, the mechanical arms inserted the probe -- and by extension the hose -- violently inside Dash's vagina, which made her howl and loudly moan, her folds dripping at each millimeter made inside her, as the probe was inserted all the way up, until it was a good deal inside Dash's uterus. Rainbow Dash kept moaning, feeling excited but not fully satisfied, as she dripping some mare juices, failing to go back to rationality, all of this a good deal after the tube was actually inserted inside her pussy. Before her moans could end, the nipple piercing's hum became a loud buzz and the glow of both the nipple and the belly button piercings became a blinding blaze mixing green and red, while the hose started shaking a little. Those two factors combined made Dash feel even more titillated, her legs and arms starting to shake even more visibly and wildly, and, as it shook, she glanced at the hose, as a white liquid which felt as it passed thought the tube, started to be pumped inside her. Recognizing it as cum of unknown productor, Rainbow Dash lost it. Her orgasm was really violent, as squirts of mare juices were ejected out at high speed out of Dash's slit, hitting the column in front of her in the process and covering it in the slimy liquid. The stallion and Dash's ejaculation sometimes mixed together, dripping out right on the floor underneath and expanding the already-present puddle of sexual excretions, or, more rarely, remained inside Dash As cum was constantly pumped in her body, Dash could feel the cum's warmth spreading all inside her, especially in her innards, and saw her belly going from the flat surface it was before, to turn into a small bulge, which pleased her for some reasons, and made her shout for more. Soon the small bulge had gotten bigger and bigger, and the cum's warmth now reaching Dash's chest. Her belly was getting rounder and rouder by the second, the navel nearly pushing itself out and her breasts resting against the bulge limply like flour sacks. By the time the cum loads were no more than a few drop of the precious white liquid, Dash had the appearance of a mare at an advanced state of pregnancy waiting for three foals. That didn't both Dash at all, however. In fact, she was enjoying the sense of fullness that the cum filling her up was giving her, the sensation of the last drops delicately leaving the vagina for hit the steel floor and join the large body of "water" at her feet was something that pleased Rainbow Dash a lot. The female, once unstrained, will step down and walk to the next area. With a sound of escaping steam, the restraints of both the arms and the legs were undone. Rainbow Dash stretched her arms outwards, the nipple piercing's hum lowering its volume and the blaze coming from the colorful protuberances becoming weak sparkling slowly. Then she tentatively lifted her leg to move, and with this action she could feel a swishing in her belly. Not only she looked as if she were highly pregnant, she was also feeling and moving like a pregnant mare. Moving a couple steps forward at the opposite direction of the column slowly and trying to adjust to the swishing of the bulge -- as she wasn't used to be so heavy and have such a big belly as hse was now --, she felt something tugging her cunt. Turning around, she saw that hose was still plugging her up. Almost as if the controller felt embarrassed from the mistake, the voice spoke up again, this time sounding less a pre-recorded tape or a stern scientist, and more like some pony with a lisp that made them stress the "s" apologizing. T'urtle Doveeh... The mechanical arms quickly went around Rainbow Dash's , unceremoniously pulling out the hose and the probe out of her vagina and hastily replacing it with a green peg made of metal. The sensation of both things happening was enough for Dash to drop thinking about what was going on and let her legs shake. "Wow, that was weird... and I still don't know what is going on. I hope that I'm not pregnant now, and, if I am, that I'm pregnant with a foal and not an abomination," Dash said to herself, lightly patting her huge belly and causing it to bounce a little, before walking forward towards the only visible door there, her belly still rocking a bit as she move, and each step feeling like a deed for the ages. However, she got there, where her alien abductor wanted her to be, specifically next to the sliding door. The voice was back at begin recorded tape-like, with just only a hint of hesitation at the start. The female will walk inside with her arms spread out. It will put the lower limbs in the holes provided. The door opened up, sliding downwards, allowing Rainbow Dash to see a semi-circular room, with a good deal of the room -- the round part to be more precise... occupied by a giant piece of machinery, while the straight well had two holes next to it. "That... that's kinda scary to look at, actually," Rainbow Dash muttered to herself, fluttering her wings a little and letting out a barely perceptible whine. She wasn't sure about what that was, or what it did, and she really, really wanted to avoid to do it. But she knew very well that it was the only way out, and part of her mind was adamantly convinced that going through... whatever the machine had to offer, was going to be very pleasant, maybe even more than what she had been through before. Still not completely sure, Rainbow Dash slowly walked towards the holes in the floor, and waited to see what was going to happen next. Facing the machine, Dash could now see something looking like a metal, pony-sized half cylinder laying in a niche of a wall machine full of indicators, screens showing incomprehensible things and writings in a unknown language written in an angular alphabet all over the place. A whirr came from the machine, as the half cylinder left its niche and slowly moved towards Dash, until the cold metal bumped against her expanded belly. Rainbow Dash raised her arms up in the air, as the cylinder suddenly started to close fully around her, the cold metal pressing against her wings and her enlarged belly, causing Dash to feel somewhat cold and squeezed out, in turn making her try to squirm around. The cylinder kept pressing, the buldge squelching and flattening itself, spreading basically all over Dash, the sensation of which felt good to Dash. The machine started to click softly, as Dash slowly settled inside the pressure applied all over her body thanks to both the cylinder and her bulge. With a moan, looked at the screen, seeing a scan of her current shape of her body. Dash, while waited for the machine to do something else out of curiosity and sexual excitement, looked at the screen, and saw that the scan waszooming over three different areas of her body: her vagina, her healthy breasts and her brain. Before she could give herself any justification for these focuses, Rainbow Dash felt two small pricking sensations hitting both her breasts. Rapidly looking down at her chest, she saw two needles hurriedly rushing away, and her breasts slightly glowing orange and tickling a little bit, which caused Rainbow Dash to giggle softly and lightly moan a the same time, not caring very much about what was that, as long as it felt good. Shortly after, there was a loud thump, and Dash felt something jabbing her butt. Before she could register it fully, Dash fell asleep. The next day, Dash felt sick. really, really sick. The bulge gained the day before had decreased in its intensity by now, but it didn't disappear completely, her boobs were constantly tingling, and the alien didn't even remove the navel piercing, which was seemingly was left turned on and never shut off even when Rainbow Dash had been brought back to land. Dash groaned, as she looked at the amount of vomit, a mixture of her dinner and old sperm, she had hurled inside the toilet bowl. "Ugh... I feel awful, something is kicking in my bell. I need to get checked out." > Chapter 5- The Longest, Blackest Night (Part 3) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight felt a sore pain in her head as cold in the few uncovered areas of her body. "Gah... I hate rough meetings like this," she said, as she got up from the cold metal floor of the spaceship, helping herself with her right arm and moving the legs closer to her chest. Once she was up on her two hooves, she set her hands over her hips and looked around her. The room was metallic and shiny, just like she expected. However, what Twilight didn't expect to see, inside the aliens' spaceship, was, in-between the cuneiform lights, a u-shaped perch, which -- along with cables -- held up something that looked like a cube, with a pipe that went from begin boxy-looking, to a more and more sleek look, until it ended with two bumps that were made of a transparent glass-like material. Underneath this piece of machinery, there was a bright yellow spot on the floor and two splints closed by gate valves at the sides. "What is that, shiplord?" She asked -- sure that the translator installed in the interphone was going to work--, looking around, and seeing that the two sliding doors in the room were closed. Basing around her previous experience with the aliens and their spaceship, Twilight Sparkle already knew that she couldn't leave now, as their closure meant that the doors were locked from the main console of the spaceship. The interphone blared. Twilight was surprised to discover that the voice, pas the radio distortion, didn't sound very emotional at all, but more like a pre-recorded message spoken aloud by a nervous stallion/ lizard that got more and more confident as he spoke. This, female, is just an Adaptation Ray. It is used for allow your digestive system to be compatible with our food, in case you get hungry and want to eat. Twilight Sparkle face westwards, pointing at the tiny green light spot that marked the spot where the camera-loudspeaker-microphone was placed. "I have been on one of your ships and met with your kin already, shiplord. Our food and your food, despite some salinity differences, are perfectly edible to each other." She said, raising her right index up "And, in any case, I will not starve if I don't eat overnight, shiplord." An audible grumbling sound came from the interphone. Twilight took the opportunity to do what she had promised to Dahs to do now. "Now, if you excuse me, honorable shiplord, I wish to ask you something." She said, lowering her index. The alien grumbled again. Ask. "Why are you abducting ponies, against what we have declared the third time ponykind and the