> Monster's Curse > by Michael Hudson > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Start > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tame took in a deep breath as he enjoyed the night air, his dark blue mane waving in the breeze. The moon was at its apex, and he could already hear the howls of wolves as they greeted their god. He smirked as he continued along the path through the forest that he had found a few days ago. At least I got that. Seems it is impossible to find out anything about this place. He froze for a moment, his black cloak, shirt and pants helping him blend in with the forest night. As long as they don’t suddenly see a patch of my brown fur, I should be fine. He took in a deep breath and stopped himself from vomiting. He still never understood why ponies would want a timberwolf anything as a pet, but then there was the odd eccentric who decided dancing with death was fun. However, the passing beasts were not his target tonight, so he allowed them to pass. No, tonight he was after a mystery, a legend. Once more the night became silent and he started to stalk his way down the path. Tame didn’t normally believe in myths and legends, but when one hears about the deadliest monsters in existence and is challenged to capture at least one or else he would lose his reputation. Well, that just wasn’t something a professional tamer couldn’t stand for, especially when you fancied being the best with monsters. Still, the rumors surrounding the castle he now saw from the top of a hill were intimidating. Once home to two great powers, a falling from grace happened, and their power corrupted the ponies that once lived there. Those ponies became nightmarish forms of themselves, but a powerful artifact sealed them within, never to be seen by pony eyes unless controlled by a new power. “And that power, will be me.” Tame finally came back to the forest floor, and checked the bag that was strapped to his side. It had most of his basics, rope and hook, a machete, some emergency flares, magically imbued rope for when he finally could wrestle the beast down, and two electric collars to keep them from resisting or escaping. I’ve always hated them, but I deny that they have practically saved my life in the past when something has broken from its bonds. The sounds of his hooves on the grass was not quite enough to occupy his mind as he crept through the forest and made slow progress to his destination.He couldn’t help but start to imagine what he might find there. If I find a lamia or a vampire, it will be interesting to see how I can capture something that is like a pony. However, if I have to go through another ruin filled to the brim with enchanted objects, I swear I am going to kill somepony. He shivered as he thought of worst case scenario. Don’t think about spirits or demons. They’ve taken plenty of tamers lives before, but no wraith is– Sniff “Damn.” he breathed to himself. He had been careless by not focusing, and now that he was at choke point, the bridge before the castle, the timberwolves from before must have decided to finally attack. “That or they’re a different pack and I’m just unlucky.” He didn’t bother turning around. He knew that would probably spell doom as he would be stuck walking backwards onto a rickety bridge, and he didn’t have anywhere to go anyways. His best bet was to wait until one came out. Tame smirked as he heard a twig break underfoot. He also stopped, allowing the predator to know he was their. Three, two, one. The stench of the beast was almost unbearable as he undid the main strap on his pack and swung around, using his momentum and weight to crash the bag into the wooden monstrosity. The creature wasn’t the only thing to go over though, and Tame watched as the timberwolf reformed next to his lost bag. More green eyes watched him now, but they would be wary after such a failure. He stepped back, and the bridge answered with its own creak. One more step, and one of the planks gave out. Tame’s vision went spotty for a moment as the back of his skull smacked into the plank behind him. However, his hand caught one of the frayed ropes that made up the bridges sides and with a tremendous effort pulled, coming full circle and crashing onto the bridge. He sprang to his feet, his head spasming in pain. I don’t think it’s a concussion, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to have a headache in a few moments. A quick glance back the way he had come gave him a view of a much larger wolf stepping towards the hole, probably considering whether or not to jump. Tame glared at the beast and made eye contact before letting out a slight growl. “You have your pack. You don’t want to possibly fall into a ravine where you’ll leave them behind and become a bunch of broken twigs, now do you?” Tense moments filled the air as the two simply stared at each other. Only once the wolf had turned around did Tame let out a breath he hadn’t even known he was holding. He glanced down the side of the bridge and scowled while his hand touched the side of his dark t-shirt. “Damn.” He continued to head onwards, deciding that it would be best to stay in the ruined castle then in the open, and that he should at least wait till day to come back, lest he want Timberwolves dining on him tonight. A quick glance at the imposing castle walls gave him an understanding of why people feared this place and its purple stone. “It will do just fine for a resting place tonight though.” Upon getting in, he took in the large tapestries on the wall, the four hallway openings, and two different stairs that led higher within the castle. However, he dismissed them all when his eyes found a gold orb shining in the moonlight. Now to pull out my safety gloves... Tame scowled upon remembering that they were in his pack. “I can’t really leave you behind though. You might pay for my new pack, so at least I can still get something out of it.” He kicked it against a wall and grabbed it as it bounced off and back to him. Upon contact though, visions of death and destruction flashed into his mind. His arm started to burn as the orb opened and a gold tail with a spike on the end coiled around his arm and crushed it. Battlefields full of dead soldiers and blazing cities burned into his skull as the tail slithered onto his chest. The memories stopped only once the spike was rammed into his chest. They were replaced by a message though. Only by the power of a monster may this curse be undone. Leave without it, and you will pay the consequences. Tame dismissed the message as he writhed on the ground. He needed a unicorn, he needed medical attention, he needed someone, and none of them would be found here. He burst through the front doors and ran back to the bridge, panting as his vision started to clear. However, as his foot touched the first plank, he bent over in pain and barely didn’t touch the next plank. However, he knew he could if he tried. Walk away Run for your life > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tame managed to struggle his way back to his feet, the pain in his chest growing with each moment. He lifted his hoof up and took a step forward onto the next plank. For a moment Tame felt agony in his chest like nothing he had before, but then, nothing. He glance behind him, his vision starting to blur as something hot ran down his front and back. There was the golden spike, twisting around slowly. However, the fine shine of the pure gold was now marred by the red that coated every inch of it and dripped down to the grass. The spike turned to him before starting to rotate. Tame’s eyes tried to track the ever closer weapon, but he was tired, and his vision was slowly fading anyways. He was already blind by the time the spike charged through his skull. The beginning. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tame walked into the hallway and noticed an immediate chill enter the air. It was poorly lit and led further into the mansion for all who dared enter it. On the walls are paintings of the dead, of mummified corpses coming back to life and their dark and despicable masters. His hoofsteps seemed to become louder as he walked forward through the corridor. Most of the doors were locked, but one opened to darkness and the smell of chlorine. One more laid unchecked, but Tame feared the frost covered door. Whatever lay behind it could easily be something that lie waiting to freeze him at a moment’s notice. A small glance back at the door he was in front of made him scowl. This could lead anywhere though, including water. He still had to search though, so his journey had to continue. Frost Door Regular Door (under construction) Back > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tame starts up the stairs, grimacing as he does. This part of the house has almost no lighting to it with the windows being covered by thick curtains. Moving them also seems impossible, as they stick to the walls, or his hand when he touched it. A slight scowl came across his lips, remembering the insecticide in his pack. Would be real fucking useful right about now. He shifted his jacket so as to block most of the light from the windows and smiled as his night vision kicked in. Anything that relied on the darkness here would be in for a sore surprise. A small smirk came across his face and he started walking forward. His muscles started to tense as he continued to go down the hallway. Each doorway would have some amount of the sticky substance, and no matter how much he tried to get his eyes to adjust, he simply couldn’t tell where the stuff was. Even the floors were getting sticky, a sure sign of his prey getting closer, and yet he still had no advantage. A rafter creaked and he scowled. He needed to do something instead of just waiting to be caught. Go back Rip open the curtains Stay > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tame crossed the large foyer, the chill of the night forcing him to wrap his cloak tighter around himself. His hooves crushed a few flowers as he made his way to the desolate entrance, but for the most part things were silent where he had been greeted. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised with how I was greeted. The following corridor did surprise him though. Mostly in the fact that each twist and turn only opened to more corridors and more locked doors. Soon enough he found himself grinding his teeth while attempting to will the annoying darkness away. The deathly silence of the darkness was all that responded to keep him company with the pain in his chest. Crackle. He tilted his head at the sound and groaned as his feet throbbed. He knew better than to run though, but that didn’t stop a scowl from crossing his face. This sort of thing had long become almost second nature to resisting though, a simple hazard of the job. Now if only I had an idea as to how close I am to my prey. A few more short corridors brought him to the source of the sound. A glowing torch illuminated a single doorway. The door though hung loosely from it and there were large burn marks streaked across it along with large holes clawed out. His throat almost closed as he realized the corridor didn’t end there and he would have a long way to run if he was trapped. His back bumped into something as he backed away from the doorway though. A rusty metal handle had jabbed into his back and further inspection showed what could only be some waste disposal system, or at least that was his best guess. Maybe a laundry shoot with how large it is. His thoughts stopped as a roar could be heard coming from the broken doorway. His hand reached back to his trusty knife, only to find it gone. A scowl crossed his face and he considered his options. Turn the torch for a secret passage Run down into the darkness of the corridor ahead Jump into the shoot. Go hunting for a monster. (under construction) > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tame rolled away from the bridge, the agony in his body lessening as a force on his chest he hadn’t noticed lessened to a point where there was no pressure. Odd when you consider I have a gold spike implanted in me. He tore off his cloak and the checked under his shirt for the artifact that effectively trapped him here. Bound, no, imprinted upon his arm was a winding gold line that then crossed his chest and ended in a solid metal plate with four holes that covered his heart now. After a deep, long breath, Tame finally stood back up and looked back to the castle. Well, looks like I’m stuck. For a moment Tame simply stared at the ground, considering just what that meant. He may never get away. No, stop. You came here to conquer this place, and you’ll still do that. And hey, that thing brought up monsters, so just maybe if I do my job, I’ll find my way out too. A quick examination of the grounds revealed to him one path that led to a myriad of gardens and flowers of every type, and the other one led to a more private grove of trees with a large Redwood visible behind the ruins. “And I can’t forget the possibilities of going back inside.” Tame bit into one of his fingers as he considered what would be the best choice. The Groves (under construction) The Gardens (under construction) Go back inside > Finale > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The third essence slipped into the artifact on Tame’s chest, and it started to glow. Tame put his hand over it as the shining brought heat along with it. The metal got warmer and warmer with each moment, even to the point of putting him in agony as the smell of singed fur and flesh filled the air. His knees hit the ground and he coughed up blood. One of his fists came against the floor and he could hear it break slightly. No, I did as you told me! Yes, you did, didn’t you? Tame didn’t have long to ponder the second voice before his arms and legs full gave out and he fell to the ground, writhing in pain. The heat had started to spread, and now it wasn’t only his chest, but also his muscles, bones, and organs that felt like they had been put against the sun. He shut his eyes against the pain and let out a scream as the tail of the artifact came away from his arm. It rose above the plate on his chest and hesitated for a moment before punching through its host. Tame fell limp against the ground, shaking. The artifact was off, but so was half of his chest cavity now. And yet, he still could breath, could still blink, could still live. “You can even fight.” He glanced up to look at the rough voice as the heat almost instantly vanished from his body. Wherever he had been was gone, now replaced with only blackness as the two stallions stared at each other. A small growl escaped Tame as the stranger bent over and picked up the artifact. Looking at it though, one wouldn’t recognize it as the chest plate that had been on his chest. Instead, it had become a circular band of metal, with the tail making up four spikes that pointed up. Another growl came from Tame as the stranger placed the crown on his head. “I thought I would get the reward. I was kind of the one that did all of the work.” The stallion nodded, slowly walking out of the shadows. One brown hoof came out in an iron boot before the stranger spoke. “You’re right in believing you deserve a reward. No matter how hard you did work though, I must request that I check one last thing before you could possibly ever rule my poor subjects.” The rest of the stallion was finally revealed with a blue mane coming down half of his back, broad shoulders that supported iron cast armor, and light blue eyes that gazed right back at the young stallion. “Now, did my legacy and successor, stay strong, unlike me?” Tame swallowed hard and found his mind at the brink of not working. “Yo-yo-you’re m–” “Yes, I’m your ancestor. If you want more though, you’ll have to beat it out of me.” A smile spread along Tame’s face as he bent low. “I’ve always been a bit more of a fighter than anything else, so bring it. You can’t be worse than a chimera.” The iron clad pony nodded. “Well said.” He then charged forward with explosive speed, screaming as he reached back with a single fist. Tame only smiled. He