Sombra's goal

by Pony paladin

First published

Twilight Sparkle have been haunted by scary nightmare about the evil king Sombra

Twilight Sparkle have been haunted by scary nightmare about the evil king Sombra

This is a continued story to my Celestia's screat

chapter 1: Nightmares

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Sombra's goal.

chapter 1: Nightmares.

It's a beautiful night in the land known as equestria, the princess of the night Luna, had really outdone herself this time, for it was such a beautiful night. All the birds of the night didn't move and just enjoyed the night, many ponies had even decided to camp outside.

And those who stayed in their homes, had stayed up late to watch some of the stars before going to bed, even in ponyville, princess Luna's favorite town, had everypony enjoyed the rise of her moon and now they had all gone to bed.

But there was one creature of the dark, who hadn't gone to bed or camped with friends, for a lone shadow without a body, was creeping its way to the castle of Friendship that resided in ponyville. On the shadows way to ponyville, it came across a campsites, where the campers was sitting around campfire and roosting marshmallows.

The campers turned out to be Apple bloom, Sweetie belle and Scootaloo. Sweetie belle had just finished a song and the three little fillies was now laughing. "So, what do ya'll think we should do tomorrow?" Asked Apple bloom and ate her marshmallows.

"How about trying to get our cutie mark in gold digging?" Asked Scootaloo and put a new marshmallows on her stick "no, we already tried that" Sweetie belle said as she took some wood to the fire. Then, as Sweetie belle threw the wood on the fire, the fire took a frightening form and looked at the three scared fillies, as it grew closer it got an evil look in the two holes that made its eyes.

And then, it flew towards the now screaming fillies and vanished in a few sparks. But the cutie mark crusaders hadn't noticed that the fire monster was gone and that they were okay.

From the remains of the campfire, the shadow slithered away with an evil laughter, while it headed towards ponyville. As the shadow grew closer to the castle it made another small evil laughter.

Once the shadow got close enough to the castle of friendship, it looked for an open window in the castle to sneak inside off. Once it found one, it gave an evil laugh that was just above a whisper. The inside of the castle wasn't that impressive, as there wasn't that many things to fill it out yet, but the shadow didn't have time to study the inside as it seemed to be looking for something, or somepony.

The shadow looked through every room it came by and seemed to get a little angry every time it didn't find what it was looking for. Then, as it was looking through a room, another rooms door was opened and a royal guards stallion with a two toned sapphire blue mane and a brilliant gamboge.

The Shadow hurried into the room it was just looking through and shut the door fast.
"Anypony there?" The guards pony asked and looked towards the room the shadow hid inside. The guard walked towards the room, when he looked inside he found nothing. "Flash, you are working too much" he said to himself and walked away.

But inside the room, the shadow came out of hiding, it seemed to be amused by Flash not finding it, then it moved on to the next room.
In another part of the castle, a certain purple dragon was trying to find his way back from the bathroom.

"Now, let's see" Spike said and looked down one hallway and then down another "huh, it's pretty hard to find your way around here" he said and began walking down one hallway. At the same time the shadow was moving down the same hallway, and it stopped when it saw Spike, as it looked at him it seemed to get restless or angry.

When Spike moved past the shadow, he felt some kind of chill. As if somepony had placed four buckets of ice in his body. "Huh?" Spike said and looked around, he then heard a creepy laughter, " s-somepony there?" He asked scared, then he saw that his shadow looked at him with red eyes.

When it looked like it was about to move towards him, he ran away screaming, and the shadow laughed once again for just to vanish.
The shadow had moved to different part of the castle, and had finally found what it was looking for, the bedroom of princess Twiliight Sparkle.

The shadow entered the room to find the young princess fast asleep. And out of the shadow entered a dark gray unicorn with red eyes, a pitch black mane, a red armored cape, a red curved horn and a pointy gray crown.

It was the evil ex-ruler of the crystal empire: King Sombra.

King Sombra saw a bed in the other end of the room, he then began to move towards it, without making any sound at all. When he looked in the bed, he saw a purple Alicorn with a Moderate sapphire blue mane with violet and rose streaks.
"So, this is her," he said and moved closer to her, he then looked around the room with a look of disgust.

"This place looks to nice, I'll have to fix that, at some point" he said and then turned his head towards her again. "But first" King Sombra looked at Twilight. "Time to meet, my precious" King Sombra then turned into a shadow again, and moved towards her head and vanished.

Twilight Sparkle was sitting on a pink cloud together with Flash Sentry. They were enjoying a nice picnic under a beautiful star filled sky, and Flash was pouring them two glasses of apple cider, fresh from sweet appleachers.