atvarkind and, according to one of the abductee, conducting immoral sexual experiments on them? Are you perchance interested into studying out reproductive cycle?" Twilight said, taking a guess about the aliens' intentions There was a small hiss and a grumble, which Twilight quickly interpreted as a sign of that the lizard wasn't sure about what he was saying. The voice blared again, this time showing a hint of annoyance behind the odd coldness. Yes, we are here, and we do it for that purpose. Twilight scratched her chin, as she stared at the green spot of light, as she quickly analyzed the alien's words, and finding them to be untruthful. "Not to offend you, shiplord, but this justification isn't nor sound nor true. We've given you many datas about it already, and if, you wish-" Enough. After the alien had said that, hissing anger clearly in his voice, there was a sound of static. Startled, Twilight jumped onto herself, turning around to look at what was the source of the sudden and unexpected sound, and she saw the contraption glowing light blue in the transparent section and having a line of orange lights on the sides of the main body of the contraption, aiming at her head. Before she could open her mouth or react to it, the machine screeched and hit Twilight's head with crankling sound. Suddenly, Twilight -- with a slight burning pain inside her head to accompain it -- felt her mind melting away slowly, her memories of her previous meetings with the aliens, the reason she was abducted and... pretty much everything else, disappearing, as the light blue light kept cracking and hitting her head. Twilight clenched her fists and crawled towards the piece of machinery, each movement getting harder and harder, as time moved on and her mind felt ablaze. She was at a few millimeters from the machine, her memories and knowledge mostly gone, but her will to shut the machine off still intact, she rose her hand... and then she collapsed, letting her tongue out and drooling a bit, as the crackling died down. Now the only things left in her mind were the basic faculties and sexual drive, which was ramped up and striking her strongly right now. She was craving for a stallion to penetrate her, to strongly feel her breasts. She felt the need to barely cover her body, to nearly show her boobs and her pussy around and be quick to actually show them, and feel no shame in doing so. Her vocabulary, for that matter, didn't go very far ahead from her current primitive intelligence. "That was, like, weird and stuff. And why am I with so many clothes?" Twilight said, removing the brown coat she was wearing with some arm movements, unbuttoning her purple shirt sloppily, and revealing the dark blue bra -- which was decorated with yellow star outlines -- that kept her C-cup breasts in line. "It's, like, last week." Twilight also proceeded to unzip her black trousers, revealing white underwear that stopped short of Twilight's belly button. In her new mentality, that was an abomination to remove, so she quickly pulled those down, dropping them with the trousers, her vagina begin hit by the cold air of the room, which made Twilight lightly moan in appreciation of it. Realizing that the purple shirt was still hanging by her shoulders, Twilight removed it too and threw it on the ground with a "Not very fashion." The female will walk in the door in front of her, and will participate calmly. Twilight looked around her puzzled, but, since her mind could not process much, she shrugged and followed the instructions, walking forward, where the door had opened with a loud hiss of steam. Walking inside, Twilight was greeted by the sight of several tubes and mechanical arms, all waving around a spot in front of the machine they were connected to. Twilight, not understand what was that and, frankly, hardly caring, walked forward inside the grasp of the arms, hitting her nose against the machine and recoiling. With and "Ouch!" Twilight held her nose, before getting back up again to look in the opposite direction she came from. There was silence, as Twilight stood there, somewhat shaking at the desire of fucking. She wanted it, now, quickly, but she still obeyed, sure that the dick was just waiting for her at the end. Then the machine roared, but Twilight -- still daydreaming sex with some cute stallions she had met earlier during the day -- was obvious about that. Her head was still in the metaphorical clouds, while her bra was gently removed by the arms, letting her the breasts to extend in all their plumpness and the nipples to quickly harden, and a metal ring was snapped around her torso. Twilight finally paid attention to the machine only when she felt a sucking motion going on on her privates, "What's that?" She exclaimed, looking down at herself, and seeing a cup-like instrument pressed against the edges of her marehood. At first it kinda felt funny, but then the feeling changed, as the suction was forcefully increased suddenly, which felt a bit painful, causing Twilight to dramatically shout in whining pain. Twilight could feel her lower parts expanding. Her labia was sucked so much she could feel it forming around the inside of the cup, as the suction kept going on, and by now, it was sucking her so hard, her marehood felt like exploding. She could feel it throb painfully with every thump of her heart. Not that Twilight minded, once her reduced brain had computed it. "Oooh, it's expanding my pussy! Coooolll!" She said to herself, before giggling dumbly, the pain of the suction failing to be processed now, instead begin replaced by a sense of mechanical arousal. Once her marehood had gotten big enough, the cup left Twilight's labia alone, leading her to look at it intensely and giggling. "This will totally fit a big cock!" She said, failing to feel a couple pricking feels in her butt cheeks, which was in turn was followed by a tingling sensation and a slow but steady expansions of her butt. Said expansion of her butt was acknowledged only a good five minutes later, when it had just stopped doing so. "Oooh, I have a big butt now!" she said, pushing her huge ass against the machine she had been basically laying on, noticing that her enlarged butt was stopping her back from to touch the machine's walls, and that the metal ring had to adjust to the distance gap between ass and back. She giggled at the sensation, and kept mushing it against the wall again. A couple of transparent collapsible plastic cups were set on Twilight's breasts. This time, the development caught her interest. "Bigger breasts?" As if the machine had understood her question and was obeying Twilight, the cups started to squeeze Twilight's breasts and try to fit them in a narrow space. The squeezing of her breasts was enough to make Twilight feel wet with juices, and the dripping of liquid arousal only got more frequent, as she felt her nipples begin prickled, air entering in her breasts, and said breasts expanding slowly, like balloons begin filled with helium. Twilight giggled and giggled, excited about the growth of her breasts and the uses they could have for later on, like a titjob. or some naughty breastfeeding of a stallion, or just some nipple torture. As Twilight imagined that, her breasts slowly were unsqueezed, as the plastic cups left her boobs slowly. Twilight could see that now her breasts were bigger than they were before. A lot. In fact, they almost obstructed her view to her lower body, which made her pout annoyed. Soon, there was an hissing sound, as the floor below Twilight started to shake. Twilight remained calm, making her boobs jiggle around and playing with her own nipples, as she waited for something -- preferably sexual -- to happen. Once the platform had descended for what looked like an eternity to Twilight's reduced horny mind, the simil-elevator stopped suddenly and the metal ring was undone, allowing free movement of her legs. Twilight rushed forward inside the dark alley, shaking her ass and breasts vigorously, causing a vague swishing sound to come accompanied by the squish of her butt cheeks hitting each other strongly. She kept running, until she found herself in a new, shiny metal round room. In there, a black stallion with light blue and light gray mane was laying on the floor on his back, his hands tied and his eyes blindfolded iwht a red piece of cloth. The stallion's cock was out of the sheath and --with the help of a metal ring around the base -- fully erect, ready to be used for sex. Twilight, not recognizing the stallion and not caring one bit, rushed forward to kiss the stallion's balls and caress his cock. The stallion mumbled of pleasure in a very incoherent way and twitched, as Twilight kept massaging his meaty penis and kissing his big balls, sometimes stopping to keep one of his nuts in her mouth to suck on it briefly, before spitting it out, sometimes blowing a raspberry that caused a small amount of precum to drip out of his dick's helmet, which in turn dripped on Twilight's hand. the liquid was warm, and made Twilight have an idea. "Wow, your dick is, like, huge! I wanna, like, put it in my ass!" She said, leapfrogging on the stallion's penis, before basically sitting with her ass onto his dick. His cock, brushing against the walls, penetrated her rectum almost to the point of peeking inside her colon to touch a bit of the poop she was holding back. Twilight's pussy started to drip savagely and strongly and she drooled in appreciation, but she wasn't having and orgasm quite yet. As for the stallion, he had failed to go beyond some drips of cum, so Twilight slowly got up, enjoying every centimeter of her anus begin touched by the meaty penis, until the cock was out of her butthole. She then slowly descended, still with her butt, on his penis, letting her arousal best her, as drip of girl cum gathered in his belly button, and as his pensi started to throb and expel some drops of the precious white liquid. Her bowels felt moved by the second round, but Twilight didn't pay attention ot it, focusing in placing the cock in her butt and tickle the stallion's belly just above the crotch. Then, after a slew of tires, it finally happened, as a veritable fountain of cum hit Twilight's innards, in turn causing her to lose control over her bowels, shitting over the penis and letting some browns drips to fall out. When Twilight rose, still blissfully unaware that she had pooped herself, got up. At this point, her crap, mixed with the stallion's ejaculation, was shot out of her ass, landing on the floor and onto the