leapt forward and grabbed ahold of his ancestor’s shoulders, getting in far too close for a wide hook like the one that had been prepared. Tame’s arms protested as they had with the chimera he had learned this trick against, but it was a formality at this point as he launched his knee into his opponent’s teeth. ”My lord, the warriors, they aren’t prepared if we face a force larger then maybe a hundred. The plague took too many of our civilians. We need something more.” The ancestor looked up from his throne before slamming his fist upon the armrest. “I am the king, I should be able to do more!” A voice from behind the throne spoke. “If you listen to me, I can make all of your worries disappear. Your country will know no equal, and your name will go down in history books for eternity.” The images faded out as King put a sword to the stranger’s throat. Tame put a hand to his forehead, trying to make sense of what he had just seen. “Wha-what was–” He was cut off as a vicious hook slammed into the side of his head and sent him sprawling. “Like I said, you’ll need to beat the answers out of me.” King raised a foot and slammed it down. Tame rolled out of the way and was on his feet in a moment. He wasn’t about to let some trick get him killed. He ducked to the side as a fist came his way, and darted back into the slow stallion’s personal space. Two hard punches crashed into his side, but he shrugged them off. Tame had long ago accepted the fact that if he wasn’t going to wear armor, he would have to get tough. And so he had, and prided himself about being so unlike the hunters, the ones who had to kill the beasts, instead of placating or taming them. Hence why they have to be practical tin cans. Luckily, I know just how to pop… their… tops! King twisted with his whole body, sick of the nuisance at this point. Tame leaped away just then though, and King felt his entire chest plate be ripped away, the clasps having either been sawed through with the knife in Tame’s hand, or simply undone. He yelled in frustration as he charged again. And as always, Tame simply ducked in, but this time planted an elbow firmly between King’s ribs. ”Who are you?” The growl didn’t deter the black thing, her green eyes glistening. “A beast, but a beast who can help you. See,” her form transformed into a petite, white mare with a large, exposed chest, “I can transform not only myself, but” King couldn’t stop her as she waved a hand and one of his guards suddenly grew two feet and his muscles rippled as they grew to unnatural proportions, “others as well.” Her smile slipped for a moment as the blade pressed ever closer. “Why should I not simply kill you, witch?” Tame back stepped, but he was done playing now. He had to know what was going on. He had never met a creature who so freely changed that which was around her, and he was too invested in what may have happened here to simply ignore it. Tame’s next punch came hard against King, and even though it left him wide open, he wouldn’t stop punching until he had the answers he wanted. ”Because you are desperate, and if you help me, I can make you stronger than any stallion has ever been. A one pony army that no one can defeat.” King was silent for a few moments before nodding. Tame’s fist came hard against King’s jaw in a hard uppercut, launching him into the air. The ancestor had barely hit the ground before Tame was on top of him, attempting to rip the prone figure apart. King walked behind her, deep into the castle. She answered few questions, keeping most of them vague. She obviously didn’t want too much to be known about her. Only that she was a priestess of some sort, and with his help, she would become so much more, just like him. Once they were within the depths, he hesitated. A large stone slab sat in front of him with arcane runes not only etched into the stone, but floating in the air as well. The stink of it all bothered him. It was tainted, unclean, and nothing like his four daughters’ harmonious magics. “Wha-what do you need of me?” The thing walked around the tablet, having long ago gone back to her bare, black form, despite the holes in it. She looked upon him and licked her lips. “I need your strength, and I need that odd gift within you that seems to make you so good at making magic.” He glared at the thing. “I’m an Earth Pony, I don’t do magic.” The priestess leaned forward, her dark green nipples touching the stone before any other part of her. “Yes, but your kids are three alicorns and one unicorn. Haven’t you ever wondered why? It’s a gift within you, a gift I need. All you must do is place your hands upon the stone. King looked to the ground. He had thought about the fact that he seemed to only have such powerful heirs, but had always tried to not worry about it, especially when it gave him such wonderful mares as his daughters. He looked back up. “No, – King’s fist came hard across Tame’s face, finally knocking him away. This time he came slowly towards the stallion. This heir knew the value of caution and tactics, and he wasn’t about to allow himself to be the one to throw the first punch. Not again. Tame scowled as his ancestor stayed almost still, at least comparatively from before. He bit into his cheek, and then charged. Tame’s speed caught the old stallion off guard, and soon both of them were wrangling on the ground, with Tame simply wanting, and needing to, only beat the crap out of King as fast he could. I can’t simply give that up. They mean so much to me–” “But you are over fifty sire. How many more children will you have? Wouldn’t you agree that losing maybe one more heir is a small price when compared to saving your entire kingdom?” King simply stood there for a few moments. She was right of course. He had to take this power, lest he possibly let his subjects and daughters down, but the idea of robbing them of a new sister still hurt. Slowly though, he submitted to her request and he placed his hands on the pedestal, one at a time. The witch smiled, and only three things were remembered happening afterwards. The witch declaring the curse to have begun, his weak, drained body being sent far from the castle where he would rot, and a mare finding him in the woods. The same mare that started the line of heirs that would one day claim the ritual’s promised power, and with it, their birthright to the castle and its inhabitants. Tame stood tall as his wounds healed, his bones knit, and the hole in his chest closed. King lay on the floor, now an ancient stallion as that struggled to breath, but could still stop the hand that came for his crown “Please, let me die with honor. As the king I once was, and by an opponent’s blade.” Tame simply nodded, freeing his dagger from its sheath and plunging it into the stallion’s chest. One last breath echoed out of King’s lips as the darkness faded, and now the lone stallion found himself not in shadows or with an old monarch, but by himself, and in a large bedroom. He could see silk robes in one of the dressers, a large fireplace that could easily warm anyone in Winter, and a canopy bed against the back wall that was much larger than what any one stallion might need. Tame took in a deep breath. So… a new bed? That is what I get? “Excuse us?” Tame turned around at the angelic voice, only to be staring at what appeared to be some sort of angel, with two others who shared in her almost indescribable beauty. The one who had spoken stepped forward, her heaving bosom and thighs shaking with each movement. She did a curtsy to the new king, though the white lingerie didn’t have a skirt attached. Instead, her crotch was covered by a small, tight thong that barely covered herself, and left little to the imagination as it almost matched her fur’s color. The bodice was far more enticing to him though, as it started just above the tantalizing undergarment, with intricate lace and designs that led his eyes upward to a chest so large that nothing of such construction would have held it in completely, so two pink nubs just barely made their way over the material. She blushed a little and put a hand over the large cleavage, only causing his attention to become more focused on the twin suns. “My name is Celestia.” The pink mare to her left next stepped forward, giving him a bow before a peck on the cheek. Though her chest was not quite as large as her sister’s, she didn’t even attempt to hide it as a small, transparent veil covered her upper half, but nothing else. This caused Tame to practically feel them, as nothing truly separated his arm from her voluptuous mounds. Despite this, she was definitely the one who wore the most clothing with her large, puffy pants. Not even these came away safe though, as the sloping, downward curve of the waistband made the top of her clit barely stay covered. “My name is Cadance, and I will grant your every wish.” And finally, so distracted by the first two that he didn’t even notice her sneak up behind him, the dark blue mare and her perfectly toned body. Her lips suckled on his neck and got a shudder out of Tame, though the atmosphere at that point was simply one thing: arousing. She came around to his front, forcing the other two to move. Her waist and chest were the smallest of the three, but she was the only one to have not a drop of fat on her luscious body. She smiled at him, her breasts barely held in place by a red string bikini that almost didn't cover her nipples and crotch. The demon put an arm around his neck and put her mouth right against his ear. “My name is Luna, and I hope you like what you see.” Tame took in a shuddering breath before he stepped back and fell against the bed. Celestia grabbed ahold of Luna’s shoulder and pulled her away from him. A small chuckle escaped Cadance before Celestia turned to her as well. “Will you two stop? He is probably very stressed and doesn’t have to be tempted so quickly. There will be time to deal with those… urges.” Tame smiled slightly as a blush came across the angel’s face. Luna noticed it too and decided that she would get her urges satisfied now. She stepped forward and ran a single finger along the thin fabric that covered the white mare’s crotch, causing her to jump. “Luna stop!” “Come on Sister, I know you feel it too. He is our lord, and not only in title. Let us show him how truly blessed he is by allowing him the privilege of being with three alicorns at once.” Cadance came up next to Celestia, but was cut off as strong, brown arms came ahead of her. Luna was pulled back by him, immediately following his grip, helpless to his touch and will. She was soon left without direction as Tame reached forward and put a hand on Celestia’s chin before coming closer and wrapping an arm around her, his hand cupping her rear. “Before I give you what you want, what does she mean by lord?” Celestia shuddered at the offer, but showed little more of her growing desire. Her voice cracked slightly as she tried to keep herself under control, and the first word was squeaked out. “You, ahem, you are the lord of the castle. You… you completed the artifact that will make give you the strength of a thousand stallions, and with it, we are allowed to return to society. Our forms though… our forms will not, so we all know that we need a master, a master able to protect us from anything that may threaten us.” Tame leaned down and forced Celestia’s head up before kissing her. His tongue gently ran along hers as she seemingly shrank a little at the touch. The hesitance faded quickly as she hugged him back, the two now tight against each other. Luna scowled, but then grew a smile as she got to her knees behind him. The two hands started to glide around and undo the button to her trousers. Cadance’s eyes widened as she watched, her heart hammering in her chest as she felt her eagerness rise, but could see no way to join. At least, not yet. Tame’s eyes widened when he felt his pants and boxers be pulled away, but he tried to make sure Celestia didn’t know as he deepened the kiss, coiling his tongue around hers. Luna slowly moved her fingers back up his thighs, running along every inch of his strong muscles. She gave his rear a small lick before her hands squeezed his balls. A shudder ran through Tame, and it only made Luna smile more as she moved her hands along his shaft, roughly rubbing it between her hands. The two broke away as a groan escaped Tame’s lips. Celestia’s blush grew ever greater as the tip to Tame’s member touched just above he crotch. Tame’s hands slowly moved up Celestia’s body, first hooking her underwear with his thumbs, causing it to ride up and grind into her folds. He gave her a light peck as his hands ran along her soft stomach and finally gripped her heaving chest. “Trust me princess, I’ll be giving you much more to blush about in a moment.” As proof, his arms pulled back, forcing the bodice to loosen while a few of its strings snapped. Her breasts now had nothing containing them, and she put a futile arm over her exposed mountains as shivers of excitement ran down her spine. Luna’s hands were forced away from the now stiff cock and he pointed to the bed before walking away from all three. Tame grabbed a chair in the corner and spun it around before taking a seat. “Alright ladies, I’ll be honest. I have to have you. All of you” He watched as all three shook from the statement, Celestia’s blush growing larger, Luna’s lips getting moistened by a passover from her tongue, and Cadance whimpering slightly as fingers that she had put just above the seam to her pants finally slipped inside. “Luna, I want you on the bed, now. Give me a show, and prove to me why I should take you first.” He then glanced over at the other two mares. “If you two think you can manage it, I would love it if both of your breasts were soon pressed against my cock.” Celestia almost immediately stepped forward, her arousal quickly ripping away the angelic calm. Cadance on the other hand, hesitated for a moment. Luna laid down on the bed, lifting one leg into the air as a hand made its way down to the latex over her crotch, rubbing it slightly. Meanwhile, Celestia had gone even further, her breasts now on Tame’s leg as she liked her lips at the sight of his precum. This all caused Cadence to snap, and she decided she would not lose their loving lord to her older sisters. She flew over got on her own knees, only letting her bouncing breasts a moment’s rest before she shoved her breasts forward and enveloped his cock with her bosom. “Li-like this, right?” Celestia pushed forward as well and shook from the touch of her sister and her lord. “I must confess that I’m a little inexperienced in such a technique myself.” Tame closed his eyes slightly and let out a shaking breath. Their bosoms were so nice, with Cadance’s being a bit firmer, complete with stiff nipples that rubbed against his shaft. Celestia’s on the other hand were simply two large clouds with cute inverted nubs that could barely be seen. He put one hand on each set and gave them a light squeeze as he muttered, “Perfect.” “Hey, don’t forget about me.” Just as Cadance took the initiative and started to lift her bosom along his thick shaft, Tame opened his eyes to the sight of Luna spreading herself open, the suit over her crotch practically useless with how much he could see. One of her hands left her thighs and gripped the thin suit just above her crotch and pulled. Her body arched, only further causing the red latex to disappear within her, giving Tame full view of her folds, and even a slight glimpse of a little, puckered hole below it. Celestia frowned as she noticed her younger sister so thoroughly dominating his attention, even while her massive rack was firmly against his shaft. She leaned forward and caused Cadance to squeak in surprise as she felt Celestia’s tongue run along his tip, and consequently, her own nipples. Tame let out a groan and he looked back down, putting one hand on the back of Celestia’s head and encouraging her to stay close as the two mares eagerly rubbed their breasts against each other. Cadance blushed as she continued to hear Tame’s strained groans while he tried desperately to last longer and longer. Her eyes