> Draconic Love > by Secondchancer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (10 years ago) Twilight Sparkle limped through the forest grunting with each step after practicing a new spell at the Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns she had over calculated the spell and ended up teleporting herself deep into a forest near the school. Seeing a large tree she limped over to it lying down on her side she gave a gentle sigh in relief after taking weight on her right back hoof, looking up at the starry sky she muttered "I really need to figure out that spell !" after saying that she laid her head down on her front hooves giving a slight sigh she felt her eyes begin to close when a deep voice spoke up from behind her "My my its rare that I get such visitors !" Jumping up she winced when she placed weight on her back hoof looking up ahead she saw a deep grey dragon the size of a Kodiak bear standing behind the tree looking at her, as she stared at the dragon she began to study its body it had a long muscular body, its wings were folded up neatly along its sides, while its body was a deep grey the fin running from the base of its skull to the bottom of its neck was a light blue that seemed to gently pulse with color, looking at the horns around its head Twilight felt that they gave the beast a regal almost royal feeling, the final two things she noticed were its silver blue eyes that seemed to pierce her very soul and the white markings that seem to be carved into its body that elegantly ran along its body. Backing away slightly she stared in fear of the beast being sixteen years old she had read how dragons kidnapped ponies her age shaking with fear she stuttered "I-I-I-if y-y-you t-t-try anything f-f-funny y-y-you'll r-r-regret it !" "Funny why would I try to hurt you ?" it asked while cocking its head taking a gentle step toward her only to be hit with a blast of lavender energy looking at her in shock it saw fear in her eyes sighing it said "I won't do anything to hurt you I promise, what is your name ?" "T-t-t-twilight S-s-sparkle." "Ahh the pupil of Princess Celestia ?" "Y-y-yes." "Then why would I harm you...........considering what your teacher would do to me I would rather help then hurt." "I-I-I told y-y-you m-m-my name n-n-now w-w-what's y-y-yours ?" "Eon and my dear Twilight," Eon said bowing his head to her while shutting his eyes looking at him she felt her mind going blank at what she just saw trying to back away she put weight on her back hoof hissing in pain looking up at her Eon asked "Are you hurt ?" "N-n-n-no !" she said blushing slightly walking forward with surprising speed he was on top of her with a few steps he towered over her looking down ears flattening against her skull she looked away blushing slightly as he brought his head closer to hers sniffing the air he said "You are hurt so why lie ?" "B-b-because......I-I-I-I....." Twilight tried to come up with an argument as why she hadn't told him but with nothing leaving her mouth she grunted and limped backwards away from the dragon she said "Yes I twisted my back right hoof when I messed up a teleportation." "Hmmm now isn't it better not to lie Ms.Sparkle ?" Eon asked smiling at her being carful not to show any of his fangs fearing he may scare her blushing Twilight looked to the ground trying to avoid his gaze "Now lets have a look at that ankle !' Twilight looked at the dragon in shock as he used magic to lay her on her side and scan her leg after a few seconds he nodded his head as if learning something new, moving closer he placed he mouth close to her back leg and breathed out letting out a bluish whitish haze that wrapped around the hoof after a few seconds it seeped into her leg. Feeling the pain leave her body she stood up and flexed the hoof feeling no pain looking up at the dragon in awe she asked "HOW DID YOU DO THAT !?!?" "Ms. Sparkle I am a dragon after all some of us can use magic !" "B-b-b-but I've never seen any magic like that !" "Hehehe of course its an ancient type of magic taught to me by my mother !" "Can you teach me !?" "Sorry no its mainly used by dragons and is for dragons only." "Oh............ok." she said looking down with her ears drooping looking at the saddened unicorn Eon sighed and asked "Ms. Sparkle how old are you if you don't mind me asking ?" "Hmm oh I'm sixteen and a half ." she said still looking down at the ground using her hoof to make marks in the dirt smiling at her Eon moved beside her sitting down with a *THUMP* he wrapped a wing around her lightly while saying "So how about this we will meet here till you graduate from your school and try and make pony versions of the spells my mother taught me." "Really............but wait I only got here on accident !" "Hmmm that's easily fixed *reaching over he tapped the center of her forehead* now I'm going to transfer a locator