Tirek, Freedom of Power

by Nocturne Skyz

First published

Origins of Tirek

Power, what is it's purpose? why does it flow through my veins? where did it all come from? and why does he fear it so? why does he look at me with those eyes or fury? why must he keep me here locked away in these walls of stone and iron? all i want... all i ever wanted... is... to know.

Love of a Mother

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“AAAAAGHhhh!” laying upon a bed of silk cried a young centauride writhing in pain as she was attended by a group of gargoyles. Her long white mane matted to her brow with burning sweat. The gargoyles frantically ran about the room wiping the sweat from her eyes and attending to the living thing slowly making it's way out of her.

“Hold on your grace, just a few more big pushes.” standing fearfully next to the centauride was a gallant young centaur downed in royal garb. The worried male lovingly stroked the distressed woman’s arm as she writhed in pain.

“You are doing well Sofia, just a little longer.” he whispered in her furred ear as she pushed and pushed, praying for her pain to end. With one last strained cry the gargoyles behind her flank cheered in joy holding up a small bundle within their claws.

“It's a boy!” there rapped in a cloth of silk slept a little foal of a centaur. The gargoyles handed the sweet child to it's mother only for her to gasp in shock when she noticed the small thing was unmoving.

“Why is he not crying!?” she gently shook the foal and even brought him up to her ear only for silence to be heard from the still child. “NOOOO!”

“What is wrong!?” asked the father as she handed the foal to one of the attendants. The gargoyle shook it's furred head in disappointment much to the mother's dismay.

“I am sorry my lady.. he is… gone.” The centauride's golden eyes filled with tears as she was handed the still foal to say her goodbyes. Her mate on the verge of tears turned to the gargoyles with hope dwindling in his heart.

“Is there nothing we can do?” as if to answer him an old centaur walked into the room, he had an air of wisdom and power about him yet in his eyes shined something foreboding.

“There may be, lord Vorak.” the father stood and faced the old centaur wary yet hopeful.

“How!? Out with it Sendak!” He demanded his voice full of pride and authority, the old centaur trod toward the couple holding out a small simple clothed bag.

“The foal holds great magic within him, it echos like a bat in a cave. Searching, for a way to escape. With a little persuasion his magic could very well free him from Hades hold.” the mother's eyes widened and her voice echoed with resolve.

“I'll do anything! Just bring him back!” the old one shook his head holding back a sly smile.

“his life energy is diminished and there is a way to restore it yet as with everything, there is a cost. The dark power I hold in this bag will force the foal to siphon the life out of the one it's heart is closest to… in that case, it will be it's mother. Would you give your very life for your child mi lady?” The grieving mother did not hesitate for even a moment.

“I’d give everything!” the father cried out in protest only to be silenced when the old centaur opened the bag he held in his hand without a word, a thick ribbon as pitch black as a moonless night rose from within the opening making it's way to the mother and child, it danced all around the small foal rapping around him like a blanket. The cocooned foal rose into the air as a dark mist enveloped the room frightening the gargoyles and the couple. a small cry echoed from within the dark cocoon as it stopped it's dance. The dark ribbon faded inward collapsing in on itself, absorbing into the flesh of the foal until there was nothing left but the soft mist that to faded away. The foal fell fell gently into the loving arms of it's mother who smiled in wonder and relief. She cooed at the small child as it opened it's bright golden eyes and yawned.

“He is beautiful..” she sighed with love not noticing that the foal did not cease it's gasp. She felt faint but continued to smile at her child regardless or more likely knowing what was about to happen. An aura appeared around the centauride that slowly drained inside the gaping maw of the foal. The fur and skin of the foal brightened as it's mother's darkened and creaked as if she was becoming stone. The father noticing this snatched the foal out of it's mothers arms all the while glaring at the odd child as it cried in pain.

“No! Are you blind Sofia!? Can you not see what this.. this… thing! Is doing to you!?” insulted and fearful for her child the mother stood and retrieved her child from it's father. She held it close so no one, not the father nor the gargoyles could take it from her.

“I don't care! He will live Vorak!” she turned her head to her child and gazed down at it as it slowly opened and closed its maw as if hesitant to take it's mother's life. “Even if I have to die...”

“I will not allow this! Let the wretch die!” in a fury the mother turned her head and shouted with all her might.

“HE IS NO WRETCH!” He stood there flabbergasted as the gargoyles flinched away in fear of their very lives ending from the fury of a desperate and angered mother. She turned her gaze to her child and nodded her head as he began to feed once more of her remaining life. “He is no wretch… he is… Tirek.”