narrowed and she decided to join her sister, attempting to stun her with a sudden push forward, the two’s lips locking over Tame’s soaked tip. Sweet precum mixed with the taste of her sister as Cadence let out a light moan from the stimulation. Luna herself had given up on any pretense to simply tease her lord and now was writhing on the bed as she ground the suit against her crotch, letting out lewd moans while calling to him, begging for him finally let her finish. Tame started to shake from having held back for too long. Celestia correctly read this, and gave her youngest sister a small, mental apology as her hands and horn glowed. The fire in Cadance’s crotch quickly grew into an inferno. As the pink djinn fell over with her own fingers deep inside of her already, Celestia moved away from Tame’s member for only a moment before forcing her mouth all the way down to his balls. She shuddered at his scent and girth before simply waiting. His whole body tensed, and for a moment, he only really took in Celestia. The mare had her breasts firmly squished against his thigh as her tongue coiled around and slowly licked his shaft. It was simply too much. A wave of absolute ecstasy rolled through him, and he felt the mouth around him tighten around his thick cock as it tensed. She quickly found herself overwhelmed as thick ropes of cum entered her mouth, quickly puffing out her cheeks. Her head stayed down though, in part because of the hand on the back of it, but also as a challenge. One that would prove her faithfulness to her lord and savior. And so her mouth pulsed with each swallow, some of the cum leaking back in and over the fur around his balls. Celestia collapsed to the ground beside the chair, one hand between her thighs as she felt her whole crotch vibrate and heat up. Cadance spent a moment pondering what was happening to her eldest sister, but quickly dismissed the thought as she snapped her fingers to grant her own, hot wish. Almost immediately, Tame’s member rose to its full length, rigid once more. She was just about to stand when he stepped forward to the bed where Luna was rubbing her face into the bed, her toned rear high in the air. The devil jumped slightly at a sudden tight grip on her rear and she looked back, smiling with fangs showing. “About damn time.” Tame smirked. “Do you know the best way to make sure not to lose yourself to a devil?” “Please say it’s to fuck them up.” “Kind of. Surprising them works though.” With that he put his hips back, and without warning, shoved his tip into Luna’s ass. Her eyes almost popped out of her head and the red aura around her horn that had been keeping Celestia down evaporated in an instant. “Oh sweet Tarturus, yes!” Cadance watched as the two started to get rougher and rougher on the bed, a slight frown coming over her features. She still ached and had wanted to prove that she was better than her sisters. Then she heard the wet noises coming from the other side of the chair and smiled as she saw her ‘perfect’ sister wailing like a desperate harlot. She crawled over to Celestia and spent a moment, hesitating. However, The smell of Celestia’s dripping wet arousal, and the sounds of Luna’s pussy as Tame rammed in and out of her was more then enough to call out her bestial need and override her inhibitions. Cadance took one more sniff, but then put her tongue against the wet nethers in front of her, shaking at the taste. Meanwhile, Tame was grinding Luna into the bed with all the force he could muster, coming balls deep in her ass with each powerful thrust. Luna thought she might very well be going insane at this point, but she wasn’t about to let Tame know that. Her body quivered and shook, but she kept her hips firm, not letting them thrust back. She gave him a weak smile. “You… you think you’ll, nng, really beat a demon, agh, like this?” A single eyebrow raised on his face and he smiled as he pulled her up by the shoulders, getting her upright, forcing her to stand, just before he thrusted forward, hilting her. A silent gasp escaped Luna, and she barely stopped from cumming. There was no way she was going to lose to him, not if she wanted to keep her demonic pride. Celestia was faced with a similar problem, but she could do almost nothing as Cadance’s wet tongue dived deeper within her folds. She could barely move with how tense her body was as it demanded more and more. All calm left in her faded away as c her own hands firmly planted themselves onto her breasts, teasing the inverted nipples out as she moaned and screamed on the stone tile. Luna tensed at the same time as her older twin, her eyes almost rolling back. One hand kept her tight against him, gripping her breast tight and pulling back so that at any moment, he was at best only a few inches out of him. It was his other hand that did her in though. The hand that had managed to slide over her body and only now poked her clit before beginning its vigorous assault. Her body was practically on fire now, and she had to douse it before she truly lost her mind. Celestia tensed and pulled on her breasts. She knew what she was doing was wrong, but the curse tainted them all, and the taboo of her sister only made this all the hotter because of it. Cadance’s eyes widened as she felt her sister tense up and she pulled away, a wide grin on her face as she continued to finger the soft nethers that had tasted so sweet. Soon a puddle formed below Celestia’s thighs as she came harder than she ever thought possible. Tame pulled out, his whole body shaking with Luna’s as she slowly fell to sleep. He made sure she landed safely on the bed before allowing himself to find release. Hot, thick cum plastered itself over her toned ass as he groaned, his cock throbbing in the air as her back wasn’t spared from ropes of white splashing down upon it. For a moment, Tame smiled upon the glorious sight that was Luna, what with her hair matted down by sweat, cum slowly trickling down her rear crack, and some even managing to slide into the stretched hole. His appreciation didn’t last long as his gaze turned to a softer form that was only now standing on shaking hooves. Cadance shuddered as strong arms slowly wrapped themselves around her. She could feel his hot breath against her neck, and she snapped her fingers without a second thought. A small yelp escaped her as his hard shaft was pressed against her back. “He-hello, my lor-” “Call me Tame.” She shivered at the words. “Tame. How may I serve you?” His hands traced along her sides before gently coming around and gripping her bosom. “A few wishes should do well to start, djinn. The first is that I wish for you to always be loyal.” Snap. “Easy.” “The second is that I wish for you to be my queen.” Cadance stopped dead in her tracks. Her hands had twitched to snap, and she knew she had to, but to suddenly get a proposition like that from the one stallion she ever could caused her spirits to swell. She ignored the fears of the whole castle simply being his queens, and snapped. Tame spun her around and kissed her deeply. He slowly forced her to walk backwards while still caught in his tight embrace until they were pressed against the wall. “I’m sorry, but the bed is occupied. I hope you don’t mind.” A small giggle escaped Cadance’s lips before she went back in for another wet, sloppy kiss that ended with a distinct pop. “Don’t worry. I just want you, now.” Tame wrapped his arms around her thighs and pulled, lifting her into the air and against the wall. Cadance nuzzled against his back, their bodies already tight together, his cock slowly grinding against her drenched pussy. “Please.” Slowly, gently, Tame thrusted in, putting only the first inch in before pulling out. A slight gasp escaped her, but soon was replaced by moans as his throbbing member moved back and forth, each one deeper then the last. Her breasts ground against his chest, her perky nipples sending spikes of electricity through her as they pressed against his pecs. Her tight pussy coiled around him and tried desperately to keep him within her, pulling him back each time he tried to get out. He wasn’t surprised it wasn’t tighter than Luna’s ass, but he still hadn't been prepared for simply how tight she was. He felt her grip tighten as his hands moved to her rump, still keeping her suspended while Cadance’s hot breath beat against his ear. One more slight moan escaped her, and she nuzzled against his neck, whispering, “I love you.” That was when it clicked for Tame. Why exactly he had decided for her to be his bride. She wasn’t a monster like Luna, and she wasn’t some tainted, false angel like Celestia. She was simply a mare with incredible powers, nothing more, nothing less, and that one fact enticed him far more then any trick or spell that the other two could have ever pulled. Cadance yelped as he suddenly seemed much more excited. She was pressed firm against the wall, his cock sliding all the way within her and almost knocking the breath out of her. Her breasts now were completely pressed against his chest and the sensation of every muscle as they flexed against her sensitive mounds was euphoric to the young djinn. Tame smiled at her heated pantings and felt her tighten even further. She was so close, and so was he. He bent in, his cock throbbing as it’s release repressed again, but not by much. “Where?” “Wha–” “Where?” Cadance felt her body tense as she figured out the meaning of the word, and her legs tightened around him, pulling him as deeply into her as she could manage. Her pussy became a vice as she let go of her worries and simply gave into the desire to be with the one that she would be with forever. The shudders and shakes stopped for a moment as she let out an ear piercing scream of pleasure, the only noise possibly beating it being the groan from Tame as he released within her. Cadance’s arousal ran down his legs as she shook almost violently. In contrast, Tame let out his cum slowly, with each thick rope being accompanied by a small thrust, causing her back to smack against the stone. Once he was done though, his white, hot sperm dripped down from her pussy, pooling beneath them. The two slowly slid along the wall as Cadance shut her eyes, exhausted from the events of the night. Tame sat there, watching his beautiful bride sleep as the first rays of morning came through the window. Glancing out reminded him that the rest of the world did exist, and that they would most likely disapprove of his bride and newly gained servants. Never could they have true freedom. He looked down at Cadance and grit his teeth. No. I am their lord, and I will not fail them like this. He leaned down and whispered into Cadance’s ear,”I wish that they had a chance. That if they leave, they will be safe from persecution for what they are, and that they will be judged like any pony else. Snap. A surge of magic passed through the castle, illuminating every room and letting each inhabitant know the good news Their king was back, and he had given them a second chance at life. Slowly they filled the room with Tame and his princesses, pledging their allegiance, and swearing that they would go where he go, for he had saved them, and they owed him too much to ever leave him, at least, not yet. And so Tame got his kingdom, and his more than willing harem of beasts. > Chapter 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tame reached up and grabbed the base of the brazier on the wall and turned it. The metal must have been insulated so as not to burn his palm, but this didn’t make turning it easy. However, a bit more effort and the grating of stone rang deep in his ears. He simply grit his teeth and continued, despite the annoyance. The heat beat on his face as he grunted in exertion. The metal squealed in protest and only then did it occur to him that perhaps there wasn’t a secret passage. He shook the thought away, deciding an old castle like this must have something. It was only when the brazier came crashing down that he was proven wrong. With a hand over his face and a groan from his throat, Tame had to decide what to actually do. Run down into the darkness of the corridor ahead Jump into the shoot. Go hunting for a monster. (under construction) > Chapter 9 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tame reaches for one of the heavyset curtains, determined to no longer live with being blind. Besides, the creature probably thrives on shadows. He pulled upon the thick webbing and felt it yield slightly. Slightly would be as far as it would go, and Tame’s heart started to hammer as he realized his hands would not be going anywhere anytime soon. Clink. His eyes widened and he tried to move again, but the web was like iron cord wrapped around his arms. Clink. He turned around and saw only a shadowy silhouette. It depicted a body of armor, without its head. He thrashed ever more, but it merely continued its steady advance. “Ge-get away from me!” Chink. Shing. The movement of its arms were all that told him of what was coming. No matter how hard he struggled though, it merely continued the advance, never slowing, never stopping. Once it reached him, it barely reacted as its longsword pierced through Tame’s sternum. He was dead by the time the blade was dragged out of his chest. > Chapter 10 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tame slowly stood outside the foyer, taking in a deep breath as he considered. Going back in would be dangerous, but the amulet had said he needed to find something. Find strength. Strength to be found in monsters. A small smile crossed his lips and he pushed the large doors back open. The banners swung from their poles as the night breeze rolled through. He took one more, large breath, and laughed. “I do believe this place may just end up being some fun after all!” After a moment spent listening to the echo, his breathing returned to normal, and his senses perked. While it might be fun, it would not be easy. To assume so was normally the first mistake any hunter made, and with six paths, danger was bound to be everywhere. Still, with six paths, he couldn’t help but feel the excitement in him rise as well. Bottom Right Bottom Left Top Right Top Left (under construction) Left Staircase Right staircase (under construction) > Chapter 11 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tame’s hand touched the cold door knob and a shock ran through his spine. A cold, deep, menacing voice creeped into the air. “You are different. You are strong. Pass my test and I shall grant you an audience. Fail though, and your body will become as cold as this door.” Tame retracted his hand from the door as his breath came out in frosty clouds. He was freezing and magical fear coursed through his body, causing him to shiver and shake. Few creatures had power like this, and fewer still had enough power to so easily corrupt him with their magic. However, one part of him was warm. His chest, the metal. A promise that what lies behind the door may save him. However, is that enough to keep him going? Turn Back Go in Talk back to the voice > Chapter 12 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I am no idiot. I can see the clues around me. Let me guess, you want to see if I am strong enough to be a great ghoul or something else stupid like that. I will not come into your domain, but as you can clearly see me and interact with mine, then why don’t you come out here?” The house creaked in response to his shouts, but nothing more. He glanced back at the door and reached back to touch it. His hand grazed the cold metal before being unable to move. “What do you think I am mortal?” Tame tried to pull his hand away while the answer was ripped from him within him. The voice sounded sad for a moment as it spoke, “A necromancer? Oh how I wish. As well, I wish you had proven smart and understanding, instead of arrogant and obnoxious. Now goodbye.” The last word was but a whisper, but it still sent the beast’s power forward to him. Tame continued to try to pull his hoof away, but the frost on the door quickly started to climb up his arm. The world got colder and colder and colder, but Tame couldn’t figure out why. It was