Autumn Harvest - A Branching Tale

by AutumnShy_88

First published

A simple story behind a stallion of simple pleasures.

Greetings and welcome to my humble home of Tall Tale, Now aside from humantales and the well know adventures of six precious mares to Equestria, I've got a bit of a tale to tell if you've got the time. From my experience I have to say Equestria is a vast and varied land of many wonders the eye must behold to believe.

Chapter 1 - Away With the Wind

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Autumn Harvest:

~A Branching Tale~

Chapter 1

~Away with the Wind~

. . .

It was a dark and windy night that sent the cypress trees screeching and scratching against one another as the wind rushed through the once thriving orchard. Hard times had come across the lands, the trees that once bared fruit were not the only living things suffering from the loss of peace however. Many others whom called these lands home were also lacking proper shelter and nourishment ever since their leader had fallen. One whom was rumored to be immortal and ageless, that much had been proven false by just one telltale sip from a goblet of fine wine.

Equestrians were well aware of a little part of life, known as that time when your life comes to a close and you move on. Death was just as common as being born, that's what happened to mortal ponies when they got too sick or lived to a ripe old age, their minds or bodies eventually gave out and they were reunited with their families, or so that's the common belief anyways.

That was accepted as normal, they were simple ponyfolk whom tilled the land, planted the crops, harvested their bounty and lived their days out doing what they loved and were best at doing. Earth ponies toiled the soil, Pegasus tamed the skies and Unicorns were the economical backbone of Equestria. Doctors, Artists, Mages and so forth. The passing of anypony was a sorrowful event that often brought the entire town to the deceased pony's final resting place. There's an old saying in Equestria, Should you live in the bustling metropolis of Manehatten, the small rural village of Ponyville or even just the dustbowl of Appleoosa, You're never alone and you always have a friend in somepony, often times it is the greater percentage of the town that knows you then does not. As long as somepony remembers you, then you never truly leave the lands, living on in other's memories.

This was all very common in Equestria...

What wasn't common was the passing of a Princess, In old ponytales they were said to be immortal and never aged past the appearance of 30. Celestia and Luna had been around for many centuries of recorded pony history. No mortal pony knew just how long the two sisters had existed, only that they were kind and had a hoof in shaping Equestria into what it is today.

As the magnificent white and gold urn set before the collected mass of Equestrians from far and wide, all came to see their fair princess and her final flight into the next world. Ten pairs of watery eyes looked across the crowd of ponies of all ages and forms, Luna gave the six mares behind her a soft nod as Cadence buried her face into her husband's shoulder, unable to keep herself in check.

Two earth ponies, one pink with a fluffy mane, the other light orange with a blonde mane lifted the urn together from each side with a hoof each. Two beautifully majestic unicorns then bowed their heads, their collective magic lifting and tilting the urn as two pegasus from above gave a signal to the line of royal pegasus guards set behind the others performing the ceremony, all pegasus then flapping their wings in unison as they lifted from the ground slowly, casting a soft breeze over the collective crowd. Urn and pegasus climbing higher as the urns contents were released into the soft breeze, sending Celestia adrift upon the gentle wind created.

Perhaps she would glide on the breeze eternally always watching over her beloved ponies. All ponykind knew was times would certainly change and none knew what to expect from a future without Celestia.

. . .

Autumn placed an oak leaf into the book to keep his place as he closed it and sighed softly, smiling as the sun's warm rays caressed his face.

"Such tales of hardships and loss, love and learning, how I do love a good read. even if it could never actually happen here, Fantasy is still a nice teasing of the mind with it's impossible nature." remarked Autumn

The sky was bright and cheery, birds sang in the distance and life was beautifully pleasant as always. Life for Autumn was rather laid back right now, his special talent was nothing too complicated, just a collective knowledge of nature and herbology boiled down to a maple leaf cutiemark that showed his special talent was tapping Maple trees for their sap and distilling it into syrup. Autumn had other talents of course, such as a general green hoof, a degree of animal magnitisim and even knew how to cook respectfully. Three traits that seemed rather rare among stallions and quite often the hub of his conversations with others. Some might say Autumn could drive even a sane mare crazy with his talk of cooking and herbology.

Autumn tucked his current book into his saddlebag and decided to make his way into town to browse the marketplace for anything that looked good for lunch, Autumn knew better than to be around the Marketplace when he was hungry as most everything would look appeasing to his appetite, though the amount of funds he had on him at the moment could do little damage either way.

