> The Mechanical Gardens > by Ponyess > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Just an Episode of Yet another Mare: 1 (1) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Being an Earth Pony is no different; from being a Unicorn or Pegasus; just as there is no real difference between being the mare, or the stallion. You are, what you were born to be. You merely play the part; dished out to you, by forces we have little to no control over. I am no different; than any other Pony. I have a job, doing what I am good at. I make mechanical critters and companions; as decoration, toys, pets and companions. I love my work; knowing Ponies are loving me, for what I do for them. I feel needed, merely because I am good at what I do; while I guess I am a fairly rare Pony, with this type of profession. No real difference to me, though. Personally, I prefer to go up early, by Celestia’s first light. There is but the reason, I am the early Pony. I am not going to parties and staying up all night. I have no mechanical gizmo to wake me up, and I don’t need to see the sun to know when it is time either. I just know when it is time, simple as that. I guess you could blame magic, if you please, not that it would bother me. I just fold the quilt up against the wall, and slide my hooves off of the bed and rise to my hooves; before I fold the quilt back. By now, I am up and fully awake. I am an Earth Pony, true and through; I am proud of it, mainly because it is what I had been born to be. No point in shame, or excessive pride, there. I live the life as the Earth Pony I am, simple as that. Trotting to the door, opening it by turning a knob, and closing it behind me; before trotting on to the kitchen. No undue haste, but I don’t pull my hooves lazily after myself either. I merely permit the time to flow as it always has, and always will. For me, a glass of juice is a good start, but an apple, vegetables and a few muffins would always complete the meal. As A Pony, I am a slow eater; but I can enjoy a good, and steady meal. Work is my choice, something I enjoy doing. If it pleases you to pay for what I do, I am just all the more happy for you; although I do need the bits you push up on my counter. I need the food, and I do need the new parts; in order to keep my business going. I have all the tools I need; which includes an artificial horn, a set of wings, screwdrivers and a few other items that goes with the trade. As opposed to a certain other Earth pony with a pink coat, and a tightly curled up deep pink mane; I can never learn to fly or manipulate things with my mane or tail; like she is known to do. Once in the mechanic theatre, I spend a few hours here, mainly crafting various items, but also speaking to and conversing with Ponies who choose to come by. I have my lunch, which I do enjoy Royally; even if I commonly am alone. The meal is mainly the same as the breakfast, but I seriously do need a refuel, in order to stay alert and active all day. From here, I return to my business. Although this is the time of day, when I do go out, shopping for items I may need; including tools, food and materials for my work. After dinner; it is too late to go out and hit the market, so I spend it at home, or with a friend or the other. Naturally, my day ends as the sun goes down, and Luna is raising her beautiful moon; signaling the event. Donning the horn or wings is easy, at least it is to me. Not to forget, I have done this innumerable times. I stopped count years ago. Yet, I still do recall the first thrill of the surge of the magic, as I first donned the tiara the horn is attached on. I still do feel the surge, and it is still exciting to use it. It just isn’t quite the thrill it was, when I was new to it. If I wanted to, I could don the wings any day, for any reason. I could be joining the Pegasi in the sky, soaring all day, if it had been my thing, but there never was a call to me. I may enjoy wearing them, and the air under my wings, but that is the end of it, a useful item, for when I do need it. Of course, I do deliver to Clouds dale, on rare occasion as well. It is fun, but just fun and nothing more. It pays the bills, of course. I do perform hard work, requiring the application of force; just as much as I am doing delicate work. It is all depending on the specific item I am working on, at the time. I can craft a miniature, or build a heavy-duty application. Sometimes, this may even happen on the same day; but I don’t complain. As a matter of fact, I do find it amusing or fun. On the weekend, or the day off; I love going to the Sugar-Cube Corner. Pinkie pie is commonly there, and permits me to chat away. Otherwise, I see Mr’s Dazzle Cake, or Mr. Carrot Cake; When Pinkie Pie isn’t available. I still do enjoy spending a moment, chatting with either of the two. I just prefer Pinkie Pie’s exuberant enthusiastic manners and antics. In the end, I trot out into the café; and wait for the pastry, and juice to arrive at the table; where I quietly enjoy a pleasant meal. Naturally, I do see Rarity at the Carousel Boutique, any and every time I need to buy something to wear; whether it is for private, or business use. Besides, I do enjoy seeing her, and talk to her; when I have the opportunity, and she has the time. Last time I was at her place, I had been served a special surprise. It isn’t so much in Sweetie Bell being there; I do see her, both on town and when I see Rarity, when I buy something to wear. The shock is that she apparently had found her place, and received her mark. The three coloured shield, but with a five sides star with a note on it. Naturally, I was congratulating her; anything less would have been rude, even when I am not in her age, or her closest friend. --- --- ---