> Harmony Red: Dual Destinies > by The Gamer Master Archive > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Episode 1: Turnabout Arrival > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ?????????????? Los Angeles - 20?? My partner and I were walking around the city of Los Angeles. I was pretty confused about what was going on since I thought we just went through a portal, yet, I've been here long enough to know this is Los Angeles. I basically had to have Applejack stay with me, because you never know with a place like LA. "Patric, you seem to know this place. Why did you want me to stay inside your body?" Applejack asked me. "You can never be too cautious in a city like LA. It looks pretty, actually no, it's pretty bad. There are constant-" I then gasped at the sign I saw. "What is it, sugarcube?" Applejack asked me as I flipped through my small booklet full of games, the one I ficus my attention to is Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Dual Destinies. "This can't be. No way. I need to go check things out." I said to myself as I entered the door. ??????????? Wright Anything Agency - (2027) "Um, excuse me, is anybody here?" I asked. "Oh yes. Welcome to the Wright Anything Agency. Though we were just about to close up. What did you need?" A feminine voice said to me. "Trucy, who is it? I thought we were closed for the day?" A male adult voice questioned. "Daddy, there's a boy here, I think he needs help."Trucy told her father. "Oh! Patric it's been forever!" He said as he gave me a handshake. "Is that Phoenix?" ("Yeah, it is. In the flesh. ) "It's has been forever." I said. "Nice to meet you, Patric!" Trucy said with a tip of her hat. "My name is Trucy Wright. And this is my daddy-" "Phoenix Wright. Ace Attorney." I said on reflex. "Wait, do you know Daddy? Did you go to his trials in the past?" "Actually yes. In a way. I helped Ms. Mia defend your father from murder. The first time." "So, how do you know me?" Phoenix asked. This caused his vision to go inverted and he then saw me with chains around me and a Psyche Lock appeared in front of me. "Um, uh, I-I heard around Los Angeles. Yes, that's it!" I reasoned with an unconvincing smile. Obviously neither of them were buying it. "I'd like to see that small red booklet you were holding when you entered. Can I see it?" He asked me. I agreed and gave it to him. As he and Trucy flipped through the six pages of DS and 3DS cartridges, they both layed their eyes on one. "The reason you knew who I was and by possible extension, Trucy is because of... He then pulled out the Phoenix Wright Dual Destinies cartridge. "You know of us through playing through this game. Staring a guy with amazing hair!" "Yes, it's true. Both parts." I said looking towards my side. The Psyche Lock broke as Phoenix's vision returned to normal. "So that's how you know about us. But you honestly seemed very confused when you got in here." Trucy thought out loud. "I couldn't believe it when I saw it. I thought that this wasn't truly real. But now that I know it is, I honestly can't what to think about it." "Well maybe we can call the police." "Phoenix stop what y'all 're doin'. "Maybe they can locate where your parents are. You look a bit younger than my own Trucy." That is the last thing I heard before Applejack took control over my body. "Dag nabbit Phoenix! Will y'all just shut your yapper about callin' police?!" "Wait a minute. That voice... APPLEJACK?????!!!!!" Phoenix exclaimed, mouth wide open. "Glad to see you remembered me after a year passed." AJ smirked as she tilted her hat. "You know this boy Daddy? And he was so shy at the beginning too." Trucy stated looking away. "Sorry sugar, but mah partner wasn't defendin' himself when somethin' like this came up. Ya see we both came from 2014. So we honestly have no idea how we got to your 2027." "Oh you poor thing!" Trucy said running over to my body, giving me a strong hug knocking Applejack out of my body. "I am so sorry for what you have to go through in this time!" Trucy continued. "Um thank you Trucy. I appreciate your kind thoughts." I said. "Daddy, do you think I could stay with Patric at the office tonight?I want to be able to protect him and his partner. Hearing about the issue they're going through, they're gonna need some help." Trucy asked. "I'm not sure, will you be able to do this Trucy? I mean, this can take up a lot of time." "Daddy, these two need help, I know the risks. Yet the reward is helping someone in need. I feel that it's worth it." Trucy said, nodding to herself. "Alright, I can see that you're determined about this, I believe I raised you right." Phoenix said giving Trucy the okay. "Trucy, Mr. Wright, thank you!" I tried to say with tears in my eyes. "Don't mention it! I'm glad I can help!" Trucy exclaimed with a smile. Phoenix gave a nice smile to both me and Trucy. "I'll prepare a bed here at the office. I'm sure you two will get along just