spell that'' allow you to teleport to me whenever !" as he said that Twilight felt a slight shock go through her body jumping a little she rubbed the spot that got shocked groaning looking up at the dragon she asked "So how will I know it worked ?" "Why not try it tomorrow.........for today I need to send you back to your teacher she may be getting worried Ms. Sparkle." "Okay...............and Eon ?" "Yes ?" "You can call me Twilight." she said smiling up at the dragon looking at her he smiled back her as the two separated he cast the spell sending her back to the school. (8 and a half years ago) Running through the forest a severely injured Twilight looked behind her to see a single Manticore chasing after her looking ahead she teleported around obstacle's and tried throwing patches of dirt and logs at the beast chasing her. After about fifteen minutes of running Twilight found herself cornered turning around frantically she saw the beast stalking toward her baring its fangs it let out a low growl feeling her back a against rocks she closed her eyes waiting for the end to come, however it never came opening one of her eyes she saw Eon standing between her and the Manticore baring his fangs his spliced pupils holding a feral rage that she never saw before when he had turned to check on her. Looking at the Manticore he let out a earsplitting roar and lunged at the beast swiping his claw catching the beast off guard his claw hit it in the head snapping his head in one motion after making sure he had ended the creature Eon began to check over Twilight and began the healing process. After about an hour of healing Twilight and checking to make sure that some of the wounds had healed properly he sighed in relief bringing the unicorn close to his body not even realizing the motion, blushing at the movement Twilight couldn't help but press her body against the dragon hoping to get closer to him sighing in relief she thought 'This may be the last chance I get before I leave.' looking up at Eon she said "Thank you Eon if it wasn't for you I would-" "Twilight do NOT finish that sentence." "............Okay but there is something that I wish to tell you." Twilight said looking up at the dragon looking down at her he cocked his head to the side confused by what she was trying to say taking a deep breath she said "I love you." Staring at the unicorn Eon began to shake closing his eyes he threw his head back he let out a thunderous laugh Twilight was taken back by the motion and a blush formed on her face from embarrassment and rage, looking up at the dragon she slapped the arm wrapped around saying "What's so funny its true I. LOVE. YOU !" "That's not the funny part Twilight Sparkle since day ONE of our meeting a year and a half ago I've been in love with you !" "Huh?" "Hehehe..........AHEM you see Twilight my mother Gaia told me that the species that we were can only find love once in our life and we can keep it with us forever through a spell..........she said that the person we love is connected to us at a spiritual level." "Okay so ?" "Twilight your my soul mate ,I believe that's the term you ponies call it, my mother taught me two spells the first allowing me to locate my soul mate through a thread." "Okay so ?" Twilight asked looking up at the dragon sighing he rubbed his eyes then leaning down he casted a spell the area around them turned black but a purple blue light was seen looking down she saw a her soul a glowing flickering flame turning she saw Eons soul a massive bright blue flame along with the flames was a chain that seemed to connect the two flames, after a few seconds it all her vision went back to normal she then said "So we were destined for each other ?" "Yes we were and the reason I found it so funny was the fact that the pony I loved also loved me." "What's so funny about it !" Twilight pouted punching the dragons ribs wincing Eon couldn't help but chuckle at the unicorns looking down at her hooves she then asked "So what's the second spell she taught you ?" "Well the second connects our two spirits." "Which means ?" "You see she explained to me this the connection allows the none dragon member of the spell to live centuries along side the dragon, or till one dies from unnatural causes like murder or natural causes like old age, but other than that both parties can stay together." "But what happens if one dies ?" "Well she said that say I were to die you aging process would revert meaning that say you were hmmm 20 years old when we did the spell and I past away from war or something you would then go back to aging normally which means that you would age like a normal pony instead of a dragon." "Oh...........so that means." "If you were to accept my love and I accept yours you would be able to stay by my side for centuries." he said lowering his head and nuzzling the unicorn smiling she nuzzled