
by Nekiyha

First published

The main six get captured by an unknown entity and begin to notice the food is a lot more fattening than what their bodies are used to...

The main six are captured, and it doesn't take long for them to start fattening up. It doesn't take a genius to know eating huge amounts of food and not getting any exercise will damage your figure. This contains weight gain.


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Twilight groaned, fighting her way to consciousness. She sat up, and looked around; wondering where she was. Twilight immediately noticed that her friends, all six of them were present, all still passed out. They were in a large room, with six beds, a kitchenette, and books, games, and other furniture around the room.

Twilight stood on shaky legs, waking up her friends as she began to look around in earnest. A bathroom was off to one side, with a door for privacy. Twilight also noted the speakers that lined the walls, wondering what they were for. Small security cameras had also been installed, the room could be watched from almost any angle.

Pinkie bounced happily around the room, "Wow! What an awesome room!"

"Not awesome, Pinkie!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, flying around, "We're trapped here. I don't see any doors!"

"I think we were drugged," Twilight said, watching as her friends began nosing around the room on their own, "I just remember drinking tea back at the library."

"I thought the tea tasted a little funny, but I thought maybe you had bought a cheaper brand than what I'm used to," Rarity said, nosing around a corner that held a large number of dress making materials.

Twilight sighed, "There's cameras all over, too. I bet whomever got us here is listening to us."

Fluttershy whimpered, "What about my animal friends? And the pets? And Spike?! What will we do?" She whimpered.

"I don't know," Twilight said, opening the fridge. The fridge was fully stocked, mostly with high brand, fattening foodstuffs. Most of the cupboards held the same types of things, most ready-to-eat, or with minimal cooking involved.

Static filled the air, and all ponies paused. An unseen voice filled the air, distorted by some machine, "Ah! I see you're awake!"

None of the ponies replied, too suspicious of the voice to reply.

"Well, that's rude. Oh well, I suppose you're wondering what you're doing here."

"Darn right we are!" Rainbow yelled, flying close to the ceiling, face directly in front of one of the cameras, "Who are you, and what do you want!?"

The voice laughed, "Nothing more than to see the most dependable of ponies become reliant on others."

"Stop playing these games!" Applejack exclaimed, "Ah need to get back to my farm!"

"I need to get back to my animals," Fluttershy quietly added.

"I know you all have better things to do, but I promise that your respective businesses will be taken care of, as well as your pets and loved ones."

"Why should we trust you?" Twilight demanded.

"Because you have no choice but to follow my instructions, or else I will hurt your friends and families."

Rainbow Dash gently floated back to the ground, staring at the camera, "But-"

"You will all do what I tell you too, because my employer has set a high price for what I am going to do."

"Who are you working for!? I demand to know, this instant!" Rarity whined.

"I'm not telling. What's the fun in that? Now, for today's instructions. I want you ponies to bake three cakes, the ingredients and baking instruments will be found in the kitchen, and I want them all eaten by the time I turn the lights out. I also want to make sure that each of you eat an equal portion of cake, I will know if Pinkie eats it all."

"What will you do if we don't do what you say?"

"I haven't decided yet. You won't know until I come back, will you?"

The static ceased, and the room was eerily silent. The ponies all shared a worried look. Pinkie bounced over to the kitchen, "Let's get baking!"



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Time seemed to pass slowly for the six ponies, cooped up as they were. The voice demanded something from the ponies each day, usually something to do with eating vast quantities of food. After the first day, the voice gave separate instructions for Pinkie Pie, quickly realizing that she could eat far more than her friends. The first day's challenge had been hard, but the six mares had somehow managed to devour every single mouthful of cake. Twilight wasn't sure how it had been possible.

A pattern began to emerge, the voice would wake them, in what Twilight assumed to be in the morning, and would give them the days instructions. Then, they would carry out his, the voice was clearly male, instructions. After that, the ponies would talk, or play games for a long while, until the voice returned, and turned down the lights.

Three days had passed, and Rainbow was getting extremely antsy, trying to fly off her excess energy, but failing. It was about the middle of their day. Rarity lay on a couch, groaning in pain as Fluttershy tried to massage away the ache in her distended stomach.

All six of the ponies had had to eat an incredibly large stack of waffles this morning for breakfast, coupled with an equally large lunch. The voice, so far, hadn't dictated dinner, but Twilight secretly knew he probably would as soon as their stomachs could handle the excess food they were eating.

Even now, after only three days, Twilight could see that they had gained weight. Pinkie had gained the most, since she ate twice what the others did, and Rainbow and Applejack showed almost no sign of their recent caloric intake.

Despite Pinkie's constant motion, Twilight could already tell that her figure would be the first to fall, since her stomach was almost constantly full, as per the voice's instructions. Twilight looked over at Rarity, wincing at the hard ball her friend's stomach had become during lunch.

Twilight looked down at her own pained belly, wondering if anypony was out looking for them. She hoped they would be rescued soon, because she knew that if they weren't, they would gain massive amounts of weight in only a few weeks. Somewhere, though, Twilight knew that they probably wouldn't be found for some time, since the voice had always seemed so confidant.

Twilight sighed, and carefully manoeuvred to her feet, wincing as her stomach protested, "How are you feeling, Fluttershy?"

"Feeling better now, after my nap. You should try napping after meals, Rarity, they would probably help ease your discomfort."

"I couldn't nap during the day, Fluttershy. That wouldn't be fitting of a fashionista."

Fluttershy smiled weakly, "I know, but it's just the six of us here, since the voice leaves during the day. No one here would be offended."

Rarity shook her head, "We'll soon get out of here, Fluttershy. I want to be able to return to my normal routine as soon as possible."

"Of course. I'm sorry."

"For what? You're just trying to look out for me, and I appreciate that."

Fluttershy smiled, then squeaked in terror when the familiar static filled the air.

"I have an extra challenge for you ponies."

Rarity bit back a groan, and Twilight had to catch herself as well. Apparently her assumptions were right, although it was premature.

"I want you ponies to build the biggest dessert you can in two hours. Work together, and use the power of friendship to help you," The voice's tone was flat and sarcastic, "I will be back to judge it. Consequences will be decided then."

The static stopped, and the ponies sat on various pieces of furniture, and began to plan.


Twilight brushed the sweat off of her brow, glancing at her massive dessert in front of her. It was a huge, four tiered cake, covered in thick frosting and edible decorations. It was gorgeous, and far too large for them to eat in a single setting, Twilight realized. Her heart sunk, realizing what the voice probably wanted them to do.

Just as the realization hit, the static filled the air again, "Good work, girls. I didn't think you'd do as I asked."

"Why wouldn't we? You could seriously hurt our families!" Applejack snapped, blowing a errant strand of mane out of her eyes.

"I suppose that's true. Now, since you ponies were so quick to do what I asked, I'll be nice."

"Are you going to let us go?" Fluttershy asked hopefully.

The voice laughed, "Of course not. I have a lot more in store for you. But, instead of making you eat all of this cake at once, I want you to eat only the cake for as many meals as it takes you to finish it. You are not to eat anything else but this cake, and trust me I'll know if you do, until the cake is completely gone."

The six ponies stared at the nearest camera in shock. Applejack stamped her hoof, "This is getting ridiculous! I demand to be let out of this prison!"

"Yeah!" Rainbow exclaimed, "I want you to let us go, and leave us alone!"

The voice paused, before laughing again. "As if I will let you out until I'm done having my fun with you. I will ignore this outburst, but if they keep happening, you will need to be punished."

"With what?" Rainbow asked smugly.


Suddenly, Rainbow was lifted into the air, a light blue aura surrounding her. Rainbow struggled, but was unable to get out of the magic user's hold. Her friends watched in horror as her figure began to expand. At first, only a small layer of fat gathered around the athletic mare's stomach, but then the rest of her started expanding too. Rainbow Dash began struggling anew, but that only seemed to exacerbate the spell's effect. Soon, the magic slowly lowered the now fat mare on the ground, where Rainbow lay panting.

Her stomach was globular. If she stood, it would now reach past her knees, rubbing against the inside of all four legs. Her plot had doubled, taking the majority of the weight. Her Cutie Mark was now huge, doubled in proportions. Her legs were fat, and a double chin had developed. Even Rainbow's wings, once so muscular, had gained a thick layer of fat Twilight wasn't sure she would ever lose.

Twilight glared at the camera, about to say how horrible the person was, before the voice started speaking.

"Now you girls understand. If you magically try to help her, more weight will be added. If you try to magically speed up your metabolisms, I will make sure they convert whatever you're eating into 100% fat. I promise you, that I will not do this every time you misbehave, but now you know what's in store for all of you."

Rarity burst into quiet sobs, Fluttershy looking close to doing the same. The voice continued, "Oh, and I would start eating that cake. If it's not gone by the time I come to get you up in the morning, two more of you will suffer the same punishment Rainbow Dash here just did."

With that, the static stopped. Twilight Sparkle suddenly knew that the pony they were dealing with was sick and twisted, but also very powerful. Magic that permanently changed somepony's body like that was extremely difficult.

Twilight sighed, "C'mon, Rainbow. You lay on the couch for a while we get started. We'll eat in teams until the cake is gone. Who wants to go first?"

"Ah will, Twilight," Applejack said.

"Me too!" Pinkie Pie bounced.

"I'll eat, too. Rarity and Fluttershy, keep an eye on Rainbow. We'll call you when it's your turn."


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Twilight lay on one of the couches, wincing in pain as her stomach complained about being overfull once again. Approximately three hours had passed, and two tiers remained on the cake. Currently, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash were eating.

The cyan pegasus, once she had recovered, had discovered that her stomach had stretched as she had grown. She was easily matching Pinkie bite for bite, and the two were already almost finished what was left of the smallest tier left.

Twilight watched in fascination as Rainbow's large gut rounded more as each bite passed her lips, watching as the once jiggling mass became hard and smooth. Pinkie's stomach seemed to be stretched to capacity, but she still ate on. Twilight looked to her other side, to see Fluttershy asleep on her bed, stomach gurgling as it tried to process the abundance of food it had been subjected to. Rarity was on the couch opposite of Twilight, rubbing her own distended gut in an attempt to stop its angry protests.

Pinkie finally pulled away from the cake once the tier was eaten, "I can't eat anymore..." Her voice was strained and exhausted. She stumbled to her own bed, a large pink monstrosity that was positioned beside the kitchen. She lay down with a moan, and shut her eyes.

Twilight turned her attention to Rainbow, who had started on the largest, and final, tier of cake. Rainbow had slowed down considerably, but was still making progress. Twilight sighed, and forced herself to her feet. None of the others were dealing as well with the rapid expansion of their stomachs, but Twilight had always loved food. She had been eating fancy feasts with Princess Celestia most of her life, and the only reason she hadn't become grossly fat, was because of the exercise routine she had followed while studying with the princess.

As such, Twilight knew her stomach was larger than Fluttershy's or Rarity's, so despite her discomfort, Twilight began to eat the cake again. It was a sweet pastry, with thick, fluffy frosting that Pinkie Pie only knew how to make. Three hours ago, it had tasted heavenly, despite the circumstances. Now, it tasted like doom to Twilight, no matter how much her taste buds revelled in the taste.

Twilight had to give it to Rainbow, though. Whatever spell their captor had used had ended up working in their favour. Rainbow had eaten more then Pinkie, and was now only stumbling away from the cake to go lay down. Her coat and mane had flecks of cake and frosting throughout, but the pegasus didn't seem to care.

Twilight forced herself to eat for some minutes, and was surprised when Rarity and Fluttershy soon joined her. Twilight had thought that her two delicate friends would not be able to eat anymore, but here they were, helping her eat the enormous cake with a gusto that surprised her.

Another long while passed. All six of the ponies were eating, and only a small portion of cake remained. Fluttershy looked ready to pass out from both exhaustion and pain, while Rarity just looked nauseous. Twilight herself felt nauseous, but pushed through her discomfort. She wasn't sure how much time they had left, but it couldn't be more than another hour or two. Twilight had to bow out, swallowing hard to keep the cake down.

As the last bite passed into Fluttershy's mouth, the static filled the room.

"You ponies just finished, I see."

Twilight groaned, and winced as she settled herself on the nearest couch.

"You ponies are exhausted, and overfull. Perhaps I pushed you too hard. Here, I'll help."

All six ponies were suddenly surrounded by the light blue magic, and all of them felt immediately better. They were no longer tired, and their overstuffed stomachs finally stopped complaining. Twilight felt a sudden warm feeling that permeated her whole body, then looked down.

Her whole body seemed to be covered in at least an inch of fat. Looking around, she noticed her friends fared no better, and Pinkie and Rainbow seemed to have gained at least a few pounds more than the others.

Pinkie looked little changed, though Twilight could see her stomach was starting to jiggle. Rainbow looked only a little heavier than before, carrying maybe another five pounds. All six of the friends sighed in relief, then Rarity winced as she realized that she had had to have gained at least three or four pounds herself.

"There, you ponies should feel better now. How about I set another challenge to keep you occupied while I'm gone?"

All six groaned in unison, just because they felt better didn't mean they wanted to eat anything else in the near future. Twilight could hear the smile growing on their captor's face.

"I'm glad to know you ponies feel so enthused. Don't worry, though. This will be good for you, I promise."

Twilight internally rolled her eyes, as if whatever this man had done had been healthy.

"I want you to find all the healthy food in this room, then put it on the kitchen table."

Twilight stood, then trudged silently into the kitchen. Applejack followed suit, leaving the others to watch and give their opinions on certain food items. Soon, a pile was made on the table, of all of the food that could be considered healthy, even though none of it really was.

"Good. Now, Twilight. You seem to be the leader of this group. I want you to eat all of this within the next two days. If you fail, your pet dragon will be exiled to the badlands."

Twilight felt almost all of her emotions at once, feeling angry and hateful toward the voice, but happy knowing Spike was still alright. Twilight swallowed, then sat at the kitchen table.

The static stopped shortly after she began, and Twilight ate and ate, with the encouragement of her friends, for quite a long time before collapsing on her couch. Fluttershy began to quietly massage the purple pony's stomach, "I'm sorry, Twilight."

"Don't be... soon we'll all be huge."

"How is he feeding us?" Applejack suddenly asked, "We've been eating massive amounts of food for at least four days now, and we haven't run out."

"Maybe he replaces it when we sleep?" Rarity supplied.

"Nah! I bet the cupboards and fridge magically replenish themselves whenever they are closed!" Pinkie exclaimed.

Rainbow blinked, "That could be it. It would make sense, so he doesn't have to risk coming in here."

"Well, we emptied out that far cupboard, go open it," Applejack said.

Rainbow struggled to her feet, then lumbered over to the cupboard Applejack had mentioned. She opened it, and her jaw dropped, "It's full. Nice hunch, Pinkie."

"No problem!" The pink pony smiled.

Twilight burped, "Sorry girls."

"Don't worry about it, Twilight."

"How am I supposed to eat all of this?"

"Ah don't know, Twilight.... We'll help when we can, though."


"I'll keep massaging your tummy," Fluttershy said quietly.

"I'll help keep you hydrated," Rainbow said, smiling through a mouthful of marshmallows she had pulled out of a cupboard.

"How can you eat?" Applejack asked.

Rainbow shrugged, "I'm hungry."

"Thinking about it, I'm rather peckish myself," Rarity said. She stood, and began to eat the marshmallows with Rainbow.

Applejack rolled her eyes, "Ah wish we knew who this pony was, or at least have some contact with the others. Ah'm dreadfully worried about Apple Bloom and Big Mac."

"I'm worried about Sweetie Belle. I hope they're all okay."

Fluttershy smiled weakly, "C'mon, girls. Let's cook breakfast so we can eat a little with Twilight."

"You don't have too-" Twilight protested.

Fluttershy shook her head, "It's no problem. Really, I'm sure we can cook something nice, and you can keep eating your food."

Twilight cast a look at the large pile, groaning at the thought of eating it all in two days.

"You can do it, Sugarcube. We'll help you whenever we can," Applejack smiled, "Now, what do we have to eat? All of your munching is making me hungry too."


Twilight sighed, wincing as her stomach shifted. After her stomach had calmed down, and the others made their breakfast, she began to eat again. Tearing into another apple muffin, Twilight sighed as another wave of warmth slowly washed over her body.

She opened her eyes to find herself surrounded by the blue glow again, and watched as her body expanded a little. The magic faded, and Twilight felt ravenous once again. She tore open a package of dried fruit, not even bothering to read the packaging anymore. Twilight ate and ate, until her stomach had bloated so much that it was pushing into the table.

With a loud burp, Twilight sighed, and looked at the food that was left, which wasn't much. There were a few more packets of dried fruit, another stack of various muffins, and a large bowl of expensive fruit left.

"How did I eat all that?" Twilight asked dully, wincing at the sight of her enlarged stomach.

"Ah don't know, sugarcube. All ah know, is that you just ate more food than Ah thought possible."

Twilight smiled weakly, "I'll be okay, just.. ooph..."

"You have lots of time, Twilight," Fluttershy reassured, "Go have a nap. I'll clean up the table, and we'll wake you in a little bit."

Twilight nodded, eyes falling shut in exhaustion. She stumbled to her bed on the far side of the room, grimacing as she jostled her stomach.

Fluttershy watched her friend fall asleep, then set about cleaning up the wrappers, and wiping off the table with a cloth. She hummed to herself, and soon set about cleaning the kitchen as well.

Rarity sighed, "I think I should make something. Maybe I'll make a dress for you, Rainbow."

Rainbow shook her head, "No thanks. As soon as we get outta here, I'm gonna go on a strict diet and exercise regime, and I don't want anything to remind me that I was ever this size."

Rarity shrugged, "What about you, Pinkie?"

Pinkie smiled, "Sure!"

Rarity smiled, and began to plan a dress for her bubbly pink friend, occasionally having to take new measurements of the plumper Pinkie. Pinkie, for once, stayed mostly still, only twitching or moving if she became uncomfortable.

It was only a few moments later when Twilight was once again covered in the light blue aura. She expanded a little more, but didn't wake up at all. Rarity felt her heart grow cold, worrying that not only her friends would be fattened, but she herself would be.

Rainbow was laying on a couch, an open bag of potato chips near one hoof, and the other poised to turn the page of the newest Daring Do book. Applejack was pacing the kitchen nervously, wincing as her new squishiness pressed into a leg, or her stomach jiggled a little.

Rarity was suddenly jerked from her reverie when she realized that everyone, including herself, was surrounded by the blue aura. Rarity almost bent double with a sudden, ravenous hunger. She set down her tools, and Pinkie took off the dress.

Twilight sat up, stomach growling loud. She walked to the table, and began to shove food into her mouth. Rainbow set the book down, and was now solely focused on the large bag of chips, shovelling mouthful after mouthful into her working jaws.

Applejack was sorting through the cupboards, bringing forth the pre-packaged food, and set it on the counter. Rarity, Pinkie, and Applejack began to choose their favourite foods, and eating with appetites they didn't know they had.

Soon, however, Twilight and Rainbow were done with their food, and joined their friends in eating everything they could manage.

All the while, the blue aura never left the ponies, as they mindlessly ate, and ate, and ate.


An Unknown Amount of Time Later:

Twilight stared in shock all around her.

The first thing that caught her attention, was the mess the room was in. Crumbs dusted almost every available surface, and wrappers and containers were littered everywhere. On the furniture, on tables, on the beds, on the floor. Twilight knew that if she walked anywhere, she would step on some type of garbage.

The next thing that Twilight noticed, was the rather large gut that now touched each of her legs. Twilight carefully heaved herself off her bed, wincing at the rustling of wrappers. She waddled toward the bathroom, and looked in the mirror, only to stare in shock at her reflection.

Her face had ballooned outward, leaving her with a serious double chin, and fat chipmunk cheeks that poofed outward. Her chest had thickened, and her stomach easily rested near her knees. She twisted around, only to notice that it was her massive plot that had gained the most since she blacked out. It had at least tripled in size, and Twilight briefly wondered how she was still mobile.

A loud scream made her waddle as quick as she could to the main room, only to stare wide-eyed at a hysterical Rarity. The fashion conscious unicorn sported a huge belly larger than Twilight's, with thick tree-trunk legs to match. Rarity now sported a double chin as well, with chubby cheeks that wobbled as she sobbed.

Twilight's eyes were drawn to Fluttershy next, who looked little changed from her face, to her waist. After that, she had clearly gained a lot of weight as a very bottom heavy mare. Her legs were large, and her plot looked bigger than Twilight's. She was breathing heavily, and sitting on the edge of her bed, trying to comfort Rarity.

Pinkie Pie's bed was on the other side of Rarity's, and she was struggling to get her hooves under her to go to her friend's aid. She had gained weight everywhere, making her look like a round, fuzzy, pink cylinder. Her legs were big, her plot was big, her stomach was touching her knees, and her face was round. Her chest was rounder than before, and Twilight doubted she could bounce anymore.

Applejack was already waddling toward Rarity, trying to comfort her friend. Applejack had gained a lot of weight in her stomach, as it pressed into her legs, and dragged across the ground, which slowed Applejack's gait even more. Her legs had thickened, and she sported a double chin as well, but her plot hadn't expanded much.

Finally, Twilight noticed Rainbow. She hadn't gotten up, and in fact, looked ready to burst into tears herself. Twilight realized that Rarity was in good hands, and waddled to Rainbow.

"What's wrong?"

"I-I don't think I can get up, Twi," Rainbow said, voice cracking.

Twilight took in the immense amount of weight Rainbow had gained, knowing that she was the largest of them before. Rainbow was sitting in bed, much like she had been when she had broken her wing. Her stomach engulfed her thick hind legs, and her front legs were pushed to the side by her chest and stomach. Her face was almost perfectly spherical, and several chins were squashed around her face. Her chins were drooping, and were quivering. Twilight realized Rainbow was crying silently.

Twilight moved to the side of Rainbow's bed, only to stare when she noticed that it was Rainbow's massive backside that was holding her in a sitting position. It was pressed into the headboard, and looked ready to start dripping off the sides.

"You'll be alright, Rainbow. I'm sure when we get out, that Princess Celestia will be able to help."

Rainbow sobbed, "I'm not gonna be a Wonderbolt ever!"

"Oh, don't worry. You mares aren't the only ones that are expanding!"

All six ponies stopped, and stared at the cameras that were closest to them. None of them had noticed the static that signalled their captor was going to talk to them.

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked cautiously. She found herself suddenly out of breath, noticing that her leg muscles were already aching with use. She sat down heavily on a nearby chair, that had been moved from its previous position beside one of the couches.

Twilight sighed in relief, noticing that her friends were sitting themselves, all crowded near Rarity.

"Oh, you poor ponies. Unable to stand for five minutes without rest. I wonder what your Princess would think about this."

"What did you mean before?!" Twilight demanded, ignoring the insult.

"Today, everyone in Equestria woke up this morning with the same dilemma you mares are having now."

"You're lying!" Applejack cried

"See for yourselves."

Suddenly, newspapers appeared near each pony, and on the front page, was a picture of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna standing beside each other. Both were massively obese, with stomachs that seemed to touch the ground. Celestia had the larger plot, but Luna had gained the most around her chest and neck.

"Oh no," Twilight murmured.

"Oh yes." The voice continued, "It's every single pony in Equestria is in various stages of obesity, all because my employer hired the right people."

"This can't be," Twilight shook her head, "The princesses could-"

"Do nothing without their precious Element bearers. You six are going to be returned to a fat Equestria, unable to move, and unable to protect yourselves, or your beloved friendship."

A New Day

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A chill sense of doom settled upon the girls. They looked around at each other, tears pricking in the corners of their eyes.

The voice laughed, "Don't worry. It won't be too much longer until you're returned home. I promise."

"You can't do this!" Rainbow yelled harshly, her face scrunched in anger and tears streaming down her fat cheeks, "We'll get the Princesses to help track you down and make you pay for this!"

"How? I am simply a small part of a much greater whole. Now, since you six are truly awake, I would like for you to clean up your mess. How the room got to this point is beyond me. I'll be back soon girls, so get to it!"

The static stopped, and Rainbow flapped her wings uselessly, "I'm sorry, guys."

"About what, darling?" Rarity hiccuped.

"I can't help you clean up this mess."

"I-it's alright, Rainbow. We don't blame you, it's not your fault."

Rainbow sniffed, and with extreme difficulty, used one fat forelimb to wipe the tears from her face. The simple movement caused Rainbow's chest and stomach to ripple. It took several moments for the sea of fat to stop moving.

"I'm such a cow!" Rainbow cried again.

"I don't know, Dashie! I think this is kinda fun!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, waddling energetically over, "I look like a pink, fuzzy marshmallow. You look nice and soft and comfy. I'm sure Tank will love cuddling with you when we get back!"

The five other mares stared at the quivering bulk of pink praising the heaviness of fat. Rainbow stared in stark shock, clearly wondering if Pinkie's mind had finally snapped.

Pinkie smiled, and waddled to the kitchen. She picked up a cloth, and began cleaning the filthy counter, "C'mon, girls! This cleaning won't get done on it's own!"


All activity in the room stopped when Rainbow's stomach growled enough to shake the bed she was sitting on. Rainbow's bloated cheeks burned bright red, "I-I'm sorry."

"It's okay!" Pinkie smiled, "I'll make you something!"

"No!" Rainbow cried, shaking her head, "I don't want to eat! I'll just get bigger!"

Static filled the air, "You don't have a choice."

Tears began to fill in Rainbow's eyes. She shook her head weakly, the fat wobbling through her neck and chest, "Please, no."

The voice laughed, "Yes. Pinkie and Rainbow will need to be fed until they're completely stuffed."

Rainbow shook her head again, "No! You can't make them-!"

A flash of dark blue magic appeared around Rainbow's muzzle, and an old fashioned feedbag strapped itself onto her face. Rainbow's screams and protests were muffled, then silenced when her cheeks suddenly bulged. Then, her jaws moved, and her throat spasmed, as much as was visible through the thick layer of adipose. Tears streamed down her cheeks, turning the straps of the feedbag dark.

"Do you believe me now? This will stuff her to capacity. I do so enjoy enchanted items."