“Sofia.” defeated the father watched as his love slowly faded away her skin becoming bridle and hard like stone. She smiled down at the foal as it grew into a healthy normal child.

“Yes… Tirek… my little.. Tirek.” Those were the last words of the centauride as she turned to lifeless stone. The child began to cry and fidget within the arms of the statue as the father reached for the foal lifting it carefully out of the statues arms trying desperately not to crack it. Seething with rage he handed the child to one of the gargoyles refusing to even look at it.

“take the foal and send it to the nursery…” the gargoyle confused tilted it's head questioning the centaur.

“but, do you not wish to?” with one furious glare from the centaur the gargoyle quickly fled along with the others leaving him to grieve his lost wife. The older centaur approached him laying his hand on his shoulder as if to comfort.

“Do not be saddened Lord Vorak. Sofia's sacrifice will bring prosperity to the kingdom. Your son's power will rival… no… surpass, the Princesses of Equestria!” the grieving husband looked up at the old centaur confused and angry.

“I want nothing to do with that monster! Leave me Sendak!” The old Centaur simply turned around and walked out of the room no-longer hiding his triumphant smirk.

“As you wish mi Lord.”

Sorrow of a Child

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I stood up looking over the balcony filled with longing. From here I could see the whole of my world. The endless sands and rising stone brought wonder to my golden eyes. How long have I been up here? Ten seasons, eleven, possibly less. My white mane danced in the wind as I looked toward the garden. Nothing but sands and statues stood there along with the random gargoyle who tended to the sands. They spent hours raking it to their will, making patterns of endless lines the just blew away in the cruel wind.

“Master Tirek,” I tuned my head to see my personal guard standing with a wooden tray of cooked meet, hay and a bottle of drink. I smiled at my only friend in this castle, he has always been there for me since I could remember. The gargoyle had long golden hair and wore the armor of a knight. His smile brought joy to my heart whenever I laid my eyes upon him. For a long time I thought he was my father… how wrong I was. “Your dinner is here mi Lord.”

“Thank you Eben, it smells wonderful!” I quickly strode to my table and rested my flank on the many feathered pillows that were strewn about my room. Eben sat next to me and poured the thick red drink into a wooden chalice handing it to me. I quickly savored the juice loving every drop that touched my tongue. Eben chuckled warmly at my pleased face.

“I hope you like it, I collected the berries myself.” I smiled up at the gargoyle licking the juice from my lips.

“It's perfect! Thank you.” I quickly dug into the meat tasting the wonderful juicy taste of the mighty death worm that dug through the dersert sands. “did you hunt the death worm yourself too?” he shook his head chuckling at my naivety.

“Oh of course not little one, it took ten of us to take it down. But now we have enough meat to last us through the cold season. Hopefully we will not have to fight one again should the sand runners return.” I smiled at the thought, to see those hundreds upon millions of running foxes rushing around the sands and rocks as adult and child alike hunt them together before they over run us in their swarms. “they are a thrill to catch indeed.”

“When they come back… do you think I can hunt them with you?” my voice sounded so pathetic asking for something I could never have. Eden gave me a sorrowful look and simply shook his head.

“You know you can not leave this room Tirek...” I knew I would be denied but I had to try, if I did not I could never live with my myself. I ate my meal in silence as Eben regaled me with his harrowing tale of how he and my father saline the powerful death worm. I was in awe as he spoke with such passion.

“Then while the beast was confused your father plunged his great spear within it's writhing head dealing the killing blow!” I cheered in excitement as I imagined my father standing upon the defeated worm smiling down upon me like the great king I thought him to be. “If only you could see him little colt.”

“What does he look like Eben?” now that I remember that moment I should have known my father for what he truly was and what he truly thought of me. For even in so many seasons I never even seen his face.

“Oh Tirek, he is the king! He is the hand of all of Terrachiron. His greatness can not be described, at least not by my words.” I was disappointed but I did not press the matter… I would soon find out for myself. When Eben left my quarters leaving me with a gift of berries I sat in my place at the balcony looking out at my kingdom wishing to be out there galloping in the sands with Eben or even my father.

I looked out in the sand garden and spotted my favorite statue, it faced my room always and I'd grew accustomed to it's face. It was of a Centauride cradling a nonexistent foal in her arms. Just gazing at her made me calm, why it was so I couldn’t fathom at that age. I bit into one of the berries severing it's dazzling flavor and thought to myself of the story Eben told to me especially of my father. I swore I would see him even if I have to escape this room and see him for myself.

