Lost Memories

by kitkat0528

First published

Luna was sent to the moon. She is now back in Equestria, but she is haunted and sad because her dear friend, Snowdrop, grew old and died while Luna's time on the moon...

Luna was sent the moon as Nightmare Moon. She has been sent back, but she is reformed back to Luna. But Luna is very sad and Lonely because her dear friend, Snowdrop, grew old, and passed away while Luna was on the moon. Luna is haunted because she never got to say goodbye.

Chapter 1

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Nightmare Moon felt like she was waking up from a long sleep. She felt blood start pumping through her veins, her heart beating. She felt pain and sorrow.

She felt alive.

Nightmare heard a voice in the back of her head, screaming at her, saying: "Stop! Don't do it! Give me back!"

Nightmare Moon shook it away, and the voice faded away. Then, she felt like her soul was being sucked back to reality, sucked back to Equestria.

Her body slammed into the ground. Pain spread all over her body. She shifted, squirming to make it stop. Finally, she got on her hooves, and she took long deep breaths. She wanted to take in the air around her.

She moved every limb she could, and she did a few spells to warm up her horn. her back itched. It itched to be free, to fly. She looked back to see what it was. Her wings.

She flapped. She shot up into the sky and let out a "WHOOP!" of joy. She then remembered something before her long sleep.

A fight with Celestia, the Elements Of Harmony, pain piercing her chest, and then, nothing.

Nightmare Moon turned to a blue mist like creature, and flew to the nearest town to see what has happened since sleeping. Many things changed. How long was she asleep?

Nightmare Moon knew immediately that all the party decoration's were for that wicked Celestia!

She flew over to the nearest castle, and found that it was like a city within the castle. She slipped through the doors, and headed to the bed chambers.

She found Celestia's room quickly, seeing the giant sun on her door. She slipped through the cracks but shuddered as she heard the saddest song that she can ever remember. Celestia's face was somber too. But why would she so sad on day that was just for her?

Nightmare Moon snapped into action and teleported both her and Celestia to the dungeons where the prisoner could not use magic. Celestia was not surprised at all, and her only reaction was smirking.

"Nightmare Moon," Celestia said. Nightmare Moon snarled.

"You monster! You just forgot about your dear sister, and went ahead to make up a holiday just for you! To celebrate you! To praise the gift that you were given to be the better princess and sister!" Nightmare Moon sneered. Celestia's face softened.

"Luna.... I know you're in there, somewhere. Defeat the creature's inside you, overcome you're Jealousy," Celestia smiled with herself. The voice in Nightmare Moon's head came back. This time, Nightmare Moon could not make it stop shouting. Pain shot through her scull, and finally everything stopped.

Nightmare Moon panted. "What did you do to me? What was the voice in my head?" She asked eagerly.

"I did not do anything, Nightmare. My sister-"

"Your sister. Is. GONE!" Nightmare screamed. Celestia frowned and her face became cold.

"Go on! Leave me! Do you're worst to those ponies! Make them suffer! You won't get any liking once you're finished! You will not defeat the Elements Of Harmony!" Celestia warned.

Nightmare Moon ignored her and left for the Castle Of The Two Sisters. Celestia was right, Nightmare Moon was defeated, and she was reformed to Luna.

Chapter 2

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Luna apologized so many times to Celestia. Celestia accepted all of them, never demanded for Luna to stop, and let Luna let all of her emotions out. Finally, when Luna was finished, Celestia wanted to sleep for a bit.

"Lulu, you should get some sleep.... tomorrow I will explain many things of you're time... well, I guess you felt asleep," Celestia said.

"Wait," Luna hesitated. "You know... Snowdrop? How long was I asleep? Where was I? Tell me now!" Luna demanded. Celestia sighed.

"Lulu... you were on the moon... and you were up there for a thousand years." Those words pierced Luna's heart. She burst into tears.

"Snowdrop is... is Dead! Snowdrop's gone! I never got say goodbye!" Luna cried. Celestia sat down next to Luna and hugged her. She put Luna under her wing and pulled Luna in. Luna stopped crying drifted into a deep sleep.

Luna wanted to dream freely, the ponies could survive a couple night's without Luna dreamwalking.

Luna forgot she was dreaming. She was sitting on the moon, watching the stars. Watching Celestia's night. Luna didn't like it as much as her own.

Somepony tapped on Luna's shoulder. Luna looked back and shuddered. Snowdrop.

"Hello, Luna. I have missed you very much. Lovely news! I can see!" Snowdrop exclaimed. Luna hugged her for a few moments, and pride herself off.

"How are you hear? How can you see? It' been so..." Luna trailed off. Snowdrop sadly smiled.

"I would rather not tell you. I wouldn't want to brake the heart that has been broken too many times," Snowdrop replied. Luna jumped with joy.