Twilight stared at Rainbow, who was still choking out muffled sobs between obviously large mouthfuls of whatever was in the bag. Twilight nodded numbly, "I understand."

"Good. Now, feed the pink one before I have to do it myself."

The static ended, leaving only the sounds of Rainbow's torture to fill the silence. Pinkie shrugged, "Sorry, Dashie. I'd gladly switch places with you, but I bet it's enchanted to not get taken off by the person who put it on."

"I-Ah'll get some food started for you, Pinkie," Applejack murmured, waddling to the kitchen.

"I'm feeling rather peckish myself, darling. I'll come help make some food."

Twilight herself blushed as her stomach rumbled, "Maybe we should just make a massive lunch."

Fluttershy nodded, "I agree... I-if that's okay with you."

Rainbow, whose tears had slowed, stared in amazement as the others succumbed to their appetites, cooking and eating the pre-packaged, fatty foods with abandon. Her chest still heaved for breath, and staring at the sight of her friends bloated, jiggling bodies, she knew they were doomed.


Princess Celestia stared at her reflection in her full length mirror. Once, over two months ago, the sight fit the mirror comfortably with more than enough room to spare. Now, Celestia found herself having to turn to see all of her massive girth. The sad part was that she knew she wasn't the only problem facing this exact dilemma.

All ponies, males, females, children, and elders had awoken suddenly two nights ago to find themselves in different stages of obesity. No pony had been spared, even the tribal zebras had contacted the Princess's in a panic, demanding to know what evil magic had befallen them.

So far, Celestia had no idea. She found herself without the Elements of Harmony, and without her body. She could walk the length of her room once without needing to stop to rest. Luna was no better off, barely able to find the strength to leave her bed every day.

So, Celestia had sent out an Equestian wide alert: Twilight and her friends had to be found. No one in Ponyville had a sliver of a clue, leaving Celestia with an empty pit in her stomach that she found difficult to fill with anything but food.

Celestia turned from the mirror, waddling toward the window that overlooked the streets of Canterlot. She could see massive ponies struggling to do everyday tasks, like walk down the streets or sweep their shops out. Celestia was afraid, as she knew the dangers of obesity, and she knew everyone was in danger.

Celestia also had no idea what to do. Luna didn't know what to do, and the other advisors didn't even have an inkling on what could be done. Celestia was at a loss, and she didn't want to disappoint her subjects or the creatures they shared the globe with.

We have to find the Elements. With them, I'm sure we can turn everything back to normal. Celestia hoped.

There was a light knock on her door before it opened. Celestia turned in time to see Discord floating in on a cloud. The draconequus had fattened as well, though he was still more mobile than many.

"Do you know what's going on?"

Discord shook his head, "I'm as angry about this as you are, Tia."

Celestia nodded, "Anything you can do to fix it?"

Discord smiled, "This is chaos in it's sweetest form: completely unplanned by me."

"Answer the question!" Celestia barked.

"If I could fix it, do you really think I'd look like this!? Unlike you, I have virtually unlimited power, and I've tried everything I can think of, which is quite a lot, actually."

Celestia nodded, "I apologize."

Discord shook his head, "You're worried about the little people. I'll be fine. I could become fat enough to fill a room and still not have a problem with my health."

Celestia nodded, "I'm certain the same could become of Luna and I. I am not so sure of Cadence, however."

"What about Sparkle-pants?"

"She hasn't ascended yet, and if we don't find her soon, she never will."

Discord nodded, "I'll keep an eye out, Tia."

"Thank you, Discord."

"Don't thank me until we find her," Discord said quietly. He snapped his fingers, and with a pop, he was gone.


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Twilight Sparkle looked around the newly clean room, feeling a pride at the work they'd done, even though they'd had to stop and rest, or eat, frequently. Applejack was currently cooking a dinner that once would have fed half of Ponyville.

Rainbow was still strapped to the feedbag. Her stomach was coated in such a thick layer of fat that you couldn't see how full she was. However, her non-stop eating had slowed to about a bite every ten minutes, in between groaning and whimpering. She had stopped crying some time ago, but it was plain to see how miserable she was.

Pinkie was laying on one of the couches, her stomach rock hard and bloated outward. She was sleeping off the huge binge she'd had earlier, and despite the fact she'd been packed with food, Twilight could hear it growling already.

Twilight's stomach rumbled, and Twilight rubbed at it with a hoof, “Do you need a hoof Applejack?”

“Nah! I got it, Twi!” Applejack replied, stirring at something in a pot, “Thanks, though. Do you wonder where whats-his-name went? He doesn't usually leave us alone for this long.”

Twilight shrugged, “No idea. When are you going to be done?”

“Maybe ten minutes. Can you and the others set the table?”

“I think we should eat in the living room, with Rainbow,” Twilight said quietly, looking over her rump to see Rainbow taking another bite from the feedbag.

Applejack nodded, “All right, sugar cube. Bring the plates out then, I could eat a mule!”

Twilight smiled weakly, “I'm hungry too, but I'm still worried-”

“I know. When we get out, we'll get fit again, no matter how long that takes.”

Twilight used her magic to lift the plates and cutlery, and brought them to the living room table, jostling Pinkie awake, who raised her head, “Dinner!?”

“Soon,” Twilight replied, sitting in the chair beside Rainbow's bed. She looked up at her immobile friend, and smiled reassuringly, “We'll be okay.”

Rainbow's eyes looked exhausted, but she nodded weakly.

Just as Applejack and Twilight brought in dinner, static filled the room, followed by the distorted voice of their captor.

“Have you learned your lesson, now, Rainbow?”

Rainbow nodded frantically, making her whole body jiggle and flap with the movement. The voice chuckled, “I honestly don't think you have. However, I know making you suffer isn't the way to go. I have to pick on one of your friends for this little lesson to stick.”

Rainbow made distressed, squealing noises, her head shaking. Her jowls and chins shook, and the voice's chuckle turned into a hearty laugh.

“Oh yes, m'dear. Now, who will I?-”

“Stop it!” Twilight called, storming over so she stood beside Rainbow, “This is-mmph!”

The feedbag was suddenly strapped to Twilight's mouth, and she tried to shake it off. A small question pestered the back of her mind: What is your favourite food? Twilight's brain happily supplied the answer: thick slabs of cheesy lasagne.

Then, Twilight's mouth began to work, forcing her mouth to open, chew, and swallow just what her brain had supplied; however, it was the best lasagne Twilight had ever had. The tomato sauce was perfection, the noodles cooked just right, with thick layers of cheese between the sauce and noodles.

Twilight stopped struggling, standing on shaking legs and breathing as heavily as she could without choking on the lasagne. She felt tears stream down her face, and heard the others yelling, but it was decided: she would be wearing the feedbag for now.

Twilight lowered herself to the chair beside Rainbow, mouth working frantically to process the food that was being forced into it. Her jaw soon ached, but she had been so hungry before all this, and now she was going to be fed until her max capacity was reached, then kept there.

Twilight calmed herself down, resting a hoof on a frantically struggling Rainbow Dash's stomach, stilling the movement. Rainbow calmed down marginally, tears streaming from her own eyes, “I'm so sorry, Twilight.”

Twilight shrugged, mouth still working quickly. She sighed, leaning back into the chair, and simply waited until she was done. Twilight hoped it would be a short period of time, but she somehow knew that she would be like this for a while.

A large part of Twilight was disgusted to note a small section of herself was pleased with this; happy to always be kept full without having to do much work.


Fluttershy stared around the darkened room, hearing soft snoring coming from the majority of her friends. Fluttershy didn't want to admit it, but she was slightly jealous of the others weights. She was the smallest of all of them, and it was painfully obvious, even though her rump was disproportionally large comparing to the rest of her.

Fluttershy looked over to the sleeping figure of Rainbow, now and forever bound in a sitting position, pinned down by massive buttocks and stomach. Rarity was on the verge of immobility, with Twilight following after. Pinkie was moving around a lot slower as well, and Applejack's stomach kept her from moving much at all. Fluttershy, as large as her plot had become, could still move around with relative ease.

As soon as Fluttershy admitted this to herself, a silver tray, heaped with various foods, appeared at the foot of her bed with a flash of night blue magic. A note lay on top.

If you get bigger, perhaps the others will feel better about their situation. You don't want to make them feel uncomfortable in their enormity, do you?

Fluttershy felt her heart speed up a little. She looked around once more, and sighed. She pulled the tray closer, noting that every single foodstuff seemed to be dripping grease or butter. Fluttershy steeled herself, and dug in, not even noting what it was that she was putting inter her body.


The pony watching the group smiled, and read the displays from the scales he'd hid in every bed. Everypony was improving greatly. Soon, they could be returned, and the exceedingly entertaining plan of watching every pony on Equestria continue to fatten would continue with renewed vigor.

He smiled, watching as Fluttershy binged on the oat burgers, potato and hay fries, garlic bread, and heavy soups he'd given her. He licked his lips, and prepared to pull another all-nighter. Maybe, if he played his cards right, everyone in the room would soon be over seven-hundred pounds.

That would please the boss...


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Twilight woke up, noting how much her stomach and jaw ached. The feedbag was still attached, and every so often, Twilight's mouth would take a huge bite of lasagne to keep her constantly full. It hurt more than Twilight had anticipated, but some niggling thought at the back of her head was saying that the pain felt good-

“Hey, sugar cube,” Applejack called from the kitchen, “I was getting worried you wouldn't get up. Do you mind waking up Fluttershy? She's been sound asleep, even after Pinkie Pie knocked over that stack of pans.”

Twilight nodded, sliding out of bed, feeling her new girth wobble and jiggle. She waddled over to the slumbering Fluttershy, and carefully shook her awake. Fluttershy sat up with a startled gasp, waking up instantaneously, then remembered where she was and who she was with.

Twilight would have offered a comforting smile, but the feedbag blocked her completely. She instead, waddled over to Rainbow, who was reading a Daring Do book, propped open on her stomach and using one hoof to keep it where she could see. Twilight poked Rainbow's belly, and gestured to the book. Rainbow impatiently held it up so Twilight could read the front cover, then set it back down.

Twilight sat beside her reading friend, wincing as her mouth took another mouthful of lasagne. Sweet Celestia when this ends, my f ace is going to hurt so much.

Static filled the room, causing each pony to freeze in place, all looking up at the nearest camera.

“Hello Twilight Sparkle,” The voice said mockingly, “Oh dear, have you fallen ill? You look so uncomfortable with that feedbag on. Would you like me to remove it?”

Twilight couldn't help but nod vigorously at the idea, hoping perhaps the voice held some sympathy-

The voice erupted into loud laughter, “Silly pony. Do you honestly think I'll let you plateau in your gains? If I do that, my employer will be incredibly displeased.”

Twilight both saw, and felt, his blue magic envelop her. Twilight felt warmth spread across her body before she felt her already massive body swell farther with fat. Her stomach felt completely empty, crying out for food for just a moment before her jaws began to work overtime, trying to fill the void in her stomach.

The voice laughed again, “There we go. This is a little spell my employer devised just for you six. Whenever the feedbag fills you to your absolute capacity, the spell will activate. The calories you don't use for existing will be converted into straight fat, and the feeding cycle will begin again.”

Rainbow looked horrified, the book laying open and forgotten on her uppermost stomach roll. Twilight felt tears well in her eyes, but she forced them back; she would cry later.

“How are we not dead, if you don't mind me asking?!” Rarity piped up suddenly, glaring into the nearest camera, “All of us should be experiencing a great deal of health problems right now, and we don't seem to be having any health problems at all.”

“It wouldn't be any fun if you all died because of clogged arteries, would it? During the months while you and everypony was 'asleep', we introduced new substances into the water, air, and food supplies that makes it almost impossible to die of a heart attack due to obesity.”

“That's not even possible!” Applejack shouted, “How did you even make something like that?”

“Years of research and a lot of magic, my little ponies. Now, if you be good I might be able to let you go soon, as you're all growing so well. I would like you to eat something at all times, except for when you're sleeping. Hop to it, ponies. We still have your friends and family.”

The static ended. Twilight sighed, leaning farther into her chair. Rainbow looked stunned, her wings flapping weakly on impulse.

Applejack sighed, “I guess it's a good thing we've already made lunch then, isn't it? C'mon girls, lets get this over with. The more we eat the sooner we can get out of here.”

Rarity, laying on her stomach on her bed, began to try to get off the soft surface. When she finally shuffled her way to the edge of the bed, she was panting heavily. Once her hooves touched the ground, however, they gave way under her immense bulk. Rarity landed on her soft stomach with a startled cry, then realizing her problem, began to sob horribly.

The others did their best to calm her down, and Twilight used her magic to help lift Rarity up as Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Applejack all heaved her back onto the bed. Unlike Rainbow, Rarity lay on her stomach, her soft belly acting like a second mattress. Her thick legs, and massive plot, were almost hanging off the sides of the bed.

Twilight wondered to herself how they'd missed how large Rarity had become. Then, she remembered that in the last few days, Rarity had done little but lay on her bed, eating. Twilight felt her fear ramp up. Who would be next? Herself? With how much lasagna she was eating, coupled with the spell, it wouldn't take much more to make her immobile.

As if in reminder, she felt magic envelop her again, and Twilight watched in horror as her stomach dangled lower, pushing her thick legs apart even more. Her stomach cried out for food once more, and her mouth greedily began working again. Twilight waddled slowly over to bed, and adopted a position similar to Rarity, this would certainly be more comfortable than sitting upright for the rest of her life.

Rarity watched, her big blue eyes still shining with tears, “What are you doing?”

Twilight glared at the other unicorn over the feedbag. She sighed, wincing at the sudden harness of her stomach. Celestia, this hurts more than it should.

“I think she's getting ready!” Pinkie called from the kitchen, “She's almost too big to move, so she's getting ready while she still can.”

“Is that true?” Rarity's chins wobbled as her mouth moved.

Twilight nodded, relaxing her position so she was as comfortable as possible. Immobility was an inevitable consequence of their captivity, and for Twilight, there was nothing to do but wait.

Four of Six

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(Several Days Later)

Twilight felt the warmth of the spell envelop herself once more, and using the mirror she'd taken from the bathroom, watched as her plot leapt to cover the small distance left to the edge of the mattress. Worse, her fat reached the edge, and hung off of it a little. Not much, but enough for Twilight to feel gravity tugging at her sides.

Twilight lowered the mirror, letting her magic fade away only when she was sure she wouldn't break it. That's done it. My butt is officially larger than my bed. Celestia, I'm sick of lasagne.

Static filled the air, and Twilight craned her head up, looking to the nearest camera.

The pony laughed, long and hard. To Twilight's amazement, the feedbag glowed blue for a moment, before disappearing from her face completely. Twilight sighed in relief, letting her head fall onto her crossed forehooves. Already, she felt more comfortable than she'd had in a long time.

“Oh, how far you've fallen, girls! The Element of Magic is wider than her bed! Three of the six Elements are completely immobile, and it seems the rest of you aren't too far behind! You'll be going home soon, girls! Aren't you excited!?” The voice laughed again, a hearty chuckle that made Twilight shiver in fear.

Rainbow pouted up at the nearest camera, making a valiant effort at trying to cross her useless legs over her bulging chest, “We want to see our families!”

“Of course you do! That's why I'm going to ask if one of you wants to wear the feedbag next, to speed up their progress, and to hurry you all along home.”

There was a pause, then Fluttershy cleared her throat, “Um-um, I will. If-if no one else wants to.”

There was another beat of silence before the feedbag was suddenly on Fluttershy's face, strapping tightly so Fluttershy couldn't knock it away. Her jaw and throat began to work hard, and tears filled Fluttershy's eyes.

“So the shy one takes the bag? What an interesting turn of events! My employer will be so happy to see this!” Just as suddenly as the static began, it ended, leaving Twilight staring at Fluttershy, who was making her way over to her bed.

“You'll be okay, Fluttershy,” Twilight offered, “Thank you for doing this.”

Fluttershy couldn't reply, but she nodded, and shut her eyes. Twilight watched as Fluttershy's (relatively) small stomach bloated outward in the span of twenty minutes, then blue magic enveloped the butter-coloured pegasus. Finally, Fluttershy's front half began to catch up, her chest and stomach surging forward in a way Twilight was beginning to grow comfortable seeing.

Twilight sighed, “Hey, Applejack! How's lunch?”

There was a pause, “Good! Pinkie here is just trying to get me unstuck from the bathroom door. My, my stomach got caught.”

Twilight sighed, shutting her eyes, “You might want to come in here when you're unstuck, there AJ. It's a miracle you're still even on your feet at all.”

“I-I know,” Came the defeated call. There was sounds of a struggle, a cracking of drywall, and an elated cry from Pinkie.

Long minutes later, AJ appeared in the room, sweat dripping from her face as she tried to force her bulk across the floor. Twilight watched as Applejack's legs struggled to reach past the gargantuan stomach and touch the ground. Slowly, but surely, Applejack made it to her mattress on the floor (she'd given up on trying to heave herself onto the elevated bed frame weeks ago), and heaved herself onto it, adapting a position similar to Twilight and Rarity's.

From across the room, Twilight could hear the once athletic mare panting weakly for breath. Twilight sighed.

We've fallen far indeed, four out of six. Fluttershy won't last much longer, and Pinkie is going to be immobile soon enough. At least we'll get to go home.

Back in the Light

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Celestia had been laying in the space where her throne used to sit, her stomach being her mattress, when Discord teleported into the room, breathing heavily.

“They've found them!” Discord reported, “They were dropped off in Ponyville sometime last night.”

Hope rose, and Celestia offered a genuine smile, “Thank goodness. Tell them to come straight to Canterlot, we have to get to the bottom of this-”

“Celestia,” Discord interrupted, making the hope die in Celestia's heart. Discord very rarely ever used her name.

“They're not dead, are they?” Celestia asked softly.

“No, nothing that extreme,” Discord replied, “They're...well. Like you.”

Horror rose in Celestia, “Immobile?”

“Yes. In varying degrees. It looks like they have been...fattened over the entire period they were held captive,” A chuckle, strained, escaped, “it's almost funny.”

Celestia leveled a glare at Discord, “It's not.”

“I said almost,” Discord returned, “Do you want me here?”

“No. Do your rounds, keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary. We don't know what they've been through, and I want to limit the amount of exposure they get to the populace at large.”, “

Discord nodded, snapped his fingers, and teleported out of the room once more. Celestia sighed, feeling her heart sink into her stomach, “Guards! Send a team to Ponyville for transport, and please get me my lunch!”


Twilight used her magic to help the guards sent to bring her and her friends to Canterlot. The guards, once so fit and strong, were now in various stages of obesity, panting and sweating under too-tight armour. Eventually, the Mane Six and Spike, who was little more than an orb of fat himself, were loaded onto the heavily reenforced beds and were magicked to Canterlot.

The magic made Twilight dizzy upon landing, but she shook the effects off easily, and was surprised at the sight of Celestia, laying on her stomach much like Twilight herself, seemingly immobile. Celestia offered a hesitant grin, dimples forming in her fat cheeks.

“Hello, Twilight.”

“Princess!” Twilight offered her own smile, “What do we do?”

“I was hoping you'd have an idea,” Celestia admitted, “Everyone has been trying to figure out who's behind all this, but we haven't found anything out.”

“There's more than one of them,” Twilight offered, “The pony who held us said he worked for his employer, and he mentioned there were more working.”

Celestia nodded, “We thought as much. Discord has been unable to find anything at all, even with all his magic and power.”

“Seriously?” Twilight deadpanned, “Nothing?”

Celestia nodded, her chins wobbling, “He's fat now too, Twilight. He's not happy about this at all.”

Fluttershy, who's large butt had finally pinned her down sighed in relief, “Thank goodness. I was worried something had happened to him, if he couldn't find us.”

Celestia offered a soothing smile, “Everypony is fine. Just in various stages of obesity. We don't know how it happened. Our winter food stores have been left untouched, but ponies have mostly run out of freshly harvested food. We've all had to turn to the pre-packaged food that we have that's not part of our stores. I'm worried that if Equestria keeps heading down this road, we may face famine before winter, and during winter, if our current rate of consumption continues-”

A laugh sounded from one of the doors behind Celestia. Despite the fact that the laugh was no longer distorted, it sent chills down the spines of the six mares positioned in front of Celestia. A night blue unicorn, far thinner than anypony had seen for quite a while. His bright eyes sparkled with malevolence.

“Aren't you finally happy to put a face to the voice?” The unicorn laughed again, long and loud as the seven ponies looked at him in horror.


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Twilight felt rage build up in her chest, and her magic build in her horn, “What are you doing?! Guards!”

The guards in the room, once so fit, were too slow to dodge the sleeping spells the unicorn threw their way. The guards fell to the ground, fast asleep within seconds. The unicorn strode forward, but stopped just out of sight, hiding in the shadows of the room, and partially behind Celestia's fattened plot.

“It's alright, you little ponies. Don't you worry. Everything will be fixed soon.”

Twilight shot a bolt of magic at the unicorn, earning herself another laugh. Her magic dissipated before it touched him.

“Don't bother, Twilight. Don't worry, you'll see the whole picture soon enough, my dear. Good luck!”

The sound of hoofsteps, and then nothing.

Twilight let out a cry of frustration, “I'm sorry, Princess, but if I could just move, I could have gotten him.”

“It's alright, Twilight,” Celestia soothed, though her tone of voice wasn't as calming as she hoped, “We'll figure this out.”

Twilight turned her attention to the guards, and between herself and Celestia, they dispelled the sleeping spell, and got them to their hooves once more. Celestia sent them back to their posts, and looked at the six mares, and one dragon, in front of her.

Rainbow Dash was clearly the heaviest out of all of them, permanently sitting in an upright position due to the massive folds of her plot and stomach. Her chest had created a fold that hung down, covering a good portion of her stomach, giving the illusion that her stomach was smaller than it was at first glance.. Her wings were coated in such a thick layer that they seemed almost immobile themselves, and Celestia couldn't help but wonder if they could flap at all. Despite this, Rainbow's face was still clearly defined, despite the multiple chin and chipmunk cheeks, though Celestia doubted that would remain so for long.

Twilight was the next heaviest, laying on the near mattress of her stomach, her butt ballooning up and out, nearly swallowing her hind legs. Twilight's face was sunken into the rolls of fat her neck had become, leaving only squishy chins, jowls, and her eyes to really prove that she had a face at all. Her Cutie Mark was almost twice the size of an average pony head.

Rarity was much the same as Twilight, though her stomach was clearly larger, spreading out underneath her, and lifting her legs from the ground. Rarity's legs were little more than pillows strapped to her sides, quickly becoming covered by the fat collecting over the joints. Unlike the others, however, Rarity's weight had spread more evenly around her body, leaving her looking like a gigantic, puffy marshmallow.

Pinkie Pie was sitting like Rainbow Dash, though it was her massive stomach and chest that pinned her to the ground. While the rest of her was large as well, her pink stomach drew the attention, and her fat chest oozed between her front legs, sagging down into a thick fold that threatened to cover a part of Pinkie's stomach. Despite this, Pinkie still seemed to fidget and look around quite a bit, still just as energetic as she'd been before eating herself into immobility.

Fluttershy's massive rear end was what was pinning her to the ground. It had lost any definition of a plot, and it was hard to tell where it began, and the small by comparison, stomach ended. Even though Fluttershy was still clearly morbidly obese, if Celestia ignored her rump, it was easy to see that the yellow pegasus would be mobile.

Applejack's stomach was the second largest of the six, second to Rarity's. Her thick legs were nearly swallowed by their own fat, hanging limply in the soft folds they generated in Applejack's stomach. Applejack's face was nearly spherical, multiple chins blending into the thick folds of Applejack's neck.

Celestia's eyes finally fell on Spike, and she had to wonder how? The purple dragon was so fat, his arms and legs had begun to be sunken into themselves, slowly being swallowed by the fat collecting at the joints and hanging down. His once little purple body was spherical himself, his arms and legs spread wide to accommodate the ever growing deposits of fat.

Celestia couldn't help but think about her own figure, so belly and plot heavy that she could no longer move her hind legs beyond a shake. Her front legs were still mobile, but they wouldn't be for much longer. Celestia sighed, shaking herself from her observations.

“We have no idea who could have done this,” Celestia admitted slowly, “I'd hoped you six would have some information, but you don't. I hate to say this, but there is nothing more that can be done at present. The best we can do is hope for the best, and try to lose-”

A knock on the throne room door interrupted Celestia, “Pardon me, Princess, but somepony is here to see you. They say it's urgent.”

“Let them in, please,” Celestia said, shifting uncomfortably.

Waddling in were two ponies, one very obese stocky pony in a very fancy white suit and hat with a very greenish aquamarine coat. Sitting on top of her pair of chins was a very boisterous smile that left thick dimples at the corner of her face that almost jiggled with her belly that currently rolled across the ground on a wheeled board. The other one, a fat unicorn in a labcoat and goggles with an off white coat that appeared more dirty than anything else. He was also smiling but it seemed forced as he appeared to be experiencing discomfort as his gut hung low beneath him, kept off the ground barely by a tightly cinched belt.

“Please, present yourself,” Celestia asked politely under a light huffing breath.

“Why of course yah majesty,” the aqua one said with a deep southern baritone in her voice that almost seemed to mock Applejack’s own, “My name is Stout Ranglah, and this here is mah assistant doctah Bubble Beakah,” The off-white pony kept his smile and bowed, sweat dripping off of his forehead. Despite not being as massive as Rangler, the aqua pony clearly had muscle under the fat while Bubble Beaker was apparently breaking a sweat before they even entered.

“Now, Princess,” Mrs. Stout proclaimed, “we are here on the most urgent of business, "You see, aftah everyone’s waistlines started to grow, mah company, along with others, put their heads togetha in order to solve this problem and put a special project in the forefront of development. This, scientific advancement allows my company and several others under tha contract to increase the yield of greenhouse production tenfold.”

“Is that so?” Celestia said with a surprised tilt of her head, feeling her fat cheeks bunch up against her face, “if that’s the case, then you could have potentially saved us all from starvation this winter.”