him back saying "I do love you but.........that is a choice I cant make yet." "Of course Twilight I understand that it is a hefty choice but know this even If you decline the spell I would never leave your side." "Never ever ?" "Never ever." Eon stated simply turning his head to Twilight he smiled at her smiling back Twilight leaned forward and planted a kissing on the dragons lips remaining there for a few moments enjoying the moment. (4 years ago) Rolling in the snow of the crystal empire Twilight looked up to her coltfriend of three and a half years (give or take a few months) smiling at him she gave him a gentle kiss on his cheek pulling away she whispered "Thank you for visiting." "Of course my love." Eon said pulling back slightly he looked deep into her lavender eyes seeing the love they held for her smiling he said "So today you turned how old again ?" "I turned 22 today of course you already you knew that !" she giggled slapping him lightly on the chest he had her pinned in the snow his furnace like body keeping her belly warm while the snow cooled her back sighing she looked off to the side with a worried looked noticing this Eon said "Twilight is something wrong ?" "N-n-no I was just thinking." "About ?" "Two things." "Things ?" Eon asked with worry looking at the are with worried moving back a little feeling this Twilight used her magic to bring him closer to her looking up at him she quickly said "Its nothing bad its just that-" "That ?" "I want to become yours !" she blurted out rearing his head back Eon took on a deep shade of red across his face looking at the mare with surprise covering he face with her hooves she peeked past them seeing Eon's reactions coughing he said "Are you sure ?" "Yes !" "And what's the second thing ?" "I would like you to connect our souls." "Twilight you realize-" "I realize both how painful and what it entails but Eon I LOVE YOU !" she yelled the last part sighing he looked into his mares eyes smiling he said "I can never resist you Twilight you know that but what do you want to do first ?" "Claim me then do the spell." she muttered her face a beet red color snicker he moved closer and began to nibble her fur moaning she rubbed herself against him making his way up to her ear he asked "So do you want me in my normal size or smaller ?" "N-n-normal." Nodding Eon began to nibbled her ear while he moved his tail to her lower region teasing her lips letting out a hearty moan Twilight felt herself relax in her lovers grasp moving lower he nipped at the skin, feeling the sharp fangs rub against her skin Twilight moaned then Eon moved his tail into her canal slightly causing the moans to escalate moving the tail in and out of her he was careful as not to break her hymen after ever few strokes he would remove his tail and lightly flick her love button. Moving further down Eon found him self at one of Twilights tits licking the nipple of the right one she let out a heart gasp smiling at this he continue to play with the right one before moving to the left, however this time he bean to lightly suck on this one causing his mare to arch her back growling slightly his used his claw to gently push her back into the snow causing her to hiss at the cold. Concentrating on his objective he pulled away looking at his mare he saw her looking pale and her usual clean mane was matted and wild looking chuckling he looked down at the final destination for him to attend to. Leaning his head down he gently moved Twilights tale out of the way looking at her swollen sex a bright pink standing out against her deep lavender fur sticking his tongue out he gave her a tiny lick eliciting a gasp from her, pulling the appendage back into his maw he tasted the sweetness of plums coming from her chuckling he went back to his meal. As soon as his tongue penetrated her Twilight let out a loud yell "OH BUCK !" but quickly silenced herself fearing that her scream would carry on the wind but that didn't stop her from pushing Eons head deeper into her crotch trying to force his tongue deeper into her. Pulling away he nibbled on her love button for a few seconds before gently blowing on it at this action Twilight came hard and fast panting from the orgasm she looked up at Eon with a blissful look trying to sit up she mumbled "Alright now its your turn." Shaking his head Eon began to gently push her back into the snow while whispering "No my love I want to take you now." smiling she simply nodded looking his soldier she noticed that he was MUCH larger than the average stallion from her books sighing she tried to relax her body. Positioning himself carefully Eon felt his member make contact with something soft, wet and extremely warm groaning from that feeling he began to gently push himself forward entering Twilight he grunted from the feeling of how tight and warm she was after an inch into her he felt her