too late when the numbing pain forced him to look and see his the damage the creature’s magic was doing upon him. Soon the stallion was no longer a stallion. Merely an icicle that soon shattered into frozen dust. > Chapter 13 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tame scowled. The claw marks weren’t of something he had fought before, but they looked to be deep and large which meant whatever lay beyond could very possibly kill him without his equipment. Besides, I don’t think breaking my spine going down the shoot is really how I want to go. Soon his sore hooves were pounding against the stone hallways. No more roars came, but now he couldn’t see. Only because of the lack of noise did he slow, though that by no means meant that he was letting down his guard. At any moment a new threat could appear and then he would be doomed. His hand came against a wall and he turned to the right. A wall. With a scowl over his face, he turned around and stepped forward. Smack. “Son of a succubus!” He rubbed his nose and glared at the darkness before starting to trace his hands along the cold stone. No matter where he placed them though, he had no such luck. Each way led to only stone and he slowly trudged back, now having to find a different way before the beast from before got him. Jump into the shoot. Go hunting for a monster. (under construction) > Chapter 14 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tame stopped in his tracks, intrigued. Any monstrous worth its carapace wouldn’t have made a sound. That, or I’d already have a giant bug on my shoulder. He glanced to his right and noticed a fairly uneaten shoulder. “Okay, you’re starting to worry me. Are you dead?” A small squeak came from the rafters, but it wasn’t the old wood. “I… I’m here.” Tame’s senses went on edge at the voice, his hand instinctively going to a knife on his belt. Thank god I didn’t lose this at least. He searched the rafters as he stepped slowly away from the middle of the hallway. Even if it meant getting plastered against a wall, he wasn’t about to get pinned to the floor. “You kind of suck at this whole surprise attack thing.” A few more creaks came from the rafters and he heard shuffling as webs were disturbed by their owner. He only just saw her eyes when a blast of webbing came his way. He jumped back and watched as the web stuck to the ground and then lost its tension from too much coming out. More movement came from above, the thing’s feet clacking against the stone and wood. A small whine came from the creature and he lowered his hand from the blade. Wait, am I actually feeling bad for this thing? It can’t be too young, or else this place wouldn’t be coated with webs as thick as my arm. Another whine came from the rafters and he shook his head, considering what he should do about the pest, especially since combat was out of the question, not without more than his knife. Leave Press onward and see how she reacts > Chapter 15 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tame smiled as he ran his arms along Celestia’s sides, enjoying the lace and silk that covered her. He brought his hands closer though as he went upward and gave them a gentle squeeze, causing the angel to blush. “Hello. It’s my pleasure to meet you, I’m certain.” She swallowed hard and let out a shaky breath. “No-now my lord. I… I’m certain we’ll have plenty of time fo-for all of this, but for the moment, will you, um, please let my breasts–” “Out?” A small chuckle escaped Tame’s lips as he pulled on the bodice, ripping the laces and letting the large bosom breath. He hadn’t ever faced an angelic being before, but he was tired from a long night, and simply hoped this was the right course of action. A small gasp came from Celestia as her inverted nipples hid from the cold air. She went up to her hands over the small pink spots, but then stopped. After a deep breath, she looked into his eyes while licking her lips. “I… I am willing to serve my lord, if that is what he wishes.” Tame blinked a few times before squeezing her bare breasts. They were soft and yielded to his touch. Her slight shudders caused him to smile and he decided to reward her excitement. “Well, why don’t you lay down and let me show you how kind your lord can be.” Celestia jumped as a single finger ran along the bottom of her underwear. She shook her head. “No! I am your faithful angel and will not be serviced without pleasing you.” She looked back at the bed and smiled slightly. “Though, if you laid down, perhaps we both can show each other how kind we can be.” Tame chuckled slightly and laid back on the bed, waiting. Slowly, Celestia climbed onto the canopy bed and swung herself around so that his large, throbbing cock was in front of her. She hesitated for a moment, but it was her job as the eldest sister and princess to set an example. She opened her mouth and could taste his musk before she put the first inch in. She shuddered as Tame got to work on his end of the deal, gently teasing her pussy’s edges with his tongue. She let out a moan that vibrated against his crotch as he dug his hands into her voluptuous rump. She lowered her hips further, her tainted body and will demanding that she fall further from grace. Tame simply enjoyed what was in front of him as his shaft was slowly licked and suckled upon. Her sweet juices slipped down his throat as the ever impressive rear came closer and closer. Soon, she was so tightly against him that Tame could easily put his face into her crotch, licking fervently the deepest depths of the mare. Celestia rose her front for a moment, her tongue stuck wide outside of her mouth as she shuddered in pleasure and wiggled her rump lower. She could feel every part of his face against her heavenly rump and it sent shivers up and down her spine. She breathed a small apology before lifting one hand to her nipples, and the other lowered to just above where the two of them met. Lightning shot through her as she touched her own clit and her mouth now refused to close. Her other hand squeezed her breast, getting her to pant louder and louder. She felt his hands squeeze into her thighs and her eyes started to roll back. The excitement building within her was simply too great, and she let out a loud, primal scream as she finally let the last of her inhibitions go. There she sat for a few moments, simply panting as she slowly came down from the high. Her hips twitched as Tame’s arms fell to the side, and that finally got her to get off. For a few moments the three princesses watched their lord before Luna decided to act on what her sister had done by attacking her. “I wanted to fuck him too you know!” > Chapter 16 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tame slowly opened the door with surprising amounts of ease and peered in, only to find a dessert. He stepped back, but some sort of force pushed him into the scalding hot sand. He was on his feet in a second. A quick scan of his surrounding revealed nothing, but that didn’t meant there wasn’t anything. Harpies? Sand worms? Dust devils? As he continued to look, no such monster came to devour him. Instead, he swore a mirage had appeared in the form of a weak purple mare lying in the sand. He raced over to her. She wore a light brown dress that lay in tatters over her voluptuous body. He blushed at the almost revealed breasts and fair waist, but thanked the exposed fur and skin for it was the only reason he had made the unicorn out amongst the plain desert backdrop. Tame placed a hand gently onto her shoulder and she looked up at him. “Help… me.” He nodded furiously and tried to pull her closer while gently shaking her to make sure she stayed conscious. “What is wrong? Do you need water, food?” He glanced behind him and felt a chill run through him as there was no door. Another dimension? No, that’s impossible. A necromancer couldn’t do something like that. Unless, unless I was wrong. He glanced back at mare and felt a chill run up his spine. “Poison. Leg… need help.” She lifted her leg and he swallowed hard as the dress pushed up because of the motion the fur being revealed now came closer and closer to her crotch. He could also see two holes though, just above her fetlocks, and black discoloration around the wound. Tame’s mind flashed to his survival training, but he didn’t know what bit her. All he could try to do was suck the poison out, but that could end up killing him. Suck on the wound Leave the mare to her fate. > Chapter 17 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tame put a hand onto his forehead, slightly cursing the fact that he had to have a conscience. “Alright, I’m going now. Have a nice night, and I would suggest not trying to attack me. I’m kind of experienced at combat, and I doubt you’ve even thrown a punch.” He nodded at another small. “mew,” from above that came in response. With each step, a few clicks upon the ceiling would accompany him. She must be growing used to being around me. I guess that isn– “Stop!” He stood stock still, staring at the hallway. All there was were the silhouettes of old suits of armor and more of this accursed web. He turned his attention upwards and saw two green eyes looking back at him. They were a nice light green and spread over a white, fuzzy, field of a face on the girl. The white quickly turned a tint of red as she held a clawed hand to her mouth. “Uh… sorry. I wasn’t speaking to you. You,” she grew quieter, “you can go.” Tame sighed and tipped his head. “Have a nice night, and I would suggest hiding better. Other hunters will not be as kind as I have been tonight. You don’t seem half bad, so I would rather you not be skinned.” The creature nodded before retreating back into the darkness, disappearing once more. He glanced back at the hallway and sighed. “I would really suggest clearing some of these webs if you don’t mind intruders. That would definitely make it easier to get here.” Bottom Right Bottom Left (under construction) Top Right Top Left (under construction) Right staircase (under construction) > Chapter 18 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tame kept his eyes up, watching for the creature as he stepped forward. The loose webs that started to coat the floors clung to his hooves, but it merely slowed his progress, it did not stop him. Now if I sank in, the matter would be entirely different. His attention dashed away as more clicks came from the rafters and he saw the large form of the creature. “You know, if you want me to stop, you could just say so.” He stopped for a moment as he heard a tapping on the wood above him. “I… I don’t want to be alone, but… but I don’t want you to see me.” He frowned at the whine and sighed. “Well, I would help if I could, but I’ve got my own problem to fix. Bye.” “Wait.” Tame glanced up and saw a black arm extended towards him with shining, sharp tips at the end of each finger. He shook his head. “Then what do you suppose I do? I’m doubting you can help me, or that you would want to pay the price to do so.” “No please don’t!” The creature was skittering about now in the rafters, making a large ruckus before ejecting more thick webs across the hallway, attempting to block it off. Tame started to run towards the blockage as more webs came over it. The white wall came closer and closer with each step and he heard a happy chitter come from her as he approached. Then he slid beneath the line of web. “No!” Tame stood back up, dusting himself off while he didn’t hear more skittering. In that moment, he heard small whimpers and cries. The brown stallion looked back and grimaced. He could just see the tears coming down the sweet thing’s face. “I’m sorry.” The cries stopped momentarily at the words. “Wa-wait. Ma-maybe… If you enter the room at the end of this hallway, I… I will show myself. How about that?” Tame bit into his lip, weighing the time he had spent on the futile trip already and the danger against getting the sentient being to not cry again. Into the room. Leave. > Chapter 19 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tame slowly put the mare onto the ground. He didn’t have the strength to finish her now, but he couldn’t risk the poison killing him instead. He would find a way out no matter what though. “I’m sorry.” The mare weakly pushed herself off the ground. “Please, please don’t go. I… I need you. Please.” Tame closed his eyes and shook his head. “I can’t do anything for you. The most I could give you is a swift death.” Tears started falling from her face. “Couldn’t you at least stay until then? Let me not die alone or by another’s hand? Please?” He simply shook his head and turned away. The heat was too strong, and if he had been teleported or was trapped inside an illusion, he would need to find his way out and fast. He took one more step away from the mare before- Crunch. Tame froze as blood fell from his shoulder. He came around with a vicious right hook and knocked the creature away. Unfortunately, he knew his fate when he saw the creature. It had no soul, no eyes, but was simply a shell for its master, and now its master’s magic filled him. The creatures now bloody maw opened, but the words that came out were that of the voice before. “You could have been more, but instead you still prove yourself worthless.” Tame fell over as the life faded from him, but soon rose once more. No thoughts entered his mind on this miracle. No cry of pain from the gash in his shoulder or the broken bones. No, nothing would ever come into this corpse’s mind ever again. > Chapter 20 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Well then, I wish to fuck you forever!” Tame chuckled at the small joke. He had heard about Djinns, but never had believed in wish granters before. They would have to be far too powerful to not have been noticed and abused for as long as they seem to have been. Snap. A flood of magic filled Cadance as his hands acted in their own. Almost instantly his clothes were gone, ripped away from him. She tried to stop him from grabbing her pants, but they too were soon lost to the wishes’ desire. The springs within the bed creaked as the two slammed onto it. Cadance let out a pained gasp as she felt his girthy member shove itself halfway into her. His hands gripped into her thighs and soon his hips were crashing down hard upon her own. She panted as her breasts threatened to knock her out with each thrust. Of course, even if they did hit her, the magic of the wish wouldn’t have allowed them to stop. And so Tame simply got to keep going, and going, and going. Hours passing without ever getting soft, gallons of cum filling the pink mare as she came close to losing her mind to the large member. But even when Tame thought about how tired he was, he found his hips wouldn’t stop. Nothing he could do would stop the wish either. After two days of relentless sex, Cadance weakly stepped out out of the room and into her sister’s arms, a golden orb in her hands. “I’m sorry. It’s just, I can’t say no.” Luna let out an agitated sigh while Celestia gave a more sympathetic one. The white angel slowly stroked her hair. “We know. Let us just hope the next lord that comes will be more careful. > Chapter 21 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tame shuts his eyes for a moment while taking a deep breath. He may not want to hurt the thing at this point, but he simply can’t take the risk. He turns away, and runs. Her cries echo into him all the way back into the main hall. Bottom Right Bottom Left (under construction) Top Right Top Left (under construction) Right staircase (under construction) > Chapter 22 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tame ducked back underneath the web barrier and started to walk down the hallway. Along the path, the clicking of the creature’s feet started again. “So, if I may know, do you have a name?” “Pri-Sweetie Belle. Just Sweetie Belle. Wh-what is yours?” “Tame. Your voice matches the name, though I’m guessing the rest of you isn’t so sweet.” He rubbed his chin and chuckled. “Then again, at this point you’d be sweeter than about ninety-percent of the things I meet on this job.” A long silence came from above before she finally made another noise past her walking. “Thank you.” He noted the lowered voice and sighed to himself. It isn’t my fault that I don’t know how to do small talk with a monster. Usually it starts with us seeing each other and ends with my blade between their ribs. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you. I know you’ll definitely beat the last thing that I fought. It was a giant sludge ball that stank like an outhouse after The Grand Equestrian Cook Off, and of course, it ate me. No one would come near me for a week and I think my cat was about to straight up leave by the time the stench went away.” A small laugh came from above him and Tame sighed contently as he reached the door. Slowly it opened to reveal an elegant bedroom covered in tapestries, books, and even an old record player in the corner. Dust covered the entirety of it, but not a thread of web touched any part of the decor or walls. And in the middle was a lavish bed with a pink mattress and a small tiara on a side table. Tame’s exhaustion caused him to yawn at the sight of the bed. “Please, sit on the bed.” He did as he was told turning to face the door, thankful for the small orb of magic that was illuminating the sleeping chamber, but also cursing it as he knew he wouldn’t have a chance to see the creature or react until it was almost on top of him. Then she appeared. From the shadows came a spider girl, a cute, perky bosom presenting itself at the same time as two green eyes framed upon a white field came into view. He tensed as she smiled and he could see long fangs that her lips barely kept inside. What really scared him though was the back, the part that had the body of a black widow, complete with six glossy black legs and a red hourglass on her large back. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped slightly, drawing the creatures attention to his mouth. Those unnatural eyes came closer and closer with each moment, the lips opening and on a direct course for his. Kiss her Run Attack > Chapter 23 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tame opened up the shoot and took a deep breath in. He almost had a feeling this corridor was made specifically to screw with someone or tire them out just so this creature could kill them easily. And without my equipment, becoming one big bruise sounds better then becoming a charcoal briquette. He thanked the beings above for the shoot being big enough and cursed everything else for forcing him down this way. The chute banked a few times, but despite smacking straight against something, it didn’t hurt. Before he ever had enough time to question this though, he would start sliding again and attempting to slow himself anew. Only once he had fallen what he guessed was hundreds of feet did the tunnel end and he found racing feet first at the exit. He braced himself and exited the darkness into bright light. He sat there for a moments, blinking. All around him was pink. Soft, and pink. He breathed a sigh of annoyance, only to find one of the feathers shift because of it and jab him in the eye. “Damnit!” He jumped to his feet, sending feathers everywhere. There was more though, a whole kennel in fact of the annoying little things. Fortunately, they were only knee deep, so trudging through the pool wasn’t all that difficult and made Tame feel even stupider when he finally took in everything else in the room. The pink theme didn’t stop with the feather pit. No, walls were coated in the obnoxious color, but it started to make sense to him as he took note of small rocking chairs, building blocks, and even a tiny, wooden carriage that sat on the ground. It did look time had taken its toll on the poor thing though as it appeared to be on the verge of breaking apart by the slightest breeze. Tame scanned the room, carefully trying to inspect what he could from there. There aren’t any signs of traps, but you never really know with places like this. His eyes swiveled to his right and widened at the sight of a door. He almost made the mistake of stepping away from his safe spot, but stopped, only to put his hoof on a ball he hadn’t seen. Bam! The shock of the rubber bursting caused him to high knee and fall back before slamming into the ground. For a moment he held his breath, silent as he listened for whatever noises might come. None did so, and slowly the breath escaped him. If this place was booby trapped, this would have been a perfect place to set them up. Tame yawned as he got back up, spying one of the small cots in the room. Another glance at the door got him to start chewing on his lower lip as temptation warred against practicality. Stay and rest? Leave? > Chapter 24 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tame opens the door and lets out an exasperated sigh. Stairs. Stairs that have no end in sight. He glanced back for a moment, his muscles crying out for the respite that sleep would bring. A swift fist to the jaw caused tears to come to his eyes, but it also woke him up and allowed him to focus. Slowly he made his way up the twisting stairs, going up, down, and even around as he once found a loop in one part of the stairs. Through out all of this though, he stayed quiet. If anything was on the stairs with him, he would be thankful for having kept a low profile. Further he climbed, the firefly’s being his only only avenue for light. The little bugs must have created nests down here, as there were too many for this to be by accident on their part. That, or I will soon be swarmed by their controller. He chuckled to himself, using labyrinth rules to take him down the right stair at a fork. One of the fireflies started hovering next to him, buzzing in Tame’s ear and setting his teeth on edge. With each step the firefly would dart, whizz, and fly, all around his head. It flew out a bit farther, in a straight line for once, and Tame knew he had it. He lunged, one foot extended in front of the other. That foot never touched stone. Tame twisted his body, pivoting with his back hoof as hard as he could before he lost his purchase. One hand shot out from his body, latching onto what was left of the broken staircase. He felt his shoulder almost dislocate as tears stung his eyes. He swung his arm around and pulled. Soon he found his torso coming over the ledge, and he scrambled to more stable ground. One of his feet kicked a small chunk of stone away, and he turned just in time to watch it fall. It didn’t fall for long. Instead, it hit the air and started to slow, a strange aura floating over it before it evaporated into oblivion. His veins chilled and he stepped away. His mind raced with the possibilities, all the things that could be hiding in the depths below. All the treasure they may be– Buzz. Tame scowled as his hand came up and crushed the bug in his glove. He looked back over the edge, and then back the way he had come, a way of safety. Jump off (under construction) Climb down (under construction) Go back and go the other way > Chapter 25 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweetie’s lips come against Tame’s and for a moment, it is bliss. Tame’s vision switches as her tongue slowly comes into his mouth and he feels the tender heat of her body. In this brief moment, he saw the mare as that; a mare. She was in an elegant dress and looking unbelievable happier. A tear came to her eye as her black arms came around him. Tame started seeing projections in his vision as Sweetie now stood at the same time as she kissed him. This one though covered her mouth, before the doctor forced the hand away to reveal her fangs. Then her arms turned black. The whole bottom half of her burst and morphed as two mandibles started to attempt to tease his tongue. He pushed against Sweetie, and just before he ripped the monster away from himself, a salty sweetness entered his mouth. It was a tear, the first tear of joy, the first the creature had shed since its eighteenth birthday, and then it centered into the golden plate on his chest before disappearing. Then Sweetie crashed onto the ground and snapped Tame out of it. He stared at her for a few moments as she simply stared at him. He wanted to say something, but a deep pit of shame quickly consumed that desire. He stepped towards the little mare but she cowered slightly from him. He turned away and muttered an apology before reaching for the door. Once it was open again, a pitch black blade came within a centimeter of his throat. “Maud!” The creature panted on the ground, her bosom slightly shaking with each quake of her body. “Ju-just escort him out. I-it isn’t his fault for how I look.” Tame wanted to say something, but the headless suit of armor soon was forcing him out of the room, and along his way back to the main room. Acquired SpiderBelle essence. (Click here if this is the third essence you have obtained) Bottom Right Bottom Left (under construction) Top Right Top Left (under construction) Right staircase (under construction) > Chapter 26 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- He made his way back to the other fork and ascended farther up. The lack of firefly’s up here caused a rather annoying problem as his head smashed into the ceiling. A groan escaped his lips as he pushed open the trap door and looked around. His eye twitched as the moonlight hit him and screamed into the air, the castle entrance taunting him. The Groves (under construction) The Gardens (under construction) Go back inside the castle > Chapter 27 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tame put his arms up in defense, grabbing the sides of her head and grunting as he pushed. A sickening snap filed the room as her head turned, and a tear came down the eye Tame could see. The body started to get heavier on him as nothing supported her weight. He pushed her off, and then looked down. Now that he got a good look at her, shame was all he could feel. If he ignored her thorax, she was actually pretty cute. Her purple and pink mane complimented her white fur, and not even a grizzled hunter like himself could deny the beauty of white and black. And now it is gone. Tame spent another moment waiting, expecting to receive something for the artifact in his chest, but no such power came. Instead, he was only left with an emptiness and sadness to fill him. He stood and took one more glance at the body before leaving the room. Unfortunately, outside something awaited him. Shoonk. The suit of armor walked over the newly fallen boy, blood dripping from its blade, before it bent down over its master, brushing aside the spider girl’s mane before balling its fist. That fist soon came crashing down, smashing Tame’s disembodied head. > Chapter 28 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tame’s instincts screamed as her mouth came ever closer. He could imagine the mandibles within, waiting to grab his tongue. He jumped out of the bed, but his foot caught on a loose part of the carpet. His arms flailed hardly while he futilely attempted to regain his balance. It was too late though as he crashed through the window. His eyes widened as smaller towers set into the castle loomed below him, just waiting to kill him. A fierce, burning agony lit up his left leg as he suddenly stopped in midair. For a moment it felt like he’d been punched in the gut as the force drove the air out of his lungs. He swung back towards the tower and smashed into the wall. Crack! His vision almost went out as he felt several ribs and his left arm break against the wall. There he panted, barely noticing as his limp and broken body was dragged along the side of the tower. All he did feel was pain. A-at least, nng, at least it's only pain. I… I don’t feel any blood. Please let that not be, ah, just the shock making me numb. Finally, he was dragged back into the room and laid onto the bed. Sweetie came over his body, tears running down her face as she panted. “A-are you okay?” “Fuck no!” Tame writhed on the bed as his ribs screamed at him and he panted against the bed. His breath was barely a whisper now, the pain attempting to knock him out. “No. I… I think I, nng, broke something. Ma-many things actually.” Sweetie bit into one of her fingers as two of her legs came over the bed and started prodding him in an attempt to figure out the problem. The first moment that a scream came from him though, she couldn’t stop herself. Tame jumped as her fangs sank into his neck and her horn glowed. Slowly, he felt something be injected into him. A slow numbing of the pain accompanied the possible poison and his breathing became less labored. Sweetie’s face nuzzled into his shoulder and he slowly lifted his right arm to stroke her head. Now that he got a good look at her, he felt ashamed for running. Her eyes glistened in the soft, enchanted light, her lips were so small that it warmed his heart, and she was still a beautiful mare, and he had ignored that. Tame gently tilted her head and barely gave her a small peck before lying back, groaning in pain. Sweetie touched her lips and felt tears well in her eyes before she gladly let them fall. She nuzzled back into him before hearing another sharp intake of breath. She looked back as her venom simply couldn’t block this level of pain. I… I need to distract him, make him feel okay. She climbed onto the bed, allowing her lower legs to start checking for problem areas. Then one touched the bulge at his crotch. A small squeak came from Sweetie, but the leg stayed where it was. She watched him as he watched her. Slowly, moving at a snail’s pace, the arachnid leg started to run along the sheathed shaft. She almost squealed with happiness as a small smile spread across Tame’s face. I don’t care if it is dirty or improper, it makes him feel better! now what can I do to help him. A second leg joined the first and ripped off the front of his pants, allowing Tame’s slowly rising cock to present itself. For a moment, Sweetie recoiled, scared of it slightly. She then looked down at the stallion beneath her. His breath was evening out and his body had even managed to relax. She took in a deep breath as she made her decision. She spat some web against the wall, connecting it to the earlier stream from her thorax. She then did the same thing, only to his right arm this time. She tapped her legs against the stone as she leaned in close. “I’m sorry, but I just can’t be alone anymore. I… I hope you understand.” Her legs then brought her to the foot of the bed and had her staring at his erect member. Sweetie put one hand and gently gripped, making sure to keep her grip loose. Slowly, she moved her hand along the shaft and felt it quiver and shake in her hands. She then bent forward and put her lips against the tip and gave it a lick as her hand continued to pump him. After a short bit, she tasted something salty, maybe even bitter against her tongue, but decided to ignore it as her body started to heat up. She wanted to touch herself so badly, but never was a princess supposed to touch herself, no matter how much she wanted to. That didn’t stop the smell coming from time’s cock intoxicating, or the taste of his flesh in her mouth the best she had ever tasted. Next came Sweetie moving her lips over the cock. She hesitated as her lips stayed coiled around the thick shaft, but she ignored that as a groan escaped Tame’s lips. With each thrust, her head bobbed lower and lower upon his shaft. The taste was almost driving herself insane as her finger traced just above her stomach. The newly freed hand gently caressed her perky, exposed nipple, but she simply forced those feelings down., especially as Tame started to groan louder and faster. She felt his member tighten and felt a chill of excitement run through her. Her hands squeezed her perky breasts hard, causing her to wince, but that also caused her lips to tighten. Sweetie could almost feel the surge coming and thrusted herself down one more time, taking him all the way to his balls. Here she was as thick ropes of cum ran down her throat. With each new amount her throat pulsed, and the more her body desired more. One finger barely touched her crotch as she finally finished with Tame, certain he was fast