> Every Time She Gets Undressed... > by overlord-flinx > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter One (Lyra): I've Got a Bon To Pick. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- These are the things I can do without... Come on, I'm talking to you, come on. Shout, shout, throw my head back and SHOUT! Kick my heels up and SHOUT! Throw my ass in the air! Put your ass up in the air! Put your ass in the air! Move around like I don't care; I love it! I don't care! I got this feeling so sudden and new. I felt the moment I laid eyes on you. My pulse is going down, down in an earlier round. And Sugar, we're going down, down, down as the flames went higher. And it burns, burns, let it burn, let it burn, gotta let it burn! YEAH! How many was that? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight! Eight! New record! BOOM! That's a little vocal exercise I like to call "Follow The Word". The longer you keep the string of songs going, the higher the score. If you stammer at all, YOU LOSE! But -uh- I think I'm gonna have to knock off two points since I strung one or two songs together with a word that wasn't in either song... Sloppy work... Yeah. But it's whatever. Still the world champ. Chant it. Champ! Champ! Champ! Chimp! Hm. Chimp... Chimpy-Chitty-Chatty-Bang-Bang... I'll use that one later. Lock it up in the vault... That's where the muy importante stuff gets filed. You'd need to be some kinda ninja time traveler with triple joints and a butter knife to get into that vault. But since it's also the vault of ma' mind, not even a ninja can crack in! Unless it's a psychic ninja... But Twilight Sparkle's the only psychic ninja I know. She won't admit it... But I know... I-I-I-I know. ...Who're you? Who am I? You're invading ma' mind space and you're asking me questions? Cool. I'm Lyra Heartstrings. Mus~~~~~ic extraordinaire! Dancer extraordinaire! Extraordinaire extraordinaire! Nah, I'm just warping your melon... I can't dance for SHIT. I'm sorry... That was vulgar... I cannot dance for SHIT! Better? Copacetic. Before it gets too far away and whatever, I wanna bring you back to what I was doing earlier. Since I was -pssssssssh (seven I think?)- I got sooOooOooo bored with the music I'd hear in the car. Three minutes of the same poppy-loppy-cornball love songs over and over and over and over and over and over and over and--You've gone through it too! It's boring! So, I just started putting songs together. I'd do another one, but I don't want the boys up in legal to rob ma' mind for copyright infringement or something. They can get you in your own brain these days... The government's always watching... ALWAYS! Santa's in league with them. He gets a cut! That's how he affords it all! FACT! Gah. I'm off kilter over here. I'm like a scot without his kilt... Off-kilter... Damn, should've led in with that... Lock it in the vault for future shemamigans. And yes, shemamigans. Not shenanigans. There's a difference... One has two grown up 'n's'. Someday you'll know the greater difference... Maybe... I'd'know... Look, sissy britches. I'm just bugged. Sorry. I've got all kinds of thun-thun-thun in my head right now. No space to think. You wanna know why? Course you do, you won't go away! See, life's like this... Uh-huh... Uh-huh... This's the way it is. Bon Bon. My sweet, darling Bon Bon. The only cobalt-fuchsia haired, blue eyed woman with an affinity for pianos and assorted hobbies I have ever loved... About -oh, I don't know- two years, eleven months, twenty-nine days, ten hours, eleven minutes, and a few seconds ago she and I got married. I know, crazy, right? A wedding in this economy? But, she wore me down... I couldn't say no to that face. THAT FACE! GAH! I just wanna--RAH! Aaaaaanywho... I bet you're thinking. "Is that it? Chill out. What'cha yelling for?". Well, lay back. It's all been said before. But right now, we're talking one on one... I love her to bits and pieces. With her -GRAH!- I can be me! I don't have to put on a facade! A sham! A flimflam! I can just sit back and go 'yo'. But... You ever step in dog shit? Sorry, that was vulgar again. I have such a bad tongue today. I apologize. You ever step in animal doo-doo? It sticks to the bottom of your shoe, and no one wants to say anything about the smell because maybe that's how you always smell and they don't want to be rude and call you out on it. And worse, you're tracking it around, so now the whole block smells like it. Next thing you know, the FBI comes and you're getting arrested for disturbing the peace and conspiring to attack the mayor! ...So, yeah. When you step in it, it sticks with you until you clean it off. But even then; still kinda