> Fall Semester > by Yosh-E-O > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 - A Big Announcement > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Good morning, friends!” a blue eyed, palomino mare announced cheerfully as she trotted into the classroom. “Are you all ready for another day of learning?” “Yes, Ms. Star!” the children in the classroom replied. “How wonderful!” she stated with a smile. “Before we do roll call and get into our groups, I have an announcement.” Pint and Bucky looked at each other with concern. “You don’t think she’s going to give us another reading circle assignment?” whispered Bucky. “I liked that assignment,” Pint replied quietly. “You would,” grumbled the yellow Pegasus. “Egghead.” “Hey!” cried the brown-spotted Unicorn. “Pint!” called out Ms. Star. “Friends don’t disrupt their fellow classmates from learning during class!” Bucky giggled to himself as his much shorter, yet nearly samed-aged friend embarrassingly replied, “I’m sorry, Ms. Star.” “Go move your pin down,” Ms. Star stated authoritatively as she pointed her hoof towards the back wall. Pint did as told and retook his seat. “Thanks, Bucky,” he grumbled. Bucky said nothing and smiled. “Where were we?” asked Ms. Star to herself. “Oh, yes. The announcement.” The children, who ranged in age from three to eight, had their eyes and ears focused on their teacher. They all loved how she looked and acted more like a big sister than a grown-up instructor. The way she kept her brown mane tied in bows and how she had a big, pink ribbon on her tail made her truly seem like one of them as opposed to just another adult who told them what to do and when to do it. “Next Wednesday is our Fall, ‘Bring Your Sibling to School Day’,” she said. “For those new friends in our class, it is a day where we encourage you to bring your baby brother, or sister, who will be starting school next year to come in and discover what it will be like to be a part of our class.” There were mixed reactions amongst the children in the classroom. “Do not worry if you do not, or cannot, bring your little brother, or sister, to school,” assured Ms. Star. “It is just a chance to help show how school is a fun and friendly place for those fillies and colts who will be starting next year.” Pint’s ears perked up. “I wonder…,” he thought aloud. Bucky heard his friend and nodded as he said softly, “Are you thinking what I think you’re thinking?” Pint completely forgot how upset he was with his friend for making him move his behavior pin down a level as he said, “Let’s bring Fall. Show her what it’s like to go to school with a nice teacher and nice kids.” “Okay, class!” announced Ms. Star as she moved towards her desk and picked up the attendance sheet. “Say, ‘here’ when you hear your name.” Pint nearly missed his name being called as his mind swirled with how wonderful it would be to bring Fall to school for a day. All he needed to do was make plans with Bucky to go by the orphanage after school for their daily meetup with Fall to get everything going for what would be a most wonderful day. > Chapter 2 - Fear of the 'False Foal' > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “School?” asked Fall as she looked at her friends through the orphanage fence that separated them. “Yeah!” Pint exclaimed. “You’d be my baby sister!” Fall blinked her blue eyes and put her hoof to her muzzle. “You mean…,” she nervously mumbled. “A ‘False Foal’?” Pint felt his stomach turn upon noticing Fall begin to quiver. “Uhh…,” he said rocking from side-to-side. “Umm…” Bucky stepped closer to the fence and said, “How does being my little cousin sound?” “But…,” Fall said as tears welled up in her eyes. “I’m not a foal.” Pint and Bucky could tell they were somehow hurting Fall’s feelings. “It’d, uh…,” Pint tried to say. “Be pretend.” “Yeah,” added Bucky. “We know you’re not a foal.” Fall lowered her head. “Fall,” said Pint as he, too, began to cry. “I’m sorry.” “…,” Fall sighed. “It’s not your fault that, I… I’m a ‘False Foal’.” Tears dripped from Pint’s eyes as he put his hooves against the fence. “Fall…,” he said. “You should go,” she said with a sniffle. “No,” replied Pint. “I can’t leave you like this.” “We can’t leave you like this,” added Bucky. Fall looked up and sniffled. “Why…?” she asked. “Because,” stated Pint as he allowed the tears to roll down his face. “You’re our friend and friends are there for each other.” Fall thought back on all the times in which Pint and Bucky had referred to her as a ‘friend’. Her mind gradually filling with warm thoughts that replaced the sad ones in which she was so used to having