barrier stopping he looked down at her seeing her wince slightly whispering he asked "Fast or slow Twilight ?" "F-f-fast !" she stuttered nodding his head Eon thrusted into her quickly breaking her hymen and hilting into her that single moment hearing her let out a quiet scream he began to pull out fear he had hurt her until he felt a magical presence keep him in place and hearing her voice "D-d-don't move !" Nodding his head Eon stayed completely steal not moving a single inch and in that time he felt the steady pulse of Twilight's body along his sighing he reveled in the relaxing rhythm, feeling a gentle nudging he looked down seeing Twilight giving him the go ahead nodding he slowly pulled out of her only to push himself back in. After a three intervals of pulling out and pushing back in Eon began to pick up the pace but keeping the same amount of strength in each thrust the wet smacking of fur and scales echoed through the starry night, Twilight was in heaven feeling the roughness of his scales against her, the heat from his body, and his scent were driving her crazy letting out loud moans she felt her eyes roll into the back of her head and tongue roll out of her mouth and limply hang out of it. After about of half an hour of going at it Twilight had came twice during the session while Eon was reaching his peak grunting he said "Twilight I'm close !" "DO IT INSIDE BY CELESTIA DO IT INSIDE !" she screamed as Eon released his seed into her body after feeling his hot seed coat her insides Twilight came for a third time letting out a loud scream she felt her mind go blank till a searing pain was felt in her shoulder. Turning her head she saw Eon biting her shoulder but the pain didn't last instead a soothing warmth flowed through her body sighing she felt his mouth let her falling into the snow and feeling Eon pull out of her she quickly cast a spell keeping the seed insider her looking up she asked "So the bite was that the spell ?" "Yes my love I am truly sorry for not telling." Eon apologized curling around Twilight cuddling closer to him she let out a small sigh she felt sleep begin to take hold of her but before sleep could claim her she said "Well now you belong to me and I to you so I don't care JUST NEVER BITE ME AGAIN." "Hehehe understood my little Sparkle." Eon said nibbling her ear as he wrapped his tail around her and placed his wing over her he saw a gentle smile across her face. (Present day) Twilight stare down the mountain looking at the frantic wedding goers frowning at the sight she sat down on her haunches and wrapped her hooves around herself she began to quietly crying. Feeling the warmth of her lover she turned to see Eon looking down at her with a sympathetic look on his face he asked "Are you ready to go honey ?" "*Hic* Yeah I am." Twilight said turning away from the scene below she began to follow her lover looking down at her Eon said "You know we don't have-" "NO ! Eon they would try and hurt you PLUS none of them would understand our lover or why we feel this way about each other !" she quickly said tears began to form at the corner of her eyes sighing Eon knew he had stepped on a land mine walking up to his mate he wiped away her tears and whispered "Okay so where would you like to go ?" "Someplace warm and quiet." "Whys that ?" Eon asked even though he already knew the answer smiling at her he saw Twilight place one of her hooves on her stomach she then looked up saying "So we can raise our family." > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (eight later) Yawning a purple unicorn began to stir from her slumber opening her deep lavender eyes she looked around the room trying to find her missing warmer growling she said "That jerk leaving me alone in the mornings." grunting she got off the bed she shared with her mate groaning she rubbed her stomach feeling the two foals insider her give light kicks. Making her way downstairs she saw Eon making breakfast for her and their daughter Eternity Star smiling she made her way over to him and lightly punched him in his ribs causing him to let out a surprised yelp. He looked down to his mate with a very upset look on her face giving him a slight growl before making her way over to the dining table seeing her daughter looking through one of the many books that were in there house smiling she walked up to the young dragon/pony hybrid giving her a small nuzzle causing the small filly to giggle using her small claws to playfully swat at her mother. Looking at her daughter Twilight couldn't help but giggle at her reaction Eternity Star was a eight year old filly with bright grey/purple coat, her mane was straight like her mothers but a deep blue with a single light pink stripe in her mane, she had a long draconic tail along with a small pair of horns growing out of the sides of her head, and finally were her deep lavender eyes that