lingers on you like a clingy sloth. But, if you clean it off before anyone notices, you can just brush off the smell as whatever. The same goes for the sloth... You can just brush a sloth off with a broom or something... Probably need someone to help you. Make sure it's someone you can pay off. Why did you have a sloth on you in the first place? No one needs to know that. ...Where was I? OH! Yeah. I forgot to get anything ready for our wedding anniversary... BUT! She doesn't know that... No one knows that except me... So, the poop's on my tootsies, but I can still scrape it off... I just need the right tools to do it... Why is it so important? Because this is our first year living together alone. We're not with my mom or her sisters any more. We gots'ta make this one count! It's gotta be the best gift ever! Something that takes months to plan and get ready! ...But -uh- I've only got about one day to pull this off. No prob-Bob... Lyra's always ready. Except that time they caught me at the boarder with that woodchuck... I didn't have a plan that time... But this is WAY DIFFERENT! This isn't about the liberation of woodchucks. This is about love. True, true, true love. I ain't NOTHIN' without Bon Bon. She... She gets me... I don't need to put up this farce of a persona for her. I can be the real me around her. She's -you know- spec. Special. That's why I gotta make this work... I get one chance at this in all my life. I can't let it go to waste. You know? Wait! I got it! Yes! SOooOooo simple! BLAM! Bingo-bango, I'm gonna do a tango! I got it! I better get on to it. Get on up! Mmm! I'm a sex machine! No, Lyra! No time for reciting lyrics! I need to get everything ready. I'll need a piano, a chisel, a white suit, and an Octavia... Oh-ho-ho-ho-HO! I can already hear the symphonies in my head. > Chapter Two: And so Bon Bon met her. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It can be a little scary moving to a new town. That's what Bon Bon's mom said the day she and her sisters were told they were moving. At first, it was scary. The roads were different, the houses were different, even the grass looked a little different. The way it swayed looked a lot different then the way it did back where she grew up. But, it wasn't that bad. Bon Bon took it step by step as she always did. She took charge of her sisters and led them like she always did. It can be a little scary going to a new school. That's what Bon Bon's mom told her the first day of fall. The first day of school in a new town. Her mom told her because the others would need Bon Bon to lead them. She had always been the strongest of them. On the bus ride to school, her sisters cluttered around her like little lost hens. Through the halls of the school, they hung close to Bon Bon; forcing her to shuffle with each step so as not to step on any of her sisters' feet. They were a sight to see to be sure. Eight children cluttered together like a clutch of eggs; neither one of them wanting to break from the other. Eight sisters moving together in a cluster; each one looking VERY similar to one another. Bonnie, the eldest of the sisters. She was the tallest by a good inch and a half. An inch and a half she wore proudly even when she slouched and wore her usual scowl. Bombe, the second oldest. Even though the sisters all shared the same hair color and even fashioned it the same every day, she was able to be outed by the ever present smudge of some sort of snack against her chin or lips... Or nose... Or cheek... Or anywhere above the shoulders. Bon Suite, or Suite for short. She wouldn't want to get someone confused with one of her sisters after all. No matter the time of day, Suite always had this tired and listless look in her eyes that was accompanied by her drowsy smile. Bonelle, an energetic little thing. It was hard to find Bonelle not running one of her little pet projects. Weeding, planting flowers, making hats, eating half-baked pies. She was a firecracker to say the least. Bond, the youngest and most smooth of the girls. Day or night, Bond always had a pair of sunglasses on because, as she said would put it "it's bright on planet cool". At least to her sisters, she was as cool as the other side of the pillow. Bonita, the not-so-brightest of the bunch. While the others would look around the halls of the new school, trying to figure out what they'd do next and what would happen here, Bonita was preoccupied looking around the halls trying to figure out where she was and how she got there. Sweetie Drops, the outspoken daughter. When there was a problem (her own problem or someone else's), you better believe she would be at the front lines of letting everyone