fine." Phoenix said as he prepared two beds on the couches. > Episode 2: Turnabout Exposition > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So, Patric, it seems we're going to spend a lot of time together. So tell me about yourself." Trucy said as she sat on the couch with a smile. I pondered of a response in order to answer. "Well, in my case there's not much to tell, I'm a school nerd with gaming skills who with the power of my pony partner can transform and use magic, so you know, the usual." I slyly smirked as she gasped. "Wait, you can do magic?! That's amazing! And we seem so similar as well!" Trucy exclaimed as she tipped her hat. She seems to be very similar to my world's Maya. "Are you able to show some of this magic?" "Well sure. One of my forms of magic comes from this. I said holding up a gold belt buckle. Seeing Trucy confused, I continued. "If I put this on my waist, and push the button, a key comes out." I said holding my Harmony Red key. "And if I slot it into this Mobirates, I shall transform!" PONIRANGER! "I transform into my own personal hero. Harmony Red!" "Wow! And I thought I had amazing magic. Mot people just go to the show for my panties." Trucy said like it's normal. I on the other hand was frankly very confused. "W-What? Uh. I don't know what to think about that." I said out loud. "Oh, you thought, yeah no, not those ones silly." She said with a wink. "These ones!" She exclaimed making some large and colorful blue and pink boxers appear. "Whew, thank goodness that's what you were talking about." (Lord knows that fact is true.) "Say, have we met somewhere, a long time ago? You look strangely familiar." Trucy expressed a thinking emotion as she said it. (I honestly aside from in Apollo Justice and Dual Destinies, I've never seen her in my life.) "Well that's enough about me. I feel I should introduce you to my partner. Come on out Applejack!" I shouted as my eyes turned orange with her stetson on my head, and and an orange strand in my now straight hair. "Well howdy there Ms. Trucy! As you can see from my partner, Ah'm Applejack!" Applejack said why shaking her hand at a fast speed. "U-Uh, nice to meet you too Applejack. Wait, how come Daddy knew you?" "Well, what happened was mah friend was accused of murder. So yer daddy-" "Defended your friend and got her or him a "Not Guilty" verdict?" "How'd y'all know that?" "Most of Daddy's stories are about defending innocent people. I figured this one would be similar and a couple of days ago, Pearly came by and started talking about Daddy's "pony sugar momma". (Do ah even wanna know?) (Honest? No you don't.) "Well it seems to be getting late. Polly's coming over tomorrow to "work". So we need to be up and ready! See ya in the morning!" Trucy said as she curled up on one of the couches. As I received control over my body again, I say good night to Trucy. As I walked in the Wright Anything Agency, I began wondering the all important question of the day: Would I actually be a lawyer today? Usually the answer's no, but life likes surprising me. Today was a combination of both. I entered the office and saw Trucy sleeping on one of the sofas. I decided to let her be when I saw a kid sitting in a chair I'd never seen before! "GAAAAHH!!!" That seemed to get the boy's attention. "Polly! Why are you using your Chords of Steel so early in the morning?!" Trucy exclaimed with anger in her voice. "Because there's someone we don't know just sitting there playing a video game!" I said pointing to the boy. "Geez, Polly, calm down." the boy said to me. "Patric's right. Calm down for a bit Polly and get your facts straight!" Trucy exclaimed. "Now can I please introduce you to my new friend?" To this I nodded, not wanting to get Trucy mad. " Good! Now this is my friend, Patric. And depending on how long he's here, he'll be a new talent at the Agency." "May I ask how?" I asked them. "Well, he has a pony partner who can take control of him, similar to Maya and Pearly. Plus he's a hero!" (That raised more questions than answers.) I thought. "Oh well, it's good to have ya on board! I'm Apollo, Apollo Justice!" I put out his hand to shake. "Patric Cuspard, same here!" He said shaking his hand. "So time to get some work done!" I said. "That's how Daddy put it?" Trucy wondered as Patric pondered. "What do you mean Trucy?" He asked. "You've really become a fixture around here Apollo. Oh, we'd better hurry. Daddy doesn't seem to be making it, so let's get going." "What, where are we going?" I asked her. Patric seems just as confused as me. "What about the job he mentioned?" "This IS the job, Polly! You're supposed to keep Patric and I company today! Now come on!" Trucy said making an angry face. "Another day of not being a lawyer. Should've seen this coming." "Well it makes logical sense seeing as how with the information I know that there isn't any law related work happening so this makes sense." Patric said, agreeing with Trucy. "Where is Mr. Wright anyway?" "Daddy said something about going to meet an acquaintance. But don't worry. Just focus on your job, and I'll tell you everything you need to know." Trucy said tipping her hat. "Now come on! We don't have all day!" Trucy shouted walking out the door, with Patric following. Turns out to be another day of anything goes. > Episode 3: Monstrous Turnabout pt. 