> EHL 15 > by NLR Pilot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Beginning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The excitement in Flamefly could be seen by anyone as he trotted to spring training. He had been picked, and by his hometown team. The Red and orange maned Pegasus with yellow fur was nervous and was tired . Despite this he had high hopes for the season. There was only one thing he would have liked more: The Luna cup. He was nearing his destination when his friend Leaf storm managed to catch up with him. The dark green pegasus mare flew torwards him annoyed at the fact the Flame seemed to actively avoid her. "Hey wait up" she shouted angrily. When Flamefly started to slow down she continued "Since we're teammates now how do we keep up the rivalry?" Which he responded "By scoring goals of course!" Leaf at asked "Other than that though, do we count points or not?" When he realized that this was going nowhere Flamefly flew away with Leaf in hot pursuit. Flame didn't get why Leaf hadn't let up for the last few weeks. He knew they both would make the team so he didn't get or know her reasons to be so competitive before the season even started!? Flame knew they both had tense nerves so he tended to loosen them with a race. "Beat c'ha to practice!" He yelled while Leaf came back with " Not if I beat you to training" ***** "Welcome to the tryouts for the Cloudville Predators everpony! As you know my name is Lighning Strike star Captian of the Predators. We nearly had a chance for the cup this year but blew it. We know we have a championship caliber team but the question is are you championship caliber players? That's why we are here aren't we? You heard me we are looking for 5 more players because of the fact the the Equestrian Hockey League decided that we could have 5 more players along with some new teams.There will be a lunch break and that is when we will determine who makes the cut. If you make the cut then you will stay for the afternoon for additional practice and contracts. Now without further to do start this tryout!" Flamefly immediately picked up the puck and started skating to the goal. The light brown Stalion who was in goal watched as Flame checked Leaf Storm out of the way and scored the goal with a Slapshot. The Brown Stalion steadied himself and prepared for another shot on goal. ***** *TWEET!* "Time for the Lunch break 5 of you have advanced to the second half of tryouts and our on the team. These players are: Flamefly, Morning Dove, Leaf Storm, Hash Brown, and last but not least, Paper Thin. If you are not one of these Ponies the please pack up your gear and go home. If you are one of those lucky 5 out of 30 please wait while your less lucky competitors pack up. And don't frown! There's always next year! Now while you wait these are the stats of the 5 who are on the team. When you come back next year aim to be at this level!" 1) Flamefly) 9 GOALS) 2 ASSISTS) 1 HIT) 14 SOG (shots on goal) Position: Left Winger 2) Morning Dove) 5 GOALS) 5 ASSISTS) 3 HITS) 7 SOG) Position: Right Winger 3) Leaf Storm) 7 GOALS) 1 ASSIST) 5 HITS) 11 SOG) Position: Left Defence Pony 4) Hash Brown) 30 GOALS AGAINST) 1 ASSIST) Position: Backup Goalie 5) Paper Thin) 2 GOALS) 8 ASSISTS) 7 HITS) 7 SOG) Position: Right Defense Pony Lightning resumed "alright you five, time to meet your new team formally after that you will practice for a few hours with us. We practice in the preseason Mondays, Wensdays, and Fridays. See you then I have too do some paperwork and get the contracts to make it official." -@ NEXT TIME ON EHL 15! @- Our heroes meet their new team and prepare for a couple preseason games to test their skill! See you then! (Luna is best princess) > Second half of practice 1/3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the contracts were signed the team was on the ice. The teammates were split into two teams and would run a best of 3 five minute skirmishes and there were two teams: Blue and Red. Red: LW: Left Kick C: Vinyl Scratch RW: Right Kick LD: Roseluck G: Awe Block RD(lol): Paper Thin Blue: LW: Flamefly C: Lightning Strike RW: Morning Dove LD.: Leaf Storm G Hash Brown RD: Snowflake With the teams set the Skirmish began. In the first minute not much happened, but a half into the second the Reds showed progress, for they managed to check Leaf and get into the Blues zone. The blue team put up a mighty defense and held them in their zone for a minute and a half before the Reds finally