stallion's crotch and balls. The stallion mumbled and squirmed around, clearly uncomfortable with what was going on, but apparently liking it too much to protest. "Gross, but... ooohh boy!" Twilight said, she also reached orgasm shortly after, squirting a lot o her own liquid arousal over the stallion's poop-covered torso and face. Lost in her own lust, Twilight quickly jumped atop the stallion, squishing her giant breasts against his poop-stained chest, trying to kiss him passionately with her tongue. Setting her mouth's lips over his, Twilight waited for him to answer back accordingly, meanwhile setting her tongue against his teeth. He slowly opened his jaw and crossed his tongue with Twilight's, beforeletting out a loud smacking sound. Twilight liked, and, slowly undoing the kiss, she turned around and jumped head-on with her vagina on the stll-erect penis. She lost consciousness as soon as she found out that the stallion's penis touched his tuerus' walls, which made her orgasm again. Twilight had woken up back in her house laying next to her bed. She had little to no memories of the incident with the aliens but, besides something about begin abducted and a ray, she could not remember much. Another thing she could remember -- or at least deduct -- was that the aliens had apparently expanded most of her erogenous parts to sizes that, even by glance, Twilight could tell were not in her usual wardrobe. She was going to try to undo the aliens' alleged actions with magic but, now, it was time for to get showered. "Spike, later today, could please fetch me Rarity please?" Twilight said, stepping out of her bathroom., a series of woven towels all around her wet body as makeshift clothes "My old one don't fit me anymore." "Why?" Spike asked, as he quickly made Twilight's bed. "My gluteus, my breasts and my vagina have been enlarged. Normal clothes will not do anymore. Also, cancel all my appointments, until either I get out of this mess or Rarity makes me some clothes." Spike chuckled and nodded. "It'll be done." > Chapter 6- Too Happy, Too Bad > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinkie Pie was coming back from a day spent going around town to do what she was the best at. Namely, entertain ponies or at least cheer them up. That day she had been successful... for the most part, at least. Pinkie Pie had noticed that Rainbow Dash hadn't shown up anywhere. Not at work, not a the gym, not even in the usual line of trees she usually napped or, in extreme cases, moped about. After a lot of hours spent in looking for her, she had found her walking on the street, wearing just shorts and bra, dragging an enlarged belly along, saying that she was heading to the doctor for get checked out. However, when Pinkie Pie tried to find out more about her aliment, Rainbow Dash had gotten defensive and outright pushed her away, saying that she could not bring moral help at all. At first Pinkie felt hurt and offended, but, realizing that maybe her friend was just too stressed -- or ill, as far as he knew -- for talk, and that Dash's foul mood was going to blow over the next day, or the day after that, or the day even later on.... In short Pinkie Pie was sure that Rainbow Dash's current moodiness and anger was going to lose steam, until was finally something that Pinkie Pie could deal with without annoying her friend. With this in mind, she had went to keep doing what she was doing before meeting her friend going to the doctor. Now that she was home, with dinner done and eaten, and with the twins just put to sleep, Pinkie Pie headed to her bedroom in the second floor of the house, closing the door behind her as she entered inside her room, pushing the light switch nearly instinctively, which had pink moquette, yellow walls and rounded furniture brightly-colored furniture. "How has my day been?" Pinkie asked to herself, as she slowly unbuttoned her blue shirt and threw it on the floor, revealing her white simple sport bra "I have started out, after a nice breakfast, by bringing the Twins out and letting them meet with other little kids, talking with said kids' parents or older siblings in the process." Pinkie unbuttoned her skirt, dropping it down to reveal her light blue thong that did a good job in covering her privates and nothing else, as it was otherwise all black thing strings. "I have then brought them back home, before working in the bakery a bit, serving some customers. Lunch, then, after some more work, some wandering around town and helping whenever I can, like Twilight with her problems with her butt and boobs and clothes too small for them, or Applejack trying to find a way to scrub the smell of wee-wee off." Pinkie smiled, then sighed and shrugged. "I failed to do that with Rainbow Dash, but, eh, can't win them all and I accomplished my mission with everyone else anyway." With the report of her day done, Pinkie Pie moved away her bed's pillow, revealing the light blue frilly nightgown that she worn to bed. Pinkie took it in her hands, unfolded it, then put it on her bed, so to allow herself to remove her bra with a quick hand movement on her back, thusly letting her somewhat big breasts to bounce down a little on her chest. She then looked down at her thong, unsure wheter remove it, swap it with something more comfy or keep it to bed and change her undies the day after. After a bit of indecision, Pinkie shrugged and put the nightgown over her body without removing her thong. "It'll be fine," she said to herself, as the nightgown fit perfectly around her chest, allowed her tail to wander freely without too much problems and left enough moving space in her legs. She cancelled the few wrinkles of her night wear with a hand sweep over them, then she went on to turn off the light, before moving the covers away and tucking herself underneath the covers. Pinkie fell a sleep in a matter of second, failing to notice a purple glow and a buzzing sound from outside. Pinkie Pie, feeling her eyes hit by light, yawned and stretched her arms out as she sat up. However, when she opened her eyes after rubbing them, she quickly realized that she wasn't in her room anymore. At least, she didn't remember her room begin round-shaped, with a shiny floor, metal walls and an examination table in the dead middle of the room. "Oh, what happened? Was I brought in hospital or something?" She asked to herself, before looking at herself. Her nightgown was perfectly intact and still on her body and, aside from the usual dry mouth she had after waking up, she didn't feel any different from when she had went to bed. "Guess not. But where am I then?" Pinkie said to herself, as she got up with the help of her right arm. She walked slowly towards the examination table, now noticing some details that she had missed at first glance. Details like a couple of open steel restraints at each end of the table, or the presence of a slight hollow at one of these ends. Another thing she noticed was that, above the examination table, there was a metal contraption bloated with lights and seemingly-random holes attached to a small rail that spanned on the ceiling rom short before the examination table to shortly after it. Pinkie Pie looked at it intently, trying to understand its fuction. A synthetic-like voice blared from what --- Pinkie assumed -- was an interphone. The female will lay down on the examination table and set its head in the hollow. She will not struggle. Pinkie Pie, after the brief moment of startling, in which she recoiled and took a defensive stance by showing off her fists, looked around her to the source of the voice, but failing to see anything like a loudspeaker or somesuch that could have transmitted the voice. "Who are you? And why am I here?" Pinkie Pie asked, as she leaned on the examination table, feeling it and finding it somewhat spongy in consistency. I will give you these information once I will be done with what I want to do with you. "Can't you tell me now?" Pinkie Pie pleaded, joining her hands together and letting out a small whine, in her attempts to make the one at the speaker give up and reveal his/her identity. Do it and you will know. Pinkie Pie sighed and shrugged, as she hopped onto the examination table and laid on her belly, setting her legs in the restrains and then adjusting her breasts in a comfortable position with her hands. Once her chin was buried in the cleavage, Pinkie set her wrists inside the restrains. With a loud clang, the metal rings closed around Pinkie's limbs, as the machine above her started to whirr loudly. Worried, Pinkie her head around, and saw that the contraption above the table was moving forward towards her shoulders, as a mechanical arm and a syringe connected by a shiny segmented tube to the main device slithered forward. "Wait, what are you doing?!" Pinkie asked, alarmed, letting out another whine and contorting in her binds "I hate syringes! Get that thing off me! Please!" The mechanical arm moved away part of her nightgown, gripping on it hard, casuing it to rib somewhat due to the struggle Pinkie was putting up with. However, it was apparently sufficient, because the syringe -- which had been waiting to jab inside Pinkie's flesh by slithering in the air but not moving anywhere near the arm -- stroke like as fast as lighting, entering in Pinkie's flesh and injecting whatever I had to inject with a hiss. Pinkie Pie cried out in pain, her back feeling searing how now, her entire body paralyzed now and her hearth beating at an incredible speed. She turned around, her eyes watering, as the machine started to whirr like a dentist's drill, the infernal whirr getting closer and closer to the target that Pinkie refused to find out. She was awaiting for a wave of intense pain to come to antagonize her, but, to her surprise, while she heard the sound of the drill getting inside something, the hot suffering caused by the injection actually steadily decreased and went away, until it was just a numb soreness in the entrance spot. However, still scared by the syringe and the pain, Pinkie wasn't sure if she wanted to see what was going on. She decided to keep look in front of her, to breath slowly and deeply to calm herself down and to wait until the whirring sound stopped before turn around. Not too long after taking this decision, Pinkie heard the whirr die down, followed then by snipping and squelching sounds and then complete silence, as the contraption apparently got turned off and her restrains opened up with a hiss and a small cloud of warm steam. Pinkie Pie let out a giggle