> Yellow Diamond > by Cocknie Thug > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Dirty Diamond > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Something must have gone dreadfully wrong in the night, thought Diamond Tiara, for she woke up one morning in a terrible dungeon. She tried to move, but found her hind-legs tied securely to a triangular block of wood, one ankle strapped to each side, the point of the triangle terminating at her groin. She tried to free herself with her front hooves, but found them strapped behind her back in strange restraints. She tried to look around, but her mane was tied so tightly to the bonds on her forehooves that she could only turn her neck a few degrees in any direction without causing herself considerable pain. A draught of cold from an unseen vent made her shiver. She tried to remember how she ended up here. Was there a dramatic abduction? A stalker, hiding in her room? She couldn’t remember. The events of the previous night were a blank. The events of the past few days were more clear. She had stumbled into her bedroom drunkenly after returning from a house party—or had that been weeks ago? She had walked past that alleyway, but no, that was Silver Spoon’s nineteenth birthday, a month ago. The confusion mixed with the pain in her scalp and the strain on all four legs, pushing Diamond Tiara closer to a mixture of tears and rage. A grey wall. Grey ceiling. Concrete floor. Metal drain. Diamond Tiara could see nothing else in the room. A door creaked open, and clicked shut. Well-trimmed hooves clicked against the hard floor. “Hey,” said Diamond Tiara. “Hey!” she said again. The faint hum of magic, the sound of a bag unzipping, perhaps a faint chuckle. “I know you can hear me, jerkface!” she snapped. “Get this crazy rope stuff off me!” Hooves clicked closer and closer, and Diamond Tiara became acutely aware that whoever stood behind her was no foal. They were close, close enough that Diamond Tiara could feel their breath on the back of her neck. “Y-you better let me go,” said Diamond Tiara. Something cold and hard had dropped to the bottom of her stomach, but she tried to keep her voice level. “If my d-daddy finds out you’ve hurt me, he—gllmmfff!” Her captor had sealed her mouth with duct tape. She tried to shake it off, but it only increased the pain in her scalp and the strain on her limbs. Her vision swam, and she took desperate, panicky breaths through her nose. A unicorn stepped in front of her. He looked the same age as her father, with a pale blue coat and a dirty blond mane. His cutie mark was a sliced potato, and his hooves were neatly trimmed. His eyes met Diamond Tiara’s. They were pale green, the color of undercooked peas, and they seemed to stare straight through her. Diamond Tiara shivered. “Hello, Diamond Tiara,” said the stallion. His accent was an odd, not-quite-Canterlot thing, as if he was trying to change his voice. “Let me tell you why you are here: you will beg to drink my piss, and I am going to let you do so.” The pink mare yelped as the duct tape was ripped away. Her captor was looking at her, expectantly. “That’s... That’s just gross,” she spat. “I am not going to do that, you sick, twisted mmff—” Apparently satisfied with her answer, the stallion silenced her once more. “Let me expand on my explanation,” said the pony. “You have been purchased by a pony with very peculiar tastes. This pony had you taken, and now they are your owner. Your owner likes to throw lavish parties with strange attractions, and hidden, depraved secrets for his most trusted guests. Your owner might have a dancing bear at a party, or a pair of crystal ponies doing a lewd display, or a pile of rubies filled with restless souls. For the next party, your owner wishes for something depraved indeed. They wish for the debutante daughter of a rich pony to serve as a urinal for the guests, and beg to drink the urine of the partygoers. “I warn you, it will not be as pleasant as it sounds. Pony urine is unpleasant, but you will not simply service a single stallion. You will offer yourself to diamond dogs, donkeys, zebras, even griffons, and even the smell of griffon urine will make you retch. But still, you will sincerely beg for each mouthful of yellow liquid, and you will not expel a single drop without permission.” He removed the tape once more. “Do you know why I am telling you this?” Diamond