know. And that usually came with an unhindered way of putting everything. Lastly, there was the middle child. She wasn't the tallest, she wasn't the shortest. She wasn't the coolest, she wasn't the dorkiest. She wasn't the smartest, she wasn't the dumbest. She didn't speak up the most, she didn't keep to herself much. She was just Bon Bon. Little leader Bon Bon. It can be scary not being around friends all the time. That's what Bon Bon's mom told her before she left that morning... The halls of the school were filled with tearful cries and screams of defiance when the school councilor informed the eight girls that some of them were in different grades, so they couldn't stay together. Bon Bon understood that and didn't put up a fight. The triplets -Bond, Bonita, and Sweetie Drops- were in first grade still; Bon Bon and Bonelle was in second grade; Suite was in third; and the twins -Bonnie and Bombe- were in fourth. Back home at Ponyheights Elementary, all of the grades were in a single lump from first to fifth. They had been used to never being apart for long. But now... Bon Bon roused her sisters, calling them together and gave them some words mom handed down to them. "It can be scary not being around friends all the time. So make new friends and keep the old ones. We'll all see each other at lunch, recess, and on the bus." There were tears. Mostly from Bond and Bonnie, but they all chinned up. For Bon Bon. But, even Bon Bon was just putting up a strong front. What would it be like to make new friends? She had friends back home; friends she still talked to on the phone whenever she could. But, she knew them since they were in diapers... Making friends from the beginning was so strange. It was scary. Still, Bon Bon gripped tightly to her bag lunch and headed down to her first classroom. The moment she passed through the doors of that class would change her life. That's what she knew. But, she didn't know the change to her life would happen the exact second she went through the door. The class of second graders were all giggles and chuckles as they watched their teacher fume again. Every day since school started, the teacher would play a friendly little game with one of the kids. It started as a way for them to learn complex rules to some games; like chess, checkers, and even some card games. However, one second grader wasn't fully apart of the program that the teacher had expected. Every morning before class, the little green haired girl named Lyra would sit at the teacher's desk and play them in a game of chess. To the kids, it was a nice little treat for them to come early to class. For the teacher, it was an infuriating experience. For Lyra, it was a snore. "Queen to--Ahhh, you know where I'm going," Lyra shot a smirk and toppled over one of the teachers knights to cement her lock down of the board. "Looks like checkmate again, teach." Her teacher cursed under her breath, not wanting any of the kids to report her. She quickly put the chess board away and went to her purse, fishing out a pack of smokes to go through before class started. As she stormed out of the room, Lyra spun around on the swivel-chair she had claimed as her own and looked to the rest of the kids. "Sooooooooo... Anyone else wanna play a game?" Lyra smiled as bright as bright could, her freckles rising against her fine cheeks. She hated her freckles, but, her mother said that one day her skin would maybe grow out of it if she took good care of herself. Lyra preyed for the day that would happen. Looking over the group of kids, none of them seemed to want to speak up to her. Quickly, Lyra scooted off of the chair and laughed, trying to ease their nerves. "Now come on. I wanna do something fun!" Lyra half-pleaded with them. Still, they all looked away from her and muttered a little amongst themselves. This always happens... "I got something fun you can do," suddenly, one of the kids spoke up. She was standing in the back and didn't really make a move to get any closer, but Lyra listened up. "If you're so bored, how'bout kissing the next person who walks in?" All of the kids gave a challenging 'oooooooooooo' at that one. Now Lyra really wanted to know who was challenging her to something like this. Still, the girl calling her out didn't move up at all. Even though she didn't Lyra nodded with a cocky smile and huffed up at the ceiling like some prideful boar. "Psh! Is that all? I can do that." Lyra walked with pure swagger to the front door of the class, her head held high and her arms swinging at both sides. All of the kids in the class watched and whispered how gross that was and how she'd get cooties. It was the moment Lyra came to the door of the