by the reflex, at the sensation of her cheeks hit by the steam, as she then temptatively moved her hands towards her face and tried to fold her legs against her back, until she realized she was free to move around now. "Oooh boy, finally!" Pinkie said to herself, smiling a bit as she hopped off the examination table "that was awful, but, hey, it's over now. Now, I wonder what they actually did to me..." Pinkie Pie moved her left arms behind her back, touching where -- to her best guess -- was the site of the operation she had undergone, touching her soft pink fur on her back, until her hand landed on what felt like a warm, lumpy and smooth place surrounded by grainy things. Moving her hand in front of her, she saw that her hand had been stained with a bit of blood and pieces of skin. "Well, found the spot, but I still don't get what that was for. Guess I could ask that guy at the interphone." "Excuse me, can you please tell me why am I here, who are you and why did I just had an operation?" Pinkie Pie asked, clearing her ovice with a cough and trying to sound as inoffensive as possible. Apparently, the one at the interphone wasn't having any of it. You will obey me, now! "Hey! What-" Pinkie was cut off by a loud bleep a small electrical shock going up her spine into her head, which made her lower her ears and frown in pain. Move to the door to you right. Stop. Look at your left. Pinkie Pie opened up her mouth, but, before she could protest the order, her body, with jerks and twitches, started to move seemingly on its own, as if it had acquired a will on its own, making Pinkie let out a little shrike of startling. "No, no! What is going on here?" She said to herself, as she squinted her eyes and concentrated herself in stopping her legs from going where they felt like to. Alas, it was all moot, as her legs kept moving forward towards an open door that Pinkie failed to notice beforehand while laying on the floor. "Please, explain!" Pinkie Pie said, as she stepped inside what looked like a small bleacher with a protective glass all around as wall and metal sagomate as floor. Without wishing to do so, Pinkie stopped right in front of the glass and turned her head to the left. There, she saw a familiar light blue unicorn mare with azure curly mane begin tied by the wrists and by the hooves on a metal frame, struggling and apparently shouting, while a bulky machine with an antenna-like protuberance at the end slowly approached her exposed lower parts. "Trixie is also here? And what are they doing to her?" Pinkie muttered to herself, as she winced at the sight. Suddenly, the contraption started to glow bright green on the antenna, causing Pinkie to try and cover her eyes. Keep looking. Without meaning too, Pinkie's arms jerked away from her face and pressed against her sides rigidly, as her eyelids were forced wide open, leading Pinkie to see what was going on afterwards. Specifically, the glow on the antenna had waned and faded away, and now a bright green ray was coming from the antenna and was pointing at Trixie's folds, making them glow somewhat as Trixie shouted something blocked off by the glass. Pinkie wanted to look away and forget, but she could not turn around or close her eyes, because the voice had told her to and her body obeyed to it against her own will. As Pinkie tried and failed to self-censor what was going on in front of her eyes, she saw the ray taking a elongated shape and Trixie's crotch morphing slowly to accommodate to its creation. Second after second, the shape got more sleek, longer and less fuzzy at the eye, making it even more distinct and, by the time Trixie had went back to squirm around and to seemingly yell out her pain, while two ball-shaped objects appeared in sight and quickly took a definite shape, Pinkie Pie could not deny that, yes, Trixie was growing a penis thanks -- apparently -- to the work of the machine. "My Celestia! Are they, they..." Pinkie Pie muttered to herself. Meanwhile, Trixie panted and lowered her head, the contraption shutting off. Trixie's newly-formed cock was giving out a green glow that slowly turned into sickly green and remaining that way. Said dong lacked of a feature that any respectable stallion had, namely, a sheath to retreat into when done with sex, leading to limply touch the ground constantly, unable to retreat at all. As she forcefully looked at this mean sight, Pinkie's arms twitched slowly to move the nightgown upwards, folding it until her thong was visible, as a pulse of sexual pleasure went throught her like electric current on a thread of copper. "Wait, no! Don't!" Pinkie told to herself, but, to no avail, as her left hand kept the nightgown up while her right one started to mechanically lift the thong's cover up, spread the pucker and pass the index in the labia, which Pinkie Pie to tremble in pleasure, desperately trying to contain it. The finger, still twitching, passed up and down, lightly playing around with the clitoris, which made pinkie bite her limp and moan, as her finger then tickled it, just before moving up slowly in the folds, until it reached the pussy proper, at which point her index finger inserted itself in one of holes of hymen and then moved inside, effectively penetrating the vagina. Pinkie Pie shrieked out, the spike of pleasure making her briefly forget that she was -- although forcefully --- masturbating and getting pleasure at the sight of a mare that had painfully grown a dick thanks to an alien ray. When the spike had waned somewhat, she indeed thought again at what she was doing, feeling dirty and all wrong in doing it. "No! I gotta stop this in some way! Any way!" She thought, her index still going up and down her vagina, making its walls close upon it, producing liquid arousal in the process. Her index then started to scratching the vagina's walls, making Pinkie moan and bit the tip of her tongue, her eyes rolling, as her mind attempted in vain to keep a grip onto reality. After some more scratches, another electric shock went up Pinkie's spine. Suddenly, Pinkie Pie felt a burning and very painful sensation at the base of her brain, sensation that was as intense as Pinkie's concentration in trying to re-grain control over herself. Pinkie Pie teared up again, pure agony and mechanical titillation mixing together to form a morale-breaking feeling, feeling that Pinkie Pie tired her best to ignore, biting harder, until some blood entered in her mouth and her ears started to ring like a loudspeaker's static. "M-must r-resist..." Pinkie said, tears of pain going down her face, her index and vagina getting sore by the constant activity by this point, but the pain in her head wasn't getting anymore bearable, which made thinking and controlling her body an hard task for Pinkie. Pinkei then heard a popping sound coming from her mind. She kneeled over, the pain completely gone now.... and, with it, inhibitions. Pinkie Pie looked up again and, already forgetful of what had happened to Trixie a few minutes before, Pinkie extracted her index from her vaginal cavity, licking it and enjoying the salty taste it gave off. Turn right. Follow the path. Go to the new-male. Proceed to apply sucking action on its sexual organ. Pinkie Pie stood up rigidly, as if she had been turned into a statue of marble all of the sudden, not moving, as her mind kept projecting images of sex with random stallions for keep herself occupied in the waiting. She then started to choppily move out towards an aperture on her right she hadn't seen before, and, seeing a glowing white line on the floor, she walked atop it, her feel feeling warmth instead of the numb coldness of the previous floors. The walk on he warm glowing floor kept going for around a minute, before Pinkie managed to reach Trixie's room, which was more rusty and darker than the previous rooms. In the meanwhile, she had glimpises of independent thought, but they didn't stick all that much, drowned out by the sexual instincts that tyrannized her brain. "Hey! You there! Trixie recognizes you! Free her!" Trixie shouted, struggling in her binds. But Pinkie had only one objective n mind. She rushed towards her and kneeled down, using both her hands to delicately massage Trixie's new appendage, which made her moan a little, but still repeated her request in-between moans. Pinkie however was far too gone to care. Her massage got only faster and harder, going from the top to the end of Trixie's penis, tickling her ballsack, until the limpness of Trixie's cock turned into stiffness and the helmet got wet. Realizing that Trixie's new appendage was ready, Pinkie Pie felt the need to kiss it on the wet helmet, caking her lips in the salty precum, which had the indirect side effect of making Trixie shriek and stop asking to be freed from her binds. Pinkie, remembering her previous order, after yet another attack of rational thought, opened her mouth and started to swallow the meaty cock, slowly sliding it against her teeth, lightly beating it with her tongue, as it went down her troath, basically stopping shy fo the larynx. Trixie shouted out in pleasure, as Pinkie could feel drops of cum going into her stomach. She wanted to get more of the white salty liquid, so she proceed to do the obvious. She pushed her head away slowly, letting Trixie's dong to be rubbed against her throat and, once Trixie's cock was just under the uvula, Pinkie Pie took a deep breath, sucking some drops of cum in the process. Pinkie then started to suck on it, slurping her tongue against Trixie's penis, which made her howl out "Go on!" in arousal. When after several minutes of slurping and teasing with her red strip of flesh, Pinkie pushed the cock deep inside her throat once more, Trixie shouted loudly as she made a pelvic thrust. Judging by the warm feeling going from just above the larynx to her stomach, Pinkie could tell that Trixie had came, and this, in turn, made her come too, soaking her vagina and thong in mare juices, until they dripped on the floor relentlessly. Coming, apparently, was enough to make Pinkie's mind to get back and push away the influence that made her do all of that. "Oh Celestia, why am I loving it? Why? Why?" She thought, as she slowed down her cocksucking, slowly pulling it out, as Trixie panted heavily . limply collapsing in her bindings. Pinkie's body, however, was still unresponsive to her commands. Her hands moved forward to caress Trixie's balls delicately. "No! Don't do it!" Pinkie begged to herself, as she saw her hands still petting Trixie's new testicles. Pinkie's