Autumn's thoughts wondered back to his book as he thought about the hoof-full of princess Equestria had, how nopony seemed absolutely certain where they came from or how one even became such a magnificent creature. It was collective belief that Alicorns were not born, but created instead, from a unicorn or pegasus worthy of the lineage. How would one feel knowing that they would outlive any pony they knew personally, that tiny saplings would grow into mighty oaks and fall with age many times in one's lifespan.

The sandy pegasus shook his head as it dawned upon him that possibly the greatest gift in Equestria was a terrible burden to bear as well. Everypony in Equestria was beautiful in their own way, from the newborn colt to the eldest mare moments away from being reunited with her horseband. Yet the beings considered to be the most beautiful and revered of all carried with them the knowledge and burden of the ages long past.

Autumn stood from his favorite place under the sprawling oak tree just outside his home. Looking up into the branches above him as he stretched slowly. How he'd love to actually have a tree as his home, be it a house among the branches or living within a tree itself. Autumn shook the silly idea from his head as he knew such a thing was unlikely to exist. Perhaps one day he'd change that, but until then his growling stomach took first priority.

. . .

Tall Tale was a small and simple town nestled in the upper North-West corner of Equestria. Primarily a farming town of golden wheat, oats and barley. Autumn had the joy of being a part of the farming community as the local producer of maple syrup and occasional nick-knacks made from the oaken branches and trees that bordered his quaint home.

Winters could be quite rough in northern Equestria and it was in these frigid winter months that Autumn often sold most of his maple creations. Sweet, warm syrup over fresh hoofcakes could do wonders against the cold and when homes needed warming, Autumn regularly delivered timber for his hometown and beyond for next to nothing. It was a simple living with modest earnings, but for Autumn, all he wished for was a simple life with simple pleasures and so he lived happily.

Autumn's smile greeted any face his vision fell upon as he browsed the stands for something to please his belly, opting for a few shiny Golden Delicious apples and a few sprigs of celery, paying for the goods and tipping the kind service with a smile as he wandered the streets of Tall Tale. There were a few shops selling trinkets and oddities that was always interesting to browse. Once in awhile traveling merchants would wander into town from the East bringing all sorts of interesting things as well.

Today one of these travelers had set up shop in a clearing just outside the marketplace, and a glint of light caught Autumn's eye as something glimmered in the warm sunlight from the merchant's wares spread out on a red velvet cloth.

Autumn munched on a stalk of celery as he made his way over to the traveling merchant and the rather shiny object upon her silken mat. The shining object was perhaps the most beautiful gem Autumn might have ever seen before. It had a turquoise hue, yet shone with rainbow light, almost magically.

"Trinkets from Trottenburg, gems from Germaney and baubles from Baltimare, see something you like stranger? Please point out what you see and I'll tell you about it's story and where it originates from." spoke the aged, sky blue unicorn in a wispy voice.

Autumn knew he'd never make enough bits in his life to be able to buy such a treasure and just smiled.

"That's alright ma'am, I wouldn't want to take up your time when I simply know I don't have the bits for such beauty." replied Autumn

Autumn turned to make his way home as the old mare chuckled,

"I didn't ask if you had the money sonny, I said I'd gladly tell you it's story, free of charge and my time has been well spent across these lands, Please, allow me to share with you the story of that crystal." proposed the salesmare.

Autumn paused and looked to the mare dumbfounded, only for her to smirk and lift the object in the white aura of her magic as she continued to speak

"I came upon this a couple of years ago now, when my travels took me to a small town right in the heart of Equestria named Dodge Junction. Oddly enough I find many of my trinkets from other sellers and buy them with the soul intention to travel around Equestria to show everypony what I find and give these unique items more attention."

The wizened and weathered mare slowly spun the crystal so the light danced upon it like a young mare on hoofskates as she continued the item's tale.

"The pony told me it came from a distant land ages ago, one which has simply vanished from Equestria's very soil some 1000 years ago, from a city of glass, I wonder if you've heard the old pony's tale of the Mad King Sombra?". the old mare questioned

Autumn nodded his head, having been a pegasus that loved the ground as much as the sky, It was only natural he would have heard the ancient tale of the Crystal Empire.