class that it sunk in what she was doing. What if it was some cross pig-pen boy? Or the teacher with her smoke-house dress? Or what if it was a monkey? Did they let monkeys into schools? While she thought over what could happen, something did happen. The door to the classroom opened slowly and everyone started squealing and going into a crazed frenzy to see if Lyra was going to do it or not. Her heart started to pound up against her ears. Everyone's squeals and yelps were killed by her own body starting to clam up on her. If she backed down now... She didn't think about it. She didn't even look. Lyra shut both her eyes and leaned in to kiss whoever was coming through the door. If it was the teacher, she'd feel cotton against her lips. If it was some kid covered in dirt, it would soon be mud against her lips. And... Oh no. What if the person turned and she kissed them on the lips? Gross! But... Nothing. Her lips touched against something soft. Skin. But, it was growing hot. Lyra sort of liked it... > Chapter Three (Bon Bon): Lyra, Lyra, pants on Fira. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- How are you? It's nice to meet you. Are you new in town? Welcome. That's how someone typically meets someone, right? You see them, you engage them, and if they engage you back, you talk to them. Talking leads to a conversation, a conversation leads to you sharing latest events, and that leads to you completing what people call "meet and greets". It's pretty simple when you get right down to it. Walk up. Greet. Converse. Meet. Follow those four steps, and you have yourself a fresh face to add to the catalog of people you know. At least, that's how it normally works, isn't it? I mean, that's how it should work. But, then you come across people that don't meet-and-greet like the rest of the world. They like to shake up the structure of how people normally live and try to make things more and more abstract or different wherever they go. These are the Lyra's of the world. People not satisfied with just saying "hello". These people feel the need to jump on your back and refuse to get off until you greet them... Which isn't a metaphor or figure of speech or anything like that. I've noted several times where I would see Lyra clinging to the backs of people like some unnatural growth until they said "hi" to her. Why am I bringing this up? Well, because I didn't meet Lyra through a normal "meet-and-greet". I met her at a young age when she kissed my cheek. She was the first person to greet me that day... The first kid in the entire school to make contact with me... And she did it by kissing me. This fact is very important because it was in that one moment my entire life shifted and spiraled. Spiraling up or down is for an observer to decide. After getting to know Lyra, ups and downs didn't normally exist the way I once saw them. Heh. I'm off topic, aren't I? In fact, I don't think I even have a topic. Some would call me someone who's always on the ball and composed. I'm practical, attentive, straight forward... Boring. Yet, here I am. I haven't a clue what I'm talking about or where I'm going with this; but I'm still going. I wonder if that bores people. Lyra doesn't seem to get bored when I go off like this. But, it's hard to guess what's going on in Lyra's head. My name's Bon Bon by the way. Middle child among my flock of sisters. They're much more interesting compared to me. A gardener who grows flowers as much as weeds, a member of the security detail for the mayor, a renowned voice actress and ventriloquist; my sisters are extraordinary. Me? Well I'm Bon Bon. I grocery shop on the weekends, visit my parents every other week, clean up my sisters' house once a week, help out at Sugarcube Corner every other day, and take a little time to practice my hobbies whenever I can. I never really wanted a life of excitement or thrills... In fact, I think I wound up with the perfect life for myself. That life also includes my wife, Lyra. Lyra's a special sort... I don't think I need to tell you that, though. I mean, I remember there was a month where the local paper was printing a Lyra column just telling people what she was doing the day before. Throwing cabbages in fireplaces, burying wheels of cheese around town, shooting the mayor with a BB gun while she was giving a speech... That one I never understood. The cabbages and cheese made sense to me after Lyra explained them to me, but the shooting never really panned out in my head. To an outsider looking in, Lyra could possibly seem a bit... Unhinged. Some would say she's even crazy! But, I know better... I know she's crazy. I know she's unhinged. I don't have to guess at it or