horror grew as she noticed that now her hands were squeezing and twisting Trixie's left testicles. aturally, that didn't go without any response from Trixie, she let out a bloodcurdling scream. "Awwaaahsfh!" "I-I'm sorry, I-I can't help it," Pinkie said, tearing up in her inability to stop herself, feeling horrible, as she kept twisting Trixie's left testicle, until it popped, which made her horn spark brightly and release a cry of pain whose loudness matched the one of a skinned cat thrown in a vat of sea salt while on fire. Pinkie Pie's vision blurred and her mind fell into despair, sobbing as her body moved to Trixie's right testicle, massaging it, just before twisting it around until it snapped, which made Pinkie stop feeling anything emotionally, putting her in standby. Meanwhile, her body undressed, sliding the nightgown away and untying the thong, before rolling it up in a ball that she put under her left armpit. Pinkie then walked through an open door, clanking all the while. the new room was metallic and shiny, unlike the previous one. This new room had a big metal red frame and a transparent hatch just underneath it. Pinkie Pie, still blanking from the shock, did not protest her forced movements, as she passed towards the frame and trepassed it. Suddenly, the aforementioned frame started to glow red and bleep, as a dark red cloud of light started to circle around Pinkie's head, sounds of static electricity in hear ears, which, oddly enough, made her slowly de-blank.. "Uh, what? I feel awful... but why? What did I do?" Pinkie muttered to herself, guilty striking her, but the reason for why she was at fault never surfacing fully to her, only remembering something about Trixie and the sex session she had with her. "I sucked Trixie's ding-dong... I think? Wait, how's that possible? Trixie has the kitty... unless I licked that," she muttered to herself her mind fully operational now but failing to grasp what happened beforehand. As she muttered, the hatch gently opened and lowered her. As Pinkie held her head between her hands in the attempt to recall the events, she was lowered in her own bedroom, right next to her bed. Realizing it, she jumped on the bed, and kept trying to find out an answer... > Chapter 7- Shock! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy was feeling uneasy of late. Around her, her friends were going through odd situations that were thoroughly unpleasant, and she felt overwhelmed and worried about them. "Who and what got Dash pregnant without contact and that made the fetus develop so fast? Why is Pinkie Pie going around town showing off her nether regions? Why is Twilight suddenly bust but declaring she didn't do it by her own will?" Fluttershy said, huddling close to her pet bunny Angel, and looking around her to see the other animals already asleep in their baskets -- or, if big enough, mattresses -- that she had positioned so that any intruder was going to wake up at least one animal, triggering a chain reaction of awoken angry animals which, if they weren't going to scare the invader off, were going to try to maim them. She had lowered her windows' shutters and locked her door with a motorbike lock for good measure. But, even with this makeshift security system in place, Fluttershy could not stop worrying. "What if the same stallion that raped Dash finds me too? What if I go on and.." Fluttershy shuddered at the idea of her voluptuous body begin violently violated by a huge stallion that could overpower her by simply looking at her in the eyes -- and, in her panicked fantasy, at the same time, impregnated her with magic or even by the sheer power of his gaze, raping her properly just for sport -- and at the idea of going around town naked, begging for any passersby to lick or even penetrate her virgin vagina. The thought got even more terrifying to Fluttershy, once she thought that whoever did this to Pinkie -- if her explanation of begin influenced by somebody else was true -- and Dash could do the same to her, but instead of either brutally deflowering her or forcing her to go around naked and horny at all times, he could combine them, forcing her to go around town, her whole body exposed for ponies to look at and her rapidly-growing belly sloshing as she had sexual congresses with each and every interested pony she met... if police didn't arrest her and put her in a mental hospital first. Fluttershy hugged Angel even closer, making it squeak and squirm around in her terrified embrace. she whispered to herself, as she loosened the hug a bit. "I-I... uh..." she shivered, trying to think positive things, but failing to do so, as her terror was too deeply rooted in her mind to be eliminated in such a way. there was silence outside her mind, but insdie the timid pegasus' mind, scenes of painful, agonizing, drawn-out forceful sex in each and every penis-fitting orifice of her body by a titanic, muscular, bald stallion, whose penis size arrived to rival the length of a javelin and whose balls had the size of ostrich eggs, were projected. Fluttershy bit her lip, shivered and her eyes welled up water, until a trickle of tears passed onto her cheeks. A knock of the door made Fluttershy shout bloody murder and jerk up from her bed, in turn causing the animals to wake up and start up a concert of whinnies, meowls, roars, groans, bellowings, oinks, squeals, grunts and sounds of stamped that, surely, wasn't going to go unnoticed to whoever entered her home. This was sufficient for Fluttershy to forget about her fear poisoning her mind, and make her get up and walk down slowly, still shivering. As she went down the stairs, with the animals immediately calming down and silencing themselves at the sight of their owner, Fluttershy squeaked out. "W-who's there?" She said, walking towards the door with baby steps. The one behind the door revealed itself quite quickly. "It's me, Pinkie. I'm sorry, but this thingmajing in my back is forcing me!" She said, as she knocked again, her tone of voice hintg strong sadness behind the storng and insistent knocking. Fluttershy sighed. "Pinkie, please... try to stop it. It's late, and I don't want to... um..." she said, blushing a little, as she tired to come up with a polite way to define what she thought Pinkie Pie wanted to do with her. Pinkie's voice got more pleading and desperate. "I can't stop! Please, open, it's driving me insane with the shocks!" Fluttershy immediately felt bad for having refused it the first time, as she immediately unlocked the door and swung it open, revealing Pinkie, who was completely naked and "What do you want Pinkie? Is there something I can try to make the shocks stop?" Pinkie Pie grabbed Fluttershy's right hand, dragging her outside and making her let out a little whimper of surprise and pain. Going down the grassy hill where her cottage was located, dragged by Pinkie Pie into a small marsh with high grass, a small pebble circle in the middle of the marsh, just next to the woods. Fluttershy shivered, startled and confused by Pinkie's behavior, whiel she dropped her arm and rose her arms instead. "W-w-what are you d-doing Pinkie?" Fluttershy asked, as she moved her knees slowly in the cold wet terrain of the marsh, so that she could get up. Pinkie didn't answer with words, because the following loud buzzing and purple flash was sufficient to make Fluttershy faint in terror. Coming back to her senses, Fluttershy felt awfully aching all around her body, which made her urge for a self-massage all over her body. However, as soon as she tired to do so, she discovered that she couldn't. She opened her eyes to look why and she was horribly surprised at the disocvvery, as it wasn't neither something that Fluttershy expected to see, nor something she liked to watch. She was laying on a shiny table which looked awfully a lot like the examination table of a veterinarian. All her limbs were restrained with thick metal bands, which felt cold, and she also lacking of her night gown or underwear, thusly leaving her completely naked, which only made her wish to curl up and cover her privates with her tail. The room Fluttershy was in was round, with dull metal walls, and lit by a circle of cuneiform lights in the ceiling going around the circumference of the room. Since she could not obviously curl up, Fluttershy attempted her last-ditch effort to modesty and tried to move her tail atop of her genitalia, but tail was pointing straight up, forcing her to expose her privates to the public. It felt like she was doing that on her own, so she tried to put her tail down, but nothing happened, which alarmed Fluttershy even more. She wished to voice out her concerns, but her own body chocked its own throat in fear, making her sound like a asphyxiating cat. There was a whirring sound, as several needles attached to wires slowly descended from the ceiling, stopping shy of Fluttershy's sweaty fur. Fluttershy blushed and squeaked terrified, as she realized that some -- if not most -- of the needles were hovering just above her vagina, while a couple of others were lightly swinging just atop of her nipples, which was only an additional factor to her uneasiness. "N-no..." As Fluttershy whimpered, she saw that the needles on her breasts were slowly returned into the ceiling. But before Fluttershy could even think to get a little terror off her chest, the needles were replaced by two objects resembling clothespins. Fluttershy bit her slip and shook around, as the needles were inserted in pairs inside her lower regions. Specifically, a pair near in butthole's rim, a pair next to the urethra, a pair next to the vagina and one just right inside her clitoris. All this insertions felt like pinches to Fluttershy, who still could not help but yelp loudly at each and every one of them. Shortly after, the clothespins look-alikes opened up their "jaws" and next to her nipples and stood there like predators waiting to bite onto the prey. Fluttershy got extremely nervous, tensing up and, with quite a bit of pain, she tried to close up her labia and tighten her butt, so to at least actually try to defend herself from the upcoming violation. Ecept it didn't start, which only unnerved Fluttershy even more. "P-please... let me go..." Fluttershy whined, but not struggling against her bindings, since each attempt to struggle could mean a lot of pain caused by displacing all those objects looming over her body, especially the needles, since they were in Fluttershy's most delicate part of her body and already inside. In her waiting, Fluttershy's