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trucy has brought us to this place so high up into the mountains. Both Apollo and I were incredibly tired out. "Whew, so what are we doing so way up in the mountains?" Apollo asked. "This is Nine-Tails Vale, everyone's been talking about the Yokai craze here." Trucy answered. "Huh, so Japanese monsters are common here? Sounds like fun." I said chuckling a bit. "Wait, wasn't this place founded by Japanese immigrants?" Apollo asked. "Yeah, they're holding a festival to boost tourism at the alderman's manor. My friend who works here invited us, that's why were here!" "In other words I'm your chaperon because your dad was too busy." Apollo sighed, understanding what was happening. "Daddy said with those horns of yours would be a great addition to the festival. I mean you look like a Japanese demon! Wasn't that so thoughtful of him Polly?" (Oh snap!) I thought. "I could do without thoughtfulness like that." Apollo answered. "If it makes ya feel any better, I have faced Yokai before and you don't look anything like them." I said. "Well that's good to know." (Still not sure if I believe that hero thing Trucy mentioned about him.) "Oh, it's almost time! Come on you two the festival grounds are this way!" Trucy said leading us to the manor. April 17, 2:05 PM Kyubi Manor - Garden "It definitely feels like a different world here." Trucy said. Different world? How ironic.) I thought. "Trucy..." A voice said as a girl wearing a pink dress and an apron appeared. "JInxie! Guys, Jinxie's the one who invited us! She actually works as the maid here." "Two horns, a love for red, the scent of someone else in your body. Are you two demons?" "No, ha ha. I'm Apollo Justice," "And I'm Patric Cuspard nice to meet you-" "AH! They are demons!" She then stuck what look like Ofudas on both of our foreheads. "What the-" We both exclaimed. "Be gone, soul beasts!" She said holding a silver plate and another Ofuda. (What did she just call me?!) Applejack shouted in my mind "Hee hee, you two look great! It fills some of the space on your forehead." Trucy said bouncing a bit. "Argh, what is this thing?" Apollo asked. "It's an Ofuda, something that's meant to ward off demons." I answered. "And Jinxie puts them on all the monsters she finds." Trucy added. "Well that would work if we weren't monsters." I said. "Maybe I should've told her you two were good demons." Trucy said thinking out loud. "Or you could just say we're human." I deadpanned. Jinx then shivered. "The red demons, emissary of the Underworld." (I got up early to do my hair for this?) Apollo thought. "Can we take these off now?" I asked. "So you two can eat me?" "I'M NOT GOING TO EAT YOU!" Apollo said through his Chords of Steel. "Tone down your Chords of Steel, Apollo, you're scaring her out of her wits!" Trucy reprimanded. "Don't worry, we're already full." I said. "Please stay that way." Jinxie finally said. (Great, now Patric's playing along.) Apollo thought. "Apollo, before you start to talk with her, present your Attorney's Badge." I whispered. "Why?" He whispered back. "So it'll prove we're both human." "Right." He then showed Jinxie his Attorney's Badge. "Um I wanted to show you this." She then began to freak out. "AH! What is it?!" "It's my Attorney's Badge. You see? We aren't demons, we're human, and I'm a lawyer." After that small issue was wrapped up, we began to talk to Jinxie for a little bit before she had to go back to work. As which, Trucy, Apollo and I went around to various stands, to which Trucy basically made Apollo's wallet lose a large amount of weight. After Apollo commented on this, we began to notice a large amount of people surrounding Kyubi Manor. "What's going on here?" Apollo and I asked. "It's the Alderman, Tenma Taro killed the Alderman!" "Wait what?!" "When I was walking into the room, I saw the alderman dead! I went to call the police when I saw Tenma Taro run past me!" Jinx said utterly terrified. "Okay, I'm gonna go check it out, Apollo come on!" I said. "Right!" "I'll stay here with Jinxie." "He's in the room at the top of there stairway." Jinx told us as we ran inside. As we ran up the stairs and got into the room, we saw blood on the floor with black feathers around us. As we saw the alderman impaled with a spear, Apollo and I screamed. We then saw a man with a teal suit. He also seemed to get hit on the head. Apollo ran up to him. "Are you alright?" "Who are you?" the man asked as he lost consciousness. "Help! Someone call an ambulance!" I screamed.