were spliced smiling at her Twilight asked "So what are you reading there sweetie ?" "UHM..............SHARKS !!!!" "Ooooh sharks like the whale shark you swam with ?" "YUP !!!" "Hehehe do you want to go to the beach today sweetie and see if we see other sharks ?" Twilight asked looking up with a sparkle in her eyes Eternity jumped down from the chair and ran up to her mothers stomach "You hear that guys we're going to the beach !" Giggling Twilight rubbed her daughters head causing her to calm down a little looking up at her mother with a toothy grin smiling she turned to the kitchen and walked back in. Watching her mother walk into the kitchen she cocked her head to the side until she heard a sharp yelp then her mother came out holding two plates of pancakes, bacon and some steak, setting the two plates the both of them began to eat consuming the food Eon had cooked. Walking out Eon groaned sitting down at the table he looked at his wife with hurt puppy dog eyes looking at him Twilight smiled and gave him a small tap on the nose saying "Boop." causing the dragon to shrink back slightly in fear giggling at this Eternity said "Daddy did you forget to get beef yesterday ?" "Yes I did and I should have remembered." "Well mommy said we could go to the beach today and maybe I can show off my new cutie mark that I got last week !" Eternity said pointing to her flank which was a sharks jaw that had a multi sided star in the center of its mouth, smiling at his daughter Eon raised his head and said "Yes that sounds like a wonderful idea and maybe we could look at the reefs with your mothers permission ?" looking over to his wife she simply nodded her head taking a bite out of her steak giving a slight sigh from the taste. (Thirty minutes later) Walking through the small coastal town that Twilight and Eon had moved to around nine years ago they were greeted by many familiar faces along with some tourist but none that seemed to recognize the unicorn after she and Eon had eloped she had cut her hair to be a few inches shorter and gave it more of styled look. Sighing Twilight began to remember the initial suggestion that had at first worried, till her husband had let her know that he and an old friend established the small town on the Bahamane islands after an hour of assurances and promising's of a good living area they had departed for the islands.The first few years were rough on Twilight mainly because of the weather unlike Ponyvillle where it had rather differing weather the islands seemed to only understand one kind of weather HOT and very few days was it sorta hot, but through that she did enjoy the islands fresh air, ecosystems, community, and other things that helped her decide that moving was a bad idea. Twilights only concern though was her daughters safety and how would the ponies react to her but that was quickly silenced when a LONG time friend of Eon greeted the two when they showed up a gold earth pony mare with light silver hair and a inkwell cutie mark greeted them along with her husband and eldest son, to say she was shocked was an understatement standing before her was a 238 year old mare named Golden Ink and her husband Bahumat along with their son a black pony/dragon hybrid named Riptide. Walking to the board walks Twilight saw Golden Ink fixing up the front of her shop with another pony walking up she called out "Golden good morning to you !" turning the mare saw her friend and walked back up to her giving her a warm smile and a hug sighing she pulled away looking her in the eye giggling she said "Why good mornin' tah yah to Twi, how are ya'll doin today ?" "We're doing good, well beside the extra weight, but we're going to the beach today would you like to tag along ?" "Sorry Twi but ah'm might busy with this but Riptide and Bahumat are their fishing or playing who knows with those two." Golden sighed rubbing her hoof across the bridge of her nose turning to her right she said "But a small colt here would JUST love to go with you." "Oh did Tidal not wake up early enough ?" Twilight asked giggling she also looked to where golden was looking to see a black Pegasus colt with draconic wings, and a bright gold mane and eyes looking up at her he said "Yes Mrs. Sparkle could I come along please." "Of course Tidal you know your always welcome to join us and here comes Eternity." Twilight added with a whisper causing the colt to blush looking past her he saw the small filly running along with her father following close behind gulping he seemed to shrink back slightly he said "Uhm thank you." "So Twi how much longer till ah can see mah god son's or daughters ?" Golden asked cocking her head to the side Golden Ink had her mane pinned up in a bun giving her a older look despite her appearance but than again she was much older than Twilight turning 247 in a few months grumbling she said "Hopefully soon I