sense heighted, to the point she could heard her own hearth beat and the machines up there whirr and lightly roar, at first unnerving her to no end, but slowly turning themselves into white noise to her ears. Just as Fluttershy was easing up, breathing deeply and trying to think positive thoughts, there was another, louder whirr coming off all of the sudden. Fluttershy looked around scared and saw small tentacles setting themselves at her feet and under her armpits, and they suddenly started to swish around. Fluttershy started to giggle at the tickling, squirming around as the small tentacles did so, arousing her a little and bringing her mind away from her terrors. Sure, she'd prefer to be treated that way in a different context and with a proper stallionbut, as logn as they tickled her and pleased her, what was the harm in letting whoever operated the machine keep going? The tickling went on for a fair bit, until Fluttershy's folds started to get a little wet. Now, almost as if they had been triggered by the lady juices, the needles at her vagina's base sent a weak electrical impulse that caused Fluttershy's vagina to clamp down violently, which made her yelp. Even though the subtle shock really hurt, she got ever-so-slightly aroused from the tingling sensation. Befor she could properly process what happened and react with more than a blush, all of the intruders -- excluded the one stuck in her clitoris and the ones in the rim of her asshole -- suddenly sent a small shock – slightly more intense than before – into Fluttershy's pussy. She squeaked in surprise, as her already present arousal only grew even stronger as she felt her whole marehood contract due to the electric stimulation. Instead of giving her rest, the stimulation fell into a fixed rhythm of short shock- pause - long shock- pause- short shock- short shock. Her marehood was visibly twitching at every shock, her juices dripping and some of her pee squirting out and hitting the table's surface. Fluttershy was lost in her semi-pleasure caused by the shocks that sent her twitching and, when she could feel them in-between pauses, the tickling. She tired to understand better what was going on, but her mind was too clouded to do so. But she wasn't orgasming quite yet, and the stronger shocks that suddenly came from her butthole, sending her body in a twitching fit, didn't got as much as a loud yelp and a moan out of her, so the shocks in her rear got stronger still. The pauses in-between the shocks decreased and the length of each one increased too. Fluttershy's privates were now cramping down so hard with each shock, that they were gaping slightly with every pause. But she didn't didn't cede to the pleasing sensation. Then the clothespins snapped onto her nipples. The pain she felt in her nipples made Fluttershy's eyes well up tears, but, before even a single tear could be shed, the pain turned into a violently arousal, which made her shift her cry from pain to ecstasy, as her vagina exprelled a load of liquid arousal and her tits let out droplets of breast milk seemingly from nowhere. The orgasm went on for a bit and, as Fluttershy panted due to it, the clothespins unsapped themselves and everything went mostly silent. Fluttershy, once she had regained enough strength, sighed. "It's ov-" She was interrupted as soon as the clothespins snapped back on her nipples and a strong, powerful electrical surge passed throught her clitoris, sending her into a second squirting orgasm in no time, and basically forcing Fluttershy to empty her bladder instantly, the waste liquid hitting the table and the floor with a tinkling sound. Fluttershy blushed at what she had done, but her instinct to squeak like a mouse was overrun by her desire to hiss like a train for her second orgasm she had achieved, all without her expecting it at all. The other needles got back to work too, but the ticklers stopped working altogether. Her privates clenching down forcefully. Hbody pressed hard against the metal bonds on her limbs. At the back of her mind she knew she would get bruises if she kept shaking like that, but she did anyways, too lost in pleasure to care about the bruises that she was going to deal with later. Then, all together, the clothespins somehow "bit" evn harder, and th needles, who had been giving out weak electrical shocks in rhythm until then, activated all at once, and did ti with the maximum power seemingly available. Fluttershy could already smell burned chicken and strong heat in her pussy, and, she could have sworn, she had seen her hip bones a couple of time in the shocks. Either way, once her brain managed to process what thatm eant, the arousal turned into searing hot pain, pain that broguth Fluttershy to cry out and lose consciousness on the spot. "This... this is worrisome." Twilight said, wearing white coat over purple shirt and black trousers, as she looked closely at the scorched labia of Fluttershy, who was wearing just a green bra over her breasts and white nightgown. "I know... and it really hurts too. I was going to get a doctor, but I wanted to hear your opinion first, considered that the doctor will not, um, believe me." Fluttershy said with a whimper, as her rade showed signs of a lligth blush due to her current (but necessary) nudity in front of her dear friend. "I can only imagine how bad it must be, to have at least first-degree burns on your vagina. I don't know what's worse, burns or forceful impregnation by aliens,with a pregnancy that is seemingly sped up. " Fluttershy nodded, resisting her wish to scratch the itching and sore burns. She felt immediately bad, at Twilight's indirect reference to Rainbow Dash's situation "Um... Twilight?" "Yes, Fluttershy?" Twilight said, as she got up, walking away from Fluttershy's bed. "Do you think we can... um, fix this? and teach those aliens something?" Twilight sighed and shrugged. "Only time will well, for the latter. As for the former, it should heal nice and clear, if treat correctly. Still, don't envy you." > Chapter 8- Shell. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash was laying on her couch, feeling too exhausted and with the morale too tattered to care about anything. It had been four days, since she had been abducted a second time and made pregnant thanks to sperm from an unknown (and likely forced) donor on the alien spaceship, and it wasn't getting any easier. Sure, she had thought about abort the fetus and be done with it, but, according to the ultrasounds and X-ray taken from the doctor, the always-glowing navel piercing she had, over to be painfully sore, was grafted in her skin and connected directly with the womb, which could mean a very painful and messy end for Rainbow Dash if she tried to abort the fetus, without further study and consulting from the doctor.. The most confusing data, which was both a relief and a concern for Dash, was that the baby was developing very, very fast. In one day, it had reached the developmental stage of four months, and it showed little signs to slow down. "Ugh... five days and I'm already feeling like a complete wreck..." Rainbow Dash complained with a groan "I hope this month will end really soon... my toilet's already getting real close to clogging up with my barf, and my boss is plainly refusing to listen to me." Rainbow Dash felt a rumble and void in her stomach, then accompanied by a small gag reflex in her troath. She slowly but surely got up from the couch, sitting down now, instead of laying down. She held her head with her right hand. "I must eat something that won't make me feel so naseous... but what? Pills barely work and I can eat an entire bottle, I'll die." She held her head with one of her hands, as she slowly got up and moved sluggishly away from her couch to her kitchen. As Dash walked with a slow, shifting step, she heard a loud buzzing coming from outside the house, which made Dash kneel down and close her eyes as she sighed loudly. "I don't care anymore..." Soon her kneeling position was undone and she was sucked out of her own house thought the open door. Rainbow Dash felt her throat burning and her entire body ache, as she slowly woke up. In her awakening, Rainbow Dash could quickly understand that she was hanging by her arms and that, due to the stretching painful feeling in her arms, that she had been like that for a while now. Also, her butt and her vagina felt somewhat itching, which made bit her lip and wish to have her hands free to scratch them. Fluttering her eyes open, Rainbow Dash saw that she was back in one of the rooms of the first night inside that accursed spaceship. Specifically, the one room with the three different scanners connected with three different screens. While the firs two screens showed the same thing -- namely her battered naked body plus pregnanty belly -- but the third screen was more curious, as it showed Dash's skeletal structure, the primitive one of the fetus, the visible bonding between fetus and the piercing, and some metallic objects. Rainbow Dash noticed that, on the screen, over her nipple-navel piercing, it also showed two metallic rings, one small and placed around her lower parts, and the other, bigger one, in her backside. Rainbow Dash looked down at her own nether regions, and saw a blinking orange light coming from her vagina. Rainbow Dash sighed, unsure about the rings' functions, but it was certain that it wasn't going to be something that Dash was going to like. As punctual as death, Dash's nipple piercing started to hum and glow. With her willpower already broken, Rainbow Dash was quickly overran by her sexual desire, and started to pant and slightly quake in desire. "C'mon..." Suddenly, the handcuffs shut themselves off and opened up, dropping Dash down for the few millimeters she was hovering above the ground while hanging. Rainbow Dash grunted a little, then, as a manner to pass time, she started to fondle her vagina, by passing her index between the folds up and down, hanging her tongue out loosely, the metal ring barely perceived at touch. The female will walk inside the room and bend over. Rainbow Dash yelped and immediately stopped fooling with herself, as the voice blared. "I was just getting wet..." Rainbow Dash whined, as she followed the hissing sound of steam signaling that a door had opened. Looking at her left, Dash saw an open door, and she walked towards it, her pregnant belly still swishing around a little and all her piercing operative. The room Rainbow Dash walked in was tiny and made of shiny metal, with lots of