Tiara glared. “Because you’re sick in the head?” The stallion laughed. “I am telling you this because I want you to be horrified. I am going to break your spirit so that begging to be a urinal seems like heaven in comparison. And I wish for you to resist fully, so that I can break you fully.” For a moment, Diamond Tiara said nothing, though she made a noise that sounded like a sniffle. In a quiet voice, she said, “P-please, let me go. Please.” The stallion stared at her with his dead green eyes, smirking. “Sshhh, my dear mare. I do not know what will happen after this night. Perhaps your owner will keep you as a love slave. Perhaps your owner will gift you to me, as a bonus. Perhaps your owner, in all of their caprice, will decide on a different attraction for the party, and you will be returned to your home unharmed. Such a thing has happened before.” He leaned in, close enough that Diamond Tiara could smell his milky breath, close enough that she strained against the bonds to move half an inch away from him. “But I swear to you, dear Diamond,” he whispered, “that you will be a properly-trained urinal before you walk out of this room today. You are mine, little jewel, and I will enjoy every inch of you!” The stallion lunged and pressed his teeth into Diamond Tiara’s neck. She squealed as he bit and sucked and growled all at the same time, pushing her painfully against her bondage. With a final nip he pulled away, leaving an ugly purple bruise on the teenage mare's throat. “Now that you’re properly marked as a whore,” he said, “we can begin.” He walked out of sight behind her. Wheels rattled on concrete as he pushed a metal trolley in front of her. Her eyes widened as she saw what lay on top of the trolley. Knives, needles, scalpels, screwdrivers, three different hammers, various bottled liquids and a cabinet full of screws and nails and other hardware. There were metal contraptions she dimly remembered seeing in shop class, or the dentist, or the doctors, all terrifying in their own right. The dead-eyed stallion licked his lips. “These are the tools of my trade. If you learn quickly, I might not have to use them all.” He lifted a beak-shaped tourne knife in his magic. Diamond Tiara saw her own reflection in the steel of the blade. She tried to swallow, but her throat was too dry. “My knives—” he paused to chuckle softly “—are for cutting. Not much mystery there. Still, I’m sure I can find a few uses you haven’t even imagined....” He brought the knife to her face until the tip pressed against her velvety coat, through the hairs and onto the skin below. The point trailed down her cheek and jaw, not quite hard enough to cut, until it pressed against her throat. He withdrew the knife, and the trail it had left burned against her skin. Diamond Tiara tried to think of some plea, some threat, some bluff that would stop this lunatic, but nothing came. All she could focus on was the glow of his magic as it skimmed over the tools on the trolley. He took a metal tin and pried the lid off. A thin piece of metal floated out. “Have you heard of acupuncture, little one?” he asked. “An eastern method of curing ailments by sticking needles into various body parts. They use needles so slim you barely feel the prick. My needles are considerably thicker.” Two needles floated out of the tin, so close to Diamond Tiara’s eyes that she couldn’t see anything more than a grey speck. She strained backwards with all her might, and still the needles grazed her eyelids as she blinked. “Now, if I get to the needles I’m just going to stick them all over. There are a few hundred needles in this tin, and I have a half-dozen tins in the trolley. Tell me, Diamond Tiara, have you learned to masturbate?” She whimpered as she tried to keep the needles out of her eyes. The stallion grimaced, lowered the needles, and backhoofed her across the face. Bright white pain flashed across her vision. “I asked you a damn question and if you take more than five seconds to answer I’ll sew your eyelids shut!” he snapped. “Yes!” she cried, “yes I have, p-please, st-stop...” Another horrible, mirthless chuckle. “Oh, that’s perfect. You know what I’m going to do? I’ll stick a few dozen needles through your labia, and I’ll poke as many through your clit as will fit, and then I’ll make you rub yourself. I’ve only ever put thirty-six needles into a cunt’s cunt before she passed