would love to be able to turn over again !" "Hehehe and now you see whah ah waited another hundred years before ah had mah third !" Golden said poking some fun at Twilight smiling she turned to her friend and said in a very innocent tone "But Goldie I'm not that old !" unlike most mare who would of fought over that comment the both of them began to laugh making his way up Eon looked at his wife and Golden cocking his head to the side he asked "What did I miss ?" "Just girl talk big guy nothing much, but your wife offered to take Tidal to the beach to meet up with Riptide and Bahumat." "Sounds good we should get going before they get crowded." "You worry Eon it ain't even tourist season we have another few months before than so it don't matter." "Yes but you know what I mean by crowded." "Dolphins ?" "Dolphins." Eon deadpanned as he made he's way past the mares guiding the two foals to follow him keeping them close to him, giggling slightly Twilight and Golden looked at him as he left speaking up Twilight said "I will never understand his hate of dolphins." "I think it has something to do with a fish he was trying to catch." "Who knows anyways we having dinner at your house or mine tonight ?" "Your house tonight Twi since Riptide is staying with us its ah mess." "Hehehe well he has to visit you guys from time to time." "Ah know but garsh darnit he is a hundred and fourteen years old and he still can't pick up anything around the house !" "Maybe one day !" Twilight giggled saying her farewells as she left her friend to head to the beach sighing Golden went back to her work, and after around an hour and half of work she felt a tap on her shoulder turning Golden said "Sorry but mah shop is closed for the day." "That's okay we were just lookin for the beach." looking up Golden saw six mares looking at her smiling she began to explain to the mares which way to head and how to get to the more secluded parts away from other but being careful as not to divulge her family's and Twilights own private beaching area, after explaining to the ponies she bid them a good day as they left she muttered to herself "Now where have ah seen those mares before." (A few minutes later) Running along the shore Eternity, Tidal, and Riptide (Riptide is a tall pony/dragon hybrid with draconic wings like his younger brother he has a black coat but his mane is a deep silver, his left eye is gold while his right is silver) were playing with a hoof ball carefully passing it back and forwards to each other laughing and playing sitting in the sand a few feet away were two dragons and a lavender mare leaning against one of the dragons with a blissful smile on her face watching as the children played. Sighing Twilight turned over slightly letting some sun onto her swollen belly feeling the warm rays across her underside giggling slightly she felt Eons claws running gently through her fur slightly scratching her skin, hearing her hum in delight brought a smile to Eon's face leaning down he said "So does this feel good ?" "Hmmmm yes it does don't stop." "Of course." Eon said looking up he saw that Eternity and Tidal were missing with a very confused Riptide looking around stopping the motions he said "Twilight Eternity is missing !" (Down the beach) Rubbing her head Eternity had a splitting headache from where Tidal had head butt her on accident when trying to go for the ball feeling the small bump forming she felt tears stream down her face. She looked around noticing that she and Tidal had ended up in a bush somewhere, sniffing the air she couldn't find her mothers or fathers scents closing her eyes she tried her best not to begin sobbing she then heard the sound of laughter and a few voices looking to her right she saw a group of five ponies playing in the sand all having fun except one that seem to be laying in the sun enjoying the day. Backing away she began to shake Tidal trying to wake him up while whispering "Wake up Tidal please wake up !" After shaking him a few times he let out a small groan opening his eyes he looked around to see a scared Eternity and that they were in a bush sitting up he said "What the heck happ-" feeling a pair of claws on his mouth he saw Eternity pressing on claw on his mouth and with the other on her mouth saying "shhhh." she then pointed to her right turning Tidal saw the five ponies on the beach gasping he whispered "What are we gonna do they don't look like they're from around here !" "I-I-I don't know Tidal b-b-but we cant leave what if they see us !" "Oh you silly fillies I can see you just fine !" a cheery voice sounded from their left turning they saw the grinning face of a bright pink mare with bright baby blue eyes staring at the it only took a second but both the foals cried out and ran out of the bush only to run into something soft yet solid. Looking up they saw an orange mare with a blonde mane