> The Guard Captain's Duty > by krummi > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Of a Midnight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shining Armor was grateful for the silencing spell his sister had given him. She hadn’t asked why her older brother wanted to know the spell. She had also been more than happy to teach him. She had even watched him cast it and then listened for him to move while she her eyes closed. Twilight Sparkle had even given him instructions on how to improve the spell, so that he would be obscured from sight as well as from movement. He hadn’t needed it though, not at this time of night. The guards were all at their station, and Shining Armor knew their rotations like he knew his own hoof. Instead, he waited until he could feel the magic singing through his body. As he remembered, his hooves tingled slightly as the spell finished, and the unicorn stallion began moving. Torches enchanted with unicorn magic illumined the halls of the royal palace, and the pillars cast long, deep shadows. The white unicorn stud moves in the deepest part of the shadows, more out of force of habit than anything else. While he might know the guard rotations, he can’t be certain of where Princess Luna might be at any particular moment in time. With infinite care, he continues down the little known back passageways. He could where needs to be much faster if he took a more direct route. Being direct just is not an option in this case, not with this particular duty. A small shudder began just behind his horn, ran down beneath his mane, and ran the length of his body until it reached his tail. It flicked slightly, and Shining Armor drew to a sudden halt in a pool of near total darkness. He waited for at least a half-minute before he continued on his way, certain that no pony had seen him. Eventually, he reached the door he needed. Again, he was thankful to have Twilight Sparkle for a sister. Her encyclopedic knowledge of spells had its advantages. Shining Armor’s horn ached slightly. Despite months of use and practice, this spell was still not something he was used to. The mahogany door opened, as if in a dream, and the white male unicorn stepped inside. He used his back right hoof to push the door closed behind him and only once he heard the handle click back into place did he allow himself to move. He moved through the red silk curtains, lowering his head so his horn would not get caught on any of the silver tassels. His hoof falls were silent still, and would remain so. The element of surprise had been something added to these encounters, and although he was felt uncomfortable with on a personal level, it was something that he had been ordered on pain of dismissal to continue to include. The unicorn stallion took pride in his position in the palace, and knew his family did so likewise. He couldn’t think of the looks they would give him if they had found he had been dismissed for failing to follow this one particular order. He remembered how this had all begun, the midnight visits and the script he now stuck to. It had been just after Hearts and Hooves Day, and Shining Armor hadn’t been able to conceal his excitement about the thought of spending a night with his beloved. All day, his member had been plump, ready to drop at a moments notice. Some of the other guards had teased him about it, but it was in a good natured manner. However, after sparring practice, he had been approached and commanded. Now, three months later, he was still following through on those commands. Eventually, he passed under the last of the draperies and saw the by now familiar white rump, golden tail raised ever so slightly, and the cutie mark that the Guard Captain had come to hate. Shining Armor resisted the urge to snort, and thought again of Cadence, of her laugh, of her kind eyes, of the few times she had fanned her tail and let his tongue lick her quivering hind lips, and when her delicate and well polished hoof had teased his cock. They had yet to rut together as mare and stallion, but if he wanted that to happen, if he wanted to keep his position in the royal guard, he needed to continue in this duty. He lowered his head and with his teeth nipped right above his blackmailer’s tail. Prince Blueblood didn’t even look over his shoulder as he arched his tail even more, exposing a tailhole that today smelled of spearmint and rosemary. Shining Armor knew what he had to do next, and did his best not to grimace. If Prince Blueblood felt a grimace on his muzzle, Shining Armor knew he would have to go through with this again, and next time the tailhole would have no masking scent or flavor. The guard captain’s broad tongue traced the outline of the ring of muscle slowly, just the way Prince Blueblood had told him he liked it. The contented sigh from beneath him told Shining Armor all he needed to know. Apparently he had managed to master the muscles of his snout, and none of his disgust shone through. His tongue completed the circle and then he lifted his muzzle. Exhaling, he rotated his nostrils in the opposite direction in which he had moved his tongue. The way Prince Blueblood’s haunches twitched served as confirmation that though he hated this particular duty, at least he did it well. Again, Shining Armor lowered his head, and this time his tongue moved directly over and across the puckered muscle. The taste matched the smell, and Shining Armor was thankful for that at least. It was crisp, almost refreshing, and made the task much easier. He found himself lapping at the tailhole in earnest, as a third, subtle flavor rolled over his tongue. Licorice, he thought to himself, and the combination of tastes was not nearly as unpleasant as it might sound. Instead, he kept his head down and allowed himself to find limited pleasure in what he was doing. His tongue pushed in and around the anus, taking all of the scent and flavor he could. The taste of mint still in mouth, Shining Armor used a different spell. This one he had found with Prince Blueblood’s instruction in one of the back corners of the royal library. He felt his member pop loose from its sheath, broad flared head dripping from the magic that had animated it to full hardness. With no subtlety or further ministration, Shining Armor reared up and wrapped his forelegs around the royal’s midsection. He rutted forwards, his first attempt at penetration dragging the head of his engorged member between the Prince’s pert ass cheeks. He had missed, and the guard captain adjusted himself, taking the royal’s mane between his molars. He thrust again, and this time felt the ring of muscle resist before giving way to the force of his thrust. A moan from the unicorn stallion beneath him was almost enough to force Shining Armor to forget the spell and lose his erection, he kept his mind on the appropriate magical foci and began to rut. When this had begun, Prince Blueblood had been quite explicit about what he wanted. He wanted it rough, hard, and brutal. He wanted his ass to burn from the force of the guard’s captain thrusting. He wanted to have a slight limp as he walked to his appointments the next day. Shining Armor did all that, each thrust hard and done so that as much of his unicorn meat could slide in and out with each motion as possible. He would have to talk to Twilight about a spell for temporary deafness he thought to himself as the Prince called out in pleasure, Shining Armor’s flare obviously rubbing against the prostate. Shining Armor continue his thrusting, doing what he could to pick up speed. The sooner he came, the sooner he emptied his balls into the stallion below him, the sooner he could return to his bed. The sounds of moaning and hips slamming into buttocks filled the royal chamber. The guard captain was grateful for the drapes, they absorbed much of the sound and prevented anyone outside from knowing what took place in the prince’s camber at this time of night. “You love this, don’t you?” Shining Armor recited, trying to put as much of his anger and hatred into the words of the script as he could. It had been something Blueblood had added in the last two weeks, and Shining Armor had been in position to argue. “Love having my thick cock in your tight little royal ass?” he hissed out. He accented the words with a particularly brutal thrust, beginning to feel his climax approaching. “Fuck me, fuck me like I’m a worthless little whore,” Prince Blueblood commanded, his tone wracked with pleasure. Even with another stallion’s meat buried firmly inside of him, the prince’s words carried the authority only born royals learned how to wield. Shining Armor obeyed, picking up his pace, rutting full out. He grunted his anger with each jack hammering thrust of his hips, his cock leaking and leaving a trail of pre-seed deep in the bowels of the prince. He rutted as he wished one day to rut Cadence, and he had to bite his lower lip from saying his beloved's name as he felt his balls tighten and release their load. He kept his grip around Blueblood's midsection until he felt his cock shot the last of its pearly load. He could smell the Royal's heady release on the sheets below. As he pulled out, Shining Armor made sure to leave a tail of thick cum behind dotting the unicorn's backside and balls. He cast a cleaning spell, one he had been able to ask his sister for, and then the silencing spell again As he left the royal chamber, Shining Armor hoped this particular aspect of his duty would end at his wedding. Something, deep within him, told him it would not though.