> Anon's Dazzling day in Canterlot High. > by Almighty Mudkip > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: The Calm Before the Storm > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Anon, honey, your gonna be late for school!" "Alright, mom, just gimme a seco-Oh cra-" I tripped while trying to put on my jeans, falling on my face with a loud thump. "Are you okay up there, sweetie?" "Never been better!" "Well hurry up and get your things ready, your bike's in the garage and I have to leave soon to visit your father in the hospital!" "Kay, mom, I'll be down!" The high-school junior currently struggling to put on his pants is me, Anonymous Jr. I was named after my father, but most people call me Anon or AJ. I was just a regular teen who sometimes questioned his own sanity, but other than that I was just a normal guy. My father on the other hand was anything but normal, as he is currently in the hospital for therapeutic help. You see, Anonymous senior went missing a month ago and was found a day after his disappearance in a back alley with torn clothes and numerous burns. He kept saying that he got teleported to a world made up of talking ponies and mythological creatures, but the doctors theorized that he just hit his head really hard... Then there are the burns and damaged clothing which are a complete mystery to them, but i can definitely say without a doubt, that it has nothing to do with my father's little delusions. I mean come on, talking ponies? What's next, an actual show or alternate universe that's full of these things? Then there's my mom, Silver Thread, who worked as an outfit designer while my dad did most of the house work. I got my stuff together and opened the garage door, my Kawasaki Ninja 300 shimmering under the sun's rays. This was my pride and joy, passed down to me by my father who loved it just as much as i did, and if not more so. I named her Lapis because of the awesome indigo paint-job, and partially because that's what my father named it. "Ah, there you are my precious little gemstone." "Hey hotshot, don't forget your keys!" My mom tossed me the keys to the motorcycle and I started it up, with the twist of a key it purred to life, causing me to shutter. I then gave the handlebar a few test twists and the bike roared in response. "Ah, what would I do without you?" "Honey, stop flirting with your bike and get your stuff ready, you have to let the engine warm up anyways so gather your stuff and get your gear on." Believe it or not my mom knows a thing or two about proper motor vehicle care, and on some occasions she can be smarter than both me and my dad when it comes to this stuff. "I'll be home before you get home, and since today's Tuesday you know what that means, right?" "Taco Tuesday?" "Well, it was, but we ran out of the ingredients I need to make my homemade salsa... So just for today, it will be Taco-bell Tuesday!" "Aw, but their tacos aren't as good as yours, can't you just get the ingredients today?" "Sorry sweetie, I've got work today so I won't have time. I'll just pick up some Taco-bell on the way home." She said, which I responded by face-palming. "Mom, today's your day off, remember?" "It is?... Oh yeah, guess I forgot." Yeah, mom can be a little air-headed at times, but she's a good mother... Plus, she makes a mean Taco. "Well, I guess I'll be making taco's tonight, see you when you get home!" She got in the car and drove off, waving goodbye to me as she left. I had my bag, so I just needed to get my gear so I don't die in a horrible biking accident. Oh, and in case you were wondering, no I'm not a delinquent just because I ride an awesome bike, I only ride on Lapis because Lapis is awesome and I'm an adrenaline junky... Anyways, I assembled my gear which consisted of my helmet, chest plating, arm guards, shin guards and goggles. Why goggles? Because bugs and eyes don't mix. Also, like Lapis's color, my gear had a blue flame design that made me look as bad-ass as all hell in a flaming buffalo carcass. Even the lens on my goggles had the blue flame design stained onto the plastic, but it was a lighter shade so it didn't hinder my vision. "Alright, Lapis, let's burn some rubber!" I twisted the throttle and flew out of the garage, drifting to the left so I could meet with the road going the right direction. Yes, I'm not only disobeying, but completely crushing the proper speed laws in favor of some high-speed fun... Because I'm a teenager and a little cocky, that's why! Besides, it's not like anyone would catch me, I live a ways outside Canterlot but just barely outside of the sticks, so I have some time to screw around before I get to the city. Once I reached the city I slowed down and played it safe, one bad move and I'd end up in the hospital like I did a few months back. I looked at my watch and sighed, I still had thirty minutes until school was open. "Might as well get some breakfast." I turned at the crosswalk and drove up to the parking lot of a McDonald's, I put up the kick-stand and took the keys, pushing open the doors and walking up to a line-free cashier. "Welcome to McDonald's, may I take your order?" "Yeah, gimme a number four and a large Pepsi, please?" "Certainly," I handed her the money and I got my food, biscuits and gravy with a large Pepsi. "Here you are, sir, and have a pleasant day." "You too." I took the bag and sat at a booth by the window, it was still early so not too many people were out and about. I saw my friend Button Mash and his mom drive by my window, he was distracted by his Game-boy but his mom waved at me. Button wasn't in high-school yet but we knew each other on Team Fortress 2, that and our moms were friends when they were in school so I visit sometimes. I even saw my favorite Scottish hobo, Bronze Edge, who I nick-named Uncle Rustle. I knew him from when I was little, I met him at a dumpster behind a Pizza Hut and he would tell me stories in exchange for some pocket change or leftovers, like how he was once a high-ranked general in his homelands, but he got the shingles and couldn't hold a clay-more to his name anymore. After he was honorably discharged he came to Canterlot and accepted the life of a beggar, I always admired how well he just accepted the life of a bum, and he always told me it was a lot less pressuring than working for royalty. He even had a pet rat named Stevie that only trusted us two, and I've been good friends with them ever since we met. Hell, he even taught me some useful skills, like proper sword fighting and survival tactics he used during his guarding days, they don't teach you how to swing a sword in school! He saw me and gave me a thumbs up, smiling with whatever teeth he had left in his gums, I waved at him with a smile. "Hey, kid, you know that bum?" I turned and saw one of the employees. "Yeah, why?" "Can you tell him to get lost? He's been scaring away our customers." She asked. "I'll see what I can do." I got up and brought my food with me, heading for the door. Once I was out I met Rustle at the back of the restaurant. "He-hey, Uncle Rustle!" "Well, if it ain't me favorite troublemaker! Now whatcha doin' out here, lad, shouldn't ya be in school?" "School doesn't start for another twenty minutes, and I came to tell you that the employees want you gone." I looked around to make sure no one was around, then I leaned in and whispered to him, handing him my wallet. "Maneuver Hit-n-run, Go!" "Ay! Get back 'ere ya theivin' weasel!" Rustle shouted, queuing me to fall onto the ground and play opossum. A few employees ran out and gasped when they saw me on the ground, they helped me up to my feet and dusted me off. "What happened here!?" "Some guy ran up and clocked me in the back, then stole my wallet! He sucker punched me while I was persuading that homeless man to leave. The bum ran after him and then you guys came." I lied, they bought every word. "I'm really sorry, do you know what the thief looked like?" "Wait!" Rustle ran up to us, waving my wallet in the air. "Ah got the lad's wallet back, ah cornered that ally-skulkin' snake but he flanked me, thankfully ah got a good hit on him and made him drop the lad's wallet, but he got away." "Thanks... If it weren't for your kindness I'd be broke!" I took back my wallet and winked at him. "And you guys wanted me to make him leave... Well, I suppose I'll at least give him my leftovers before I do." I gave him my food, I was done with it anyway so might as well not waste it. "W-wait!... He... He can stay, but only if he stops disturbing our customers!" "Consider it done, lassie! I'll be outta 'ere tomorrow." Rustle climbed into the dumpster and the staff left, when the coast was clear i climbed into the dumpster as well, landing on a big, moldy mattress. "Well, Rustle, we've done it again!" "Ay, lad, couldn't have done it better me