associated to herself within the orphanage. “Friends,” she said softly. “That’s right,” Pint said while wiping the tears from his eyes. “We’re your friends. “And always will be,” assured Bucky. “You tell me if anyone in there ever gives you any trouble and I’ll teach them a lesson!” Fall gasped. “I…,” she said. “No pony deserves to be hurt.” Pint felt Fall’s hoof touch his through the fence. “Fall?” he asked as his tear-filled, green eyes looked into Fall’s hopeful-looking, blue eyes. “I…,” she said while facing Pint. “Could I…. Would it be… Bucky’s cousin?” Pint felt his heart raise as he looked towards his amber-haired, Pegasus pal. “Certainly,” he said proudly. “We Pegasi have to stick together.” Fall smiled. The rest of her tears and sorrow taken away with one last snort through her muzzle. “Thank you,” she said as she moved her glance to Bucky and then back towards Pint. “Is that, okay with you?” Pint nodded as he kept his hoof against Fall’s through the fence. “Yes,” he said. “What matters most is that we can show you what a real school is like.” “Do you even have school here?” asked Bucky. Fall lowered her hoof and sighed. “I..,” she said. “I’m not sure…” Bucky and Fall said nothing. “That’s why…,” she said while looking to her friends. “I want to see your school.” Pint and Bucky both smiled. “I… trust you,” stated Fall. “If you think going to your school will help me, I want to go.” Pint nodded and stated, “It’ll be a great day. I promise.” “And I’ve always wanted a little cousin,” added Bucky. “Even if it is just pretend.” The three spent the rest of the visit planning out how they’d get Fall out for the day and how much fun it would be for all of them to have her there. > Chapter 3 - Bucky's Cousin, Fall > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pint and Bucky spent the days leading up to their school’s ‘Bring Your Sibling to School’ day preparing Fall for what to expect. The more they shared, the more interested she became. It also goes without saying that Pint got creative when it came to geting a ‘signed, permission slip’ by Fall’s family to allow her to participate in the event as Bucky’s younger cousin. Bucky wasn’t too keen on getting up extra early to get Fall out of the orphanage so they could bring her to school. But it did make him feel a bit excited viewing her as his younger relative. Plus it was very hard to ignore Pint’s enthusiasm for what they were going to do on ‘Bring Your Sibling to School’ day. Bucky yawned after leaping over the fence, acquiring Fall, and fluttering back over to join his Unicorn friend. “It’s too early,” he pouted. Fall smiled at Pint who was aglow with excitement. “I got you something special,” said Pint as he lifted a pink saddlebag with a picture of the Backyard Brawler, Faerequine, on it and presented it to her. “Is this…,” she said while reaching out for the bag. “For me?” “Yep!” assured Bucky. “Pint and I went out over the weekend and he bought this for you.” Fall slipped the saddlebag on her side. She seemed quite surprised at how comfortably it fit her. “Thank you,” she said as she felt her little wings stick up in the air. Her eyes were wide and her smile was even wider. “I remembered how much you liked Faerequine,” stated Pint. “So Bucky and I went school shopping for you and were very happy to have found something with her on it.” “She does listen,” giggled Fall. “Who?” asked Pint. Fall gestured towards the sky and said, “Princess Luna. I asked her to make this day a special day and I can’t remember the last time I felt so… so… happy!” Pint did a little jump for how overjoyed he was to hear Fall sounding so optimistic about the day ahead. “And we got you some pencils, quills, ink, paints, and paper to use at school, too!” he announced. “Yep,” added Bucky. “We wanted to make sure your first visit was the best it could be.” “You, two…,” Fall said as she felt tears form in her eyes. “I’m so happy.” Tears of joy were not often seen by Fall. This brought Bucky and Pint to give her a hug. “Well,” said Bucky. “This is definitely not the day to be tardy.” “You’re right,” agreed Pint as he walked alongside Fall. “Let’s go!” *** The sound of the school bell greeted the trio as they entered into the schoolyard. “Uh…,” Fall gasped nervously upon seeing all the fillies and colts in the yard playing. “What’s wrong?” asked Pint. Fall pointed towards the fenced in yard, large building, and random gathering of kids.” “Oh…,” sighed Pint. “Trust me. It’s not what you think.” “It’s… not?” Fall whimpered. Bucky gently nudged Fall and said, “Wait here,” before dashing into the schoolyard. “What’s