staring at the two in shock her mouth agape and her forest green eyes wide with shock, turning they began to make their way down the beach to where their parents may be only for Eternity to stop holding her front claw she hissed "My ankle hurts." Stopping Tidal turned around and ran back to his friend trying to help her up only to be stopped by a voice saying "Hey hey hold up their colt we ain't trying to hurt yah." looking up he saw the mares slowly walking to them putting her gently on the ground Tidal took a defensive position in front of her letting out a low growl he snarled "Back up o-o-or y-y-you'll regret it !" "Woah their little guy we aren't gonna hurt you just surprised us is all, we just want to help." said a beige unicorn mare with bright red hair with bright gold streaks through it smiling gently she began to slowly inch forward with a powerful roar ripped through the air and the area exploded with dust and sand. Throwing up a shield the mare protected her friends form the sand and dust after a few seconds they heard a deep growl coming from the center of the area of impact once the dust settled the mares were met with the sight of two dragons each easily out weighting all of them put together along with a third slightly smaller dragon looking creature standing in front of the foals in defensive positions. Backing up slightly the mares stared in fear of the beast in front of them bearing their fangs they didn't move and the mares didn't dare move for fear of being attacked the entire area was dead silent until a extremely angry and familiar voices roared "ALRIGHT WHICH ONE OF YOU HURT MY DAUGHTER !!!!!' Moving to the front of the group Twilight began to glare at the group until she got better looked she recognized five of the six mares standing before her were her old friends stepping forward Applejack stuttered "T-t-twi is that you ?" staring at her dumfounded they saw the mare standing in front of the dragons as if this was an everyday thing for her, looking at her old friends Twilights ears were pressed against her skull she asked "W-w-what are y-y-you doing here ?" "Twilight we're here for a wedding but the real question darling is WHAT are you doing here ?" Rarity said motioning with her hoof to the scene before them looking around she began to stutter "I-I-I live here and AGH !" a sharp pain went through her body the adrenaline rush plus the intense atmosphere had left all oblivious to the fact the Twilights water had broken and she was going into labor. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Time Skip several agonizing hours later) The mane six were sitting in the hospital waiting to hear the news about their friend sitting across from them were the dragons from earlier the room was deathly quiet one of the dragons and the hybrid were sitting on top of the other as he tried to claw his way into the delivery room to his wife. In the corner though the two children were playing Twilights daughter had brought some cards to play and the other one waited patiently for her to hand out the cards. The doors to the room opened up walking out a mare with a golden coat and silver hair walked out in a pair of scrubs sighing she looked at the dragon on the floor smiling she asked "So Eon would you like to meet your son and daughter ?" looking up at her the dragon nodded smiling at him she looked at the dragons sitting on him motioning her head they got off him so he could shoot off into the room looking at the younger dragon she made her way over leaning down she whispered into her ear looking up Twilights daughter got up and made her way into the room to see her mother. Looking over to the mane six the mare looked them over sighing she turned to the dragon giving him a quick kiss on his muzzle looking back at them she said "So are the six of yah hungry ?" "Yes." they all answered the mare nodding she motioned for them to follow her looking at each other they were about to protest about staying until the mare gave them a cold glare then saying "They need some family time so come along." nodding their heads they began to follow the mare and the dragons out of the hospital. (Dinner time) Sitting outside on a porch over looking the ocean the mane six waited patiently for the food to come out sitting across from them were two of the hybrid children coughing slightly Fluttershy asked "So h-h-how old a-a-are the t-t-two of you ?" "I'm around 114 years old my brother is 8 years old." Riptide said in a bored tone looking up at the stars he nudged his brother and pointed to the sky looking up he gasped quickly squeezing his eyes closed he muttered something quickly, the mares stared at the two of them slightly shocked at the ages and the age difference speaking up Rainbow Dash said "Your a 114 years old !" "Yep I mean I'm about 86 years younger than my sister Sapphire she should be visiting in a few