self! So, how's ya mother doin'? Still makin' those fancy suits and frilly dresses?" "She's been doing well, how's Stevie?" A large rat popped out of the garbage, gnawing at a can. "Stevie! How ya doin' buddy?" The rat squeaked and dropped the can, it took one sniff at me and started to nuzzle my hand in affection. "Aw, you remembered me." "Hey , lad, ah hate ta interrupt but ah think school's about ta start." Rustle reminded, I looked at my watch and sighed. "Yeah, school starts in fifteen minutes." I began to climb out but Rustle grabbed me. "And where do ya think your goin' smellin' like ah dead yak?" He grabbed an old can of body spray and sprayed me down, I nodded to him. "Nice call, Rustle, I'll see ya later!" "Nice seein' ya, lad, and stay in school or you'll be drinkin' from a tin can!" I climbed out of the dumpster and did a test smell, it was like I never even jumped in the dumpster! "I will, and you better share that food with Stevie!" I walked to my bike and started it up, but before I hit the throttle a girl flagged me down. She had blue hair tied in a pony tail with light blue streaks going down it, her skin was a pale blue shade and would look down-right adorable if she wasn't breathing like a track runner. "Wait! Don't go yet!" I turned off my bike and turned to the girl, lifting my goggles. "What's up?" "Hi... I was pant, was wondering if you could give me a ride?" "Where to?" "Canterlot high, my sisters made me walk there because I may have angered one of them, can you give me a lift?" "Sure, that's where I'm going!" "Really? Thanks random stranger!" She hopped onto Lapis and held my waste for support. "Oh, and my names Sonata Dusk by the way." "Call me Anon, now hang on!" I started up Lapis and lowered my goggles, I twisted the throttle and drove out of the parking lot and into the streets. "So what were you doing at McDonald's anyway!?" "I had to use the bathroom and get something to eat, then I saw you outside and ran over to you!" "And your sisters just left you here!? Sounds like you have a couple of A-grade sisters, am I right!?" I yelled to her in sarcasm, she giggled at my joke. "Yeah, they can be mean to me at times, but I still love them!" "Well aren't you a sweet heart, no matter what they do you still stand tall and love them anyway!? I would've at least got them back for it after a while!" "Well, in a way, I think it's their way of saying they love me!" "You sure!? Cause this sounds a lot like Stockholm Syndrome!" "Who's Stockholm!?" "... Nevermind! We're almost at school anyways so brace yourself!" Yeah, I could tell this girl wasn't the sharpest knife in the kitchen, but in a way that just made her more adorable than she already was. I hit the brakes and did a power-slide right into a parking spot, making me even more of a bad-ass than I believed I was. Yes, that was the first time I ever did that and I was internally screaming at myself for being so stupid, but I was caught in the moment. I kicked Lapis's kick-stand up and got off, Sonata did the same but she was a bit shaky. "Wow, that was... Oh man, I almost peed myself!" "Um, Okay? Well, I'll see you lat-oof!" "Hugs!" Sonata jumped me and held me in a vice-grip, holy-moley she was stronger than she looked! After that little stunt she dropped me and skipped to the school, humming a strange tune. "Ow... Well, better get ready for class." I got up and dusted myself off, stuffed my gear in my book-bag except for my goggles which I let hang around my neck, and entered the big doors of the school. "Anon!" I was jumped yet again but this time by my weird friend Pinkie Pie, she pink, curly hair and a light pink skin tone. She had a reputation of being a little nuts but she was friends with everyone, and I mean everyone! While I was down on the floor she sat on my waist and grabbed my shirt collar, then yanked me up to her panic-stricken face. "Anon, did you see any new faces here in the school!?" "Pinkie, for the love of god, please get off of me." I calmly said, but it only made matters worse. "But Anon, this is urgent! My left pinky-toe started twitching, do you realize what this means!?" Before I could speak she interrupted me. "That's right, it means someone's trying to go for world domination!" "... World domination?" "That's right, world domination! We might not have much time, but just in case you get in a tough spot, take this!" Pinkie gave me a pineapple with a smiley face drawn on the front in permanent black marker. "What the hell am I suppose to do with!... Pinkie?" I looked around but she was no where in sight, I rolled my eyes and considered tossing the strange object but after reminding myself of the 'Pinkie sense' incident I decided that if she says that a pineapple is gonna save me than it's pretty damn important! Sure I'd look a little weird carrying around a pineapple with a smiley face but I learned to never doubt Pinkie's word. But then I realized what Pinkie's prediction was and internally slapped myself for believing something like this. "World domination, eh? Well if it's important enough to make Pinkie start flipping her shit than this won't end well..." I got up and looked around, people were still conversing with their friends as usual but someone catches my attention. It's Sonata, talking to two other girls while pointing at me. They looked at me with a questioning look, I turned my gaze from them a few seconds after they looked at me, if I turned away from them too quickly they might have thought I was staring. "Those must be her sisters, but why is Sonata pointing at me?" I didn't get a very good look at them but I could make out their colors, one was purple and the other was orange. The bell had rang, signaling first period had began. "Hmm... Maybe Pinkie was onto something." I then looked over to the Pineapple and chuckled. "Yeah right, and maybe gun-toting kittens will take over the school." I threw the Pineapple into a trash bin and walked to my first period class, gym with coach Soarin'. "World domination... I worry about that girl sometimes." > Dark Clouds and Howling Winds > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As of right now it is fourth period, math class to be exact. First period was gym, second was Guitar which we barely do anything in anyways, and third was History which I thankfully got through without sleeping. Gym was one of my favorites because it was a breeze for most, including me, my friends Rainbow Dash and Gilda, and of course my soft-spoken friend Big Macintosh. Now Big Mac was a man of few words and a tad stoic, but he's more of a man of action... I think. He was hard to read most of the time, and he never really said anything besides his trademark 'nope' and 'eeyup', it doesn't really bother me though, so I don't call him out on it. Now Rainbow on the other hand was a competitive little fire-cracker, Rainbow hair, blue skin and always butting heads with Gilda in almost everything, from sports to eating contests to even simple things such as taking a shit, which is just as humorous as you would expect a shitting contest to be. Oh man, the day that incident happened was golden, there is nothing like hearing two girls in the can talking smack about who has the better asshole while eating lunch and trying not to choke on your food from laughing to hard. Speaking of Gilda, this girl had short white hair that was tipped with light purple and had tanned white skin, she was nice back in middle school but as soon as we hit freshman year she became a bully out of nowhere, then one day I got pulled out of class to go see the counselor, Mr. Discord. As his name suggests, he was a charming man, if a bit whimsical, and yes, he does realize the irony of his sir name and career choice but he was good at solving other people's problems in his own weird way. Anyways, I was on my way to Mr. Discord's office... (flashback) "Hm, I wonder what Discord wants with me..." I began to ponder on the subject, I've done nothing wrong so why would he call for me? "Maybe he just wanted to bail me out of class again?... Nah, last time he did that Principal Celestia threatened to fire him and I can tell that she doesn't necessarily like the guy, in fact she seems to down-right hate him... Nah, no one could hate Discord, sure he's a strange fellow but that just adds to his charm and quirky personality." I reached the door to his room and opened it, the room was dark and quiet, a simple desk lamp was the only thing lighting the room which revealed Gilda of all people and a tall man with grey hair, wearing a trench coat and pacing around her. I immediately recognized the man as Discord who was more than likely going through one of his 'reality ticks' which was his trademark method of making a complete ass of himself by acting out different personas. "Alright toots, you listen to me