got a few shots on goal. And were they shots. Vinyl took the initial shot and it rebounded off of Hash Brown's blocker but Right kick was there. He let off a weak but calculated shot that caught Hash off guard. He just made the save but accidentally kicked the puck out for a rest. But because he was a rookie he made a rookie mistake and kicked it to Left Kick who was ready and shot it too high for him and scored! It cost the blue team the game as they're offense was shut down by a dump from Paper Thin. "Alright Blue team Huddle. Now!" It took a little while to get everypony into huddle as they were slow to get there as they were greiving on their loss. Once they got there Lightning Strike continued "That was terrible guys. We need to be in tip top shape and we blew it. We still have a chance to win these last two skirmishes and I want you to know that we have to do it now! C'mon we can do this! Let's win today!" "...um chief. You do realize that we're playing against our own team. This doesn't really matter that much. By the way that was an a caliber speech. You should look into that." To Flamefly's surprise it was Leaf Storm who said that. She was so competitive earlier but now she didn't care about winning? Was it because she was already on the team? He should ask her. "Yes it does matter Leaf Storm!" Lighthing Strike scolded. "We are playing Ponyville in two days so everypony needs to be prepared. Sure the game doesn't count, but it will measure your skill just like this one. If you new ponies can win this game we have a shot. In most games last year Rainbow Dash beat us because of her speed and agility. Applejack beat us in pure strength. Pinkie Pie is a better goalie, and our only thing we are better at normally is accuracy but in the last game Rarity was more accurate. We needed new ponies like you, and right now you are not doing better! Now come and prove you can win against a major league team!" "Oh... sorry." Leaf wallowed in shame. Now that the ponies knew the reasons, they knew they had to win the next skirmish. They glided toward center ice and got prepared for skirmish number two. > Oc requests > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi this the chapter for OC requests! I will leave open slots as open unless people ask for it. I will except: Earth Ponies, Pegasi, Unicorns, Griffins, and possibly Changelings. Here are the teams in order of which they appear: Cloudsville Predators (closed) captain: Lightning Strike Ponyville Golden Leafs (closed) captain: Twilight Sparkle Foalarado Avalanche: Left winger: Shake) Center: Ranch Wilder) Right winger: Bake Left winger 2: -OPEN-) Right winger 2: -OPEN-) Right defence pony: Defensive Push) Goalie: Left Hook) Right Defense Pony: Center Head) Captain: Ranch Wilder Cloudsdale Red wings: (closed) captain: Spitfire Griffinhiem Hunters: Left winger Jason Coolio) Center: -OPEN-) Right winger: Bird Cop Left Defense Pony: -Open-) Goalie: Flower Smell) Right Defense Griffin: Swag Master G) Applelossa Black Apples (closed) Grand Falls Griffins: Left Winger: Keen Adventurer) Center: Mike) Right winger: Jim) Left Defence: -OPEN-) Goalie: -OPEN-) Right Defence Griffin: Catbird McGee) Manehattan Islanders (closed) Left Defence Pony 2: -OPEN- (still) Crystal Empire Gems: Left winger: -OPEN-) Center: Gem Star) Right winger: Princess Cadence) Left Defence Pony: Mineral Delight) Goalie: Kevin) Right Defence Pony: -OPEN-) Fillidelpia Flyers (closed) Canterlot Equestrians (closed) Vanhoover Canuks: Left Winger: -OPEN- ) Center: Lyra) Right winger: Moonlight Left Defence Pony: Robby) Goalie: -OPEN-) Right Defence Pony: Great Miner) Caliponia Ponies: Left Winger: Octavia) Center: GAP Trixie) Right Winger: -OPEN- Left Defence: Cake Maker) Goalie: Sapphire Shores) Right Defence Griffin: Jake. From Griffin Farm. > Hiatus lifting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Officially the hiatus will lift soon. Unfortunately there is such a low following I have to change up the story. If you really like this story, or think it may have potential please comment, like, and fav and or track. This story was bad, but I have learned how to make future ones better. If I some how get popular, then I will likely re write this one. I have too finish a few things, but after that this story is most likely going to be cancelled. Sorry guys. My next story will be Starship Ponies. If you would like that type of thing to have a interactive thing like this story, please say so. Bye.