days.' "Wait you have a sister that's 200 years old !?!?" Rarity gasped looking at the hybrid looking over to her he nodded his head saying "Yeah I mean my dad and mom waited a good amount of time to have each of us while Aunt Twilight well you can already guess at that." "So what are your names ?" Rarity asked looking at the two dragon ponies across from them looking at each other they seemed to be having a mental conversation after a few moments they turned back to them smiling the Riptide introduced himself and his brother " My name is Riptide and my younger brother is Tidal Wave." "Well its very nice to meet the both of you." "It's nice meeting you all too." Tidal said nodding his head toward the six mares smiling at the young colt hearing a small clatter all the ponies sitting at the table to turn around seeing the mare and dragon making their way over to the table with a few bowls of food walking around Golden set two bowls down while her husband set another two down. Looking at the food set in front of them each reaching out and taking a piece of the variety of food that was placed in front of them the ponies thanked their host for the food smiling the mare gladly accepted the praises that soon followed afterwards. After a few minutes of eating the elements looked at each other sharing a look that didn't go unnoticed by the host sighing she looked at the six ponies and asked "What is it the six of yah want tah know ?" "Well Mrs. Ink we were just curious how you meet-" "Husband Ms. Belle that is a very old story even some of the details have faded from my memory or are you curious why Twilight has come to live on this island with us ?" "Well we're mighty curious about both factors but I feel you want tah know somethin' also " Applejack said staring at the mare trying to find a tell smirking she cocked her head to the right and gave a playful look before saying "I remember Twilight tellin her daughter and my son about her adventures as the element of harmony but about two maybe three years ago that a new element of magic was found.........I would love to know how that came to be since these elements bond to the hosts or so I heard." "Well that is true but they also need a strong bond among the wearers of the elements." the unicorn with red and yellow streaks spoke up for the first time looking at her Golden smiled and said "But how did you manage to do that Ms. Shimmer from what I've heard you just seemed to pop up from no where.........as if by magic and all of a sudden you befriend five of the most powerful mares and become a new element." "That's simple four years ago Celestia recruited me and dropped me off to do the same lessons as Twi-" "Why would she do such a thing !" Bahumat snarled his pupils narrowing on the mare causing her to cower raising his head above them he continued "Did she not know what Twilight was facing from her own clan at the time !" "Bahumat darling calm down this instant !" Golden spoke up raising her voice to catch her husbands attention lowering his head Bahumat's pupils widened looking into his wifes eyes he quietly whispered "I apologize." "Now if you would continue Ms. Shimmer." Golden spoke looking back at the shocked mare who had turned a little paler after the outburst sighing Golden clapper her hooves in front of Shimmer getting her attention back on track "Please Ms. Shimmer continue your story my husband was merely voicing what we both were thinking." "I-I-its okay but um I don't think she did, the Sparkles did seem rather upset about the disappearance........but um yes she found and contacted me at the school I had no idea what she had recruited me to do at first so went to the town and met these ponies..........who became my friends and comrades." "Short and sweet I rather like that story but I do have one other thing I would like to know HOW did it happen." "Its hard to explain but after a year and a half of living in that town I soon became friends with these mares, and then a bright light shone in front of me and the crown just appeared........after that I became the element of magic......well a surrogate until the real element came back i'm not as powerful as her but-" "Its fine but from what I've seen your just as good as her but that's just me.......now girly your gonna listen and listen good Twilight is gonna give the actual answer about you tomorrow depending on her mood." "O-o-okay but all can you answer something for us ?" "I believe I could do that." Golden said leaning into her husbands shoulder sighing in relief as she felt the rough and warm scales brush up against her fur staring at the mare Sunset didn't miss a beat "Could you tell us how you met your husband ?" "That my dear girl is a very long and old story but I suppose I could try remember exactly how it went." Golden said with a slight smile as she rubbed a hoof along her husbands forearm.