“Its nah problem Princess,” she said with a look of exaggerated pride, “Ah can't take ahll the credit, as my Secretareh Bubble Beakah here came up with paht of the idea.” She heavily bumped against the off-white pony, sending him hobbling off to the side with a light unconstrained giggle.

“Anyway, we already have the first crop distributed to my associate’s restaurants and any other establishment in need of provisions. I’m merely here to offer mah food services to Canterlot and the Castle, we just need your permission Celestia.”

“Of course, I give you permission to supply everywhere there needs to be food. Price will be no object,” Celestia replied with a relieved smile.

“Why thank yah very much,” Stout said with another bow, her large belly squeezing out wider against the floor, “now, Bubble Beakah, go an inform distribution on their new route to Canterlot, chop chop.” Bubble Beaker obliged as he huffed and puffed, dragging his gut on the ground, waddling out the door followed by Stout. She turned back with an eager grin saying, “it’s been a pleasure doing buisness with you princess, I hope we meet again.”

As they left, Twilight looked back at the princess and said with a whisper, “Should we trust her?”

“What choice do we have?” Rarity rebuked, “Especially if she's willing to save us all from famine!”

“I agree with Rarity,” Fluttershy mumbled into her mane.

“I don't know,” Rainbow said, “I'm not sure if I like that lady.”

“Well, if he's willing to save everypony from starvation and famine, he can't be that bad of a gal,” Applejack butted in.

“I agree with you, Applejack,” Celestia chimed in, causing Rainbow and Twilight to look less apprehensive, “And even if she doesn't have completely pure intentions, she'll be doing my kingdom, my subjects, Luna, and myself a favour. She at least deserves some recognition.”

“I suppose so,” Twilight admitted slowly.

Celestia smiled, “It'll be alright, Twilight. You'll see. I'm going to send you ponies home, and yes Spike you too, and keep in contact. Don't worry, Twilight. I'll keep an eye on Stout, and if I get suspicious, you'll be the first pony I'll tell.”

Twilight smiled, feeling a little more relived, “Alright then. Thank you for trying to find us. Spike filled me in on some of what happened here. Though he refused to tell me how he's gotten so big.”

Spike let out a nervous chuckle, making his entire body jiggle relentlessly.

Celestia shook her head, and called for the guards. Twilight and her friends felt both happiness, and apprehension, because they would finally get to home properly.

Twilight didn't like the sensation of pony hooves pressing into her massive sides, but she knew it had to be done to ensure she would be safe on the flight back to Ponyville. If she wasn't centered on the platform she'd been rolled onto earlier, it was quite likely she could fall off and fall to her death. That was something she didn't want to think about.

Finally getting settled properly, Twilight cast her eyes upon the waddling streets of Canterlot, no longer finding the term 'bustling' to be anywhere near applicable. From the stairs leading into the palace, Twilight found she could see quite a bit of the nearest streets. Obese ponies were dragging themselves around, some using their magic to hold some of their fat for them. Others were using some contraption that was similar to a disability scooter to move around.

Twilight sighed, and readied herself for the coming journey.


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Fluttershy sat in the middle of her living room, wondering how in the wide world of Equestria she was supposed to take care of her animal friends at her current size. Her massive flanks pinned her to the ground, and soon her stomach would be another large factor in her being unable to move.

A flash of light and the sound of somepony wheezing slightly alerted Fluttershy to the fact that someone magical had teleported into Fluttershy's cottage, out of her line of vision. Fluttershy squeaked, hiding behind her thick mane.

“Oh, Fluttershy,” Discord's voice, lacking its usual sarcasm or theatrics made Fluttershy's heart skip a beat. She turned her head as much as she could, trying to see him. He moved closer, and into her line of sight.

Discord certainly wasn't the fattest creature Fluttershy had seen recently, especially when reminded of her own enormity, but he had a thick layer of fat wrapped around his middle, and a bloated, heavy stomach. His face, usually animated, seemed to be taking in Fluttershy's appearance as well.

Fluttershy offered a small smile, “It's nice to see you, Discord.”

“I-I'm sorry, Fluttershy,” Discord refused to look at her, his voice faltering and unsure, “I tried to find you, I really did.”

“I know,” Fluttershy replied simply, “and that's enough for me to know you care.”

Discord nodded dully, then shook himself. He was floating on a cotton-candy cloud, several feet off the ground, “My magic can't get rid of the fat, but I can...spread it out. It might make you a little more mobile,” his eyes were hopeful, his bird talon outstretched and ready.

Fluttershy brightened, “Could you do that with some of my little friends, too? It'll make it easier to care for them.”

“Of course, Fluttershy,” Discord smiled, showing off his mismatched teeth, “anything for you.”


Twilight was laying in a wagon, specially built for ponies of her size. She'd bought one from a new store that had opened up, and had found a 'mobility device', specially made for unicorns. Using her magic, Twilight could propel herself through the streets of Ponyville with no problem. As long as her stomach or flanks, which were oozing out from the sides of the wagon, didn't get caught in doorways.

It was surreal, seeing everyone, and everything, in Ponyville again. While things looked mostly the same, as did the ponies, there were many differences. Doorways had been widened, chairs and other furniture reenforced, and the like. Then the ponies themselves looked so much different, waddling and wheezing for breath. Many were in scooters, or wagons themselves.

This is bad, even if we're going to be okay food-wise. We can't be sure if the people who imprisoned us made sure everypony got enough of the magic/science/whatever that has apparently saved us from the health problems. I've got a lot of research to do.

“Oh! Twilight! Can you come here, dear!” Twilight looked in the direction of Sugarcube Corner, where a very big Mrs. Cake was waving Twilight over, her foreleg sagging with fat.

Twilight rolled herself over, trying to ignore the hunger the bakery smells made her feel, “Hi, Mrs. Cake! What do you need me for?”

“I just wanted to let you know that we're so happy to have you back, dearie!” Mrs. Cake beamed, forming dimples in her nearly spherical cheeks, “and to let you know we're so sorry about Spike-”

“What do you mean?” Twilight was confused, as Spike had continued to refuse to tell her how he'd gotten so fat.

“Well, when we heard about your disappearance, we all went looking. Spike tried to look into the dumpster out back. He fell in, and nopony could hear him. That's where we put all of our stale goods, you see. And well-”

“He ate them,” Twilight finished, “Why didn't he keep calling for help?”

“Apparently, his mouth was full. All the time, even when we were putting the stale pastries in there.”

Twilight sighed, “Part of me should be surprised, but I'm not.”

“I'm sorry dear, by the time we noticed the dumpster hadn't needed emptying for a while, he was, well.”

“As big as a small house?”

“Yes. I really can't say how sorry we are. Oh dear, is that your stomach? Do you want something? You probably can't get up the stairs, but I'll get you whatever you want.”

Twilight tried to say no, she really did. Instead, her mouth placed the huge order of its own accord, following the desires of her stomach.


Applejack stared around at her farm, feeling proud about the fact that, despite their new obesity, the farm was still going. Big Mac was twice his former weight, was still mobile because of all his previous muscle mass, and because of the work he still did. Granny was only a little chubby, but Applejack could only guess that was because of her bad hip.

Then there was Apple Bloom. She was rather large for a pony her age, but she was still mobile. But barely.

Applejack didn't know what to do, as her belly pinned her down, and prevented her from doing any work. Thankfully, the royal guards had let her keep the cart they brought her to the farm in. Thus, Big Mac could pull her around.

Applejack stared around at the green, rolling orchards of Sweet Apple Acres, and wondered if it would be green for much longer.


Rarity was thrilled. With her magic, she could still work, and since she was the most well-known seamstress/fashion designer in the area, many fashion-conscious ponies had come to her with orders for whole new wardrobes, or to expand their already existing ones.

Rarity had asked Sweetie Belle, whose stomach was just past her knees, to get the latest fashion magazines. Realizing that everypony was fat, the fashion industry had began to model and create fashions for the obese.

It seemed Rarity wouldn't be out of business, though she was very busy and stressed out because of the number of orders that had been made.

Thinking about it, Rarity paused mid-stitch, “Sweetie Belle, do you mind making a phone call to that new fast-food restaurant that opened up? The one I saw on the way in? Could you ask them if they deliver?”

“Will do, sis!” Sweetie Belle waddled to the phone, “if they do? What do you want?”

“One of everything, then whatever you want. I can afford it now!”


Rainbow Dash sat in the middle of the foyer of her house, hugging Tank tightly to her flabby chest. Tank himself had grown, his helicopter barely working to lift him from the ground.

“Don't tell anypony, Tank, but I've missed you. Now, didn't those guards say somepony would be here to help me out?” Rainbow let go of Tank, making sure his descent to the ground was safe, “Um, hello!?”

A pegasus entered Rainbow's line of sight, “Sorry, miss. I'm Shady Skies. Just call me Shades. I'm here to help you out. Did you need anything?” The mare was dark blue, almost black, and very belly heavy. Her wings were folded against her sides, but she was still mobile.

“First off, just call me Rainbow, or Rainbow Dash. None of the formal stuff,” Rainbow offered a smile, “Secondly, I don't suppose you cook?”

Shades brightened, “Of course I do! What do you want? I can make anything you want!”

“Just whatever you feel comfortable making is fine. Just make sure you cook lots of it.”

Shades giggled, “Will do. You should enter some eating competitions. I hear those are catching on.”

“That's not a bad idea. I feel like you and I are gonna get along fine, Shades.”

“Me too!” Shades waddled off in the direction of the kitchen, where Rainbow could soon hear the sounds of pots and pans.


Pinkie had been placed in the back of Sugarcube Corner, as the guards couldn't fit her up the stairs. She didn't mind, as she could see the baking happen, and suggest ingredients from where she was laid out. Every now and again, Mrs. or Mr. Cake would give her a tray of treats to munch on while she 'worked'.

The twins had been overjoyed when 'Aunt Pinkie' came back. They had refused to be separated from Pinkie at all costs, making Pinkie use her...wackiness to take care of them. How she managed to feed them and change their diapers was anypony's guess. Even now, the pair were nestled into the soft fat of Pinkie's chest.

Pinkie swallowed a cupcake whole, humming to herself contentedly. I'm so happy to be home.

Snippets of Life

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Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo were sitting outside Sugarcube Corner, watching as the citizens of Ponyville waddle around. On the table in front of them was an army of empty milkshake cups, pastry wrappers, and candy wrappers. As they had pony watched, they had taken a break for lunch, and were currently trying to get over their respective food comas.

Suddenly, a tray overflowing with greasy takeout from the new fast-food restaurant BucDonald's was placed in front of them. Sweetie looked up, and found a dark grey earth pony standing in front of her. He was wearing a coat, and wasn't the largest stallion Sweetie had seen recently.

“Hello, girls. I'm Chuckles. I hope you don't mind, but I'm trying to drum up some business for my uncle. He runs and owns the new BucDonald's. I don't suppose you girls could sit here and eat this food, then tell ponies who walk by how good it is? Please?” Chuckles' green eyes were wide and sincere looking.

Sweetie looked to her friends, who shrugged. Scootaloo seemed to be eying the tray curiously. Sweetie nodded, “If it's good. I won't lie to my friends!”

“Of course you won't! If you do this, I promise my uncle and I will reward you.”

“Really? Like what?” Apple Bloom asked.

“We'll give you and your families' discounts on the food at BucDonald's, and I'm sure I can figure some other stuff out too, if you keep doing little favours for me.”

“Won't this mean we'll get fatter?” Scootaloo asked, “We've already eaten a bunch today, and that's a lot of food. Besides, almost everypony I know is trying to lose weight.”

Chuckes smiled, “As if fatness a bad thing, my dear. Isn't Rarity doing so well because of everypony's newfound girth? If everypony keeps getting bigger, than that will boost her business. What about Rainbow Dash? I've heard she's entered in the next food competition that's happening in Ponyville, and that she's enjoying her size.”

“But Applejack can't work the farm!” Apple Bloom protested.

“From what I hear, your sister and her friends are inventive. I'm sure she'll find a way to keep the farm going. Besides, with almost all the fresh crops already eaten, the Apple Harvest will be very profitable this year. I'm sure many ponies will be willing to help if you give them lunch.”

“Ah-Ah suppose that's true,” Apple Bloom muttered, looking at the tray. She shrugged, and pulled it closer, “Ah'm in. Thank you, Chuckles! I feel a lot better now.”

“Me too!” Scootaloo's little wings fluttered, and she started eagerly looking at the tray's contents. Sweetie soon followed suit.

Chuckles smiled heartily, “Thank you girls! You won't regret this!”

Chuckles waddled back in the direction of BucDonald's. Before he rounded the corner, he could hear the trio of fillies loudly saying how good the food was. He smiled happily, watching as his fellow obese citizens went about their daily lives.


Rarity magically deposited the bits into the deliver pony's hooves, and shut the door with her magic. The three large pizzas, two bottles of soda, and two boxes of breadsticks levitated themselves over to where Rarity was working.

She had many orders left to fill, and more coming all the time. When she had been thin, the stress eating she had done had never impacted her figure. She'd been careful about her diet the rest of the time, and she had exercised lightly. Not that that mattered now. Being trapped for months with almost nothing to do but eat had stretched out her stomach, and had increased her appetite nearly tenfold of what it had been.

Immobility was just an inconvenience. Noticeable, and sometimes a pain, but Rarity was beginning to see the benefits. Already, the fashion industry was trying to find fatter and fatter models to display fashion lines. In the time she'd been back at Carousel Boutique, Rarity had been asked by three different photographers to be a model.

They would come to her, and she would make an excellent model. Even if she had to eat her weight in fatty, greasy foods every day to get the fame and recognition she deserved.

Rarity wiggled her hips excitedly, opening the first of the pizza boxes, and began to eat the cheesy, garlic filled delight, making sure she didn't drip grease onto her current order. In less than an hour, Rarity had devoured her massive lunch order, and was beginning to wonder if she should have something else delivered.

Then Sweetie Belle came back, dragging a small wagon behind her, panting from the effort, “I'm back, sis!” she called, wheezing for breath, “and I brought food!”

“Thank you, Sweetie!” Rarity called, “Would you like to bring it all here, and watch me work as we eat? We can talk about your day!”

Sweetie Belle brought the wagon closer, and Rarity was amazed to see all the food nestled in there, all fro BucDonald's, “Wow, Sweetie. I didn't think I'd given you that much money.”

“You didn't,” Sweetie panted, unhooking herself from the wagon, and breathing a sigh of relief when her stomach sagged, free from the confines of the harness, “The girls and I met the relative of the pony who runs the BucDonald's. He gave us a bunch of food if we gave honest reviews to the ponies around us, and when we were done, his uncle came out and gave us a bunch more food to take home. Isn't that awesome!?”

Rarity hmmed, “Well, you did bring back dinner. I suppose this is a good thing, especially if you're helping ponies make decisions about where to eat and helping local businesses. Bring some of the food over, Sweetie. While we eat and chat, you can start trying out the levitation spell on some of the bundles of cloth lying around.”

Sweetie beamed, picking several of the large, greasy bags out of the wagon for herself, and plopped down beside her ever-burgeoning sister, “You should see the Cakes, sis, they're so big...”

A New Day

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Twilight stared out the window of the Golden Oak Library, watching in barely subdued horror at the eating contest going on in Town Square, not one-hundred meters from where Twilight now sat.

Ponies of all stages of obesity were cheering on Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Golden Harvest as the trio ate pie, after pie, after pie. While Twilight was slightly fascinated at the display, most of her could focus on the number of calories the three were pouring down their gullets.

All Twilight could think of was Rainbow's once muscular wings, laying buried in so much fat that they now resembled large pillows strapped to her sides. Golden Harvest's flanks were the largest part of her, allowing her to quickly shovel pie, after pie into her mouth with little difficulty in comparison to Rainbow and Pinkie.

Pinkie's stomach was so large, that she could barely reach the table with her hooves. She had grown the largest out of Twilight's friends back in the 'real world', and Twilight could guess that Pinkie was likely to win.

Shaking herself, Twilight magically pulled her cart over, and kept it still as she lifted herself off the floor with her magic. Twilight hated to admit it, but the cart was becoming a tighter and tighter fit all the time. As was, her gargantuan flanks and belly hung over the sides of the cart. Twilight internally shuddered at the thought of gaining yet more weight. Though part of her wondered what it would be like, gaining more weight on purpose…

“Twilight!” Spike called from the kitchen, “Are you going to eat the cake the Cakes sent over?”

“No!” Twilight called, “You might as well have it,” Twilight internally cursed, but sighed, “Try not to eat all of it in one sitting!”

There was no reply, indicating Spike was face deep in the cake already. Twilight sighed, “I'm going out to help with the apple harvest! I might be a little while. See you soon!”

With that, Twilight rolled herself out the door, and on the path to Sweet Apple Acres. As Twilight rolled her way into the outskirts of the town, she noticed that everypony seemed to be gorging themselves on the new restaurant’s food, or just gorging themselves in general.

A horrible, chilling feeling ran up and down Twilight’s spine. Maybe this is what he wanted all along? To make us so fat we can’t fight back? Shaking herself, Twilight pushed the thought to the back of her mind; the harvest was what was important right now. After that job was done, Twilight could try to tackle this gargantuan problem.

Twilight arrived at Sweet Apple Acres and was amazed at the sight she was greeted with.

Big Mac had pulled Applejack and her cart to the top of a hill, and pushed her down. The impact of Applejack hitting several apple trees made them, and several more in proximity, to lose their apples.

Twilight rolled herself over, being careful going down the hill. Applejack was smiling, and laughing, looking around her her ‘work’, “Howdy, Twi!” Applejack beamed, her fourth and fifth chins squishing together with her jowls, “I’m glad you could make it!”

“It’s not a problem at all. Where’s everyone else? Aren’t they supposed to come help?”

“I’m sure you saw Pinkie and Rainbow in that eating contest,” Applejack replied, gesturing for the Twilight to begin picking apples with her magic, “Fluttershy is helping her animal friends with their newfound weight. Rarity is off in Canterlot for a fasion-y thing or another. We were the only ones free.”

“Oh,” Twilight muttered, directing the load of apples into awaiting buckets.

“Have you tried that new fast food place?” Applejack asked, watching Big Mac throwing his weight against nearby apple trees and collecting the fallen fruit.

“No I haven’t. I’m not one for fast food.”

“You should try it, Twi-”

“Twilight couldn’t hold back her incredulity or frustration any more, “Weren’t you going to lose weight? Aren’t you worried about the farm?”

“I was,” Applejack conceded, “but I know if you and Big Mac can’t take care of it, we’ll be okay. You remember Stout Rangler? The mare that came in when we were with Celestia? She came over herself and promised she would help get the crop in herself?”

Twilight gaped, “What about losing the weight?!”

“Y’think I haven’t tried? It doesn’t seem to matter what I do. I’m stuck at this weight, Twilight. I figured I should at least enjoy myself, and I do what I can to help. Besides, you told me yourself to ask for help when I really need it.”

Twilight stared, then shook her head sadly. Applejack noticed Twilight’s mood, and smiled reassuringly, “I’m sure the princesses will work something out, Twi. When we’re done for the day, why don’t you write a letter to them, and ask if they’ve found anything out? Or I could ask Stoit if she wouldn’t mind you looking at the files?”

“No, no. Thanks though. I’ll ask the princesses,” Twilight offered a fake smile.

Applejack nodded, “Alright then. If you don’t mind, I’m gonna get Big Mac to push me at that grove of trees over there. You’ll see Twilight, being fat with no health problems isn’t so bad.

As Twilight continued to work, watching as Applejack began to ‘work’ once more, she had to keep reminding herself that being thin was better than being trapped in a prison of fat.


Twilight managed to get Spike out of his food coma long enough to send an inquiring letter to Celestia. Then, trying to ignore the rumbling in her own stomach, Twilight began to look into the files at City Hall, looking into the files for the BucDonalds and other new businesses that had sprung up in response to the obesity crisis.

Nothing. No names matched Stout Rangler or her associate business owners. Twilight made copies of the records anyway, and was rolling herself past the BucDonalds when a whiff of greasy food made her direct herself into the restaurant.

Surprisingly, it was relatively empty. A few ponies of varying sizes ate large meals by themselves or in pairs, but there was no line up. Twilight rolled herself to the counter, where a middle-aged stallion waited.

“Hello, dear,” The stallion greeted, “Welcome to BucDonalds. What would you like to order today?”

Twilight found herself at a loss, and the stallion recognized this. He chuckled, the fat hanging from his face and neck jiggling, “First time? If you’d like, I can fix up a catering tray together for a reduced price. So you can try a bunch of our food at once.”

“How much would that be?” Twilight asked.

“Usually 100 bits, but I’m willing to offer it for 60. I’m a relatively new pony to Ponyville, but from what I understand, I have you to thank for saving Equestria a few times over.”

Twilight nodded numbly, “You’ve heard of me?”

“A lot of ponies have, from all over Equestria,” The stallion replied steadily, “Now, it seems rather rude of me not to introduce myself. I’m Quick Serve. Would you like me to whip up a tray for you?”

“Yes please,” Twilight replied cautiously, “and a water. Would you mind if I asked you some questions? About opening up your business here?”

“Once the food is done, I can chat with you. Go make yourself comfortable. I’ll be over once everything’s done.”

It wasn’t until after Twilight had paid, and rolled herself to a deserted corner of the restaurant that she thought it was odd for Serve to be offering catering trays to anypony who came in. She shook herself, reminding herself that restaurants had to carry more food because of everypony’s appetites.

Twilight took out the files, and scribbled a note. Investigate the greenhouse company. They might be behind this, or at least the CEO might be. Less than half an hour passed before Quick Serve arrived, holding the massive tray on his wide back.

Now Twilight could see him, she saw he was almost immobile. The only thing keeping his stomach off the ground was a thick, reinforced, board on wheels. With a practiced, if jiggly, motion, the tray was deposited in front of Twilight. She took in the sight of fries, burgers, and an array of other greasy food, and her hunger rose. After the first bite of salty, hot fries, she almost forgot Serve until he laboriously sat down in front of her.

“Good, huh?” Serve smiled, dimples forming in his spherical face, “What did you want to ask?”

Another bite of food, and Twilight had to look down at the files to remind herself, “I wanted to know why you opened here.”

“Well, we’re a new chain restaurant. I opened here because it was a good spot. That’s why there’s a new BucDonalds in almost every city now,” Serve shrugged, “I just enjoy serving ponies.”

Twilight nodded, “Do you know who owns the company?”

“Phealix Gudman,” Serve replied, “He also is opening up a bunch of new services for those who are too fat to be taken care of by their families anymore. He’s trying his best to help the Princesses, thank Celestia.”

Twilight frowned, “Do you know how to contact him?”

“Not directly, sorry. I think you’d have to go to Vanhoover for that.” The bell over the door rang, and Twilight saw the near blobs of Cheerilee’s students walk in, going to the counter. Serve heaved himself up, and smiled, “Sorry. Gotta go, work calls. Have a good day!”

Twilight nodded, almost inhaling a spicy oat burger. She soon forgot herself in the bliss of hot food, tearing into it with a ferocity that made the folds in her face, chest, and neck wobble enough that she could feel them. She only thought of one thing: trying to silence the growling, painful hunger in her stomach.

So, that's what she did.


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It had taken almost two hours for Twilight and her friends to be loaded onto the Friendship Express. Their massive, jiggling bodies needed to be strapped in place in their carts, so they wouldn’t move around the cabin freely and accidentally cause damage or injury to each other.

The whole process had been awkward, and tiring for everypony, Twilight included. Through half-lidded eyes, she watched Pinkie devour a whole pie in one swallow. Fluttershy, while now mobile thanks to Discord’s magic, required a Belly Board and a pegasus to help her sit and stand. She was in a cart of her own for convenience. She had brought Angel with her, whose paws were swallowed by the fat hanging from their joints, and the massive, spherical belly that pinned him permanently to the ground.

Rainbow was dozing peacefully, her waves of malleable flesh jostling and jiggling as the train moved along the tracks. Rarity, using her magic, was reading a new fashion magazine; one that glorified everything and all things fat. Twilight had tried to read one on Rarity’s request, but had felt unsettled at the sight of grossly fat ponies acting like the thin supermodels had only months before.

Twilight sighed, shutting her eyes fully, and thought hard about what Celestia had wanted them to do. In Twilight’s mind, she pictured Celestia’s reply perfectly:

My faithful student,

I have examined Stout Rangler, her associates, and other businesses thoroughly. Everything is legal, and nothing seems suspicious. However, I have asked permission for you and your friends to go and examine their facilities, and talk with Bubble Beaker. It seems Stout Rangler is on tour around Equestria and the lands beyond, trying to help the sentient races.

On that note, Twilight, I have some alarming news. We haven’t heard from the Griffon Kingdom in quite some time. After your inspection of Rangler’s facilities, I ask that you and your friends travel to Griffonstone, to offer Equestria’s aid.

And possibly to ask for aid for Equestria. Because, with everypony gaining so much weight, it’s becoming abundantly clear that we’re going to start needing thinner ponies to do the heavy lifting that society requires.

I’ll be awaiting a direct report once you’re back to Ponyville.


Twilight could still imagine the icing smears on the parchment. She shook her head, and thought about what she knew about Rangler’s facilities. They were apparently state of the art, and had many, many greenhouses. The place Twilight and her friends were going was just one of two-dozen similar facilities around Equestria.

Bubble Beaker was supposed to be there, and was going to give them a grand tour of the place, as well as giving them lunch, and allowing Twilight to examine the paperwork on her own. Despite the apparent openness of the company, Twilight still felt like something was fishy about the whole operation.

How had Rangler and her business friends gotten together so fast to make the greenhouses workable, and produce more than enough food for the entirety of Equestria so quickly? What about the sudden shift of society from being so thin-conscious to being the opposite? Not to mention the ridiculous amount of obese friendly businesses that had cropped up in the immediate aftermath of the fattening of the populace.

Twilight hoped she was wrong, but there was just too many little things that added up to be some form of conspiracy from the business peoples of Equestria. The whole situation didn’t sit right with Twilight, so she wanted to make sure the population of Equestria would be alright.