out. I’d love to break my record.” He placed the needles back on the tray, and took his next instrument. “I’m almost hoping you don’t give in. You’ll give me an excuse to use these,” he said, brandishing a hammer and a hoof-ful of nails. “I worked as a farrier, once. Do you like going to the farrier?” Diamond Tiara’s head shook against the bonds. “N-no...” “If you hammer in a nail half an inch to the wrong side, it will pass straight through the medial nerve. The kings of Ancient Minos used to nail criminals to an X-shaped cross before they were lashed. That’s where the word ‘excruciating’ comes from, ‘pain from the cross,’ because they thought a pony could experience no greater pain than to have nails hammered through all four medial nerves.” He pressed the nail against her left hind fetlock and pulled back the hammer for a heavy blow. Diamond Tiara tried to scream but found her muzzle clamped shut with magic. The hammer fell. It stopped a hair’s breadth away from the nail. With a moan of pure humiliation, Diamond Tiara wet herself. Clear yellow liquid trickled down the wood of the triangle and darkened the fur of her inner thighs. The stallion snorted with amusement. “I’ll let you lick that up later. Anyway, I think we’ve stalled enough. I’ve got more tools, but to be honest? By the time I get to the soldering iron, it won’t be about making you behave. It’ll be about messing your face up so your picture alone will scare the next slut into submission.” Diamond Tiara wasn’t listening. Her eyes were screwed shut as she shook against her bonds, grinding painfully against the wedge between her legs. “This isn’t r-real,” she whimpered, “this isn’t real, it’s just a nightmare, I’m in my bed and I’m going to wake—” “Open your eyes right now or I’ll use each and every one of those tools and more just to see you suffer!” screamed the stallion. His spittle flecked against Diamond Tiara’s face. Snivelling, she opened her eyes. “Good,” he said. “I’ll start with the pliers—” “Wait! Please!” Diamond Tiara’s eyes were wide and desperate. “I’ll do it, don’t torture me! I’ll drink your—” she paused to grimace “—pee.” He laughed in her face. “I said I’d make you beg for it. You want a chance to beg for my piss? You have to earn it.” Diamond’s expression fell, as much as it could with her mane tied back so tightly. “What do you memmnnfff!” The stallion had turned and pushed his ass against her face before she could finish her question. Her muzzle slipped into his muscular rump, sandwiched between his ass cheeks. The first thing she noticed was the damp. His ass was horrifically sweaty, enough that the moisture soaked straight through the soft fur on her face and onto her skin, equal parts slick and clammy. The sweat reeked. It wasn’t the light sweat that comes after working out, but the thick, cheesy musk of a stallion who has worked out every day for three days without washing. Diamond Tiara gave a muffled squeal as his asshole pressed into her lips. To her horror, it felt grainy. There was no obvious filth, but the faintest tang of feces among the sweat reminded her exactly what he was doing. She sealed her lips, which had the unpleasant consequence of making her breathe in more of his sweaty ass through her nose. Metal clicked, and the pliers closed on flesh directly below Diamond Tiara’s ribcage. He squeezed until her skin lit up white-hot with pain, and then twisted. She screamed into his ass. Tears ran down her face, mixing into the sweat and dirt. “Lick my ass, you dumb cunt!” She just sobbed, too overwhelmed by the pain to think straight. She thrashed against her bonds as he twisted even harder, and then struggled to open her mouth and stick her tongue out. When her tongue touched his ass he stopped twisting, but didn’t release his grip. With a defeated sob, she began to lick. The grip loosened on the pliers as she lapped at his asshole. She could barely tell between the taste of his sweat and the taste of her own tears. His hole itself had no strong taste, but she felt a tiny bit of gritty residue on her tongue and it turned her stomach. Sweat covered her face as the stallion rubbed his ass up and down, his hole going up and down from nose to chin. She felt ass-sweat and saliva on her eyelids, hot and sticky. The taste of his sweat faded after several minutes, replaced by her own spit. Muscles along her jaw and neck throbbed in