asleep now. She crawled onto the bed and awkwardly laid next to him, her legs coiling around him. “I… I know you won’t like it, but with time you will. I-I just cannot be alone anymore.” She touched one of the webs that would never again leave Tame’s arm. “I… I’m sorry.” > Chapter 29 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tame leans down and gently wraps his lips around the wound before gently sucking some of the blood out. He feels a soft hand run through his mane as he continues to suckle the wound. “This is very kind of you sir. Can I know your name?” He takes his lips off and gruffly states, “I need to focus.” “No you don’t. You already took care of it.” Tame glanced back up at the purple mare and saw a soft smile on her face. He crawled up next to her and laid on the rock there. “My name is Tame. Yours?” “Twilight Sparkle, and it is nice to meet you.” She leans against him and cuddles into her chest. I am tired, and you are strong. Almost like a knight.” “I am no knight,” he says as he contemplates pushing her away. Something about the girl unnerved him, but at the same time kept him from outright rejecting her. Of course it could just be because of those large– He immediately cuts off the thought and decides to stroke her hair. “It is lonely out here. I could use more company. More kind company.” She now turned so her chest was against his and those beautiful purple eyes met his. He glanced away and swallowed hard. “We should get out of here before another snake shows up. Can you stand?” He tried raising himself but then thumped back to the ground. Twilight moved back from him and gripped her hands. The sun didn’t feel as strong for some odd reason. “I don’t think you can. It was a strong poison. I’m sorry.” He grit his teeth against the pain that was suddenly there. He glanced back at the mare and for a moment saw something more skeletal, something colder. She was coming closer to him, closer then she needed to. “What do you want from me?” “I’m lonely sir knight, and no kind stallions such as yourself have come in so long. I was,” she choked on a small sob as her centuries of loneliness came back to mind. However, it did not stop her. “I am alone, and maybe, just maybe you would be willing to help me stop being lonely, please?” Tame growled at her. “I would not do that with something that will kill me otherwise. Twilight glanced down, her appearance continuing to grow more disheveled by the moment. “No… no I will save you. Just please. give me a chance. I can be your friend, maybe... even more.” He glanced at the sad mare as her hand s landed on his chest and felt some of the pain leech away. However, Run Stay and let her have company > Chapter 30 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tame smiled at the demon, but then let his gaze wander back to her sisters as his grin grew. “Well, I mean, relatively–” Luna scowled. “I would advise against that.” He threw up his hands and stepped away. “I’m just saying that I’m more of a breast kind of a guy, so I like what I see on your sisters more. Just trying to be honest really.” She grit her teeth, but tried, and failed, to keep her seductive smile as she bent over and hooked her thumbs under the strings to her swimsuit. She pulled them away, giving her perky breasts complete freedom to swing. Her back and forth swaying got Tame to lick his lips, and Luna smiled. “Are these not satisfactory?” He reminded himself that most likely he would be spending a lot of time with these young mares. He then thought about how little fun he would have if he always complied with them. “I suppose they are, but,” he smiled at the angel behind her, “I’d much rather see Miss Celestia do the same.” Luna’s eyes twitched and she walked right up to him, covering his eyes one hand. “Fine. You want tits, I’ll give you tits.” She refused to move her hand as her rage manifested deep within her and blossomed into an all new source of energy. Her body started to grow while her dark blue fur became pitch black. Her horns curled around and she snarled slightly, larger canines showing. The most important thing was her being a foot taller than Tame now though, and with breasts larger than his head that swung freely. The hand over his eyes left, and for a moment, Tame could take in the extravagant beauty in front of him. He was just about to comment when he was forcibly shoved in between her excessive amounts of cleavage. His tongue came out and licked the sensitive skin he found himself having a mouthful of as his hands gripped into the soft mounds. Nightmare shuddered at the touch and panted, her rage quickly turning to arousal. This new want though couldn’t override the one that had brought her out though, so in between her breasts he stayed. She let out a small moan as his grip went from a tender touch to seemingly trying to pull her breasts off. Just before she thought she might be able to get off from the act though, his hands slipped away from her chest. She waited another moment before dropping the limp corpse. Nightmare then squatted over and whispered, “that’s why you don’t fuck with a demon asshole. You get the devil within.” > Chapter 31 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tame stepped away from the webs. He bit into his lip as he looked down the hall and shook his head. There was plenty of hallway to investigate without being blind and unable to move. Even if it means probably looking for a stupid lever or something. He turned the corner and started to check the doors again, He had been more focused on finding a larger room like the kitchens or treasury that he had failed to consider these ones. Each though was locked in turn, causing a groan come from him as he reached the last one in the hallway. Why can’t these stupid locks ever be simply broken? Clunk. Tame turned on his heels to face the other side and scowled as he noticed two sets of headless armor. He knocked on the door behind him with the back of his head and started to contemplate his options. I only heard one’s foot, so either only one is active, or they are that finely tuned to each other’s movements to be able to move as one. Either way, annoying as hell. The stallion looked back at them and scratched his blue mane, a slight scowl coming across his face. “So, sword or mace?” Sword wielding armor Mace wielding armor > Chapter 32 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tame stepped forward, cautiously approaching the black steel silhouette. His hand wrapped around his knife;s sheath, wishing the knife had been there, even if it wouldn't have helped him. No attack came though as he approached and attempted to peak within. The inside showed him nothing. It was a simple suit of heavy plate armor, devoid of arcane markings or talismans. His blood almost turned to ice, practically hearing the other suit move in closer, and closer as it raised its blade for the kill. He turned around to nothing. Wa-was the clink of metal just my nerves? Am I that used to traps that I’m starting to hallucinate them being in places like this? He swallowed hard and pinched the bridge if his nose. Alright, what do I trust more, my ears, or my eyes? Eyes Ears > Chapter 33 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tame headed for the cot, yawning and grabbing one of the rocking horses with him. After placing it next to the his new place of rest, making sure he could reach it and use it with one hand, he laid down. His mind wanted only to go to sleep, but simply falling for that trap would lose him the rest of the night. Instead he focused, honing his internal clock to set for one hour later. This clock had kept him alive during hundreds of encounters, but it was the ability to dictate his sleep schedule that he found the best. His eyes slowly closed and sleep soon fell upon him. Creak. Click. Squeak. Clunk. Clunk. Clunk. Clunk. Clunk. Creak. Tame could feel the presence. The first noise had awoken him, and now it stood above him. One swift motion could rid him of the beast or automaton, but it could also injure something that meant him no harm. Then again, with such an inviting room, I would not be surprised if these cots were simply a distraction, a trap to allow this thing to feed easier in an environment they thought they were safe in. Creak. Click. Clack, clack. Each noise came closer and closer. He could see the danger’s hand, slowly coming closer and closer to his throat. If he didn’t act now, he might never get the chance. Smash it! Pretend to sleep. > Chapter 34 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tame backed away from her and turned to the rest of the wasteland. He reached out in front of him and suddenly found he touched stone. Cold stone. He took a step back as the illusion slowly broke and inch by inch the room revealed itself. It was an ornate room covered in frost. The canopy bed had long ago lost its top and only had four broken rods to show the fact that it once had been of regal nature. Much of the room was like this with the moth eaten bookshelves that took up three thirds of the walls, a dresser that held the remains of silk dresses, and even the being who now sat on the bed with tears in her eyes. Twilight rubbed one with a hand covered in black silk. For a moment his vision could see through both the silk and hand to even the wall behind her. She soon reformed to a more solid state where he could take in the breathtaking beauty of the phantom. Her large bust was now kept in a black gown that touched to the floor and stopped just over her chest.. It was of a gothic style with slight frills and ruffles and red lace accenting parts. A dress for a time long past. Her time. “Are you a necromancer?” She shook her head and he heard a quiet sob. “No. I am known as a wraith, and have been confined to this room for what feels as though an eternity while looking for a champion.” Twilight paused and then glared at him. “Though you have the heart of one by saving me, you rejected me, even before this.... hideous form.” Her arms wrapped around herself and Tame couldn’t help, but feel bad. “Because of this you cannot be my champion.” He pushed away the feeling as his chest reminded him that he was there for a reason and that she was still a monster. “I’m sorry for your entrapment, but I would rather not stay trapped as well.” Trap opened up his shirt to reveal the large golden circle on his chest. “I believe I need a monster’s power to find my freedom and I still passed your test. I deserve some sort of reward for that, correct?” Minutes ticked by as Twilight stayed silent. Tame could feel the air getting colder with each passing moment. The waiting was almost crushing him, forcing his breaths to become shorter and shorter as he thought of all she could do in retaliation to being outwitted. He flinched as her hand came up. “Augh!” Twilight closed her eyes to the pain and felt some of herself leave her being. It hurt, it hurt so badly to do this, but the ancient rules demanded this of her. Slowly her hand came away from her chest where it had plunged into as it now held a golden heart. “Take it, and leave.” Tame looked down upon it and nodded. He reached out to the tiny, beating, glowing heart and admired its soft light for a moment. It only beat one more time in his palm though before cracking. The crack grew and ran along the center of the heart before it cracked open. A small spirit raised from the object and wailed in pain and sadness before diving into his chestplate. Fire flooded Tame’s veins and for a moment he thought he had been tricked once more. The pain vanished just as quickly as it had come though, and looking up caused him to notice that Twilight was no longer there. He stood slowly and reached for the door. Frost still clung to it, but an easy turn of the knob and he was allowed past. While touching the plate and feeling a new warmth from it, Tame sighed in relief of having made it through. The door slowly closed behind him as a ghostly tear ran down and froze on a transparent, purple Obtained a Wraith’s Essence (If this is the third you have gotten, click this link) Back to the foyer. > Chapter 35 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tame’s hand reaches out from his body, quickly taking hold of the rocking horse and swinging it full force into the threat. The crunch of wood hit his ears and he smirked as he sprang from the bed. He reached up with the rocker and brought it crashing down. Crunch! He lifted up and a sense of dread filled him. There in front of him lay a beautifully crafted, life-sized puppet of a mare. She was covered in what looked like blue silk, giving the appearance of skin, if it weren’t for the wood texturing visible beneath it at least. He leaned down, putting a hand to the completely shattered skull of the puppet. A single shard seemed to force his attention to it. A single word was painted on it. Trixie. He gripped it in his hand, something inside of him feeling as though he had died. Because of this, he failed to see the words melt away from the word and slowly crawl over his arm until it touched the golden vine along his arm and faded into the material. He stood, sighing to himself. Tame may have specialized in monster killing, but that had brought about a respect for fine craftsmanship. And now it lies destroyed. Damnit Tame. It could have even been a companion when alone in camp if it were actually alive. His attention was brought back to his current situation as his chest burned. It also allowed him to hear the smooth sliding of stone as a side room with a magic circle revealed itself. Of course, there still was the other door in the room. Received: Trixie Puppetmoon’s essence. (If this is the third essence you have obtained, click here. Magical Portal Door Sleep > Chapter 36 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tame moved slowly over to the suit of armor that carried a sword, his body tense as he came closer and closer to the possible trap. It only needed one swing to possibly kill him, while he had to reach into the damned thing and erase its magic seals. Or simply destroy the main body, but I don’t have anything right now to do that. Slowly, one hand touched the armor’s chest. It surprised him a little bit to see the curve of where a woman’s chest would go, as most castle’s went with stock standard, stallion armors for displays like this. A quick glance away and Tame noted that every other suit was indeed male. So this is either a trap, or tribute to a fallen champion of some sorts. That, or the people who owned this were pretty broke when compared to other castle owners. He chuckled a little bit at the thought. Krrrk. His eyes flew back open as he heard the scraping and he jumped back just as the creature brought its blade up and almost decapitated him. He looked back at it as the point of the blade stayed close to the ground. “I guess its the hard way then.” I fucking hate the hard way. Hard way Get the fuck out of there Use the webs > Chapter 37 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tame lies back down, determined to get his hour of sleep. In that hour though, the temperature of the room drops, getting lower and lower until his inner clock froze, lulled by the temptation of a cold blanket. The hours pass as he sleeps, and the vine on his arm slowly unravels, revealing a spiked end. Each moment that the sun starts to rise outside, it raised in perfect timing. Just as the sunrise ended, so did Tame’s life. > Chapter 38 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tame turned on his heel and started to sprint down the hallway. If the webs became thick enough, the heavy armor would sink into it and at least slow it down. Then he would have a chance to get through its offense and get at the seal. The only real alternative was rushing it, which would only end with him getting a sword through his chest. As he came back to the area he had been in previously, creaks and clicks of the previous monster’s movements came in an abundance and he immediately put his hand upon his knife’s sheath. “Look, if you don’t want me to hurt you, I’d come out right now!” Silence greeted him and he