Twilight dozed off, sleeping soundly until the train rolled to a stop outside the metallic, impersonal looking building. Twilight and her friends were loaded out of the train, where Bubble Beaker awaited for them already.

Once the group was out of the train, and ready to go, Bubble Beaker waddled over, his stomach still held off the ground by a constricting belt. Unlike last time, he wasn’t covered in sweat. He seemed to have adapted to his new weight well, waddling slowly and breathing heavy, but still mobile.

“Hello!” Bubble Beaker greeted, “I hope your train ride went well. I hate to rush you, but I have a busy schedule to adhere to, so I’m afraid the tour won’t be lead by me the entire time.”

“That’s alright,” Applejack smiled, “Business is important, especially with Rangler not being here.”

Bubble Beaker smiled gratefully, “I’m glad you understand. Now, please follow me!”

Ponies pulled Applejack, Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Rainbow along, while Rarity and Twilight used their magic to propel themselves forward. As they entered the massive, Twilight was amazed at the scope of the building. Ponies of varying sized waddled this way and that, and unicorns wheeled themselves at quick speeds, trying to get things done.

“This is where all areas of the facility converge, as well as the main lobby,” Bubble Beaker explained, waddling forward with obvious difficulty, “Today is a busy day for us, so if you don't mind, I'll show Twilight to the records room while the rest of you are given the grand tour. Then, I'll have to go back to work-”

Suddenly, an alarm sounded off, and Bubble Beaker looked alarmed. Without a word, he waddled to the front desk, and dialed a number into the phone. With the commotion around them, Twilight couldn't hear what he said at all.

Just as suddenly, the noise stopped. Bubble Beaker hung up the phone, “I apologize girls, there was a small fire in one of the greenhouses. It's been taken care of now, but I need to go figure out what happened. Vanilla Roll here will escort Twilight to the records and Emerald Daze will take the rest of you to the greenhouses. Please excuse me,” with that, the fat pony waddled off as fast as he could down a hallway, and around a corner, soon out of sight.

Emerald Daze was an earth pony who was so fat that her stomach was dragging along the ground even with the aid of a belly board. She moved excruciatingly slowly, but her blue eyes were bright, as was the smile that created dimples in her near spherical face.

“Follow me!” Emerald Daze exclaimed, motioning with a leg that had nearly encased the hoof in it’s own leg fat, “I’m slow...but you mares will...make it.”

Vanilla Roll was a unicorn that was larger than Twilight by a substantial margin. She was in a vast cart, that had clearly been reinforced multiple times over. Her tan coat glistened with sweat, but her pale pink magic lit up around her horn and the cart. Twilight received no smile, as the mare’s mouth simply hung limply open. Twilight got a wheezing, “…,” instead.

Twilight used her own magic to follow the incredibly massive mare down a different set of hallways that her friends had gone down. After what seemed like an eternity, after Twilight’s horn began to ache from having to carry her bulk around, Vanilla Rolls stopped, and opened a door. The mare’s fur was damp with sweat, her limbs hung limply where they had been twitching slightly before. Twilight wheeled herself into the room, only to have the door slammed shut before she could thank the mare that had lead her here.

“You must be Twilight Sparkle!” Twilight turned herself around to find a young, unicorn mare sitting in a reinforced chair behind an expansive desk, “I’m Sweetie Star, I work here in the records department. Doc Bubble Beaker told me to expect you. I’ve already pulled the legal documents that you requested, as well as some additional files pertaining to the food reproduction, patents, and the like that we and our partner companies have been involved in.”

Twilight blinked in shock, not expecting the warm welcome or the help, “Thank you. I-I didn’t know I was such a big deal-”

“Of course you are!” Sweetie Star smiled, showing off her cute double chin, “You’ve saved Equestria, and you’re trying to make sure nopony gets hurt because of this new technology. Nopony here is angry with you. In fact, I’m ecstatic that you thought to check for everypony’s safety!”

Twilight offered a tentative smile, “Thank you for the help. Is there anywhere I can read these over, or-”

“Right over here,” Sweetie Star motioned to a set of couches near the door, “Feel free to drink as much water as you want, and eat whatever you want out of my fridge. It’s all free, and I know the way here from the lobby isn’t an easy one.”

Twilight gathered up the papers with her magic, and wheeled herself over to the couches. She poured herself an ice-cold glass of water, and sipped it as she began to sort through what she had in front of her. Even scanning the documents, Twilight’s heart fell: everything seemed genuine, with no ulterior motives or crooked schemes at all.

As Twilight absent-mindedly drank glass another glass of water, she looked through the files more carefully, and mentally groaned. Everything checked out, and while the companies were all making a ridiculous amount of money, there was nothing legally wrong with that, especially not when they were saving Equestria.

Sweetie Star heaved herself to her hooves, and lumbered to the fridge. She opened it, and pulled out a massive cake, “Would you like one?” She mumbled around the plate, “it’s magical. Always a new one waiting.”

Twilight’s stomach growled hungrily in response. Twilight glared down at the massive mattress of flesh, blushing in shame. Sweetie Star seemed to notice, and put her cake down, “It’s okay, Twilight. You don’t need to be bashful around me, after all, I know you had to have been eating a lot to get yourself immobile like you are now,” Sweetie Star jostled her own flab with a hoof, “There’s nothing to be ashamed about, not now.”

“I suppose not,” Twilight replied slowly, still refusing to meet Sweetie Star’s well-intentioned gaze, “I’ll help myself, go enjoy your cake.”

Sweetie Star beamed, “I will. You enjoy yours. I don’t want to be the pony responsible for starving Twilight Sparkle!”

As Sweetie Star sat herself down, and began to eat, Twilight looked down at the sea of fat that imprisoned her. If you starved me, it might be better.

However, not even ten minutes later, Twilight found herself pulling a magnificent looking, chocolate cake from the fridge. She had finished it, and with a sinking realization, realized the entire cake had barely taken the edge off of her hunger.

Twilight suppressed a moan, and got back to work. You can wait until lunch. All the while, Twilight tried to ignore the sounds of Sweetie Star practically inhaling her second cake, even bigger than the first one.


Fluttershy had felt uncomfortable with being pulled around by a fellow pony for a while, but soon realized it was the stallion’s job. Underneath his thick layer of adipose lay strong muscles, built after months of pulling heavy, immobile ponies around.

While still nervous, and painfully shy to any who tried to wish her or Angel well, Fluttershy began to enjoy herself. The building was cool, and Fluttershy didn’t need to worry about getting herself stuck in narrow corridors or doorways. The experience was nice, because she could still see and talk to her friends, while still learning little bits and pieces from the guide.

The greenhouses were large, humid rooms that made Angel wriggle his useless body in happiness. Fruits, vegetables, grains, and everything else his little bunny mind, and some stuff he couldn’t, were being grown in massive quantities. It all made his empty stomach growl hungrily, the sound in turn making Fluttershy’s stomach growl empathetically.

Fluttershy petted Angel’s stomach soothingly, “We need to wait for lunch, Angel.”

“You won’t...need to wait much...longer,” Emerald Daze stated brightly, “We’re almost at the cafeteria!”

“Thank heavens, I’m starving,” Rarity piped up, “and the humidity was beginning to mess with my mane!”

Emerald Daze giggled, “I know. It’s a problem...not too long now! C’mon stallions!”

The stallions strained against their harnesses, pulling their charges around a corner, and out of where the greenhouses were kept.

“I hope Twilight Sparkle will be done her business,” Emerald Daze said, “I don’t want her to go onto Griffonstone with an empty stomach! It’s almost 5 hours by train, and I hope you five will eat as much as you can to sustain you. I don’t know if the Friendship Express has changed their portion size or not!”

“We’ll tough it out, no matter what!” Rainbow declared, “We’re the Elements of Harmony, and we can survive a little while without food!” As if to contradict Rainbow’s bold statement, her tri-folded stomach let out a mighty rumble of hunger.

Applejack chuckled, “Right. So you say, Rainbow, but you almost ate a whole shipments worth of pie in that eating contest! You wouldn’t fare any better than the rest of us!”

“Does that mean I ate two shipments, AJ?” Pinkie giggled, “All those pies just made me hungry! I had to eat two whole cakes after I got back to Sugarcube Corner!”

“That’s why those poor unicorns had such a hard time with you!”

A round of laughter, shared between the five friends only began to die down once they were carted into one, magnificently large, room. It was the larges cafeteria set-up any of them had seen, and seemed to look more like a large buffet-style restaurant than a cafeteria.

The stallions pulled the carts to a large table, unhooked themselves, and made sure the five mares were comfortable where they were ‘seated’.

“Since this is the end of the tour...I’m going to go...get lunch myself,” Emerald Daze said cheerfully, “But- oh! That’s Sweetie Stars and...Twilight Sparkle! They made it to lunch after good. As I was saying...I need to get lunch myself. I’ll leave you in the capable...hooves of Silver Dot. She’ll make sure you mares get as...much food as you need! Have fun...and I hope you’ve enjoyed your...stay here! Good luck...with the griffons!” With that, Emerald Daze waddled slowly away, moving toward a row of steaming trays of food.

Silver Dot was a light grey mare, with a black mane and tail, merely chubby rather than fat. Her body was coated with equal amounts of fat and muscle, both rippling under her fur. She moved elegantly, and easily, with a notepad held in the dark blue aura of her magic.

Twilight arrived, pulling herself close to the table. She looked troubled, but didn’t have a chance to say anything before Silver Dot began to take food orders, drink orders, and made suggestions to the hungry mares.

Twilight said her order, heavy on Neightallion food, and watched as Silver Dot began to pick up heaping portions of food, and levitating them over with her magic before moving on. Twilight, so deep into despair, began to stuff the food into her gullet, not noticing the thick, fattening layers of cream, cheese, and butter encasing her ‘authentic’ food.

It took three buttered bread rolls, a massive amount of linguini, a piece of lasagne with garlic bread, and a tureen of the creamiest soup Twilight had ever eaten, for her to begin to calm down. Looking down at the empty, sauce-smeared plates, Twilight felt both shame and delight.

“It’ll be a while before Griffonstone, Twilight,” Pinkie informed Twilight cheerfully, noticing Twilight’s lack of progress on the whole pizza she’d ordered. Pinkie herself had eaten almost twelve plates laden with greasy oat burgers, fries, and other fast-food delights.

Twilight was kicked back into her funk at the sight of all her friends glutting themselves on various foods, all of them having eaten at least five plates by this point. Twilight allowed herself to lose herself in the delicious flavours dancing on her tongues, and turned her brain to the problem of what Stout Rangler and her cohorts could be planning, and how they could have covered their hoofprints so well.


“Could I have some more, please?” Spike asked, holding up the empty bowl that had once been full of gems.

Sweetie Belle filled the bowl full of various gems from Rarity’s stash for the sixth time in half an hour, “Are you sure Rarity said this was okay when she was gone?”

“The Cakes don’t have a problem with this, and they were told by Twilight what to do with me. Why wouldn’t this be okay?” Spike questioned, popping a mouthful of gems into his greedy mouth.

“That’s true!” Sweetie conceded, “Here’s the chest of them. Rarity has a shipment of them coming in tomorrow, anyway, so she must have known about you coming!”

“Thanks, Sweetie!” Spike smiled. He dipped a paw into the chest, and noted with glee that his claws were so fat, that it was becoming difficult to bend them. Become too fat for Twilight to put on a diet? Check.

Spike couldn’t help but feel pleased with himself, and treated himself with more gemstones.


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It had taken an uncomfortable 5 hours to reach the end of the railway. By the time the mares had been unloaded, and began the long trek up the mountain, all of them were exhausted and hungry. While the hardy earth ponies began carting the six, heavy mares up to the giant tree that was the city of Griffonstone, Twilight came to a sudden, and horrible realization: there were no signs of griffons in the air.

Maybe the worst has happened. Twilight admitted to herself, wondering why a race that was gifted with wings seemed not to have anypony in the air. Celestia’s concern didn’t seem so odd now, even though the griffons were notorious for being very self-sustaining.

Twilight tried to keep her mind hopeful, despite the fact that she and her friends were being carted up a steep cliff very dangerously without any means to save themselves if the worse happened for potentially no reason at all. Twilight did her best to calm herself down, thinking pleasant thoughts of Spike being put on his new diet by the Cakes, who had promised they would make Spike follow it to the letter. Hopefully, Spike would be more like his old self by the time Twilight got back.

Lost in a happy fantasy where ponies began to return to their normal sizes, Twilight didn’t realize that they had reached the magnificent golden arch that marked the city’s entrance until she was practically underneath it.

Twilight had held visions of Griffonstone since she’d done research on it after Gilda, just in case. She imagined lovely cottages, a magnificent palace carved from the living tree itself, sparkling with stained glass, a magnificent library, and so many other things.

Those visions were dashed within a second. Cottages weren’t as quaint, or as intact as Twilight had hoped. The streets were little more than paths linking buildings together, and there seemed to be very little traffic. Thought the cause became very, very apparent.

The few griffons who were out and about, were fatter than the majority of Equestria’s inhabitants. Bellys held up with what looked like Belly Boards, wings buried in rolls of fat, rolling buttocks and spherical faces. All of this, and more.

Twilight stared at the morbidly obese griffons in horror, wondering if they were protected like the population of Equestria seemed to be, and saw why Griffonstone looked like it was falling apart. The griffons couldn’t do the labour needed to fix their home, because they were too fat to walk across a street without stopping to catch their breath.

“Wow,” Rainbow said, breaking the uneasy silence, “They look even fatter than the ponies back home.”

“So much for asking them for help,” Twilight murmured, “I don’t know if we’ll be able to help them.”

“We don’t...need any help!” Snarled a griffon who was dragging herself along. Twilight didn’t use the word ‘drag’ very often, but no other adjective described how the griffon was moving.

The griffon in front of the group of ponies had multiple Belly Boards under her at different points of her body, trying to keep the sagging fat off the ground. They were failing miserably at their job, barely lifting any of the griffon’s mass at all.

“I’m Twilight Sparkle,” Twilight said brightly, trying to be as upbeat as she could be, “What’s your name?”

“I’m Greta,” The griffon wheezed, blowing some emerald-tinted feathers out of her eyes, “I’m...leaving. Ponies are...lame.”

Twilight watched as Greta laboriously clawed at the ground in front of her flabby chest, tried to pull herself along with the aid of her back legs and the Belly Boards. Slowly, her body began to inch forward, covered in sweat, and groaning in protest at the rough treatment. Her breath came in and out in horrible, wheezing gasps.

Twilight watched in equal parts horror and fascination as Greta continued to move forward, barely mobile. Her body wiggled and jiggled with every slight movement, her limbs beginning to be encased in their own fat, barely able to push past her massive, dragging stomach to keep her moving. It wouldn’t be long before the griffon would become completely immobile, it was clear to see.

Twilight turned away from the horror show moving before her eyes, “We need to find the king, figure out what’s going on-”

“There is no...king!” Greta called back, “Talk to...Blue Skies...he’ll tell you...what happened.”

Twilight nodded wordlessly, then remembered, “Where?!-”

Greta lifted one paw off the ground, and pointed to the palace, “New...building. Can’t...miss.”

Twilight nodded, “Well then, let’s go everypony. Thank you Greta!”

There was no reply, but Twilight and her friends were carted away before Twilight really noticed. They were carted past crumbling buildings, with the inhabitants immobile within their homes. Peering through windows as they passed by, allowed Twilight to see why there were so few griffons out and about: the majority of them were immobilized by their own fat, imprisoned in their own bodies.

Twilight swallowed nervously. Did they attack here first?

Twilight was brought to a newer looking cottage, and came face to face with a blue pegasus helping a griffon get onto a Belly Board. The pegasus was wearing a coat, and looked chubby rather than fat, the coat obscuring the majority of his figure. His wings looked flabby, and ill-used, and Twilight wondered if he bothered to fly at all. Dark circles ringed his eyes, and he looked barely able to stand up because of how obviously exhausted he seemed. When he saw the group of ponies, his eyes lit up.

“Ponies?” The stallion looked shocked, “Thank Celestia, I was wondering if anypony was going to get here. Are you okay now, Gavin? On properly this time?”

The obese griffon nodded, giving a tired smile, “Thanks Blue Skies. Wouldn’t have been get home...without this.”

Blue Skies smiled, “It’s okay. You know I’m only here to help. Now go on, if you see the team, let them know we finally have some help.”

The griffon nodded, and began to waddle away, not looking back at the group of ponies.

Blue Skies turned his attention to the ponies, and his eyes grew comically wide as he examined them for the first time, “It spread, didn’t it? Whatever this is.”

Twilight nodded, “Yes, but we thought Equestria was the only place afflicted.”

Blue Skies shook his head, “I was flying here to deliver some mail, and I found the griffons basically like this. They couldn’t help themselves, or do anything beyond cry. It looks like they fell into some sort of sleep spell, and woke up to find themselves obscenely fat and without food for winter. They saw me flying, and called me until I heard them. I’ve been here since, trying to give them as much help as I can,” Skies smiled sheepishly, gesturing to his obviously pudgy self, “I-uh, kinda fell in with their habits somewhat. It’s inevitable, really.”

“You mentioned a team?” Twilight asked hopefully.

“Oh yes, I contacted a group of ponies that were scouting the area, and they agreed to stay and help. Since we’re so isolated, and we can’t leave long enough to go back to Equestria, we’ve just been trying to help any way we can by ourselves. There are ten ponies in total, and a couple of griffons who are still mobile enough to go door to door to help. Between us all working shifts, and trying to do what we can, we manage to keep everything going.”

“That’s a lot of work for such a small group,” Applejack said quietly, clearly in awe.

“It is, but it’s worth it. We have the griffons deliver food, while the pegasi do their best to control the weather. The unicorns grow the food, with the help of the one earth pony we have, and I try to keep everything organized.”
“That’s amazing,” Twilight murmured, “I’m surprised you haven’t passed out from exhaustion yet.”

“If we stop, the griffons will die, and we can’t have that,” Skies’ smile turned almost sinister for a moment, before turning back to normal, “We’ll be fine. We’ve been doing it all like this way for months. We’ve got it all figured out. Still, it’ll be nice to have the help. Come on in, don’t worry about the doors, they’re all super-wide to accommodate everypony who can still move.”

Twilight and the others were rolled into the cottage, barely able to contain them, plus the fat horses pulling them. The stallions unharnessed themselves, and sat down, breathing hard.

“Thank you so much, gentlemen,” Rarity said, smiling and batting her eyelashes, “We appreciate this so much.”

“Not a problem, Miss. Rarity,” They all replied in unison.

“You ponies must be hungry and thirsty. It’s such a long way here, and everything. I’ll get you some water. Honey Night and the others should be back soon, and then we’ll fill you in on what we’ve managed to do here. Can you tell me what happened to Equestria?”

“Of course. It all began when I invited the girls over for tea…”

Less than an hour later, and the story of what had happened to Equestria was told to Blue Skies, as he listened in obvious distress, “So quickly? I-I can’t believe it. At least everypony is healthy. Maybe...maybe what happened here was just a test? Since the griffons keep to themselves and all.”

“That’s what I’m thinking,” Twilight agreed, “I just hope they won’t suffer heart attacks or anything-”

“They don’t. I always thought it strange, but nopony here does.” Skies’ face lit up suddenly, “I have something to show you, but I can only take one of you in at a time, the house is too small now. I should show you our fattest resident. A lot of griffons here blame her for what happened here.”

“Why? What’s her name?”

“Gilda. She was a you ponies know her?”

“Maybe,” Twilight admitted, “Though I’m sure there’s more than one griffon named Gilda.”

Skies nodded, “There are. If you ponies will follow me, it’ll be easier to show you rather than explain.”

The stallions harnessed themselves again, and pulled the six mares back into the street, following as Skies led them down the street, and over a few blocks. They came upon an intact house on the ground, with the door wide open. Smells of baking wafted out, and Twilight couldn’t help but drool at the smell.

Twilight was pulled into the house first, and was struck dumb at the sight in front of her. Oh my goodness.

The house room was very big, with a metal trough along one wall, and a doorway leading into another room on the right side. The floor was wooden, and the room was almost depressingly bare except for a few newspaper clippings and awards of some sort near the door. None of these things grabbed Twilight’s attention.

It was Gilda who did, because now Twilight knew it was the Gilda that had been to Ponyville almost two years before. That Twilight knew with certainty, but she wish she didn’t know. Twilight wished she could be back in Ponyville, without seeing the sight in front of her.

Gilda was so fat, that she could be described in one word: blob. Any definitive body parts were lost in roll, upon roll, of thick fat that coated the griffon in such thick layers that Twilight couldn’t begin to guess which body parts were which.

Gilda’s face was almost overtaken by her own fat completely, the only thing telling Twilight that it was a face at all was the beak, squished open by the fat of her cheeks. Gilda’s back was so fat that it had swallowed her wings completely in its depths, flowing into her massive backside. Gilda’s tail was had the circumference of a small tree, and looked about as immovable as one. It was hard to guess where Gilda’s gut ended, and her legs and backside began. Her legs seemed to be completely encased in their own fat, hanging uselessly in the folds of whatever fat body parts they were next to, all completely unseen by anypony in what was probably a long time. Her chest oozed from between her front legs, sliding along the floor to stop nearly a metre in front of Gilda’s body, eventually expanding upwards to help Gilda’s neck rolls prop her head up.

All this, and much more. Including the sudden realization that Gilda was obviously blinded by her own fat, the fat cheeks that melted into her neck poofing up to cover the majority of where Gilda’s eyes should be located.

Twilight gaped, silent, then gave the signal to be taken back outside, even if to only stop hearing the horrible, gasping wheezes of Gilda’s breathing.

What happened here? Twilight wondered. How is she still alive?

Even Twilight couldn’t think of an answer, nothing other than the generic word magic. Twilight didn’t answer anypony’s questions, instead allowing them to go into the room with Gilda and see for themselves. A few minutes later, everpony had seen the massive griffon inside.

“What happened?!” Rainbow demanded, looking at Skies, “Why do they blame her?”

“She made griffon scones, something that was supposed to be a delicacy in the ancient days. Apparently, they weren’t very good, just hard and rocklike. Somepony came into town, no one is sure who, they don’t remember, and showed her how to make them better. They quickly became the best things served in town. Gilda bought this bakery here, and hired a few griffons to help her meet demand.”

“That doesn’t explain-”

“I’m not done,” Skies soothed, “Anyway. The griffons found them delectable, and couldn’t get enough of them. Demand rose, and she baked more, demand rose, and everypony ate more. Soon enough every griffon here was beginning to pack on the pounds from Gilda’s baking alone, much less meals and stuff they were making at home. Gilda gained more weight quicker, probably because she could bake them at home too.Gilda hired more griffons, and then the blackout occurred. When everyone woke up, Gilda’s scones had replaced most of their currency, and she was the richest griffon in history. She was also immobile, and could barely talk. She claimed that she didn’t remember what happened either. They also realized that the pony who had stayed to watch Gilda’s bakery flourish had vanished too, they still aren’t sure what happened to him.”

“So why not blame him?” Twilight asked.

“They do, but they think Gilda became a partner of his or something, and that’s why she’s reaped so many benefits from the whole thing. The bakers that work there only do because it has to be done, and now that Gilda is how she is, they can sneak scones out for themselves.”

“Wow,” Rarity breathed, “That’s...odd.”

Twilight nodded, “It is. We need to tell Celestia about this. We’re gonna need help.”

Twilight tried to ignore the curl of Skies’ lips, hoping that he was just trying to suppress a smile.

“I think you’re right, Twilight. We need help,” Skies’ face suddenly blanched, and he swayed, leaning against the wall of the house, “I’m sorry, but I think I need to go get some sleep. If I see the team, I’ll send them here. You all can sleep in my house if you want to spend the night.”

With that, Skies stumbled off to his house, leaving the six friends confused, worried, and wondering what in Celestia’s name they were going to do.


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The next morning, after an uncomfortable night spent in their carts, proved fruitful. Skies looked better rested, and less liable to faint from exhaustion, and his team had returned from the nearby farms with a massive load of food. They were ecstatic to see other ponies, and horrified that what had happened to the griffons happened to Equestria as well.

As Rarity began to chat amicably with a chubby mare, Twilight’s attention was brought to Skies again, which confused Twilight immensely. Beyond his relatively normal weight, there was nothing different about this pegasus that warranted such a hostile feeling resting in the pit of Twilight’s stomach.

Skies approached Twilight, an eerie smile on his face, “Would you mares mind if I were to show Twilight here to the other room? I’m trying to figure out what happened here with the scientists we have, but I’m afraid we’ve run out of ideas. If Twilight can’t make a picture of this mess, then clearly it’s out of our league. If we can divert any attention that could be wasted on this problem elsewhere-”

Applejack beamed, “It’s alright, Skies. I’m sure Twilight won’t mind.”

Twilight did mind, but she wasn’t going to say anything in front of somepony she thought could have played a hoof in this. She didn’t want to raise any suspicions. Instead of shaking her head wildly like she wanted to, Twilight smiled.

“Of course I’ll take a look.”

“Thanks! Can you wheel yourself in, or do you need hel-”

“I’ve got it, thanks,” Twilight used her magic to roll herself toward Skies, “Where to?”

“Here,” Skies led the way into a hallway, and into another room. Once Twilight had wheeled herself into the room, Skies shut the door.

Twilight twisted her head around, trying to see what Skies was doing. Skies entered Twilight’s line of sight, a horrible smile marred his features. Twilight’s heart sunk into her stomach, and she tried to think of as many defensive spells as she could. She watched cautiously as Skies approached a high table that she couldn’t see the top of.

“I’m sorry, my dear. I can’t do this anymore,” Skies giggled, the sound bordering on hysterical, “This is too amazing, you girls really have no idea, do you?!”

Twilight’s horn sparked to life, but then fizzled. Twilight stared up to where she could see the tip of her horn, beginning to panic. She inhaled deeply, intending to yell, but Skies tutted.

“No, no, dear,” Skies soothed, “There’s no point. This room is completely soundproof-”

Twilight screamed, shouting for her friends. There was no reply, and Twilight’s panic only increased.