he doing?” asked Fall as she reached for Pint’s hoof. Pint smiled and said assuredly, “You’ll see.” Bucky returned with a group of younger fillies and colts. “Here she is!” he announced. “My little cousin, Fall!” Fall closed her eyes, fell to the ground, and began to shake. “It’s okay,” said a filly. “I was scared, too.” “Yeah,” a colt added. “But school isn’t scary.” “Nope, nope!” proclaimed a high-pitched filly. “Ms. Star is the best!” Fall opened her eyes and took in all the young, smiling faces looking down at her. “Do you need help?” asked a colt while reching his hoof out. “I really like your pigtails!” announced a filly. “Did your mom do them?” Fall was at a loss for words. These kids weren’t saying anything cruel or mean to her. Instead it seemed like they admired her and genuinely wanted her around. “Wow!” awed a filly as she tapped at Fall’s headband. “That’s a beautiful headband! I wish I had one.” “It’s…,” Fall said. “My mom’s.” “My mom gave me this!” announced a filly as she turned to show a big, yellow ribbon on her blue tail that accented her white coat. “And my dad gave me these!” proudly stated a colt as he raised his hooves to show a pair of red bands on his hooves along with a matching bandanna around his head. “My dad’s awesome!” DING-A-LING-A-DING! Every pony turned to face the school where Ms. Star’s Aid was now standing at the school’s front door. “Okay, class!” she called. “It’s time for school!” All the children began to quickly make their way into the school. “Mind if I walk with you?” asked the filly who admired Fall’s pigtails and headband. “I think we’ll be great friends!” “Friends?” asked Fall. “You bet!” the filly assured with a squeak. “You’re pretty and I want to be pretty like you.” “Like…,” Fall said. “Want tob be… like me?” The filly laughed as she said, “Ms. Star will help you like she helped me with my words. I used to have a hard time talking, too.” Fall checked to see that Bucky and Pint were with her. Pint gestured for her to join the young filly. “We’ll be right behind you,” he said softly. Fall smiled and followed the fascinated filly into the schoolhouse with Pint and Bucky right behind her. > Chapter 4 - Candy Cloud > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fall couldn’t believe her eyes as she stepped into the schoolhouse. There were large, spotless windows that let the sun shine in on what had to be the cleanest room she had ever seen. The walls were covered in posters that illustrated various lessons in education. There were also collections of pictures and papers with playfully decorated signs telling who did what. There were also numerous, circular tables that were colored one of what appeared to be six different colors. “Welcome to our school!” greeted a blue colt who could not be more than three years of age. “I’m River Runner!” Fall found her attention now focused on the Earth Pony who was greeting her. “Oh…,” she said. “Thank you?” “You’re new!” cried a young, pink Pegasus. “Want to sit by me?” Pint and Bucky moved alongside Fall. “Are they bothering you?” asked Pint very softly. “You can sit by me, too!” the pink Pegasus offered to Pint. “I think you’re cute!” “Well…,” Pint said with a blush. “Oh, Candy Cloud,” Bucky said as he patted Pint’s back. “Pint’s with me in the Yellow Class.” “But…,” she whimpered. “He’s little like me.” “And me!” proudly proclaimed River Runner. “I think I’m actually even taller than he is!” Pint held back on what had become the daily confusion and teasing about his small size. “Sorry,” stated Bucky. “Pint’s my buddy. But you can have fun with my little cousin, Fall, for the day.” “She’s your cousin?” asked Candy Cloud. She then noticed the saddlebag Fall was carrying and said, “Oh! I should have known! Bucky is the best at Backyard Brawlers!” “I wish I was old enough to play Backyard Brawlers,” pouted River Runner. “You have to be five years old to play.” “And know how to read,” teased a Unicorn from the Blue Class. “You think you’re so smart!” River Runner shouted. “My big brother is showing me how to play and I’ll beat you and your reading when I’m allowed to play!” The Teacher’s Aid heard the discussion going on and approached the little ones. “That’s quite enough,” she said. “Friends don’t tease friends.” River Runner made a face at the purple Unicorn, who made one right back at him, before he took his seat. “Are you going to be okay?” Pint asked as he faced Fall. “She…,” said Fall. “No punishment?” Pint put his hoof against Fall’s side and said, “I think you’ll notice a lot of things are nicer here at our school.” “But we better get to our seats,” stated