When Twilight was about to take her glass, her hoof touched Flash as his was about to give her it, they then looked at each other and saw that they both blushed.

Flash then moved his hoof away, "sorry, I didn't mean to...." Flash never got to finish, as the cloud they were on began to sake, and a monster made out of shadow burst up and separated them. It took Twilight a little work, but she got herself stable in the air, when she got her eyes on Flash, she could see that the monster had gotten hold of him.

"Let him go! Now!" She yelled at the monster before she fired a magical beam at it, but it had no effect on it, it then moved Flash towards its mouth and swallowed him. Twilight, shocked from seeing Flash being eaten, didn't see that the monster was taking hold of her, she then tried to get free, but was unable to do so.

The monster then moved out of the shadows, and reveled that it was her old magic teacher from celestia's school for gifted unicorns.

"Miss. Sparkle," she said as she looked at Twilight, "you have failed your test in surprise magic battle," she then levitated a piece of paper with a big F- - on it. "What! But, but, but....." Twilight said and her body had turned into a filly, but her teacher looked displeased, "no buts young filly! I think I'll just have to take care of you," she then moved Twilight towards her mouth and swallowed her.

Twilight was falling down a dark tunnel, she tried to use her wings, but they wouldn't listen to her.

Finally, her fall was slowly coming to a stop, and she landed in a place with no light, "where am I?" She asked, and a evil laugh could be heard.
"Who's there? Show you self!" She said, trying to sound tough, but failed as she was beginning to be scared.

"Oh, but I don't want to spoil the fun," a deep dark voice said and Twilight used her magic to cast light towards the voice. "Please, don't spoil the fun just now, he he he he" the voice said, and it sounded like it was just behind Twilight, "a-a-as an princess of Equestria, I-I order you to show yourself," she said scared.

"Well, I guess it is time for us to finally meet then," the voice said, and King Sombra stepped out of the shadows, "Twilight Sparkle" he said and made it sound like a insult.

Twilight was shocked to see King Sombra, "S-Sombra? What are you doing here?" She asked, as she took a step backwards. "I saw you be defeated by Cadence?" She said shocked and Sombra just smiled at her, "ah yes, back in the Crystal Empire," he said and thought back, "but I was only beaten..... not destroyed," he then gave her an interesting look.

"And it is so good to finally meet you, Twilight Sparkle," he said as he walked closer to her, "stay away from me! And it's PRINCESS Twilight Sparkle to you!" She said and hoped it would hold him away from her. "Ah yes, I am terrible sorry, but I wasn't invited for your 'coronation'," he said and walked around Twilight, "and I am very disappointed in you,".

Twilight got a confused look as Sombra was talking, "disappointed? Why would you be disappointed in me?" She asked and turned towards him. "Well, a pony with your family tree, should try and become something more than just a pathetic princess," Sombra then walked a little away from Twilight.

"More?" She asked confused, "how can I be more?" Sombra then turned around and faced her, "well, my dear girl, why be a princess, when a queen is so much better," his horn then began to glow with dark magic and a picture of Twilight in a female version of Sombra's armor appeared. To say she was stunned would have been an understatement, "w-what?" She said and Sombra then began to smile, "well, you see my dear girl, I have had my eyes on you," he said and freaked Twilight out. "Ever since you used dark magic in my castle back then".

"The way you used it, it was marvelous," he said with a proud voice, while Twilight slowly moved backwards, scared by what the evil king was telling her, "I haven't seen a pony use dark magic so naturally as you". Twilight then felt a wall behind her, and she realized she had literally been backed into a corner, "w-what is it you want?" The princess asked, hoping to distract his attention so she could escape.

"My, I only want you to achieve your full potential," the dark king said and made his horn glow with dark magic, "and I can even teach you magic that Celestia is afraid to use, after all, you and I isn't all that different". He then was only inches from touching her horn with his, and Twilight was beginning to panic.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" She yelled and let a burst of magic out of her horn, which in turn, pushed Sombra away from her. "We are nothing alike Sombra, and we'll never be" Sombra only smiled at her. "Oh, that sweet taste of denial, trust me princess, one day, you will see it my way, one of these days." He then vanished into the shadows with a evil laugh.

Twilight quickly stood up in her bed, and had a look of terror on her face, "it was just a nightmare, nothing more," she then got out of her bed and walked outside on her balcony. "Ever since I read his dairy, I haven't been able to get him out of my head," she then looked at the stars, and a mysterious mark on her back glowed.

Sombra entered his frozen hideout near the crystal empire, and he limped as he walked, "her magic his stronger than I thought" he said as he walked towards his throne, "but it doesn't matter, she will soon be mine," he then let out an evil laughter that could be heard miles away.