“What’s going on!?” She demanded.

“Much more than you know,” Skies smiled, “Like how I’ve just taken your magic away from you completely for just over an hour. This will be long enough for me to show you what I want to show you.”

“Show me?” Twilight tried to use her magic, but no sparks or anything even tried to come out of her horn. Her heart rate skyrocketed, and Twilight felt sweat begin to bead across her body, and collect in her rolls.

“I’m going to show you some of our plans, because I can’t hold the genius to myself,” another laugh, and Skies pushed a button. A door opened, revealing a hallway that sloped downward.

A magical field, blue in colour, rolled Twilight ahead of Skies. Twilight emerged from the corridor, feeling the fat that rolled over the edge of her cart feel free from the pressure of being squished against the walls. Twilight was horrified at the sight in front of her, struck dumb.

What Twilight had assumed to be an extension to the lab, was instead a massive underground complex, carved into the tree Griffonstone was perched upon. A few ponies bustled around, some chubby, but mostly relatively fit looking. A smattering of each of the three tribes, going from place to place, doing things Twilight couldn’t see from such a distance.

What really caught Twilight’s attention, however, was the three dragons that laid in the center of the room. Two of them had their heads in some device that Twilight couldn’t recognize, and the third was slightly separated from the other two. It wasn’t the devices, or even the fact that the dragons were there that made Twilight speechless: it was their size.

All three dragons were still clearly juveniles, though it was hard to discern how young they were due to their sheer sizes. All of them were immobile, fat blobs of dragon flesh spreading across large sections of the room.

The dragon that was separate from the other two was green, and as Twilight was wheeled closer, she saw why he was separate. The dragon was putting on enough weight that he was constantly shedding scales, the scales going so far as to separate a few inches, showing the pale green fatty flesh beneath them.

Now that she was closer, Twilight realized that the dragon’s talons were swallowed in paw fat. He was clearly blinded, his mouth open, and filled with a hose that kept him fed 24/7. The dragon’s belly was a mattress onto itself, rolling over the floor to cover more space than Twilight would have thought possible. His limbs were like pillows strapped to his sides; sacks of uselessness left to wallow in cushion upon cushion of fat. His tail was as wide as a medium sized tree, and looked just as immovable. Part of his tail was overtaken by hanging folds of fat flowing from the dragon’s meaty rear.

The other two dragons, one red, and the other a golden colour, were in very similar situations, though it was impossible to see their faces.

“What-what are you doing?!”

“We’re using the two over there to bake the scones, and this young green thing is shedding scales so badly it would be a shame not to use it.”

Twilight stared, open-mouthed at the sight before her, “I can’t believe this. How did you do this!?”

“We bribed them, of course. Promised to pay them in gold and jewels if they would fire the ovens for us. Did you know, that when subjected to a slow and steady mana drain, that dragons eat their own hoardes to try to replenish the lost magic?”

Twilight shook her head, still focused on the sight of the impossibly large dragons.

“It’s the same across all species that seem to live in this wide world of ours, actually,” Skies continued, the smile still firmly planted onto his face, “If you drain just the right amount of magic from anypony, if they’re pony or not seems irrelevant, their bodies begin to think they’re starving. So, it sends hunger signals to the brain, constantly, all the time. That’s how we got you all so wonderfully fat. Between the ‘starvation’ conditions, high calories, and just enough of a magic drain to weaken everyponies’ inborn magical abilities, ponies can gain weight at rapid speeds.”

“Why?” Twilight asked quietly, “Why tell me all this? Why go to all this trouble? Who are you!?-”

“Why?” Skies repeated dimly, “Because we want control! A pony who is fat is much easier to manipulate. Plus there is the added bonus that they can't run away. And look, we’ve succeeded. Not even dragons are immune to us! Zebras, dragons, griffons, ponies, farm animals, wildlife...everything and everypony is reliant on us and our sponsors to survive now! We’ll be rich, and nopony will be the wiser!”

“I’ll know!” Twilight protested, “You’ve just told me everything I need to know, I’ll tell Princess Celestia!”

Skies let out a peal of mad, raucous laughter, “This is the best part, I’m telling you.”

“What is?” Twilight suddenly felt very afraid, and very small (even though she had at least five-hundred pounds on this pegasus).

“You’re not going to remember any of this!” Skies held up a device Twilight couldn’t see very well. Was that a severed unicorn horn? No, wait, it’s a machine? What in Tartarus was going on?-

A flash of blue light, and Twilight’s worries disappeared


“When is Twilight coming back?” Applejack asked suddenly, voicing aloud everypony’s concerns.

The door to Skies’ room opened, and a dazed looking Twilight rolled herself back into the room, “Hi girls!” She said, her words slurring a little.

Skies looked alarmed, and gravely concerned, “Do you girls know? Does she suffer low blood sugar or something?! She just got very dazed and confused all of a sudden; I don’t even know if she remembers going over our plans for this place!”

“I don’t think she does,” Pinkie replied, “Though she can have one of my cakes if that would help!”

“Thanks, Pinkie!” Twilight said happily, “I love cake!”

Skies smiled, “Good. You sound better, I was getting worried for a minute there. Eat up. I’ll fetch you a drink.”

Twilight’s magic enveloped the proffered cake, and levitated it towards herself. Resting the monstrosity of a desert on a convenient fat roll, Twilight used her magic to cut a portion, and began to eat it. When Skies came back with a gallon of milk, Twilight took it as well.

She was well into the last portion of cake when her brain kicked back into gear. What am I doing? I’m supposed to be trying to lose weight, not eat more...wasn’t there something important I’m supposed to remember?

Idly chewing, Twilight mulled the thought over. It was almost on the verge of remembering, but not quite. In fact, it felt like magic had been involved-

“Ow!” Twilight jolted, her waves of fat jostling and smacking together as her meaty neck jerked away from the needle that Skies had just used to inject her with something.

Skies looked shocked momentarily, “I’m very sorry, but you were so disoriented. I thought, maybe the sugar boost would help-”

“Sugar boost?”

“It’s a special injection we’ve made for when somepony’s sugar tanks. We’ve needed to use it a few times, since we’re so busy all the time. I should have asked first, I’m sorry.”

Twilight stared at Skies, feeling like she should distrust him, but not knowing why. She sighed, “It’s okay. Thank you, for trying to help.”

Skies smiled and it seemed truly genuine, though a little sinister, “It’s not a problem, really. Will you be going back to Ponyville soon? To inform the Princess of our needs?”

“Yes. Of course,” Twilight licked the last of the cake crumbs off her muzzle, not noticing that she’d finished the cake and the milk, “Is it too late to leave now?”

“Of course not. Not if we hurry to the train station. I can go ahead, let the conductor know. Thank you so much, Twilight Sparkle. I really believe we’ll meet again.”

Twilight watched as Skies left, wondering why the pegasus was so suddenly steering them back to Ponyville. She set the thought aside, wondering what she had been thinking about before Skies had injected her.

Strange. I thought I was worried about something, but I have no idea what.

Back in Ponyville

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Discord stared at the letter with growing concern. It was not the contents of the letter that disturbed him so, not with reports from other countries being similar to what Equestria was currently facing. It was the state of the letter itself that made Discord feel...uneasy.

The letter was smeared with chocolate icing, and several stains Discord identified as soda. The penmanship was spoor, the ink smudged from Spike’s fat dragging across the parchment.

Despite knowing Spike rather well, Discord had never been able to see a time where the dragon’s work could be affected so negatively by something as simple as food. Injury, illness, mortal peril were always possibilities, but not fat.

“This isn’t good,” Discord said plainly, looking over at Celestia. He had never been able to see a future where Celestia would be unable to perform her physical duties as well, but there they were.

The alicorn’s weight gain had evened out over the last weeks. Her body barely resembled the shape of a pony at all, it was sagging with so much fat.

Celestia’s head was no longer the easiest part of her body to reach. Her stomach, flanks, plot, and chest had all melded together into what resembled a large mattress. It pooled underneath the alicorn, lifting her legs off the floor and surrounding her for several feet all around her body.

“’s not,” Celestia’s voice was wheezing and weak from how much weight was pressing into her lungs, “This isn’t good...for anypony.”

Discord snapped his talons, the letter disappearing, “I still haven’t uncovered anything about these new companies. Everything is legitimate, even by your standards!”

Celestia was silent for several moments, clearly lost in thought, “Keep...investigating. I’ll write...Twilight. Hopefully...she’s uncovered...something in...Griffonstone.”

Discord nodded, feeling his multitude of chins squish together at the movement, “Would you like me to update Luna?”

Celestia nodded, the simple movement cascading down the rolls of fat that made up her body. Discord nodded in reply, and disappeared from Celestia’s line of sight.

Celestia’s massive stomach growled loudly, even though it had been less than half an hour since her last meal. Using her magic, she lifted her service bell, and rang it loudly.

Looking down; as much as she could with her poofy cheeks, chins, and rolls of fat in the way, Celestia glared at her long--passed immobile body, especially the area of stomach she could see. It’s you that got me into this.


By the time the Ponyville Express pulled into Ponyville, Twilight wanted three things: out of the cart, a bath, and a hot meal.

Saying farewell to her friends, Twilight steered herself home. She squeezed herself through the doorway, but stopped short at the sight in front of her.

Discord was obese, with most of his weight centered around his upper body. Sagging fat curled around the upper portion of his torso, drooping against the lower half that was his original size. His chicken arm was normal, though his lion arm was so fat Discord couldn’t bend the joints.

Beside Discord, was Spike. A Spike that had gained an impossible amount of weight in only a few days. Sitting in the middle of a plush carpet, Spike had finally become immobile, resembling more a globe of flesh than a dragon. His legs were coated in adipose, his scales separating to show pale purple fat underneath-why was this familiar?-and they were mostly obscured by his massive stomach, which had folded over itself to form three massive rolls.

Twilight stared in shock, before a shout of horror escaped her, “DISCORD!”

Discord shrugged, “Don’t blame me. I found him like this!”

Twilight rolled herself fully into the room, unable to look away from the monstrosity of fat Spike had turned into, “What happened!?”

“You told the me on a diet,” Spike wheezed, hiccuping, “So they...did.”

“This isn’t what I meant, and I thought I’d made it clear-”

Spike shrugged, sending ripples of motion through his body, “Dunno. They told eat, so I did.”

Discord snapped the talons on his chicken arm, and a screen appeared before Spike’s massive stomach.

The live, cartoonish, black and white image showed Twilight what Spike was currently digesting. She counted no less than three whole cakes, several baker’s dozen of cupcakes, and a whole assortment of other sweet treats.

Twilight let out an exasperated moan. Why did they do this! I told them portion control and exercise!

With a flourish of his immobile paw, the screen disappeared. Discord sighed dramatically, “After all the trouble it took for me to get here, all you do is complain. Who cares if your little dragon friend can’t move under his own power anymore? You can’t, Celestia and Luna sure can’t, and neither can a growing portion of the population!” Discord erupted into harsh laughter at his own pun.

Twilight glared as mightily as she could. She came to the realization that she likely didn’t appear intimidating. After all she was nearing 1000 pounds, was resting in a neon pink cart that could no longer hold her expansive body, and was doing her best to intimidate the God of Chaos himself. In a library no less.

“Don’t fret so much, Twilight! I’m only here to see if you’ve uncovered anything suspicious. That’s all.”

“Celestia said that she wanted to get my report as soon as possible, which means before you, Discord!”

A knowing smile bloomed across Discord’s fat face, sending a shiver down Twilight’s massive body.

“That’s the thing, my dear Sparkle-Pants! Since Celestia is unable to do anything by herself now, I’m her main source of information. Isn’t that just darling?”

Twilight stared in shock, “She-she hasn’t lost any weight? She was immobile when I last saw her, but still-”

Discord shook his head, “She’s only gained. She has to weigh at least twice your weight, by now. The servants have to step on her belly to feed her and clean her. It’s a rather...interesting situation.”

“What about Princess Luna?” Twilight whispered.

“Worse. Since she didn’t have any duties beyond patrolling the Dreamscape, raising the moon and stars and such, and making sure her guards did their jobs, she’s gained even more than Celestia. When I saw her this morning, her hooves had been swallowed completely by her leg fat.”

“Oh dear.”

“Oh, I don’t know. I just find it ironic. When I was tyrant over this land, everypony was starving. Now, over a thousand years later, it seems everypony is going to eat themselves to death! Immobilized by their own fat, and getting even fatter anyway. Oh, this is chaos even I can enjoy!”

“It’s not like you’re much better in the weight department, you know!” Twilight retorted, “If you were a pony, you’d probably be immobile too!”

“Lucky for us; I’m not a pony. While I may not be able to get rid of the weight, I can shift my bulk around with nary a thought!” With those words, Twilight watched in fascination as Discord’s mass shifted to his belly and upper legs. He looked ridiculous, but Twilight felt the weight of his words. He wasn’t stuck like the rest of them.

Twilight sighed, “Fine. The griffons are worse off than we are, like I said in my letter. They need Equestria’s help, and they can’t provide the help we need. There’s a small group of ponies there already helping, but they aren’t enough.”

Discord’s voice was quiet, “Exactly how bad are the griffons?”

“Most of them are immobile, or so close to it it doesn’t matter. They’re helpless up there.”

“What about the greenhouses? Anything there?”

“No. Everything’s legitimate. I checked everything I could, and the girls said the tour was more than good. I don’t know who’s behind this, but if they’re involved with these companies, they’ve done a really good job covering their tracks.”

“Obviously,” Discord replied dryly, “I’ll inform Celestia, assuming she isn’t muzzle-deep in cake or some other food.”

With a snap of his fingers, and a flash, Discord was gone. This left Twilight and Spike alone. Spike belched, and smiled hesitantly. Twilight sighed again, shifting her legs restlessly, “I suppose there isn’t much hope getting you slimmed down, is there? Not with you like this.”

“I can...still write.”

“I assumed you could since Discord was here waiting. Thank you for sending the message to the Princess.”

“My...pleasure,” Spike wheezed, wriggling his hips a little, letting a few more inches of his sagging fat to spread across the lush carpet.

“I’ll go have a bath, then I’ll transfigure you a bed. Down here, or upstairs?”


Twilight nodded as much as she could, and got ready to have her bath.


Cheerilee hadn’t left her schoolhouse in over three weeks. Thanks to the sudden change in Equestrian society, Cheerilee had been able to indulge in a hearty appetite and sweet tooth she had denied for decades. She had indulged heartily on her own, and only ate more when her students realized how much their teacher enjoyed treats.

Since then Cheerilee’s weight had skyrocketed, along with her students. She ordered food to the school daily, and once her hips had become so wide she couldn’t squeeze out of the school, she had embraced her fate. Rather quickly, all things considered, Cheerilee had become immobile. When her knees gave out after an afternoon nap, she had made herself comfortable, and continued to be happy ‘teaching’ her students.

After the ‘Fattening Sleep’, everypony wasn’t interested in learning their classic subjects anymore. All they wanted to learn was about food, and how food impacted their weight. Cheerilee was ecstatic to teach current events, so she complied.

Ever since those first weeks, Cheerilee had embraced her fleshy, fatty prison. She hired ponies to come over a few times a week to bathe her and keep her magnificent rolls clean. Permanent sanitary spells had been cast to help with...other matters.

Now, all she lived to do was help her students grow into ponies who would further Equestria’s standing as the fattest nation. Fat was beautiful now, especially without the health risks. Helping the children understand how weight gain worked would help least, that’s what all the magazines, new books, and company spokesponies were all saying.

Some part of Cheerilee, a very small part, was disgusted at what she was doing. She wasn’t happy, merely fat. But, the larger part of Cheerilee was thrilled to guide her students along the fat path, and help them meet their weight goals.

Every student had a meal plan and journaling assignment to do. They would track what they ate every day, the calories, and would write down their gains every week.

So far Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders were the ones gaining the most weight. The former because of their rich families, and the CMC because of their friendship with Chuckles, the relative of Quick Serve of Buckdonalds.

Cheerilee’s massive stomach growled at the thought of all the free food her students were giving her, all hoping to ensure ‘the best teacher ever’ her spot in Ponyville’s Heaviest Mare award. Cheerilee loved the idea, but frankly thought it ludacris. It was easy to see that Twilight and her friends were substantially heavier than her-

“Hey, Miss Cheerilee!”

Cheerilee was broken out of her thoughts at the sight of a wheezing, gasping Scootaloo dragging herself with two Belly Boards into the classroom. It was a tight squeeze, even with the recent door-widening.

Flapping her little, pillow-like, adipose drowned wings as much as she could, Scootaloo managed to get herself to her desk. Using her fat legs, she stood up, and squeezed herself into her desk. Wheezing heavily, and sweating just as badly, Scootaloo managed a smile in Cheerilee’s direction.

Cheerilee smiled back, humming a little song to herself as she watched the clock tick closer to the start of the school day. Shortly after Scootaloo dragged herself through the door, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom followed suit.

Sweetie Belle was the fattest of the trio, quite probably from the massive amounts Rarity fed her so Sweetie could be seen as hip and fashionable in high society, was barely mobile. A series of Belly Boards, kept most of her sagging fat off the ground, while the massively obese filly was forced to push herself along with a mixture of magic and ‘walking’. Walking meaning that the young filly had to plant hooves on the ground, and drag/push herself forward inch by inch. Happily, Sweetie Belle’s magic was increasing in strength daily, thanks to her use of it. So she rarely had to get any form of exercise anymore.

Apple Bloom’s figure was different from nearly everypony else's’. While everypony’s weight generally settled into several areas, Apple Bloom’s body seemed to want to grow at equal rates. She didn’t require a Belly Board yet, but she was very close. She was wobbly all over, with chubby cheeks that had created dimples when she smiled.

As Cheerilee watched the rest of the class waddled themselves into the classroom, some students getting their hips caught in the doorway, she waited for everypony to get settled.

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were the last fillies to file into class, riding their brand new, very expensive mobility scooters. Instead of the magically powered carts many unicorns used, the mobility scooters were propelled by batteries. This allowed Earth ponies and Pegasi to be mobile when their bodies refused to work properly anymore.

Diamond Tiara was the heaviest out of the pair, and in fact was the heaviest by only a few pounds. However, even with the scooter, it took some maneuvering to get her bulk through the door without her sides getting stuck. The rich filly carried most of her weight in her barrel and stomach. Cheerilee was sure that if the filly ever actually stood up, her hooves would be unable to reach the floor because of her near-mattress of a stomach.

Diamond Tiara was so overfed, lazy, and obese that she hadn’t done much of anything for herself in weeks. The only things she seemed to be willing to do was feed herself, and use her scooter to transport herself to school. Her parents were rich, but free food was still free.

Silver Spoon, on the other hoof, was very bottom-heavy. Her flanks, plot, and hind legs were so swollen, they could hardly be recognized as what they actually were. Flank and plot blended together, overhanging the seat on her scooter so much that gravity pulled at the overhanging mass. The situation didn’t look very comfortable, but Silver Spoon didn’t seem to care.

Now that everypony was present, Cheerilee cleared her throat, getting ready to ‘teach’ another day.


Sapphire Days, a young pegasus mare who had moved to Ponyville in the hopes of learning about the fashion of nearby Canterlot without having to pay the costs of living in Canterlot, stared at herself in the mirror in Carousel Boutique with a critical eye.

Rarity, the once slender proprietor and dress-maker, was intently watching Sapphire’s reaction to the dress, with wide eyes that were full of hope.

Utilizing the most of her mobility, Sapphire turned slowly around, taking advantage of the many mirrors, trying to get the full picture of what she looked like.

Sapphire days had never been seen as a normal pegasus. Before the Fattening Sleep, she’d been limited in her movement, for she had been paralyzed for most of her life. A special harness, hooked up to wheels that kept her spine straight, helped her move around when she was thinner.

Now, however, the contraption holding her upright was widened, and reinforced, beyond anything she would have imagined before the last several months. While there were some drawbacks, like how her magnificent flab continually was digging into the hard structure of the harness, the benefits outweighed them significantly.

For instance, because of how she was paralyzed, she have very limited movement from anywhere behind her wings. Her front legs were strong and muscled from years of only having them to use, while the rest of her had been fragile and very rarely used.

As such, while everypony around her seemed to be becoming immobile, Sapphire found herself at odds with the rest of Equestria. She was still mobile, thanks to her front legs and her harness, but her wings and everything past them were so bloated with fat that if she’d had full use of her body, she would have been immobile long ago.

Clever straps, cushions, and fabric held the fat of her hips, plot, flanks, and legs up and off the floor, as well as the base of the harness itself. Her wings, as they usually were, were loosely bound with soft fabric so they wouldn’t accidentally become damaged. This left her upper body free to move as she wished, with only limited mobility being a problem because of how wide she was in her hind end. That wasn’t to say that her upper body wasn’t fat, she was fat all over after all, but nopony would guess such a large backside could belong to someone who looked so little in the front by comparison.

Shaking herself from her thoughts, watching as the movement brought jiggles from the rest of her body, Sapphire looked hard at the dress. It was tight around the bodice, showing off her curvy barrel and showing how dramatic her weight distribution was. Meanwhile, the skirt of the dress was carefully constructed so it would only cover a portion of her harness system, so nothing would be damaged when the dress was worn and Sapphire was moving. The sleeves on the dress were flowing as well, ending at her knees.

The black dress offset her blue coat and white mane and tail, making her natural colours seem more important. It was simple, elegant, and exactly what Sapphire wanted in a functional piece of clothing.

“I love it! Dare I ask the price?”

“For you? An upcoming critic? Half off if you...feature me of your reviews.”

Sapphire considered it for a moment, eyes wandering the rest of the dresses on the racks, “I suppose we can work out a deal. Let me see some more of your clothes, and we’ll discuss the price.”

Rarity smiled, her horn lighting up, “Of dear!”

While Rarity selected the outfits she wanted to present, her smile grew even wider. Absent-mindedly eating another eclair, Rarity thought that her plans were progressing well.


Scootaloo managed to heave herself onto her three Belly Boards at the end of the day, waddling slowly past Miss. Cheerilee on her way outside.

The school day was over, and now Scootaloo didn’t know what to do with herself. Wheezing from the effort of moving at all, Scootaloo wondered why she hadn’t seen Rainbow Dash in a while-

“Hey, squirt!”

Scootaloo looked up just in time to see a sky-chariot land several feet away, an immobile Rainbow Dash taking up a substantial portion of the seating. The pegasi pulling the chariot were coated in sweat, sides heaving for air, jiggling all the while.

“Rainbow!” Scootaloo exclaimed excitedly, doing her best to waddle over as quickly as possible.

“Whatcha up to?” Rainbow asked.

“Not much,” Scootaloo kicked at the dirt, enjoying the ripples and waves it made in her flesh, “Why?”

“Oh, no reason,” Rainbow yawned, “I was gonna invite you to my house, so we can hang, but if you have anything to do-”

“I have nothing to do at all!” In her excitement, Scootaloo’s wings tried to flap, only managing to flap halfway once.

“Cool! Let’s see if we can’t get you up here with me. C’mon, don’t be shy! I know a way we can spend loads of time together!”

“Really?” Scootaloo wheeled herself over, and was pleased to find a small ramp where the step up to the seat of the chariot would usually be. Using the last of her strength, she pulled herself onto the chariot, breathing hard.

“Yeah! You heard about how Pinkie Pie beat me in the eating contest, right?”

“Well yeah, but you guys are friends so no hard feelings-”

“I hate losing,” Rainbow ground out, “So, I figure with you helping me out, I can totally win next time! Would you like to enter the next one?”

“Is Pinkie competing?”

“Nah! This’ll be real easy for you, if you stick with me. C’mon, what do you say? Eating contest buddies!?”

“Eating contest buddies!” Scootaloo flung a hoof as far into the air as it would go. Which wasn’t very far.

Scootaloo was strapped into the chariot proper, and once the chariot took off, gladly waited for whatever came next.

Slice of Life

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Scootaloo looked at the array of dishes in front of her with admiration, excitement, and a healthy dose of fear.

“I have to...what now?” Scootaloo breathed, her mind blank from the food and what Rainbow had said.

“If you...wanna win, you’ve everything.”

“I-I’m not sure if I can.”

“You can!”

Swallowing thickly, Scootaloo pulled the nearest plate to her muzzle, opening her mouth and began to eat sloppily. With Rainbow urging her on, Scootaloo eagerly glutted herself until she felt so full that her stomach was going to burst. Panting, leaning back, whimpering with the pain, Scootaloo was dismayed to realize she had barely made a dent in the pile of foodstuffs in front of her.

Her stomach grumbling and rumbling from all the food that had been shoved into it, Scootaloo sat back with a wince, rubbing a hoof along the part of her stomach that she could reach, grimacing in pain.

“Not bad, squirt. But not good enough! Not if you want to win!”


“No buts! You’re going to train hard! The hardest you’ve trained in your life! I can eat more than you can, and I lost the eating contest-”


“What did I say about buts!?”

Scootaloo quieted. Blinking back tears, she stared at her throbbing gut. With renewed determination, she began to eat again.

Meanwhile, behind her, Rainbow was beginning to wolf down a similar looking table, groaning with food.

Behind Rainbow Dash, Shady Skies had poked her head out of the kitchen. Breathing a sigh of relief, she stared down at her fattening body, mentally cursing Dr. Bubble Beaker. I hope this plan of yours is all worth this.


Spike used the last of his dwindling mobility to settle some more of his squishy gut in between his spread legs. If he were a thinner dragon, he would be pleased with his newfound flexibility, he had to spread his legs so much that he was practically doing the splits. As was, his thighs were dangerously close to touching at the upper thigh.

Staring at himself from the mirror Twilight had placed in front of him, potentially as a deterrent? To see how fat he’d become? Spike wasn’t sure what Twilight exactly thought about the new standards set around weight, but Spike didn’t mind. He was young, adaptable, and his body and brain were hooked on sugary, fattening delights. Nevermind the drawbacks of immobility; what mattered was food.

Something that he wasn’t getting nearly enough, in his stomach’s opinion. It growled angrily, causing Spike to lift a fat paw to roughly pat the upper fold of his stomach (the only he could reach).

