> Celestia's Favorite Hobby > by MLPCrystalMoon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > My Hobby? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Good Morning Twilight. Have you slept well last night?" "In fact I did," Twilight replied. "I had a good rest." "Well then, I should get going. I have duties to attend," Celestia said, leaving. "Um, wait!" Twilight said as she stopped Celestia in her tracks. "What is it?" she replied, turning her head backwards. "Do you mind if I, uh, ask you something, when you're not busy?" "Sure, you can visit me in my chambers at around 11 AM," Celestia informed. "Thanks, see ya around," Twilight thanked as she left the room. "Alright," Celestia said, settling down onto her couch. "What is it you wanted to ask me?" "It's a... rather simple question. I hope you don't mind." "Not at all." "Princess, do you have a hobby?" ... "Um, I said, do you have a hobby?" ...More Silence. ... Celestia seemed to be lost in a daydream. "Hey Princess," Twilight repeated, swaying her hooves in front of her,"do you have a hobby?" Snapping out of her daydream, she finally answered, "In fact I do, Twilight. Why'd you ask?" Twilight sighed. "I was just curious," Twilight said, pausing for a few moments. "So.. what's your hobby, Princess?" ... "Back when I was younger..," Celestia started, "I like to play jokes around Luna." "Then?" Twilight asked in curiosity. "There is one particular thing I like to do to her." "What is it?" Twilight asked, with an even curious tone. "Sending stuff to her moon." Twilight flinched, unsure to what she just heard. Sending stuff to the moon? Does this have to do with Luna's punishment? "In equality to my joke, she's send stuff to the sun. So, we've made them our trash dump. Good thing the sun is hot, it'd burn anything that was teleported there. Until, she got an idea - instead of putting stuff right on the surface of the sun, she made them orbit around it." Twilight's mouth gaped open. "So you see, when she became Nightmare Moon, I had to banish her somewhere. And I had one brilliant idea. It was her pun-ishment after all, so I just had to banish her to the moon. I just had to." Celestia held her mouth, struggling to hold her laughter from bursting out. "Ehem, but of course, I still missed her, it still was painful to banish her away from Equestria. It was... very awkward. Both funny and sad at the same time. But, eh, it doesn't work for tags in FIMFiction." Twilight's ears perked up at the last part. "What did you say?" "Nevermind that." Twilight rolled her eyes. At least my theory was correct. If I even made that a theory, anyways. "But it didn't stop there." Oh great. "I still sent garbage there. But, to keep from anypony noticing, I always send it when everypony's asleep. And so did she." Twilight, still staring at Celestia, raised her hoof. Celestia stopped, allowing Twilight to start. "Wait, wait, wait, so all this time your hobby was 'sending random stuff to the moon?'" "Correct. Since I only sent garbage at night, both Sun and Moon has an equal amount of trash," Celestia said, winking. "So... how long did it last?" "Until now," Celestia answered, "I'll be sending another pile soon enough." "What!?" "Twilight, you should have guessed," Celestia said. "But where did you get all that trash!?" "Good question," Celestia said. "Do you know where those trash from your home go?" "Where - Oh. So that's how you take care of global warming," Twilight said, facehoofing. "But are you sure Luna wouldn't mind?" "Oh come on, Twilight. We've been doing this for years! Decades! Centuries! A millennium! Probably more!" "So... if you had 60 broken TVs, you'd just send them to the moon?" "Exactly." "If a pony committed a crime, would you also send them to the moon?" "Depends, but mostly, yeah." "If you had a ruined cake, will you also send it to the moon?" "Definitely." Twilight paused for a second, thinking of a question that she'll fall into. After some moments, a flashbulb appeared on top of her head. "If the moon was too bright for you to sleep, what will you do?" "Send it to the MOON!" "What!? But you can't just send the moon to itself!" "Not bright enough, Twilight?" Celestia asked. Twilight scratched her head, then shrugged. "I'll just send it to another moon." "WHAT!? B-but, AUGH!" Twilight shrieked, and it was so loud the whole castle might have even heard it. "Was that supposed to be an appropriate question?" Twilight asked. "What do you think?" Celestia shot back. Twilight flinched. Then silence. > Luna's case (Epilogue) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Later that night... "Oh, hi Princess Luna," Twilight greeted. "Why, Twilight, shouldn't you be getting to bed?" Luna replied, with a bit of concern. "Maybe later," Twilight said, "I see you're making tonight's sky very beautiful." "I always do my best for every night," Luna answered, "and besides that, I have to prepare my attack." "Your attack? Is there another war going on, Luna!?" Twilight asked, concerned and worried sick. "Yes, there is...," Luna murmured, "I must prepare the metallic waste." "Metallic waste?" Twilight murmured too, "hold on... are you telling me..." "Yes, the ultimate war of trash against Celestia! And this time, MY GARBAGE SHALL COVER THE SUN!" Luna shouted, using her Canterlot voice in the last part. "Oh great, not this one again... you know what? I'm going to bed. Good night, Luna," Twilight said, walking back inside the castle. "Good night, Twilight Sparkle." And for the rest of the night Twilight dreams about a trash war.