"Fine with me! Snowdrop, you can live your dream! You've always wanted to see my nights! Let me show you!" Luna used all of her strength and magic to make shooting stars, blues, purples, and reds! It was surely the best night Luna has ever made.

Snowdrop was frozen, looking up at the sky in awe. A tear fell down her face, her heart was beating so loud. Her eye's were shining and her face was glowing.

"It's... Luna I.... it's so beautiful!" Snowdrop looked at Luna and hugged her.

But bright cracks came appearing everywhere, and Snowdrop smiled the saddest of all smiles.

"I must go! Thank you for the beautiful night Luna! I loved it!" Snowdrop faded away, and Luna screamed. Tears came pooling down her cheeks. Celestia's voice started calling for Luna. Luna fell and screamed.

Luna awoke.

And she never got to say goodbye.

Luna's vision was blurry from all of the tears in her eye's. Her pillow was wet from crying (Celestia took Luna to her bed), and Luna's eye's were red.

Luna screamed again, and guards came running in. Celestia pushed through and cupped Luna's face.

"Lulu, What happened?" Celestia asked. Luna pulled away and jumped out of bed.

"'Tia, can we talk about it with the guards gone?" Luna said. Luna eyed the guards. They nodded and scurrried back to there post's. Celestia closed the door, and sat on Luna's bed.

"Are you okay?" Celestia asked. Luna sighed and wiped her eye's.

"It's Snowdrop," Luna said. Celestia sucked in a breath.

"I can't help you... I'm sorry, Lulu," Celestia said. Luna nodded.

"Well, now thinking about it, I don't think you can," Luna smiled the same way Snowdrop did in the end of her dream. "A lovely dream turned into my worst nightmare," Luna said. Celestia sighed.

Chapter 3

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"Look, I'll try to think of some ideas," Celestia said. she left the room to Luna.

Everynight, the same dream happened, and everytime, Luna never got to say goodbye. She always woke up with a wet pillow, she started screaming, and eventually, the guards stopped coming in.

Luna tried dreamwalking again, but the second she stopped, was second the dream started. And each time she had the dream, she forgot it was one. Luna went to Celestia again.

"Maybe go to Twilight, she knows almost everything on friendship, and she will become the princess of friendship, and you and Snowdrop were more than that," Celestia suggested. Luna brushed her hair and flew out the window. Celestia smiled.

"I'm sorry, Luna. None of my book's say anything about it. And nothing come's to mind-" Twilight gasped. "You could... no, no," Twilight hesitated.

"What? What is it? Just give me the idea! I'm desperate!" Luna cried. Twilight closed her eye's and sighed.

"There is a potion that Zecora could mix for you to forget Snowdrop. But to me that's kind of dangerous. You could forget important things, like how to read-"

"Thank you so much Twilight! Goodbye!" Luna zoomed to Zecora's house, and knocked quickly. The door opened, and Zecora bowed, letting Luna in.

"What is it you need, my princess?" Zecora asked.

"Um... Can you make a forgetting potion?" Luna asked. Zecora's brow lifted. "Well, I want to forget my memories with... an old friend. I keep having dreams about her, and I don't want to sleep. I wake up with my pillow wet from tears," Luna explained.

"I'm sorry. I won't make this for you," Zecora said. Luna hesitated, but she desperate.

"As the princess of the royal court, and the second heir to the throne, I command you to make this potion for me," Luna said. Zecora laughed.

"No, Luna. Once again, I will not make this potion for you. You need to move on," Zecora said. A tear fell down Luna's face.

"I just... I don't know how! I loved her!" Luna said. Luna sobbed.

"Luna, in all my years, many sad things have happened. It was hard, but I learned to move on! I would be sitting in my bed, crying," Zecora told Luna. Luna sobbed again. Tears kept falling. Zecora sat next to the frustrated pony, stroking her back. "You are still very young and tired, you may be thousands of year's old, but your mind is not keeping up, as I'm sure you know of. This is one of the lessons learned in life," Zecora said. Luna stopped crying,, and smiled for the very first time in four months.

"I need to go to Snowdrop's grave," Luna whispered. Zecora nodded, and let Luna fly out to Canterlot.

Snowdrop's grave was in Canterlot's cemetery for the royal family, and where close friends to the royals are.

Luna smiled at the thought that Celestia knew how much Snowdrop meant to Luna. She walked up to Snowdrop's beautiful marble grave and dropped blue flower's like the one for Snowdrop's Cutiemark.

"I miss you very much, my dear Snowdrop. I love you with all my heart, and wish that you were here, but I must move on. Goodbye," Luna said. She looked up at the sky, seeing Celestia lower the sun. Luna raised the moon, and created a night just like the one in her dream. She did something extra, and made a constellation of Snowdrop. "I love you," She whispered, taking one last look at the grave, before flying up to the castle, to dreamwalk, and help little fillies.