Twilight had left him, pinned to a new bed, with only three baker’s dozen of donuts; three litres of milk; two family-sized bags of chips, and an entire pie. He’d eaten that before the town-clock had rung noon. Now he was alone, hungry, and wondering what he was going to do now.

Mentally making a checklist, since he was far too lazy to bother with parchment and ink without Twilight around. Spike considered his options: He could barely move his arms, much less anything else. His lungs were too stressed to shout, if his fat mouth could even form a coherent sentence at a high volume. What was a starving dragon to do, then? Write Princess Celestia-

Hope bloomed. That’s what he would do, certainly Princess Celestia would understand! If he could lean over enough to grab the parchment and ink, he could use his upper fold of stomach-fat as a table. A quick burst of fire, and food would be sent. If he could stretch his puffy arm enough.

Desperate, stomach growling even angrier, Spike used the extent of his mobility to try to rock himself toward the not-so-distant table, to try to reach the parchment, quill, and inkwell.

In his enthusiasm, Spike failed to take note of the creaking and groaning of the bed beneath him. A leg to his left collapsed, spilling his mass partially to the floor while the rest of the structure folded beneath him like a piece of paper.

Half falling to his side, Spike’s fat oozed outward. Gravity pulled him down, and his momentum carried him the rest of the way to the ground. The tables holding empty plates clattered to the ground, ink spilled into the carpet, and Spike was left gasping for air: stunned.

Spike reached for a bit of parchment, straining hard to get it before the spilled ink made it unusable. Picking up the quill, Spike managed to scribble a message to Princess Celestia. He was more than happy to lay on the ground, even though his other arm was stuck beneath his enormity. What mattered, what always mattered now, was food.

Burping out a bit of his message fire, he sent the note, trying to ignore how uncomfortable he was becoming. Hoping he could shift his position a little, to at least unstick his arm from underneath him.

Suddenly, another burp forced itself past his lips, and a scroll appeared. Snatching it, Spike read the contents.


Since I know all too well your predicament, I’m sending several guards over to help you, and keep you fed. Since Twilight is clearly too busy with the tasks I’ve assigned her, they will feed you and ensure you get the care you need while she’s away/otherwise preoccupied.

Don’t worry, I’ll write to Twilight as well, so that she understands why I’m providing this service for you.

Princess Celestia.

Spike stared at the letter in shock. He’d expected help, but not full-time servants! Wriggling happily, Spike laid back where he’d fallen, and told his growling, hungry stomach to be patient. Help, and food, were on their way.

Life Continues

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Twilight was busy, locking herself inside the library with an ever-fattening Spike, pouring over paper trails and business statements. Looking for a single error in the immaculate records and spotless employees.

All the while, trying to get the guards Celestia had sent to go away, with no effect. They were dead set upon doing Celestia’s orders, since it kept them out of the palace kitchens. It wasn’t much activity, but it was more than what they had been dealing with at the Canterlot Palace.

So, Twilight did her best to ignore their chatter with Spike, who had been using the opportunity to gorge himself into new levels of fatness. None of her once-subtle hints about his growing fatness would even hold register to him now.

Twilight had to let her growing concern for Spike lay idle, for now. Once she figured out how all the puzzle pieces fit, Spike would become her number one priority. Until then, she knew he was as safe as he could be considering the circumstances. Twilight loved him like a brother, but in order to do what was best in the long run, she had to let him do what he wanted.

Thankfully, what he wanted wasn’t going off to join the Dragon Migration anymore. Now, he just wanted to eat himself into unconsciousness at every opportunity. It hurt to watch, but there could be worse things.

So, while Twilight ignored the world around her, the world barely seemed to notice her absence from it. As she mindlessly ate whatever Spike bribed the guards to leave near her, the ponies of Ponyville ate themselves to the point of pain at every opportunity.

Now, it was really beginning to take a toll, though she wouldn’t know that for several weeks.

Elder ponies stopped their daily walks through the park, old bones too unsteady to hold the new weight they were expected to carry for any distance. Younger ponies completed any work needed to keep the village going, caring for only food and close friends and family. Schoolponies laboriously made their way to the schoolhouse, no matter their socio-economical place in Equestria. Free food was free food, no matter what else was going on.

Even businesses were noticing a change. Clothes, furniture, construction, and all sorts of other industries were in high demand. Skyrocketing weights lead to new methods, new machines, and new creativity. Ponies began to prosper.

Applejack was not excluded from this. Between herself and Big Mac, they’d gotten the harvest in. Her apples, baked goods, Zap Apple jam, were already in high demand. The promise of Cider Season already had ponies knocking on her door to see if they could pre-order casks of the alcoholic liquid when it was done fermenting.

Sweet Apple Acres had never had so much money, especially not with all the renovations they needed to do in order to make sure the farm kept running steadily. Applejack honestly didn’t know what to do with herself most of the time, now. Even with Granny baking constantly, there wasn’t enough extra stock for Applejack to indulge.

So, she took advantage of the extra bits, and ordered enough take-out from a variety of the new restaurants that had appeared in response to demand. She packed enough food to shame Pinkie Pie.

Applejack, with her boredom, didn’t really mind. It filled the time, and gave her something to look forward to. She met delivery ponies who were always happy customers of Sweet Apple Acres themselves, and got lots of lovely feedback (and some sneaked extra food from various kitchens)..

One Friday morning, Apple Bloom was easing herself onto her brand-new mobility scooter, wincing as her massive stomach dug into the handlebars. Wheezing, sweat dampening her coat from the simple exertion of getting from bed to the scooter, Apple Bloom tried to ignore the pain.

Ever since agreeing to tell everypony she came across about BuckDonalds, Apple Bloom had been given so much food that she had accelerated her gains magnificently. Her chest, stomach, flanks, and plot all had so much weight to them now, that they were putting in good effort to become one, massive blob of fat hanging from her little body. They hadn’t succeeded, yet.

Apple Bloom had tried to get up from a long weekend of doing nothing but gorge herself, and realized she could no longer get to her hooves. After missing a day of school, the new scooter had arrived in time for her to try it before the following day.

Apple Bloom was easily five times her original size, and it showed. Multiple meaty chins were squishing into her sagging jowls, which in turn melted into several rolls of fat that bunched up around her short neck. Her chest was losing to a battle of gravity, pooling in several rolls of fat against her stomach when she sat upright like this. Her stomach was one, large dome that extended in front of her and to the sides. Her stomach was squished tightly against the steering wheel, making it hard to steer effectively. It also pressed against the seat of the scooter, and into her back legs.

Apple Bloom’s front legs were in a sorry state. Hooves were beginning to be swallowed up by cankle fat, which were swollen to the point of unrecognizability. Her knobbly knees were so surrounded by fat that they almost disappeared, stiff and reluctant to bend. Her upper legs were so swollen with fat that they were pushed away from her chest at odd angles when factoring in the rest of her enormity. Steering required special, wide handlebars in order for her to reach them properly.

Still, everything paled in comparison to her hind end. Her blank flanks were crisscrossed with stretch marks, sagging past the edges of her ‘extra wide’ scooter seat. She couldn’t even have the luxury of a backrest, as her plot-fat would get in the way. If it weren’t for the simple fact she had gained so evenly for such a long time, she would have been too back-heavy for any machine to carry her effectively: they would have flipped her onto her back, helpless.

Apple Bloom’s hind legs couldn’t bend at any joint now, they were so swallowed in fat. Her hooves were barely visible under the layer of fat that had been covering them up for weeks. Her knees were indents in the leg fat, barely noticeable for what they had once been.

In all, Apple Bloom could barely maneuver herself off and onto her scooter twice a day, with growing effort each time with each pound she gained. She would be totally immobile sooner rather than later, and Applejack was still considering how she could still send her sister to school.

“AJ?” Apple Bloom’s questioning voice broke Applejack out of her reverie.


“You should order BuckDonald’s today. Tell them you’re my sister: they’ll give you lots for almost nothing!”

“Thanks, Apple Bloom! I was starting to think I’d try them next! Off to school now, tell everypony I say hi!”

“Will do!” Weakly waving a hoof in farewell, Apple Bloom rode her scooter away, towards town.

Applejack used the phone, placed her order, and waited. Delicious smells of Granny baking whetted her appetite. Turning to see the orchard, Applejack felt a twinge of jealousy. There was Big Mac, working hard to water some sickly trees who weren’t liking the heat.

Applejack let her mind wander as she watched, almost ignoring her growling, hungry stomach.

Someone clearing their throat startled her from her not-thoughts. A gray, obese stallion stood in front of Applejack’s cart, pulling a cart laden with food from BuckDonald’s. The stallion was maybe half of Big Mac’s girth, if Applejack could guess. For some reason, he looked familiar, though Applejack knew she’d never met anypony from BuckDonald’s before.

“Howdy!” She greeted, “BuckDonald’s?”

“That’s me!” The stallion grinned, “I bring the food. You’re Miss. Applejack right-”

“Just call me Applejack.”

“Then you’d better call me Chuckles!”

Applejack smiled, “Of course! If you want, unhook yourself and go into the house there. Granny Smith’ll give you what we owe you-”

Chuckle’s waved a hoof, “Not Apple Bloom’s family! You don’t owe us anything!”


“Yeah! Not a problem at all!” Unhooking himself, Chuckles wheeled the cart over. Staring at the mountain of a mare that was in front of him, Applejack saw an almost-smug smirk. Then she blinked, and it was replaced by a beaming smile, “Err. How do I give this all to you?”

“Just leave it there, near my lowest neck roll. Yeah like that. I’ve got it from here,”

“Alright! I’ll be back for the cart later! Have a good morning!”

“You too!”

Watching as Chuckles left, Applejack was almost certain she’d seen Chuckles somewhere, and had heard him speak too. She just wasn’t sure where. Shrugging, she stuck her nose into a steaming hot pile of hay fries, moaning at the greasy deliciousness.

As Applejack stuffed herself silly with BuckDonald’s greasy, fattening food, Apple Bloom got herself to school.

This took longer than it ever had pre Fattening Sleep, but she still got there. Squeezing through the doors, Apple Bloom wheeled herself past a sleeping Cheerilee, and got settled in the spot where her desk had rested before she’d broken it.

Cheerilee lay flat on her stomach, hooves completely sucked into the fat sleeves that hung down her legs. Her stomach rolled underneath her like a mattress, covering up a good portion of the front part of the classroom. Her chubby cheeks making her fat head seem almost spherical in appearance. She was incredible obese now, but still couldn’t hold a candle to Twilight, Spike, and her friends.

Cheerilee didn’t seem to mind, content in her current situation. She snoozed on, snoring lightly as the students slowly squeezed themselves into the now cramped schoolhouse.

Scootaloo was the last to arrive, panting and sweating heavily under Celestia’s sun as she did so. As she squeezed herself through, she got partially stuck for a moment. Using her one-of-a-kind, sponsored scooter, Scootaloo pushed herself into the room. Plaster was rendered into dust, and cracks appeared along the wall from where Scootaloo had damaged it.

Apple Bloom couldn’t help but feel a little jealous at Scootaloo’s crazy weight gain. She squashed it, and allowed her eyes to take in Scootaloo’s appearance.

The pegasus had simply blossomed under Rainbow Dash’s tutelage, competing in eating contests and eating non-stop around the clock in order to insure she won. She was gaining so quickly that Apple Bloom could almost see her friend get fatter by the minute. Clearly, Scootaloo loved every second of it. She was certainly the heaviest of every student now, by a substantial margin.

Scootaloo had enough mobility to feed herself, but that was it. The simple act of rustling her wings was now impossible thanks to the fat that coated every inch of her body. Her scooter could barely contain her girth adequately, fat oozing over the sides like too much dough in a pan.

Scootaloo’s body couldn’t even be adequately described as a blob anymore: that would imply she had some form of uniform shape. She didn’t, just had pound upon pound upon pound of fat piled onto her compact, pegasus frame. To the point where she was no longer mobile, could barely speak, and every breath was hard-fought for.

With no health effects, beyond the simple fact that gravity made it hard to breathe, Scootaloo was piling on enough pounds for everypony to notice a difference in a span of days. It was the talk of the town: who was gaining quicker? Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, or Pinkie? There was lots of debate, but since Ponyville lacked enough industrial scales to test, it wasn’t possible to test.

Scootaloo parked herself beside Apple Bloom. Looking around through squinted eyes, one eyebrow raised, “Sweetie...Belle?”

“Fashion show,” Apple Bloom grunted, wriggling a little to try to ease her the pain in her middle from where her stomach was trapped against the handlebars.

“Ah…” Scootaloo looked around the room, as much as she could, and both eyebrows raised, “”

“Nope. Rest of the behind you.”


Apple Bloom smiled, “No problem!”

This seemed to have woken Cheerilee, who had somehow slept through the door breaking.


The class cheered, then chatted quietly with each other as the first cart of the day was being delivered to them.

In the town of Ponyville, throughout the day, there was only one thought.



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The elite of Canterlot were as fickle as anything. They changed their minds with trends, changed jobs, changed clothes, and changed ‘friends’ with barely a second thought. They were rich, powerful, and they made what was popular in all of Equestria. Nearly every city, and everypony who was anypony, aspired to have the majesty and glory that Canterlot did.

Now though, after the Fattening Sleep, things were changing. The nobles and important figures still had to be seen by the public, no matter how grossly overweight they’d become. It was all...rather amusing to watch.

The elite of Canterlot needing custom scooters, wagons, and carts to hold their girths. Special Belly Boards were seen everywhere. The few who were still mobile were ‘working’ more just trying to walk several steps than they’d had in their entire lives.

Usually, the thought would have left Luna absolutely giddy with a sick sense of glee. Between Celestia and herself, Celestia had always been the one with more patience. Luna was incredibly intelligent in her own right, but she preferred to think on her feet. Protocol was thrown out the window where Luna was concerned, which always annoyed nobles. Now though, the glee was much more subdued.

As such, the nobles didn’t like Luna, and Luna didn’t like the nobles. Luna liked a few who had worked hard for their status, but the rest she could leave. When she’d been thinner, she’d often left them.

Now, though, Luna was worse off in the weight department than the largest noble. Luna was completely immobile, and was so immense that it was hard to tell she had once been vaguely pony-shaped at all. If it weren’t for her magic, Luna would need to be cared for 24/7 because she wouldn’t be able to do a single thing for herself.

Thankfully, though, Luna had her magic still. She still did her nightly duties, and did what she could for her portion of the diarchy. But, she was still incredibly bored. Which meant she ate more than she should, which meant she slept more. It was all a vicious cycle, really.

Luna’s brilliant eyes were forced into a permanent squint because of her spherical cheeks and sagging forehead fat. Her face had accumulated so much weight to it that it was hard to tell when her muzzle began and a cheek ended. Jowls melted into chins, and chins melted into the many rolls around her neck and chest. If she weren’t careful, Luna could lose entire entrees in between her rolls.

Luna’s hooves had been completely swallowed up by the massive sleeves of leg fat that hung down from her shoulder and knee joints. There were so many pounds of stored fat there that it was difficult to tell that she’d once had legs at all. They were merely pillow-shaped lumps attached to her body, constantly growing more lost amidst the folds they rested in.

Luna’s wings had not been seen in weeks. She could still feel them, thankfully. They had become entangled in a series of folds in her back, and had been partially covered by their own fat before her back fat had covered them completely.

Luna’s stomach was more a mattress than a part of her body. Her slimmer self could fit on the circumference on it comfortably many times before running out of room. Sometimes, Luna’s own enormity frightened her. Usually, it was a comfortable, warm place to be.

It was almost midnight. No new nightmares had been occurring, at least nothing so severe that Luna would have to help. The sky was as gorgeous as usual, and nothing new had happened. Luna was bored, and when she was bored, she got hungry.

Using her magic to ring a service bell, Luna waited impatiently for one of the harried servants to rush over, red in the face and panting for breath. Once one did, a mare by the name of Peachy Keen, Luna smiled as best she could.

“We require pizza! As much as the chefs can make! Extra cheesy and delicious for us!”

“Of-of course, princess! Anything else?”

Luna puzzled over it for a moment, “Breadsticks of course! Garlic with cheese! And chocolate milk to wash it all down with!”

“Of course! It’ll be done as soon as possible!”

Peachy was out of Luna’s line of sight, and Luna sighed. Life sure is boring when you couldn’t even move a hoof for yourself.


By the time Peachy Keen came back with the cartloads of food, Luna’s stomach was growling impatiently. Luna, after thinking about the lovely Neightalian food she was going to get, had made herself extremely hungry.

“Ah! Good, leave the carts! We’ll ring the bell when we need you again!”

Peachy awkwardly bowed, then ducked out of the room, leaving Luna with her food. In all, the perfect plan for the night: binge-eat pizza and watch her stars. Speaking of…

Luna licked her lips, using her magic to levitate the first tray of steaming hot pizza to herself. Taking a cheesy slice, Luna stuffed it into her mouth. Her mouth was crammed full of hot pizza, almost to the point of being painful but not quite. As easy as the first piece went down, the rest of the massive pizza went down easier.

Grease flecked her lips, smearing across her cheeks and uppermost chins. First pizza demolished, Luna moved onto some bread sticks. They were coated in garlic butter, cheese, and parmesan. So much so that the delicious mixture stuck to the roof of her mouth. It took some work, but Luna ate the entire pan of them with gusto.

Luna opened a quart of chocolate milk, and chugged it down almost at once. As much as she’d eaten, Luna wasn’t yet satisfied. Ravenous, she tore through the food like a mare possessed. Hours after she’d started, Luna finally finished the last of the pizza, burping as she did. Luna sighed, content. Lazily, she rung the bell again.

A different servant, one that Luna could never remember the name of, scurried in, “I-is that everything, Princess?”

“No. Send for the spa ponies! We need to be washed and prepared for bed!”

“O-of course!” The servant took the carts, and exited swiftly.

Luna smiled, wincing at the uncomfortable feeling of grease settling in between her chins. I hope those ponies hurry up. We don’t want to remain uncomfortable for too long!

In the back of her mind, Luna tried not to listen to the growing part of her that was disgusted over how far Equestria had fallen.

Sitting in his office, one Dr. Bubble Beaker had lots to do. Lots to plan, and ensure, and make sure things were perfect. One small slip up now, and all of his hard work would be over.

Stout Wrangler

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It had taken weeks of nonstop letter writing, political favours, and promises of making special appearances to different important events, but Twilight had done it: she’d secured an entire day with Stout Rangler, the mare who was the CEO of the food company that had helped Equestria after the Fattening Sleep.

With the full day ahead of her, Twilight wanted to confront the pony who had so changed Equestria’s economy. Twilight needed some sort of outlet: after all, she’d spent the last weeks with Spike and his new ‘servants’. As much as Twilight had tried to control herself, she’d failed miserably.

Spike was so massively obese it was getting harder and harder to find a part of his bed that wasn’t already taken up by his mass. Soon, very soon, he’d need a new bed.

Not that Twilight could judge, oh no. She’d finally outgrown her mobility cart, and had needed to special order one big enough for herself. When it had been delivered, the delivery ponies had needed to widen her doorway just to get it through.

Twilight was terrified of the fact that her magic, as powerful and strong as it was, was having difficulties in lifting her mass long enough for her to get settled into the red cart. Worryingly, her front hooves had finally disappeared into the folds of her legs, making them even more useless than they’d been.

Twilight could kind of move her legs if she focused hard. All she could do now was swing the pillow-like appendages like a pendulum. Useless, and heavy, just like the rest of her body. Even that simple movement was beginning to become impossible, as even getting her leg to shift at all under the pounds of fat around her joints was getting harder.

So, Twilight boarded the Friendship Express, and left for Stout Rangler’s business, settled in the big city of Manehatten. The busy metropolis would have been dangerous to her if the residents of the city had remained thin. Nearly everypony was using mobility scooters, or carts, to move around. Things had slowed a little in the city that never slept. It was frightening to see.

What was more frightening, was the movement of the buildings. It was almost imperceptible, but if Twilight really focused, she could see the buildings move minutely. In her other visits to Manehatten, she’d never noticed it before. It could have been a normal safety feature, since most tall buildings were built to sway in the breeze a little, or it could have been because of the obese ponies who made up the residents of the skyscrapers.

Twilight was taken through extra, extra, wide front doors, and waited in the cool air conditioning while ponies bustled about. All of the ponies Twilight saw were morbidly obese, panting for breath and wheezing heavily as they moved. Sweat-soaked clothes were not unusual on the physically ‘active’ ponies, while almost all the unicorns were using carts similar to Twilight’s.

Even though everyone had been slightly placated by their own immense obesity, it still gave them the excuse to ignore her while they bustled about around her, albeit in a comedically slow fashion.

“Excuse me” Twilight asked, looking over her plethora of chins as one green pony heavily huffed past her, their gut lightly caressed by a belly board.

“Pardon me” she asked once again to a unicorn, magically shoving a hayburger in their muzzle as their cart squeaked past at a brisk pace. Thankfully, there was a front desk, Twilight slowly maneuvering her immobile bulk across the tile floors towards the desk.

The receptionist seemed to be just in bad of condition weight wise as Twilight, or even worse considering she was practically filling up the desk space behind her that was probably meant to have multiple ponies rustling around doing paperwork.

“Uh… hello” Twilight asked once again to the desk pony, her grey fur resembling a pool of lard contained within the reception area. She looked over her glasses at Twilight with a mild dissatisfaction, her body rippling like a lightly disturbed pond.

“Yes?” she said in an out of breath monotone, clearly tired out by mere speaking. Twilight took a second to realize her name tag stuck to her overflowing flank, “Stern Seal”.

The magical unicorn then realized that her flank had a big red round mark that looked like a crest of sorts, but she’d grown so horrifyingly massive that her own flank fat distorted it to unrecognizable levels.

“Ohright… Stern Seal, uh…” she blabbered about, her own chins slapping together nervously, now that she’s gotten the attention of someone, “I… uh… have an appointment with Stout Rangler.” Stern Seal looked down, biting at a pencil resting on her chins and using it to flip a few pages of a book that rested partially in her folds.

“Twahliahgt...Shpahkle” she asked with the pencil still in her mouth.

“Yes, that’s me” Twilight whinnied thankfully. The grey pony looked over at her and then poked the pencil against a hodge podged button that was near her right facial cheek.

“Caller Rightup… Stout’s guest” she then finally spat the pencil out to where she could still get it, “Stout’s guest is here, bring down the big elevator.” With that she looked over at one of the more mobile looking ponies near the door and barked “AYE… get her to *huff* the big elevator, pronto.” She was already huffing and puffing by the light exertion, sweat dribbling down her forehead despite the heavy amount of air conditioning as two larger earth ponies bursting out of their well tailored uniforms escorted Twilight around part of the building to what looked like a very last minute add on.

The elevator itself was practically bolted onto the outside of the building, riveted against the foundation and structural members. Though it still looked like a lot of money was spent on making it ‘look’ less of an eyesore, but frankly, it wasn't enough.

Nervously, Twilight allowed herself to be guided into the elevator, though it was more like a mobile platform with how large it was. Thankfully, it was enclosed, but Twilight’s massive body still felt the increased pull of gravity when the elevator began its ascent.

Barely able to breathe under the new pressure, and praying that the elevator wouldn’t buckle underneath her weight, Twilight squeezed her eyes shut tight against the outside world. After what felt like eternity; the elevator dinged, and Twilight opened her eyes to the elevator doors opening.

She wheeled herself inside, feeling her heart began to calm after the harrowing experience in the elevator.

Sweet Celestia, she’d be happy when all the fatness was behind them. Twilight took a breath, and wheeled herself into the dimly lit office. It was hard to see at first, but her eyes quickly adjusted.

The office was spartan, with only a massive desk centered in it. Behind the desk was Stout Wrangler, but she looked so different that Twilight had to stop for a moment.

Twilight had thought herself enormous; but she was nothing in comparison to the sheer size of Stout. There was nothing in Equestria that could possibly move Stout now, even if something catastrophic happened.

Twilight swallowed, inching closer, “Hello?”

Twilight became aware of a slow, whistling sound. Pausing, it took Twilight a few moments to recognize it was Stout trying to breathe under all her fat. Twilight wasn’t sure what to say or do.

A low groan, or was it a grunt, answered Twilight’s question. Twilight sighed, “Is there a light we can turn on? I’d feel much better being able to see.”

There was a pause, then the audible click of a button, and the lights flicked on. Twilight winced reflexively, blinking back tears at the sudden light. Vision clearing, Twilight thought she was prepared to take in all of Stout’s form. She wasn’t.

Stout had no defining shape to her left. Just massive, massive rolls of fat that oozed over an impressive amount of the floor, or squeezed tightly against the heavy desk. Her limbs were unidentifiable from the rest of her oozing rolls, and Twilight wasn’t sure how Stout was even still breathing. Her coat was free of food stains, but it was matted and unbrushed, as was her mane.

Stout’s spherical head moved, drawing Twilight’s attention to the sagging cheeks and jowls that obscured what was still visible of Stout’s neck area. Another, wheezy whistling breath.

“Hi, Stout.”

“Hello,” Stout’s voice was slurred, her accent almost gone from the effort of simply speaking.

“I...uh. Need to talk to you about what your company is doing to Equestria.”

Stout blinked, utilizing the last of her mobility to look down at Twilight, “We’ve...been helping...ponies.”

“You’ve made them like this! Look at you, until all this you were normal-sized!”

“I barely had...two my name.”

“What about everypony’s health! I know ponies who honestly can’t handle having this much extra weight on them!”

“Which is...why we have...our mobility...devices.”

“But what about basic freedom? I can’t move under my own power! Neither can you, and neither can a growing portion of the population!”

Stout Wrangler jiggled in a way that made it look like she tried to shrug, “We have freedom…now too. We all slaved...away to put food...on the table. Now we can...all eat and...pursue what they...want.”

Twilight bit back a frustrated growl, “What about defense!? What if something, or somepony, tries to attack us!?”

Stout laughed, pausing to gasp and cough, “Against...what? Everypony starting to profit from...our ingenuity and excess.”