holes and lights spread all around the walls. The floor was made of shny black metal, with two feet-shaped depressions on the floor. Rainbow Dash, not giving it much thought, stepped inside the depressions and, with a clng, the boundaries sprung up suddenly and bound Rainbow Dash's feet in place. Rainbow Dash recoiled, surprised by the sudden sound. However, once she looked down at her feet, she quickly understood what happened, she shrugged and bent over with her ass up in the air, her butt cheeks quite spread out in that position. "Let's see what you've got tonight." There was a whirring sound, accomapied by soft bleeping. Curious, Rainbow Dash turned around, and saw a black dildo set on a robotical arm slowly came out from a hole in the wall. As it got closer and closer to her butt, Dash realized just how big and long it was, as it was almost as long as her thigh plus knee and as wide as a dessert dish. Rainbow Dash frowned al little and whispered to herself, as the didlo poked her perineum. "How's that gonna fit in my ass? It's bigger tha-" Rainbow Dash interrupted when she felt her asshole pulsating and spasming open and close, gusts of wind spiraling up her butt, a weak electric shock going off in her butthole that kept her busy and aroused. The electric shocks got a little stronger by the second, and the gusts of wind seemingly go bigger and bigger, as Dash's butthole kept spasming and pulsating. Suddenly, there was a strong shock, one that made Dash howl out a suffocated moan and that made her drip out some mare juices onto the floor. With this, Dash's butthole stopped spasming, as a continuous flux of cold air went up her ass. "Uh-hu... this is really weird." Before Rainbow Dash could process fully what had just happened to her, with a loud rorar, the dildo pushed inside Dash and went up her otherwise-tight ass, brutally increasing the distance the distance between the walls of Dash's anus with a squelch, up until it peeked in her blink intestine. Rainbow Dash, feeling that going on, howled out in pain and arousal, shooting out a bit of her own liquid arousal agiasnt the robot arm that set the dildo, and biting her lip so hard, she drew some blood. With a click, the mechanical arm retreated, leaving Dash in her bent position, as she moaned and overall got used to the dildo that had been rammed up her butt. "I... I didn't know that could fit inside me..." Dash whispered to herself, the liquid arousal's excretion turning into a qeak trickle, but her horniness proper still high up and ready to go on. With a sound of loss of steam, the feet binds undid themselves. The female will stand up and stand still. It will not try to hind the goo's effects. Rainbow Dash gulped, as she stood upright and faced the hole-covered wall in front of her. "Goo? Like... bathroom goo?" Rainbow Dash whispered to herself, before sticking her tongue out, disgusted at the idea of begin covered in that substance, but standing still anyways in the -- quite forlom all things considered -- hope it wasn't going to be that kind of goo. There was silence. Then a sprinkling sound came from both left and right. Rainbow Dash looked frantically both at her left and her right. She saw that the holes in the walls were shooting out a cool black ooze that was spreading all over Dash's body seeming all on its own, starting from her sides and feet, which were wuickly covered in the black substance. Scared, Rainbow Dash frantically started to tyr to scratch off the drops of expanding good on her right elbow, but, as she did that, the weird good not only didn't got off, but also started to engulf Raibnwo Dash's hands, joining all figners together in a manner that made them useless. "What is this?" She cried out, as she felt the ooze sliming its way up her back and sides, tightly engulfing her and starting to spread over her boobs, therefore taking their shape, making then jiggle and feel ticklish as they were engulfed by the black self-replicating latex-like substance. Dash's pussy was not spared, as the vaginal piercing opened up Dash's labia with weak electric shocks, just as the goo started to get there, allowing it to spread onto her labia and infiltrate inside her urethra and pussy. Rainbow Dash, scared and only a tiny bit aroused by this turn of the events, let out a involuntary giggle at her ticklish boobs, which distracted her from the good that had entered in her vagina. Said goo was slowly taking the shape of a big and meaty stallion's cock and obstructing all of it, stopping short from invading the pregnant womb. Her urethra was also filled, which made Dash wince and yelp loudly. Meanwhile, her wings started to be covered in the goo too, each and every feather covered feeling as it had grown again, and each centimeter feeling like a preening done with great mastery and tact. Each and every action quickly summed up into a single, gue, pure bliss, which Rainbow Dash shouted out... just before getting her mouth invaded by the goo, which took the shape of an internal ballgag which muffled her speech, as the goo crept up over her mouth. She looked down, to see her entire body encased in the shiny fluid, forming an almost solid suit over her. Soon the ooze reached her eyes, forcing them close and blinding her, and finishing the job by encasing her hair up too. Rainbow Dash stopped feeling fear and worry, as she could not feel much more than her arousal, the baby in her belly kicking around and the white noise in the background. there was a whirr and then a pop, as Rainbow Dash could feel that now her hearing wasaken away from her too, leaving her completely helpless, which, in turn, aroused her quite a bit. The suit started to vibrate lightly, sending the quaking all over her body. She moaned as loud as she could behind the mouth plug, as she felt a very strong orgasm building up inside her. The suit, seeming on its own, started to caress her anus's rims, and vibrate strongly in her vagina and urethra, causing her to come quickly to climax, but not letting her release it, making Rainbow Dash moan even louder in frustration and anticipation, spasming for release all her arousal and urine from her body, but begin completely unable to do so, thanks to the all-encompassing sex toys stuck deeply inside her. She wished to claps her fingers, to bite her lips, to let her vagina loos, but she could not, and, each second, thanks to the stimuli sent by the suit, it only got worse and worse. Rainbow Dash suddenly felt begin moved around and then float, but her arousal was too strong for make her thing to anything else but how to release her orgasm, and phantasies on what stallion she knew could have given her an equivalent of what she was experiencing right there, right now. > Chapter 9- The Lights, You Moron! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity was getting more and more concerned, at the ominous things that were happening to her friends. Twilight had found herself with her erogenous zones expanded beyond reason and showing seemingly no trace of ever shrinking. Fluttershy was reduced to a gibbering and twitching wreck secluded in her own house, due to, according to her, aliens that had scorched her lower parts with the help of electricity. Rainbow Dash had been impregnated by rape, suffered an accelerated birth and then vanished without any trace left and no clues about where she could have gone. Pinkie Pie had been broken and turned into a exhibitionist beast that clothed herself in the morning, ripped off her clothes in the midst of a order, went naked around for a few hours looking for stallion to have sexual congresses with, then went back to be clothed, only to restart the cycle again. The only one that seemingly hadn't suffered anything in the past days was Applejack, with the worst that had happened to her begin waking up naked on her house' roof while smelling of urine. Rarity figured that, whatever was causing these things to happen, be either aliens, well-coordinated rapists or changeling invades with too little porn to get off to, she was the next in list. Due to this, Rarity, not wanting to get her sister Sweetie Belle involved in the tense situation she was in, had sent her off to her parents for three weeks, in hope that it was going to be enough time for that to blow over. Rarity had also installed an alarm in her house, plus she had placed a knife under her pillow, should the need have arised. Now Rarity was putting on her silky white night vest, moving the covers of her bed away, with the window's shutter fully down and locked. "And, with this, my day is over," Rarity whispered to herself, as she laid down on her back under the covers. "Let this be a good night of sleep." And, with that, Rarity closed her heavy eyelids and dozed off. Rarity woke up at the sound of chains shackling and metal begin ripped off, all accompanied by a buzz. Sensing danger, Rarity immediately hopped off her bed with an elegant jump on her hooves, threw the pillow away against the wall wardrobe to grab the knife, and quickly turned around towards the source of sound, the window, which was showing a purple glow behind its bars that were begin torn off by something of sovraequine strength. Rarity flipped the knife in her fingers and lowered herself, so to take a pouncing stance against whatever intruder was trying to get inside her bedroom. Sure, if there were capable of tearing through the rolled-down shutter, having just a knife wasn't going to help all that much, but it was better than be completely unarmed. Rarity slowly moved towards the window, as the first bars started to violently snap off and fly away, moving towards one of the window's sides. "C'mon, you ruffian, make my night..." Rarity whispered, as another couple of bars screeched loudly for then snap off and fly away onto the lawn underneath. Rarity's forehead started to get wet with sweat, but she just gripped onto her knife more strongly and bit her lip, trying to keep her bravery up, for any mistake could cost her very, very dearly. The buzzing sound was growing in its intensity, as each piece of the shutter was brutally torn away from the frame. Rarity's heart raced. With a crashing sound, the rolling shutter broke away and plummeted into the ground below, causing the purple glow to grow in its intensity to the point it caused the room to be as lit as if during daylight in a sunny day, but with a purple hue to the light. Rarity moved the knife closer to her chest and curled up, so to spring up in action at any given moment. "He's coming..." Rarity said to