Bucky. “Ms. Star is coming out of her office.” Candy Cloud reached for Fall’s hoof and said, “Sit by me!” Fall smiled at how excited the pink Pegasus was to have her sit with her at the Purple Class table. “We’re up in Yellow Class,” stated Pint as he gestured towards the yellow-colored tables. “Bucky and I will come and check on you during breaks.” “Okay,” said Fall as she grew more comfortable within the schoolhouse. > Chapter 5 - A Warm Welcome > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Good morning, class!” announced Ms. Star as she trotted to the front of the room. “Do we have any special friends with us today?” Candy Cloud giggled as she nudged Fall. “Raise your hoof,” she said. Fall raised her hoof into the air. “Oh, wow!” awed Ms. Star. “It looks like we have lots of new friends today!” Fall looked around and noticed at least three other kids sitting at one of the purple tables raising their hooves. “Those who brought their sibling, please raise your hoof,” stated Ms. Star. Students at the blue, yellow, orange, and red tables raised their hooves. Each were asked to introduce their sibling and each visiting filly or colt received a greeting from the school. “…And this is my, uh, cousin, Fall,” stated Bucky as his turn came to introduce their brown, Pegasus friend. Fall couldn’t believe how she, too, got such a kind greeting. They said her name without adding any negative words she had become so used to hearing in association to her name. “I really like your pigtails,” commented Ms. Star. “That headband is adorable, too!” “Thank, you…,” said Fall as she noticed how Ms. Star had her mane tied up in bows and how she had a cute, pink ribbon on her tail. “Ms. Star is so nice,” stated Candy Cloud. “She always notices when we get our mane’s cut, or get new toys, or all sorts of things.” Fall was speechless. “Okay,” said Ms. Star. “If we want to have morning recess we need to get some work done.” The aid went about to each grouping of colored tables and distributed a matching, colored folder to each student. “Ms. Dovetail is returning all your work folders to you,” stated Ms. Star. “I have put some notes on each for you to work on so you can keep growing those young minds of yours. So open your folder, read the notes, and if you have any questions, please raise your hoof and either I, or Ms. Dovetail, will come and help you.” Fall was surprised to see a purple folder placed in front of her. She was so excited to open it up and read what was inside. But she didn’t see many words at all. Just pictures with words describing them. “I think that’s a house,” pondered Candy Cloud while pointing her hoof at the picture in which Fall could clearly read the word ‘House’.” “I’m going to be working with each of you to learn the words that go with what we see everyday,” stated Ms. Dovetail. “Could I get some help?” asked River Runner from one of the other purple tables. “Raise your hoof, River Runner,” the white Pegasus with a white mane stated in a calm voice. River Runner raised his hoof. “Yes, River Runner?” asked Ms. Dovetail. “May I get some help with my work?” he asked. Ms. Dovetail smiled. “Would you like if your friend from the Blue Class, Marbles, came to help you?” The colt named Marbles was already getting out of his seat as Ms. Dovetail said this. “Okay, Marbles,” the soft-spoken Pegasus stated. “Helping your friend with the words will also be good for you in learning your ‘Sight Words’.” Candy Cloud began to fuss. “What’s wrong?” asked Fall. “This doesn’t make sense,” she pouted. “Uh,” said Fall. “Is it okay if, I, uh, help?” Candy Cloud smiled and raised her wings as she said, “You know what some of this stuff is?” Fall smiled as she put her hoof upon one of the pictures and read, “Ba-Urd. Bird.” “That’s ‘Bird’?” asked Candy Cloud. Fall nodded. “Wow!” proclaimed the pink Pegasus. “You’re smart!” “Candy Cloud,” said Ms. Dovetail. “Why don’t you work with our new friend here for the day.” Candy Cloud squeaked with joy. She then scooted her chair right beside Fall. “Any pony else need some help?” asked Ms. Dovetail as she walked about the purple, blue, and green tables. > Chapter 6 - Blossoming Friendship > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bucky and Pint got to catch up with Fall during morning recess. “So?” asked Pint. “What do you think?” Fall was positioned on a swing and moving slowly back-and-forth. “I love it!” she cheered with perhaps the biggest smile the boys had ever seen on her face. “Every pony is so nice.” FWEET! “Hey!” shouted Ms. Star towards a pair of colts who were fighting over who got to go down the