"Ah, then gaze upon a shard of the very castle itself, likely fractured from the throne room during Sombra's battle with the royal sisters. How many of these might exist is highly questionable, yet I've had many ask me just that. Who's to know, legend tells their battle was long and vicious, so many blows had to have hit and missed." the old salesmare concluded

Autumn averted his attention from the crystal toward the mare's warm expression. By now a small crowd had stopped what they were doing and had gathered around the small cart to hear her tale.

"So, have you ever seen another crystal like it since then ma'am?" Autumn questioned

The mare closed her eyes and shook her head softly.

"I'd like to know this was not the only remnant of a once beautiful city, but I've asked around as much as others have asked me just that same question, none have seen such before and I cannot fathom what I'm to do with it, As one stallion mentioned a few days ago, I feel it should be put in a museum where it can be guarded and for all to see. I so wish I had found it in my younger years..." the aged mare replied with a hit of sorrow in her voice.

A collective of hushed agreement and wonder followed her words.

"I appreciate you sharing it's history with me even if I cannot afford it's obvious worth, I hope it finds it's way into hooves that can appreciate it as much as it deserves." Autumn replied sincerely.

The old mare nodded and her aura faded as the crystal lowered back to it's place upon the velvet cloth.

"Much as my own I know not it's fate, but I don't feel the one to decide for it, I hope to find just one of these legendary crystal ponies to endow it upon before my time to move on to another world comes." The old salesmare spoke softly

The crowd dispersed as Autumn took another look through her other wares, his attention periodically being pulled back to the crystal like some kind of siren's call. A few more trinkets they conversed about before Autumn made his way back home with the setting sun, belly full and the proud owner of a conch shell all the way from Baltimare.

. . .

That evening, Autumn made his way though the orchard as was usual for him every evening so he could watch the sun set and listen to nature come alive for Luna's grand spectacle of night, as the stars would twinkle and shine above like great protectors of ages long past, and Luna's moon shining above like a beacon for all to join her in her beautiful night.

Squirrels raced through the trees and birds nestled down for the night, the bats chirped and flew through the skies as frogs sung from a swamp not far off.

Autumn lay his head in his hooves and closed his eyes as his ears basked in the beautiful serenity of the night, the cool air blowing across his fur as he drew in the crisp night air peacefully. Such was a splendor Autumn took great pleasure in, nature and all it's inhabitants and purity all around him. Nothing felt more genuine or safe than the very world and trees around him.

His mind wandered off to past memories of his home among the clouds, how they felt so different then the soil. How unique it was the first time he heard rain hitting a roof above him, and most of all being able to have the choice to see the world from ground level.

Autumn loved to fly above the ground laid before him, but his ability of flight was only average, most of his time was spent on the ground walking or pulling carts of syrup. He could fly a fair distance and took pleasure in flying gracefully, his wings just never had a lot of stamina for high speed or heavy lifting.

Autumn's ears flicked to attention as a presence slowly approached from behind, the sound of hooves soft upon the ground, a mare or child perhaps from the sound of it. Calmly standing, Autumn turned to his visitor and was somewhat surprised to see the traveling mare from earlier today.

"Good evening ma'am, are you here to enjoy this most lovely of Luna's nights perhaps?" Autumn questioned warmly.

The old mare smiled and set upon the ground, allowing Autumn to notice she was still hitched to her cart.

"I have enjoyed many a night such as this, truly our benevolent Luna is a genuine artist and those two never cease to amaze me with their work, however I came for reasons besides sharing this night with a stallion as well mannered as yourself, I came to procure some of the maple syrup the townsfolk have been talking about, figure I'll try me some and see if I can't spread the word of your wares, If'in I like it that is, and the cart's enchanted dear, makes it easier on these ol' limbs and keeps the noise down." The aged salesmare spoke.

Autumn raised a brow in confusion, there was something quite unique about this old unicorn, she must have the ability to read minds or something magical of the sort, perhaps an enchanted trinket that spoke of others thoughts.

"Ah, I envy you for all the beauty you must have seen in all your travels ma'am, I wouldn't mind seeing other parts of Equestria someday, but my wings aren't good for long flights and I'm frankly afraid of striking it out alone. I don't have any syrup with me but I can fly home real quick and get you some to try." Autumn replied with a warm smile.

The old mare looked from Autumn to the stars as she spoke,

"The lands are only as beautiful to us as we allow them to be, take your time dear, I'm not going anywhere as I wish to speak with you more when you return."

