> The Greatest Hunter > by OMNIImpressions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Arrival (Rewritten) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ding! I look down at my phone to see its Ryan. Ryan: *Sup Bro* Me: *Not Much* Ryan: *Hmm for some reason I don’t believe that…* Me: *Lol, yeah just getting ready for the Con.* Ryan: *Sweet what ya goin as?* Me: *That's for me to know and you to see* Ryan: *Whatever. I'm going as the courier* Me: *From Fallout NV? Nice* Ryan: *No the courier from MLP. No shit it’s the courier from Fallout you know damn well how much I love that game* Me: *Yes I know full well. It's not like you nearly had a stroke, seizure, and orgasm all at the same time when the announcement for Fallout 4 came out* Ryan: *Shut up! Just get over here* Me: *Aww is the wittle guy mad, that's so cute…* Ryan: *Fuck you too Bro* Me: *ha ha. Oh! Sarah's coming too* Ryan: *Ok. What's she going as?* Me: *Anya from Gears of War 3* Ryan: *Cool…how'd she get the armor and Lancer?* Me: *Don't know. Don't care. Ha!* "James! Get your costume on we're going to be late" My fiancée Sarah yelled from upstairs. "Kay, one minute" I yelled back. I went upstairs and looked at the table which held my costume. The costume was of the Elder Predator from AVP 1. With the different helmet and Combi stick and it has the cape so it was that much cooler than the normal Predators shown in most of the movies. It also had the Alien Sight thingy unlike most Predators. The thing most disappointing about the costume was the lack of plasma cannon. I sighed as I put on the armor and weapons but before hand I did a check. "Wrist blades. Check. Detonating wrist bracer. Check, heh. Elder Combi Stick. Check. Dagger. Check. Plasma Cannon. Nope… maybe the convention will have one. Uh… where's the disc?" I lifted my mask and saw it. "Ah there it is." I put everything in place and then put on the mask. I walked out and downstairs and saw my fiancée sitting on the couch. "Bout time, let's go" She said getting up and walking out. I walked after her but not before grabbing my wallet and keys. I got outside and walked over to my car. I opened the door and got in. The car was an Aqua Blue 1966 Pontiac GTO that I got from my father. The sad thing about it is how I got. He was going to give it to me on my 25th birthday but let's just say that I got it through his will before he could. God rest his soul. I started the car and we drove out of the driveway. The drive there was uneventful except my two favorite songs came on like For Whom The Bell Tolls by Metallica and Dig by Mudvayne. We pulled in to the parking lot and got out. I looked up at the building and wondered where Ryan was. "Holy shit man you look badass!" Oh there he is… ` "Thanks dude." We went inside and made small talk and then went our separate ways. As usual Ryan went to the Fallout stand first. Sarah went to a random stand and I walked for a bit and came to a shop. I looked at it for second before walking in. In the shop I looked at some of the stuff before spotting something. THE PLASMA CANNON! YES! I pick it up and take a look at it. "How much" I ask the man behind the table. "Hmm… quite an eye" he said with a smile. "How about 45 dollars" "Deal" I nearly shout as I hand him the money. He takes the money and hands me the cannon and a necklace. It was like the Alicorn Amulet but a necklace not a choker. I only know that because Ryan made me watch all the episodes. "Cool necklace but what is it for?" I asked taking it in my hand and looking more closely at it. "Free with every purchase." The old man. "Awesome" I said and walked out putting on. The moment I put it on it glowed an ominous red energy. "What the fu--" *********************** I awoke to the sound of birds chirping. I sat up and shook my head then opened my eyes. "Why in the holy fuck of the sandwich gods am I in a forest" I said but was surprised when it came out in a different language. I looked around at my surroundings and noticed a pond and trees, A LOT OF TREES. "Fuck!" even though it came out different. Hmm it sounded like I said Pauk. I stepped over to the pond and looked in. What I saw shocked me to my very core. I was the Elder Predator from AVP! Wow… Suddenly I heard a scream. "HELP! HELP ME!!!" I immediately took action sprinting rapidly. Wow I thought I was fast before. Holy Shit. I broke into a clearing only to see a pack of Timberwolves. At least 16 of them all surrounding a small yellow and red pony. Applebloom if I remember correctly "Help! Help me please!" she screamed. I sprung into action and engaged my wrist blades. I sprinted toward the wolves and jumped on top of the first one and sunk my blades into it's throat. They all seemed to notice me at once and ran toward me trying to rip my throat out. I activated my plasma cannon and shot seven of them before disengaging it and taking out my Combi Stick and stabbed the largest wolf most likely the alpha and killed him. The Timberwolf closest to me let out a howl and ran into the forest the remaining wolves joined him. I walked over to the shivering pony and nudged her. "W-who's there" She whimpered. She looked above her and promptly screamed. "Stop screaming" I said using my voice translator. "S-sorry Ah was just scared that's all" she said "It's all right. I know I look pretty scary" I said. "Do ya mind if I ask your name?" "Not at all" I said. Hmm I should think of a name. Ah ha. "My name is Cetanu. In your language it would translate to… The Black Hunter or the God of Death." "G-God of D-Death" She whimpered. "Ya'll ain't gonna hurt Nopony are ya?" "No I'm more of a protector of the innocent unless they make me angry or stop me from reaching my goal" I said. "Oh Ok." "Do you need help getting home?" I asked. "Yes please." "Okay" I said and picked her up. After I picked her up I changed the view to Alien Sight then Heat Vision then X-ray. I saw she had a few broken ribs and a sprained hoof. I exited X-ray sight and took off in a sprint toward the town which I could see the library just above the trees. Within minutes I entered the town and stayed out of sight tell we hit Sweet Apple Acres. I put her down. "Think you can walk from here?" I asked. "Yeah I think so thanks for the help Cetanu." Applebloom said smiling. I smiled as I ran back toward the town. "Ahh monster!" Opps guess I forgot to engage my cloak. "Stop right there freak!" oh look there's Rainbow Dash. *SLAM* "ASS BLASTIN BITCHLOID!" > Dragon, Marcus, and the Castle > --------------------------------------------------------------------------                 "Ass Blastin Bitchloid" I yelled.               