An Evil Awakens Again

by AllegroShine

First published

Adagio finally convince Sunset into join The Dazzlings so they could defeat Twilight once and for all.

Sunset soon decides to join The Dazzlings, but when Twilight sees that Sunset join The Dazzlings and she sees that Sunset bought 4 new pendants for her, Adagio, Aria, and Sonata. Princess Luna knew something was up. Now the princesses, and Twilight have to team up to save Sunset and defeat the Dazzlings once and for all. FIMFiction editors and publishers, this is a MLP: Friendship Is Magic/ Rainbow Rocks Crossover once Sunset Shimmer and The Dazzlings go to Equestria.

Chapter 1

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The Dazzlings' house,

" Girls I think it's finally time for Sunset to finally become one of us." Said Adagio Dazzle.

" Yeah and when we give one of our pendants, she'll would die just to get into our band." Said Aria Blaze.

" Yeah like we did with that Winx girl, Bloom." Said Sonata Dusk.

" Ugh, go to bed Sonata!" Said Aria Blaze.

" You can't tell me what to do! I'm 18." Said Sonata Dusk.

" Well so I'm smarter than you are!" Said Aria Blaze.

" Aria this has been going on since we meet and Magic Kindergarten. Can you just give it a rest? Sonata hasn't did anything mean to you. You always trying to be in charge of everything, but to be honest, you won't be a Siren or Dazzling at all if you keep on being mean to Sonata. Now apologize. If you do, until you learn your lesson, you are expelled and for being mean to another Siren, you lose your pendant and your license will be hidden and without that, no Siren won't believe you as a Siren or Dazzling." Said Adagio Dazzle.

''Ugh!" Said Aria Blaze running up to her bedroom.

Chapter 2

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At school,

" Sonata, if Sunset agrees to join our band, Aria's fired forever. If she doesn't agree, we put her under our spell." Said Adagio Dazzle.

" Good plan! Um Adagio?" Said Sonata Dusk.

" What is it?" Said Adagio Dazzle nicely.

" When she joins our band, can she and us go out for Tacos since it's Taco Tuesday?" Sonata Dusk asked.

" Sure. Since it's your favorite day in the week!" Said Adagio Dazzle.

"Yes!" Said Sonata Dusk quietly.

In the hallway,

" Hey Adagio! What's up?" Said Sunset Shimmer.

" We decided to fire Aria from our band." Said Adagio Dazzle.

" Thanks." Said Sunset Shimmer.

" So we decided to hire you in Aria's spot." Said Adagio Dazzle.

" Yes!" Said Sunset Shimmer.

"Here's the directions to get to me and Sonata's house so we can recruit you in our place." Said Adagio Dazzle.

" Thanks. I was always trying to get to Twilight's house but she always said to get my own place." Said Sunset Shimmer.

" I think that Twilight wasn't trying to be your friend at all." Said Adagio Dazzle.

" She wasn't at all." Said Sunset.

" Okay then! Just come to your new place after school! " Said Adagio Dazzle.

" Okay then. See you after school! " Said Sunset Shimmer.

Chapter 3

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At The Dazzlings' house,

" Sunset Shimmer. Please come up to get your Dazzlings' reward and pendant." Said Adagio Dazzle.

Sunset Shimmer came up and go her award and pendant. " Adagio, can you put my pendant on?" Sunset Shimmer asked.

" Sure!" Said Adagio Dazzle. Adagio put Sunset's brand new pendant on.

" Ugh what's going on?" Sunset Shimmer asked.

" You're becoming pure evil forever!" Said Adagio Dazzle.

" I don't want this. No. No. NOOOOOOO!" Said Sunset Shimmer.

Sunset let out a evil laugh.

" Hey Adagio. I got a great plan." Said Sunset Shimmer.

" What is it?" Said Adagio Dazzle.

" Since Twilight goes through the mirror at night, we can go right in behind her and since I know a magic spell that can drain a princesses' magic and make you and 2 ponies princesses instead of that used-to-be Princess, we'll be the only princesses in Equestria and Celestia or Luna won't be able to stop us once we get to Twilight and not only that, I can make her a mother of a child who can't do her job as a Princess." Said Sunset Shimmer.

" Sunset. That's. A. Brilliant. Idea!" Said Adagio Dazzle.

Chapter 4

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At night,

" Okay, Twilight's now going through the portal." Said Sunset Shimmer.

" Okay let's go before it's to late cause once she go's through that portal, we have to wait for 30 Moons before we can go again and I don't won't to wait that long!" Said Sunset Shimmer.

Sunset, Adagio, and Sonata through the portal after Twilight.

At Twilight's castle,

" Okay, you two hide so Twilight won't get suspicious and defeat us." Said Sunset Shimmer quietly.

" Okay." Said Adagio and Sonata quietly. Adagio and Sonata decided to go through the back door quietly.

" Sunset! I see you decided to come for training." Said Twilight Sparkle.

" Yeah!" Said Sunset Shimmer so she won't blew her cover.

" Hey can I try this spell on you? Said Sunset Shimmer.

" Sure!'' Said Twilight Sparkle.

" Wait!" Said Twilight Sparkle.

But it was to late.

" Sunset, why are you draining my magic and why am I getting dizzy?" Said Twilight Sparkle and she fainted.

" That'll show you that you can't be the best at everything Twilight Sparkle or should I say Powerless and Useless." Said Sunset.

'' Sunset!?! You have one of The Dazzlings pendant. Why won't you take it off?" said Twilight Sparkle.

''Cause I won't to defeat you once and for all.'' said Sunset Shimmer.

Sunset teleported after she banished Twilight to the moon.

"Okay Girls, get ready to be Equestria's newest, but only Princesses!" Said Sunset Shimmer.

Sunset put a Princess spell on her, Adagio Dazzle, and Sonata Dusk.

" I feel so in control!" Said Adagio Dazzle.

" Yeah we're unbeatable with Twilight's magic!" Said Sonata Dusk

. " I feel powerful than Celestia!" Said Sunset Shimmer, Adagio Dazzle, and Sonata Dusk before leaving out a evil laugh.