pain as she strained to lick. Each movement of her tongue was work. Every breath became a struggle. She felt a cramp build at the back of her tongue. She had to take a break, just for a moment. Diamond Tiara took one breath. She took a second breath. Before her third, she felt something cold and hard touch her ear. The pliers squeezed and twisted. Her world went sideways. It felt as if her head had been split into two parts, a railroad spike of pain driving from her inner ear right into her brain. She tried to scream, but all she could do was cough. The grip loosened and lights flashed in front of Diamond Tiara’s eyes. Distantly, she heard a voice say, “I didn’t tell you to stop licking. Stick your tongue inside.” She tried to obey him, pressing her tongue into the center of his asshole, but he made it difficult by tensing up. Cold metal brushed against her other ear, and she squeaked in fear. “You’re not working hard enough. Stick it inside or I’ll rip your damn ear off.” Motivated by fear, she redoubled her efforts. She pushed forward against her bonds, her face going deeper between his sweaty, spit-soaked rump. With an unfeminine grunt, she made her tongue as hard and thin as possible and pressed the point forward. Between the slick spit and her effort, the tip of her tongue pushed inside. A hoof patted her softly on her head, and she felt him relax. In an instant her tongue slipped far deeper inside him. Her tongue felt horribly warm as it went in deep. The stallion sighed with pleasure. “Yeah, work that tongue, really eat me out!” She flexed her tongue and wriggled it inside him, tasting a bitter flavor that she did not want to think about. The stench of his sweat and asshole were overpowering. He made her work like this until she was sweating from the effort. Her whole face ached from strain, she had a splitting headache, and lights flashed in the corner of her eyes. Every movement of her tongue was agony. She sobbed as her tongue slowed down, knowing that he was going to hurt her again. She felt pliers pinch her teat and nearly dislocated her hips in the struggle. “You stupid crybaby, I barely touched you,” he said. “Now make out with my asshole. Suck it, use your lips.” She molded her lips around his crinkled hole. Trying not to think about the vile deed she was doing, she slurped and sucked at his browneye. The heat of it was incredible, and she could almost feel his pulse through his veins. The stallion moaned in pleasure and rubbed his ass against her, loving every moment of it. Diamond Tiara didn’t dare stop. She licked and sucked at the edges, dipping her tongue inside, throwing herself into it as much as she could bear. Her vision went dark at the edges, and her lungs burned from lack of air. At least she couldn’t taste it any more. There was a loud ‘pop’ as he stepped away from her, separating his ass from her lips. He turned to look at her, a mocking sneer on his face. “Well?” Air flooded her lungs as she sucked in breaths. She knew she had to respond before she was tortured again, but her tongue could barely move. “Gaak,” she moaned. “Glaaak. Pleath!” Near panic, she cried “Pleathe!” “Speak properly.” Diamond whimpered and swallowed. “Please!” “Please what?” “Please let—” she choked back another sob “—let me drink your pee!” He walked up to her and nipped her cheek, his face inches from hers. “More,” he growled, “beg for it.” “Please let me drink it, oh please oh please!” “Keep begging.” Tears flowed down her face. “I’ll be your urinal, I’ll do anything you want, I’ll drink everyone’s pee just please let me do it!” “Yeah, you gonna be a good little piss whore?” She tried to nod against her bonds. “Y-yes I’ll be a good little piss whore just please oh please oh pllmfff...” He held her jaw shut with magic and laughed again. “You’re the weakest filly I’ve ever found,” he jeered. “It usually takes a day before they even start to beg. Let’s see if you mean what you say...” He took a knife from the trolley and cut away her bonds. Diamond Tiara slumped forward and tumbled off the wedge. She groaned in pain as blood flowed back into her formerly-bound limbs. Something cool and wet soaked through her coat as she writhed, and she realized that she was laying in her own urine. The stallion smirked down at her. “Look at your mess. You know what to do.” Diamond Tiara stood up on shaky legs and looked down at the puddle on