slide next. “Friends don’t fight! They take turns!” Bucky shrugged as he stated, “For the most part.” “Ms. Star and Ms. Dovetail are so kind,” stated Fall as she kicked at the sand in the ground beneath her. “It feels like this is where I’m supposed to be.” “Oh!” squeaked Candy Cloud. “There you are, Fall!” Fall, Bucky, and Pint looked to see almost every filly and colt who was a part of the Purple Class and Blue Class converging on them. “Sorry,” said Bucky. “I didn’t bring any Backyard Brawlers today.” “That’s okay,” Candy Cloud replied. “We’re all here to talk to Fall.” “Me?” asked Fall. “Is it okay if we take turns on the swing?” asked a colt. “I’ll push you and then you push me?” Fall had to think for a moment. She was more accustomed to just being pushed off anything she tried to play with outside. Being asked was something pleasantly new to her. “Sure,” she said. The colt got behind Fall, got up on his hind legs, and gave Fall a big push. “Use your wings!” called out Candy Cloud. “They help you get up really high!” Fall unfurled her tiny wings and began to flutter them as fast as she could. “Don’t forget to move your legs as you go up-and-down!” another colt called out. Fall felt so happy. No pony was judging her. No pony was trying to hurt her, and no pony was telling her she needed to go in and scrub the floors. “I can’t wait for you to start school next year!” Candy Cloud announced. “I’ll be your Blue Class buddy and help you like you helped me with this morning’s work!” There was a part of Fall that felt guilty. After all, she was truly seven years old and did have some lessons taught to her at the orphanage by Ms. Powder Puff. But these lessons often were applied to how she could do chores instead of building her knowledge of the world outside the orphanage. “You and Bucky must wrestle a lot!” commented a filly. “You have a lot of boo-boos.” The sunlight against Fall’s brown coat made all her bruises and scars from the orphanage stick out like a sore nose. Bucky, sensing he needed to say something quick, stated, “Yeah! Fall puts up quite a fight. You might say I’m toughening her up.” Pint was unsure of this response. But he definitely didn’t want Fall to think about the orphanage while she was here at school with them. “You can be too rough sometimes,” he said while nudging his friend. “Hey,” grinned Bucky as he bumped Pint hard enough to knock him off balance. “I toughened up your scrawny flank.” Pint got up and scowled towards his friend. “Two words,” he said sternly. “Growth spurt and pay back.” “That’s actually four words,” corrected Bucky. “What? Err,” growled Pint. “It figures you’d only remember what Ms. Star teaches when it comes to being a joker, Bucky.” “What can I say,” the yellow Pegasus said as he raised his hoof to the air. “It’s a gift.” “It’s a gift alright,” mumbled Pint. Fall switched positions with the colt who was pushing her and laughed at the combination of Pint and Bucky’s silly argument and all the goofy sounds the colt made as he wriggled about in the swing. “You’re one of us, Fall,” Candy Cloud said as she opened her noticeably larger wings and gave them a flap. “Maybe I can even help you learn to fly? You’re not already taking flying lessons, are you?” “Flying lessons…?” asked Fall. “No…” Candy Cloud squeaked before running around in little circles. “You help me with school stuff and I teach you how to fly!” she cheered. “It’ll be so fun!” Fall giggled as her blue eyes beamed with glee. “Sounds wonderful,” she said. “I’d really like that.” > Chapter 7 - The Difference a Day Makes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everything seemed to good to be true as Fall enjoyed her first day in the schoolhouse. She and Candy Cloud found out they had lots of things about each other that kept the two talking and having a good time as they worked together on assignments. Ms. Dovetail even came by and gave both Fall and Candy Cloud a special ‘Teamwork’ sticker for their sticker accomplishment sheet within their folders. And, although Fall didn’t have a behavior pin, she was told she’d have most definitely would’ve moved her’s up twice for how well behaved and helpful she was. Before school let out for the day, the students were asked to volunteer to help get the room ready for the next day at school. Fall dreaded this as, for her, volunteer often meant that she was going to do the chore. But she was pleasantly surprised to see Candy Cloud raise her hoof to volunteer for Purple Class folder collection. “Would you like to help me, Fall?” she asked. Fall looked at her folder and sighed. “Sure…,” she said while