and you listen good cause I don't like repeating myself, see?" Discord turned to face Gilda, shining a flashlight in her face. "Where were you when the crime was commited!?" "Your mamma's house." Gilda said. Discord wasn't mad, he's taken a lot worse than that. "Oh, a wise guy huh? Well I know someone who knows how to deal with wise guys... Ah, and here he is now." I awkwardly waved at them, Gilda smirked. "Hey loser, you friends with Mr. Bogart here?" "Yeah, I know him." I said. "Well I think he broke himself, he's been acting like this since I got in here. Think you can fix this nut so we can get this over with?" "Just play along with him, he won't stop until we do." I advised, she huffed in slight agitation. "Fine, I'll play your little game." Gilda cleared her throat and leaned her chair back, laying her feet on the desk and balancing the chair on it's two feet. "So, what do you cherry-toppers want? Here to acuse me of something?" "Well, I'm glad you asked, criminal scum. This here's my associate, private Twinkle-Toes, and I'm his partner Crooked Discord. Twinkle-Toes here is playing good cop and I'm playing socially awkward cop, see?" Discord pulls out an empty folder. "Now from the looks of your... file, this wouldn't be the first time you've been in the pokey. So, I'll allow private Twinkle-Toes to take the first shot because I'm socially awkward." Discord left the room and shut the door, leaving me with the one person who would probably kick my ass right here and now. "Alright loser, this is how it's gonna go. I'm willing to make a deal with you, he has full proof that I did it so there's no use trying to bail me out but... Well, could you try and get him to lighten the punishment? I know that I've treated you like shit your entire freshman year but I'm only asking you this one favor, and in return I'll give you anything you want if I can get it." Well this is certainly a new one, I never would have expected her to start begging me of all people for a favor. She could have just threatened me and got what she wanted! "Gilda, I... Alright, I have a plan, just follow my lead." She nodded and I cleared my throat. "Crooked, could you come in for a minute?" He entered, keeping a sharp glare for an odd reason. "It would seem that some new evidence has been discoved as of recent. Said evidence, unfortunately, has proven Miss. Gilda to be completely innocent." "W-what!? That's impossible, I was at the crime scene when the foul deed was done!" "Yes... You were, wern't you?" I then pointed at him. "It was you! Your the one who comitted the act!" Discord flinched back and I retracted my arm, strokeing my chin in contemplation. "You claim that you witnessed such a crime, but you fail to say that anyone else was also present, leaving you to be an additional suspect. You also claim that she has been here more than once, correct? Well, in almost every case involving her there have been no other witnesses besides you, sounds a little fishy if you ask me." "What are you getting at, private?" "What I'm saying is that you've had it out for the poor girl this whole time! You framed her thinking the cop act would get you off scot-free!" "I... B-but how did you figure it out!?" "Simple, who's the one who listens to the police tapes every night? That's right, me! I knew you were a fraud from the moment I worked with you, and all I had to do was wait for you to slip-up." I grabbed his wrist. "Discord, your days of hoodwinking are over, you are under arrest!" I dragged him into the closet and shut the door, he shouted from behind it. "You may have won this time, but this isn't the last you'll ever hear of me! I will have my revenge!" "Tell it to the judge, turn-coat!" I opened the door to his office and Gilda and I walked out, she turned to me while rubbing her arm bashfully. "Um... Thanks, I guess... So, what do you want?" "Hmm... Anything I want, huh?" "Keep your mind outta the gutters, loser, now tell me what you want before I decide for you!" "... How about this." I held out my hand to her. "I don't really know why you beat me up every day but I don't like it, so-" "So you just want me to stop beating your ass? Consider it done!" "I wasn't finished, and your only half right. Yes I want you to stop bullying me but not because I tell you to, I want you to stop because I want to be friends with you. I know it's a bit sudden but this isn't you, I've known you since kindergarten and you were never the type to bully others." "... Yeah, your right, this isn't me..." She huffs and looks away from me, an indifferent gaze settled on her face "Things change, Anon, and I changed the day that people stopped caring." She turned to the left and looked out the window. " Do you remember that day, Anon? The day when everyone would graduate and move onto high school?" She looked back at me without turning her head away from the window, a small smile on her face. "I was so exited to finally be in high school, but when I found my friends...Not a single one of them remembered me, let alone cared, they were too busy with their boyfriends to ever hang out with me anymore, they said that only little kids hang out with friends... "Her face went from indifferent to sad, then she looked downward. "I got depressed for a while after that, but one day it finally hit me... It doesn't matter whether or not you make friends here, because in the end, they only care about themselves... Eventually, you just gotta learn how to toughen up..." She turned away from me, hiding her face from me. "So that the heart-ache doesn't hurt as much if it happens again..." The atmosphere grew heavy as I took in this knowledge, this girl was just left to fend for herself with no one to help her! But then I started to hear a soft whimper followed by light tapping from Gilda. at first I didn't believe it, but my suspicions were confirmed when I saw small droplets splash onto the floor. Gilda was crying... "Gilda, anybody who abandons a friend because they would rather be with their boyfriend isn't a friend to begin with... Friends stand side-by-side and protect each other from the darkness of this world, friends are loyal and stick together through thick and thin, friends laugh when you screw up but stare down anyone else who laughs at you, friends pick out ridiculously stupid Halloween costumes and make each other wear them so they can mock each other for amusement! But, above all else," I turned Gilda so she would face me and hugged her, she was speechless. "Friends support each other when they're hurt, and are always there to lend a shoulder to cry on." Gilda didn't say a word, but her whimpers grew a little louder. "It's okay Gilda, I'm here for you." I could tell that Gilda was desperately fighting back her tears, but it was a losing battle. Soon, the dams broke and she quickly returned the hug, muffling her crying with my shoulder. I petted her head and held her close as she cried the loneliness away, giving her constant vocal support. "Shh... It's okay, Gilda, let it aaall go." Her hug started to tighten as time went on, it hurt but I bared with it, she really needed something to squeeze the life out of right now. After a few minutes of crying and releasing her pent-up tears, Gilda regained her posture and cleaned her face, looking away from me. "This never happened, got that!?" "Don't worry, this stays between us...and Gilda?" She turned to me and I smiled. "If you ever need anything, let me know." I turned around so I could walk back to class. "W-wait, Anon." I stopped and turned my head, she was figeting a little and looking away. "C-could I... Have another hug?" I was honestly surprised by the request, in truth I actually hesitated to go through with the first hug because I thought she would kill me if I did that, but now she's actually asking to be hugged? Well I wasn't one to turn down a friend in need. "Sure, I don't mind." She ran up to me and hugged me, her sudden speed surprised me but I hugged her back. This hug was different from the last one, rather than Gilda just smothering me in her arms this was a hug of affection, warm and gentle rather than completely forced. "Anon?" "Yeah?" "Why? Why do all this for me? All I've ever done is make you miserable, yet you help me when I need it most... Why?" "Anyone can learn to forget, but only a friend can forgive... We are friends, right?" "... Yeah, we're friends...Anon." (End of Flashback) "Ah, the memories... Wait a second... " That's when I realized something, Discord had set us up that day! He played along with me because he knew that I would try to help get Gilda out of his office and make amends with her! "Discord... You clever, clever nut. You knew the whole time that pairing me up with Gilda would make her good again..." "Psst! Anon!" I turned my head and saw Ditzy Doo whispering to me. "I forgot