I turned my gaze to the garden and looked up at the shining moon and stars. I closed my eyes and pictured myself standing out there in the garden I opened my eyes and climbed onto the ledge one hoof at a time until I was off the cold stone floor. I gave one last prayer to the stars spreading my arms like a hawk and wished with all my might. I must have been out of my mind! What a fool a foal is..

“Please.” I closed my eyes and leaned out and off the railing “Let me fly…”

I fell and fell never opening my eyes until I felt something burring inside me. Bubbling to the surface like water out of a freshly dug well. It surrounded my body and lifted my spirit as high as the clouds. The energy flowing through me felt wonderful, I only know now what it was… Freedom!

I opened my eyes to see myself falling not like a stone as I thought but like a feather. My body was alight in a beautiful scarlet light that sparkled and shined like one of the stars that graced the sky. I landed softly upon the sands with a small thud. The radiant light faded from my body and I cheered and thanked the wonderful stars! I always wondered what the sands felt like under my hoof, they were soft as my feathered pillows and as numerous as the stars. I jumped and dashed through them chuckling to myself completely amused with such a simple thing.

After my little romp I looked back at the castle seeing odd figures walking inside the front gate. One I recognized as a harpy dressed in jewels and silk much more beautiful then the ones that flew around the castle grounds. Another was of a griffon regal as I’ve seen in my scrolls. Many oh creatures big and small walked with grace into the castle ushered in by the gargoyle knights that bowed in grace for them. I walked up to one of the creatures and bowed gracefully as Eben taught me. “Greetings your grace, may I ask you something?”

I recognized her to be a siren of enchanting beauty. She wore a necklace of pure ruby and her scales shined like the stars. She smiled down at me and patted my head with her hoof. She smiled at my question and her voice echoed out in pure elation.

“My aren’t you an adorable little gentlecolt. Ask away my dear.” I pointed to the gates and asked.

“Why are so many entering the castle?” she giggled to herself amused by my question as if it was common knowledge.

“Why, we were called here my dear. The king wished to surprise us, with what I do not know. To tell you the truth little colt.” she leaned down to my level and smirked mischievously. “We were called upon once before, on the death of the queen and her son.”

“The queen?” I tried to recall ever hearing of a queen within the castle walls but I heard of nothing. Not even a mention of a queen. The siren sighed and shook her scaly mane.

“Oh my yes it was a terrible sight. The poor king was heart broken! I never seen such heartache in my life…” she turned her gaze back on my confused face and giggled to herself again. “but I am sure this time there is good new in the kingdom this time! Say… would you like to accompany a lady inside?”

“Umm.” with out a question she held out her hoof smiling like a hawk that just caught a lizard. She was very kind to me so I took her hoof in my hand. “of course my lady… but I have yet to know your name.”

“My you are a well mannered colt! I my dear, am named Lady Symphony queen of the sirens!” I smiled bowed once more.

“My pleasure. I am Tirek.” I walked her inside passing the two stunned Gargoyles guards who looked as if they were going to be attacked by a death worm. They whispered my name and I waved back smiling oblivious to what my father ordered of the knights of the castle.

I had never been out of my room, if I'd known how beautiful the halls of it were I would have jumped from that balcony sooner. The grand hall was magnificent! Jewels and painted glass draped the walls with color and dancing light that shined brightly upon everything. Queen Symphony seemed just as impressed as I was.

“Awe! So gorgeous! I knew coming here was a wonderful idea! Do you not love it my little friend?” I could only nod my maw agape in astonishment not just at the decor but the many creatures that littered the room with noise and activity. When a large round minotaur looked my way I covered behind Symphony in fear. She softly patted my scruffy mane concerned. “Are you alright Tirek?”

“T.. there is just… so many creatures here.” Her gaze turned from concern to amusement.

“Hohohoo don't be silly! These creatures are all ally’s to the King and will not even think of harming one little hair upon your mane. And if they try they will answer to me!” she took my hand in her hoof and beckon me to follow her. “Come let me introduce you to a few of my friends.”

“Friends?” my question went unanswered as she led me to the large round minotaur.

“Oh Gluttonous! Hellooo” the minotaur smiled seeing her and extended his flabby arms welcoming the siren with joy.

“Hello again my dear Symphony how have you been?” his voice was harsh and high, like a screeching bat, I wanted to hold my ears shut but I tried my best to resit not wishing to be rude to one of her friends.