looking at her folder that was now filled with pages of words and numbers she wrote a whole lot better than ever before thanks to Candy Cloud and Ms. Dovetail helping her with her penmanship. “Thanks for volunteering,” stated Ms. Star as she walked by Fall’s table. “And, Fall. You get to keep your folder.” “I…, do?” she asked. “Why, yes!” Ms. Star announced proudly. “We want all our future friends to remember all the fun they had here with us at school.” Fall squeaked as she held the purple-tinted folder against her chest. “Thank you!” she exclaimed. “You’re most welcome,” Ms. Star said with a bright smile. “We hope you will be able to attend our spring ‘Bring Your Sibling to School Day’.” “I’ll have to ask Ms…,” Fall started to say as she, for the briefest time, forgot about what she was really heading back to. “….Bucky.” “Oh!” squealed Candy Cloud. “I really hope you come back! I feel we are going to be besties!” “See,” giggled Ms. Star. “Now you have to come back.” Fall put her folder into her Faerequine saddlebag. She then joined Candy Cloud in collecting the other Purple Class folders from the students, brought them to a purple basket, and placed them inside for Ms. Star and Ms. Dovetail to review and grade. Candy Cloud slipped on her saddlebag after finishing her volunteer work and smiled. “Can I give you something?” she asked. Fall didn’t know what to say. “Here,” Candy Cloud said giddily while sifting through her saddlebag and pulling out a small, colored ball. “This is for you.” Fall held out her hoof and held the tiny ball. It looked a lot like one of the Backyard Brawlers that Bucky and Pint had showed her during their visits to the orphanage. “Push the button on the top,” encouraged the pink Pegasus. Fall lifted her other, front hoof and pushed the button. POP! The ball opened to reveal a figurine of what looked like an orange bird. “What is it?” Fall asked. “It’s Phoenihatch,” stated Candy Cloud. “It was one of my first Backyard Brawler toys and I want you to have it to remember me by.” River Runner was observing the generosity going on between Fall and Candy Cloud. “Hey!” he called as he stumbled forward while reaching into his saddlebag. “I want to give you something, too!” Fall was once again speechless as River Runner handed her a bunch of very worn cards. “These are the cards with all the words that power up your Backyard Brawler,” he said. “You seem super smart! So, maybe, when you come back you can tell me what they do?” Fall looked at the worn cards, the images on them, and printed text she, for the most part, could read perfectly. “I’ll see what I can do,” she said. “Woo-hoo!” cheered River Runner. He then looked towards the purple Unicorn who had teased him earlier and said, “I’m friends with a smarty who’s going to make me the best Backyard Brawler ever!” The Unicorn pointed his front hoof down, made a face, and finished packing his saddlebag. “Okay,” said Pint as he walked alongside Fall. “It’s time to head out.” Fall sighed. “Do I have to?” she asked. Pint felt his heart sink. “Yeah…,” he pouted. “Hey, Fall!” exclaimed Candy Cloud. “If I had Bucky help me out, would you mind if we became pen pals until you come back?” “Pen pals?” asked Fall. “Yeah,” said the pink Pegasus. “Bucky told us all how you lived outside of town, but were moving here next summer and, since you’re his cousin, I thought he could deliver letters to you from me and he could help you write letters back to me.” Pint looked to Bucky. “I’d be happy to, Candy Cloud,” the yellow Pegasus with the amber mane replied. “Well,” said Candy Cloud as she noticed her parents waiting outside. “I’ve got to go! See you soon, Fall!” Fall smiled and waved as the pink Pegasus galloped out the door. “Don’t forget to figure out those cards for me!” shouted River Runner as he dashed outside to meet up with his mom. Fall giggled and waved. “You bet,” she said softly. “Well,” said Bucky with a deep sigh. “We got to get going.” “I know,” moped Fall. “But I don’t want to go.” “Don’t worry,” said Pint as he took hold of the little, brown Pegasus’ hoof. “Bucky and I are going to make sure you have more days like this everyday.” “Thank you,” said Fall as she gave Pint a little kiss on the cheek. “Thank you so much.” “What about me?” asked Bucky. “Don’t I get a kiss, too?” Fall laughed as she kissed Bucky’s front upper-leg. Pint chuckled as Bucky realized that Fall was closer to Pint’s size than his. “Okay,” Bucky said. “Let’s get you back before we all get in trouble.” “And,” added Pint. “Know that Bucky and I are going to do everything we can to get you out of that place for good.”