my homework, can I copy yours?" "Again?... Oh, fine, here." I handed her my homework and she smiled, taking my paper and quickly copying down the answers. "Thank you!" she whispered, I nodded and took my paper before the teacher saw. Ditzy had blonde hair and gray skin and a strange eye condition that made her eyes go in separate directions, now it wasn't creepy when they spaced out, in fact it was kind of adorable, especially when they spaced out while she was doing her thinking face. Now I'll admit that she wasn't the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree, but her drive to learn was admirable, even if most of it goes into one ear and out the other. Besides, who could say no to Ditzy? I looked to the clock and saw that it was almost time to go, it couldn't have been that quick, we haven't even began today's lesson yet! Not that I'm complaining, of course, but Miss Cheerilee was no slouch, she would always get us through and do a damn good job at it as well! I looked over to see if she had already taught the lesson but she was... gone? Yep, I completely forgot that she was out sick today, and in her place was a well known substitute teacher, the casual Mr. G. He had short, brown hair and white skin similar to Gilda's, he was also one of the few people I knew who wore glasses, the other being a girl named Rarity though I didn't know her to well. One of his signature trademarks was that no one knew what the G stood for in his name, but nobody ever bothered to ask him. His other trademark was that he was one of the most well known of the substitute teachers, especially by the girls because most of them faun over him for an unknown reason. He does literally nothing to attract them but still manages to infatuate them! Now I've known the guy for a few years and I can honestly say that he wasn't the kind of guy to intentionally attract women, especially teenage girls. Hell; me, him, and Button sometimes play Team Fortress 2 together and I asked him about it, but even he has no idea how he does it! He did mention overhearing a conversation from a group of girls and one of them said he has a cute butt. How the hell does a man have a cute butt!? Seriously, how the hell does something manage to be cute when it literally smells like ass!? Normally I'd just blame it on women and their lack of a proper instruction manual but maybe it's just me?... Nah, all of them are confusing as hell, and apparently they like cute butts... Of course I'll never know why, but that's the magic of it! Riiiiing! "And that's my que to leave." I gathered my things but before I could leave someone grabbed my shoulder. I turned my head and was met with one of the girls that was talking with Sonata, she had Purple hair tied in twin tails and had green streaks going down them. At this point I started to notice a pattern of streaks in women's hair but that's getting off topic. She had purple skin and an expressionless stare. She was honestly a little creepy but stoicism can me misjudged very easily. "Hey, your Anon, right?" "Yeah, what's up?" "Do you know a girl named Sonata?" "Yeah, I gave her a ride to school, why do you ask?" She didn't say anything else, but she leaned into my face and began humming a strange song. When she stopped she looked up and down my body, intrigued for an unknown reason. "Hmm... Interesting." She walked away, out the door and down the hall with the same expressionless face. "What was that about?" I went to get my stuff, once I had everything I noticed a necklace on one of the desks, it was a strange necklace with an ominous blood-red ruby in the center. I picked it up and examined it closer, it began to glow faintly. "What on Earth?" Click I looked to the door to see the strange girl, head leaning down and eyes looking up at me with a gaze that would frighten grown men. I could tell this girl was out for blood when she closed the door behind her and gave me a death stare that rivaled even Luigi's. "Oh hey! Uh... This necklace wouldn't happen to be yours, would it?" She nodded, keeping eye contact unbroken. "Oh... Well, I figured it was yours so um... H-here?" I held out the necklace which she ripped from my open palm, she pocketed it and then cracked her knuckles. "You really shouldn't go looking at other's possessions... The owner might get angry." She grabbed me by the shirt collar and threw me across the room with ease, I crashed into a desk, hitting my side on the edge of the desk. The pain was bearable but it felt as if I was hit by a sledgehammer, and the expression on my face showed it. "You need to learn how to respect other people's possessions, and I would be more happy to teach you." She grabbed the back of my head and slammed it into the chair of the desk, making me grunt in pain, then she leaned into my ear. "Step... by... step." Now was my chance, I sucker-punched her in the face which caused her to flinch, then I kicked her in the shin and she fell to the floor, I grabbed my things and bolted out the door while she was down but was met by a new face. It was another girl with huge, orange curly hair that was held down by a black, spike-studded band and had orange skin, I recognized her as the orange girl who was talking with Sonata. She wasn't necessarily blocking the door so I slipped past her and ran off, I didn't even think about looking back, I was honestly afraid I would see those familiar angry eyes that nearly made me shit myself. I bolted into the girl's bathroom but I only hid behind the door, I know that it was a fight or flight situation but I had a reputation to keep clean, and the boy's bathroom was an obvious hiding spot. "Where are you, Anon!? I gotta nice present for you!" "Aria, please, your frightening the boy." (So her name was Aria... But who's the other girl?) "He knows to much, Adagio, he saw the magic in my necklace, he could blow our plans out of the water! Plus, he punched me and kicked my shin..." "Relax... It won't matter either way, once we start our plan he will be putty in out hands along with everyone else in the school. As for the injuries he gave you I'd expect nothing less after you practically assaulted him for no reason." (Adagio... Perhaps she's the brains of this 'plan'?... That doesn't matter at the moment, I need to warn Sonata and Gilda and... Well, everyone about this! Man, I just really hope these aren't Sonata's sisters, I really wanted to be friends with her... Yeah, they're more than likely her sisters, she was talking to them earlier...) "Aria, you go on ahead, I'll watch for him here." "Fine, but I get first blood with him, so don't hurt him until after I make him swallow his own teeth!" Aria stormed off and I heard footsteps approach my hiding spot... They moved right passed me and into the bathroom. "Oh, I wonder where little Anon is hiding... Maybe..." I heard the repeating sound of the stall doors being forced opened, one by one. The repeated bangs eventually stopped after I heard confused grunt from Adagio. "Hmm... I could have swore he would be smart enough to hide in here... Maybe he really was stupid enough to try and hide in the men's restroom?" I heard a defeated sigh and footsteps starting to approach the exit, I actually fooled her! guuurgle! The footsteps immediately stopped right in front of the door, I had forgotten that this was my lunch period and my stomach had the balls to remind me of this at the worst possible situation. "Oh? Sound like someone skipped out on lunch." (Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!) The door swung open and there was Adagio, I tried to shout but she covered my mouth. "Shhh..." She kept her hand over my mouth and looked me over, smiling when she finished looking me over. "You know, your not too bad on the eyes now that I've gotten a better look at you..." She traced her finger over my chest, giggling to herself. "Nice body... Cute face..." She reached behind me and groped my butt, humming in satisfaction. "Your ass is nice and firm too, your practically the full package aren't you? Although, I wonder if you have any... Down-grades..." (Did... Did she just theorize that I have a small penis from sexually assaulting me?) "Hmm... Probably not, most good natured people have a decent package..." She leaned in close to me and I backed myself into the wall, she just giggled. "Your so cute when your frightened, I could just eat you up~!" She closed her eyes and started to hum the same tune that Aria had sung from before she was pissed. When the song ended she opened her eyes and gave me a puzzled look. "Well, that's rather strange. You should be on your knees begging to service me after hearing that..." (Yes, an opening!) While Adagio was distracted I darted out the door and began running as fast as I could. 