speculate. I know exactly what she is. She's a Lyra. I can't really explain her to you... It's more complicated then I as her wife could even tell you. Speaking of me being her wife, guess what. Our anniversary's coming up. I'm really excited for this. It's our first real celebration since we moved into our own house. A cute, quaint little place that's just my style. I like it because of the size and location, Lyra likes it because... Well... I don't really know why Lyra likes it so much. But, she does as far as I can tell. I suppose that's all that matters in the end, right? She likes it, I like it; we're happy. Anyway, since we moved in, this will be our first anniversary. Yay. I've already picked out an adorable little gift for it. But, no clues as to what it is. It's top secret... It's a piano. I spoiled the surprise. Oh well. Our old piano is just that, old. Some of the keys don't play as well, one of the pedals stick, and it just looks its age. But, it's Lyra's favorite instrument next to her trusty lyre. She inherited it from her mother... Who's still alive. So, I guess it's not "inherited" but rather "passed down". No... That doesn't sound right either... Either way, she would never replace it herself, so I got her a new one and set aside a nice area for her to put the old piano for safe keeping. She'll love it! But... I wonder what she has for me. It won't be anything physical, I know that. Lyra's not a material gift giver. It'll be something abstract... Something that I can't touch, but will touch me... Oh, I guess I'll find out soon enough. I'm sure she put months of work into it. She never forgets a date. Cheeky little Lyra. Heh. > Chapter Four: Raising the Octavia. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Get off my property..." The words were spoken as soft as fog on a window, but it still got the attention of someone. On the other side of Vinyl and Octavia's apartment, opposite of Vinyl who was standing in front of the window facing the city, Octavia listlessly flipped through a magazine. A cheeky smile came to the young musician's lips while she tried not to laugh, already expecting what the answer to her question would be before she even spoke it. Still, Octavia heaved a reluctant sigh and flipped to the next page of her magazine so she'd have something somewhat intelligent to look to after her fiancee spoke. "Who're you talking to, Vinyl? We live on the second floor..." said Octavia, though she didn't seem all that interested since she kept looking at her magazine. Behind Vinyl's thick shaded lenses she always wore around day or night, her eyes narrowed to slits. "Every last one of them..." Octavia rolled her eyes and picked up the mug of coffee she had on the nightstand beside her on the couch; billows of steam wafting off from the top of it. She blew against the steam a little while also taking a moment to smell the waking aroma of freshly ground coffee warm against her nose. Between a giggle and a relaxing sigh she sipped her warm, morning brew and settled more comfortably in her spot on the couch. Her feet were tucked snug beneath her form, which was wrapped up in a fluffy white robe. A Sunday afternoon with her lover, the latest issue of Canterlot Entrepreneur, and the warm scent of roasted coffee; who could've asked for more? "Well, don't scare them off too much, Vinyl. The landlord said we might be getting some new neighbors over the coming months," Octavia sipped her coffee and kept her casual demeanor as she spoke to her eccentric lover, "Could be nice to invite some new faces over to the apartment." Finally Vinyl looked back to Octavia, dropping her shades down the bend of her nose just enough to let her eyes show for Octavia. "Aw, what? You don't like our crew?" Vinyl said in a 'hurt' voice. "Oh-I'm quite fond of 'our crew'. We keep splendid company," Octavia only glanced to see Vinyl's exposed eyes before returning to her pages and coffee. "Buuuut...? There's always a but, Tavi. Sometimes your sweet, tight butt. But, a but nonetheless," Vinyl sat back against the windowsill, folding her arms to her chest. "My nice rear aside, Vinyl, I only meant that maybe a new pool of faces for us to commune with would be a nice change of pace," taking another sip from her mug, Octavia felt the unsatisfying sensation of nothing coming to her lip. "Nah, I gotcha. New friends'd be great! Even better; them living next door. They could hear us WHAM-WHAM-WHAM-WHAM every night. I always wanted to know what that sounded like to people," Vinyl peered over her shoulder to see if anyone was 'on their property' again. A hot flash swept across Octavia's face and she now regretted all the more she didn't