> No More Love For Twilight > by Bendy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > No More Twilight Love > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a pleasant, sunny day in Ponyville park. Little carefree pastel pony creatures of all colors of the rainbow frolicked through the trees and bushes of the park. They laughed and played games like hoof ball. However, the larger ponies of about 4 feet tall kept a close eye on the more little ponies. Next to a grey, stone paved path that ran through the whole park an odd, bipedal being was sat on a wooden bench reading a newspaper. He towered over the rest of the ponies and wore black shorts, a simple white t-shirt and black leather sandals. It was a human. You were that human and you were enjoying your day off work. Unfortunately, fate had other plans as you heard the sound of approaching hooves. "Morning Anon!" spoke a pleasant feminine voice. You grunted as you buried your head deeper into the newspaper. "Don’t be so rude Anon!" You lowered your newspaper to see Princess Twilight Sparkle sat on her haunches before you. Her tail wagged excitedly from side to side as she looked up at you with a nasty grin. "Ugh, what is it Twilight?" you said in a low, angry voice. Twilight raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Are you OK Anon? Normally you aren’t this grumpy when we meet." You sighed. "I’m sorry, Twilight. I just want to read my newspaper." "Oh…. well, do you mind if I sit on your lap?" she asked with cute pleading eyes with her lips pouted. You sighed. "Fine Twilight, you can sit on my lap." Twilight smiled happily just before there was a flash of light from her horn. The next thing you knew she was lying on your lap with her big fat glorious pony butt right on top of your crotch. For the next few minutes nothing really eventful happened, other than Twilight wiggling her silky soft rump over your crotch every so often. "Uh, Anon?" she spoke softly, her voice had a hint of concern in it. You sighed as you lowered your newspaper to look at the pony on your lap. "Twilight, what is it now?" "Um… you know my ass is gently sitting right on your crotch?" "Yes. What about it?" "Well, do you need me to cast some healing magic on your penis? Because normally when my butt is right on top of it you're as hard as a diamond." You sighed as you rubbed your forehead. "You see Twilight… I no longer have a pony fetish." She gasped in shock with a hoof over her mouth. "What do you mean you no longer have a pony fetish? Are all the sexy times with me and you had together over now?" "I’m afraid so. As of today, I no longer have a pony fetish." "You’re joking, right? Please tell me, you’re joking." "No, I’m serious." "But you’re a Brony… surely, deep down you-- "No! Cloppers are mentally ill perverts! Normal Bronies are true fans, for they don't want to ruin the innocence of the show by masturbating to ponies." "You are not a true Brony. A true Brony masturbates to ponies and wants to cum inside ponies." "I am a true Brony! But that doesn’t mean I like ponies that way!" you shouted defensively. Twilight looked hurt, her eyes watering a little. "Anon…. does all the times you had sex with my butt mean anything to you?" You shook your head. "I’m sorry, Twilight. But we need to move on from those days. Never again shall I have buttsex with you." Tears began to flow freely from her eyes. "Anon…. what has happened to you. You love my butt! You worshiped my butt ever since you came to Equestria last year!" she said in a low, sad voice. "I’m sorry, Twilight. But there will be no buttsex between me and you ever again." "I don’t… believe you!" she wailed in grief. "You’re just playing some sort of sick joke on me aren’t you? Saying you won’t have sex with my butt anymore! Do you get off on hurting my feelings like this?!" she shouted in anger. The volume of tears was now so much, your newspaper had been soaked with her tears and had basically become unreadable. You crossed your arms angrily. "Now, Twilight. You can always have buttsex with another pony." "But it won’t be the same! They don’t have hands like you! Do you have any idea how happy it makes me feel to have your hands holding my butt as I bounce up and down you?!" "Well, why don’t you find another being with hands to-- "It still won’t be the same! Many of their hands are far too rough and bulky or have sharp pointy claws! Nothing feels better than the tender, yet firm touch of a human’s hand on a pony’s backside!" "Oh… well. I’m sorry Twilight." Suddenly Twilight sat up to straggle herself over you in order for you to face her. Now face to face, the only thing you could see before you was her adorable pleading doggy eyes staring right into your soul, with had tears falling freely from her cheeks along with her lips pouted. "Anon…. " her voice was soft and broken. "if you won’t have buttsex with me anymore. Can you at least give me a belly rub?" You shook your head. "Sorry, Twilight! I can’t give you a belly rub. You enjoy them too much." Twilight glared at you angrily as she wiped away her tears. "Hey, come on Anon! It’s just a belly rub I’m asking for!" "Twilight… you really love belly rubs. It’s a sexual thing for you, so I can’t do it anymore on the grounds I no longer have a pony fetish." "But… I want a belly rub!" she shouted as she flared her wings. "No, Twilight!" you shouted in defiance. "I will not give you a belly rub!" Twilight's mane became engulfed in flame and her eyes glowed bright red. "HUMAN! I WANT BELLY RUB!" she roared in the Royal Canterlot Voice. "No!" you shouted as you crossed your arms. She slapped you across the face with her right wing. "YOU WILL GIVE ME A BELLY RUB NOW!" "Never!" you shouted as you pushed her off you. Twilight screamed as she fell to the ground with a loud thud. You felt a chill go down your spine over what you just done. "I’m sorry Twilight! Please, don’t kill me!" you shouted in panic as you begged for your life before the all powerful alicorn whilst her body glowed with magic. However, she simply cried her eyes out as she stared up at you with her mouth wide open in shock. So many tears fell out from her eyes that a large puddle was forming underneath her. "Why did you do that?! I thought we were friends?!" she screamed in grief as she glared up at you angrily. It was at that moment you slapped yourself across the face. Both you and Twilight gasped in shock as an evil fiery demon in the shape of Justin Bieber came out from your body. "JUSTIN BIEBER?! OH, I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN!" she roared in the Royal Canterlot Voice. With that Twilight blasted the evil Justin Bieber demon with rainbow magic! "Curse you Anon and Twilight!" it said in a demonic voice as it faded away into nothing. When Justin Bieber was gone, Twilight turned to face you with her mane now disheveled and her eyes badly bloodshot. "Anon... " her voice was soft as Fluttershy’s, if not even softer. "You still have a pony fetish, don’t you? Will me and you still have buttsex together? Belly rubs from you aren’t a thing of the past?" You lifted her up and stared deeply into her eyes. "Yes. None of that is over…. I love you, Twilight." "Oh Anon! I love you too!" she shouted in joy. The human and the pony leaned in close to kiss passionately. Twilight moaned sensually as she felt your hard member poke against her through your shorts. "Ewwww! You guys are sick!" shouted a feminine voice. Twilight and you stopped kissing and then turned around to see a minty green unicorn looking at you in disgust whilst she was sat like a human on another bench. "Oh, go away, Lyra! Nobody likes your anti human and pony sex attitude!" said Twilight angrily. With a huff Lyra left to leave the human and the pony to kiss in the park. The End