'Slam!' I fell on my ass and rubbed my forehead, when I opened my eyes I saw Aria, unconscious with blood dripping from her nose. "Oh crap, I headbutted her hard... Shit, I gotta run!" So I ran once again, this time I was heading for the cafeteria so I could blend in with the crowd. "Dammit, where's Gilda when you need her, she could really help with back-up." "Oh, Anon, please come back! I promise to keep Aria away from you if you do!" "I'd rather fuck a porcupine than be in the same room with that psychopath!" "Anon, she isn't that bad, she's just a little upset is all! I promise her grudge will pass!" "Your damn right it'll pass, as soon as she put's me in a box six feet under a tombstone!" I bolted into the approaching crowd and put on my goggles, hiding among my peers. While she was searching through the crowd I managed to slip by her and ran for it. After I ran a few more minutes I could safely confirm that I lost her. "Finally, I thought she would never leave me alone..." I walked into the other bathroom and went to a stall, shut the door and dropped my pants, sighing as I finally had some time to relax. "Anon, what have you gotten yourself into this time?" I closed my eyes and used this time to rest, and shortly, I fell asleep in the can from the fatigue finally catching up to me... > Sideways Rain and Booming Thunder. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Where did he go!?" "Relax, Aria, he couldn't have gone very far. Say, where is Sonata?" "I don't know and I couldn't care less, things have been quite peaceful without that air-head around." Aria said with venom in her words, she heard a small gasp from behind her. Adagio took in a sharp hiss of breath with a cringe to boot. "Um... Aria, you didn't really mean that, did you?" "Every word, Adagio, she's a lot more trouble than she's... " Aria's eyes widened when she realized why her sister was sympathizing with Sonata, she slowly raised her hand up and pointed behind herself and Adagio nodded. Aria turned around and saw Sonata, tears threatening to burst from her glassy eyes. Before Aria could apologize Sonata ran away, trying not to cry but failing miserably. "Ugh, nice work, Aria, we just lost a third of our magic thanks to your temper." Adagio said, causing Aria to bang her fist into the locker. "Geez... I need to apologize, don't I?" "If it's Sonata, than your going to have to mean it too. She's a sensitive girl and they need to be cared for." Aria cracked a smirk from Adagio's explanation. "Well, she definitely needs to be taken care of, girl might hurt herself without someone to make sure she does things right." "I HATE YOU, ARIA! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!" Aria's eyes twitched in agitation, while her sister just shook her head in disappointment. "Oh, Aria, I figured you would've learned your lesson fifteen seconds ago but it seems your temper has just made matters worse." "Don't remind me..." (Men's restroom) "Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz-Eh!? Where am I?" I woke up in the guys bathroom, sitting in the stall. I wiped my ass and got out, it was still in the lunch period as there were still people outside chatting up a storm. But out of all the talk I heard a noise... "Is that... Crying?" I followed the sound and it led me to the stairwell, where I saw Sonata. I flinched in fear of her being after me but then I noticed the small gap that exposed her covered face, she had been crying her eyes out as they were red and swollen, and her make-up was running down her face like wet paint. "S-Sonata? What's wrong? And why are you crying?" "G-go away... I wanna be left alone..." The poor thing, I couldn't stand the sight of it. Who would have the balls to make a girl cry? That's just... It's just not right. "Sonata, it's me, Anon. You can tell me, I won't bite." Sonata's head jerked from her arms with a surprised look. "Anon!?... I didn't know it was you, I'm sorry for acting like that." I dismissed her with a raised hand. "No need for apologies, I can't really understand what your going through, but I can see that your really emotional right now." I walked over to her and sat down next to her, holding her shoulder to comfort her. "Now, tell uncle Anon what's wrong." "W-well 'sniff' I was going to see my sisters but... but, Aria... She said that 'sniff' than an 'Airhead' like me would just get in the way! I... 'sniff' I hate them, and I never wanna see them ever again!" She started crying again, I could never stand to see a girl cry so I carefully reached my arm around to pat her back. "Hey, it's okay, I'm sure that your sister was just frustrated and said something that she didn't mean to say." She latched onto my waste, crying to her hearts content. "But she said it again, even after I left! She said that I need someone to watch me or I'll just hurt myself like an idiot!" At this point my shirt was stained with snot and tears, but I didn't care about that, I just wanted to see this girl smile again. So I held her, she stopped crying but she didn't struggle to get away, she just sat in silence. The silence was only temporary, she started crying again but I could tell this was the same case as Gilda's. She was just so pent up that her frustration collapsed on itself, she was holding it in the entire time and covering it up with an innocent smile so no one would judge her. "It's okay, just cry it out..." "Y-your the bestest friend I've ever had!" Sonata said, suppressing her crying so she could speak to me properly. "Well it's only natural for friends to support each other." I said. "W-wait, you... actually wanna be friends with... 'sniff' with someone like me?" "Of course, why wouldn't I?" Sonata smiled and wrapped her arms around me, her crying had come to an end and all that was left was a new Sonata with a small smile. "I've never had a real friend before." "Really? Of all people I would have expected you to have at least a friend." I said in surprise. "It's... It's complicated." She got up and started to walk away, but she turned to me. "Thanks for your support, Anon, it means a lot to me." She waved goodbye and turned back around, walking around the corner. That's when I felt something in my palm, I looked down and found a necklace with a red gem in the middle, it looked exactly like Aria's but I knew who it really belonged to. "Sonata, wait! You forgot your..." She was gone, no traces of her to be seen. "Maybe..." I put it on and tucked it under my shirt, it glowed faintly and I felt a warmth build up with it. "It's a memento of our friendship?" I shrugged and began my walk to get my things, with the new knowledge of who Sonata's sisters are bouncing around in my head. "Well if one thing's for sure, Aria's gonna flip her lid when she finds me." "Oh your damn right I am!" I turned my head and saw Aria charging at me like a bull, I started running like my life depended on it, and it probably did considering if I couldn't out run Aria she would make me eat her fist and my own teeth as a bonus. "Stop chasing me, you psychopath!" "No! Not until your mine!" I was shoving innocent students out of my way as to get away from Aria, I was almost at the end of the hall but Adagio jumped out of the corner. Now, in her head she expected me to stop and fall onto my back, but boy was she wrong! I couldn't stop myself from ramming her if I wanted to, I was simply going to fast to stop at a dime, so the next best thing was to run her down and hope for the best! I ran her ass over with a body-check and ran for it, I looked back to see her already recovered and starting her sprint to catch me. "Playing hard to get, huh!? That's perfectly fine, I love to when my prey fights back!" "Why won't you just leave me alone!?!" Okay, now I had two psychopaths chasing me. However, one wants me dead while the other wants to get in my pants, the two conflicting parties having separate goals but they share a similar objective, catching me. "C'mon, Anon! I'll make it quick if you take your beating like a man!" "Go beat-off in the corner, you bitch!" Okay, I knew that would only infuriate her more but I've always wanted to tell someone that!... Ugh, I'm such a horses ass... "What did you just say to me you little prick!?" "Oh sweet merciful god, why did I say that!?" I whispered to myself, I heard a grunt and a sound similar to a bull snort. "Get out of my way!" "Nope" Only one person ever used that catch phrase, and sure enough I saw the red skinned Big Macintosh fighting against Aria, their hands locked together and fighting each other in one of the greatest power struggles I've ever witnessed. He turned toward me, his face showing his determination to halt this girl. "Well!? You gonna stand there like a deer in the headlights!? Git goin', now!" Big Macintosh barely ever spoke in complete sentences let alone spoke in the first place. "Why are you helping me?" "Cause