Rainbow Dash was on the ground rubbing her head from the impact while I was imbedded in a tree. A fucking tree. I pulled myself out and engaged my right wrist blade. I then thought for a second and realized that if I killed Skittles then the whole of Equestria would be after me. I disengaged my blades and just simply punched her in the face effectively knocking her unconscious. I turned toward the forest and ran.               I reached the forest and kept running till I was hidden from view. Hidden… I faced palmed, I could have used my cloak but no I decided to pull a retard and forget about it.               I stopped and looked around. I saw a large cave and walked right in effectively pulling another retard act. Because standing there, EXTREMALLY pissed off was a large green dragon. Hey! I remember this dragon. It was the dragon that chased Spike and Twilight through the forest. Twilight's my fourth favorite pony other then Luna, Sunset, and Fluttershy.               "You look odd for a little pony." he said.               "That's cause I'm not a pony shit-head" I yelled up to him.               "What did you say to me!?" he said.               "Shit Head" I said it slowly like one to a baby.               This only served to make him madder as he attacked.               "Oh great." I said.               *SLAM*               *CRUNCH*               "Pauk"               I glared at him from where I was embedded in the wall. Fucking tail whipped me. Bitch. I ripped myself from the wall and engaged my plasma cannon and left wrist blades while getting my Combi stick in my right. I looked around and noticed several LARGE stalactites just above his head. I turned my cannon towards them and shot 4 times and they came crashing down onto his head. YES one went through his head.               "Oh shi--" was the last thing I said before getting fallen on by a massive dragon.   ********************             *Slice, Chop, Crunch*               "Jesus Fucking Christ. Now THAT was a bad time" I said after slicing my way through the dragon's insides which took an hour. How I'm not dead is beyond me.               *Thunk*               "What the fuck?" I asked to no-one in particular.               I looked down at my feet to see COG tags at my feet. I picked it up and looked it over but nearly dropped it in surprise when it pretty much spoke to me.               *To those of you who defend the innocent then you may call upon Marcus Fenix to help you out in any sitchuation. Just ask aloud and hope I can come.*               "Huh. Alright then…" I said wondering just what the fuck this thing is. "Marcus Fenix come forth."               Suddenly a portal opened in front of me and I jumped back in surprise as a tall, muscular man walked out.               "You called?" He said.               "Uhhh, yeah?" I said.               "So you’re a Displaced then" He said.               "What the fuck are you talking about?" I asked him.               "You might wanna sit down this will take a bit" he said as he dead-panned.               Then he explained what a displaced is and how most of us are sent here by that Merchant guy. As well as something about tokens.               "So now that that's wrapped up do you want me to show you how to make a token?" He asked me.               "Sure why not" I said nonchalantly but deep inside I was excited to see this.               "Alright now how to make a portal to get it out there… you basically will it to happen and a portal appears… well that’s all…" he said awkwardly.               I concentrated and suddenly a blueish blackish portal opened in front of me.               "Good now find a token" Marcus said.               I looked around till I saw a silver pendent. I picked it up and carved the mark of the warrior on it, the very same one that Scar burned onto Alexa's face.               "Good now say a few words and drop it in."               "To those who need a hunter of extraordinary skill, or if you just wanna hang out. I'm not on anyone's side… I'm but a PMC with no need of money unless you can pay me in donuts then that I would not mind one bit…hmm donuts…"               Yeah… I love donuts about as much as Pinkie likes Cupcakes. I then dropped it in and it sealed shut. I turned to Marcus.               "Well then… uh you wanna hang?" I asked.               "No sorry I've got something I need to do back in my universe, so if you can say "Our Contract is done" that would be cool…" he said.               "Alright… Marcus Fenix our contract is finished."               *Woosh*               Marcus disappeared in a flash of light and then I was all alone…               I sat down and sighed. I sit for a bit before getting up. I walk through the forest until I reach the old ruined castle. I walk in and look at the old tapestries adorning the walls. I walk into the throne room and sit on the throne. I fall asleep.               When I wake up it is early morning. I get up and stretch eliciting a couple cracks to come from my arms and back. I walk outside and into the forest for a bit. I stop when I see a couple timberwolves. I unsheath my wrist blades. I jump forward and rip the head off of one bringing a wood spine with it. I blink in confusion before shrugging. I put it on my belt as a trophy. I look at the other two before cutting one in half and throwing a disc at the other, decapitating it and catching it on the rebound and putting it on my belt. I walk back to the castle and sit down again.               I hear something in another room. I go and investigate. There I find the purple Unicorn Twilight and the also purple Dragon Spike. "Um, Hi?" I say.               She turns around. She screams and her horn lights up in attack.               "Fuck my life."