Autumn nodded and gave a smile before taking to the air and flying the short trip back home for his saddlebags and a few jars of syrup.

"Talk of the town I guess I am." Autumn smirked as he thought to himself

"Leave it to my beloved hometown to spread the word of my wares to traveling merchants, I wouldn't make it through the winter without them supporting me." he chuckled

Autumn landed just outside his home and pushed the door open to collect what he was after in a jiffy, not to keep the old mare and his customer waiting too long. Fastening his saddlebags securely and loading as many of his freshest syrups as he dare carry before making his way back out the door, not even taking the extra time to remove the few things he still had within his saddlebags.

. . .

The old mare looked up into the sky above her as she made out designs in Luna's sky.

"You've done well Luna, Celestia is most talented but the realm of night is truly your own kingdom Luna, not even your sister can rule it as gracefully as yourself. Never again should you feel your night is shunned, for only it brings us the peace for restful sleep and harmony."

The unicorn tucked her hooves under herself with some effort and set peacefully as she pondered where the trails and roads might take her next, and how many moons she had left in her. It seemed not so long ago she was younger, more into her work for the bits and perhaps becoming famous for finding something truly unique. With the years came understanding and her aim became collecting for the historical value of an item, not it's price value. Over the years she had found a few things she wouldn't part with for all the bits in the world.

First most was her memories and lessons of her 105 years on Equestria, how much she wanted nothing more than to pass on all her lessons to another, yet her only family was either sickly, not genuinely interested or already reunited with their parents and loved ones.

The few others items were far from valuable in anypony else's eyes.

Her first bit from each settlement she'd visited, a worn and faded saddlebag made by her grandmare, two bottle caps from the last drink she shared with her horseband on the last night he lived. Far from valuable, but worth the world to her.

Her mind returned to the turquoise crystal in her possession and she wondered if there was anypony still in existence that could treasure it like she treasured her saddlebag. A single, meaningful item that kept one bound to a loved one long gone and simply had no value because it was one of a kind and given especially to them, making it simply priceless. Was it priceless? Was it the only surviving piece left of a nearly forgotten empire?

The trees rustled as Autumn made his was back to the clearing where the merchant awaited his return, all to curious to hear what other matters the old unicorn wished to speak with him about.

"Ah, you return and with the sweet nectar I've heard so much about today." the old mare smiled warmly.

Autumn nodded and removed a jar of syrup from his saddlebags and handed it to her with a wing, a warm and tingly feeling caressed the tips of his wing as her white aura cradled the jar and levitated 5 bits from her saddlebag.

Autumn raised a brow and shook his head,

"No charge unless you like it ma'am, not to mention you paid me for more than 2 jars worth." Autumn chuckled, offering back 3 bits.

The old unicorn refused and opened the jar with practiced magic, the sweet aroma filling the air around the jar swiftly as she responded.

"Mmm, if this tastes even a quarter as good as it smells I may have to fill the ol' cart with as much as I can barter off you."

Autumn smiled and shrugged as he replied,

"It's the buying pony's opinion that matters, not mine, I just make it because it's what my cutiemark tells me and I enjoy the time spent outdoors among nature, not to mention giving back something to the wonderful community I call home."

The old mare smiled and magically lifted a small helping into her mouth to sample, as to not contaminate the jar's contents.

"Mmmm, As I said before, I came not only for this syrup that truly lives up to it's hype, but to ask you a serious question Autumn."

Autumn didn't recall mentioning his name before, but nodded.

The unicorn stood from the ground and put a small pouch before him.

"You spoke before of hoping to see a certain crystal returned to one who would treasure it most. There's 75 bits in there for all the syrup I can buy from you and pay for your services. I'm asking if you'd like to travel with me to see that it's done, not to mention you'd get to see Equestria along the way and not have to be afraid of being alone. I intend to travel back to Canterlot and have it given to the royal sisters themselves, I can think of nopony else more wise and caring to offer it to. I'm kinda hopin' you'll say yes, otherwise I can't say for sure if i've got enough left in me to make sure it gets there. I know it's a lot to drop on you and you seem fond of livin' here, I'm not leaving for a few days so give yerself some time to think it over." proposed the old salesmare.

Autumn was about to respond when mare and cart turned to a fine silver dust and floated off on the gentle breeze.

. . .