> Decent of a King > by MadChaos > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Decent of a King > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Decent of a King Covered in blood which dripped from the armour he looked onto the field. The field was filled with the ice cold bodies of friends and foes; He could still hear the dying moans from the wounded defenders. He saw how his men help those of who were still alive but would be better off dead. He looked down on his blood filled hands before he sank onto his knees as he cried towards the sky. As his cry echoed the air and as he laid eyes on the nearby town which stood ablaze he grinned. The sky darkens and light rain started to fall but while a powerful thunder rang as the death bells to a nation last minutes. Sombra rose and cracked his neck and knuckles before he moved on, the corruption of the underground crystals had made him even more mad than any tyrant before him but also more powerful. He could feel how the hunger in his stomach had begun to wake and he knew he would only be pleased once everyone who had betrayed him was in his mines. As he slowly walked toward the town he could hear the screams of terror from the inhabitants. In the town he met up with his commanders who were readying an attack on the castle and find the King of Horgica. Sombra stood and glazed upon the castle of the king who had been a thorn in his side ever since he was crowned. As Sombra nodded to the battle ram commander the castle doors stood with might strength and Sombra had to use magic to force the doors open. As Sombra set foot inside the castle his men came in behind him like a fold and the sound of the terror and destitution was sweet music for Sombra. Sombra made his way to the throne room were nothing but an empty throne stood. He sat down and thought over how foolish it was that anyone would dare to stand against him. As he sat in deep in his thoughts, the King was brought through the doors dressed like he had planned to flee. “Well my dear friend, leaving so soon,” Sombra mockery asked slowly as he laid eyes upon the King. “You will never get away with this Sombra. I have already sent word about you to the Two Sisters,” the king said while looking on the men around him. “Do you really think I care about them? They got no army to stop me and now that you have failed them no one can stop me,” Sombra said in a low voice while he raised an eyebrow. “You have betrayed us all Sombra. You have gone mad with power, what do you think you father would say about this,” king Horsca said to try and talk Sombra to reason. Sombra who had been looking out the window fixed his eyes on the King that lay on the floor before he in flash stood in front of the king. Sombra’s eyes blazed with fury. “It is you who have betrayed me! You and your allies promised me aid in my darkest time and when I was attacked by invaders you all sat back and watch me fighting for my kingdom,” Sombra's anger grew as he spoke, “You and your so called allies shall pay and I will make sure your blood and your people enslavement will be the payment.” Sombra picked the King up by the throat and walked over to the balcony and held the King over the edge. Horsca looked down through the corner of his eyes as he began to beg and plea Sombra to spare his life. “Oh really, Do you want me to let you go?,” Sombra asked in a curious voice while the king nodded. “Yes please, I beg you oh mighty King Sombra of the Crystal Empire,” Horsca rambled on and on but never saw he made a huge mistake. “Okay fine. I will let you go but not your way,” Sombra said before throwing Horsca from the balcony screaming to his death. As time went by Sombra fought more and more wars but not without a price, his mind. Sombra had after the war with the Changelings shown signs of madness but now his mind was shattered and the former kind king were now a downright mad tyrant. Kings and Queens tried to talk sense into Sombra yet everyone failed but one day he got an unexpected visit from a princess. Sombra could not think of any princess’ since there were only kings and queens in the nations around his mighty Empire. Sombra allowed the visitor however to enter his throne room. As the doors opened the princess saw it was a dark, soulless and dead room with little decoration. The Princess paced up the long carpet and knelt before the dark king. “Thank you, your Highness for being willing to see me,” the princess said as she removed the that rested on her head and kissed his hand. “Well of cause my dear friend or at least I hope I can call you that,” Sombra said as he looked down on the Princess dressed in dark blue. “Oh why yes of cause your mighty lord of the Crystal Empire,” She continued. “Well my dear Princess, I do not think I got neither your name nor where you come from,” Sombra said as he sat down again. The Princess rose and said her were Luna and that she came from the kingdom of Equestria and that they had met before at a gala which had been thrown in his honour as he had given her and her sister a might castle. “Oh yes of cause, now I remember you my dear Princess. I do beg your pardon that I had forgotten you and your lovely sister but I have just been busy dealing with a few,” Sombra paused for a short while before he kept going, “a few minor problems.” “I know and that is why I am here. I am here to talk diplomacy,” Luna said as she saw the somewhat friendly face turn into a face of hate and rage. “So is that really what you’re after? An alliance to save your own skin,” Sombra carried on in a low menacing tone, “then you shall get it after you have paid the price for abandoning me and my kingdom in my time of need.” “Wh- what,” Luna was shocked over the sudden cold dead voice Sombra now spoke in, “We never heard about anything before you had won the war yourself.” “Lies,” Sombra yelled and threw a vase in a fit of rage where it broke, “I send word to everyone I thought I could count on but I see that you all just want to take my land once my kingdom and my dead is gone.” Luna and Sombra got into a loud debate where points and views were thrown into the air but in the end Sombra had had enough and sat down. Sombra looked Luna right in the eyes as he tried to see through her soul and Luna did feel an icy grip around her heart and collapsed on the floor. Sombra stared down the Princess