“I’ve been wonderful! As usual of course. Oh I would like to introduce my new little friend, I’ve met him tonight actually and he is just adorable! Glutton this is Tirek, Tirek, Glutton.” I extended my hand and forced a smile not liking the massive bull man as much as he disliked me. He sighed and shook his head, his many necks shacking along with him. Just looking at him made me want to stop eating… forever!

“Must you take in another stray Symphony? Haven’t you learned your lesson with those three rapscallions you immortalized and empowered with your magics?” looking insulted Symphony scowled and placed her hoof over my shoulder.

“He is nothing like those little... Little... Ungrateful jerks! I thought giving them those gems would make them want to spreed harmony and wonder with their voices like I do, I just wished I had known their hearts were as ugly as an angler!” she turned to me and smiled warmly. “Yet I can tell in this young stallion there is a heart just waiting to shine in the spotlight!”

“Haaahahaah! You are quite the dreamer Symphony. This little foal doesn’t look like much to me.” I scaled at the fat bull and so did the siren.

“That may be what you think, yet unlike you I can see into other creature's hearts. And unlike yours Tirek's is bright and full of wonder, hope, and the yearning to learn.” Symphony turned her back at the bull man and ushered me away from the foul creature. “Come Tirek there are more kinder folk to talk to then this hedonistic lout!”

Before she could show me another one of her 'friends' a loud horn echoed through the room causing us to turn and see a sight that I will never forget. There standing by his golden throne was a centaur downed in royal garb, his powerful antlers pierced the sky above his shining crown. He smiled out at the many creatures and waved in respect for all of the creatures.

“Greetings my friends. It has been a long time since I have called you here to the inner kingdom of our land. It pleases me to see all of you here, now to the matter at hand...” the king held his hand and from the second throne stood a beautiful young gargoyle downed in a silver dress and a diamond crown with opal gems that shined like her kind golden eyes. “I would like you all to meet my wife to be, Queen Haydon.”

The crowd of creatures cheered in jubilation proud of the king and his new wife, I stood there in awe of my new mother, she was just as beautiful as I would expect a mother to be. I never knew my birth mother and she was never spoken of ever by the guards or even Eben. When I would ask of her Eben would only sigh and shake his head.

“Oh how wonderful! Tirek come with me to congratulate the new couple.” at first I thought that was a sensible idea… then again I was very naive in that age. Symphony and I stood in-front of the two and we both bowed in respect. “Vorak I am so happy for you!”

“Thank you dearly Queen Symphony, who is this little friend of yours?” the siren smiled and extended her hoof dramatically.

“This kind little colt is called Tirek. I've met him only a few moments ago and I...” the king's eyes widened in horror and fury when she spoke my name, something inside me broke when I saw those hate filled eyes. The centaur grabbed me by my by the scruff of my neck and glared into my frightened eyes.

“What are you doing out of your room!?” in a fit of rage he tossed me aside making me land on the cold stone floor with a thud. Symphony quickly made her way to my side and lifted me off the ground, she turned her gaze to Vorak and snarled in a voice that echoed with power.

“What do you think your doing, Have you gone mad Vorak!?” the siren lifted me in her hoofs and shielded me from the raging centaur.

“That beast, does not belong in my presence!” Symphony's eyes darkened at his words.

“Who are you to berate this poor child!?” her voice strained with emotion and her eyes teared with empathy for me.

“His father!” the room fell silent at those two words, every creature stood in astonishment, Symphony resonated with anger.

“You fool!” I could have sworn I felt her voice push everything back with its strength alone. “You told us he died along with Sofia! You dare lie to us!?”

“It was none of your concern. Guards! Take him back to his quarters immediately!” the gargoyle knights approached me as Symphony stood in-front of me barring there way. I placed a hand on her hoof ans shook my head.

“No… I’ll leave.” the siren turned to me her eyes on the verge of tears. I forced a smile and bowed gracefully. “it was nice meeting you, I hope I can see you again one day.”

“Tirek...” she reached out her hoof to stop me but I simply took it in my hand and gently laid my lips on it and walked up to my father and queen Haydon.

“I… I'm glad to have met you… father… mother.” the gargoyle knights stood by my side as they led me back into my room. From down the hall I could hear the shouting of my father and Symphony along with the other creatures yet I was a loss for words. My attention was on the stone floors and the horrible aching in my chest. The knights opened my room door and closed it behind me.

I never looked back at the door, I simply made my way to the balcony and looked out at the cool dark. I folded my arms over the railing and rested my head looking out into the starry horizon. The pain in my heart never faded from that day, even now I feel the pain inside my heart festering like an illness.

“Why... Why does he hate me?"