we're friends, partner, you'd do the same fer me if I was caught in a heap o' trouble." He smirked and turned back to Aria. "Now git! I can't hold 'er forever!" I smirked and gave him a nod. "Thanks Big Mac, I owe you one!" I took off with Adagio hot on my tail, Big Macintosh's display of power could only distract her for a short amount of time and I spent that time getting ahead of her. "Anny! Please stop! I just want a taste~" "Normally I'd take you up on free sex, but I'm not into exhibitionism!" "You can't say that until you try it!" "How about no, you crazy-oof!" As I turned the corner I hadn't noticed that Adagio had flanked into another hall that connected to the same place I was heading. Since she took the shorter path she tackled me and I fell against a trashcan, causing it to collapse on me and cover me in trash. "Now your mine..." As she approached me I grabbed the closest thing and swung it at her, I heard the satisfying crack of hard object against an enemy cranium. I didn't see what I hit her with because I had my eyes closed but when I looked at her she had a big bruise on the side of her face and some scratches. She started to wobble a bit and then I saw the stupid grin on her face. "I'll have the three o' clock flight to Hasbro, hold the mustard." She fell back unconscious, when I looked to see what I hit her with I saw a pineapple with a smeared smiley face and a few dabs of blood. after a few moments of just looking down at the fruit I got up, grabbed it by the leaves, and sighed. "God dammit, Pinkie..." I looked down at Adagio and noticed her necklace, I unlatched it and observed it carefully. "It's the same necklace..." "Yes, it is." I turned my head and saw Sonata, a normal expression on her face. "Anon... do you know the Greek story of Odysseus?" "Um... weird question... But yeah, we're reading it in English, why?" "In the story, he and his crew faced many different trials, such as the Cyclops, Charybdis and Scylla, and even Cannibals... How far in the book have you gotten?" "He's just returned from his voyage." I answered, she nodded and continued her story. "Good, now do you recall a section in the story where he's tied up to the mast of the ship?" "Yeah?..." "Well, why did they tie him up?" "Because they were approaching the Island where the Sirens lived, his crew tied him up so he wouldn't fall for their enchanted song..." Sonata didn't say anything else, instead, she started singing with a beautiful voice. There were no words, just a continuous 'aah' with a changing pitch that made it into a beautiful melody. I looked around and saw that men were being drawn to her while women started to bicker with each other. When the song ended, everyone snapped out of their hypnosis and went on like nothing happened. "I... T-that was-" "The siren's song... The song that captivated men and drove women mad." She grabbed my sleeve and took me to an uninhabited hallway, then she continued. "You see, Anon, the legend of Odysseus is true, all the creatures in the story once inhabited their own territories throughout the vast sea..." She turned back to me with a fire in her eye. "But that all changed when Odysseus returned to his home of Ithaca, when he reclaimed his place as king he swore to take revenge for his fallen crew members. He started studying black magic and forbidden rituals that even the gods wouldn't dare to preform, then one day, he found it. The key for his revenge, a ritual that would banish anything his heart desires to another dimension known as Equiss, a once uninhabited world that now thrives on the very creatures that were sent there by Odysseus. He banished the races that took his crew members lives, but he wasn't satisfied. He started to acquire what you would call 'The King's Madness'." Sonata tilted her head down with a sad look on her face. "He banished every race that wasn't considered 'Human', and one by one they were sent to Equiss; Centaurs, Minotaurs, Dragons, Hydras, Pegasi, and at one point he even banished the Gods who watched over the world from Mount Olympus. Zues, Ares, Apollo, Aphrodite, Hera, Poseidon, they all fell to him until two gods overpowered him. Hades, the overseer of the underworld, and Thanatos, the god of Death. Thanatos had fallen to his power, but was resurrected by Hades as a Lich. With his new skeletal form and soul-ripping scythe he was given the new name of 'Grim Reaper' and shredded Odysseus' body until only a soul was left, then his soul was consumed by Hades' fire and he was banished to a deeper level of Tartarus, the fiery demon realm known as Hell where he would burn for all of eternity." Sonata looked back up at me, sadness and dread on her face. "The gods that were sent to Equiss immediately died upon arrival, they were bound to Earth and as a result could not sustain their own immortality, they aged rapidly and turned to dust as father time finally caught up with them. After that dreaded event, Hades and the Grim Reaper took the throne and they created a new realm known as Heaven, where the fallen gods rule over all the good-hearted spirits sent there after death. Afterwards, Hades revoked all magical ability from the remaining humans so the same event would not happen again and went back to the underworld where he would oversee the human race." Sonata finished her story, I was shocked at the new information that I was told. "I... I don't know what to say..." "I'm not done, me and my sisters are decendents of those sirens, and they made it their duty to find a spell to transport us back to earth, in time, they found a portal spell that could send us there." She poked me with a finger. "And you are one of the few of your kind that are immune to our song, which is somewhat unusual, but not the first occurrence." "But why? Why am I immune?" "Simple, it's because of your Zodiac Sign." She looked up with a sly grin. "You were born on the sixth of April, nineteen-ninety-eight. Your sign is Aries, the ram, and your element is fire. Aries care greatly for their friends and will not only fight, but more than likely break anyone who messes with their friends or loved ones. Your passion burns like a wildfire and your willpower is as thick as your stubbornness, and though you may be as thick as steel on the outside, your heart is very frail. Your loyalty and protective nature makes you a force to be reckoned with and your blazing passion is probably what attracted Adagio to you, Aries are rumored to be the best kissers out of the other signs and she loves a man who can kiss. The point of all this is that the Aries-born are a bit more difficult to influence, as their blazing willpower nullifies our magical influence. Your not the first to be immune, so we know an Aries-born when we see it." "But how are you sure of all this?" "Well, when you drove me to the school I could sense the fire in your heart as you drove at such high speeds, I was suspicious but I couldn't confirm anything. Then Aria told me something from before she broke my heart, how you overpowered her and escaped her wrath, I was still suspicious but only more so. But I confirmed it when you comforted me after Aria said those mean insults, your affections weren't a facade to attract me, they were genuine with deep concern about my well being. I could feel the burning in your heart when you hugged me, it ignited my passion and gave me hope, it empowered me to smile and forgive Aria... At that moment I knew you were born under the sign of Aries, and I looked at your birth date on the school computer to further prove this. Your fiery temperament showed when you rode your bike with such spirit, your willpower to fight until the bitter end showed when you fought against Aria, and your passion and loyalty showed when you earned my friendship. There's no questioning it, your of Aries blood." "I see... But why are you taking over the school?" "Revenge... we wanted revenge for being banished from our home, so when we came up with a sure fire way to get back, this place just happened to be one of our targets. But you've changed me, I no longer want to go through with this, not if it hurts my only friend..." "Aw, how sweet." I turned and saw Adagio, leaning against the wall with a smirk. "Sonata betrays her only family for the love of a friend, it's almost enough to make me cry..." "It's over, Adagio! I have your necklace, your powerless and there's nothing you can do!" "Oh, relax, boy. I'm done with this whole 'Avenge our Ancestors!' thing and I honestly couldn't care less, besides, this place isn't that bad. The Equestrians aren't here to judge us, our elders aren't here to make us do their dirty work... And of course my precious little Anny is here.~" She said in a suggestive tone. "B-but... Why were you trying to force me to have sex with you!?" "It's simple, I just love teasing you. Your frightened face is so adorable, and nothing turns me on more than when a man refuses to have me.