started to scowl. The longer the thing stayed in the shadows, the more likely he was to be pounced by the animated object and its master. Just as Tame was considering the use of a stone and his knife in the webs, the silence was broken. “I… I’m here, but I don’t want to show myself.” “And why might that be?” Another creak came from above, but nothing else. His eyes zoomed in on the spot as he walked into the middle of the hallway, his body tense for any sort of attack. A crack came from the rafters and for a moment he saw a spider leg show itself for just a moment. “So-sorry.” A twinge of pain went through his body. “A-are you not proud of yourself?” Instead of a verbal response, a long strand of webbing came his way and he had to jump back to be missed. But then Tame watched as more came out and the efficient bridge of webbing became a clump of useless webbing. A small whimper came from above him and he started to scratch his head and looked back. It doesn’t look like the armor is coming though, so maybe it just protects that door and itself. If that were the case, I might just be able to run past it. That, Tame’s eyes went further down the hallway, or I can continue looking into this poor prey. Press onward and see how she reacts Leave > Chapter 39 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tame tensed, waiting for the thing to attack him. It lunged forward and he just barely managed to dodge. He planted one foot on the ground and took off. The danger from an animated suit of armor that was this articulate and fast, not to mention armed, was simply too great for him to challenge. Especially since it is so ready to kill me. When he turned the corner though, no further clanking followed him. He looked back around the bend to see it standing resolutely in the middle of the hallway, its blade still drawn and to the ground. For a moment he was tempted to go back, to see if he could abuse this fact, but he knew better. Without a proper weapon, he was not to fell this beast, not now. He sighed to himself and went back around the bend, deciding that retreat would be better than death. Bottom Right Bottom Left (under construction) Top Right Top Left (under construction) Right staircase (under construction) > Chapter 40 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tame took one glance back at the cot, but decides instead that moving on would be for the best. He walked to the new passage and smiled at the pentagram. It was a traditional five point, transdimensional portal, usually reserved for when you needed to get from one place to another in an instant. The glyphs look intact enough, so I shouldn’t end up torn in half. The thought still chilled him and he bit into his lip. It would be the most efficient way though, so he would simply have to trust it. Tame flashed back into existence, letting go of the breath he hadn’t even realized before. For a moment, his mind became excited by the thought of freedom, the thought that that portal was to get the children away from the castle. Opening his eyes though, he saw the same familiar grand hall to the castle, mocking him. “Damnit!” Bottom Right Bottom Left (under construction) Top Right Top Left (under construction) Left Staircase Right staircase (under construction) > Chapter 41 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tame tensed, waiting for it. For the first few moments, the suit merely stayed there. The moment he lifted his foot sideways though, it lunged. Tame twisted on his one steady foot and grabbed a hold of the thing’s wrist, keeping the blade true to its course. The scraping of stone could easily be heard as he rolled away from the thing. It forced its blade out of the rock and turned back to him. A small smirk came across Tame’s features as he continued to back away from it. The creature’s own steps mirrored his. He felt the slight sticking of webbing and breathed a sigh of annoyance. He sidestepped the blade this time and and brought out his knife. Just as the sword was momentarily stuck in the webbing, he lunged forward, jamming his weapon between a two of the plates of its armor. It tried pulling the sword free, but the sudden stiffness of its right arm caused this to be almost impossible. Tame was just about to look inside when the threat backed away, using its weight to wrench its blade from the webbing. It switched its grip to one handed and turned to face him once more. He swallowed hard and started to back away. This time though, as his foot got into the webbing, he couldn’t help but smirk. This time he had to spin out of the way as the thrust came for him, cutting open part of his jacket. Tame used the tight rotation to slam his elbow into the thing’s back with a shout of triumph. A loud groan filled the hall as the heavy suit caused the webbing to shift and bend. A slight smile crossed his lips as he considered pushing her, hoping it might cause her to crash through the window. Of course, I could use this as a chance to see just what is so important in that room it was guarding. Window Room > Chapter 42 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tame breathed a sigh of relief at the pain leaving. As much as the vision before had worried him, he couldn’t mistrust a mare who was merely trying to help him. His arms slowly wrapped around her as she curled up onto him. Once he was in a lying position, Twilight curled up entirely onto him. Twilight slowly brought one hand up and covered his eyes. She sensed the stallion beneath her move and kept her voice low. “Don’t worry, it is all a part of the healing process.” Her magic flowed from her fingers and slowly into his body. Each moment caused the pain of the poison to drift away. As the pain ebbed, the presence of the mare’s body pressed against him became more and more apparent. Now it was Tame’s turn to raise a hand and brush it against her thigh. He heard something murmured into his ear, but couldn’t quite make it out what was said. His body did though as his hand grabbed at her soft rump. “I’m-I’m sorry, I don’t know what I’m doing.” A soft moan came from Twilight as she finally lowered her hand. A new instinct within him caused him to smile at the ghost white face looking down upon him. It caused him to ignore the frost covered room around him, covered in books and dust. His master’s gaze was the one thing that caught his attention and it filled him with a faint feeling of warmth. Twilight’s hands slowly pushed against his chest, her magic soon undoing the fabric and remaking it to the side. Her fingers needed into his chest and a tear fell from her eye. “You… you didn’t run. You would have eventually though, so I’m sorry that I must keep you here. However, at the very least I can make your servitude far happier then it could have been.” Tame knew he should question it. Servitude? I am-was no servant. Wait, what am I-Master’s warm touch is so nice. He wanted to question it, but not even a word formed as Twilight leaned down and kissed him. The kiss sealed his fate as a faint, white wisp escaped between their mouths. The dress Twilight had materialized now became a nuisance as Tame noticed the black fabric that now covered her rump. Though the gothic dress was beautiful, and the red accents drew his attention to her best parts, it now stopped him from reaching those best parts. Twilight giggled as her new servant tried obeying her mental orders. “I am so very happy you want me my dear knight. Please, will you tell me that you will stay? That I will not only have my skeletons to keep me company from this day onwards?” One of her light purple hands drifted to her chest. “You will be rewarded for it.” “You are my mast-” A flash of something’s memory came into his mind. It depicted Twilight in this castle and travelling along its halls. She looked happy, alive, and a blue pegasus even tackled her, so she was not alone. His cold heart still felt pain as he corrected himself to say, “Princess, and I will never leave you. I am your knight, both regular and dread forms. As such, I will service my lady in any way she needs, and protect my Wraith Overlord until my body is nothing but dust.” Twilight felt a tear run down her face. She shared with her new companion one more memory, the memory of her life being drained from her by this curse. The days she had spent watching her friends lose themselves to their curses, and the final spell she casted to seal it and keep it to this castle and the beasts to their domain. Finally, he saw as Twilight’s physical form disappeared and she was replaced by an ethereal wraith. Tame wrapped his arms around his master. A dread knight was the only one who could touch and feel a wraith’s body. They were their final companions as their two souls became linked. This final promise made the process complete and now the two felt each other as no other pony ever would. Warm, soft, and without fear of sucking the other’s soul out. “Please, lay with me my beloved. I have been alone too long.” Her wish was fulfilled as one hand came up and slipped her dress down to reveal her large bosom. She was laid on the bed and Tame climbed over her. Before her breasts were touched though, his lips came around hers. She felt a passion within her rise as his tongue coiled around hers. She tasted divine to Tame, even though she was anything but. The kiss kept even as she started to moan from the hand that cupped her soft breast. The fur on her own intoxicated Twilight as her body found the tender touch she had been waiting centuries for. Tame forced the kiss deeper as he tasted his mistresses’ tears. The hand responded by gently kneading her nipple and she moaned deeply at the teasing. Finally the kiss broke and Tame’s second hand went to aid its brother in spoiling the soft bosom. His lips didn’t leave her though as he kissed and nibbled on her neck. The hands gripped her breasts and started to rub their entirety as he made his way down. Each lick, each squeeze, and even every nip on her supple flesh caused Twilight to shudder and shake as her moans started to turn into screams. His soft lips finally started to come over the supple flesh of her chest and Twilight started gasping. “T-T-.” Each attempt at speaking was accompanied by a shudder from the purple mare. Tame could only smile as his tongue coiled around her tit. After holding her in suspense for a moment, he sucked. A scream tore from her lungs and almost broke his ear drums. The body beneath him tensed as pleasure ripped through her. She slowly calmed down in his arms and was treated with a light kiss. She chuckled slightly. “It is times like this that I thank the fact that I’m dead, because normally my face would probably be one giant red ball.” She tried to chuckle more but couldn’t meet his eyes as her legs crossed.” “Would my mistress like a break?” Twilight glanced into his eyes and then furiously shook her head. “Please, go on. I trust my knight.” She tensed again as the strong hands she adored ran along her sides while gently pulling down her dress. As more of her sweet flesh exposed itself, Tame’s tongue quickly found it. The pecks and licks on her stomach sent chills of anticipation up her spine. She wanted him, and soon. Tame finally pulled the black dress off of her thighs and leaned back for a moment. Her tender thighs yielded only slightly to his grip, but her glistening skin and the shining, light green liquid on the inside of her legs invited him. Begged him. And in no way did he want to deny her. A hot, slimy appendage entered Twilight and her eyes shot open. Her pants quickly came back as her tight, little rump was soon being kneaded into and the intruder slipped into her crotch. She tried telling him through mental commands to stop, to not lick her sacred place, but none of them beat the one command to do one thing. Love her. Another tense shudder ran through the wraith as she couldn’t take the teasing for long. Tame gladly drank his beloved’s ectoplasm as it gushed from her nethers. He looked up to her and made eye contact as he brought himself up. She smiled shyly and he responded with a confident smirk. “I love you.” Twilight ignored the undoing of his pants. She barely noticed as his large cock came into view. Her mind was too preoccupied with having found a stallion to love her after so long. She felt her heart glow and started to cry. “I… I love you too my sweet knight.” Her legs spread themselves in anticipation and she shuddered as his hand rubbed her thighs. Slowly his long prick came against the small slit between her thighs. Twilight let out a slight yelp and he could feel her shuddering. He could tell she wanted him, but he only wanted her pleasure. I suppose that is the new Dread Knight side of me. Because of this want, Tame shaft slowly grinded against her crotch and he could see her eyes rolling back. On one back thrust, he went forward and finally pierced her. He only made it about two inches before her folds collapsed upon him. Her form wavered for a moment as another climax tore through Twilight. She cursed her bond with him for a moment, but soon fell back to just adoring the feeling of him within her. Her body had ached for another for too long and now every part of her essence begged to be one with him. Twilight couldn’t be quiet now as his cock slid in and out of her. Each thrust came deeper into her and her essence tried keeping him there. Tame tried putting his hands onto her large chest, but she had too little concentration and control and he found himself simply passing through. The act of going through her caused her to clamp harder upon him then before. Tame could feel her yearning through their bond, feel her want and reciprocated with his own. Never did he make his thrusts hard and fast though. Each time his cock filled her, it would stay there for long, blissful seconds before slowly pulling back, pulling on her essence. Each plunge caused more of Twilight’s magic to pulse from her body as the frost started to become ice within the room. Neither of the lovers noticed though as they could only feel a heat reserved between the two of them. Twilight breathed into his ear. “Please.” The next thrust plunged the deeper then any of the rest of her. Ice spikes filled the room as Twilight’s essence split apart and whirled around her knight. Despite this chaos, her spiritual pussy still squeezed his cock for all he was worth and soon a large black blume came from him and mixed with her ethereal body. He laid back down in exhaustion with a pit within him where his magic should be. Slowly his lover reformed, the white wraith slowly coming back into the purple mare. The last thing to hide itself with the physical illusion was a black ball within her stomach. She curled against him and whispered, “We’ll have a family. We’ll be together, forever, just like I’ve always wanted my love.” Tame couldn’t do anything but nod. She had his soul and in turn his heart through this compact. He would never think to complain about such a thing though. He was trapped in this room for eternity, but he wouldn’t want to be trapped with anyone else. > Chapter 43 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tame’s breathing subtly shifts back to a more rhythmic, calmer, rate. The rocking horse is still in reach, so even if the thing grabbed his neck, he could get out. Squeak. A single point of contact was made on the back of his. The touch was odd, as it didn’t feel like a material he was used to. Still one I know, and still smooth and soft, but rarely seen. Hmm. He stayed still as the connection was furthered by two more touching him and rubbing at his own fur. The creature continued its investigation by gripping the hem of his shirt and pulling it up. Tame tensed as his stomach was exposed, but forced his breath to stay calm. If the thing was startled, it might kill him by reflex at this point. Besides, if it wanted me dead, it would have done so already. One of the odd feelers pressed against his chest and he couldn’t help the slight scowl. A hand? Why does it feel like a hand? The thing’s other ‘hand’ joined its brother on his stomach and he felt an odd warmth in his stomach as a larger