herself, as she heard the buzzing getting fainter but not inaudible, and the sound of something soft stepping upon a hard surface. Each step was pure tension for Rarity and she felt relieved, when she saw a squamed paw stepping inside her room. Rarity remained silent, as the intruder finally entered fully insider her room. It was quite short and hunchbacked, his scaly body mostly covered in what looked like a mixture between a catsuit and a skiing attire with elaborate geometrical decorations. Silvery tubes went from his back to his scaly blunted-out claws. His head was triangular and quite smooth like a lizard's. "So...reptile-like aliens," Rarity whispered to herself, as her brain sent the command to spring and jump onto the invader "Let's see how it will fare against me!" Rarity sprung up and hopped forward, letting out a savage howl as she jumped up. The alien turned around, but, before he could react properly, he was trampled and knocked down by Rarity's weight. Rarity hit the alien's forehead with her knife, creating little sparks and causing the reptile to hiss in pain, as it then pushed Rarity away, which made her lose her knife and drop it on the floor. Rarity, thrown away, hit the floor causing her backside to get sore. However, her determination made her forget htat, as she rushed towards the alien, shouting. "What do you want from me, beasts?" The alien hissed something in its language as he got up slowly. So slowly that, in fact, it couldn't dodge Rarity's kick into his teeth, which caused a shower of teeth chips and a canine to come off and scatter around the bedroom. The alien immediately brought his hands to his mouth with a hissed whimper, as he curled up, seemingly unable to fight any longer against her. For good measure, Rarity spat on its head, before turning around towards the balcony while rubbing the hoof she had used o kick. There she saw the source of the glow, namely, a crescent-shaped giant object hovering about her balcony, with two shapes similar to the knocked-out alien's making gestures with their bodies and claws that, Rarity assumed, meant tha they were trying to get a better look a the situation. Feeling confident enough, Rarity cleared her throat with a fake cough, and started to walk out on the balcony, her nightgown fluttering about in the nightly breeze, the purple glow glowing upon her strongly. The two aliens immediately stopped gesturing to stare at Rarity. Rarity kept walking and walking, smirking as she did so. "Greetings, miserable lizards," Rarity said, as she lifted her chin up "I've heard that you've kidnapped some of my companions and caused them untold suffering and pain for your own perverted sexual pleasure." the aliens tilted their heads, but Rarity kept walking, until she reached the balcony's column parapet, which was the only thing separating Rarity from the shutter-like entrance next to the purple glowing shapes. "If you thought that I would have been just as easy as my friends, you are dead wrong. In fact," Rarity rolled up her sleeves and grinned "I want to make us even." Rarity climbed upon the parapet, just as the aliens inside started to scramble and flail around, seemingly panicking, which only brought satisfaction and, why not, victory arousal to Rarity, as she tried to lift up the shutter of the entrance, but with little gain. Suddenly, there was a loud thunderous sound, as the spaceship started to quake and bleep. Startled, Rarity ceased all her attempts to open up the spaceship, and instead proceeded to jump back and look up a what was going on. Atop of the crescent spaceship, there was a rounder, saucer-shaped one, smaller than the crescent but looking more shiny and producing normal light, instead of a purple glow. Hisses and roars came from it, as it approached to the crescent-shaped purple spaceship, and as the aliens inside kneeled down and threw their hands up in the air to pray towards something or somebody. Rarity started to shiver a little, until, with a crackling sound that made Rarity jump even further back, the saucer spoke up in a hissing voice passed throguth radio. "Fear not, female member of the ponykind. We are the Lawbringers of out race, the Atvarkind, and we are here to stop and arrest this abomination composed by teenage rapists and escaped convicts. Should they have done ill towards you, your relatives, or your acquaintances, speak up, and we will be more than happy to provide our aid ot the offended, and add the suffering of the victims to the long list of crimes of these spineless worms!" Rarity kneeled down, her mouth agape at what she was hearing right there, right now. All of those actions... all of those damages were done by the aliens. And only a group of criminals of those aliens at that. Had Rarity just heard about it, she wouldn't have believed it. And yet it was happening. Rarity blabbered a bit, as she saw three aliens, dressed in kaki uniform-like clothes and looking more like iguanas with droopy scaly necks than smooth lizards and armed with boxy-looking rifles, descending from the saucer, two of them blasting a door of the crescent spaceship and jumping inside, and one of them climbing down to Rarity's balcony, walking slowly and rhythmically towards Rarity. "Do you have anything to declare?" The alien said, surprisingly enough for Rarity, with just a hint of an accent and stressing upon sibilant vowels. Rarity gulped, got up and said. "Yes. One of them got in my house, but I knocked him or her down. Also, my friends would like to have a talk with you about what those guys have done to them," Rarity said with a little bow. The alien in uniform bowed back as well. "Very well. Shall we proceed to gather them right now, or would you prefer to wait 'till the sun will be risen?" It asked. Rarity did not waste time in thinking. "Better do it right now, I don't want to cause other kidn of problems to my fellow citizens." Rarity said, as the alien officer bowed and turned around, gesturing with its left claw to follow it to the spaceship, to which Rarity complied immediately. "C'mon girls, couldn't you have gotten something better?" Rainbow Dash complained with a bright blush, her pussy covered only by her two hands joined together, as she looked upon the pink frilly panties and the overly-decorated white bra that Fluttershy was keeping in her hands. Rarity sighed. "We couldn't. I think we have been lucky enough to guess you were stored inside the spaceship inside a very tight latex suit and with all the manners of sex toys stuffed in your orifices, instead of relocated somewhere else or, worse, dead." Rarity said, which made Rainbow Dash sigh and take the underwear from Fluttershy, who was blushing due to the fact that she was wearing only her green undies-- which in turn were stuffed with cotton due to the vaginal burns-- and left her big breasts hang loose onto her chest. Rainbow Dash then turned around and slide the panties onto herself. In an attempt to politeness, Rarity turned her face away and looked at her other friends instead. Pinkie had her chest covered in bandages, since the alien officer had removed the implant from her spine in a manner that Pinkie said she could only describe as "painless but really scary," and her lower parts were covered by grey sports trousers taken from the first drawer of her wardrobe. Twilight was wearing a purple two-pieces set pajamas. By her own will, had cancelled altogether the vaginal inflation caused by the aliens, but had decided to just reduce a little the one of her butt and her boobs, saying that she preferred it that way. Applejack, unsurprisingly for Rarity, had decided to come commando to the meeting on the spaceship, leaving nothing not visible. "Thank Celestia this is over," Applejack said with a sigh. "Yeah. That'll teach those mean aliens tom ess with us!" Pinkie Pie said, making a fist pump, her joviality coming back rapidily to her, despite the angst she had been suffering in the past days and that was threatening to remain as a scar on her psyche. "Girls... aren't we forgetting somebody?" Twilight said, lifting her right index up in the air to point at the dull metal ceiling coveredi n tubes above her. The four looked inquisitively towards Twilight, tilting their heads and humming shortly. "Rainbow Dash is sill pregnant..." Twilight Sparkle said, scratchin the back of her head "and, well, she can't abort the fetus, but she doesn't want to take up the responsibility of a foal either." With a sound of hooves onto hard surface and a soft swishing sound, Rainbow Dash joined the conversation too, speaking with a sigh. "Well... guess that I can't win them all. Don' worry, I'll try my best to take care of him, or her... even if it's likely she'll be born malformed." The five Rainbow Dash's friends rushed upon her to hug her. "We'll support you if needed." "We will be always on your side of this issue." "Worry not, Rainbow Dash." "Thanks... I needed it." Rainbow Dahs said, hugging back and sighing. The group hug was however broken when, all of the sudden, the speaker blared. "We are aware of the issue of the pregnancy of the victim Rainbow Dash, and we, as Lawbringers and members of our race, would like to apologize for her inconvenience, just like I did for everyone else involved. While we may lay eggs and have little issue with unwilling fertilization, we have enough experiences with warm-blooded sapient species to understand how that can devastating, and, if possible, we would like to offer a mind wipe therapy for your troubles, in addition to offer to take up your baby, since the piece of technology grafted into your birth scar area boosted the speed of growth of the fetus, at the expense of the ability to terminate pregnancy without the death of both the mother and the fetus. It is however possible to try to make a transferal from your womb to one of our many artificial wombs for our livestock and other aliens with similar biology to yours. It may seem degrading and maybe dangerous, but we are usre that we will be able to get the parameters right and ultimately create a healthy brood. If we will be successful, we will come back, and offer oyu the possibility to take him or her back, should you have changed your mind or to give it up to infertile couples of your species. If we will be unsuccessful, we will keep them, as proof of our failure in enforcing the law and as testament for some of our most... conservative scientists, that not all sapient life in the galaxy or even in our sola system has the same biological structure and working."