~" I gave her an awkward stare as she wiggled her eyebrows. "Okay... Disturbing but good to know. But in the beginning you wanted to take the school, didn't you?" "Well Anon, the key word here is 'wanted'. I couldn't have cared less about your world, but our spiteful elders wanted us to do it for them. I blindly agreed because I had nothing better to do with my time, and here we are." She explained. "Well, what about Aria? Does she want to take the school for herself?" Adagio shrugged. "Not really, she was just following orders and could care less about what happens to the school, but she does want to kick your ass." Okay, I officially saved the school from being ruled by three chicks from another dimension, but one of them still wants to kick my teeth in... I'd call that a victory but a very slim one. "Am I gonna make it?" "Probably, if your lucky she'll just beat you into submission, but you pissed her off pretty damn good so don't expect a miracle." Adagio said with concern. "Don't worry, Anon, she hasn't killed anyone yet so you'll live." Sonata said while rubbing my back. "Is it normal for Aries-born people to be really scared at this?" "Yeah, Aries-born are naturally afraid of physical and mental pain." Sonata informed, that didn't raise my hopes but at least I now know why I hated doctors. "There you are!" "Oh shit!" As soon as I saw Aria I took off like a race dog, down the halls and around the corner. When I looked back I saw her gaining on me, causing me to kick it into overdrive. "Get back here!" "Dammit, why won't you just give up!?" I turned another corner and... "Oh no, not now!" It was a dead end, no where to run and no where to hide. "I've got you now, you little pest." I jumped out of surprise and fell on my back, I turned my head and fully regretted doing so. There stood Aria, with the familiar stoic face that showed no intent of anger, but somehow screamed death. She stood over me with her expressionless leer, paralyzing me from pure intimidation and pressure. "You've humiliated me... Hurt me... Insulted me... And what do you have to show for it?" Each step she took to get near me I shuffled back, until I hit the wall. "You have only one thing to show from this, and it's the fact that you are the only person who's ever been this persistent... and that makes me angry." She reached down and grabbed my shirt collar, lifted me up, and pinned me against the wall. "Very angry..." Her face was mere inches from my own, it felt like her eyes were burning through me and glaring at my very soul. "Now... I'm gonna get what I deserve." I didn't know what happened, I felt a spark ignite inside me and a fire burned in my chest. I felt angry, really angry, and I realized that this must have been the power that Sonata was talking about, Aries was giving me strength! With my newly aquired false-courage I threw a punch with all my strength and socked her in the nose, the impact knocked her head sideways but my hope diminished when she was still standing. She slowly turned her head back to me and wiped the blood off of her face, licking is off of her fingers. (Oh shit, why did I do that!?) She grabbed the back of my head and- "Mmh!?" She shoved my face into her own, locking lips with me in a primal, sloppy kiss. I was so confused by this that I didn't fight back, I was wondering if this was just a hallucination to escape the pummeling she was probably giving me, but when I pinched myself I didn't wake up. She invaded my mouth and started licking all around the inside, gripping the back of my head tighter and forcing my head further into hers, deepening the kiss. After another moment of my mouth being raped she let go of me and glared at me. "I hate you so fucking much you waste of semen." She gave me one more sloppy kiss and threw me into the wall, kicked my stomach, and ran off. When I looked up after recovering from the pain I say Sonata and Adagio poking their heads from the corner of the wall, Sonata with a surprised look and Adagio with her jaw hanging from the display. "What the hell was that!?" Adagio questioned, I just sat there in complete disbelief. "I have no idea." I heard the bell ring and looked at the time on my watch. "Three o' five!? That's the end of school!" "Oh yeah, I forgot that Adagio stopped the bells so you would think that class hasn't started, makes it easier to find you." Sonata said. "So I accidentally skipped all my afternoon classes?" "Yep! But I have no idea where you were for the past three hours after we lost you." Sonata said, I realizes that I had slept in that bathroom way longer than I thought, but I didn't tell them that. "Well I... I guess I should get ready to leave?" "Not so fast!" A new girl appeared, she had straight, purple hair with a magenta streak and purple skin, she also had a tiara with a purple gem in the shape of a star-like symbol.. "So your the sirens that invaded Canterlot High? Well, my trip from Equiss may have been delayed but I am here to stop you from taking over the school!" "Um, sorry to say miss...?" "Twilight Sparkle." She finished. "Ah, thank you, Twilight Sparkle, but I think I stopped them already." I said, she gave me a strange look. "You... Stopped the sirens?" "Yes, Anon has already destroyed the pendants to our power, I'm afraid your literally too late to stop us." Adagio lied, Twilight stood there with a baffled look. "Wait, Anon!? The human that was transported to our planet a month ago!?" "Human? you mean my father wasn't crazy!?" "Oh, so your Anon's son! Well... I guess I'll be leaving if everything's okay here... Oh, and tell your father I said hi!" She left the school, I was now even more confused than before. "That was the Princess of Magic from Equiss, Twilight Sparkle. Quite the bookworm, from what I've heard." Adagio said to me. "So she just left three sirens here, not even sure if I actually destroyed your pendents, and expected everything to just go back to normal!? Unbelievable, how can she be so irresponsible!?" "Anon, calm down, it's not like we can do anything bad, you have the pendents. Not counting Aria's, but she will probably give it to you or destroy it. They're not really the keys to our powers, they just amplify them." Adagio explained, I sighed and took it from a ten to a two. "Your... Your right Adagio, if i keep acting like a loon than I'll turn into my dad." I joked, I got up and went to my locker to get my things. "So, we're cool then?" "Hm... Yeah, we're cool." Adagio and Sonata left to get their things, Aria went to me and grabbed my shirt collar. "Your mine, and mine alone. Understand?" I vigorously nodded in fear. "Good." She kissed me yet again with reckless abandon, some of the guys leaving started doing dog calls but Aria's stare silenced them. "He's mine, and you would do well to remember that..." She left after giving the guys a little scare, they left immediately. Sonata had retrieved my bag for me and have it to me. "C'mon, slowpoke, let's go!" I didn't say anything, I just followed her outside to the parking lot. "Note to self, install locks on bedroom door and windows." > Epilogue: Damp Sunshine with a Rainbow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Well, there she is..." I said to the three sirens, they just stared except for Sonata who looked in awe. "It's a bike." Aria deadpanned. "No, this isn't just a bike, it's my pride and joy... This, is Lapis." I mounted Lapis and turned the keys, she hummed to life and roared as I pulled the throttle. "Oh, I just love doing that." "I still don't get why you give an inanimate object so much affection." Adagio commented. "Maybe it's a fetish?" Aria said in a snarky tone. I rolled my eyes and slapped my goggles on. "Call it what you want, I really don't care. Now if you'll excuse me, it's Taco Tuesday back at my place and I will not be late for one of mom's famous Tacos." I was about to drive away but Sonata grabbed my shoulder. "You got tacos?" "Well it looks like Sonata's staying at your place. Once that girl catches word of a good taco she can't be stopped." Adagio said as Sonata mounted Lapis, but before she let me go she kissed me on the lips. I was caught completely off guard by this and I even saw Aria break her poker-face upon seeing me like this, she stared daggers at Adagio. "Thanks for the taste, Anny." She turned away from me and walked off. "See you at school tomorrow!