circle pressed between its hands. At this point Tame’s curiosity was simply too much and he opened his eyes. Currently quite enamored with his body was a blue ‘mare’. The puppet’s body was covered in a soft, light blue fabric, Silk I think, that shimmered and wavered from time to time, a dead on hint that it was heavily enchanted. The slight shine of metallic joints could be caught through the fabric, but he didn’t mind because it simply fit the wooden texturing that covered her body, her structural material poking through the fabric. Years alone with nothing but his tools for comfort at camp rose in him and caused him to almost become aroused by simply the craftsmanship of the puppet mare. He did have to admit though that the small, curved rump on her didn’t help his libido. Those perky breasts don’t help. That modest curvature, smooth skin, and even a darker nub, right where the nipple should be. He felt his cock start to harden as the pressure on his abdomen grew and the wooden mare started to move away. Tame’s eyes were shut just in time to keep up the illusion of him sleeping, at least to her. Clack. Clunk. Squeak. One of the hands came against his face. It rubbed his cheek for a few moments before velvet lips came against his own. Almost immediately, the world almost shifted. He could see the puppet, sitting in a closet. Tame could feel its loneliness, missing the.... children. The little ones it used to entertain and speak to, but now she was reduced to a voiceless thing, devoid of beauty and voice with no one to entertain or cheer up. The scene changed as her arms wrapped around him. It now showed her walking across the floor, her feet clunking against the floor as she slowly made her way to what she hoped was a friend. She feared of being killed, but instead was given the chance to investigate, and now was not alone. The scene filled Tame with a strange warmth that drove him to need to speak, need to help the poor thing. He pushed gently away and looked into her purple eyes. “Let me be your marionette.” The words conveyed his feeling, and he dismissed the worry of the word choice. He had a beautiful tool that he needed to fix. A tool to love. His hands pushed the puppet back, laying her flat against the bed. His lips came against hers this time, but no strange images came this time. She got what she needed out. Now it is my turn to give back on that trust. One of Tame’s hands came up and gripped into the modest breast. It was smooth and firm, just as he expected, and he liked it. Tame’s other hand reached down, gently taking a hold of the puppet’s crotch, sighing in relief when he found a hole there. He stopped for a moment, realizing just what he was doing, but dismissed it quickly. After he was out of this damned castle, he would take her with him, and she would be his companion on the longer hunts, there to take care of him, and this only made her more perfect. He reached for his pants, but the mare stopped him. Her hands came down and undid the button before pulling them down, just enough to let his cock breath. It was already rock hard and quivering, his anticipation having gotten the better of him. The mare merely smiled as her legs spread apart and the warmth that was in his chest earlier now came against his hand on her breast. Tame smirked at her and placed his other hand on the other smooth mound. It immediately received the same warmth and allowed him to imagine a slight give to them, almost like a real bosom. His cock began to shake, the veins bulging as it ground against the fine silk over her crotch. Finally, he stepped slightly back, positioning himself forward. He slowly slid forward and the puppet lifted a finger to her mouth, her eyes slowly closing as a smile came across her face. Tame smiled at that and leaned down, kissing her one more time before thrusting in. Her ‘pussy’ was more a long tunnel within her, filled with silk and silicone. In other words, as he thrust his cock in and out of her, he almost forgot she was made of wood as the friction from the fabrics felt glorious to him. Each thrust brought slight creaks and squeaks from the puppet and her joints, but she was doing a very good job at pretending to be in unbelievable amounts of ecstasy. This act pushed him over the edge. His mind allowed himself to slip into pure fantasy as he wrapped his arms around her and continued to thrust. Tame could feel her as a mare beneath him, her soft bosom pressed against his chest while her pussy wrapped around his cock. Each thrust brought more warmth to his crotch as he came closer and closer to his climax. He thrust deep within her one more time and felt himself peak. His arms gripped her tighter and he pretended that her crotch closed on his cock as his release was coming down his body. He shuddered and shook, his cock spasming as his hips bucked against her. Tame’s cum burst from himself in a thick torrent as he let out a long, joyous groan. He then collapsed against the elegant wooden form, panting. She snuggled against him and he held her. There they stayed in their comfortable embrace for a few minutes before Tame jumped from the bed and pulled up his pants. He then bent down and picked up Trixie, causing the puppet to shake in a mock giggle. He then stepped straight for the door, but was stopped just before leaving. Looking back, he saw a single string connected to him from nowhere, but was taught nonetheless. The puppet looked down and hugged smuggled against him, her horn gently brushing against his side. She opened her mouth, but he felt the words in his mind. “D-don’t worry. W-we have each other, right master?” Tame’s smile faded as he let out a sigh. Now he could see strings that connected himself to her, strings that would make them forever together. Something flipped inside of him though as the warmth emanated. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. He had… Trixie. Tame looked down and smiled. “Yes, I have my Trixie, and we will always be able to keep each other company, make each other happy. Yes,” Tame’s eyes glazed over as a slight flick of one finger forced Trixie snuggle against him, “we will always be happy, so long as we are together.” > Chapter 44 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tame backed away a bit before charging into its back. The bite of the steel pressing back caused him to wince, but it didn’t stop him from he pushing it away as the the wood and stoned started to crack. Slowly, the web simply couldn’t bear it anymore, and the suit of armor fell through the window. He stepped out to the edge just in time to see the suit slam against a tower. Cracks appeared in the breastplate, but for a moment he actually thought it was getting up. Its metal greaves weren’t good for the shingle roof and soon the suit was lipping down once more. This time, when it hit the ground, there was no doubt in his mind that it was dead. “Ah!” He turned around on his heels. The scream had come from behind him, from the door he had been trying to enter this whole time. Tame slowly made his way over to it and put his hand upon the door knob. It resisted him, so he backed away and kicked it. The old brass couldn’t take the abuse, and the door flung open. Inside was a skull with a single light within that sat upon a plain bed. Dust covered the sheets surrounding the skull, and a great feeling of shame filled him as he picked it up. The light followed, but it quickly raced up his arm and into the artifact. A chill went through him and his hands dropped the skull as a single tear fell from his eyes. There he stood for a few moments before finally trudging back out the way he had come Tame turned his head towards the open window and swallowed hard. He whispered, “I’m sorry,” before leaving the hallway, sick of being in such a place. Acquired DullaMaud Essence (click here if you have three essences) Bottom Right Bottom Left (under construction) Top Right Top Left (under construction) Right staircase (under construction) > Chapter 45 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tame stepped away from the suit of armor, watching as it struggled against the webbing. As annoying as he found animated objects like this, he had no reason to rid the castle of its defenses. He grabbed ahold of the doorknob and breathed a sigh of relief as it turned. The room was almost bare. It had one bed, a bedside table, and a small dresser in the corner. All of it was bare, except the bed that had the head of a gray mare with a purple mane. He almost threw up at the sight of it and for a moment considered going back and making the armor pay. Unless of course… there is a reason there is no blood on it. He slowly stepped over and ran his hand through her coarse mane. A slight smirk crossed his face as he noted the warmth that came from it, despite the head’s lack of movement. “Well, I haven’t met one, so finally getting to see a Dullahan in real life is something special for me.” He waited for some sort of response, but none came. Tame’s smile quickly became a scowl as he yanked the head into the air. The mare’s eyebrows furrowed in pain for a brief second, but then settled back, despite being suspended in the air now. A bit more shaking though, and she finally opened her eyes. “Yes?” He looked into the shockingly beautiful turquoise eyes. “Well, I’ve never met a dullahan before.” “You should not have met me.” Tame barely saw the glance down and he frowned. “Oh, yeah, you probably don’t like your body tangled up like that, do you?” She stayed silent for a moment. “No, I don’t. If you return my head to my body though, then I can get myself out while you flee.” He bit into his cheek. “I’m sorry.” Maud continued to simply stare while small wisps of energy escaped her eyes. He tried to ignore them and stepped out of the room. Almost immediately, he drops Maud. Looking down, he spots a metal hand in his chest. Looking up showed the sword, still covered in webs, raised above its head. He tried to get out, but he can’t move and only hears, “I’m sorry,” as the blade meets his neck. ======+++++====== Tame woke up, wondering how in the world he wasn’t dead. He opened his eyes and saw swirling blues and purples as far as he could possibly see. “What in Tarturus is–” He stopped as he saw his arm, or, what he hoped was his arm as it looked like it was made out of purely brown energy. A gray sprite appeared on the horizon. He stiffened as it rapidly approached him. He tried standing but found it almost impossible, and the other presence almost seemed to appear over him. The same voice as from the head came out of it as it spoke. “Hello.” “Yo-you killed me.” The glowing head turned away. “Yes… I did. But now you are immortal.” He managed to get one hand on something like the ground and started to lift himself up. “That makes no sense!” He suddenly found his head in between her hands and felt a calming essence flow through his own. Tame almost swore he heard her purr for a moment before his vision changed to being in the hallway. Is this me? No. It is me, or at least, where my head should be. The vision swiveled and showed the axe wielding suit of armor. A feeling of pride and strength coursed through Tame’s essence at the sight of it. That is me. For a brief moment he was in that suit’s vision, looking back at the other armor. So, now I’m a dullahan, and all because of you! The gray essence backed away for a moment, allowing him to finally notice that it had what appeared to be a modest chest. The other presence came back in an instant and the calm within him came back with it, despite him swearing she had just plunged her hands into his eyes. A vision of a royal guardswoman, bowing before a bubbly princess came into his version. “Maud, from this day you are my champion. You will protect me, play with me, and be my best friend. Do you understand?” “I will do all I can, Princess Belle.” I couldn’t though. A sadness filled Tame as months passed and with each day, Maud’s mortal coil became weaker and weaker, until her spirit brought her to a guillotine. He could feel the confusion in her as she put her head into the block, uncertain as to why she even was doing this. He then saw one tear fall from her, just as the blade fell. The presence removed itself from him, and he could see a blue streak over her face. “This is the only way I can protect her now, but you proved to me today that I needed help. Please… don’t hate me for this.” Tame stared at her for a few moments before weakly climbing over to her and wrapping his arms awkwardly around her. She looked down at him and he tried his best to smile. “The damage is done, so I guess guess I should just accept the pretty…” “Soul.” “I am with.” He smiled at her and she smiled back. In another instant though, he found her tongue coiling around his, her essence’s bare body pressed against his. He blinked a few times before clumsily kissing back. Maud pulled away and smiled slightly. “I… I’ve been lonely for too long.” He smirked. “Well, I’m not about to say no now.” A slight red tinge appeared on her chest and she nodded. “If you want to move, think about watching yourself do it. It… it will be weird, but it works.” Tame swallowed hard, but he found his hand gripping her light bosom almost instantaneously. They were soft and filled his hands with a red glow. Maud let out a soft coo and he felt her hips grind against his crotch, a splash of red appearing there too. Pleasure coursed through him from both places just as a second, smaller wave stoked it higher. “This… this is… odd.” Her face became slightly redder and she nodded. “But a nice odd.” He nodded in response and tried his best to thrust within her. Instead, he knew this was different as his cock thrust into her essence and became one with her. It felt like the tightest, and yet gentlest pussy he could have ever found, and Maud gasped at the feeling too. Tame gripped her breasts harder, and found the tender feel of them only grew with each moment. Maud leaned down and kissed him. This time, as their mouths became connected, there were no gaps, and another, much larger, wave of pleasure rippled through him as they became further connected. He imagined thrusting deeper into her, becoming one with her and saw a gray stripe run down his chest. With each passing moment, the fire in him grew, just as the melding of their two bodies became closer to complete. Tame found himself entirely enveloped by Maud, feeling her own ecstasy beat down on him. It was as if he were in a large, tight blanket, and the warmth simply invited him in further. The further he went though, the more exciting it became and the more he wanted her. Tame started to notice Maud’s own heated pants and moans, only now realizing he had been doing just the same. He focused, trying to form himself just enough to do as he wanted. He gripped the blanketing soul around him and pulled the core in just as his pleasure became too much. For one moment, everything was still. He was kissing Maud deeply just as he thrust one more time within her. Her eyes rolled back just as a stream of brown ran along her body. Then, the climax really happened as the two truly became one for a moment. There was no difference, and it felt amazing to him. The two stepped away from each other and Maud shut his eyes. The view of the hallway came back, but so did a sense of joy within him. A joy, he knew he got from his partner. > Chapter 46 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- He sighed and started walking down towards the door. The stress of the artifact in his chest must be throwing him off, and hopefully behind this door he would find some sort of respite. His hand touched the doorknob. Clank. Tame turned around on the dime, but it was too late. The black clad figure was already stepping forward, its left arm pulled back, the same arm holding the sword. He tried desperately to try moving, and for a moment, he did. He leaped to the side, far from where he had been. The blade followed though. The whole suit creaked as the statue’s body turned and kept the sword point straight on him. He had only just hit the ground when the thing’s sword plunged into his eye.