With that, a projector screen slid down a portion of the wall to Twilight’s left. A click of a button, and a picture of obese griffons appeared. They were in an undemolished home, held up by Belly Boards. They were smiling.

Another click, and it was dragons. A teen dragon, using all fours, was using five Belly Boards to travel along a freshly-paved road.
Another click, and Twilight was confronted with a photograph of a group of zebras. The filly in the picture was so fat she couldn’t stand. Her belly spread under her like a mattress. The family was smiling, and several had Belly Boards. One had a mobility scooter.

“Equestria and the...lands beyond are...embracing this change. Our economy has...never been stronger. We’ve never been...richer. Everypony seems...okay with this...except for you.”

Twilight blinked, tearing her eyes away from the image in front of her to look back at Stout. Twilight tried to find words to protest, but came up blank.

Stout smiled, creating huge dimples in her sagging cheeks, “It’s okay can help us....shape this new...Equestria.”

“But my friends and-”

“Something terrible...happened. I won’t deny that...and I’m happened.”

With another click the projector screen, and the image on it, disappeared. Stout Wrangler’s body made a sudden, growling noise. Stout laughed, pressing another button. How she was doing so, Twilight wasn’t sure she wanted to know.

“I’m hungry. We will eat...and I’ll help...settle your nerves.”

Twilight opened her mouth to protest, but her own stomach growled hungrily. In her haste to get to the train; she’d missed third breakfast, “Thank you.”

Stout smiled again, “See? We can be...civilized.”

“Thank you,” Twilight replied reluctantly.

Several tense moments passed, and Twilight couldn’t help but wonder how quickly they would be fed. It took another minute to pass before Twilight heard the humming of the elevator. The doors opened, and what could only be described as an armada of ponies exited.

Servants of all types; pushing carts laden with food, carrying silver domed trays, or simply nice looking ponies, all entered the office.

Several of them surrounded Twilight, and much to her surprise, began to knead her flesh. At first, Twilight was alarmed, then she quickly realized it was a massage. A tray appeared before her nose, and Twilight inhaled the scent of ooey, gooey lasagna. Twilight moaned at the smell, and plunged in muzzle first before she could properly comprehend was was going on.

Stout chuckled, happy to be fed rather than feed herself, “My servants here are...quite amazing. I promise Twilight...nothing terrible is...happening here. We’re just create a better, larger Equestria.”

As Twilight sucked down another mouthful of the lasagna, she started to feel her tense body begin to relax under the warmth of the massage.

“This what everypony Soft, warm happiness. Isn’t this so much...better than before? No more stress, no more worries...just happiness.”

Twilight made a noise in the back of her throat, mind too busy focusing on the food before her to really care what was being said.

“This isn’t so it?”

Twilight came up for air, breathing heavily. She looked to the ponies of various sizes around her, then to Stout’s enormity. She let her gaze fall to herself, and groaned in ecstasy when a particularly hard knot was eased out of her back.

“I didn’t think so. Since you made the...trip all the way here. Is there anything...I can do for you? A new cart...perhaps?”

Twilight’s new cart was uncomfortable, Twilight was slowly admitting to herself. It wasn’t padded at all, and the corners pinched. The tray of lasagna was removed, replaced with a platter of garlic bread, heavy with garlic and cheese.

Twilight tore into the deliciousness. Her mind was quiet, too busy trying to process the sensations of the massage and the food before her.

“Or I could give...Applejack’s so they her a room...and maybe technology...that would help her move. If you stop this...investigation...we can build a relationship...that helps all sorts of ponies...not just your friends.”

Twilight gulped down the last piece of garlic bread, licking her muzzle for stray grease. A pitcher of cooled milk was brought to her lips, and Twilight couldn’t argue. She began to chug the refreshing liquid.

“With your mind...and my resources...we can make Equestria...even more powerful than now!”

Twilight couldn’t answer even if she wanted to. There was still half a pitcher left. Stout continued.

“We’ll start small...of course. You can help new spells. Make old ones better, test out new technology yourself...All you’d need to do is...stop this wild goose chase!”

The last drop of milk was swallowed, and Twilight panted to catch her breath. She was tired, and overfull. This arrangement would allow her to make sure Stout wasn’t lying to her. Reluctantly, Twilight nodded.


Stout beamed, “Good. When you go Ponyville I’ll have...researchers sent to you. We’ll give you...some guidelines. I trust your I know it won’t be...a waste of resources.”

“Thanks,” Twilight replied.

Another click of the button, and the massaging ponies stepped away from Twilight.

“Give Applejack my regards.”

Twilight, knowing she’d been dismissed, reluctantly rolled her cart into the elevator. Burping, she missed the conversation that took place behind her.

“Good job. You’ve certainly earned your dessert.”

“She was easy enough, though I wasn’t expecting you to stay in my back rolls like that. I do expect compensation.”

“I’ll order you chocolate ice cream then.”

“Oh good. When will you leave? When the building is officially declared Twilight free?”

“Whenever I’m done my nap, I expect. That meeting interrupted.”

“Why can’t you just find a bed.”

“Because you’re the softest thing I own.”


“No, thank you. She was dangerously close to discovering what we’ve done. We’ve come too far for this not to work now.”

It wasn’t until Twilight got to Ponyville that she fully realized what she’d agreed to. Twilight groaned, trying to ignore Spike greedily gobbling up fistfulls of gems. Why did I agree to this?


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After agreeing to work with Stout’s team, Twilight started noticing problems with timekeeping. While obsessive, she’d always had Spike to help pull her out of her work when she had appointments or needed to leave the library. With Spike growing so fat he couldn’t bend his fingers, he couldn’t really do that anymore.

So, Twilight would get caught up in her work: either trying to help the growing populations of the world, or by trying to dig into the various corporations Twilight was sure had a hoof in things. She hadn’t found anything substantial, certainly nothing to bother the princesses about or even voice her concerns aloud; it was just enough to keep her busy.

Thankfully, Stout had lived up to her promises: she’d supplied Twilight’s friends with what they needed, and even Twilight couldn’t help but be mildly impressed at the effort needed to help Applejack alone much less the others.

Twilight, seemingly, couldn’t stop the extreme fattening of everypony but she could try to make their lives easier. As Spike lost more and more mobility, and took up more and more room, Twilight focused all her efforts on the technology she was helping to create for ponies and other creatures.

All the while, the assistants she had both helped and hindered her. They kept her constantly stocked with food, quickly learning that by leaving it nearby that she would snack on it absentmindedly as she worked.

As such, Twilight had ballooned in weight alongside Spike and her assistants. If it weren’t for her new cart being delivered she would have broken out of her old one. The new cart was comfortable, and actually had some spare room in it: Twilight’s fat no longer hung over the edges. It was nice, and didn’t pinch so much.

Utilizing the last of her mobility, Twilight shook her immense form, distributing the fat as she moved. Twilight sighed, looking around at her corner of the library; it was a mess. Papers, books, and empty dishes were stacked on every surface, and her chalkboards desperately needed a cleaning.

Twilight’s assistants; two mares by the names of Aurora Blue and Jackpot Brook, were out helping Spike’s guard get him onto a larger mattress. Twilight swiped at the chalkboard with a chalkboard eraser only to find them as filthy as the rest of her workstation.

Twilight levitated them near her head, and rolled herself to the front door, intent on cleaning them outside where the wind would carry the chalk dust.

Twilight opened the door, that had been widened when she’d gotten her second cart, and realized she had a problem: her cart was too big to fit through the door. She had needed to unpack it and assemble it inside the library. Sighing heavily through her nose, Twilight floated the erasers outside and cleaned them as best she could in the breeze she could feel. Inhaling the familiar scent of chalk dust was soothing, and Twilight couldn’t help but feel comforted as she went back to her work station and cleaned the chalkboard. She didn’t need it quite yet, but she was working on some mathematics later and liked having the visual-

Catching sight of the papers on her messy desk, Twilight sighed. She missed Spike helping her keep things clean. As was, it was a mammoth task keeping just Spike clean, much less anything else. Twilight levitated the papers closer, only to almost drop them when the front door slammed open, followed quickly by grunts and panting that could only mean ponies were trying to squeeze through Twilight’s doorframe: a sound Twilight was growing familiar with with her assistants leaving for food or sleep.

Twilight went to set the papers down to greet her guests, but a name caught her eye: Blue Skies. That was one of the ponies stuck at Griffonstone, wasn’t it? Scrutinizing the paper a little closer, Twilight saw that Blue Skies actually owned land in Griffonstone, seemingly prime real estate in the middle of the city. Another paper in the stack confirmed a growing concern: that Blue Skies had shares in Belly Boards, mobility scooters, and BucDonald’s. Something smelled fishy-actually something smelled divine.

Temporarily, Twilight forgoed the paperwork to find three massive fillies in front of her, riding on what could only be the newest mobility scooters. Flesh oozed in every direction, hanging over the edges of wide seats and into extra wide handlebars. The scooters were branded obnoxiously with the BucDonald’s logo. Absentmindedly, she turned to the next paper in the stack, ready to read it when the business was concluded.

Scootaloo seemed the largest, though it was honestly hard to tell with all of the fat packed into their juvenile frames. Her basket on the front of the scooter was packed full of grease spotted fast food bags, bulging with how full they were. Scootaloo still wore her smile, eyes squinting over the bulging roundness of her cheeks. Her too-small wings were lost somewhere amongst the folds in her back; made more roll-ridden by gravity tugging down on the gigantic stomach resting on the floor of the scooter.

Sweetie Belle had the largest plot of the three fillies, overhanging an obviously specially built seat by several centimeters. Her basket was filled with food as well, though most of hers seemed to be half-eaten. Sweetie’s lovely mane was tied into a bun at the back of her neck, most likely to stop it from getting tangled in the rolls of her many chins and what was left of her neck.

Apple Bloom had a large belly like Applejack, and even though her scooter was longer than the others, it was still pressed into the handlebars and tiller, as well as reaching the floor of the scooter. Twilight could see the belly fat touching the edges of the floor of the scooter, and couldn’t help but think that Apple Bloom would soon outgrow the mobility device. As with her friends, Apple Bloom’s basket was overflowing with fast food bags, but it seemed as though she’d somehow gotten more crammed into the space as Sweetie and Scootaloo.

“Hello girls!” Twilight tried to be cheerful, trying to only see their obvious happiness over their gross obesity.

“Hi Twilight! We have...something for you!” Sweetie grunted, levitating several bags out of Apple Bloom’s basket and resting them on Twilight’s desk, “Chuckles’s special! A new burger...just for you!”

“That’s nice of him, is Chuckle the one who...gave you your scooters?,” Twilight said slowly, “But girls, I’m busy right now and-”

“He did, Twilight. Please try a burger!?” Apple Bloom pouted, causing her chins to become more prominent as her head moved, “We have to tell...him if you liked it!”

Twilight blinked, levitating one of the bags to herself, and couldn’t help but salivate at the delicious smells wafting from the bag. There were heaps of fries in containers in the bottom of the bag, and on top rested a truly large burger, wrapped in a wrapper Twilight hadn’t seen BucDonald’s burgers be wrapped before.

“Girls...I can’t right now, but I will in a bit….Come back in an hour and I’ll tell you what I thought?”

The three fillies shared a disappointed look, and Twilight smiled reassuringly, “Promise? I’ll treat you to...early dinner?”

That got their attention, and they squeezed themselves back outside. That left Twilight with the delicious smells coming from the bags and little else. Sighing, Twilight opened one of the bags as her eyes flicked over the paper. She pulled out a mouthful of fries, and sighed contentedly when the salty grease hit her tongue.

Twilight scanned down the list of shareholders of BucDonald’s, and wasn’t surprised to see Chuckles owned a large portion of the company. What was surprising was his list of contacts: both Stout Wrangler and Blue Skies were emergency contacts.

Something seemed familiar, but distant. Munching on another mouthful of fries, Twilight dug through some paperwork that she’d found for Ponyville’s BucDonald’s; including a copy of the deed she had never really gotten a look at.

As suspected, Blue Skies wasn’t on any paperwork, but on the deed another name was where Quick Serve’s name should have been. Somepony by the name BubbleBeaker, who’s name sounded incredibly familiar but Twilight couldn’t place.

Looking through some more paperwork, Twilight found why: BubbleBeaker owned the scooter factory, the Belly Board factory, and worked under Stout Wrangler as one of her food scientists.

Turning to her neglected filing cabinet, Twilight rummaged around in the back for the important worker profiles that these companies seemed insisting on using. Flicking through several piles of them, thankful they were in alphabetical order, Twilight pulled three out: Chuckles, BubbleBeaker, and Blue Skies. Clearly, they were important.

The files were new; sent over to appease Twilight more than anything else she was sure. Chewing on another mouthful of salty fries, Twilight opened the files and for a split second, was incredibly shocked.

BubbleBeaker was a unicorn, a dirty-off white colour who despite his body type, had a more slender face than most. Twilight remembered seeing him in Canterlot and then again at the food facility.

Blue Skies was the blue pegasus that had decided to stay at Griffonstone and help the stricken griffons, running himself ragged in the hopes of making life easier for his charges.

Chuckles was a dark grey earth pony, often seen around town promoting BucDonald’s and providing support for spokes-ponies of the brand like the CMC.

In terms of body and race, the trio looked nothing alike. However, the eyes were the same, as was the face. This can’t be a coincidence.

Twilight tossed the files onto her desk, munching still on french fries. They were so good, and there was so many her hungry mouth couldn’t help itself. Pulling employee records, Twilight noticed another pattern.

When she had gone to the facility and Griffonstone, Chuckles had been on vacation. He came back less than twenty-four hours after Twilight and her friends had returned to Ponyville.

BubbleBeaker, despite what it seemed on the other papers Twilight had read, didn’t seem to work at the food facility at all. In the early days, when Twilight and her friends had been captured, he was clocked in the labs all the time, working hard to ensure-Twilight’s head throbbed, and a piece of information seemed to be at the tip of her memory, struggling to burst forth.

There was no record of Blue Skies in Griffonstone, since he technically only volunteered. Twilight skimmed through the paperwork, rolling herself over to the phone. She found the help line the ponies living in Griffonstone had set up: mostly for Griffons, but it was also how Equestria had gotten information from Griffonstone in recent months.

Several tense seconds passed as Twilight waited for somepony to pick up the phone.

“Griffonstone help line, how can I help you?”

“I’m Twilight Sparkle...I need to know if...Blue Skies is there?”

“No, I’m sorry Miss. Sparkle. He hasn’t been here since...well I think since you left Griffonstone, actually. I have an emergency number-”

“No!” Twilight caught herself from shouting, but it was still a little too quick and a little too loud, “ thank you, I mean….Thanks.”

Twilight hung up the phone staring at the pictures. How could they be the same pony? An earth pony, a unicorn, and a pegasi? That was ludicrous!

Something niggled at the back of Twilight’s brain, something she had to remember, but hadn’t been able to for a long time. Twilight pulled the photo of Blue Skies out of the file, and stared at it. He’d been so kind, hadn’t he-

“Twilight! Help?”

Twilight jolted out of her musings, looking across the library to see the guards and her assistants collapsed onto the floor, panting for breath. Spike was halfway onto his new mattress, a pout marring his normally jolly features. Twilight sighed, rolling herself over to levitate Spike onto his mattress fully.

“You’re getting so...heavy,” Even Twilight’s incredible magic couldn’t help but strain itself with the effort it took to move Spike’s colossal frame.

Spike shrugged, then winced. Twilight’s brows wrinkled in worry. Spike utilized the last of his arm movement to lift his ham-sized arms up a little, showing off an impressive spare tire, one that had clearly expanded extensively in recent times; scales were loose around Spike’s side, and there was a gap in between the scales that showed the fatty lavender flesh underneath.

Twilight gasped, her mind flooding with memory. Yes, of course! How could she have forgotten?! Skies, the dragons under Griffonstone, Skies was clearly behind this somehow-

Hadn’t the horn looked like BubbleBeaker’s? Twilight had only gotten a glimpse of it, really. Rolling herself back over to her desk, Twilight busied herself with trying to sketch it out as best she could without looking at BubbleBeaker’s photo. It wasn’t much, but it was better than nothing.

The smells coming from the bags of food tantalized Twilight’s always hungry stomach, and she tried to squash the feelings down. However, her magic and body had other ideas. Her magic searched for more fries, but came up empty. Twilight, so caught up with work, didn’t process the simple thought.

Acting on hunger impulses Twilight had been, knowingly and not knowingly, indulging for too long for it to even register, Twilight unwrapped the special burger. She brought it to her lips as she finished the sketch, and compared it to the picture. They looked eerily similar, even considering Twilight’s lack of artistic talent.

I need to contact the princesses! Twilight thought, opening her mouth wide. This action caught her attention, and she struggled with the urge to bite down on what was sure to be delicious. I have to get to Canterlot! The ponies need to know, they need to know! The smell finally reached some primal part of Twilight’s brain, the one that thought she was starving, and she took a bite. As she felt the craving urge to eat enwrap her brain; Twilight took another bite and sealed the fate of everyone in the world.

One Year Later...

Ponyville had changed even more than it had at first. The roads were bare, except for the occasional pony being magically tugged along in a cart. Though the streets were busy, a new system of magic carts autonomously carried food around to the residents of Ponyville, wheezing and huffing past their fat cheeks, eager to consume whatever meal was brought to them. Every resident was out of breath by merely existing. No pony left their house if they had any option, except for Cheerilee who had long ago taken up half of the small schoolhouse with her bulk. There was no school anymore, or at least traditionally, as organizations like BucDonald’s dealt with educating the malleable minds of young fillies and colts.

Finding someone who could barely waddle was almost becoming impossible, as everyone’s gut was firmly dragging the ground, or even lifting their hooves in the air. No pony was free from the iron grip of the food magnet that controlled them all.

One of the most affected by the food magnet was Spike.

Spike was still in the Golden Oak library, thought it wasn’t really a library anymore. That would imply there was room enough for books...or other ponies other than the ones Spike relied on in his everyday life.

Spike had long outgrown the mattress Twilight had lifted him onto last year, and was now resting comfortably on a series of thick cushions and blankets, things that didn’t require him to be moved. If somepony could lift the edges of his massive folds, they could simply slide the new cushions under his flesh and that was it. Nopony needed to worry about trying to move all of Spike at once; at least not anytime soon, though he couldn’t be sure anymore.

Several months after Twilight had moved back to Ponyville, Spike’s fat had finally accumulated enough in his face for it to become a problem; not with breathing for some reason though. That he just figured was magic at play, but he could no longer close his mouth or see past his cheeks and forehead fat.

His guards had hooked him to a feeding tube; one that continually pumped smooth, creamy fattening shakes into his stomach with no need for chewing or swallowing: the work was already done. All his body needed to do was process the exorbitant amount of calories it was being fed day in day out, almost every second of every day.

Apparently, wherever Twilight was now, she’d developed the technology that Spike was using to eat; trying to ensure nopony was inconvenienced by their size, no matter how big they were.

Spike’s world was his own thoughts, and the sensation of his stomach constantly being filled by what was being pumped into his stomach. His guards, and Twilight’s old assistants bathed him regularly and often, helping him shed the scales he was outgrowing quicker than they could form properly. They talked to him as well, telling him all about the friends who still wrote to him and tried to keep him engaged in what was going on outside of the library.

All the while, Spike tried to gauge how close he was from being able to touch the walls of the library with just his pure flab.

Meanwhile, Rarity was across town in her Carousel Boutique, trapped in what was once the business portion of her home. Now she was far too large to attempt a trip up the stairs, even if there was a team of ponies capable of lifting her mass off the floor. She was simply too wide to fit through the stairwell; and besides which she wasn’t sure if the wooden floor above her could hold her weight without buckling.

Rarity’s business was still booming; not so much in terms of full body outfits. They were almost impossible to create for ponies now, with the ever growing population literally outgrowing clothes before they were even properly started. However hats and accessories were always in high demand, as well as fetching blankets and pillow covers.

On top of her clothing empire, Rarity was approached by BubbleBeaker, who offered her as much free food as she and Sweetie could eat as long as she helped improve different brands images. She helped make functional designs into things that weren’t just tools, but were also pieces of art.

Carts, Belly Boards, scooters, and feeding apparatus were the most common for customers, and since new technology was always being designed for the growing population, there were always new designs on her desk.

Rarity still relied on her eyesight, so she was thrilled as she gained more and more weight, that the weight still seemed centered on everywhere but her face. Her face belonged to an immobile pony such as herself, but she wasn’t like Spike or Gilda who couldn’t see or eat without the help of tubes.

Rarity couldn’t help but smile as she put the finishing touches on a lovely new hat for Sweetie Belle, who was likely near the front door out of Rarity’s line of sight. After dinner, Rarity would gift Sweetie with her new hat just in time for the CMC to make their first national appearances as spokesponies for BucDonald’s. Rarity couldn’t be more proud.

Applejack was bursting at the seams with pride and happiness.

Even with her bound in an ever expanding room outside the farmhouse proper, Granny and the farmhands always kept Applejack in the know. With Big Mac officially too large to leave the kitchen, it was up to the hired help to keep Sweet Apple Acres flourishing.

Flourish it did, especially with Stout Wrangler’s help. The farm had never been so prosperous, and with Apple Bloom and her friends being chosen as spokesponies for BucDonald’s (Sweet Apple Acres apples featuring in deserts of course), their fortunes could only grow.

Applejack’s impressive stomach lifted her into the air, acting as a mattress since nothing pony made could lift Applejack enough to put something underneath her expanding mass. Her legs had long been swallowed by the dual powers of her plot and her stomach; sandwiched between countless folds and rolls that spread across the floor and pressed into each other. Granny said sometimes that it was hard to remember that Applejack had ever been pony shaped.

Applejack’s family was safe, and the farm was prosperous. She couldn’t be any happier; though she did miss helping with the chores. She hoped that Stout would find some way for her to continue working, even if they never needed money again.

Applejack missed having things to do sometimes, but she was surrounded by ponies that helped her family thrive. Plus, all the free BucDonald’s she could eat was an added bonus. Applejack enjoyed it when they had to expand her shelter: it gave her more ponies to talk to.

Fluttershy, while she was keenly missing her pony friends, was pleasantly surprised she didn’t mind not having as many pony friends to talk to. She had the delivery ponies who gave her letters almost every day (never from Twilight anymore, but she was a busy pony, it was to be expected), from her friends across Ponyville and beyond. Her animal friends were scattered across available surfaces, including the massive expanse of Fluttershy’s plot and flanks.

With Stout Wrangler’s help, Fluttershy would have had to get rid of many of her immobile friends since she lacked the dexterity to care for them properly. However, with hired hooves, Fluttershy and her friends could live comfortably.

Even Discord, who had finally succumbed to the blissful chaos of the new world, and had happily eaten himself into ‘immobility’. Up until around six months ago, he could still move, even at his impossible size. After that though, he grew more content to lay on his stomach in what was once Fluttershy’s kitchen, facing Fluttershy herself so they could still talk and have tea.

Discord didn’t use his magic much since then, either. Whenever Fluttershy asked, he simply said he didn’t have the energy for it. When he did use magic, even Fluttershy could feel the difference. It was like there wasn’t enough there anymore, which Fluttershy found odd but since Twilight had written back saying everything was fine, and not to worry, Fluttershy didn’t worry.

Discord’s hind hooves were gone, sucked into the sleeves of fat that hung off his flank and his...knees? Fluttershy still wasn’t sure what terminology to use, but it still fit, she supposed. He had use of his front paws, but all he did with them was eat or drink tea. Even then, much of his flair was gone. Truth be told, he just seemed...tired.

When the assistants came back, Fluttershy would write to Twilight again. Surely, Discord had had no trouble before and had never really seemed tired ever.

It’ll be fine. Fluttershy soothed herself, watching as Discord drifted off to sleep after binging on an impressive amount of sarsaparilla strawberry cilantro cupcakes Pinkie had sent that morning. I’m sure everything will be fine.

“Everything’s fine, Apple Bloom! Don’t worry!” Sweetie Belle tried to soothe her friend, her smile still bright under the large and exquisite hat she wore. She was resting in a comically large tent, watching as Scootaloo stuffed herself on another oat burger as Apple Bloom fretted about conference? Sweetie wasn’t exactly sure what to call it; it was the ceremony revealing the Cutie Mark Crusaders to be the spokesponies for BucDonald’s.

The rewards for doing so were immense; and already visible. The three fillies were stuffed full of fast food, with a groaning table off to the side of the tent. They had their new scooters, a lifetime supply of food, and apparently if they did their job well enough; more rewards would follow.

An intern poked his head into the tent, headset on and a clipboard floating in front of his cart, “Alright girls, it’s time to go.”

Apple Bloom looked ready to cry, but Scootaloo smiled a bright smile, “C’mon! You’re with us! We’ll be fine!”

Apple Bloom nodded, popping the last of a burger into her mouth and chewing frantically, “‘k.”

“That’s the spirit!” Sweetie cried, “C’mon! We don’t want to disappoint Chuckles!”

Chuckles had looked worried when the trio had told him Twilight hadn’t eaten the burger yet, and had even seemed angry. Though later, he’d come back and apologized with a big smile on his face: Twilight had eaten it shortly after they had given her the food, and apparently Twilight had loved it! So much so that she’d placed a huge order in order to get as many as she could eat. Chuckles had been so happy.

Chuckles had asked them to become new spokesponies for BucDonald’s after Twilight moved back to Canterlot. They were thrilled, and accepted right away after asking their respective families.

Now was their public debut. Chuckles was nowhere to be seen, but Quick Serve was. He waved them onto the stage, behind the curtain so their identity was protected from the prying eyes of the public for just a few minutes longer.

Behind the curtain was a long table weighed heavily down by a spread of various goods offered by BucDonald’s: fries, burgers (oat and hay!), carrot dogs, pizza,tacos, and much more were present. Large bottles of Colta-ColaTM were present as well, glistening in the sunlight.

“Girls! I know you’ve worked...hard for this. Today I need you how much BucDonald’s food!”

“We have to eat...all this?” Scootaloo licked her muzzle, eyes alight with hunger though she had eaten her fair share of food inside the tent while they waited.