have a swig of coffee to chase those words down with. On the other hand, if she had taken a drink when Vinyl said that, she would've probably decorated the pages of her magazine with a caffeinated spray. "That's just what your ego needs, isn't it? An audience for another performance of yours," Octavia tried to sound cool, but the way her fingers ruffled against the magazine betrayed her. "I'm just poking your peach, Octavia," Vinyl said with a warm but very 'Vinyl' sincerity, "I like to keep your moans all to myself." Strangely enough, the sentiment made Octavia soften a little bit. She put her magazine down and gave a little stretch, letting her feet curl off from her form and across the couch. "Wonderful to hear, Vinyl. So... Any plans today?" "Not a one. Work's pretty dry for the next few days. I was just plannin' on sitting here with you, lookin' out our win--" Vinyl looked out the window she sat at with a content look about her until something caught both her eye and her voice. Silence. A sudden silence that gripped over Vinyl like a vice. Octavia sat up and peered to her lover with a raised brow. She didn't say a word to Vinyl, just looked at her curiously to try and read what was going through Vinyl's usually rapid mind. Vinyl's eyes were fixated on one single target, that much Octavia could make out from across the room. Under her breath, the DJ spoke a quick chant to herself. "Don't turn right, don't turn right, don't turn right..." The chanting only raised Octavia's intrigue more. However, Octavia quickly pieced it together and groaned. Agitated, Octavia got to her feet and stood behind Vinyl with a disapproving glare. She hot daggers into the back of Vinyl's head, ones that Vinyl would normally feel; though for now, it didn't bring her to turn around to her angry girlfriend. Only one thing in the whole world made Vinyl fixate so much that she would ignore Octavia so blatantly; and it bugged Octavia to no end. "Vinyl... Do not even try it..." Octavia threw down a warning. A warning that fell on deaf ears. Ears that were attached to a woman already starting to pull up on the base of the window in an attempt to open it. The old window creaked and made a few splintering sounds as it refused to open even though Vinyl persisted. Octavia could feel her own anger rising more and more each second Vinyl tried to jimmy the window open. "For the love of God, Vinyl..." "Nope! Turned right, Octavia. They're in the building! I'm out!" Vinyl grew more frantic with trying to force the window open. Finally Vinyl caught the brake she needed when the seal of the window broke and opened wide to the outside world. Vinyl wasted no time swinging her legs over the ledge and perching herself on the outside; looking down to a two story drop. "You're willing to break your legs instead of talking to her?" In answer to Octavia's question, Vinyl pushed herself out off the ledge and down two stories to land in recently planted bush near the front door of the apartment complex. Octavia hurried to the window her fiancee jumped from, not truly worried for her but to shoot her one last disappointed glare while Vinyl lay in a rose bush, limbs splayed out around herself in pain. Octavia could only shake her head and shut the window again, muttering to herself while she picked up her used cup of coffee and her magazine. "Honestly, Vinyl..." Octavia made a few quick adjustments to the living room, patting down where she was once sitting to make it look more presentable before tying up her robe more snug to hide any of her personal body from anyone looking. She checked herself in the mirror she kept near the door to her room, taking a small moment to comb her hair back as neatly as she could. Of all the days to skip out on a shower... Normally she would have groomed herself to no end; making herself the picture of poise she prided herself on. But today was to be a lazy day with Vinyl so she skipped out on the pampered grooming if only for the day. When she saw her messy appearance passable by her standards she went to the front door of the apartment and opened it wide. No one knocked, no one rang the buzzer, and no one called ahead. But from the way Vinyl acted and fled, Octavia already knew someone was coming. And that someone was standing on their welcome mat the moment Octavia opened the door. Her fist balled up and ready to give the door a knock and now looked surprised that the door opened before she could even knock. Slowly, Octavia's face grew soft and loving; a look normally only saved for the woman she loved. But right now, she faced her dearest and closest friend. A sister. "Good morning, Lyra. I had a feeling you were on your way up."