until a state where she felt like she was about to die. Luna saw Sombra looked towards the door and heard him call for some guards which some came in. Luna feared they were about to take her away and lock her up but they were only there to hold her up. “Get away from me,” Luna snarled towards the guards who took a step back. “Do not worry Princess nothing will happen to you if you cooperate,” Sombra stated as he stood with his back towards the Princess, “But if you would like to get free from my men give me good reason.” ”If you keep me here as a prisoner I can insure you an army larger than anything you have seen before will come,” Luna look were certain of her words and Sombra notice that. “Bring her a chair,” Sombra said to the guard in the background and after a small break he went on, “This matter will not concern anyone but me.” Luna was placed on a chair, not the best after her liking but at least she did not have to stand. As the doors closed Luna saw how dark and cold the throne room really was. In the middle room Luna saw Sombra's eye glow in the dark and heard some mumbling coming from Sombra. She could not hear what he said but it sound like, like he was talking to someone. The Princess sat there confused over the situation and when she ask him speak up, he snarl it was not to her so she should be quite. As the hours slowly dragged themselves by the cold air began to fill the room and Luna began to shiver. “Are you freezing my dear,” Sombra asked as he heard the clapping teeth of his visitor and lit a dim yet surprisingly warm touches and spoke some more,” I might be mad, I might be sane but no one in my home should be cold. Luna became more confused than before, he was truly a madman and yet he took care of those in his castle. Luna was about to fall asleep as she heard singing and as she looked at Sombra he were more surprised than her. As the singing came close Sombra moved to the door and as he passed Luna he told her not to make a sound. Just as the singing stopped outside the door Sombra used his dark and foul magic to embed the room in thick shadows. From the little light which gave Luna the ability see through she saw three females each with a different hair colour. Sombra snarled at the three females and told them that their magic had no effect on him and if they ever showed up near his realm again it would be their death. Just as the sound of song began to fill the air, Sombra grabbed one the three by the neck, Luna heard Sombra in a tone she never had thought anyone could have. “I said be gone,” Sombra growled as he threw the one he held to the ground. “Aria”, Luna heard one of them yelled. “Ah, I think he broke something on me,” Luna heard the moans of pain from the one who had been thrown into a wall. “And you two should take that fellow witch of ours and get out before I change my mind,” Sombra voice was colder than ice and even planted fear in Luna. “You will pay for this and we shall make sure it will cost you dearly,” another one of the three said before the sound of their footstep echoed in the castle halls. Sombra fell to the floor weaken, he knew that the magic the three had used feasted on negative energy and since Sombra's magic was powered from it he could feel that even though they were gone the power he used had been feasted upon. Sombra mumbled something which blew out all light and embedded everything in darkness. Sombra dragged Luna across the border and he noticed that she had awoken but did not care for her. Sombra stood on top of a hill just beyond his kingdoms border and looked down on Luna. He told her never to tell anyone about the three witches who had visited him and what had happened. He looked around and when back down on the Princess and promised her that if she remained quiet he would rethink their betrayal. Luna looked up upon him, first unsure where they were but nodded and felt Sombra lifting her up. Sombra lifted the foreign Princess so her head were perfectly lined. Sombra first snarled that he did not like people who broke their promises, then he pull her head in and kissed her. As he pulled her away the Princess who blushed looked stared confusedly on Sombra. The tall King asked if they had reached an agreement and as she nodded he grinned and threw her back onto the ground. She pushed herself up facing the down side of the hill and as she got her upper body straight up into the air she felt a boot on her back. “Tell you sister I said 'hi'”, Sombra said before kicking the night princess downhill. There he stood in a foreign kingdom knowing that not even it laws could touch him. He looked down and saw the dear Princess at the foot of the hill. He called his horse and as he climbed it he looked to the sky and farewell before he began the journey back to his Empire. Sombra rode back to the Crystal Empire and as his neared his castle he turned to his men and ordered them to prepare for war because he knew happenings would not go unspoken off. He rode through and called upon everyone who would go to war rather than be safe in the mines and as he expected most slaves were willing to fight. The days pasted and diplomats from the whole world came to him and handed him a declaration of war and as the last where sent back to his nation after being tortured by Sombra himself, he stood in front of a mirror. He slowly raised his head as he heard a foul laughter and he felt tears running from his eye socket. As he stood there he saw his reflection turn dark and twitched where upon it laughed at him. Sombra felt how something tighten its grip around his already weaken heart and mind like he was having a heart attack. Sombra, fell and knocked over a table and a chair behind him where he fought the dark magic inside him. He felt how he slowly yet surely lost the grip and control and where on the floor Sombra fought the power from the crystal around his neck before he went limb. Woken by guards Sombra rose from the floor smiling, pulling out a dagger and slit the throat of the nearest guard. The second guard stood there in frozen in fear as Sombra paced over to him and planted the dagger in the neck of the guard and pushed him aside. Sombra closed the door behind him and gazed down on his hands where upon he smiled. “It good to finally to have taken over this body fully,” he laughed as he walked down the hall laying it all in shadows.