~" "... Well, that was unwanted." Aria stomped up to me and locked lips with me, it was at this point that I felt like a man-whore as I was yet again forced to kiss another girl I barely knew. "You better fucking think of me when you masturbate tonight." She walked off, following Adagio to a car that they boarded. Shortly after, they drove off. "Oh my... well, let's go drown out our sorrows in taco shell and salsa." I said to Sonata. "Why are you sad?" "Because, I'm caught between a flirt and a psycho and I'm gonna get hurt in some way..." "But this is like a dream for most guys!" "Well, it would be if they didn't fight over me, they're both stronger and smarter than me so eventually something's gonna happen that will leave me in the hospital... I've seen enough movies to know that will happen." I drove down the road and into the streets. The beautiful sunset turning the skies orange as I drove. I heard a honk and saw Button's mom pass by me, I waved and smiled as she switched lanes. "Who's that, Anon!?" "A friend of mine!" It wasn't long before we reached my place, the garage door opened up and I parked my bike next to mom's car. "Okay, take your shoes off before you go inside, mom hates it when we track mud." She did as told and we went inside, we were immediately greeted by the smell of salsa and nachos. "Anon, sweetie, could you take out the trash?" "That's Sunday, mom, today's Tuesday!" "Oh, okay then! Dinner should be ready in a few minutes... And do I smell perfume?" "I brought a friend over, her name is Sonata." "Anon, you brought a girl over? Oh, my little boy's growing up!" "Mom, please, your embarassing me!" I warned. "Giggle I'm just teasing you, sweetie, what do you want on your taco?" "The usual." I said. I looked over to see Sonata playing with my cat, Alucard. He was a black cat with white paws and a white triangle on his chest so he looked like he was wearing a suit. Thus, I named him Alucard from Chastlevania. "Your cat's really cute, Anon." "Yeah, but he's an attention hog." I commented, he meowed in responce. "Yeah, you better meow you little furball." Alucard didn't give a shit about what I thought, as long as he was being petted he could care less. "Anon, dinner's ready!" "Taco?" "Yes, Sonata, that means taco." She squeed and ran for the kitchen, I followed suite and as I grabbed my plate Sonata had already made her first Taco. "Wait, don't eat you taco just yet!" Mom walked in and sat down at the table, watching Sonata as she pouted. "Okay, now!" Sonata took her first bite and her expression was priceless, she looked as if she just bit into a slice of heaven as drool started to drip from her mouth. "Oh my... That was..." "Oh, I just love seeing people's expressions after having one of my famous tacos, they're always blown away by the flavor!" We sat and ate tacos until we couldn't take it any more, I got a maximum of four wgile Sonata had broken my record with six whole tacos! Holy shit, she knows how to stomach those things down! After the initial clean-up I heard a knock at the door, when I opened it up I saw Adagio and Aria behind it. "What are you girls doing here?" "We thought about spending the night at your place for a change." Adagio said, slipping off her boots. "Certainly you wouldn't mind the extra company, right?" "Oh, are you Anon's friends? Please, come inside! We got plenty of tacos left!" "Aria, Dagi, you have GOT to try these tacos! They beat Taco-Bell tacos by a landslide, and you know how I feel about their tacos!" "Pfft, please, Taco-Bell has nothing when compared to my tacos, they even tried to buy my recipe!" Mom bragged. "Hmm... I guess I could have one..." Adagio said. "Honey, when it comes to my tacos, you can't have just one!" And boy was mom right, you really can't have just one of her tacos and leave it at that, they were that good! So, after the clean-up the sirens followed me into my room. "Welp, this is the man cave, just make yourself at home." "It smells like a dead rhino in here." Aria deadpanned. "That's why it's called a man cave, I mean think about it, you expect a teenage boy's room to smell like roses?" "He's got a point, Aria, I've been in a lot of teen bedrooms and this is a blessing compared to some others." Adagio searched around my room for an odd reason. "So where's the junk-food stash?" "Suitcase under the bed, and don't open the hamper unless you want to smell teen boy underwear." I wasn't joking, those things could act as rodent repellant if left out in the sun all day. Adagio found the suitcase and grabbed a box of cheeze-its. "Cheeze-its, you've got good taste, Anny." She popped open the box and began eating, I got on my computer and saw that Mr. G messaged me on steam. "Hmm... MvM, huh?" I began typing. Anonovaman: 'Is button mash going?' The G: 'Yeah, said he'd be waiting 4 us. U in?' Anonovaman: 'You bet your ass I am, let's do this!' "MvM? What's that stand for?" Adagio asked. "Man vs. Machine." Sonata explained. "So who are you playing? Engie? Sully? Demo?" "Wait, you play TF2?" "Yeah, it's something I like to do in my spare time. I've been on Earth longer than you thing, you know." Sonata reached into her bookbag and pulled out a pink laptop. "Want me to join in?" "You better get on that computer and join in on this shit if you know what's good for you." I demanded, and of course she logged in and joined the server. Anonovaman: 'Yo, G-String, got a new friend to help!' The G: 'Quit calling me that you ass! and yes, I see her.' Button Killer: 'Sweet, Anon's here! Alright, everyone get your mics ready!' "Anon, if you need us we'll be playing GTA 5." Aria said. "Kay, just don't save anything you do! And my other games are in the drawer. Both of you aren't sleeping in my bed so fight to the death to see who does." I equiped my headset as did Sonata, the administrator began the countdown. "Alright assholes, let's win some botkiller weapons! Time flied by as we played, eventually Aria and Adagio came in to watch us play since GTA can only entertain for so long. After a few hours my mom came in. "Anon, bedtime." "Kay, mom." I said my goodbyes to my friends and got off the server. I stretched for a moment and jumped into bed. "Well, you three should probably sort out the whole 'sleeping spot' thing because I only have one other bed in here, sooo... good night!" I pulled the covers up and snuggled into the mattress that gave me so much comfort at night. "I call the guest bed." Adagio announced and left for the guest bed next to my room." "I call the couch!" Sonata exclaimed, and went to the living room. It was just Aria and me, I shrugged and got out of bed, pulled out a seperate mattress from under the bed, and set up her bed. "Well, good night, Aria..." She just stood there, looking at me. "Sigh I assume your sleeping in my bed then?" She nodded. "Even if I say no?" Another nod. "Well it's not like I didn't see this coming." She quickly jumped into bed and I prepared for the worst. "Good night, Anon." I layed there, waiting for her to make her move... Nothing, she didn't even go for an ass grope, she just cuttled up to me and slept. I was surprised, no, shocked by this outcome, I was certain she would try something! However, when I looked back at her I saw something that made me heart skip a beat. She was awake. And she was smiling. "I really do like you, Anon..." She spoke with a new voice, it showed emotion that I had never heard from her. "At first I really did want to hurt you, and when I had finally cornered you I wanted to hurt you in almost every possible way I could... But then, I saw it. I saw a fire ignite in your eyes, I felt the flaming passion that Sonata told me about, the flame I witnessed caught me completely off guard and gave you the oportunity to fight back..." Her smile turned into a frown, and her eyes held sadness. "When you punched me, you gave me a taste of the passion that was burning in your heart... I lost control, I wanted more... And when I finally regained my sanity, I..." Tears started to form in her eyes, she tightened her hug and buried her face in my shoulder "I ran away... I ran away from the fear of rejection... I know what I did to you was unforgivable, and I hate myself for hurting you... So if you want me to leave you, I understand, I'll leave and never see you again..." I... I didn't know what to say. The girl that has been chasing me, is confessing to me. The very girl, who wanted to make me eat my own teeth, loves me. After a few moments of contemplating I came to an answer. "Aria..." She looked at me with tears in her eyes. "I forgive you. For everything. But..." I saw a slight sadness form in her eye, I smiled. "If you really meant that, truly meant every word, then... I'm willing to give you a chance." Aria buried her face in my chest and started to quietly sob, I hugged her back and we just layed there, enjoying the moment. After a few minutes Aria looked up at me with true happiness in her eyes. "Anon, I... I love you so much." "I love you too, Aria." We layed there, locked in a tight embrace that would be the first of many affections, and would mark the start of an inseparable love that nothing could ever tear apart.