the concrete. With a whimper she steeled her stomach, dipped her head, and began to lap at the liquid. She moaned in humiliation as she realised that she was only pushing the puddle around with her tongue, and began to slurp it, sucking it into her mouth and drinking it to avoid more torture. It was salty and musky, the first piss of the morning. “Stop.” She looked up, her pupils pinpricks and her chin stained yellow, fearing whatever mistake she had made. There was no anger in his eyes—just the same horrible smirk. “Please,” she whispered. He grinned. “Yes?” “P-please let me drink your pee—your piss, m-master...” He was on her in a flash. He knocked her over and pinned her on her back, forcing a grunt from her lungs. He stood over her head, and his cock slipped out of his sheath, mottled pink and half-hard. She whined from the pain of being pushed over, and then opened her mouth obediently. Piss sprayed out like a firehose. It blasted into her mouth, thick, fluorescent yellow, bitter and salty and utterly stomach-churning. The taste alone brought fresh tears to her eyes. The flow cut off, just short of filling her mouth. “Gargle it,” he commanded. She gargled, the piss foaming up and almost spilling out of her lips. The taste penetrated every inch of her mouth, she could taste it in her nose and in her throat. She dry-heaved from the foulness, and swallowed to avoid spilling any. “Good slut. Suck the tip.” He dangled his cock down until the head slipped into her mouth. She sealed her lips around it. Her stomach rumbled in protest as more salty, stinking piss filled her mouth. Again, his flow cut off just as her cheeks bulged, and she swallowed. He took perverse pleasure in filling her mouth and making her swallow each time. She snorted and shuddered and tried not to vomit. The taste seemed to get worse the more he pissed, every mouthful thicker and saltier than the last. Eventually the flow died down, letting her suckle the last spurts from the tip. The stallion had finished pissing, but didn’t take his cock away. “That’s good. I got more for ya, slut...” Diamond Tiara dimly realised that his cock was now rock-hard a split second before he dropped his hips and forced his cock down her throat. She gagged and choked, piss-flavored spit oozing between her lips. He pushed until his dick was half-way down, and withdrew, only to force his way back in again. Diamond Tiara’s stomach rumbled horribly, and she knew what was about to happen before it did. Piss surged back up her throat as she threw up in her mouth. It was only a mouthful, but somehow tasted even worse coming back up, mixed with slime and bile. Some poured out of her lips and ran down her face, but the next thrust of his dick pushed much of it back down. His thrusts became rough and frantic, and she felt his dick twitch and bulge. She couldn’t breathe, her nose and mouth both filled with gunk. She would die here, she was sure of it, choking to death on this pervert’s meat. His yell sounded distant as he pulled out and coated her face with sticky white liquid. Even as she gasped for breath, everything faded to black. ~*8*~ Diamond Tiara sat bolt-upright. She was in her bedroom. After two panicky breaths, she breathed a sigh of relief. She was in her bed. Her clock read 6.56 AM. She’d had a nightmare. Diamond Tiara giggled, and collapsed back onto her pillows. It was strange. Usually after a nightmare, she felt drained and afraid. This one had been so nakedly awful that she felt nothing but happiness. She had her double bed, her TV, her bookshelf, and her big house. In half an hour she’d get up to see her daddy go off to work, and then she’d settle in for a relaxing Saturday morning. As she reached for a glass of water, she felt an odd squelch between her hind legs. She blushed as she realized the cause. She'd had some strange reactions to dreams before, but it was weird all the same. She smiled, and decided that she’d make the best of this Saturday. She was going to watch TV, smoke some ditch-weed with Silvy, maybe stop Apple Bloom and her idiot friends from destroying Ponyville in another stupid scheme. With a graceful shake of the head, her mane fell down her neck. She hopped out of bed, shrugged on a dressing gown, and went to go make breakfast. If she had walked past a mirror on her way downstairs, she might have seen the ugly purple lovebite on the side of her neck.