Quick Serve smiled brightly, “Yes ma’am! If you could get...yourselves set up behind the table, I’ll give you the...que to start eating. It’ll be when the...curtain rises.”

Scootaloo had wheeled herself to the far right of the table, glee written all over her features, “We won’t down!”

Quick Serve nodded, before guiding his own scooter to the curtain, “You’ll be great,” with that, he exited onto the portion of the stage that was visible to the audience to a great cheer.

Apple Bloom parked herself beside Scootaloo, leaving Sweetie to take the far left. After situating themselves, Sweetie smiled at the still nervous Apple Bloom. Over the sounds of cheering faded, Quick Serve started his welcome speech. Apple Bloom looked ready to panic, eyes wide and fixated on the curtain.

“Apple Bloom, we’ve been eating in front of everypony for over a year now! We’ll be fine. We can do this in our sleep. Just eat like you do when it’s just us!”

Apple Bloom nodded, swallowing, “Okay.”

“You’re fine. You heard Quick Serve, we’ll be great!”

Apple Bloom nodded more emphatically, “Yes!”

Just then, the curtains began to rise allowing more cheering and applause to wash over the fillies. With nary a hesitation between the three of them, they dove into the piles of food: eating as if they hadn’t in weeks. As they ate, their flanks itched for a few seconds before stopping. Neither of the three fillies noticed, but the interns standing to both sides of the stage did.

Sweetie Belle’s flanks were adorned with a container full of french fries. Scootaloo’s was a picture-perfect oat burger. Apple Bloom’s was a slice of pizza. The girls, unknowingly, gained their cutie marks doing the thing that consumed most thoughts: eating food.

Up in a cloud mansion in the sky Rainbow Dash watched the ceremony with glee, though truthfully she was only half paying attention since she was muzzle deep into a deep dish pizza.

Shady Skies was humming in the kitchen, out of Rainbow’s sight, but Rainbow didn’t mind. Shady was always cooking, and didn’t even eat that much as she did so! She was the only pegasus Rainbow had seen for months that was mobile under her own power; using a pegasi version of a Belly Board so Shady’s stomach wouldn’t disrupt the expansive cloud layer supporting Rainbow’s house.

It paid to be the number one eating champion in Cloudsdale, which was the only reason Rainbow hadn’t had to be moved to the ground. She could afford to continually build up the cloud layer under her house so it would support her enormity. Rainbow had had to have her house be reconstructed around her to fit her expanding bulk, which turned out to be a good thing. Rainbow had forgotten how nice it was to not be wedged into an uncomfortable corner. Though she had felt bad for the mare she had trapped under her flank when the wall had disappeared.

Training Scootaloo had been a real boost to Rainbow’s confidence, and so now she was always training to up her game; after all, Pinkie had entered the next eating contest as well, so Rainbow needed to be prepared. Swallowing the last bite of pizza, Rainbow contented herself with watching the Cutie Mark Crusaders continuing battle against the feast in front of them with interest.
“You better not be slowing down in there!” Shady’s voice cut through the contentedness of being full, jolting Rainbow out of the almost food coma, “Don’t forget that Pinkie Pie is at the next contest, and you don’t want to lose to her again do you?!”

Rainbow sighed, nudging the pan away from her mouth with her muzzle, “No ma’am!”

“Good! You ready for the next course!?”


Shady Skies dragged herself over to Rainbow and placed a pan full of thick, cheesy lasagna down in front of Rainbow’s face, taking the empty pan, “You ready to beat Pinkie!”

Without replying, Rainbow plunged her muzzle into the pan like Soarin eating a pie. Shady smiled sourly, then turned back into the kitchen. She still had a job to do.

Pinkie swallowed the mouthful of cupcake thoughtfully, allowing the blend of flavours to dance across her tongue, even as her mind and stomach screamed for more. Pumpkin cupcakes with caramel cream cheese!? How could she not have thought of that before? Eagerly Pinkie utilized the last of her mobility and nodded, causing ripples and jiggling throughout her many chins, neck rolls, and across her gargantuan chest.

As a reward, another cupcake was popped into her open and awaiting mouth. Pinkie chewed thoughtfully. Was that mocha? With espresso buttercream? The idea was nice, but the follow through was not so good. Pinkie shook her head, and she heard the baker sigh in sadness.

“‘S’okay...make...less...bitter.” Pinkie gasped slowly through swollen lips, trying to smile that bright smile that made her eyes crinkle, even though she was blindfolded. After all, what kind of taste-tester was biased because things were baked by her friends!? Since Pinkie was friends with everypony in Ponyville, she needed to make doubly sure that things were baked goods and not baked bads.

Pinkie hummed to herself in her head, chewing on a coconut cream pie. Not very original, and BubbleBeaker already had a patented recipe. Weren’t silly ponies supposed to do their research? Pinkie shook her head again.

Pinkie couldn’t wait to see Dash at the next eating contest, so much so that Pinkie hadn’t even made a bet between herself or Gummy about how many pegasi would be needed to fly Dashie down from her home!

Maybe, if Dashie and I get to talking, we can organize for us girls to all meet up again! It’s been so long since we’ve seen Twilight.

Twilight was back in Canterlot, near Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and her home; though she never saw the latter. Ever. Celestia and Luna she saw by virtue of the three of them occupying the throne room together.

Twilight didn’t need to worry about anymore, other than making sure her precious special burgers were always at hoof, usually accompanied by fries and more milkshakes than Twilight could have thought of consuming before she got fat.

Celestia was...technically right next to Twilight, but was also as far away as she’d been when Twilight had lived in Ponyville. Princess Celestia’s stomach was a mattress, spreading meters out from her ‘torso’. Twilight’s stomach was smaller by comparison, but enormous in its own right: Twilight's and Celestia’s sides were touching, but they couldn’t reach each other, and with the constant stuffing, were only able to pant out small sentences before overcome with their addictions to fatty foods.

Celestia gorged on endless servings of chili cheese fries, the tomato sauce leaving stains all over her white fur; mostly around her muzzle and chins. Meanwhile, Princess Luna ate nothing but tacos, though with her colouring it was almost impossible to see food stains.

A tired but pleased looking mare entered the throne room, using her magic to pull a chain of carts behind her. Under her watch, these ponies were fed and looked after, and Honey Night was pleased with the results. Honey Night got to see how large ponies could get, since these three did nothing but eat. They barely talked anymore, even amongst each other.

Thanks to BubbleBeaker’s secret formula; the three mares in front of her were so fixated on their choice of food that they wanted nor cared about anything else. They just mindlessly gorged on the piles of food in front of them, happily munching and crunching through their endless feasts, never realizing how much weight they were putting on.

No hooves were visible, just pillow-like appendages where hooves were buried under untold layers of fat. If it weren’t for their central position in the throne room, Celestia’s massive size alone would have crushed the dias and throne she once held court from. Luna would have crushed her old bed if she could lift herself onto it. Twilight was so large she couldn’t fit into any sized cart at all, much less any other furniture built for the largest of normal ponies.

The three ponies who caused the most threat to BubbleBeaker’s monopoly over the world were so consumed by their own addictions that they cared nothing for the changing world around them. They were so absorbed in their own food, that they no longer even cared for themselves.

Across Canterlot, in the new more modern section of the city, BubbleBeaker sat behind a truly large desk, watching with unrestricted glee as Stout Wrangler’s body seemed to just ooze forward every few seconds. This was thanks to the new formula his scientists in Griffonstone had developed, which used magic and dragon scales to help boost the processing of calories into fat without allowing the body to realize it had access to an abundance of magic (and food) again.

To the left of Stout was BubbleBeaker’s crowning achievement: a web of video feeds that allowed him to see his work unfold. Some were from TV stations around the world, and many were stationed in Ponyville and in Canterlot. At any time, BubbleBeaker could turn the monitors on and watch as Equestria fell more and more under his control.

Now, he could see Twilight and the Princesses in the palace; gorging themselves into sizes that had previously been unthinkable, all thanks to the addicting formula that Stout Wrangler was currently enjoying the end product of. The Princesses and Twilight had been too dangerous to wait for the full formula, but they were still facing the consequences of their gluttony.

There was Gilda’s bakery, where Gilda’s mass had finally gotten so large that she could no longer fit into a building.

The town square in Ponyville: absolutely bursting with fat ponies watching the Cutie Mark Crusaders eat a truly tremendous amount of BucDonald’s. They were the right choice for spokesponies, it was evident even though they didn’t have their cutie marks yet.

BubbleBeaker leaned back in his chair, eyes moving lazily from monitor to monitor, though he watched a scene unfolding between Discord and Fluttershy. Discord was subject to a strong magical depletion spell, cast constantly by Fluttershy’s assistants to help keep the beast under control. Besides which, Discord had friends now, and this just kept him nice and docile for everyone involved. It was easier that way, and less messy.

BubbleBeaker smiled at his expansive empire, “I told you Twilight. I said you’d see the whole picture.”


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Acting on hunger impulses Twilight had been, knowingly and not knowingly, indulging for too long for it to even register, Twilight unwrapped the special burger. She brought it to her lips as she finished the sketch, and compared it to the picture. They looked eerily similar, even considering Twilight’s lack of artistic talent.

I need to contact the princesses! Twilight thought, opening her mouth wide. This action caught her attention, and she struggled with the urge to bite down on what was sure to be delicious. I have to get to Canterlot! The ponies need to know, they need to know! Screaming in anger, her willpower snapping back into place,Twilight finally regained control of her faculties; her magic flashed, and she teleported herself right in front of Princess Celestia, who was muzzle-deep in an exquisite looking cake.

Celestia blinked in surprise, “What-”

In a rush, Twilight explained what she’d found. Who knew that resisting the call of a burger could save the world?

Several Weeks Later

Twilight skimmed over the drafts and magical theories, completely absorbed in her work. She was close to a breakthrough, she knew it. There was a way to kickstart metabolisms again, she just had to find it.

After hours of reading BubbleBeaker’s too small, cramped handwriting, Twilight threw the papers onto her desk. She rolled herself to her chalkboard, and flipped it over with her magic to the clean side.

BubbleBeaker had been arrested along with Stout Wrangler, as had many of the upper people within their vast web. Equestria’s prisons weren’t used to handling so many prisoners, but already there were deals going on to shorten sentences and clear the backlog a little. Hard work and information about what BubbleBeaker had been doing and his technology were always valued over empty prison time.

Which was why Twilight had the schematics, reports, and other papers that she had now. BubbleBeaker had been meticulous, and the most damning evidence he’d kept hidden in his own filing cabinets. It was a miracle he hadn’t had time to destroy them before the police had arrived.

Now that BubbleBeaker’s factories had been cleared of their magical draining properties, ponies who had previously not gotten incredibly fat were already dieting their way to be more thin: mostly older ponies whose bodies couldn’t handle the strain of mass amounts of fat. It was a good sign, that ponies could now lose weight when they tried.

Now, Twilight was trying to find a solution that was better than just ‘diet and exercise’. If BubbleBeaker had created all of this technology, then it only stood to reason he (at least) had theories on how to reverse things if necessary. All Twilight had been able to find was that BubbleBeaker had some strong formula he’d meant to use on Celestia, Luna, and herself: one that made them addicted to whatever foods he put them in. It would have neutralized them as a threat, and it made Twilight even happier to know she’d resisted it’s call.

The problem now, was making it possible for ponies like Twilight to lose unwanted weight with relative ease. Twilight herself knew how hard it was to slow down her ‘usual’ rate of eating, much less resist the cravings that tempted her at every turn. Not everypony had enough willpower to diet themselves down to a reasonable size, which was why Twilight was trying her best to find any answers she could. Surely he left some answers.

Twilight wasn’t necessarily expecting all of the answers, but even a clue would be worth it. Sighing, Twilight turned her attention to the mass amounts of papers she hadn’t finished sorting through yet. Hopefully something would be in there. If not, Twilight would have a puzzle to work on for a long time.


Discord pouted, arms crossed over his flabby chest as he watched Fluttershy be lifted onto the industrial scale.

Even Discord couldn’t help but stop pouting for a moment when the doctor smiled widely, “Good job, Fluttershy! You’re down ten pounds!”

Fluttershy squeaked in happiness, “Yay! When can I start helping my little animal friends again?”

“If you keep losing at this rate, it won’t be long! Maybe another month or so!”

Fluttershy wriggled in excitement, causing the equipment to creak and groan. That caused her to stop, blushing madly, “Sorry doctor.”

“It’s alright, there’s no harm done. I’ll come back in another couple of weeks. In the meantime I want you to stick to your diet and do your exercises. It’s unlikely you’ll ever be as thin as you were, but if we can get you mobile we can get you outside.”

“Thank you again! I’ll be sure to make sure Angel doesn’t snack anymore either.”

Discord looked over at the bunny in question, who had gotten so fat he was practically a sphere of flesh. Angel had been immobile for a long time, and was used to eating incredible amounts for a bunny. He was upset with his recent diet, and it showed even on his fat squinting face.

The doctor smiled, “Good! I’ll tell Doctor Fauna when I see her. She was able to stand up the other day.”

“That’s fantastic! Tell her I say congratulations! See you soon!”

Fluttershy laboriously waved the doctor out the door as he waddled his way outside. She then waited patiently to be gently deposited onto the floor, and sighed happily.

“Isn’t this nice, Discord?”

Discord shrugged, looking around Fluttershy’s crowded house at the array of obese animals. Many were immobile, or so close to it it no longer mattered. Discord heaved a sigh, “It could be worse, could be better.”

“Whatever do you mean?”

“The chaos this was all generating was just so invigorating! You have no idea Fluttershy, how boring Equestria can be once you’ve resigned yourself to a specific role. I’m the master of chaos, but now I’m reduced to nothing more than a guard of Tia’s realm.”

“I think you’ve been doing an excellent job of that, Discord! After all, you helped the princesses when they couldn't get out of their castle, right? And you helped try to find us.”

“And I failed, Fluttershy, failed!” Discord threw his arms into the air, the movement causing him to jiggle madly, “I couldn’t find you when it mattered most! I felt the harmony and the order coming off of so many places that I didn’t even bother to check! If I ignored-”

“If you ignored your instincts then my friends and I wouldn’t be as successful as we are now,” Fluttershy interrupted. “What happened to us wasn’t okay, but I know you did your best, and that’s what mattered. Besides, I think things turned out okay, don’t you?”

Discord sighed, but nodded in agreement, “That’s true, isn’t it? This could’ve been much worse.”

Fluttershy nodded, “Now, can you tell me about the princesses? How are they?”

Discord’s smirk slid back into place as he leaned closer to Fluttershy. This made Fluttershy immediately more happy. Things were returning to normal, and that was nice.

Rarity hummed happily to herself, using her magic to sew clothes that were incredibly small in comparison to her own girth. As ponies decided to stay large, or shrink down, Rarity’s services had once been in high demand.

Rarity was beyond successful, and her expertise had been been in high demand by both important ponies in the fashion industry, and by ponies who wanted a new wardrobe. Thin was still old fashioned, but immobility didn’t always fit everyone.

If Rarity wanted to, she could lose most of her weight. She doubted she would ever get to her previous thinness, but she could become mobile again if she wanted. She had the willpower, had the money, and she was sure there was somepony who could help if she simply asked.

However in all of this, Rarity had become a massive figure in the fashion industry. What she did would impact the industry she’d worked so hard to transform, and even though beauty came in all shapes and forms, Rarity felt that thin had been in for too long. For now she would stay her current size, and help ponies of all sizes with their wardrobes.


Rainbow was so close to her personal best it hurt. Quicker, quicker- Pushing herself harder and harder, muscles aching from the effort, sweat beading across her body but her uniform was a good one. Stretching over her body and wicking away sweat before it was a problem.

Just a bit harder- Rainbow grunted, swallowing hard. She could do this, she could do thi-

“AND TIME!” A voice bellowed from below, almost in tandem with a horn. Rainbow stopped, sides heaving. Panting and wheezing for breath, she looked up from the massive table of now-empty pie tins to look at the judge, then at the crowd.

Had she done it? Had she beat her record?

“Ladies and gentlecolts!” The announcer yelled, to much cheering and applause. “Miss Rainbow Dash has done it again, folks! She’s beaten her record and has eaten 70 pies in forty-five minutes! This beats the best of Pinkie or anypony’s records out of the water!”

More thunderous applause rocked the stadium. Rainbow lifted her fat legs as high as she could, about as high as her mouth, in rejoice. It didn’t matter her legs were already burning from the exertion of lifting 70 pies to her mouth in forty-five minutes, this was victory and it tasted sweet.


“Okay, everypony! Follow me as best you can!” Pinkie yelled. From her seated position in Canterlot’s palace, Pinkie the perfect view of her students. Ponies, all immobilized, were either pinned to the ground by gargantuan bellies or were resting in carts.

As for why Pinkie was sitting...well, she lead these jazzercise classes here twice a week in between helping the Cakes and visiting her friends.

Celestia and Luna were there, in front of the class. Sweating together, and following along as best their bloated bodies would allow. Celestia was more intent on losing weight than Luna was, but Luna wanted to increase her fitness level. Maybe slim down until she was mobile again. She just enjoyed spending time with Celestia and others.

Celestia could raise her front legs fairly well, but Luna could just about raise them from where they were resting against her mattress of a stomach. Both mares however, were equally sweat coated...Heck all the ponies here were drenched in sweat, even the ones who could just twitch their muscles.

Fleur de Lis was there, as were some of the other big-shots in Canterlot. Photo Finish, Prince Blueblood, and a few others were regulars. A lot of people attended the class once or twice before quitting, but Pinkie didn’t mind.

Pinkie had lost the most weight out of her friends. She was still fat, basically everypony was, but she was thin in comparison to just about everypony around. She liked it, she still got to eat what she wanted, but she could see and help everypony. Helping, by running classes like this, or by delivering cupcakes and other pastries.

“Okay everypony! Keep lifting those legs, or twitching them, whatever works for you! I know you can do it! Just listen to the beat! And don’t forget to drink plenty of water!”

Pinkie was having fun, and she was doing it her way. What else was new?


Applejack waddled back and forth in front of the very infrastructure Stout Wrangler and all those nasty ponies had put in place at her farm when she and the others had gotten too big to work the farm like they’d once had.

Applejack had lost some weight, bordering on the edge of immobility even with four Belly Boards, but had plateaued. All she did these days was pace back and forth in the barn, ‘test’ her stock before it went out, and then went back into the house for more food.

And she was bored. So bored. Too fat to work the farm like she’d had as a thinner mare, but just mobile enough to not spend her whole life eating.

“You sure I can’t do-”

“Nope, I’ve got it,” Replied Granny Smith. She operated the controls. She was by far the thinnest member of the Apple Family, mostly because of her hip.

Apple Bloom was still the chief taster, still trapped in a fleshy prison of her own making in the middle of the ‘factory’ floor, but she enjoyed herself. Now that food demand wasn’t quite so large, they weren’t bringing in the profits they used to.

Which meant less paperwork. Which meant Applejack had even less to do than normal. Their profit margins were smaller, but there was still profit margins to be had. Which was good.

So, technically, Applejack was fine. Things she was too fat to do were taken care of, but so was everything else.

Maybe she’d make the trek to Sugarcube Corner. Get some treats for the whole family.

For Next Time

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Copper Badge was a mare of simple tastes and simple pleasures. She liked catching bad guys, liked rubbing it in their faces, and enjoyed donuts.

She also liked justice being served. And liked it when good ponies seemed to repent.

Sweetie Star had been one of the bigger record-keepers for BubbleBeaker and the others, but hadn’t actually known anything of what was going on. Not really. When she’d been arrested five months previous, she’d been terrified and scared and had given up all the information she’d had willingly.

The courts, because of her help and excellent filing systems, had found her to be just an unknowing pawn in BubbleBeaker’s schemes. So after serving five months, she was now free to go.

All those months gorging on cakes and the high calorie cafeteria food had done a number on her figure, so much so that even being in prison hadn’t caused her to lose all that much weight. The unicorn was in a cart, one of the largest ever built, and it was a tight squeeze. And that was after losing over a hundred pounds due to the prison system’s mandatory diets.

Copper Badge waddled alongside Sweetie. Copper wasn’t as large as Chief or the more important ponies, but she was quite chubby in her own right.

“I’m glad you’re finally out of here, Star,” Copper said breathlessly.

“Yeah, me too,” Sweetie Star replied smiling up at the sunlight. Copper was walking her to the gates, where Sweetie had transport waiting, “I’m glad I can get out of here. The diet’s been brutal.”

“I know the lack of cake has been hurting you something fierce, but it’s the best we can do. Hey, maybe you can sign up for a gym membership or something, keep losing.”

Sweetie Star gave an approximation of a shrug. “Nah, I don’t think so. But maybe, who knows now I have the whole of Equestria at my hooves?”

“That’s the spirit,” Copped nodded to one of the guards, who slid open the gate for Sweetie Star. “Now go on. You’ve done us all proud. Serving Equestria like you did...I’m just sorry I couldn’t get the judge to reduce your sentence further.”

Sweetie gave a hesitant laugh, looking embarrassed, “Don’t. Please. I uh..hope you have a good day.”

“Have a good life, Miss Star.” Copper nodded. She stayed outside long enough to make sure Sweetie Star got loaded properly, then turned and went back into the prison.

One of the guards was there, looking worried, “He’s at it again, Badge. You gotta stop him. He’s making the others mad.”

Copper sighed a bit, waving a hoof at the guard “Let him be, the others are in cages too, it’s not like they can hurt each other.”

“Alright sir… just… he’s a little bit louder than usual, to the point where the warden can hear him.”

Copper raised her eyebrows worried, the last thing she wanted was the warden throwing his immense weight around and getting her in trouble. Like that time she caught him sweet talking Stout Wrangler, which was quickly put on the down low.

“Alright alright, I’ll see about getting him to shut up. It’s not like we can get anything useful out of him anymore,” she commented as she slowly began her ponderous waddle into the cell block.

She could smell the wet concrete if she tried, the idea of maximum security for a pony was unheard of until ‘he’ showed up. They had him on 24 hour surveillance while they built it, and practically threw a party when he was finally locked up in the prison’s basement. Unfortunately, concrete made an excellent echo chamber and thus the damn pony’s propaganda projected out of it like some kind of megaphone. Outside of the second metal gate stood two guards… well… they placed to guards there, the two massive blobbish ponies on either side of the gate, instructed to roll over onto their sides to block the exit and radio for reinforcements.

“How long has he been rambling?” Copper asked, looking up at one of the massive guards. No response.

“HOW LONG HAS HE BEEN RAMBLING?!” she yelled, causing the guard to jump, pulling out some cotton from his ear.

“Uh… it’s been… a little over half an hour madam.”

“Dear Celestia above, does he even breathe?” She mumbled, unlocking the first gate and slowly dragging herself down the fifty yard hallway of concrete. His words were loud and prominent, a rambling declaration of insanity.

“All creatures of Equestria deserve to live happy and content. What vile prison is this land where one must work to the hoof, claw, and talon to maintain some type of proper living. I was the only one willing to pull the trigger, to push pony kind into a new era, a beautiful era, where every pony could eat their fill and more. I was the only one willing to stand at the top, and lead all of you into salvation, even if that meant being so high up that my visage was hidden by the clouds.

I, Bubble Beaker, am the only one to properly rule all of Equestria, to allow Celestia and Luna freedom from the shackles of leadership.”

Copper banged on the door, yelling “aye there, at least quiet down a bit, some of us have actual work to do.” And yet, he still continued to ramble, on and on about the right to feast and fulfill deep desires. Copper peered through the bars, the room was dark, but she could see the silhouette of the pony standing in his room, rocking back and forth a bit on his legs.

“I’M WARNIN’ YAH, IF YOU DON'T STOP NOW, I’LL GET THE KEYS FROM THE WARDEN AND GAG YAH!” she whinnied once more, looking into the cell a bit, seeing Bubble Beaker proclaim, demand, and exclaim. His rant didn’t immediately stop.

“THAT'S IT, I’M GETTIN THE WARDEN!” she snapped, stomping away from the cell, her belly jiggling violently with each clackin hoofstep.

“-Even with my body locked in here, my message has been declared, the blue prints have been drawn, I will have a successor who desires a better future for Ponies, Gryphons, Dragons, and all of the creatures that call this place home. No one can stop the forward movement of pro-“ Click.

An almost unnoticeable pause. A high-pitched, almost static whine. Click.

“-The future of pony kind was at the reach of our hooves…” The earlier rant continued.

Copper stopped, her heart practically jumping out of her thick chest, she turned her head back at the door before bolting as fast as she could out of there.


It was too late though, when Copper got the key from the warden and entered BubbleBeaker’s cell, all that awaited them was a tape player, a bunch of bound up blankets and pillows in the shape of a pony, and an oscillating fan attached to it all, pulling it slightly left and right.

Bubble Beaker had escaped.


Outside, now miles and miles from the prison because of the speedy transport awarded to her, Sweetie Star grimaced as BubbleBeaker climbed and tugged his way out from between two of her massive folds. He’d been stuck far in, using a small tube to breathe.

“Ugh, that was disgusting.”

Sweetie rolled her eyes, “What, were my rolls too sweaty or something?” Her voice thick with sarcasm.

BubbleBeaker huffed a sigh, glaring up at her from where he was still half-hidden in the bed of this transport, “No no, I remembered that asinine monologue I’d been prattling on for the past couple of weeks. I find the idea of long drawn out flowery prose absolutely useless and frustrating. Now, don’t forget why you did this. I have no qualms reneging from my end of the contract.”

Sweetie Star whined, frowning, “ promised all the cake I could eat if I got you out!”

“And I will,” BubbleBeaker promised, “I will. But not until I’m safe, and not if you go blabbing!”

Sweetie Star managed not to roll her eyes this time, “Not like I have anyone else to tattle to. Not after five months in prison.”

BubbleBeaker smiled, a secret, mystery of a smile. One that hinted at the intellect and future plans. “Oh, I wouldn’t be so sure of that.”

All he had to be sure of this time was being even more careful. Nopony was going to stop him this time.